Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1898, p. 7

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The Modern Generation of Men. , Physically men are better to-day than ever. Our college youth are, as a general thing, magnificent specimens. The con­ stitutionally weak and nervous can great­ ly increase their strength and restore the nervous system by the efficient aid of Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters, which also re­ moves dyspeptic and bilious trouble. The Rule of Three. _j< Heart disease carried off a Brooklyn man the other night. An old friend was so shocked at the news that he pur­ chased poison and killed himself. His sister then went to the druggist who sold her brother the deadly dose and gave him a piece of her mind. The druggist, whose heart was weak, be­ came excited and dropped dead. Peo­ ple who believe in the rule of three may be Interested In- this singular train fatalities.--New York Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch., WOMEN AND THE "WHEEL. Fi\>m the Gazette. Delaware, Ohio. •• The healthfulness of bicycle ridjng for women is a disputed question. Used in moderation it surely creates for women a means of outdoor exercise, the benefit of which all physicians concede. Used to excess, like any other pastime, its effect is likely to be dangerous. The experience of Miss Bertha Reed, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Mr. J. B. Reed, 335 Lake street. Delaware, Ohio, may point a moral for parents who, like Mr. and Mrs. Reed, have ex­ perienced some concern for their daugh­ ters who are fond of wheeling. In the fall of '9(5 Miss Bertha, who had rid­ den a great deal, began to fail in an alarming manner. IleSt and quiet did f Q a her absolutely 1 P i y s K U n ju pulse at 104-- JPa very h i S h \ have been due She Hides Well * o nervousness when h e e x a m i n e d h e r , h e watched her closely, but her pulse continued dt that rate for two weeks. He was satisfied then, from her high pulse and steadily wasting con­ dition that she was suffering from anae­ mia or a bloodless condition of the body. She became extremely weak, and could rot stand the least noise or excitement. In this condition of affairs they were rec­ ommended by an old friend to get some of that famous blood medicine, Dr. Will- iaii'is' Pink pills for Pale People, They did so, and almost from the first dose Bertha began to improve. She continued to take the pills and was by their means made entirely well, .and more grateful people than her parents cannot be found. Dr. Williams* Pink Pills have proved a boon to womankind..^ciActing directly on the blood and nerves,- they restore the requisite vitality to all parts of the body; creating functional regularity and per- lect harmony throughout the nervous system. The pallor of 'the cheekp is changed to the blush of heailth; the eyes brighten; the muscles grow elastic, ambi­ tion is created and good health returns. EMftbttahed 1780. Chocolate • <<>' •. > . : . • : " '5-;' became very strong. About, two yeafa later I had a running sore on my foot. Et developed into erysipelas and affected the entire limb. At that time I was Very Much Run Down, as I had been troubled with dyspepsia. The drain on my system was so severe and my stomach Was so weak I became a ready victim of malaria. I feared f conld never regain my health. My stomach re­ belled at the simplest food, and the medi­ cines prescribed for me gave but little re­ lief. I sent for a bottle of Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and I had taken this medicine, bat three days when I began to improve. Con­ tinuing with it, I am now better and stronger than I ever expected to be. It has purified my blood and given good cir­ culation. I have had no return of my old troubles since." MRS. \Y. KANE, Media, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilia is '• The Medicine for You Because of what it has done for others; because you ought this spring to take that which will do you the most good. ffrnrrm celebrated for more than a century is a ^ delicious, nutritious, *3* and flesh-forming ^ beverage, has our well-known jj3j Yellow Label on the front of every T3> package, and our ^ trade-mark,"La Belle Chocolatiere,"on the *3' back. Sir William Van Home, president M the Canadian Pacific Railroad, estimates that from $200,000,000 to $250,000,000 will be taken into the Klondike country during the present year, and it is a prob- leir how much of it will be brought out. He bases this estimate upon the expecta­ tion that from 200,000 to 300,000 people will, start for the gold regions, and that each of them will take an average of ?1,- 000, which is very moderate and probably less than the amount. Forty-two steam- ?r» and twenty-four sailing crafts are now; engaged between Puget scund and Alas­ ka, and twelve British steamers and sev­ eral schooners sail regularly from Van­ couver. Every sliip is loaded to the limit of safety with freight and passengers, and the congestion at all of the ports of em­ barkation is increasing instead of being relieved. