THEOFSWAN New Board of Supervisors. The new board of supervisors will be constituted as follows, those marked with a * being hold-overs, those with a f new members,and those with a t reelected: Riley.... Brot zm u» Marengo JE. D Shurt!eff Duiihiui ! *R J. Beck Chemung tJaraes Lake Aldeu *VV. D Coruue Hartlaud $Wm. Desmond Seneca S. Mills Coral E. Stevens Graito.i Jjohn WVltzien Doir v..... *L T. Hoy Qretnwood t E. Clark Hebron *H. F. Joiif-s Richmoud... fL B. ('ovell Bu'ton. . i .*.v. M. Wray McHeury A. Crist,? Nunda ; iJohn H. Gracv Algonquin...... ....flames Nish i Modern Treatment of j \ ft# SIMON rOFFEL ) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1898, O W E N * J, VAN SLYKE, Editor. WJE^T MoIiWNIilY, I» L, j; The latest work on the j !• ] > treatment of diseases^ written j [ | > by forty eminent American j j il physicians, says: ^Cod-liver i > | v oil has done more for the con- 1 > 11 sumptive than all other reme- \! | • dies put together." It also j | 11 says: 44 The hypophosphites j | § of lime and soda are regarded ] [ by many English observers as o | specifics for consumption." I Scott's Emulsion ii> REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, 8TH CONGRESSIONAL DIS±RICr. Tho Republicans of the counties composing tbe Eighth congressional district of the stato of Illinois arc requested to send delegates to ft convention'to be held at the Opera Houie In the city of Aurora, Kane County, state of Illi nois, WeJnecday, the (4th) fourth day of May, 1898, *t 11 o'clock A, M,. for the purpose of placing in nominotion a candidate for repre sentative in Congress. The several counties In the district will be entitled to delegates as follows: Kane ;. ... ..\41 eKalb Is) McHenry. „ 17 Grundy » 11 DuPage... ....14 Kendall .... 7 Total number Of delegates ios> H. T. ROCKWELL Kane Co., VBANK ltowE, McHeniy Oo.t CHAS. A BiSHor, DrKalb O-,., J. E TUKFIN, Kendall Co.. FKANK CLABK, Grundt Co T. S. ROGEBS, Oupape Co , Congressional Committee. Dated this-e2(l day of Maroh, 189S. "ty'ish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings, Percailes, Prints, Domestics, Ladies' Waists and Capes, Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, E»c. Fine and serviceable Clothing for Easter, for men, boys, and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct newest styles. STANDARD FOOTWrAR Id narrow, medium and comforta ble lasts. Sizes and prices right, election extensive. Geiit's Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Cuffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. (SUCCESSORS TO TERRY & OWEN.) Pertinent Questions. If a navy ifl not built and maintained for the defease of the national honor and interests, what is it for? If the national honor Ijs not assailed when one of our warships is treachery ously bio vn up by a submarine mine in the harbor of a power with which we are at peace, what sort of , a thing in na tional ho^or, and how could it be contains the best cod-liver oil j j in a partially digested form, < » combined with the Hypophos- j I phites of Lime and Soda, This ] \ remedy, a standard for a j| quarter of a century, is in < J exact accord with the latest o views of the medical profession, o Be sure you get SCOTT'S < ( Emulsion.- {( All druggists; 50c. and $1.00. W SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. X REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CONVEN TION 8TH DISTRICT. The republicans of the Counties composing the Eighth Senatorial District of the State of Illinois are requested to send delegates to a convention to be held at the Court House in the city of Woodstock, county of MeHenj-'y and stato of Illinois, on Saturday, the fourth (4th) day of June, 1898, at tbe hour of 1J o'clock A. for the^purpose of; placing in nomina tion candidates for the legislature of the-state of Illinois, ai)d to transact such other business as may regularly come before such convention. The several counties in said district will be entiled to the following number of delegates Lake.......*.. . 20 McHenry W Boone. 13 Total number of delegates 53 JOHN E BALLARD, 1 OHAS. PHILIPS, sLake Co, THOMAS STKANG, ) JAS, B. 1'EBRY, ] D, T. SMILEY, \ Mc Henry Go. GEO A BENNET, .) AUFASSETT, ) W C DEWOLF, VBjoneCo. • . F. I. HALL, J Dated this let day of April,1898, And if when a ship is thus destroyed aad 266 of her crew are killed we make no demand for apology for tl*e insult or atoiinm^nt for the crime, what i6 th<* navy f >r ? What is the good of an army? And why cheer the fl*g and boast of our patriotism and our prowess1--Exchange (6T* General Grant, ^the- soldier and statesmen, appeared also, at least once, in the role of prophet. It was in his re markable speech at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1875, when he said: "If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict jthat ti e di viding line will not be Mason'and Dix on's, but between patriotism and intelli* gence the one side, and superstition, am bition, and ignorance on the other." If Grant were still among us to watch the events in our country, he