Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1898, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1898. -- J, VAN 8LYKE, Editor. - REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, 8TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. The Republicans of the counties composing the Eighth congressional district of the state of Illinois are requested to send delegates to a convention to be held at the Opera House in the city of Aurora, Kane County, state of Illi- noi< Wedneeday, the (4th) fourth day of May, 1898, i t 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for'repre­ sentative in Congress. The several counties in the district will be entitled to delegates as follows: = K f c f f f t . . . . ....... 41 W McHenry I7 Grnndy 1' it »U Kenda Total number of delegates.... . . . . . . . . .10!) H. T. ROCKWELL Kane Co., PBAKK HOWE , McHemy Oo., CHAS, A BISHOP, D'Kalb O J. E TURPIN , Kendall Co >F . FRANK CLARK , Grundv Co T. S. ROGERS, Dupare Co , H Congressional Committee. Dated this -i2d day of March, 1898. REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL fcONVEN TION 8TH DISTRICT. The republicans of the Counties composing tb9 Eighth Senatorial District of the State of Illinois are requested to send delegates to a convention to be held at the Court House in the city of Woodstock, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, on Saturday, the fourth (4th) day of June, 1898, at the hour of 11 o'clock A M., for the purpose of placing'in .nomina­ tion candidates for the legislature of the stat^ of Illinois, and to transact such other busine ss as may regularly come before such convention. The several counties in said district will bo entitled to the following numberof delegates Lake..... 20 McHenry Boone I3 BP A notable phase of the situation in Washingtor, is the number and the heurtiuess of expressions of good will towards Englishmen. It has been known of course, from the beginning that the sentiment of England was the same as that of the United States in regard to the rec d of putting an end to Spanish butchery and starvation of innocent non-combatants in Cuba, and officials have known that the English government has stood like a wall of granite in front of every proposal made by the three European governments that are favora­ ble to Spain as far as they dare be to combine the European powers for the pur­ pose of forcibly interfering in behalf of Spain, or of threatening to do so, and believed that it was only that obstacle that prevented an r.nti-American coali­ tion of European nations. There things, together with the current tone of the English press, have touched a responsive cord in many American breasts, and an- causing a great deal of talk about the probability of an alliance between the United States and Great Britain, and of the great power that could be wielded among the nations of the world by such an alliance. The strength of a team composed of Uncle Sam and John Bull woulrt be unquestioned, either in peace or war. " pathy and assistance, and truBt that, foMowing the star which guided this country in its struggle, they will within a short time secure their ft-eedom • and in­ dependence and take their plase as an in­ dependent nation among the nations of the world. Be it further Resolved, That, the delegates to the state convention be instructed to vote For, and use all honor by means to se­ cure the nomination of Ployd K. Whittemore for state treasurer, and that the delegation to the Congressional con­ vention be instructed to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the nomi­ nation of the Hon. Albert J. Hopkins for Congress. Be it further Resolved, That the delegates to the •tate, congressional and senatorial con­ ventions be instructed to vote on all matters coming before said delegation* as a majority of said delegates may di­ rect and that all votes be cast by ^nd -through the chairman of said delega- tion. . - Resolutions were accepted and adopted. Committee on delegates reported as follows: 8TATB. Geo. A. Bennett F. K. Granger S. C. Weftiham Asad Udell R W, Overton S. Wright, John W eltzien, P. W. Blnnehard E. S. Wilcox Fred Hatch Geo. Eckert, James Philp, Sr. R. J. Been. ' CONGRESSIONAL. R ; • J* SI MOM STOFFEI WEST MoHENRY, I. L. Total number of delegates 53 JOHN E BALLARD, ) OH AS. PHILIPS, vLake Co. THOMAS STRANG, ) JAS, B. PEBRV, ) D, T. SMILET, V Mcllenry Co. GEO A BENNET, ) AUFABSF.TT, ) W C DEWOLF, V B jone Co. F.I.HALL, 5 ^... Dated this 1st day of April,1898. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican County Convention, held at Woodstock on Monday last, nominated the following ticket: County Judge--O. H. Gilmore. County Clerk--Geo. H. Rushton. Treasurer--Frank F. Axtell. -- Sheriff--Henry Keyee. Superintendent of Schools--W. E. Wire We have neither time n.o|; space to make more extended reifiarks on the sub­ ject at this time bu^Tshall do so in the near future. Suffice to say the Conven tion was harmonious throughout, and the candidates nominated will undoubt edly receive the full Republican vote in November. The gist ol the proceedings can be found in another place in this paper. V6&* On the Elgin Board of Trade Mon­ day 137 tubs of butter were offered but none sold, not a bid being made. One lot was offered at 17c. Market was de­ clared steady at 16,'^c. A week ago 17c was paid and a year ago 16c. Sales re­ ported for the week. 10,400 tubs. IST"It has been decided this govern­ ment will not issue any letters of marque and reprisal, nor in any way countenance privateering. If Spain chooses to allow privateering she can do so, provided the European powers, the commerce of which would be interfered with thereby, do not forbid it. 16?""War is hell," said a great Ameri­ can commander long years ago, and war on the deep is doubtly so. There is-^bo chance for the coward to escape and tell of his bravery in the years to come. Every man on a warship must fight or jump overboard. The cost of a nava! engagement is astonising. It is esti­ mated that an hour's fight between two great battleships will cost at lea6t $l3- 500,000 and that does not count the damage that may be done to each ship. The cost of firing a 13-inch gun is sum­ med up as follows: poof! boom! crash ! cost SI ,000! These guns can be fired only about once in two minutes, if th< gunners are well trained. t®* There once lived in the state of Texas a whipper-snapper of a politician who proclaimed that he was a "bigger man than old Grant." The fact was he wasn't, and he died unhonored, unwept and unsung, the same as the later whip- p3r-snappers will do who now think the.v are bigger than McKinley and know better than he how things in the present crisis should be done. It is the death y of all vermin to die in the way tie Texas man did and to have their men - ory rot and stink in oblivion. There is compensation for these nuisances in the thought that they will so make their exit out of the world and so rot and be no more a nuisance. Good Marksmanship. In gun practice the other day the battleship Indiana did some fine work that ought to be exploited as far as pos­ sible in Spain. Two shots from her 13- inch guns were put through the same hole in One target. These open sea tar­ gets for great gun practice are small squares or triangles of canvas and toeB about on the waves in the most .perplex­ ing manner. The ship is a restless firing base and accurate marksmanship under such circumstances is indicative of the highest training in the judgment of dis­ tances and the acceptance of opportuni­ ties. in the war of 1812 the Ameiican gunners did some admirable work. American gunnery has always been held in highest esteem by other nations and In the opinion of the Washington Star, the performance by the men of the Indiana may be taken as evidence that the American eye is as clear as ever and that the lan.vards are pulled wifK the same deadly precision as early in the century. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cared by using three boxes of De- Witt's Witch Hazel S#lve. J. A. Story Republican County Convention. The McHenry county Republican con­ vention was called to order at the court house in Woodstock at 1:10 P. M. on Monday, April 25,1898, by L. T. Hoy. chairman of the county committee, who presented the name of Hon. F. K Granger for temporary chairman aud he was unanimously elected. C. A . Lemmers, of the Woodstock Sentinel, was elected temporary secre­ tary, and the editors of the Republican papers of the county assistant secre­ taries.] Moved that the chairman of the vari­ ous delegations constitute the commit­ tee on credentials. Amendment offered that each delegation select a member of said committee, except towns in which there was a contest. Amendment car­ ried. Moved and carried that credentials bb hauded to the secretary, which was done. Secretary reported all towns represented, and contesting delegations from Rich­ mond and Crystal Lake, On motion the lists were refered to the committee on credentials. A recess of thirty minutes was voted, which was extended for over two hours, after which the committee on credentials reported as follows: Your committee on credentials would respectfully report that they find no contests in the following towns: Dun­ ham, Chemung, Aiaen, Hebron, Burton, Hartland, Grafton, Greenwood, Dorr, Seneca, McHenry, Riley, Marengo, Coral, Algonquin, Cary, Nunda and Barreville, and that the delegates ramed in the cre­ dentials from the respective towns aud precintB are entitled to seats as delegates in this convention. We would further report