Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1898, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1898, Dr. Walter C. Bestey DENTIST WEST McHEKKY, Sole Agency Jk the Celebrated POLAR STAR ruary. He will spend about a month In Washington, receiving instructions con­ cerning the policy which the adminis­ tration desires .to pursye under exist­ ing and contingent circumstances In the Orient. W. C. Mentzer of Knoxville, who was recently appointed assistant clerk to the committed on militai*y affairs by Captain Hull, is rapidly familiarizing feimself with the duties of that position. The Man and the Gander. A'southern congressman was telling a story in one of the down-town hotels a few nights 'ago about his father, a well-knowu lawyer, of Tennessee, wha served two terms in congress years ago. "My father was very stern to men and very kind to animals. During my whole life I never saw him lose his temper with a dumb thing but oiice. We lived-on a large plantation in the mountains of Tennessee, and on the place could be found every specie of domesticated animals known to zoolo­ gists, with the possible exception of camels and elephants. Although a source of constant care to him, I really believe my father loved every animal and fowl he owned. Among other things, we had a large flock of geese, and though I suppose that city people know little about pet geese, I can tes­ tify that they make the most affec­ tionate and faithful pets, almost equal­ ing dogs in their fidelity. "My father came home one day from an adjoining county where he had been to attend court, and found that in his absence one of the ganders, in a fight for a mate, had been defeated, coming out of the battle with a broken wing. But he was still faithful to the goose of his choice, and followed around aft­ er the happy pair with his wing trail­ ing in the dust. Aroused HI* Sympathy. "All the sympathy in my father'3 heart went dut to this unfortunate gan­ der, and dismounting from his horse, he petted it, took it under his arm and brought it with him to his office in the front yard of the home place. The gander seemed to accept father at once in place of his lost mate, and quacked contentedly all the way home. "That gander stuck by the old man closer than a brother. The way he got familiar on short acquaintance was a wonder, and before a week had passed his chief desire seemed to be to sepa­ rate my father from his family, for he would try to fight the children off from the office, and even had the audacity to Office at Geo W. Besley"s Drug Store, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY J T . " V A J N 8 L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Reed Fwrors an Appropriation for the Purpose. BUT MUST PROTECT THEASUHT. Examinations free MILO J. L, HOW E, PIANO & ORGAN ) •• -- 0 > IttcHenry Tuner & Repairer. ) -- All Orders Promptly Attended to, Manufactured at hew Prague, Minn, OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North Owen & Ohapcll's 8tor®, Congressman- Henderson Sluth Gratified Over the Appointment of John E. Rowcn To Be Consul at Port Stanley-Colonel Hopkin's Marketing Job -- The Fight Against "Doc" Trevitt--Alonzo H, Stew- ctvl Celebrates an Event. Washington, Jan. 25--"I am in favor, of making an appropriation for the Vicksburg battlefield park," said Speaker Reed in his committee room this morn­ ing. "I am also in favor of making an appropriation to buy the battlefields of Shiloh, Appomattox, and also the battlefield of Port Ticonderoga, where Ethan Allen took possession 'in the name of the great Jehovah and the con­ tinental congress.' While I am in favor of all these bills making appropriations for patriotic purposes, I am also in fa­ vor of making an appropriation for new public buildings where such buildings are negded. I am also in favor Of a bill making an appropriation of $500,000 to erect a monument in Washington in memory of Abraham Lincoln. While I am in favor of all of these bills I have an official duty to perform as speaker of the house of representatives; and it is my duty to protect the treasury from unnecessary appropriations at the present time. The Iowa congressmen and delegates from Iowa have placed this Vicksburg measure before me very strongly, but I do not now see my way clear as a matter of public duty, to be­ gin making appropriations for any parks or public buildings or monu­ ments until the revenues of the govern­ ment are at least equal to its ordinary expenditures." Gratifying to Henderson. Congressman Henderson today said: "The appointment of Stater Senator John E. Rowen, of Clarion, to be Con­ sul at Port Stanley, on the Falkland Islands is very gratifying to me.. That gentleman is well worthy of substantial recognition, and he has been appointed to a place in one of the most delightful climates in the world. His warm friends in the third congressional dis- MiUe. are located :n- wheat country. Are so; modern machinery. & finest hard ied wit;h most DR. BAECHIER. DENTIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance)....,.. ...... $1 50 If No* Pa'-d within Three Months..,. ... 