Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1897, p. 4

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^ejjeary WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1^97. _ J, VAN SLYKE, Editor. IfciTButter was not. in active demand on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday; The offerings were 212 tobs and the eak* ™ eighty tubs at 22c. The quotation con.- i)UBineg0 interests were suffering, the im- m it tee declared the^official market to hr ] prisonment of American citizens, the JUSTICE FOB SPAIN, Congressman Hitthas the following to say in reccard to President McKinley's attitude on the Cuban question as ex­ pressed in his message to coDgress': "The message shows that the presi­ dent has promptly and effectively acted on the Cuban question in fulllillment of the sentiments he had previously ex­ pressed on the Cuban struggle for liberty, and the just expectations of the country. He has pressed upon the attention of steady at 22c. 165"The gold in the treasury now amounts to $158,191,669, which is the largest aggregate of any period since 1890 when it reached $185,837,581. The fat year of McKinley contrast strongly with lean years ot Cleveland, when there was so little confidence in the future that the gold was being drained out of the treasuryjand people were hiding it away in stockiugs against the day of general collapse. o ... fgTThe Lovering reprimand is miich more severe on the recognized dramati­ cal structure of the English language than on the offending officer. It reminds one of the rebuke given certain way­ ward students by a college president: "Gentlemen," he said, "I have been di­ rected by the faculty to reprimand you for violation of college rules. You will consider yourselves reprimanded. Good morning." Just before entering Mexico ?m. ,1. Bryan exchanged $500 in Ameri­ can money--probably the proceeds of one of his speeches for free silver and the Democratic party--for Mexican money and received of the latter exactly §1,090 for his $500, Thus his first transaction in connection with his trip to Mexico fur­ nished him with a striking object lesson upon the folly of the financial system which he advocates--at $500 a speech. --Ex. barbarous warfare under Weyler and need of change in the mode of govern­ ment in Cuba. The result has been the release of every imprisoned American, the removal and disgrace of Weyler, the eDd of the concentration and starvation policy and the presentation of a system of self government largely based on that of,Canada. When our suggestions have thus all been accepted and are being carried out in apparent, good faith, which is shown by the opposition in Spain he wisely thinks that good faith on our part requires, that we let the measure we ourselves suggested be tried at least until we can, see whether the Cuban? themselves will be satisfied. The situ­ ation is vastly different from that of a year ago." •• • • - - r -- - ~ ,* . KaTThe supreme court has changed the rule governing the qualification and time of study to be applied to candidates for admission to the bar. Heretofore only two years was required, which has been raised to three. A commission has been^ appointed who will compose the board of examination, In addition to a thorough knowledge of law the applicant must possess educational qualification, the same as if he were going to teach school. The new rule will raise the stan­ dard of applicants and have a tendency to curtail the number of young sprigs claiming to be lawyers turned out on a long suffering public. ~ Senator Willium E. Mason and Congressman William Lorimer will intro­ duce The Chicago Record's postal sav­ ings bank bill in the senate ahd the house of represenatives, respectively Senator Mason is a member of the com mittees on postoffices and postroade, while Congressman Lorimer is a member of the same committee of the house oi represenatives. It is the intention ol these members of congress to introduce the bill at the earliest opportunity and, as Senator Mason says, to have a postal savings bank law on the statutes before the end of the session. Both Senator Mason and Mr. Lorimer are believers iu postal savings bankp, as are the majority of the Illinois delega­ tion. Postal savings banks are being discussed widely by the members of Con­ gress, and it is expected that .there will be several measures introduced in both the house and senate. The western members especially are supporting the idea, and, while some of the eastern men are opposing it, the measure has many friends] in tnat section. One hears al­ most as much talk about the postal sav­ ings bank legislation in the corridors ol the hotels and in the places where the members congregate as he does about the currency, Cuba, Hawaii and civil- servicc reform.