that, after listening to the statements of the par­ ties, witnesses and others and examining the papers submitted we find that t' e delegation headed by Richard W. Over­ ton, from the town of Richmond, wrre regularly elected and are entitled to seats as delegates in this convention. We would farther report that in the contest from the precinct of Crystal Lake, we find that each delegation shall be entitled to seats in the convention and that the delegates should be entitled to one half vote each. We would further report that the town committee selected by the regularly organized caucus which John Church was chairman aud W. B. Fitch was secretary is the regular precinct committee of said precinct. On motion the report was unanimous ly adopted. Oa motion the temporary organiza­ tion was made permanent. Moved and carried that a committee of five, to consist of E. D. Shurtleff, M. W. Lake, W. A. Cristy, J. W. Chewing and L. T, Hoy, be elected to select the delegates to theState, Congressional and Senatorial conventions. Moved and carried that a committee on resolutions be selected, to consists of one from each delegation. Moved and carried that the delegates from each township select a member of the county central committee. Commit­ tee selected: Riley--John Brotzman. Marengo--Charles Scofield. Dunham--R.J. Beck. Chemune--H. D. Crumb. Alden--E . Smith. Hart land--T. U. Brown. Seneca--C. W. Dietz. Coral--F. A. Fisher. Grafton--E. H. Cook. Dorr--L. T. Hoy. Greenwood--M. Long. Hebron--W. E. Wire. Richmond--Wm. McGaw. Burton--J. R. Cole. McHenry--H. C. Mead. Nunda--S. S. Shepard. Algonquin--Chas. Wandrack. Moved and carried that the gentlemen named be the county central committee for ensuing two years. The committee on resolutions present ed the following report: WHEREAS, AS Republicans we d«em it our duty to express our sentiments 01 the grave questions now agitatiug tbi public; therefore be it Resolved, By the representatives of the Republicans of McHenry county in con vention assembled, that we endorse th. admiustrations of Wm. McKinley as president and John R. Tanner as gov enor. Be it further Resolved, That we approve of and endorse the action and conduct of our representative in Congress, the Hon. A J. Hopkins. Be it further Resolved, That in, our opinion the island of Cuba of right ought to be fret and independent and we approve of thi' action of Congress and the president in recognizing it as free and offering the naval and land forces of this country to enforce and carry into effect such recog- nation. Be it further Resolved, That the people of thi country owe it to themselves, regardless of party affiliations, to unite and co operate with the president and Congresn in their efforts to secure for a long suf fering people that freedom which for one hundred years has made the United States a refuge for the oppressed and an asylum for the liberty-loving people oi the wbrld. Be it further Resolved, That we tender to the presi dent and Congress pur moral, and if M. F. Walsh, . E. S. Smith, C. F. iienich, Geo. Crego, ^ L M. Lillibridge, J V. Aldrich. Chas. Wandrack, C. F. Webber, J. O. Maxon, E. E. Richards, Burton Wright, J. Q. Adams, M. W. Merry, W. A. Cristy, A. S. Oorl, T. H. Brown, O W E N Mark Bates. SENATORIAL. A. H. Lincoln, John McFadden, Chas. Schofield, E D. Shurtleff, F. C. Wells, G. B. Richards, C. S. Northrop, D. T. Smiley, S. H. Callender," C. E. Hillyer, T. P. Marshal, C. F. Dike, J. M. Edsall, J B. Perry, J. Van Slyke, M. Lone:, Jas. Nish, - John Rawley, L. D. Lowell, H. F. Jones. On motion Judge 0. H. Gillmore wai- nominated for county judge by acclama­ tion. Moved that where there is but one nomination the vote be by acclamation. Carried. On motion Geo. F. Rushton was nomi­ nated for county clerk by acclamation. For treasurer Chemung named Frank F. Axtell, and McHenry named Jas. B. Perry. Ballot resulted in the nomi­ nation of F. F. Axtell, Mr. Perry's nam* being withdrawn before the ballot wat announced. For sheriff Riley presented the name ol N. Brotzman, Marengo the name of D W. Hewitt, Nunda the name of L. Ben- thusen and Algonquin the name o' Henry Keyes. There were three Ballots taken which resulted in the nomination of Henry Keyes. W. E. Wire.was nominated for county superintendent of schools by acclama­ tion. Moved that a vote of thanks be ex­ tended the presiding officer, the secre tary and his assistants. Carried. On motion the convention adjourned. Stylish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings, Percailes, Prints, Domestics, ' Ladies' Waists and Capes. Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, Etc. Fine and serviceable Clothing for Easter, for men. boys, and children, infill sizes. Best makes, correct newest styles. STANDARD FOOTWEAR ID narrow, medium and comforta­ ble lasts. Sizes and prices right. Selection extensive. Gents Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Cuffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. (SUCCESSORS TO PFRRY & OWEN.) WAR ©as? HIGH PRICES. Wc maintain the standard of excellence in Pure Food which, has been ours since we'went intothe Grocery business* Absolute purity and low prices make us grow rapidly, r % Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station SIMON West McHenry, III., 1898. "Gen. Grosrenor, in a speech pro testing against the construction that certain newspapers had put upon word? recently used by him. "This war will be fought under the banner of the republi­ can administration of this government or not at all" stated that he meant tin words to mean just what they said; and not that the conduct of the war was to be made a partisan question. He con­ cluded as follows, amid the enthusiastic applause of the House and the crowded galleries: "I believe this war will be ener getically waged both in a military sense and in the legislation necssary to carry it on, and I believe the response to call to arms will be unanimous. There will be no political division. It will conn from democrats, populists, as well a^ from republicans, and especially do I be­ lieve the response to patriotism will comf from every southern state, and that thf whole Union will share the triumphant echo of loyalty." Children's Jackets, all sizes and at S. Stoffel's. styles Your Doctor Knows Your doctor knows all about foods and medioines. The next time you see him, 1 just ask him what he thinks SCOW'S Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphitea. We are willing to trust in his answer. For twenty-five years doc­ tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak­ ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all diseases that cause t loss in flesh. Its creamy color and its pleasant taste make it es­ pecially useful for t.hin and delicate children. No other preparation of cod- , liver oil is like it. Don't lose tine and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried. Keep in mind that SOOTT'S EMULSION has stood the test, for a quarter of a century. Soc. and $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUtt, New York. V, S. LUMLlfiY, ATTORNEY. Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County | Circuit Court of McHenry County, May Term, A D 1898, Stella Oook, Jane M Richmond and flarah Cook VB Gtorge O Dean, Ellen M Dean, John Rathburn, James O Kennedy, and Silas Rathburn, and the unknown heirs or devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, in Chancery. Affidavit that the residence of Gnorsre 0 Dean. Ellen E Dean, his wife, John liath- burn. James 0 Kennedy and H'as Rathlairn, is unknown and that ihe heirs and divisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, are unknown defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court oflMcHenry Co, notice is hereby given to the said defendant*, that the com- plainrnt filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the * hancery side iheroofon t e 19th day of April, A D 1898, aud that a pummons thereupon issued out of said court against jaid defendants, {returnable on the 23d day of Maj, A D 1898. as is by law requireu. ow, therefore, unless you, the said Geortre 0 Dean, Ellen E Dean, his wife, John Rath­ burn, James C Kennedy and Silas Rathburn, and the unknown heirs and devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased shall person- ally be and appear Lefore the said Circuit Court of McHenry county on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court House, in the city of Woodetock, in said co inty, o • the 23d day of May. A I) 189S, atd j.let d. answer or demur to the said com- plaii ant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated wi l he taken as confessed ana a decree enter­ ed against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set mj h 1 no and affixed the soul of said my effl e in Woodstock this l»th day of April. A D .898 G B RICHARDS, Clerk V S LUMLEY . Complainant's solicitor. Dated April 19th, iD 1898. Tie Great Profinc he Stain, GEORGE O. E. RICHARDSON; VOLO, ILL. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Drugs, Paints and Oils, Flour, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gro­ ceries etc., etc. Look at the Bargains! 