Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 10

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TWO THfe BOARD 6P iWfiR^iSOlS; COiWnPt, ILLINOIS NOW, THETtRFORE, BR TT RE- Chemung -- George FOLVEI> by the City Council of the Charles J. Vlerck. H. St«W*Tt ' -Uid tions of the County Patrol System of Permanent improvement .-...$2,5,13.61 roads for labor and materials at rates Running expenses ..$1,523.60 Men--Arthur Bush. . - Hartland--Fran.k Mahan. Seneca--William T\ Polno^r. Coral---George Wllkins. Section 2 Grfil'ton--Henry Stalling. Section 3 Dorr--Warren FiSh and John Mo0ee. Section 5, City of Woodstock, Illinois, that Calhoun Street from the present State Route No. 19 on Throop^Streer east to the proposed State Route No. 4 7. be and the same is hereby designated' ah R!*tei ial ^highway connecting said St&te "/MM,, Vo. * <» with said proposed State Route No. «7. v . BE IT FCRTHER RESOLVED^hat ?» request and'recommendation be mhde o the Department of Public Works and Building:* ^f the State of Illinois that Bohr. "fhet portion of Calhoun Street from the Nunda^Oacar Strom and Carl Sie# heretofore approved by this Board were Milk check audited and paid as follows: Section 1 Creenwood--Lambert Swanson. . Section 4 Helron--Kenneth Schaefet. " ; Sections 7, 10 Richmond--Chat ie^ Stewart. • Section 8 ... Purton--Vlheent Feltes. ; : Section 9 ........ McHenry--Darwin Grander and Geo. Section 11 Section It ...... Section IS ...... Section 14 Refund 39.0(1 Clothing 64.50 Tolwccef 174.48 Medicine 72.E0 Dieting: 103.00 115.00 324.61 163.57 17.88 Woodstock, 111., May 14, A. D. 1835*. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors McHenry County, Illinois. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: , With the approval and ijermiKsion 3 of the County Poor Farm Committee, I 1.55 appear before this Honorable Board in • J82/53 my humble way to make a few sug- - grstlonn pertaining to the McHenry 1,342.14 jr.07 . 18.1 $4,290.03 County Hospital. l*he committee decided to dispose of Before stating- in ti concise form the 171.97 the base and to retain the best of the suggestions,that) I wish to offer, I desire 92.00 dairy herd to supply farm needs. It to make a ijew preliminary explanations « ¥ «• •>v Chtoago><fe< Northwestern Railway tracks n^ier. to the proposed State. Route :No. Algonquin--^Edward Kee afid Joseph 8ect ion 15 .47. he paved hy the department of PUb- P'korny, Sr. Sections 16, 18 lie- Works and Buildings of the State of Supr. Hcmm«r. seconded try 8upr. Section 17 Illinois so as to. make a connecting link -?toekwell moved that the Chatr appofnt . ' • •" ( • , , - from the proposed State Route XVv 4" a committee of three us a La^or Pon- Total ... ... . . -- - ---• - • - from the East to,the present State f ,i: tc.. forfhe eni?ulng year. Motion d*- Your Committee also; audited and awarded to the Burns Storage Battery seventeen townships in McHenry- Court-, Rotite No. 19. v cKr*d carried. The Chairman appoint- ordered paid out of the motor fuel tax Go. of Woodstock on a Norge unit for ty.. the boundarirs of BE IT FVRTHER RESOLVED that .e«, to 'set as such committee Huprs. funds Items as follows: & .v. this resolution ?hall be spread upon the "Stnckwi'll, Stevens and Turner." Ptnte .Aid Rotitefm* ihut/>s of Citv Clerk 98.15. was also decided to establish a petty that we may. .^11 understand each other.'; ••••/%"'^.*00.00^.on contents of Pump House, 26.99 cash account for the Superintendent -- In view of the fact-that We have es- *' i'WoOlOO on frame tenant dwelling, •46.1.90 Allen of $60 to be replenished each tablis.hed a hospital in .reaHty,, instead >* loo.00 on milk house, 79,00 month. - of one in name only,, it is reasonable"on fram carpenter shop, 56.04 On May 11th the Committee met again to assume that there-will be county.': "ittiu.00, on granary, '265.17 at the County .Farm and opened bids on Charges Upon whom operations of vari-. u $,t<S0.i>() ."on. . frame implement Vked ----Refrigerators. After, a great deal of ous kinds and for various reasons will -J- and garage. $3886.29 " study" &Yid discussion the contract: was be performed from eath and, all of the' / 100.00 or> milk house, . 8,000.00 on corits of Courthouse, Lake had closed. During this* ehtfht ' 18,000.00 on Jail and Shf's Residence, time Mr. P#telt was. carrying on his 1,000.00 on one story brick garage, books as County Treasurer an amount 1,200.00 on fram garage & repair shop, of $2,000.00 as a deposit in the United 150.00 on frame private garage. State BaiiK of Crystal Lake. On Sep- 150.00 on frame oil house, . tember 1, 1931 he transferred $2,000.00 1,000.OO1 on fram Road Mchy. Storage, from the..«ccount of the County .Col- 30,000.00 on County Home Infirmary, lector in the American National Bank: to the ae'courfFoT the County Treasurer, without showing any payment on his books from the. County Collector to the County Treasurer. Since this increased his Treasurer's bank balance without increasing his funds, he then dropped the $2,000.00 due from the United State Bank of Crystal Lake as part of the Treasurer's cash. _^ln other words, he -decreased' his .'County-' Collector's cash, in other banks by $2,000.00 • and set up .tjhe additional 12,000.00 in the United State Bank of Crystal Lake as being 4,000.00 on contents of infirmary, 8',®00.00 on brick Supt's. Dwel'lng, 800.00 on brick brooder and smoke j house, •50.00 on brick Pump House, -- From within $1,131.65. • . . these seventeen townships, the monies' ', V.700.00 on hog house. Following this a schedule of bper- derived from taxation by difl'-rent. • : 600.00 on corn crib," oflhl^'meeUnraSd "that: th«; •^'siv^raVVommunicalloTis'were preset*- 18, 13A ie'e. 4, MFT Maintenance -$ 8.5& »»»»<ife'.