would have no cause to revise his prophetic utterance, although he might expand and intensify I take this way of catling atteqjton to the l«ct that I still have 100 acres of the Jed Gould farm, 2)tf miles north of Wauconda and 5 miles west or Rockefeller, for sale or rent, Trade is starting out on a career destined to even outtival any season of our entire experience. New styles of spring Footwear. you only understood tne many fine points of their construction, the sewing, lining, and the importance of technical details, there would be no need of salesmen, save for the attention of proper fit ting, and the wrapping of the bundles. So will cut down to80 acres if waited which will make a fine little dairy farm near cream ery. Since obtainirg deeds and abstract of this farm, I have had no ehance to offer same forsa'e. The U. L Co., as well as mvialf, having had many proposals they feel that de lay is quite unnecessary, so urge me to close tip deal, which I propose to promptly push as soon as home from K&stern REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The Republican voters of McHenrv county are requested to send delegated to the Republican county convention, to be held at the court house, in tbe city ot Woodstock, Monday, April 25,1898. at 1. P. M., for the purpose of seluctinc thirteen (13) delegates to represent said county in the state convention to fx held ait Springfield, 111., June 14, 1898; also seventeen (17) delegates to repre sent said county in the congressional convention to be held at Aurora, 111., May 4,1898 ;also twenty (20) delegate? to represent Baid county in the senato rial convention to be held at Woodstock, June 4, 1898; also for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following county offices: €ountj judge, county clerk, county treasurer, sheriff, and county superintendent of schools, and for the purpose of trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before the convention. The several towns of the county arr entitled to the following representation : Riley 8 Hebron 16 Marengo...,. 27 Richmond 15 Dunham..... ;...... 8 Burton 3 Chemung 33 McHenry........17 Alden 9 Nunda 11 Hartland 4 Barreville 6 Seneca 11 Algonquin 12 Coral 11 Crystal Lake.. 7 Grafton 10 Cary 8 Dorr. 30 --r- Greenwood 8 Total 254 It IB recommended by the committee that the various towns hold their cau cuses on Saturday, April 23,1898. By order of the McBenry County Re publican Central Committee. L. T. HOY. Chairman. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. ARKANSAS! DEATH OF aEO. S. TITTER. We learn of the death of George S; Dtter, which occurred at his home in Raveuswood, a Chicago suburb, on the 31st. of March. The final cause of his death was, we understand, heart failure superinduced by pneumonia. He was about 62 years of age and was well known by many in this county, being it one time editor and publisher of the Richmond Gazette. George Utter was a pleasant, social man, large hearted and kind, liberal with his^family and generous to a fault. He leaves a wife and seven grown up daugh ters to mourn his death. The remains were buried at Rose Hill last Sunday afternoon. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. ? , Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. ^ SIMON STOFFEL. ^.fWeat McHenrv, JI1., 1898. •/, Now this farm must he sold soon or rented, and at low pricea considering qualitv. Go and look It over yourself. We will have loan made on tame if wanted, Wa'king Plows, Lever Harrows. Pulueri/,ers Farm Harness, Milk Cans and tbe like at cat rate prices, TJnsystematically Yours, LOSVG DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION T V. SLOCUM Yours Truly, HUMPHREYS OWEN & CHAPELL No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. . 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 4< Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. DE. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Small bottles of pleasant pellets, fit the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid upon receipt of price, 25 cents, except Nos. 28. and are made $1.00 size only. Humphreys' Medi cine Company, 111 William St., New York. The Bight Han in the Bight Place. The Wheaton lllinoian, in a review of things political says: "It will also be necessary to elect a congressman this fall from this district. There is not the least opposition to • Congressman Hopkins, who has so well and so ably represented this district for thirteen yaers. He tabes rank among the leading men of the country, and in Washington, as in his own district, he ie regarded as one of the brightest and ablest men in public life. His growth has been rapid and his offi cial rocord iB singularly cl an. The 8th district is indeed proud of its popu lar, able and worthy congressman, who is sure to be his own successor which willtaake the seventh time he will be the unanimous choice of the Republi cans t f this district as their representa tive in congress." lUfcHenry Illinois N. J. JUSTEN GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can bo desired in fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in all lines. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES 1^* Butter was scarce on the ElgiH Board of Trade on Monday; of 115 tubs offered twenty were withdrawn on bids of 20%c. Sales were 65 tubs at 20c, thirty tubs' at 20%c. The quotation committee declared the market firm at 20c. Sales last week, 11,000 tubs. But ter last week, 20c. One year ago, 16% @ 18.c A Gold Mine Might be offered to some people and they would not take it, but those who buy good land in a good country at a low price can not make a mistake as the increase in value will make them wealthy. See advertisement in this pa per of C. S. Graves, Janesville, Wis., and write for particulars. This land is bound to increase in value in a short time Pii2u §10 per acre on easy terms. MAY MAKE A HOME The Undertaking Department, Calls for special mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before 1 uying. But wc won't think much of that kind of a home unless the dec orations on those walls are bright, cheerful and inviting. Our late purchases of the entire stock of H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles--External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding j Fistula In Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief Is immediate--the cure certain. PRICE, 60 OXS. TRIAL SIZE. 25 OTS. Sold by Drngglata, or eent post-paid on receipt ot price. HOUPllBJiTO' HBO. CO.. til* lis WUIl*m 8t,.EEW YOKE LADIES, have you a good sewing ma chine or bicycle? If not send your ad dress to the Evans Chemical Company, of Belvidere, 111.,and receive full particu lar for securing a nickle plated sewing machine or a high grade bicycle for services at odd hours. Mrs. A. Inven, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111,, suffered with sciatic rheu matism for over eight months She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, udiug various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a hali bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which (ffected a complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others simibi ly afflicted to know what cured her. Tne 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bv J. A. Story. Patrouizi! A. Wegener, the Wes^ Mc Henry hamtes maker for any goods in his line. Inspect our ne* stoc> of fine shoes for coming spring trade. Correct stjles, right values an i gool selections at S. Stoffel's. See the new Dress Ginghams and Calicoes at Owen & Chapell's. N. J. JUSTEN Wall Paper, Paints, Brushes, Etc West M •. lenry, 1898 Of J. F. McGarry, Paper Hangers and Decorators, gives you an exceptional opportunity in purchasing anything in this line. We quote prices that we doubt will ever again be equahd. McGarry Wall Paper, pretty styles, gilt and glimmer, were sold at 6 and 8 cents per roll, our price 2 ccnts Dining Room, Hall and Bed Room Paper, all new, choice de signs and tints, blended Borders to match, 10 and 15 cent values, your choice ...... ...... 5 cents Parlor, Drawing Room and Library Paper, in latest designs and colorings, with pretty blended freizes, bought by McGarry to sell at 15 to 20 cents, all go an sale at .... 10 cents Strictly puro St. Louis V*. hite Lead, per 100 lbs.^ .... $4.75 Boiled Linseed Oil, per gallon, 45 cents INVESTIGATE THIS Dollars Made are Dollars Saved. Vi hen in want of anything in the Implement Line get our prices and we Avill help you save them, w hen you are in McHenry you arc cordially invited to make our warehouse headquarters, and wo are only pleased to show you our stock, consisting of the very best goods that can be bought, viz : SIMON ST0FFEL, WEST|MeHBNRY, ILL. Bradley, Grand Detour and Janesville Plows. TURF AM> STUBBLE* Prairie City Seeders, - Leader Drills, Budlon^ and Grand Detour Disc Harrows with stub pole and complete 3-horse Equalizer- Lever & Common Harrows. The only complete Sheet Music Stock outside of -Chicago. The growth of this department the past year has been marvelous. You find here all the old favorites,and every new piece as soon as published, all at one-half and less than published prices. We are prepared to fill mail orders the day they are received for any piece published. Narional Music Co., Gem Collection, 6 ccnts iMcKin- lcy Music Company, Choice Composition, -10 cents. Send address on Postal Card for complete lifts of Sheet Music. Order by mail and save 50 to 75 per cent on every copy. THE McHENRY MAMBIil AND M^BLmak wobis«^« JP JJH^MILLER, Prep. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED OBK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign an()| American Granite a Specialty. I IffcHENPVf ILL Wide tire Truck Wagons. All goods guaranteed to be as rep resented. Our motto : ';^ot how cheap but how good--honest goods." Repairs for all machines promptly attended to. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping for a share of your patronage, I am Very Truly Yours, * f|| ?li|| TJEIEO, F, SWAIV, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIN, McHenry, March 22, 1898,