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for \ Children, ^ Successfully iiseti by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Feverishness. Bad Stomach, Teeth­ ing Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. -.^At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Wanted the Whole Outfit. Mr. Granger (in restaurant)--Hi. tbar, 'mister! Fetch me a dozen uv them thar raw oysters. Waiter--Yes, sir; ou the half shell, sir'.' Mr. Granger-- Naw; bring 'em on tlf •whole shell. I'm'out fer a good time an' 5 reckon I don't keer fer expenses. Lane h fr'am.ily Medicine Moves ihe bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. When a mosquito has gorged himself with human blood he dies within a few hours. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1SG5.--J. R Madison, 2409 42d ave., Chicago. 111. Don't believe the man who vows lie likes you. nor the girl who says she doesn't. NONE OTHER GENUINE. x§' MADE ONLY 6Y • / rt) WALTER BAKER & CO. LtiL, | Dorchester, Mass. Secretary Wilson is trying to impress upon Congress the necessity of passing a pure food law that will protect the export trade in honest agricultural products from the designs of speculators and unscrupu­ lous producers of bogus and adulterated foods. He does not demand prohibition, for that would be impracticable, but in­ sists that all,articles of food that are sent to foreign markets should bear a certifi­ cate of Government inspoction and that they are exactly what they pretend to be. If filled cheese is exported it should go ou the manifest as filled cheese, and the pur- taser on the other side of the water iiould be made fully aware that ha is not buying the genuine article. The same with Hour, which is now being largely adulterated with cornmeal. America's Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all others fai>. Be sure to get Hood's. A Dating Joke. The celebrated Hamlel had such sen­ sitive nerves that he could not bear to hear the tuning of instruments, and so this was always done before he ar­ rived at the theater. A musical wag wishing to make mirth from Handel's Irascibility of temper, stole into the or­ chestra on a night when the Prince of Wales was to be present and untuned all the instruments. As soon as the prince arrived. Handel gave the signal for beginning eon spirito; but such wa.N the horrible discord that the enraged master started up from his seat, and overturning a doubleJbass which stood In his way, he seized a kettle-drum and threw it with such violence at the head of the leader of the band that he lost his wig in the effort. Without wait­ ing to replace it. he advanced bare­ headed to the front of the orchestra, breathing vengeance, but so choked with passion that he could not speak. In his ridiculous attitude he stood stamping and staring for some mo­ ments, amid a convulsion of laughter. Nor could he 1m> prevailed upon to re­ sume his seat until the prince went in person and with much difficulty ap­ peased his wrath. CURES RHEUNIATISM, ETC. ANTHOUSES IN AUSTRALIA. ant exceeded in at least keenness or in­ stinct all other creatures of its kind, It has never been conclusively shown on- til demonstrated by the just made an­ nouncement of Mr. Saville-Kent. The Dog Voted. The Rev. J. C. Wingo was recently re-elected pastor of the Baptist Church at Carrollton by the most unanimous vote ever cast by its members, says the Atlanta Journal. It was at the annual church meeting, over which Doctor Fitts was presiding. One of the members has a pet dog that has been taught a number of tricks, one being to rise to his hind legs and walk at the command "stand." Doctor Wlngo had retired in order that the church might vote on the ques­ tion of his re-election. One brother had moved the re-election of Doctor Wingo. Another had seconded the mo­ tion, and several speeches had been made, while the pug dog, blinking sol­ emnly, sat in the front part of the church. The question was called for. and Doctor Fitts put it: "All who are in favor of the re-elec­ tion of Brother Wingo will please rise and stand." Everybody rose, and then the pug dog got up very solemnly on his hind legs and walked around in front of the pni- pit. Everybody laughed, and then Doctor Wingo was informed that he had been re-elected by the unanimous vote of the members and the dog. . ' DIDN'T MIND BULLETS. The Jndge Liked an 'Argument Too Well to Be Feared by a Shot. ' During the day I had attended court, where a lawsuit of considerable impor­ tance was on trial and which was not decided until G o'clock in the evening, says a writer. Then I went home to stop for the night with the judge who had the case in hand. On the way home we were stopped by a man, who said: "Judge, it is quite likely that the loser of that suit