-fces for operations done at the means goes to the running of our coun-;: v '>J0Qj)0 ;on chicken house, •k send a copy of this resolu- ">d. 'nd read, and ordered placed on file. 20, sec, 4-1 MFT Maihtunartce ... 12.85 County Hospital were presented by Dr. ty government, Including ouf County>" • ' 4.500.00 on main barn,v»^ta,Q|^d'"^jed» -County Collector's funds and not County •'id sito, • -Treasurer's funds. When^ the Court ^ *• flA #\n i Vl ri IVAA' •' .Jd ec:i. d1 e.d1• 4t hU an 4t 4t hUi:s ($21,0A 0f i0/ l.0 r 0i l l Vw»,a. Ms nn Ao t^ d/IIuIAe County Collector, a check for $2,- 0.00 was transferred from the County „ :-75.00, being $25, on each .o^t^ree Treasurer's account-in the American Na- Br^nd and O. K. by the committee" Hospital. " In each of these townships,brooder houses, „ ' ,i, \ tional Bank to the<County Collector's ac- There was also a dispussion led. by -at - least in most of . them, we h'^-fi'w®®-®'® on horses, cattle, sh«£|)V "and" count, and the amount of $2,000.00 de- Mr. Joseph North' on a record *yst*rti 'legally qualified, licensed, practicing^.! >f' hogs, ' - • -..ho.-H in the United State Bank .of'Crystal . . . . . . . . f o r t h e -County Farm. >' " physiicians and Surgeons. I therefore^' 125:0.0 on poultry,' " " ; : ' Lake was restored to the County Treas- The question of not having a May • on the asphalt road at Harvard, Illinois Respectfully s-ibmitfed, recommend to thih- Honorable Body that rV:j.ii|00 °0 on graiiiv seeds, and silages Urer's books as part of his cash balance, neetlng of the P-o:n-d of Superv's°rs Ijnnwn as Wee. 5. MfT in th« near future^ A. H. HA r.JO . » « each and every "licensed physician and:.;: •, f -?50.00 oi\ hay, straw, fodder and leaving the situation the same as it r.ns brought up for dlscusiiion and dae * All of which is resectfalljr 'fu.Jnlltt.wfei:?:^!;'"E. RKOWV . ' '"'"'"n be permitted to operate on hIs • * J " ground feed, * " Was; prior to the transfer in September, ' - A. H, HALE \ ^'.J- T5. HARRISOJ?--At ' ^••.50unty charges in the, McHenry County^;^^ ftptf-OO on farm . machinery^ 1931; that is; that the $2,000.00 purport- E. F. KUECKF.R •'» •• - - ' '• / O. STF^'KN'S • ; „ . Hospital when he so desires and it is . \400.00 on wagons and harness.• c*\' ing to be due- from the United- State! -JOSEPH HEMMER 'A. B. McCONNBLl^ . ' ••'the wish of • his. charge. It does, not v,: r.--. '• " •. "'Bank of Crystal Lake Was the account , 4 F. E. BECK , = - ' "McHenry County Board of 8upet*lBOt«» H<lern (luite fair to me that !•, as vouf $171,750.00 ' „ ' , ... a#; turned over-to" Mr. P^teit by Mr. v , Woodstock Illinois " . • ' Couhty Physfcian, should have the priv- We further recommend that this in- Hendricks as part of the County Treas- 1„Bllrlu lUu r iKiii mm - , ¥,hf following telerT'am directed to (Wf Gentlemen: • •' * - He-re of ' operating on mv colleague's surance be written On a General form, urea's funds. Since this item was still also to R a Kingary the director of and stated that as long as the Super- Chairman was presented and read to the \ propose to furnish the following charge when neither he, npr, perhaps, using the Budget Plan'whereby 20 per carried as part, of the cash balance of Said department at Springfield Motion v'-~rs' room was going to be equipped Board to-wlt: , equipment to be lnstalle<l at the Mc- - tlJe ^V«'nt would approve of it, for cent will be written for 1-year term, 20 the County Treasurer at the time Mr. declared unanimously carried * #•*.•>»r« »»»;•• h# w>nM C Bo 38 4 B» . Henry Coimtv Poor Home located at ftfter my colleagues are licensed per cent for 2-year term, 20 per cent Peteit went out of office, it did not in The following resolution from the move at this time that the Purchasing Harvard, 111,, 12:30 pm May 12 Hartland, Illinois. under thfe laws of our State to practice for 3-year term, 20 per cent for 4-year any way affect the transactions of the City of Woodstock. Illinois was present- Committee be empowered to purchase a Mr. Paul Rosenthal T--N. A. 100 Nofee Rollator Compressor. Uef,,cln5 "nd surgery the same as I. • 6d *nd read to the Board to-wii* •' floor covering giving said comm!tt»» Chairman City Board Crystal Lake, 111. 1;--jgg2 m. Flash Coil. •-Many or them are taxpayers as well as - ' ' power to act. "Said motion was duly Unless funds are forthcoming- count* 2--Multiple Expattsioh Valves. myself. However, there must be a govseconded bv Supr. Turner and the roll IERC committee will he forced to re- j--flx12x8'-» Refrigerator Bo*, ernlng hand in the management and being called S"nr*. Stockwell. Pp'^^r. turn to supervisor four hundred eighty Tnsul ited with 4 In cork board and "twratin* of our hospital, iind 1, by Attetet; ft, C. REESE, City Clerk .. It was thereupon regularly moved by, w.ns Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Sd'pr. to the committee to settle with the "Hughes that the resolution be adopted Treasurer hnvlnff a final report to snhand that the County Clerk be direeted ~r'* *' ••hat- t"*u». lp was decided by moto certify copies to the department of tloti duly made and carried to meet «m public works And buildings of the State '•*> qond Tuesday In May.". of Illinois at Springfield and Elgin and Supr. Hemmer addressed the Board *esolution WHEREAS, there is no connecting link of hard surface road between present "State Rrxito -Wn CI • mer, frnwn nnrriwon, 1 timer, nirjfiis, Woodstock and and the City of Ma>; Frpund. Hale. and term, and 20 per cent for 5-year term. County Collector or County Treasurer In this way all insurance is placed on during the Interim of Mr. Peteit's term a fTve-year basis, using the moat favor- of ofTioe. Any