8 OiS Subscriptions received for throe or six months in the same"proportion. SCOTT'S EMULSION The Fancy" la fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the marVet. Bought in i,car lots only and sold on lowest pos­ sible terms by SIMON ST0FFEL, - WEST MeHBNRY, ILL. Always in stock at Volo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSIXG JOHN RICHARDSON, RATES 6F ADVERTISING: we announce liberal rates for advertising in "the PLAINDBALER,and endeavor to state thorn so plainly"ihat-they will be readily un derstood. They are asrolioWB: . 1 Inch one year - ... 6 00 2 Inches one year - 10 uo 3 Inches one year - - - . . ' 16 00 J< Column one year' - • - - - 80 00 Column one year 60 00 1 Column one year - - . - - - 100 00 One incn means the measurement of one inoh down the column, single column w idth. Yearly advertisers, at, theaocve rates have the privilege of changing as oltenas they oh >ose, witnout extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled loinsertion of local uotipes at the rate of 6 cents per line eaoh week. All others will he charged 10 « e its per line the first week, and 6 cenis per line for eaoh subsequent week. transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe^ line,(nonpareil t/pe, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 6 tents per line for subsequent issues. Tuns, an moh advertisement willoost $l.ooforonc ncoi, $1.60 for two weeks, |3.oo for three ft ee cu, and so on. l'no PLAIXDBALBB will be liberal in giving e utorial notices, but, as a business rule, it --til require a suitable fee tromeverybody •ee iing toe use of Us columns for yeouniary gain. 49-All Foreign Advertising payable quarterly, in advance, These terms will be stiictly adhered to. Plate Work, and everything per­ taining to Dent stry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a da"y or two belore coming. Oillce. MeHenry. A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, West MpHenry, 111. Sprcial attention given to the treat­ ment of Cows. . Office at residence on Waukegan street, one door east ot tolelPark. niisi smeij taf tail. J.D.LODTZJr Merchant Tailor. Has just received hip fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4.00 On every suit. Tn short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen. Every suit he turns out is first class and a, fit warranted^ Suits, $16.00 and upwards, Pants, from $3 50 to $4. Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Am now offering my entire stock of OfinW Furnishing? Goods. consisting of MCHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beer. BUSINESS CARDS PEBET & OWE*, Banners. _ O. H. G1LLM0RE, TTOKFEY. Piobate work a speci'lty . Office in Kenuai Llock, Woodstock, III. MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS This Bank tecetves deposits, buy* and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex KNIGHT & BROWN, rar.icifi my mninpr whpTi shp wP7>r ropay a visit to the office. The old man smiled TTORNfiYS AT LAW. 100 YVasningtor . street, CHICAGO. ILL. Net ktics, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. At from 10 to 40 per cent below cost, as I wish to close them out. Come and inspect my goods. I can save you dollars and cents. Very Respectfully, J. D. LODTZ, Jr. Barbian Bro.'s Block, MeHenry. General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and > ther first class security. Special attention given to co- lections, INbtRANCE ' In first Class Companies at t*e Lowest R ues. Tours Retoecttuty , PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public tion." Congressman Hepburn went to the centre market recently in this city, and bought a big yellow-legged turkey, some cranberry sauce and oyster crack­ ers, and carried them to the agricultural department to Captain Will C. Penny- witt, an employe of that department. It was not from love of Captain Penny- witt that Colonel Hepburn carried the turkey, but because one of his constit­ uents, who resides near Bedford, im­ posed that duty upon his congressman by writing Colonel Hepburn a letter re­ questing that a turkey be taken to Penny witt. This particular request came from a man who said that he was afraid to send a turkey for fear that It would spoil, but was willing to pay the price if Colonel Hepburn would person­ ally see to it that a turkey was pro­ vided for his old friend and comrade, Captain Pennywitt. It is needless to say that Colonel Hepburn is not hank­ ering after any more jobs of that char­ acter; although he always tries to please his constituents. Tlio Figlit on Trevitt. There was a bitter fight made against the appointment of "Doc" Trevitt to be postmaster at Fort Madison. It was something like the fight made three years ago against Alex Charles, when he was nominated to be postmaster at Cedar Rapids. Mr. Charles was ac­ cused of violating every commandment in the decalogue and there were enough affidavits filed against him to swamp a small ship. He met every charge, however, and was confirmed. He Is now postmaster at Cedar Rapids, and the officials here say that he is one of the best postmasters in the country. The friends of "Doc" Trevitt hope that he will be able to make as good a rec­ ord for himself, as postmaster at Fort Madison A. W. Johnson of Ottiimwa spent three days here last week, accompanied by his wife. He went originally to New York to look after certain shipping in­ terests. The wholesale butter and egg men of Iowa want to secure more rea­ sonable rates for their products on the way to the eastern markets. Mr. John­ son believes that this result will be achieved. Congressman Hull of Des Moines, as chairman of the committee on military affairs, in the formation of the army appropriation bill mqg^ged to lop ofl $1,029,394.04 from the^ estimates pre­ pared for that bill. When a man can serve his country that well, and save upwards of $1,000,000 to the treasury, he is certainly earning his salary of $5,000 per year.