will shoot at you through a window to-night to secure revenge." "Yes, quite likely--thanks," pleasant­ ly replied the judge, as we passed on. At the supper table his wife appeared nervous and uneasy, and before the meal was concluded she said: "Alfred, a man has been seen in front of the house acting rather suspiciously, and I'm afraid lie means you harm." "Yes, I'm afraid so. my dear," replied the judge and then took up the conver­ sation she had interrupted. After supper we adjourned to the li­ brary, and by and by, as we sat at the table with a kerosene lamp between us. there arose an argument connected with the political question. "Sir," said the judge, as he grew heat­ ed by opposition, "they may bring all their sophistry to bear on the question, but nothing will convince me that " At that instant I felt a hot streak along my left cheek, and the lamp ehlm- ney was shivered into a hundred pieces and the light went out. The judge rang a hand bell which was with­ in reach and I thought I heard the notes of the bell before the report of a rifle in front of the house. A negro man came running in. and the judge said: "Julius, bring us another lamp." When the lamp was brought I looked at the judge. He had not changed in the slightest. "Wasn't that a bullet which broke the lamp chimney?" I asked. "Very likely it was," he replied, as he looked around. "And wasn't it meant for you?" "I presume so. There it is,,-in the back of a law book. As I was saying, however, sophistry is not argument, and those champions " "Excuse me, judge," I interrupted, "but the next bullet may kill one of us." "Oh. they never shoot but once, and I want to convince you that your posi­ tion is untenable. You see, to begin with, the Democratic party " But his wife came in and insisted that he give an alarm, and the argu­ ment was never finished. It Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat. Troup, Influ­ enza, Whooping' Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at oneo. Tou •will see the excellent effect after taking UN first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. 26c and 60c Per Bottle. The appearance of Speaker Reed in till House lobby smoking a Wheeling "sto. gie," illustrates the extent to which thai plebeian production of the American to­ bacco manufacturer has made its way in­ to "polite society." For many years the "stogie" h»s been the solace, if not the pride, of the people of the upper Ohio val­ ley and of the lake country between San­ dusky and Buffalo, but its circulation seemed to lx> limited to that region. About five years ago, however, it began to make its way into the vicinity of the capital, and its introduction was favored by sev­ eral Congressmen. With the seal of ap­ proval given by the Speaker, the "stogie" may he said to be fully established in the favor of Washington smokers. The great dome on the Capitol building moves quite a distance every t>ay. In this connection a curious experiment was tried to show how far out of plumb it usually goes. A thin wire was hung from the inner topmost point of the dome. On the l,ower end of the wire was a plumb-bob, in the lower point of which was inserted a lead pencil. It just touched the floor of the rotunda, on which a large sheet of white paper was laid. As the dome mov­ ed it dragged the pencil with it, and con­ sequently left the tracing of its course on the paper.;- An oval fully a foot in length was marked out every day, show­ ing that the apex of the dome of the Cap­ itol moves that much in twenty-four Lours. The World's Sugar Crop. The sugar crop of the world amounts in a normal year to about 8,000 tons, of which the larger part, about 4,500,008 tons, comes from beets, and the re­ mainder, 3,500,000 tons, .from sugar cane. Of the latter, the largest propor­ tion comes from the West Indies and a large amount from the island of Java. pTe&fcAT INV£wr/oT^ ^ REQUIRES NO COOKING 1 MAKES COLLARS AND GUFFS STIFF AND NICE * - AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT REW ^ „ Secretary Alger thinks that at least $5,- J00.000 can be properly expended at once by the engineer corps in strengthening the coast defenses, and the President will probably set aside that amount for the benefit of certain works on the Atlantic and gulf coasts. This will be in the line of permanent improvements. The'.1 ad­ vancement in military science is so ritpW that arms and projectiles soon become ob-i solete. All the beautiful artillery and muskets that were made for the war of the rebellion have gone to the junkshops long ago, where the material we are now spending millions of dollars for will have to follow in a few years. Hopeful Words to Childless Women, ONE POUND OF THIS STABCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. ^*H\)TAcTURED °"LYBy '"U.C.HUBINGER BR0S.C? H^KeokukJowa. NewHavenjConn ̂copyrighted " aME The darkest days of husband and wife are when they come to look forwacfl to a -childless and desolate old age. Many a wife has found herself incapable of motherhood owing to some great lack of strength in the organs of generation. Such a « condition is nearly always due to long con- w 'W t tinued neglect of the plainest warnings. Frequent backache'and distressing pains • accompanied by offensive discharges ^|\ menstruation, indicate a nerve de- p and forfifteen years I w^a^ feel assured she is the result of my taking the j/I(( Compound!.