transactions affected able rate, yet only ohe-fifth of the total would be those at the time the account t . . . . w i l l e x p i r e i n a n y o n e y e a r . w a s e s t a b l i s h e d d u r i n g M r . H e n d r i c k ' s BeciT Clawson Kuecker, Ackman, Hem- families carrying btidret of thirty reven pin it e red with^ hard "flnish cement "ali v,rtUP °f being your County Phvsicinn. Under this plan the total expenditure term as County Treasurer and Collector, mer, Brown. Harrison, Turner. Stevens, hundred dollars oer week by last of May. cor)t t,0., rd properly sealed and anchored. fe"' ,hat 1 should and must assume that for the year 1935 to purchase $171,750.00 Exceptions „„„ Mav, Freund. Hale, Pllip and' Asst. .T«hn T. OUrien Chairman County j--<(x3 p>actory Built Doof with heavy responsibility In the following mimner: Windstorm Insurance will be approxi- It was brought to our attention that WHFR£'A« . 4 , , Supr. McConnell TOted aye, Supr. Relief Committee. 1 PM. hardware. ,*• That .1, as the County Physician, mately $376.34, and the tot»l expendi- during the year 1933 certain binders thp Cni'.ntv'a Jr V «°{r oodl"ocll i i' Hughes voted naye. Motto© declared A general dtscussion was had by the An WOPk an(J e<tuipment guaranteed should have the privilege of selecting ture each year hereafter will be ap- "nd Manks were purchased by authority TlHnS^ °L lIcIJenr?L C^untI' carried. members of the Ponrd In regard to said f nr one vear and to be satisfactory to nnd n:lminK two of my colleagues, and proximately $119.54. We recommend of the County Board - with the under- ' .. . . __ for t il© . D6tl©flt TV.aro K*{n<v nn fttvtKckr hliilATCO trt matter. h»f no action taken. «v.n th> »nn «k these two colleagues and mvself will that this insurance be placed bv this standine that thev were to be resold to of the citizens of McHenry County and for the motoring public to so connect said State Route No. 67 with the present paving located on Dean Street, In said City of Woodstock, and ' • WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of AVoodstock, Illinois, is desirous that said State Route No. 67 be connected with the present paving on Dean Street, in the city of Woodstock. Illinois. NOW. THEREFORE BE IT RESOI'VKD by the City Council of the City OT Woodstock, Illinois, th^t Pean Street from the City Limits of the City of Woodstock, Illinois, to State Route No. 19 on South Street of the Citv of Woodcome before this meeting. It was there- The folio wing-report of the Committee upon regularly moved hy Sn^r. Brown on McHenry County Home was present and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison to efl and rend, and on motion of Supr. i9jg. By adjonrn. Motion carried. Thereupon Palmer, and duly seconded bv Supr. A H ftALB • the Board adjourned. Tnimer, and the roll being called wa» J« G. STEVENS PAUL F. ROSENTHAL, Chairman, declared unanimously Adopted, to-wlt. A. B. Mr-coxMELL tVM R. BURN'S pftss on the necessity of any operation Accepted this 14th day'of Mny, A, D. w.her?..there. ,s f t. dispute as to. the ad- Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk, Special Mav, Meeting, 1935 May 11. mS "Mr, Chairman and members of the Board of fupervlsors of McHenry Coun '.T, E. HARRTSOM V. E, BROWN Visibility of such. Therefore, I take this opportunity and liberty of suggesting to you for , th«t purpose: Dr. Maxon of Harvard and Dr. Hetreed of Woodstock with myself the third member. I further suggest a stipulated committee thru the agencies of Earl the various City and Village Treasurers Walsh, F. A. Hitchens, Fred Stahl, J. F. In the County for use in connection with Mitchem, D. F. Quinlnn, and Orant special assessment records. Since wo Nolan and that they be instructed to is- did not find in the County Treasurer's sue policies in reliable joint-stock in- records any accounting for receipts •">nce companies effective " June 15, fjrom such sale of supplies, this matter 1935. S. H. FREUND, Chairman E. C. HUGHES L. A. STOCK WELL H. M. TURNER N. B. CLAW SON" The Honorable Board nf Supervisors ^br'1 and Fuel Co., fuel . , _ „ -- of MoH^nry County. Tlltnof* met 111 164.74 stock, and South Street from Dean Special Session pursuant to call signed « «h rirand"'W"'n"'tned 1.15 e Jefferson Street, and Jefferson bv more than one-third of Us members wnBOn Co SUD soa» etc 119 98 Street from South Street to Church at the Court House in the Cltv of Wood- °^s"Ve/ ' 7« i» Street, be and the same is hereby deslg- 8tock on Tuesday, the 14th d»v of May, Pln®,p ^nd Koch, groceries ®r.terj?'1 ,l>lgh_way foL the A. D. 1935, at ten o'clock. A. M. _ - . . . . m e e t i n g w a s c e l l e d t o o r d « r h v the Chairman. Paul F. Rosenthal, and ~ The Clerk presented lists of claims to b« charged for all operation astv, your County Home Committee re- against the County and upon motion follows: ^ spectfullv submits the following report dulv made and carried, the same were All abdominal operations, irrfor the month of March 1985, audited referred to the proper committees for eluding all post operative treatments, Woodstock. Illinois, May 14, 1935. report, and the Board adjourned to 1:S0 not-to exceed $50.oo, except rections and o'clock P. M. for committee work. *" *" "" " ' " J 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. was investigated further. We find the following amounts were paid to the County Treasurer for which he did not : ijjjpcount: City of Harvard ..........;....,:....:......._,..$11.00 anastomoses, which shall not exceed: $60 .00, with all post operative treatment same members. The Committee on clainjs. Albert Tessendorf, Shellane Oas .... 