J. C. CHOATE O W E N * ' . 1898. 30, MAR. WEDNESDAY, Editor. SLYKE, VAN f \ 'On the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday the offerings of Batter were 189 tubs, 18 tubs being withdrawn on offers of 18c; Bales were 171- tubs, at 18^c; for the week, 10,670 tubs reported sold. Butter last week, 18%*; one year ago, 22 @22%c. • pgjfThft president of the Manchester Association of Engineers, who has re C?utly been in this country, in speaking of our iron and steel manufactures, sayp: "The United States, with her boundless r.atural resources, coupled with th» energy of her people, is destined to be come the workshop of the world.'y He might also have added that her protec tive system is the cause of the progros? 8'ae has made in this line. fly W«» hear much now of the famish ing reconcentrados in Cuba. While the word is a st.range'one to American ears; it is well to explain that the reconcen trados are Cubans whose homes are in the agricultural districts, who were order ed to concentrate in the cities, by Wey- ]f>T. They left property and homes under penalty of being considered active com batants by the Spanish. It is these per sons who comprise largely the starving population of Cuba. They are mainly women, children and old men. Republican papers throughout the state are quite generally publishing thf comprehensive article which appeared re cently in The Golconda Herald-.Enter prise over the signature of Secretary o! State Rose, setting forth in convincing figures and facts the reasons why it wai« ncce3sary to increase the state tax rat* last year to 66 cents on the §100 valua tion. The article conveys information which every intelligent voter of the statr should possess himself of, no matter what his party predictions may be. I©"The Antioch News says: "The News takes pleasure in saying that a very general feeling seems to exist in al! parts of the county, and in fact all parte of this Senatorial District, that inasmuch Hon. George R. Lyon has made a nd able representative, he is en- to a renomination, and we think ice the almost unanimous senti ment of the republicans of the eighth Senatorial district in saying it is bad politics to retire clean, able and honest men when no cause exists, and when thf requirements of the state demand more ihen of the sterling integrity of Son. George R. Lyon." McHenry Road Commissioners Financial Statement. STATE OP ILLINOIS,) MCHENRY COUNTY, VSS Town of McHenry. ) Ofllco of Treasurer of C nnmissloners of Highways. The following is a statement by E. H. Thompson, Treasurer of the Commis sioners of Highways of the town, of McHenry, in the county and state afore said, of the amount of public funds re ceived and expended by him during the fiscal year just eloped, ending on the 29th day of March, 1898, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commence ment of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what -tources received, the amount of public lunds expended and for what purposes •xpended, during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said E. H. Thompson, bei- g duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the ollowing statement by him subscribed is v correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commence •nent of the fiscal year above stated, the imount of public funds received and the -sources from which received, and the amount expended and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. E. H. THOMPSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of March, 1898. ' • H. C. MEAD, J. P. Funds received and from what sources received 1S&7 A.uiount of public funds oh hand at the commencement of the fiscal •year, commencing the 30th day of March, 1S97 ". *31O» 57 Well 31, Reed Henry Keyes It R tax. .. 26170 .. .« «• » delinq'nt tax 12113 Pol) tax for 1897 25'2 )ct30,!For Culvert pipe... v. 57(5 Ore 31, For old bridge plank 34 75 Mch-24 From M J Freund town col .... 2454 91 ••. 29 From W A Cristy bal lS'.tGdog tax 149 28 Total amount received 6138 IK Total amount paid out 3283JJ. Ba! on hind March 29. 