--May B, Wilson, 323 Sassafras 4e&///l\( jjf ^ Modern science and past experience have produced nothing sc effective "Is treating diseases pf the female organs as Lydia E. Pinkham7s Vegetable Com­ pound and Sanative W ash used according to special directions. If you know any woman who is suffering and who is unable to secure relief or who is sorrowful because she believes herself barren, tell her to write to Mrs. I inkham, at Lynn, Mass., and ask her advice. The thousands of Mrs. Pinkharn s cures are all recorded for quick reference, and a reply-will be promptly sent wholly without charge, that will direet^e^What to do. Mrs. B. Bluiim, 4940 San Francisco Ave., Mo., writes:--"It has beea my great desire to have a babe. Since taking yorr'medicine my wish is fulfiUcd.* Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableComponnd; A Woman's RemedyforWomairsIlis The late Senator Bruce had, for years supported the widow and daughter of his former master, who was a planter in Vir­ ginia. They have been entirely dependent upon his bounty, and although there was no legal obligation whatever, they had treated him with great kindness when he was a slave, he had acquired the rudi­ ments of an education from the tutor of his master's son and felt a gratitude that expressed itself in this manner when he learned that they were in needy circum­ stances. This starch is prepared on scientific principles bv m en who have had years of prac tical experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses to tuoir natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. It is the only starch manufactured that is porfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. All in the Eye. Dr. Fltcliett, brother of the editor of the Australian Review of Reviews, was a member of a colonial parliament wherein one day a certain eccentric and elderly member named Taylor in­ sisted on making a speech on education. The oration consisted of a hyperbolical eulogy of the board of schools in Mr. Taylor's constituency. Doctor Fitehett luterjeeted some jocose expression of doubt. "Why, sir," said the irate Taylor, turning upon him, "at this very moment I have a school in my eye " "Xo, only one pupil, Mr. Taylor!" re­ torted the doctor, and the orator's elo­ quence was drowned in laughter. There Is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. , Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without dis­ tress, and but few can tell it from cof­ fee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15c. and 25c. per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. Mountain-Climbing Cat. A mountain-climbing cat has taken its station on the Dent du Midi, in Switzerland, and goes up 3,200 yards with tourists to share their lunch at the top. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease,' A powder to shake into your shoes. It cures Corns and Bunions, Chilblains, Swollen, -Nervous, Damp, Sweating, Smarting. Hot and Callous Feet. At all druggists' and shoe stores, 25c. ASK TO-DAY. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Don't worry about trifles. The hole that lets the water in your shoe will let It out again. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo yulnlno Tablets. All Druggists refund Uie money ir It falls to cure. 25c. The most unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.--Home. Vanity is the oiily intellectual enjoy­ ment of many people. MRE. Winsiow's SOOTHING HTBUT for Chlldrra teetliing^jjoiteus the rams, reduces inflammation, allajs paiuTcitresttN-ino colic. 25 conts a bottle. 1 CANDY CATHARTIC CATHARTIC j| mom It lias been arranged at the War De­ partment that all volunteer soldiers who may be added to the army shall be armed with the latest improved Winchester rifle of 30-caliber. This arm was selected for the reason that it would be more servicea­ ble in the hands of inexperienced troops than the more, complicated Ivrag-Jorgen- sen rifle of the regular service. STILL tHEKE IS MONEY IN IT. Carl Vollen sold $350 of Salzer's Cab­ bage. Labor, seed, rent and all did not cost him $50. profit $300. You can beat that and make lots of money on Early Radishes, Peas, Lettuce, ^lushrooms, Onions, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Pota­ toes, etc. Salzer warrants his seeds the earliest in the world. Potatoes only $1.50 per barrel. Millions of Raspber­ ries, Cherries, Apples and small fruits. Catalogue tells all about them. Send this Notice with 14c. Stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., and get free their big Plant and Seed Catalogue and 10 packages vege­ table and flower seeds, novelties worth $1.00. . e. n. G. W.'s Motto. "Boys," said the school teacher, "who can tell me George Washington's mot­ to?" Several hands went up. "Philip Perkasie, you may tell." "When in doubt, tell the truth."