80.85 Fees, and Supplies made the following Hartland Garage, repairs on truck report which on motion of Suor. Hemfor month Of February 18.66 mer, and duly seconded by Supr. Ktieeker and the roll being called was declarpurpose of connecting said State Route Route No. 19. and Chairman, caul K. poaentnai. ana ri."I..m".„»Vonl nnd CraekeT sss.^!8!S.m^ • °, h"Cltv °' w°°°- " & »»•* •«**><*»»*, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that r, A. StockweM. D. M. Wright. C M. Shurtleff Co., feed, lumber and Board fhet pursuant to adjournment, ments, perennal repair work, not to ex- $20.00, including all post operative Labor, care. (b'\ Hemorrhoids. not- to exceed $20.00, including all post operative :rentments. (c) Romoval of all cutaneous growths for evample: cysts, tumors, etc., not to 01 ty of McHenry ......v.... 8.40 City of Marengo" 2.00 City of Crystal Lake, 14.00 tt was thereupon reigularly moved by City of Woodstock 14.00 Sii'pr. Brown, nnd duly seconded by City of Huntley ... ....;A£W...,.-L..,-....v« 8.00 Supr. Kuecker that the report of the Total ........$57.00 Committee on Public Buildings be adopt- ------------ or? bv th's Bo^rd, and th<> roll being We compared the amount of taxes to^» P?H- S- I, S Palmer, T*. E. Beck. N. H Clswson. F,. C. ^rev^s Bakerv' bread S?M Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of the 'd) Amputation of fingers and Yo-r Committee on Public Buildings each of these years the County Treas- Bulldme of t^ «tate f TII) f Hughes. E. F. Kuecker Charles H. Ack- p b„ gervice'Co Mwer and'lirh't Board of St»pervlsor«: not to exceed $10 00, including all to whom was referred the addition to „rer charged himself with less than the S. MM •n.n.rtmi ! 2 r, L." w W Jnse,)tl Hemmer. V. E. Brown. J. fnr Feb and Ma'p/lf 11S «« vo"r Cnm^ntee on T.abor. Pees and post operative treatments. the v-nJt in the County Clerk's office actual amount received from the County tne_ said Department of Public Works ^ Harrison. H. M. Turner. J. G. Stoy^ne Xjr„^ ,, , ^,_n 1':;^ '.2'** Supnlles Claims would he<r leave to re- Ampiifation of forearm'or foot, w^nld be r leave to submit the following Collector, evidently balancing cash dis- *i,n* tVrnv h^'-e •T.-i^ined nil claims n°t to .exceed $2.'> 00, Including all post "teport "n 'the matters before them,: ' crepancies by such understatement of presented to them, and recommend the opo«qtive treaments. Your committee advertised for «ea'ed receipts. These discrepancies a, -e exr-. V"ipnt the followine, and that the (f> Amput >»'on of arm or l»g not ' t" be in the hands of the County plained in detail in Schedules "A-2," Clerk he directed to Issue orders on the to fexced $50.00, including all post Clerk on or before May 11th. 1935 at 'A-3,' 'B-2,' r-o'trtv Tr'nasurer'to the Claimants for op«""»ti<w. treitments. ten o'clock A. M. Your committee met called said motion was declared unani- which the County,..Treasurer charged tro""'y ea r r)pd. . himself as receiving from the County The Qommitt'ee on Public Buildings Collector with the amount which our made the following report to-wit: analysis shoWed was actually turned ^ - - --. -- 14th day of May A. D. 1935 over by the County Collector and we ovceed *10.00. including all' post opera- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the found discrepancies in these amounts treatments. • Board of Supervisors: for the vears 1 931, 1932 and 1933. In and Buildings construct a road common- s w. Freund. A. H. Hale, j J. »l"t>. n"d C'0'.' sup' an^ rep- I8 ®3 ly known as "Black Top" from the Assistant Supervisors A. R. McConnell. S°" Berl!'!f present pavement at the intersection of anrt psuj Rosenthal, oonstltuting * ^omP*ny, gas, distillate 32.31 Dean Street and Hoy Avenue in a a i ,nrum A.G, Wagner, hdw. supplfes 1.69 southerly direction along the Dean * Thp records of the l««t preceding £ ^ Co., gas, oil A grease 14.92 Treasurer to t^e c-aimants Tor ?s:'Rrx sr •'rr.a-isssK ^ 8: -• ™i.w,. with the nresent state nouto w« R7 fnr ' Candy Novelty Co.. tobacoo A sun. 30.70 tn-wlt. , •B-3,' 'C-2.' and 'C-.V Upon referring to Si'hedules 'B-2' and Tonsils and adenoids combined, at .said time and opened the following 'B-3' It will be noticed that there was with the present State Route No"677for v The County Treasurer's report for Candy Novelty Co., tobacpo & sup. 30.70 the purpose of forming a connecting thp month of April was presented nffd 3: A- Vra, tt*«7LM,t" - 10.83 link between said State Route No. «7 unnn motion of Punr. Hale, Woodstock Wholesale Co., tobaco 8.«8 and State Routes Nos. 19 and 20, in the Rn<1 ^t]1v seconded by S'mr. Stevens. was Ward Co clo. * shoes 14.72 Citv of \\ oodstock. Illinois annrove'd and ordered placed oft tile to- Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Co. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ' _ repairs nnd supplies 38.7« this Resolution shall spreAcI upon the ' - Thorne rtfid ^oti, clothing 4-^7 minutes of this meeting, and that the _j_p mtmmaavrMtwa *Miw* Sewver Biscuit Co., cracker* City Clerk send a copv of this Resolu- COtTWTT WWWOWT nnd pookfefl ^ 1#jM tlon to the Department of Public Works „ , „ .. # John Sexton and Co., groceries ....169.1 <1 and Buildings of the State of Illinois" 2*1- Mnr 30 Weed Paid Out Hal. Apr. M prP,ff„r Pharmacy, supplies l.«i and County Boerd of SunerVi»ors , _ ...Montgovery Ward Co., elotbin«r .... 61.23 WM. R. BURNS, Mayor. 