1898 ,$2154 79 funds expended and for whatpurposes expended. IS97 April 30 Webster Bros sewer pipe f 159 75 -- " ' -- DO J 4 7 10 50 5 2 Geo Meyers road work W Coates rep b'dpe nn load'g tilo Ohns Gesk* bridtre work M J Freund grading Michaels & Weber bridge work. May 29 3 Schmidt bridge work 2 •« M J Freund road work 15 /o 3 5 7 6 50 56 50 25 84 835 60 10 17 75 66 80 Woodstock, Illinois. We Take Pardonable Pride in Our Business. The n\any words of commendation, the pleased expression of oar customers, our well selected stock, the beautiful new goods well arranged, the satisfactory display, all go to mako up one con tinuous holiday at our store.- The stylish Capes and Jackets. The Skirts in black and colors that I hang just as they ought to hang and the prices so cheap that anyone can be dressed in fashionable attire. Spring colorings and art designs. No one goes away disappointed. Infants' wardrobe goods] cheaper than you can make them at home. Children's Muslin Drawers. 1 to 4 years, 8 cents per pair. Infants' Knit Jackets 25 cents, worth 50 cents. Flannelette Skirts, 15 cents, Infants Gauze Vests 10c. Can furnish a full outfit of Baby Apparel to suit the most fastidious. No one can visit our Art! Room but gets useful ideas of lasting benefit free of charge. It is interesting to see the class in artistic | mbroidery. Mothers, with their little daughtersk are deeply interested in taking the new stitch. Hours for free instruction in Embroidery 1 to 6 o'clock. Butterick Patterns in stock. Fashion Sheet free. . (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) SHOES FOR SPRING! I®"Notwithstanding the fact that there is a degree of uncertainty in busi ness affairs on account of necessary and unavoidable delay in the Cuban matter, the onward current still continues and traffic would soon assume the normal conditions they held before the panic ol 1893 were it not for this temporary interruption. Treabury receipts arr about $1,100,000 per day, while export? of products have continued at a rate considerably increased, and the demand for products of the great industries shows eteady expansion. The most significant feature of the financial situa tion is the flow of gold to this country, the amount engaged or received amount ing to upwards of $31,000,000 of which $5,000,000 came to San Francisco from Afstralia. IgTThe combine of democrats, popu lists, and silver republicans, which wae recently made for the purpose of helping along the election of free silver members of the next House, is about to go to i, if indeed, it has not already done The pops, and silver republicans I STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) found out that the democrats' MpHrtsuv rnrNTv v B Smith bridge work.. •« S Sherman tafc'g care watei on hill •« Castor Adams, stone .. . " Peter Steffes road work •' Geo Mevers " " •' Wilber Luiuber Co lumber " M J Walsh poPtege, rep on gradei June 26 Ed Hoy hauling gravel •« Mrs Iv ICattner gravel • " C E Sherman gravel and hauling •• MJ Freund road work «• J Klein grading 22 50 " Jog itiieman niile and repairs... 10 M " S Stoffel Tax village of M'Henry 150 '• John Krause rosd work. 3 90 «• Geo Mevers grading -55 " Wilber Lumber Co lumber 9595 July 31 Geo Meyers grading, graveling. 68 31 " KJ Hanly labor 1 50 •• ' Wilbui Lumber Co lumber <8 31 " S B Kelly bridge work: 11 " M J Freund road work 28 31 Ben TonP n putt'ng in sluice-- 3 \ug 14 Geo Meyers KradinK 30 " 28 Jotn Justen grave) 8 •• Frank Wiedeman r ad wark... . 1 " David Shines hauHng gravel 5 40 " M J F re and road & bridge work . 8 •5ept. 7, M Dassow grading 124 90 " Philip Sutton bridge work 5 jonn Moitcii " " .. .. 3 50 » 25 Theo Stock " " 4 50 «' Martin Adams euttinpt brush ... 13 50 «' Geo Meyers road & bridge work. 48 10 «' M J Freund grading 20 " W A Oristy posts ... 130 " P Rothermel w'k on Iron bridge. 6 12 " E Peterson •' "• " 8 25 B Bell bridge work 1110 )rt 30 H C Allen 270 yds pravel 18 90 " F Carlson 225 yds sravci & haul'g 87 50 '• Mrs R H Carr 562>£ yds gravel..- 33 75 •« John Dassow bridge work 22 •• H He terman blacksmith bill 5 45 " H Zimmerman graveling road-- 40 ' M J Freund road work 57 84 " Wilbur Lumber Co lumber 14535 •' Geo Meyers road work , 72 16 Sov 27 John Justen gravel & hauling .. 54 81 " H Zimmerman hauling (Travel... 42 28 " M J Freund gravel & hauling..., 97 75 '• M Tbelen bridge work 23 " Wm Davis grave) 37 56 " Bert Bell hauling grsvel , 57 " C E Sherman grayel & hauling.. 