„. Such services are es­ pecially valuable when the national finances are so impoverished. Stewart Celebrates. Alonzo H. Stewart of Des Moines, FRANK L. SHEPARD, IOUN3ELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80--132 ' Ola.k 8t.. Uhioago. O. P. "BARNES, TTORNEY, Solicitor, and, Counselor, . Collections.a specialty. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS FKANK R. JACEMAN, A TTORSEY AND COUNSELOH AT LAW. XX fronipt ant careful attention t'> all mat ters left in my hands, Money to loan, Office in Hoy Bioi k, W. oustock, lil. Telephone- office, 66, residence; 69. 36yl Another Street Car HOLD UP IN [CHICAGO, O. H. FEGERS, M, D- (HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MeHenry Ills. Office at Residence. Pcrtrats Like Old Paintngs We are held up every morning and evening by our customers where good workmanship and up to date stock turn out the best Harness in the county. We have the finest assortment of The leading photographers of the country are now lighting the faces of their sitters in the style followed by the great­ est portrait painters the woild ever saw. It gives a perfect likeness and preserves all the character in the face. It is highly artistic and needs only to be seen to be ap­ preciated. SMOKERS! JOS, L. ABT, M, D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in NichoU Bli ck, over Plaindeaier Office. MeHenry Telephone No 4 Robes, Blankets and Whips CALL AT United SttJTaHIIaiiii Am W, H. COWLIIM, To be f^und in MeHenry County, Can sell you a Blanket trom 75c to $5 And guarantee as represened. If you want to save money call an A see me. Alio a line stock if Cigar and THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian'sBest hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. HUMPHREYS 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 " Diarrhea. 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 w Headache. 10 ' " Dyspepsia. 11 " Delayed Periods. 12 " Leuehorrea. 13 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. 15 " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. JOHN P. SMITH, W aiohmaker & «Jeweler McHfcNHY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, watches and Jew-dlryalwayBon hand. Special attentior J ven to repairing fine watehes. Give m< Calh JOHN P- SMITH. W. A.CRISTY, Justice ol the Peace. WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma; No. 24 General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility^ No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " , Colds and Grip. DK. HCMTEREYS' HOMEORATHIC MANTJAX. or DISEASES MAILED FREE. " Small bottles of pleasant pellets, fit the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid upojj receipt of price, 25 cents, except Nos. 28. and JR. are made $1.00 size only. Humphreys' Medi­ cine Company, 111 William St., New York. H. C. MEAD, Justice oj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Including Accident arid Life Insurance. WEST MCHBNBT, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Eatate and Insurance. NU N DA, I ll< A. MJ CHURCH, W ate Km alter and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. npenial attention given to repairing Fine Watches an > chronometers. •*r A Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. JOHN J. BUCjH, Restaurant -- H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles--External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding; Fistula in Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief 1s Immediate--the euro certain. PRICE, 60 OTS. TRIAL SIZE, 25QTS. Bold by Druggists, or ecnt post-paid oa receipt of price. KCAIRUNEVS1 suu>. co.. in ANA niiium St.. KEW VOBS Wert Side Iiivery, FEED AND 8ALK STABLES. Ei J. HANIJT . Prop'*-. WEST McHENKY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furn'shed at rcssenablc rates-. Parties tsker • t - and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and pro npt connection made with all trains Our RigR will be kept in first class ships, and we hall spare no pains to please our cue . tomers at ail times, Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West MeHenry, 111,, Aug. lfi, 1896. BOOK ON DISEASES OF HORSES. Book on diseases of corses, cattle, sheep, dogs, hogs and poultry wailed free by addressing Humphreys' Veteri­ nary Specifics, corner William and John Ste., New York.

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