14.068.05 f 607.06 flS.Stt.M f Woodstock Dry Goods Co.. clothing 6"5 Attest: R. C. REESE, C--i ty "Cle r-k . ** * - r^"a--'- ™-- Elgin Cigar and Tobacco Co., tob. 27.08 feupr. Brown stated that < this resolution had nothing to do with the con- Coun'v Offices Feea 82.67 1.040.50 Fund 3.064.17 1.429 86 4 79846 P"*"""#' Prop. P«ck Tax--• 6 649.02 ? «4 Struction of Route 67 and Route 47 and moved that the resolution he adopted and that the County Clerk be directed P<-','>»"w>d from Forfeiture*- to forward certified copies of same to the 16,534.61 . r Sprlne-field nnd Elgin office of the high- Order Of COO*t-» way department and also to the Dlrec- 2,180.43 tor of said department. Supr. Brown's Tnst'*"*® Fund--1 « motion was dulv seconded by S"T>r- 64.02 10,#0 Hemmer. A general discussion was then Dor Tnr Punrt-- had by the members of the Board in 9*?.92 14*9 26 regard to said matter, after which said Non w,^h School-- *: motion was declared carried. * 0*0.7® The following resolution from the U*»k. Res. Minor lf#Ir>H«« Village of Huntley was presented and 3 019.R4 A l%ad to the Board and upon motion of Mo'^or'e! Pension*-- . •' Btipr. Hemmer and duly seconded -by 786.40 1,100.00 ffupr. Freund and unanimously carried Erad *r B. in Cattle-- the resolution was adoptd and the Clerk 4*8.76 267.7a . directed to certifv copies to the Elgin Dip-"*"'* Ta*es-- td Springfield offices of the HlgllWay #9J.07 partment, to-wlt: 1,123.17 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers and macaroni 17.89 210.64 W. P. Allen, petty cash account.... 40.17 W. P. Allen and wife, salary 150.00 S.651.66 Ijouis F»ies. cook 68.00 Arthur1 Wendt. help 20,00. .16,534.61 Alva Wendt. help 10.00 John Gen*, farm hand 56.00 , 2,180.43 Margaret Fairhorn, nurse 55.oo Mary Haug, nurse . 65,60 44.02 2,452, 4.0 8.0T9.54 418,60 J!»1 OS ^ Pettibone & Co., Cir: Clk, -f 58.26 Wtmk thornt^er* Co., Cir. C'k. 4.69 Frank Thornber Co., Co. Clk., nrtg. and Sup. 12.64 frT"k Thornber Co., Co. Treas. off. sn{> J.60 Frank Thornber Co., Shf. off. sup. 2.07 A mer. Law Book Co.. 1ud"y. llbry. 8.00 ^nli"fft.»n fi- Co., Judcv lihrv. ...... 35.00 111 t?„ii Tel. Co., C. H. and . Jail te| fCo.) 50.75 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. and Jail tel. .(shf.) 14.26 t Pnnn, cir. Clk, 81.60 1.. Herald Pubg. Co., Co. Treas. a difference of .$2,766.71 between the amount turned over by the County Colto exceed *15 00, including all post "ds to-wlt operative treatments. »r«r-e of Bidder Address Amount (h) Surcical opening of abcesses and G. .Tohanson. Woodstock $?17" *'T lector and the amount reported by the carhunjcles. including nil nop* orier°»i,-'> Ftett Bros., McHenry 2296.50 County Treasurer. Mr. Peteit has sub- . »"io Amfnt s, not to exceed from $5.00 M- Olson, Crystal T^ake ........ 2534 on m it ted the following explahation of that to *10.Oo. ' Oscar Stromm, Crystal Lake .... 2543.00 difference: (i) Colles and potts fractures, not Henry Ohlrlch. Woodstock 2725.58 Sometime during the year 1929 tax to erceed $15.00 with all after treat- Button Bros., Hebron 2750.00 bills carrying taxes, interest and costs ments. Yo'ir committee would recommend which totaled $4,766.71 were stamped (j) Fractures of Angers and toes, not that H. G. Johatyson of Woodstock, jin- pai^ ns r~f juiy it 1929, and were shown •o exceed $10.00 with, all after treat" nols, the low bidder be awarded the the f^dlector's books as paid either ments. "contract In the amount" of *2176.8' and fry* r. Hoy or by the' Lake Develop- Vk) Fracture of slower limb or fore- that the Chairman of the County Board ment Company. We are now informed arm. not to exceed $25.00 with all af- aT,d the County Clerk be authorized to that none of these bills were actually ter treatments. sign said contract in behalf of the naid hut were so marked as a favor to U1 Fracture of upper arm or femur, county the party of the second part.^_ Mr. Hoy in order to avoid forfeiture of Prtg 3473 nr,f to exceed $50.00 with all after treat- Attached to and made a part of this the properties involved, Mr. Hov promis- Ethel C. Coa" Sup7 schs or18 00 rnents- . report are the original bids as presented.---|ng- to pay the amounts shortly after BoQ*<tcb--Cchhiicc'aaggoo, Iinncc. , sSUupD. sscchhss. '^m > Fractur,e of skul l or vert-ebrea. Al l of which is resn^ct ful lv submi t ted, the for fei ture date, in December of of »<•!)• 6 6t 1,0 exceed $50.oo, including all post f* I. He^ld Pub. Co7 s'u'pr.': :.prt«i 2>0 °Pprntive treatments. TTebr..n Timcs^ Supr. prtg .T,..,...!. 3.So Tirr,,,?;. phf. off. sup. .........17.35 Uehron Times; cir, clk 4.75 P. A. Andrew, C. H. nnd .tall Coal 87.25 "efuhd on- Sexton's Invoice *6.9"! MJlk Check 162.26 ^ $168.18 188.18 ToUl .... .... $1590.48 Andrew Co., shf., Jail supp. clo. .78.00 Von>«rerke & AntOlne, shf., Jail sup. clo ; 2 A.i The Detective, shf. Jail supp. clo. 177.25 ~ G, Crte^ol. C. H. Jail repairs.... 5.00 (n) No deli very,, to exceed $20.00, Ineluding the after care. " 3. Any combination of the above, orthe performing of *nv surgery not listed. or any fracture not listed the price H. FW'-T'vn, Chairman. R. C. HUGHES L. A ST< i(' K WELL H. M. TURNER N. B. CLAWfXVN 1929 Mr. F. J. Hendricks, who gave County Treasurer at that time, gave his personal note for $2,000.00 to the United State Bank of Crystal Lake for the 'purpose of having an account opened in that bank in the name of F. J. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Hendricks, County Treasurer* in the Sesolntloa BE IT RESOLVED by the President 0. * -Shd Board of Trustees of the Village of Huntley, ' That the State Highway Department •Of the State of Illnois. be requested to ; complete the paving of State Route 62, .from Algonouie to Belvidere, through jBuntley, tTnion and Marengo, a,s soopi as possible, and that said Route be paved •s soon as funds are available, and If • the United State Government Relief _JC.unds.are allocated *® Motor Fuel Tax-- ft.r.oi S7 llllt Per-, ' ,»« and Fee»--! . 482.04 , * ttorner's Fund--> 20.00 AcCt. H, F. Peteitr- 2.o#i.65 . Inhe^itpnce TST--• , •'• ^"4 77 127.09 ' tHAt fnta 1«-- 81482.80 May 11. 