10 bars Laundry Soap, 25c Starch, per pound, 5c Columbia Mustard, per 11), 10c Floor Matting, 15c and up Summer Underwear, 50c per suit Kid Gloves, only 75c per pail Sweaters, Sweat Pads, Harness Extras, Whips, Hardware, Shoes, and hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. AT SOCK bottom: PBICES. Commenci ? j <r J. nee. We will quote you prices that will gladden the hearts of our patrons, with„a collection of goods 1 hat fairly sets the store abloom. Our specials will be found"in the following : Dress Goods, Clothing, Hosiery, Wash Goods, Handkerch'efs, Corsets, Domestic, etc. Trade is starting out on a career destined to even outiival any season of our entire experience. New styles of spring Footwear. If you only understood tne many fine points of their construction, the sewing, lining, and the importance of technical details, there would be no need of salesmen, save for the attention of proper fit­ ting, and the wrapping of the bundles. People who NeverHruitei Bargains Bete are Looking Now Every claim proven by comparison. Every item, every prom­ ise confirmed by a visit. No sermons, no coaxing necessary. Good substantial living examples are the sledge hammer arguments. Prices, facts, deeds.* Attend this sale while the cream is yet . in sight. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION. "Y ours Truly, OWEN <fc CHAPELL. McHenry lllinoi^. N . J . J U S T E N , Has the largest and best arranged store in the county he in Don't fail to give us a call. Long Distance Telephone Station E. RICHARDSON,, Voloi L»ke Co.. i i I BRITISH S. GARONNE, V S. LUMLEY, AXTOBKEY. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I ^ McHenry County, | ESTATE of Nicholas Schtefer, deceased, To the heirs, legatees, devisees, and creditors of said estate; Yon are hereby notified that on Monday, the 3d day of May, 1898, the Executor of tne last will and testament of said deceased win present to the County Court of Mcllcnry county, at Woodstock, Illinois, his final 're­ port of his act* and doing as such Executor and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said estate and his adminls tratlon thereof, at which time and place you peceBBary, financial support in the com-1 y0aj6hdSBT'wtoda re8i8t 'U°h appricatlon-lf ingstruggle, and to the Cubans our sym-1 JOSEPH JUBTBW, Executor. Standard under both tbe trotting and pacing rules. Sired by Lakeland Abtlallah, 351, >>y Umi- bletonian, 10, D*m Funny H, a fhst pacing mare by Autocrat, a eon of ueo. M. Pat lieu, 2:23^, George O, 2:21>tf, is tSe sire of It in the liit. with several more rap.nbie of entennp at any time ihey are called upon. A good many oi above are from marts of no known trotting blood Who can be*t it ? I will continue to stand Georgo O at my plaoe in McHenry, at $20 TO INSURE. Payable In cash or due bill at tin.e of ser­ vice or removal of mare. A 1 ve colt guaranteed. L. H. OWEN, 42m4 MCHENKY. ILLINOIS. THE ONLY STEAMER Sailing Between Van­ couver land £th Mich­ aels that carries the BRITISH FLAG, And is Fully Protected from the 8P4WISH WARSHiPS- I' is the quickest and onli- «nfo way to Alaskt, Thf I 'lrpct nnd le t fqnipped nteam. er in tlie Alaska tra e, connecting wilh our line MverSU-i.iriers < t ' t Michaels, miking tfie journey as pleasant an>i comfortable us a trip on trie Hudson*. Kor turiner particulars Address Klondike-Chicago Transportation and Trading Company, 4.17-418 MONADNOCK BUILDING, CHICAGO. ILL. I have made a Hpeciaity 01 the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage case? against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless ucctssfu'. Call or write me. F. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock 111. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat­ ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tiv/n. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHUET , " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, • C.A.SNOW&CO, OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desii/ed fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Set^; Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in all lines. The Undertaking Department, Calls for sp eial mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and wort-' manship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before t uying. N. J. JUSTEN, West M" erirv. 1 89H. S T I L L L E F T , Some of the early Spring Tools, such as Lever Spike Tooth Harrows, In wood and steel. Also Bud long Disc Harrowa, with Stub Pole and three horse Equalizer, just what you need to prepare your corn ground for planting. And as there is always a best in every­ thing, by common consent the Rock Island Corn in Planter know lodged to be the Best Corn Planter Of All. Has more good features than are combined in R . U ( l i t IF, r n should you need a Corn Planter don't pass the Rock Island. BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. ** hy take chances on inferior work when about the same m iney will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They arc reliable and stylish. There arc none better. WAOOIXS AND TRUCKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, April 20, 1898.

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