97 81 " OKranbeer '• " 30 •• Wilbur Lumber Oo lumber 214 29 '• Geo Mevers road work 74 45 Dec 24 gmitn & Freuild gravel & haul'g 272 62 " E Zimmerman hauling grayel ... 4180 •' C Krambeer gravel & hauling-- 1120 " John M Frett bridge work 3 •' F L McOmter hardware 7 16 " Hanly Bros grave! 16 45 '• Geo Meyers graveling 147 16 1898 Jan29 R J Sutton 159 yds gravel 15 90 •' Bert Bell graveling 13 04 •' S F Smith 308 yds gravel 21 56 " A Meyers 610 yds gravel 32 11 Wm Kreund h"uling gravel 92 70 " Henry Vogel caps for spiles 3 Mch 26 Geo Meyers hauling gravel 5 04 " 29 W D Wentworth hau ling gravel 2 54 " W A Cristy 1 record book 1 50 •' J Van ftlyke pub Treas^report-- 10 '• EH Thompson com'on money paidiout I. 64 38 'upsrvisor's Financial Statement. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) MCHENRY COUNTY, VBB Town of McHenry ) Office of Town Supervisor. The following is a statement by W. A. Oristy, Supervisor of the Town of Mc Henry, in the county and 6tateaforesaid, if the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 29th day of March, 1898, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commence raent of said fiscal year, the amount of public fnnds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for what purposes expended, during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said W. A. Cristy, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that the fol lowing statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of pub lic funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received, and the amount of public funds expended and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. W. A. CRISTY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of March, 1898. H. C. MEAD, J. P. Funds received and jrom what sources receiued. Amount of public fund i on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year, commencing the 30th day March 1897 « 16 « Rfcrt of Henry KeyesOo Treas R R tax 141 41 Reed of Henry Key es Co Treas town tax 01 59 llecd of Henry Keyes Co Treas dog tax 10 67 Reed M J Freund collector town tax... 105163 Reed M J Freund collector dog tax .... 195 o2 Total Receipts 11476 58 Funds .expended and for wha t purposes expended. l"7 ~ „ April 7, J Van Sly ke pub Sup report ...t 6 «• 13, W Thurlwell wk Overooker house 5 Msv 4, P F Pettlhone Supervisors book. 1 50 «• 12, I Wentworth b'k Overocker house 3 "OA Tabor, elerk election 1st pot... 3 June 8, H McOmber cl'k election 2d pet 3 M J Freund Judge 11 2d pet 12C Wilson saw 'g wood MrsGibbs. H Stephenson el'kelection 1st pet A S Wright clerk election 2nd pet M Engeln goods to Overocker " ' . :• • •" 0 ' J Just arrived, a large and up tct date line of the celebrated jree & Smith Shoes for men, boys, ladies, misses and children. You all know what the quality of these Shoes arc. M e have never had a complaint on a pair, jf they do not give satisfaction let know and wc will always ma'? e it right. us WEST. McHENRY, II X., Stylish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings, New v^Necl^eal! Justin. All the latest novelties and colors. "Come on boys and pick out a ':M ' SPRING HAT AND NECKTIE, THAT IS IN STYLE, Percqiles, Prints, Domestics, Ladies' Waists and Capes, Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, Elc. AHD DBESi dOCSSSS,. Call in and see them. Also do not |orgct to sec our new stock Two hundred new pieces. I Fine and serviceable Clothing for Easter, for men, boys, and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct I McHenry, Illinois. newest styles. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION. It ours Truly, OWEN & CHAPELL. Sept. I50wen AOhape'lacctpoor bills.. '• Henrv Keyes Go Treas poor bills. 1 " ;6 C M Adams acet Mrs 8imon8-poor Total paid out... .