1986. Hnll A Ecknrt C. H. sup Mr. Chairman and members of the ^ Field Hrd. Co., C. H. sup. . Rrtard of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- Woodstock Dry Goods Co., C. H. ty, your Conntv Home Committee re- sup spectfully submits the following report Peemployment Ser., C. ;H. HMI" for the month of. Anril, 1986, audited sup 25.00 nd paid Mav 8. 1936. !i"*n H-d. f*\. • C: H. Sup. 3.55 15,085,40 E. Thomas"Brand, M. D.. med. .. R. 0 Andrew Co., Ice, grinding, «I),04 and scratch feed ..: Marshall Hdw. Co.. nalls^ spray .. 20.00 O. , W. H«»rt. groceries Willis Dlsbrow. papers 2,091 R5 Rosenthal T,umber and Fuel Co., fuel, coal and seed 127.09 y. Bsccus, electrical work •Rftvc^ Bros.. 8"*s nnd oil p'-^c;7:?TH78UP; .$ 1.19 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem, fees, serv. 6.85 On R. Nulle, shf. per diem. • . .. 21.30 fees. serv. ,.129.1 •• <--i- v Miner, shf. deputy 8.04 Plchard Farreli, shf detmtv •••„. Ttenrv G. Fisher, shf. b'tiVfl' . W7.68 ttoTvn"d t^roeman. shf. b'iflKT s to,be he fixed trv the two colleagues' Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. amount of $2,000.00, This note of Mr. above named and mvself and then pre- Harrison thnt the report of the Commit- Hendricks was secured by certain colsented to this Hono'rnb'e RoHV for «/*. tee on Public Buildings he adopted bv lateral said to have been furnished by -•-ITI'-OVRI; and It is understood that the 'h's Ronrd. and the roll being called Mr. HoV as security for the payment decision of the consulting staff and P'tnrs.- Stockwell. Wright. Palmer, Beck, Qf the "taxes, interest and costs above 9 71 floard of Supervisors will be final. Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker. Ackman, Referred to. The account, as stated g>e 4. I further suggest that in case a Hemm»r, Brown, Harrison, Turner, previously in this report, was held to medical charge Is brought into the Steven". Freund. Hale. Filip and Asst. be non-collectible by the County. Mr. 41 00 County KOSPHTI that the Hoard ot' ^11- °upr. McConnell, voted aye, naye none. peteit states that $2,000.00 of the taxes nervlsors. with the aid of the Consulting M^^n declared carried. were .supposed to be taken care of Ptnff. will have the authority to pass . The following Special Examination of through this account and the balance 'he price nor call and the. number of the accounts of Harry F. Peteit for the 0f $2,766.7-1 was carried as a cash item calls made and the price of medicines, vears '931. 1932. and 1933 together with- at the time he took office on December • "IPOIIPS and «ervms used and that the a report and Special Examination of decision of the Board of Supervisors farmer Treasurer Frank J. Hendricks wl'h the aid of their Consulting Staff for the years 1927. 1928. 1929, and 1930 will be final,- made bv the H. E. Snvder Company. With the i.hove suggestions in opera- Certified Public Accountants of Chicago 0f $2,766.71. He further states that tlon, every physician and surgeon in Were pres«*nted and read to the Board, shortly after he took office he asked Mr. McHenry County will be treated' fairtv to-wlt: . Hoy for more concrete evidence of this and alike. In so doing the Board of Telephone r}f\ndoi<ih , debt and received from him a check "Tiervt.sors and the taxpayers of Mc- *. »nyde* fc Compaay for $2,766.71. dated back to July 1, 1929 r ... • Certified Public Accountants and made payable to F. J. Hendricks, Tax Counsellors ~ County Treasure." Not being able to •S. operating bills. (When" I s.iv First National Bank Building collect the money from Mr. Hoy, Mr 2.50 , , u r- ] nu'an myself ! l nd mv coileaKues~!T~ t'hlratrnr 23.63 4.00 4.00 4.00 16 00 2* 00 1, 1930; in other words, that part of the ras1' on hand for which he receipted to Mr. Hendricks was not actual cash but merely a memorandum of the debt 4R2.*5-».^/>w»rd ^reemnn, shf. demjty- 8.00 20.21 CmiiJto T>ro*., «»if. feed, nris R5.9* „ - - - ....u in*|ja,yers or mc- ^ckert Pending, "hf. feed. nris. 65.07 Hen^.y County will save the unnecessary WTest. Un. Gas St El. Co.. shf. ' , , o uP"*' rills, private nursing bills and to clear :Way purposes, that said road be paved Out of said funds. PAUL HEUEB, President of the Village Board of the Village of Huntley. ATTEST: LEO E. DWYER, Village Clerk of the Village of Huntley. $54 «;S4.?9 $11,086 75 <19 99? 16 846 6*3 •* L. Jpos«tn flnd Fred Klin<t, painting The above" nnd fnr»«">lnr re*r>rt apd decorating 76.28 West. true "nd cnrr»e» "epordinif to my he«t lMontgomppv Ward Co., clothing f. «d'ng pris. j>eitoe and shoe** ~ ^ $2.07 M^TrtndTr ^pt^ sitf feed nri.s u^ .... ......,,^,1,^-.- , - ---- .. . LESTER EDINGER, CO. Treas. 8e«Uar'v P'"mbtng and Heading"' H-TV « Vul'e, shf. per diem,' ^ Tb" expense of the operation, the The Committee to Settle with Ike Treas- ./-his cash on hand of this Subscribed S"d «worn •»» W«r» me Co,, plnmhln* no fees. .. ^.......lOO Oo dressings used and the anaesthetic and urer. Board of Supervisors; ' «o by understating _ the interest ana this 14th dnV of v A. t>. 1936. TWoodptoAk Tj»imdry, laundrv ........ 2.IS S. ,V»"e. «hf. feed. n-1*. ^w.^OO.OO "ledicirte will be charged to the part leu- McHenry County, Illinois. - -r -- - costs received by the County tor tno R. D. woods, Countv Clerk. Home Oil Company, distillate Wis Daisy V. Moore. Sup. Sch*. : " lar township from which the patient Gentlemen: ;••••. y»L,r 1932- T.udwl"- W«1son Co.. sonpo. etc 77.17 asst. and clerk hire 113 75 coI"-H aPd nnt directly to the countv. 