--Chicago Record. General Debility and Loss of Flesh Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re­ sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming food. There are many other prepara­ tions on the market that pretend to do what SCOTT'S EMULSION does, but they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil made into a delightful cream, skill­ fully blended with the Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda, which are such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the patient almost immediate­ ly commences to put on flesh and gain a strength which surprises them. Be syre you get tSCOTTS Emulsion. See that th« man and fish are on the wrapper. 50c; and $t .oo, al l druggists . SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Poter Kesp, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the estate of Peter Keuip, deceased, late of the county ol McHenrv and state ot I l l inois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court ol M<"Uer\rv county, ai the Court House. In Woodstock, I l l inoiR, at the January term, on the first Mon­ day in January next, at which t ime all persons having claims against r-ain estatn are notif ied and requested to at tend for the pur- pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the . undersigned Dated this 15th day of November, A. D. 1S97. 21w4 IJOHN HUEMANN, Administrator. O W E N & (SUCCESSORS TO PERKY & OWEN.) TOFFE1 WEST WcHElVRY,SH L. H O L I D A Y G O O D S Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Mathias Lay, deceased.- 2J The undersigned having been appoicted xecutors of the last Will and Testament of Mathias Lay. deceased, late of the l tv of McHenry and State of I l l inois, by givo notice that thev will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenrv County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on tho flrst Monday in January est , at whioh t ime al l persons having laims against said estate are notif ied and re- nested to at tend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to eaid estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, Dated the 17th day of Nov,, A. D., 1897. MARTVN LAY. | Executors, 1®° Mr. N., a struggling lawyer in a small town in Ohio, received a call from a farmer who wanted legal advice. Mr. N. took down a much-used volume from his email book case and gave the requir^ ed advice, for which he charged the mod­ est sum of $3- His client handed him a $5 bill. With a troubled look Mr. N. took it. He flushed in the face as he passed his fingers nervously through his pockets, and his embarrassment increased as he continued his search among the papers on his desk. "Well," said he, taking down the law book again and turning over the pages, "I'll give yon two more dollars worth of advice." Ex. US* The custom of throwing rice upon newly married people is not only silly, but likely to have serious results. A young bride at Bridgeport, Conn., ap preciates this fact. Well meaning but foolish friends threw great quantities of rice at .the bride and groom and soon after the train was on its way the bride complained of a pain in one of her ears. It grew rapidlv worse and by the time the couple reached New York she was almost frantic- A physician was called and soon found a kernel of rice in her ear. When it was removed the pain ceased. Numerous instances have oc­ curred where eyesight has been destroyed by this same cruel and exceedingly silly custom. It is time that sensible people frowned it down. Some Interesting Figures. From the books of his office we learn that County Treasurer Keyes, during the year/fending Dec.|l, handled a pretty snug sum of the people's money. On Dec. 1, 189S, be had a balance on hand of §11,819.15, and during the year re­ ceived from all sources, $63,349.09, ma­ king a total of §85,168.24. He has paid out on orders during the year the sum of $79,887.31, leaving a balance on hand, Dec. 1, 1897, of §5,280.93. The payments of bounties from the treasur­ er's office during the year amounted to $3,223.30, divided as follows: For 9,124 old woodchucks, §2,281; for 652 young woodchucks, §65.20: for 5,542 crown, §554,20; for 16,145 English sparrows, $322,90. The giving of these bounties has resulted in a material diminution of these animal and bird pests, and it has been particulary noted of late how scarce the English sparrows have be­ come. Sentinel. (S^The State convention of the Super­ visors of Illinois will convene in Rock Island on January 18th next and ad­ journ on the evening of the twentieth. Every county under township organiza­ tion is entitled to one or more delegates. Col. H. G. Reeves of Bloomington will deliver an address, taking for his sub­ ject, "Shall a New Constitution be Adop­ ted?" which is a topic of the highest im­ portance to the people of Illinois. The following subjects will also be discussed: "Shall the Existing Laws be Revised? "Paupers and Criminals;" The care of the insane;" Organization of Associated Charities;" "Best Method to improve the Public Roads", "The Best Method to Abolish Outside Relief," and "The Advis ability of the County Furnishing Ab­ stracts and Being Responsible for the same." Accidents and Hunting Now that the hunting season is in full swing hardly a day passes without bring­ ing in reports of serious or fatal acci­ dents to or caused by gunners. One man saw something moving in the underbrush and fired at it. Now he is sorry that he killed his friend. Another, supprsing his gun to be unloaded, snapped the ham mer and killed his brother. He to very sorry,that he was not careful, whic! however, is not relief to the brother Still another man crawled through fence and ^dragged his gun after0him muzzle flrst. He has no complaint to make. Not one of the long list of acci dents in the woods and fields was of such character that it could not have been avoided by the exercise"of carefullness.