FROM feSIMON FALL AND WINTER GOODS West McHenry, III, Are now airiving daily at Simon Stoffel's West McHenry. Men's and boy's Overcoats and Fall and Winter Suits in all styles and colors, to suit your purse. IT IS NO LONGER A QUESTION Of calculating as to the probable return of Goods times. It is a question of where you can get the Best Coods for the L*ast Money, THE FARMERS STORE. s offering some rare bargains in every Department. Read them.. If you can spare the time, we .would be pleased to show you our Underwear, Shoes, Capes, and other merchandise suitablo for cool weather. We show a good assortment and we need not tell you the prices are right. High Style mar ried to Low Price with an absolute di vorce from Shoddy T a i l o r i n g . . . . . Our Fall Fashions are now In. We await your verdict. . ... You know that old phrase about "Saw ing Wood?" Well, we don't say much, but--we'll let you do the talking, because we know it wiil be 1» our favor. . . . . OVER* COATS We have a new lot of Capes, plain Black Beaver, Cursey Cloth, and Astrician, with silk lining. Standard Prints, -4c per yard. Indigo Blues, 5c per yard. Heavy Brown and Slate. Canton Flannels, 9c. Ic&vy winter Underwear for Children at greatly reduced prices We start at 12c. There are just 2Q of these and not one worth less than $12,00. tfow to make it easy for you to get a garment at a bargain. We will give you your choice for Saturday, Oct. 16, at $6,90. Also, a fine, lot Novelty Dress Goods at 25c, also a lot odds md ends of Shoes Saturday, at Special low prices. Ail for cash. oots AND hHOfesi For the next 10 davs I will give a discount of 10 per cent on all 3oots and Shoes for cash. We have some bargains in this line, Clothing with a good foundation always bears this label--the insignia of Sty le--Service--Satisfaction. SPECIAL INVITATION Have you tried our 15e Coffee, if not be sure and try a Pound and be convincod that it is the best in the market at that price. We handle the best grade of Kerosone Oil, direct from the Stand ardOil Co. at 8c per gallon. Why pay more money for Oils than it- no better or as good. Remember we deliver Oils to any part oi McHenry. To all McHenry aid Lake Country Patrcns, to cxamii e the beet made, the newest styles, the best wearing and the largest stock i f Fall and Winter stock of Ladies & Misses' Jackets, Capes, Are now in stock, of the well known Beifeld make, Also, This stcck rf Clothing we hr light before any lire in price took p'ace bought for spot cash, savirg all disrount*'. >nl are showing b/ all odds the largest and best selected line in tov n. Thin means t'lat we Can please you best, and efcveyou the most money. FLOUR Infants' and Children's Cloaks, Capes, And Bonnets to r atch. We mt»ke a rpecial of th« Boot and Shoe business, our entire 11* e for fall and winter was bought early and are all in now. Sure we an pleaee you in style, quality and price, • , .- THE UNDERWEAR line forms no email part ot our businesp, tho assortment is luge, qualily b;gh, prices low. Fur ( onts, Fur Robes and Horse Blankets, Duck Coats, Wool Pants, wool Shiils, Overalls and Shirts. As ot former years we bave the largest stock of Gloves and^Mittens. Floor Oil Cleth, Fit ur, R; e Flour, Hnckwheat, Graham. Corn Meal, Groceries, etc. FLOUR If you bake your own bread or cake you are fully aware of tin. importance of having the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should be absolutely the best procurable. We have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants. Goods delivered o any part of McHenry. X<ong Distance Telephone, Toll Station, West McHenry, 111.. 1897 West McHenry, Illinois, WEST MOHENBT, III., 1897 STOVES! STOVES DRUGS and MEDICINES, A FULL LIKE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, .CALL ON, H« Carries a Full and Complete Line of Bedroom Suit?, Parlor Suits ,1*^1 Lounges, Couches, Tables, Fancy Wsfl|lil| Uockeis, Iron Beds Hall Trees, Wardrobes, Side Boards, Kitchen laBrlSll Cupboard , Trunks, Feathers, |RipSp| ifTM Pi'l°ws, Math esses, Carpets, Car- • 1 * 1 Pet ^w' ePtl8» Kugs, Foot Mats. * - i ™ Hassocks, Easels, Pictures and Room Moulding. Window Shades t nd Curtain Fixtures, Baby and Doll Carriages. WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Paints, Oils and Colors COKBTAKTLl OH HAND. FULL LTHB or PATENT MEDiCIME8,rrOILET ARTICLES, Stationery.and Druggists' Sundries/ iiysiGians rrescripuuns issgSSOSBSSt̂ - Your Patronage 1B respectfully solicited. JULIA A, STORY One Door West of Btoeraide Bouse, McHenry, 111. West S'de Hardware Store Call and see me before purchasing, Jacob JTusrair. CUSHION DEVICE IS HEBE. McHenry, 111., 1897 CUSHION FRAME BICYCLE \7j\ \<Jl\ \ ( prevents jolts, jar and strains. % I \ why ride a Rigid Frame, # with its injurious eifects, when' A . you can buy a wheel giving " Every Wheel Warranted. EASE AND COMFORT. J* : • Lines of Wheel Unchanged. Durability Increased. Send for catalogue of our Rigid and Cushion Frame Bicycle. „ RICHMOND BICYCLE CO., Richmond, Ind EASTERN BRANCH, 97 Chambers St., New York. UfaM#All RELIABLE MAN OR W 9111811 WOMAN. ASSURED Immediately SEr̂ ° SON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF FERED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, edited by JOHN BKISBBN WALKER, wishes to add a quarter of a million to its clientele, already the larg est, of intelligent thinking readers possessed by any periodical in the. world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. f It wishes the services of one reliable man or woman in every town, village, country district, or manufacturing establishment in every State. All that is required of any one is reliability, earnestness and work. No matter on what other work you are engaged, it will pay you to examine into this offer. Apply, stating position, capability and refer- eiscw, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. - Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New Y«r K