$3283 37 ted their votes without giving them ir share of the possible winnings. The original agreement was th t all of the pops, and silver republict JS who now hold seats in .the House were to be re nominated and.be supported by the full strength of the combine, and that no democratic nominations for Congress were to be made in any district where a majority oi the anti-republican yotes were not democratic. It is now known that this agreement is to be broken by the democrats, and the other parties to the combine are naturally objecting. MCHENRY COUNTY, Town of McHenry. ) March 29th, 1898 This certifies that we have this day ex amined the accounts and vouchers of E. H. Thompson, Treasurer of the board of Highway Commipsioners of the Town of McHenry and find the same to be cor rect, and the balance in his hands of road and bridge funds the sum of two thousand one hundred and fifty-four dollars and seventy-nine cents. M. J. WALSH, Town Clerk. H. ('. MEAD, J. F. W. A. CBISTY, Supervisor. Auditors Town of McHenry. I®" Senators Gallinger and Thurston have added their testimony as eye witnesses to that of Senator Proctor, as to the deplorable condition of affairs in Cuba and the necessity of immediate action on the part of this government in order to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and chil dren, the victims of the inhuman policy of Spain. Senator GalliDger does not hesitate to openly advocate the annex ation of Cuba, but if the administration and Congress deem it wise to go no farther at this time than intervention he will accept that, provided that it shall be in the interest of free Cuba, entirely inde pendent of Spain anyway. Senator Thurston fully agrees with Senator Proctor and Gallinger that no settle ment will be satisfactory that leaves the Spanish flag flying over any portion of Cuba, and that sentiment is also shared by the majority in Congress. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. 150 3 3 2 35 121 17 bills... 25 Oct. 6, B Waite wk Overocker house ... 2 O M Adams, wood, Mrs Gibbv.. 8 W A Oristy up expense taking F Coleman to poor farm 3 28 Transient meal and R R fare 60 29 W Schreiner rent of bouse to Mrs Blake 14 Nov. 5 W *toff«l cut'g trees Mrs Gibbs.. 3 P Miller " " " " 67 E Perkins saw'gworwi Mrs Gibbs 3 27 N 3 Oolby rent and fuel Young family, and fuel to Sutton 21 Dec 10, W Schreiner r't h'se Mrs Blake 2 Wm Volz cutting thistles 3 1898 Feb. 7,SH Freund Assessors fees 125 Mch 29 W D Wentworth pasting ballots etc spring election 1897 6 J Van Slyke printine notices bal lots and reports 18.98 28 N J Ju ten coffln As F C deman.. 17 Wilber Lumber Oo lumber Over ocker house ... • 45 27 Owen & Ohapell bal poor bills Mrs Uibbe. Mrs Blake, F Carls Young and Overocker fc!2i 26 C M AdamB bal'Mrs Simons bill.. 53 28 J E Oristy coal to Mrs Oomisky.. 4 75 A P Baer mdse to " " •• 15 51 M Knglen ndse D Woodburn .... JO J Evanson & Oorodse Overooker 8 Hanly Bros rrnt Sutton house ... 50 S Stoffel goods to Mrs Simon,Carl and Ooleinan 102 25 | K J, McOmber hardware for the Overocker house ' 3 45 M Btuer she*p killed;by dog*... 82 H stilling •• " y " •• J A P. ' Olb" " " . • Q H C Mead Costs in sheep cases.. 8 35 W A Cristy costs in sheep cases 310 E U Thompson bal 1896 dog tax.. 149 28 11 O Mead attending 2 auditors meetings •.•••;•: M J Walsh Town clerk lees..... 5035 W A Oristy sal and fees as Sup.. 2179 E H Thompson sal as High com.. 70 50 James Green " " *' 73 50 J H Freund " " " 73 50 Total exenditures ,|1476 58 Dollars Made are Dollars Saved. STANDARD FOOTWEAR| INVESTIGATE THIS In narrow, medium and comforta ble lasts. Sizes and prices right. Selection extensive. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Cuffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. • M hen in want of anything in the Implement Line get our prices and we will help you save them. \\ hen you are in McHenry you are cordially invited to make our warehouse headquarters, and we are only pleased to show you our stock, consisting of the very best goods that can be bought, viz : Bradley, Grand Detour and JanesviUe Plows, TURF ATM) STUBBLE* Prairie City Seeders, - Leader Drills, Budlon^ and Grand Dfttoui1 Disc Harrows with stub pole and complete 3-horse Equalizer- Lever & Common Harrows. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) MCHENRY COUNTY, >• BS Town of McHenry, J March 29 th, 1898. This is to Certify that we have this day examined the accounts and voucherB of W. A. Cristy, Supervisor of the town oi McHenry, and find the same to be correct. „ , M. J. WALSH. Town Clerk. H. C. MEAD, J. P. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111., 1898. Wide tire Truck Wagons. All goods guaranteed to be as r e p resented. Our motto : "Jtfbt how cheap but how good--hum st goods." llcpairs-for all machines piomptly attended to. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping for a share of your patronage, I am Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHcnry, March 22, 1898. Paint for Everything Official Ballot, for the Annual Town Election of the Town of McHenry, to be held April 5th, 1898. I M. J, WALSH, Town Clerk. Q Republican Ticket. 0 Democratic Ticket. Spain declares that she will not part with Cuba for any conceivable pecuniary consideration, that her honor, would be compromised by a surrender of the island on a business basis, and that Castilian honor is too priceless a jewel to admit of the slightest degree of tarnish- ment. Spain is a humbug of the first water, and her honor is of a resplendence similiar to that of a rotten mackerel. It appears that some sixty years ago Quern Christina of Spain secretlv offered both Cuba and Porto Rico to King | Louis Philippe of France for the 12,000,000, and that the d( through ' because the thrifty monarch tried to get a few tl thrown off of the price demanded j cut no figure in this transactf Spanish honor ie of no more vi than it wae sixty years agi Ocean. FOR TOWN CLERK, • M. J, WALSH. FOR ASSESSOR, • JOHN HUEMANN. FOR COLLECTOR, • S. W. SMITH. FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS, • JAMES GREEN. FOR TOWN CLERK. • A. O. RUPP, FOR ASSESSOR. • STEPHEN H. FREUND. Almost everything about the house is improved by paint--if the right kind is used. There was a time when one kind of paint was made to serve every purpose. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. makes a special paint for cach kind of work. A paint that will do its special work in the way it can best be done. For floors a hard-drying and hard-wearing paint, to walk on. For chairs and furniture, a bright, glossy paint--that's hard to rnar < or scratch. For bath tubs, a hard, bright enamel--that hot or cold water does not affect. For buildings, a durable paint to withstand the elements. Paints for outside afid paints for inside. We will send a free book describing our different kinds of paints and their differ ent uses if you will send your address. The leading paint dealers keep these paints, THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. m wThingrtouSrSaNew York. KtlnwlntStreet, FOR COLLECTOR, • M. J. FREUND. FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS, !• GEORGE H. SPAULDING. SYRUP CURES i; OR. CALDWELL'S K| PEPSI IM .DIGESTION. BOOK ON DISEASES OF HORSES. Book on diseases "of horses, cattle, Bheep, dogs, hogs and poultry mailed free by addressing Humphreys' Veteri- lary Specifics, corner %illi^m .&nd John 3te., New York. DeWitt's LittieflfiHiisers, The famous Dissolution Notice. r Horace Tilden has sold his interest in the Lakeside Hotel at Fox Lake to A. B. Winne. The latter will continue the business. He assumes all indebtedness ] and all bills due are payable to him. H. P. TILDEN, March 8.1898. A. B. WINNE. For your Spring clothing call on S. Stoffel. All goodfe as represented and warranted. . 'Now is the time to buy wall paper cheap o! S. Stoffel. "SEVENTY-SEVEN" "Seventy-3C-ven" is Dr. Humphreys' famous Specific for the cure of Grip and Colds, and the prevention of Pneumonia. All druggist--25c. Just received a new and up to date line of Pingree & Smith shoes at Owen & Chapell's. See the new Dress Ginghams Calicoes at Owen & Chapell's. E. B. PERKINS, , McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and sec our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the- u 1 • » T> • T> 1 I patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first, np- i ' * plicatioD of it relieved me almost entirely that arc beyond competition.. from the pain and the pecond afforded ... . M , ,, lar^n n«M;. complete relief. In a short time 1 was Room WOUldir flS f0 Match all Wall P8ptr, able to be up and about atrain.--A T. _ ^ ... MOREATTX, Luverne, Minn. Sold by J. A. Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. .All specialties and & Story, Druggist. _ first-class job guaranteed. Call and sec me. No trouble to giro- New Wall Paper with ^ceilings and notimoff s on WOl'k. borders to match now arriving in vast -PI T> T-"WRIT TV SI variety at S. Stoffel's. IS, K. J On the morning of Feb. 20,1895,1 was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed un til May 21st, when [ got a bottle of