111 accordance with your request, we item and did Because of the Involved nature of this The committee on licenses m?»de c >7 >v^k^rsonT seed Potatoes .7 if^Oo Philip F" Rlerdeman" shf" dot*-'-"-'"too" 00 v1 i,fllr,her tbnt no anaesthetic have made a special examination of the transaction and explanation, we_ ijf *2 • f WfeConnell Implement Co., repairs 1.00 Vestle Mnldnon. C H Jail ssrt' ""108 00 ey£?<,<* ,fi 00 nnd the operator mav accounts of H. F. Peteit, County Col- segregated this itenrin our summary of following report which tm motion -- - -- - -- - - --• '* choose his own anaesthet ic so long as lector , for the years 1931, 1932. and 193S, cash discrepancies, Exhibi t 1. ^ TS%. SSJ: $8-3TS-Uk H- EE Be^kmwasndeclare'd un^n?mouslvy adopt- ^ PlftC °n * 12^' «and>nd_«Tai|ei 10?fi U A. ' Stock well, °«pi "com worky8'.J 4 4'0 „S „l°„*enAl eJE«n fL°oembe ed, to^wit: In coxnparing the total receipts from xes, interests and costs with' the John Pfeiffer. sand and gra\ . .. Ma*' 14. 19*" A. w. .W^?n«r. nails, flies, etc. ____ Mr. Chairman end Gentlemen of the ** lo^ks, nuttv, et<!. 1 "•* Kesolntlon Board of Supervisors: Til- nell "pel. Co., telephone ......... Dated April 28,1985. Yo*lr Llcen«» commit<«*» to whom wss I*elB,«r Budtery, harness repair Board in Special Session referred applications for Ll<iupr l»t-, - • •••g--•*- this 23rd day of April, A D. 1985, first WW for the rear 1985. hee 1e»ve to John Davler. corn . ........ »» learning of the illness of State's Attor- rpport as follows: that Alcohol T^tov>r T< oodotocV tvbnie«n1e Co.. tobaeco 6.27 Chas. IT. A"kmnn. spl ecm work :nev \r. S. T.nmley herebv Licenses have been Isfeued to the follow- F«nk 8. Bet« Co. ho*, eouioment 1652.85 Top Hemmer, s->l com work .... RESOLVES that the'Clerk of this In*: Banflv and No-elty Co., tobacco, . spl com work Poard on behalf of said Board wish Aueust Landl. McHfttrv prker, spl com work State's Attorney V: S. Lumley a speedy recovery and to his family their best Wishes. Respectfully submitted. N. B. CLAWSON. Chalrnuui. I,. A. STOCK WELL F. E. BECK A. H. HALE J. E. HARRISON Itrv . :);4t ! catjdy. matches,, etc. I4.9R h B. Harrison, spl com wofk nrtland 1 W. P. Alien, dishes ioil4 T T"iner, spl com work 1. Mareneo ...149 Cr^cent Macaroni and Cracker . T' CI spl com worlc 2, McHenrv ....1*0 ' CO., crsckers ;. 8.68 r" w-*e"nd. spl com work' ichtnond ^ thinner end Co.. ment 14.84 "• H"le. spl com work .. :.........I5l /ohn Sevton and Co., groceries, r "ol 00m work •"tin ft cflnned roods alid nankins 81.47 > " MeComieii, spl com wo .Tohn F Haillspv. Hartland .Tames Hnrris. PFt) G. A. Lipfert, T>vr> Paul R. Vos«. RFt> 1, Richmond Gordon Kamhol*. Carv Til. Turner Comp, Algononln - - ,, t Aueust Matthles, Alronquln ......1R4 Plnrel *nd *Koch. |fro. and nankins 82.77 ' °'ll Po'^nt^sl spl com work 14.70 Total amount turned over to the "tyva p»>k«ry. bread .':....v..; 40.88 All Of which re«T<«etf.,»|y submitted. Treasurer, prior to this report. R. A. Prntt, mesft 46.61 ' - • T- A. RTOCKW^.I.T. $4475.00. The Cn#» Converse and Edwards Mr. Barta, of the McHenry Countv T. Amount to be turned over1 to the Tf fruit trees k....„. 19.75 R. C„ stated that the Soma family Conntv T'-®astire'- bv the County C»eW« T»fe|ffer Pharmacv. formaldhvd# ®i vaevo ahoTit to be evicted for non-pay- of ^nopt. H»rrv pflv, oleflnlno- r^jw-poflJ ment of rent after which a general dlf-- All of Which »« ...n.MfuUy submitted. and plflstertng cistern 86.M J. O. STEVKNp -Tohn A. rtreen. plastering 88.M T. A. BTorvWRLL G«prre Vvstrom. (Jarnenter 4 4.80 JOHJf 3. FILIP »hnrtletf Co., feed, nails, plaster. , J ^ . • .••o„r.n .....twin .«in m • etf 1«A.64 """OWded hy Supr. Filip and the roll b< - for said rent to the Board of Super- The Committee op Roads and Bridges W. P. Allen wife, salary .1*6.00 .<«* f»l'*d was declared unanimously •>rs, proper! v O. K'd by the Com- made the following report which on •"*- LO"fs Fetes cook ; 6S.A0 'aopted, to-wit: • ion of Sunr. r>nimer. nnd duly secondel Arthur Wendf, help 40.00 cussion Was then hjid In regard to said matter and it was decided that Peter ""athnm Post 0f the American Legion Woodstock. Illinois, should present bill fo ' • - - - - - Visors, mender of said Post Supr. Freund stated that the building by Supr. Wr!<*ht ind t»»e roll heln'r Alva Wendt. help committee had blue prints for the addl- colled was declared unanimously adopt- John Oen* farm handtton to the vault in the County Clerk's »d to-wit: Margar*t Falrborn, nurse-...; "i.ce and that there would he. a meeting *•"•.'•1 •' ' Mary Haur. nurse of the accounts of the Couhty It rer for the fiscal years ending taxes November 30, 1931 and November 30, bank deposits, we have made adjust- " ments for charge-backs by banks which •oope of Examination were not later adjusted as well as deexamination of the County Col- posits in the excess of the amounts s accounts including checking all credited in the Collector's records, duplicate tax receipts ty cash receipt Nevertheless*, there appeared to be bal- ,, i» • " ",v '-'"i"!'"lies, ror man>' or them records: footing these «®»h receipt reo- ances of cash on hand at the end or J0'3„ are taxpayers, the same as myself. ords and comparing thehi with the CeuVi- each tav-collection period fc^r the years 10 40 The above suggestions In no way in- ty Collector's dally summary: totallne 1931, 1S32 and 1933, which were not de- 7«'7f. terfere with my present relations as the dally summaries to show collections posited in the bank. These comparisons 91 K0 your county physician . and the per- of taxes, interest and costs.We analyzed and the amounts of the apparently un-., 1k «0 ","n"nt inmetes of your Countv Poor all bank statements showing depofits d' posit'fl receipts are detailed in Schea- «<! 