--De­ troit Free Press. •CURE CONSTIPATION The Corean minister fears that he will have to close the legation and go home be­ cause he does not receive any money from his Government. The minister is very much in debt, and it is said that he has not received any remittances either on ac­ count ol' his salary or expenses for a year or more, although iie is a great favorite of the king and has twice saved his majesty from assassination. II Ejt§ m SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. POTATOES •A L*r(I'«t Seed i'O'l'ATtl groirer* in Amcrlrn. YJ h\ ,Tlae "ltur«l New-Vorki-r" circa SALZER'S j S EARLIEST u yield of 464 biiftheU per acre, ijv Price* dirt cheap* Onrgreal 8KEII BOOK, 11 Farm y} Seed aamplos, north Jk.'O »o gel a start, or lOc. end lbl« <| •& notice. JOHN A.SAlfcSKSKKDCO.,LaCroste,His.(C.N.) J One of the obstacles to the purchase of warships in foreign countries is the differ­ ence between the calibers of the guns and the United States standards, and ammu­ nition for the foreign guns will have to be purcha«ed in Europe. CURE YOURSELF! y^UPRElSV I Uee Bic G for unnatural /in J to 6 I discharges, inflammations, / Guaranteed y irritations or ulcerations I not to atrUturr. of mucous membranes. IPrareau contagion. l'ainless. and not astric- ITHeEvANSChEMICALCO. gent or poisonous. \Q!NCINNATI,0.r~~1 Sold b-T IT. 8. A. 7 r or sent in plain wrapper, I by express, prepaid, for \l <1 .on. or 3 bottles, $2 ."ft. u Circular sent on request. Say Aye 'No' and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar ried." Don't Refuse AIJ Our Advice to Use Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you wantacoat that will keep you dry in the hard­ est storm buy •the Fish Brand Slicker. If notfor sale In your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. All the private establishments in the country are now at work night and day and seven days in the week tilling the or­ ders of the ordnance department. • How to grrow wheat 4<>P a bu. nndSSl bus. oats- f • 173 bus. barley nud 1600 bus. potatoes per acre- * JtTSEK OUJl GREAT .CATALOGUK mailed you I N «eed satnnle., upon receipt of I 'THIS NOTICE and lO cent* In •tumpi. I 4 JOHN A *?KR SKKD CO.. I.A CROSS*. WIS. (C.N.) A fy I«ql att •««•»•»» »«..•»»«><»» J Tfl rVPUHHPF for Rstil>llshed business-«»•?• Ill LAiinHIIDL room coUaift'S ;u,<l 3.< lots, freo Rid c ear, in Clilcauo inwir irolleiBi. erice. $20,000. Wi.'I taku stock i.nd real esiaU. Address u iiliam tL. .uorrell. 34 West. B.iili St.. New lorlt. N. *. CFI r.HCilTlliC match sape-vw fw*. OtLl Llbn IlllU et. Agents wanted, tend Si for 10 samples. <AT -5C SINGIE saiupUi. (irea est n velty of tillage- Ouict fe'l'T. BitttiiNGHA-U .-PECIaLi* CJMPANI, 2U17 i'lrsl Avenue. Uiruiinsh m. Aia. I Weariskto pain 1C0.000 new cn»-( | K# toraers, and henco offer . , I Pke7l3 Day Radish, l®8 1 Pkg. Karlr Spring Turnip, Mc J 1 " Earliest Red Boet, 10c < I 1 " Bismarck Cncnmber, 10c I I 1 " Uaeen Victoria Lettuce, 15o ( | 1 *' Klondyke Melon, 16c | i 1 " Jumbo Giant Onion, ' \uc , [ 3 " Brilliant Flower Seedo, lac | j Worth 91.00. for 14 cent*. | | Abovo 10 pkgs. worth $1.00, we will ̂ i mail yon free, together-with onr i i great Plant and Seed Catalogue , . upon receipt of this notice and 14c. : : postage. We invito your trade and [ know when yon once try Salzer's I i seeds you will never get alone with- ( | out them. Potatliestt8l.SO aBbl.CatalogaloneSc. No.C.N. j j JOMN A. SALZER 8FKD CO., hk CROSS*. WIS. ( | S®889®®®e3©0@®©®e©®0®©®O< 9 SAPOLIO The President has signed the bill appro­ priating $280,000 to the Methodist Epis­ copal Church South for property of tha< association used during the war. WE HAVE NO AGENTS Something entirely new. FREtCMT PAID. A better Keale for less money than h&s ever lieen offered. Address, Jon»s'o f EinghamtoTi, liiu};liaint„n, M. Y. Shall we en­ dure or cure Cutler's Carbolatc of Iodine l'oeket labata Guaranteed to curt- CATAKKH ana unmrbiUi AUdrugyUls. By mail $1.00. Address W. 11. SMITH & CO., ITojbw Uu£Ula,X.£. UUHtS WHIHE ALL Eli* FAILS. „ UUKES WHERE ALL ELSE V..., Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. Sold by druggists. For they know , the comfort of prompt relief. Ask those who have used (ENS10NS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. J O H N W M O R R I S , W A S H I N G T O N . D . C . Late Principal Examiner U. S. Pension Bureau, in u&r, K*udjudlcat-wi cl uttj . c* r» writing to AJrertlsers. please 4e act f«2t 4% tloa von saw the Advertisement (a Ik2i naatr.

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