V w',Vv;. -• I ^ -2 Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Ko Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1897. Sfllfi Iflwinv fnr t.hfi flolahpatoil JOHN J. BU1H, Dr. Walter, C. Besley, DENTIST G R E E N W O O D . Frank Waterman and wife visited rel atives at llidgefk-ld Sunday last. Mrs. Carrie Beil is numbered among the sick. Miss Mary RichardsoD, of East Green wood, was calling on friends Sunday. Henry Goodsell; of Capron. is the guest of Job. Toles and wife. Steve Holden started for south eastern Kansas on Monday. Fred Blossom was visiting in Chicago last week frona Wednesday to Saturday. Chan. Benedict transacted . business in the Windy city last'week Friday. H. M, Hastings, of Richmond, was calling in our burg one day last week. Bert Garrison, of Dundee, came up •Saturday and. spent the Sabbath with hie grand parents. , * Messrs E. G. and James Westerman were in Chicago buy ing Christmas goods a couple of days last week. Mrs. Chass"Thompson, who has been quite sick the past week, is reported better at this writing. A pair of wool mittens were found at the Baptise Church. The owner can fiud them at the store of Westerman Bros, A hor.se blanket was tound just west of Greenwood on Ihe Hebron road last Fri day night. The owner can have the same by calling at Henry Freeman's. •las McDonald had a narrow escape last Thursday. While shoveling gravel in the pit he was stoopping over when a chunk of frozen earth that would weigh about three hundred pounds, fell a dis tance of ten feet striking: him in theback': He has since been confined to his bed. At this writing he is doing as well as could be expected. The M. W7. A. election called out all the hoys and a lively good natured time was had. It was voted to hold public install ation the first Wednesday evening in January and to invite the Ringwood Camp to conduct the ceremony. The following are the officers elected: V. C.. E. W. Bobbins; W A., Frank Barber: E B., Lee Andrus; Clerk E. G. Westerman ; Escort, Mike Dassow; Watchman, John Dassow; Sentry, J as. Holliday; Manager, Chas. Smith; Physician, Dr. Prirum. The W. C. T. U. matron's medal contest held in the M. E. Church last Friday nighti drew out a full house and a verv pleasiuR program was rendered. The contestants being Mesdames Wilson, Floag, Garrison, Hutson, Watson, and Bobbins. Mrs, Wilson was awarded the medal and Mrs. Hoag the second prize, t he receipts of the evening were $1». We have not learned whether it is the in tention to hold any more of these con tests or not. THE BICYCLE POLICE WEST McHENRY, THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S TRIB. UTE TO THE SQUAD. Office a» Geo. W.BeFley's Drug Store, PUBLISHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY- BY • J . V , A N S L Y K E EDITOH AND PROPRIETOR. Examinations free .MILOJ.L.HGWE rancv r iour PIANO & ORGAN j m --n, J Tuner & Repair©!*, i -- Manufactured at New Prague, Minn., . AllOrdors-Promptly:Attended to, . 1 nD nAi-ft. ii Mills, are located In the finest hard DR. BAECHL ER, DENTIST; f wheat country. Are supplied with most •. modern machinery. ' _• i Three Typical 'Members of New York'j "Finest" Who Have Greatly Dlstin- . ^ulshed Themselves bv Personal Gal lantry---Stopping: a Runaway. Hear the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board bv ' the Day or Week a t . Reasonable rates , A NICK LINE OF ROW BOATS AT MT LANDING. for rent t>y the hour or day, at reasonable : rates, . Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars &lw&ys on hand. *®-irv«s>vT ftger Boer eonsta^tly on draught Good ^tabling for Horses. OFFICE IN THE NldHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year tin advance)... $1 50 If Not Paid within Three Months.2 Oil Subscription!# received for three or six months in the same proportion. The Fancy!' is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market. Bought in car lota only and sold on lowest pos sible terms by SIMON STOFFEL, WEST MellENUY, ILL. Always in stock at Volo, 111., by E. R ICUA liiisoN, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON, Another Street Car RATES OF ADVERTISING! We announce liberal j^t«o for advertising id che PLAIND.EALEK, and endeavor to state them so plainly Chat they will be readily un derstood. They arc »-8 follows: 1 lnoh one year - • - 500 2 IncheB one year - - - - 10 00 3 Inches one year - - - - rl&W) Column onfc year - • - . 30 00 V Column one year- - - - - 60 00 1 Column one year - - - - " W0 00 One inert means the measurement of one inch down tue column,single column width. X early advertisers, at theaoovc mies, have the privilege of ohangmg as often as they enooBe, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (mteanmg those having standing cards) will ue entitled to insertion of local notices at tne rata 6r o cents per line each wees. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 6 cents per ine for each subsequent week- transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (.nonpareil type, same as this is set in) tue first issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Xhns, anifioa advertisement will cost 01.00 for one w *1.50 for two weokB, %a.oo lor three weekc-, and so on. The PtAiKDESALisK will be liberal in giving editorial notioes, but, as a business rule, n Will require a suitable fee irom every body testing the use of lts columns ror pecuniary gain. 03" All Foreign Advertising payable quarterly, in advance, These terms will bestiictly adhered to. Plate Wo,r v » and everyth ing per ta in ing to Dent i s try . Parties from a distance should drop a card a day or two belore coming. Office. McHenrt. SEES HOLD UP IINTICHICAGO A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, We are held up every morning and evening by our customers where good workmanskip aud up to date stock turn out the best Harness in the couuty. We have the finest assortment of West MoHenry , III . Special attention given to the treat- menu o! Cows. Office at resilience on Waukegan street, one door east of hotel Park. Robes, Blankets and Whips Bnei Siwi ii luti land. J.D.LODTZJr. Merchant Tailor. Has just received his fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4.00 On every suit. Tn short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen. Every suit he turns out is first class and a fit warranted. Suits. $ 16 00 and upwards. Pants, from $3.50 to $4. Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods." Am now offering my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Nccktics, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. At from 10 to 40 per cent below cost, as I wish to close them out. Come and inspect my goods. I can save you dollars and cents. Very Respectfully, To bo found in Mcllenry County, .Can a©II you H Blanket trom 75c to $5 And guarantee as represened, If you want to save money call and see me. Also a line stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS M C H E N R Y , I L L . Always on Band with the Best Beer. Which will be sold cheaper than the*same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPA 111r NG Pi-omptly Atteuded to. Do not. fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON McHenry, 111., Oct 12, 1897. West Sid© Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. J. HANLY, Prop'r. I WEST McHEMlY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasenabie rates- Parties taken t"> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt, connection ramie with all trains Our Rigs will be kept in Orst class shape, and we e lia It spare no pa'ns to please our cue tomers at all times. Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15. 1896* BUSES"ESS UAKDS O. H GILLMORE, TTORNEY. Piobate work a specialty. . Oflice in Kenual clock, Wooostock, III. KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNJKl'S AT LAW. 100 Washington . Street, OHIOAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, tOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80--132 ' Oiaik f*t., Ghicago. SPRING GROVE. Mr. Reading is seriously ill. His recov ery is not probable. Deli Harrison visited at J. Westlake's several days last week. Miss Mollie Turner has gone to Chicago to spend the winter. Win, Campbell arid wife were Antiocb visitors last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. James Neisb is improving slowly. She is visiting at Mrs. John Bells. John Haldeman, of Solon, has been very ill for several weeks but at present writing is some easier. Christmas exercises will beheld fit the M. E. Church. A t antata entitled "San ta Claus and family" will be rendered. The nex' meeting of the Church Aid Society will be held at Mrs. Silas Pierce's Dec. 17 th. There will be 1 services at the M. E. Church next Sunday afternoon at half past two, Rev. Cross presiding. Mrs. John Crane is quite ill. All hope to see her out again soon os she is great ly missed in our social circles. Several from this village attended the sale of John Gibbs effects last Saturday. A good price was realized. Edward Hesslegrave will open the feed mill here soon and thus save the farmer* the necessity of drawing their feed miles to be ground. Andrew Everson is suffering very much it present, a wisdom tooth being the cause. He has suffered for three months and no relief has been fouud. John Waspi has resumed his duties in the factory. All are glad to see him back os John has no superior in his line of work and has always been greatly respected for his thorough management and gentlemanly bearing toward all. Matthew Smith and family will move this week to Lake Geneva having rented their house to Chan Smith for one year Mr and Mrs. Smith will be greatly miss ed in this neighborhood where they have lived for many years and have been uni versally loved and respected. Theyoung ladies will be greatly missed in our school and Sunday sclfool work in which they have always faithfully worked. PERKY & OWED, Bankers. O. P. BARNES McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank i eceivea deposits, buy>. and sells Foreign and Domestic Ez change^ and does a Genera! Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner anc upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to ou> customers and respectfully solicit tke public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention giver, to co- iectiom, lNfeURANCF In First Class Companies at the Lowest Rites. Yourt Retvectful:y PERRY & OWEW. Notary Public TTORNEY, Solicitor, and, Counselor, . 'iollectionsia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry, FUANK R. JACEMAN, ATTORIVEY AND COUFISELOK AT LAW. Prontpt an 1 careful attention t»all mat ters left, in my hands, Money to loan, Office in Hoy Biotk, Wuousiock, 111. Telephone-- office, 55, residence, 69. 35yl O.H. TEGKRS, M, D- iHYSlOtAN AND SURGEON, MoH«nry Ills. Office at Residence. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Artists' Materials. The Great American After-dinner Orator holds that the success of man In life largely depends on dress, and The International Tailoring Co. of Chicago heartily agrees with him and also with the bard of old who has wisely and well said: " Clothes do not make the man, perhaps, but if you are poor in dress the world is bound to notice it, and somehow love you less." How to be well arid fashionably dressed at a moderate cost has been with us a Iife=long study. To fully appreciate the result call on our local representative. JOS, L. ABT, M. D, PHXSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Piaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 PAINTING, GRAINING IS KALSOMINING! SIGN WRITING, ETC. Done on short notice, and cheap as good work can be done. COWLIN WOODSTOCK. ILL, ^ Prosecutes all > lasata and Uinds of claims against tlie united stiies lor ex-solliere, their wives, dependent relatives, or heirs A specialty is made in urosecutiug old an i re- joctea claims, All to'maiunications promptly answereu li postage stamps are enclosed for repy WK5.H, COffLiN, Office at residence Madison St., Woodstock. Telephone No. 23. - HUMPHREYS WALL PAPER? At <rrer.tly Reduced Rates, to close out Spring stock. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURUEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door wett of A. P. Baer'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at- Unded to E. 13. PERKINS McHenry, June 30. 1897. McWEKSY, I L L . Examine our samples out of thelargest hook in the world, aud order a suit from |9.75 up. Also READY-MADE CLOTHING AT CHICAGO PRICES. - JOHN P. SW81TH, W atchmalier «$c Jeweler MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE Btock of Clocks, Watches and Jew-olry always on hand. Special attention Iven. to repairing flno watohoa. Give me " JOHN P- SMITE. All Wool Suits, $8, W. A. CRI8TY, (Justice of tlie Peace. WEST McHBNEY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections Be sure to call and see me before you buy a Suit. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. Standard under both trotting and pacing rules. Sired^y Lakeland Abdallah 351 (full brother to Harold, sire of Maud S), by Hambletonia 10. Dam Fanny B, a fast pacing- mare by a son of Geo. M Patchen, 2:23%. Geo. O, 2:21%, is a chestnut horse, a sure loal getter, and is bred as near like G*H). Wilkes, the sire of trotters, as it is possible to get them. Geo. O is the sire of 8 in the list, a prandson 2:19%, and others, as follows: Etfccl B. ; 2:18# Ver» 2:28Jtf H- nry O Volney, G S.... 2:l9Ji Mary Lee ....,,2:22& Contreville, ... 2,:il><? Aljro; quiu 2:27)4 ^mithsonsian... 2:24 J. P. B --. .... v;26;?i Co cadee(3yr») 2 3IJ£ Prince T--: -- 2:29/4 Ben. a.. 2 22)4 Harry D 2:30 And a grea* many other very prom!s:oir ones. 1 will standi Geo. Oat'my place In McHenr at $25 per mare, payable in cash or due bill at time of i-crvic«. Mures not proving in foal viill l>e entitled to a return season or money refunded, at my option A live colt guaranteed. The above price is final. H. C. ftflEAD] Justice of the Peace and General In• surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENRT, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance KUNDA, HI. H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles--External or Internal, Blind orEleedlng; Fistula In Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate--the cure certain. PRICE, 50 OTS. TRIAL SIZE, 25 CTS. Bold by Druggists, or Bent post-paid on receipt of price, HUMPHREYS' RED* CO.» 111 A 113 William SL> KBW YORE A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches aa Ozonometers. 49- A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Through Cars to California- Persons contemplating a trip to Cali fornia should be particular to see that their tbkets read via The North-Western Line, and thus avoid unnecessary changes of cars and delays enroute. Personally conducted excursions to California lea re every Thursday. For lowest rates, sleep ing car reservations; maps, printed mat ter and detailed information, inquire of agents Chicago & North-Western K y. 20-0 w The above price is final. * Breed to a horse that h s proven himself both a trotter ai.d a producer, L, H.OWEN, M: Hcnry. III. A PROMINENT LAWYER. O' Greemille, Til, Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "X hive be n troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. . • Attend the Shoe Clearing Sale at Owen AChapell's, _ m Removes Freckles, Pimples, f -St Liver-Moles, Blackheads, V?? Sunburn and Tan, and re- A stores the skin tt> its origi- \ nal freshness, producing a ' clear and healthv eom ragfef plexion. Superior to all face^^--^^ • preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists; or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular. VIOLA 8KIN SOrtP is simply Incomparablo as ft skin purifying Soap, uncqualnl Tor the toilet, and without a riral for. the nursery. Abwlulelr pure and delieatclT medi ca ted . Atdrugtisu. Prioe 25 Cent*. TheO. C. BlTTNER CO., Toledo, O. G. W. BESLEV'S Condition Powders, for Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest article of the kind on the market. Every horse ownec should try a package. They never would be without i t . All desiring Jardineers "Vases, and al varieties of Flower Pots, call and see the large assortment at Julia A. Story's. Inspect our new fall and winter Under, wear. ». STOFFEL.