-- Philadelphia Press. Probably Too True A prominent minister preaching from the text, "For bodily exercise profitieth little; but godliness is profitable unto all things," said: "When I was in college the young man who stood highest in his Greek and Latin or mathematics was the best fellow and received the most honor; but during the last decade it has seemed that the swiftest runner, the high est kicker, the best base ball or foot ball player, the most skilful oarsman, has been the one to receive the prize." He thought this mania had reached its height and that there must be a reaction It was painfully apparent that neither the pulpit nor the pew were brought closer to God by this style of education. Your Holiday Trip Can be made via the North-Western Line on excursion tickets which will be sold at reduced rates December 24, 25 and 31. 1897, and January 1, 1898. limited to January 4,1898, to points on the North-Western system within 200 miles of selling station. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 24w3 If you want a nice Album tor a Christ­ mas Present Besley has them, and will supply you at bed rock prices. Scientific American. The Scientific American is one of the very best publication extant. No better paper can be, placed in the family, ee pecially in a family of young people who desire to keep pace with the progress made in inventions and new discoveries in the application of merchanics in all the realms of labor. The illustrations are always of the best order and convey to the mind readily what would be diffi cult to impart in words. Every person who.has to do,with machinery, steam or electric power, would be greatly helped by a perusal of this excellent paper each week. Its typographical excellence is not excelled in any of the magazines of the country. The subscription price is per year. We will receive and forward subscriptions for the same. We have but a week to sell them in and so have put a very CLOSE MARK On them all. You will find this the BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY Notice of Application for Pro- bate of Will. SI ATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenrv County | To Nicholas Schaefer, Gertrude Schaefer, atholic (Jhurchof Johnsburg. 111.. Joseph Schaefer, Annie Maria Kennebeck. John Schaefer, Elizabeth Kennebeck ana Annie Justen heirs at law and legatees, so far an known, of Nicholas Schaefer, wr, deceased, late of McHenry Connty. I l l inois You are hereby notif ied thatapplication has been made to the County Court of said < oun ty for the probate of the will of Nicholas Schaefer deceased, and that the hearing of he proof^of said will has been set by sato Court for the 3rd day of January A. D., 1898, , t the hour of 10 o 'clock in the torenoon, at the Court House in Woodstock, in said County, wh^n and where you can appear, if you see fi t , and ehow cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to pro­ bate. G. F. RUSIITON, County Clerk. December 4, 1897- 23wl Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ McHenry County, | Estate of Julius A, Thomas, deceased. To whom it may concern, heirs and distr ib­ utees of said estate. You are hereby notif ied that on Monday, the third day of January, 18!i8, the Adminis­ tratr ix of said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, I l l inois, her f inal report of he r acts and doing* as such admin iatrair ix and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsi­ bil i t ies connected with said Estate and her administrat ion thereof, at which t ime and place you may be present and resist such ap- plication if you choose so to do LU3Y H. THOMAS, Administratr ix. Executor's Notice* Estate of John Muldoon, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the Ust Will and Testament of John Muldoon, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and state of I l l inois, hereoy gives notice that he will appea r before the O'unty Court of McHenry County, at the fourt House In Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February next at which t ime all persons having claims against said estate are notif ied and reauested to at tend for the purpose of having the eame adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Dated thU 6th day of December. A. D. 1897, 24W4 TIMOTHY LEONARD, Executor. On January 1st, 18S8, Wc will from now on offer our prudently selected stock of Ladies Miss s' and Children's ° Cloaks, Capes8e Jackets At a Discount oi SO poroent 1 rout out* already low prices, Alsi> SO jierccut oil on all- Clothing, Overcoats, Fur and Duck Coats, Blankets, Wool Underwear, Mittens, Wool Hosiery, Yarn, Caps, make lots of room for V\ arm Shoes, We are bound to Come in and see what we have to offer. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. - -HOLIDAY GOODS - I o ' arriving at prices we will name. Santa Clans and New Year's Souvenirs, Fully adapted to our patrons wishes and at prices within reach of .11 Stock abundant. Fascinators in silk and wool, silk and i-ilk nd wool Handkerchiefs and Muftbrs in black and fashionable col- i B, Iuitial handkerchiefs in silk and linen tor ladies and g nts, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Plush boxes, perfumery glove IMXQ*, nd jewelry boxes ELEGANT NECKWEAR. Teck scarfs, four in hands, bows etc Fancy Suspenders Silk and Fur rnitti. in light and dak colt r j. Tea 'ets, dinner sets, manicure and toilet sot, water set, Fanny ->tand, table and hanging lamps. Decorated plites, trays, caps md saucers, decanters, celery dishes etc, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IN ENDLESS VARIETY. In looking for a substantial Holiday Present turn youv at.tontion our way, where you can find the largest assortment at mode-ate prices, Toilet Cases, Jewelry Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases, Work Box:-s, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Shaving Sets, vVhisk Broom Holders, Mirrors, Viu-ic Rolls, Music Boxes, Scrap Book*, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Toilet Cases. Hand Bags, Mouth Organs, Perfumes, Games, Books for children, Tool ' 'hosts for hoys Sets of Dishes for the young. A fine assortment of Neckties Vlufllers, in silk, worsted and cotton. Initial Handkerchiefs, in silk, linen, cambric and cotton . Crushing and Grinding F s a i AT THE WAUCONDA MILL. Sets Per Bag, Cash. J. SPENCER. December 15, 1897. SPECIAL Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., Bays, "My child is worth million to me; j would have lost her by croup had I not, invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure," It cures colds, coughs and all throat and lung troubles J. A. Story. It is easy to catch cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, cold, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles, It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. J, A. Story. RIGHT. IN IT. * That's where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for the stomach that was ever put together. Absolutely vegetable with the exception of the Pepsin. Are you constipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin. Have you in­ digestion or sick headache? Then use Syrup Pepsin. Spend 10c for a trial botile and you will be convinced. Large sizes* 50c and $ 1.00. A true family rem edy. At Julia A. Stor.v's. Anything in the Holiday Goods line, from a Penny Whistle to a corner lot in Alaska, can be found at Besley's, on the West Sdia. High Grade Carpets, At Low Grade Prices. We have secured just in time for the Holiday trade rare bar­ gains in Axminster, Mouquettes, Velvets, and Brussels, which will be sold at the price of ordinary goods. Here is a chance to se­ cure goods of real merit. Rugs of Every Description. At low prices. This is the place to buy Holiday Goods. Im­ mense stock. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock. III. Suits and Overcoats. Our Clothing will go during the Holidays at January prices Footwear ot all kinds, Flour, Groceries. Yours for Holiday Trade. John or. WEST MCHLNRY, III.,*1897. NEW MUSIC STORE ! MILO l_ HOWE, Having Leased the East Store in Stoffel's Block, WEST McHE^RY, ILLINOIS, Has opened therein a First Class Music Store, where at all times can be found PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, ZITHERS, Autoharps, Music Boxes, A,nd in short all kinds of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, etc. Our Piancs and Organs are the best made, and will be sold as low as any first-class Instrument c a n b e b o u g h t a n y w h e r e . - * . > » . . . » \ The public are cordially invited to call and look ovur our stock whether they want to purchase or not. Stand Covers, Linens, Damask Napkins, Towels, Collars, Cuffs. Choice Candies and Fruits, Nuts and Candies. Fur Boas, Plush Caps, Stylish Hats, Etc. AND IN CONCLUSION LET US SAY It is no Longer a Question Of calculating as to the probable return of good times, que ti >n ot where you can get the It is a PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED On Short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. RESPECTFULLY, MILO L, HOWE. West McHenry, Dec. IS, 1897. Best Goods for the Least Money. Did you ever know a man to refuse an oppor tunity to £*et rid ? The best chance to save money, which is the secret ol wealth, is to LET US SELL YOU GOODS We Mean What We Say. Call and See. ' ' ' Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMOEF STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111., 1897.

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