BUSINESS AND LIFE. Proposed Alliance -with EnslanV. IftheUuited States and England A«BS® form -an alliance there would be BIOB chance for enemies to overcome us. Wh«sai ,men and women keep up their health with Has tetter's Stomach Bitters, there chance of attacks from disease, "ag? it steadies the nerves and increases the ap petite. Try it. ? ; A man never sees all that his BMOCT has been to him till it's too lq.te to let her know that he sees it.--W. D. ells. Pi8o's Cure for Consumption has wnff me large doctor bills.--G. L. Baker, 4239 Regent SQ.. PhiIadelphia, Pa.. Dee. 8, VOL English Statistics fhowihg Expecta tion of Mortality in Vnrinn« Triidrs. What effeet has your occupation upon your expectation of life? The new sup plement of the register general's re port referred to in the Daily News re cently does not exactly tell you that, W it gives,.'4 ."Jiiortj^itS^.figufe" for ^many occupations; tha^-Iicliis one to judge of the" vitality "OTlthe workers as a class. This figure is based on calcu lations limited to the forty years ended at age Go, so that the years of boyhood down the figures applicable to tbe • working .years. It is when judged:by this standard that the clergy are found to have the safest lives taken as a whole class, although a certain class of farmers have still safer lives. Taking 1,000 as the mortality figure for all males from 25 to (55, you can see from the following list how much better or worse off than the average male the men of certain callings nr^ Well jinder the Averr Far over the Aver age: age: Farmers (In agricul- Innkeepers(Iiidus- tural districts) .5<X5 trial districts).2,030 Clergymen 533 London hotel ser- Gardeners, nursery- vants ........ .1.971 men and seed- Filemakers .... .1.810 men .553 I<e-adworkers 1.7S3 Agriculturists ... .602 Totters 1.700 Teachers .604 '-Publicans .1,042 Farm laborers .. .632 Glass makers,.. .1.4S7 Lace manufactur-- Brewers .., .. .,,1.427 £rs .......709 Slaters..... 1.322 Tanners ........750 \ailmakers 1,301 Artists 778. Carpenters .783 . ' Nearer tbe average on one side and the other are the following: Curriers ..098 Builders 1.001 Tinplate workers.994 Tobacconists ...1.002 Tailors 9S9 Boilermakers .. .1,006 Cabinetmakers . .979 Hatters .1,109 Watchmakers ....977 Soapmakers 1,109 Shopkeepers .,.... ,973 Drapers 1,014 ©Physicians 966 Carriagemakers 1,040 Fishmongers 963 Bookbinders 1,030 Commercial travel- Cheesemongers ,1.061 ers -- .981 Law clerks 1.070 Greengrocers .y. .946 Printers ..1,096 Barristers ... .4., .821 It may be added for the comfort of some of these trades and callings that although 1,000 is the comparative fig ure for all ,males, for all occupied males it should be 953: for occupied males in London, 1,147; in the industrial dis tricts. 1,248, and in the agricultural dis tricts, 087. The variation in these standards of comparison shows that it is not only what you are but Where you are that affects your chances of long life.--London News. And suffer at leisure. When your abased. stomach can no longer cheerfully and properly perform its duties, a few doses of Hood's Sarsaparilla rite like fresh water to a Withered plant, This medicine tones the stomach, restores digestive strength, creates an appetite and with a little care in diet, the patient is soon again in per fect health. Try it and you'll believe in it. HOOd'S ®parma Is America's Greatest Medicine. headache? Is there a bad taste in your mouth ? Then you have a poor appetite and a weak diges tion. You are frequently dizzy, always feel dull and 'drowsy. iou have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through your body/ What id the cause of all this trouble? Constipated bowels. H©0>d-S PUIS C-nra constLpatioa-iiVccuts.- FREE for a few months to all users of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (FlatIron Brand). To induce you to try this brand of starch,so that you may find out for yourself thatall claims for its superiority and econ omy are true, the makers have had prepared, at great expense, a series of CFTTFCT INVENT REQUIRES NO COOXBK COLLARS AND GUFFS SJFfJ ONI POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL C< Asrfr^Ws».HALr H"J.C.HUB!NGER BRQJ»C? exact reproductions of the $10,000 originals by Muville, which will he given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents toJ$s customers. The^ are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects are: American Wild Ducks, • American Pheasant* ' English Quail, English Snipe. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Plaque is bordered with a band of gold. will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Ifoap Your Blood Purm. If you have neglected your case a long time, you had better take Agers sarsaparilla alst). It will remove:, all impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. Write tho Doctor. There may be something about your case you do not quite under stand. Write the doctor freely: tell him how you are suffering. You will promptly receive the best medical advice. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. ELASTIC STARCH How To Get Them: has been the standard for 25 years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year. That's hqw good it is. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. All purchasers of three 10 cent or six 5 cent packages of Elastic Starch (Flat Iron Brand), are entitled to re ceive from their grocer one of these beautiful Game Plaques free. The plaques will not be sent by mail. They can be obtained only from your grocer. : Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Stardw, Do not delay. This offer is for a short time only. MKS. LUCY GOODWIN The Vessels of Our Navy. The splendid work of our ships has set many persons not heretofore inter ested in naval matters to making more or less of a study of ships, armaments, armor, projectiles, and so fortbji It is an interesting study, especially at the present time, and "Official Photographs of the United States Navy" is the best and cheapest book on the subject. It contains 192 pages of handsome pic tures and descriptive matter, with fine colored maps of the scene of war in both hemispheres, and will be sent by mail postpaid on receipt of twenty-five cents in silver by Chicago Newspaper Union, 93 South Jefferson street, Chi cago, 111. Her Spirit Aroused. "Why have you broken off with Will Kempton V" "He accused me of having a weak ness for building castles in Spain, and here I've sympathized with Cuba right from the first!" TEACHERS, ATTENTION. One Fare to Washington and Return The meeting of the National Education al Association at Washington, July 7-12. offers exceptional inducements to those who wish to visit the national capital. The Monon Route will sell tickets for one fare for the round trip (through sleepers) with ample time to make side trips to Mount Yernon and other points of inter est., Send a two-cent stamp for the Mo- non's beautiful Washington book. Ad dress Frank J." *Rced. G. P. A., Chicago. City ticket office, 232 Clark street. Lake Michigan signifies kn the na tive tongue "a weir for fish/*~-- HE STARTED AT THIS APPARITION. Suffered four years with female trou bles. She now writes to Mrs. Pinkham of her complete recovery. Bead her letter: DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:--I wish you to publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash Liver Pilis also suffered ct'j Y^th nervous J prostration, faint, * all-gone feelings, palpita tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time. When I commenced taking your med icine I could not sit,up half a day, but before I had used half a bottle I was up and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman. I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than I ever did in my life. I now weigh 131>£ pounds. Before using your medicine I weighed only 108 pounds. Surely it is the grandest medicine for weak woman that ever was, and my advice to all who are suffering from any iema»e trouble is to try it at once and be well. Your medicine has proven a blessing to me, and I cannot praise it enough.--Mrs. LUCY GooDWINt Holly, W. Va, Map of the Scene of War. As the conflict progresses and new places and localities are brought with in the sphere of operations, the neces sity of having a good map constantly at hand is felt by every reader. The valuable new book. "Official Photo graphs of the United States Navy," contains first-class maps of all the Spanish possessions in which our troops and navy are operating, as well as 192 pages of valuable illustrations and matter descriptive of the vessels of the American navy and life aboard ship. Sent by mail postpaid on receipt of 25 cents in silver by Chicago Newspa per Union, 93 South Jefferson street, Chicago, 111. The World's Telegraph System. The total length of the world's tele graph system is not much under 5,- 000,000 miles. This is inclusive of 1,- 814,000 miles of submarine cables. This mileage is apportioned as follows: Eu rope. 1,705,000; Asia, 311,000; Africa, 100.000; Australia, >218,000; 'America, 2,500,000. '/Try Ali.n'd ^oot-Ease, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes! try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Over ten thousand testimonials. Try it to-day. Sold by "all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. No Opening to Suit Him. / ' "Let's see, you were one of the Orig inal advocates of war, weren't you?" "Yes." "How is it. then, that you haven't en listed?" "I haven't heard of any regiment that jyants a quartermaster." % * -- • Five Cents. , ErprytK>(!y knows tha* Dobbins' Klectrlc. Span is thq best In tbe world, and for thirty-three yearsJSt has sol t at the hlene^t price Its price Is now ftfS'cbnts. same as common brown soay. Bars full size and quality. Order of grocer.-- AUv- A miser grows rich by seeming poor; an extravagant man grows poor by deeming rich.--Sliehstone. FITS Permanently Cored. No fits or nervousnew after first day's use of Dr. Kline* Great Nerve Re- morerb Send for FKEE 82.00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. K. H. KL1.VX, Ltd.; 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. Window's SOOTHING STOOP for Children teething; eotteng tbe rums, reduces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. SS cents a bottle. - Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan, not omit ting the famous Excelsior Springs of Mis souri. Within three hours' ride of Chicago are some of the most beautiful lake and coun try resorts in Wisconsin. Oconomowoc, Waukesha and Delavan are among the list. A little farther away are Elkhart Lake and the Dells of the Wisconsin riv er; and beyond are Marquette--with its magnificent Hotel Superior---Minocqua, Star Lake, Lake Minnetonka, Lakes Oko- boji, Spirit Lake and hundreds of other deliciously inviting and invigorating spots where energy will be revived and life pro longed by a visit of a few days or a so journ of a few weeks. The season opens early .in June and lasts until late in September. Excursion tickets are sold every day during the summer months. Our summer guide book with list of hotels and boarding houses will he sent free upon application to Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. Electric Pans in Sleeping Cars. The Baltimore and Ohio South Western Railway officials have solved the problem of cooling sleeping cars in stations at night. At Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis this line has sleeping cars placed in the stations at 10 p. m. which do not depart until after midnight, and in order to make them comfortable and cool have placed lG-inch rotary electric fans in each end of the sleepers, thus removing the heated and impure air from all parts of the car. ,The fans have been in operation about two weeks, and have been the sub ject of many favorable comments from the traveling public. It Must Be a Wonder. Jones--I see that a New York man has been arrested for having two wives and living with both of them in the same flat at one time. v Brown--Say, I'd like to see that flat. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the' cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bdttle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan- gerous. - - ; What There Is in It. Miss Wellwood--Do you believe there is anything in love at first sight? Mr. Hardacre--Oh, yes. About nine times out of ten there s_a divorce in it. THE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY." Over 200 views of battleships, gunboats, monitors, torpedo boats, torpedo boat destroyers, cruisers, rams, dynamite cruisers, and other war craft, besides portraits of prominent Army and Navy Officers, including a complete description of the construction, speed, and armament of each boat, together > with a large, authentic, colored map of the East and West Indies, by the aid of which the reader can not only form an accurate estimate of our naval strength, but follow the move^1 ments of the contending fleets. The work includes over 20 views of the Maine taken before the disaster in Havana harbor, P showing portraits of ,the officers and crew, and supplemented by photographs taken after the explosion, depicting the divers * at their work, and other incidents in conltection with this sad and memorable event. A souvenir to treaskrejjftfer thq war is ;j| over. Remit in silver or by money order. ¥ ' ' Price 25 Cents, Postpaid. Address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, ' N<#. 93 South Jefferson St., Chicago, III. - is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP <Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. only, a knowledge of that fact will .assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a, guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. lijorc^jr to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company-- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CaL LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW TORE, N. T. SOivit KbMdOrcg WHY IS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. ; It will not stick to the irons, will starch black, red or other colored goods without the faintest trace of white, and it makes shirt waists, dresses,. skirts, and' shirts, collars and cuffs look like new. KEITH'S ENAMEL STARCH contains no ingredients which.can injure the finest fabric. If it does not give you entire satisfaction your grocer will refund yonr money. Large package, 10c; small package, 5c. If your grocer does not have it please send us his name and address and we will send you an ENAMEL STARCH ®R- CEIPT BOOK for your trouble. Manufactured by KEITH ENAMEL STARCH CO , CWICAfiQ. ILL, CONFERENCES HELB ACROSS THE HEDGE rain. Rev. Smiles was called to the hedge by a little cry from his neighbor. "They are coming!" she cried in de light. "See! Here is the dearest little blade of green pushing up through the mold---and there is another--aud anoth er! Just look at them!" The rector found it necessary to leap the hedge (he had been something of an athlete at the university, and certainly this spring weather was sending the blood coursing through his veins quite like old times) and look at the crocus bed near to. "They are such lovely ones.'" she said earnestly. "I don't believe you noticed them at all last spring" (he pronounced maledictions upon himself for having been so blind as to miss so much beauty the previous season), "but they will be even better this year--if. we don't have that horrid frost you have been prophesying." But when he had returned to his own lonely domain and entered his study he stopped and thought seriously for a minute. Then he cast his flat-crowned ministerial hat upon the floor with great emphasis and exclaimed: "It's my creed. I tell you, that a man in rders should not marry!" Now, there wasT no one visible to argue the question, and yet there WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE „ OF THINGS, USE Hall's Catarrh Cnre. Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. A man who Can dig garden has a hard lot in life; his w^fe is always lending him to the neighbors. ~ Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Why doesn't the person who eats too much1 angel cake feel angelic? ="51 Certain Cure for £ Tired,Aching, Swell* ing and Perspiring M Feet. "Fut-Ake" curas >. Bunions, Corns. Chll- ^ b'alns. Fro'tbtes. ln- srnvitig Nails.,and Hot, -rtinKlnti Fe<H; also cures 1 •» 11 d prev nts • B istws. w • Callous and Sore Spots --11 on the feot. Price, 10 Cts. at Druggists', or mailed for ; 1 x "o Htamps STKKIJNG PHAhMACAL CO.. 905 dyrtle Avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. Gomez tbe Cuban Commander, With numerous sights and scenes con nected with naval service, the vessels of the Amerlcau' fleet and many other interesting war vjews, is represented in that valuable book of illustrations. "Oflicial Photographs of the United States Navy," together with colored maps shoeing the theater of war in the West Indies and the Philippines. Send twenty-live cents in silver to Chicago Newspaper Union, 93 South Jefferson street, Chicago, 111.; end receive the book by mall, postpaid. A quarter sectioL contains 160 acres. iMW. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho //fTTT. Signature of T'&CC&iAS PENSIONS-^ Write OTASBSLL. Pe&ilosAg<nt.WMfcl£gto&, X>.{L in time. Sold br druggtsta. BEEGEEOiaZi IN wrlflag Advertisers, please do aol fall to men* SMV tlr* Aditrtlsemeot la IbU paper.