5ft Farm, My first and most important and withdrawals of the County Collector, ules "A-l," "B-l" and "C-l." Mr. I eteit 1R «n ^"ty is to the unfortunate chorees i»f examined all cancelled checks, and com- states that he believes a certain amount 11 to «"r ^"""ty Poor Farm and Hospital, pared the bank deposits and with- of these differences could be accounted «o'n(t My second Important duty 'is to our drawals as shown by bank statements for by uncollectible checks which were 99 an taxpayers. My third fmportant duty with the records of the County Collect- > corned by the banks and for which he •s to the Ronrd of Supervisors. Mv or. We also summarized all cancelled paid the banks cash. It is Jrue * '<»"t. btif by no means least. Is my duty okecks showing distribution to the vari- there were some uncollectible checKs of fairness to my colleagues of my pro- °us taxing bodies. These checks were charged back by the banks which were fesslon. I trust gentlemen that you then compared with receipts On file sign- not later made good. However, we have mnv see in this movement of mine mv ed by the treasurers of the taxing given credit/for\all such items of wnicn absolute fn'rriess to e-i^b .and every clt- bodes and also with Hie County Col- we could^find aVn- record or were furl- en of McHenry County. lector's distribution statements. Dupli- nished any ev1denve\ . ..•• -.,• _____ -•/ A««»r'pg von of my absolute sincerity ente tax receipts, however, were not- Some/ differencesywere found between •"^Nli' - Committee «« ClaMto Cnuntv to concerned, I thank you. checked against the Collector's Assess- the ampunt shown,, on the aupicate Poor mr'd# the following report which feipectfully submitted, ment Rolls. The collection and distrl- tax receipts and the amounts ln .. following repon wni n , DR. BRAND. bution of sp-cial assessments was cash summary as collections on these checked whth cash receipts, special as- bills. These differences are set fortn in. Dr. Brand further .stated that he sessment records, and cancelled checks. Schedules "A-5," "B-4" and ' C-4, show-' ""*-hed it this time to bring to the ,We checked deposits and withdrawals lng the following amounts: Board the good wishes of our State's as' shown by the County Treasurer's On duplicate In cash Attorney. Mr. Lumley, whom he stated records with bank statements and veri- Tax Bills Summary Diff. STOCKWELL H. M. TURNER JOHN J FILIP 0 H. FPET'ND J. Q, STEVEKS on moti"» of Supr. Harrison, and duly ke aa Mr. Chairman' 'nw wns retting along as well as could be fled footings of the County Treasurer's Taxes, Interest 81.17 fnnrd of Supervisors: " cal led upon Dr . cash record. Receipts as shown by tbe and costs, 1931 8 922.42 of «ald committee on Thursday of this Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the v ,« 0 Me'^n^er. nufse ~ -- ~ Mrs. Virginia Doughart, nur» CO. Milk CheOk Total T "nHurer to the ^.week. Board of Supervisors, McH«nry Coun Supr. Hemmer stated that be had tv. Illinois: . .received a communication from the Re- The undersigned members of tbe wv»1 employment ofllce stating that they and >>ridge committee for »«|d Conntv, Refnad check Mwyer Bto. were now located in the Post office would bee- leave to submit the following " building. ,rer>^»t en the matters before them: Chairman Rosenthal stated that no That wp met on the 2Rth day of April, . doubt all members of the Board had 193K at the Arm^rv In Woodstock. T'H- ••°ad of the terrible fire some w;eeks ago nols with the Illinois Emergency Rein a Pond'House at Mortons C.rove when Iter /"<rn>«+v Committee, plans for Wor"-{. On six people were burned to death and sng- »-'e'w were discussed but no action wai '"et » • gested fhnt the License Commltt'-e twke taken. bids fer s» refrigeration system for the somee^ng/tion In regard to the invest!- We then went to flreenwood end In- Co»mtv Howe. After much discussion T: B. stjd J'aup;' e-ation of all taverhs as to fire hazards. <nect«d the work being done on See- It was tt was thereupon regularly moved by tlon 7 M. v". T. nrd then went to th > trfn Supr. Brown and duly seconded hy Supr. t>(ebmond-Twln Lakes Road, a mile of '»w different makes of cooling boxsa lh ^"reund that tbe License Committee or: "oad that the people of Plehmond deslr.> operation. The committee met al T,|ouor Commission of McHenrv Countv *n be Improved. Th. -- .... . - 822.60 99.82 Committee on Countv Poor r. iXn" Harvard for a few remarks. County Treasurer were compared with Taxes, Interest " * 28 83 Claims would beg leave to report that Ma*on addressed the Board and records o£ other County officers. State and costs, 1933 1,929.01 1,872.90 56.11; j.'.i 'bev h'M-e exnTiined a!l c'alms present- ' "tated that he could endorse tbe *»s*- departments, and so forth. • Disburse- Taxes, Interest ed to them, and recommend the pavment f'^t'^ns of Dr. Brand and In his opin- ";"-ts were verified by examination of, and costs, 1932 1,929.01 1,544.33 83.25 84471 49 'ho 'cijowing: and that the Clerk be ~n ho proposition pertaining to the naid warrants, receipts and other evl- Total .11.429 0! $4,239.83 $189.18 .-•treated to ls->ue orders on the County* V*",y TTr"", t t a' as presented was very dences of pavment. We believe that at least a part of te Claimants for the sev- ttle medicaT profession. Acootnt With United State Bank of.' these items represent clerical errors. After oome discvission it was thereupon Crystal X>ake and have not. therefore. Included them r»e"ii;>rly moved by Supr. Freund and At the time Mr. Peteit took office, in our summary of apparent shortages, only seeonded by Supr. Ackman that there was on deposit with the T'nlted Exhibit "1." the suggestions nnd report of Dr. Brand. n-<nk of Crystal Lake the sum of Exceptions with regard to the pay- County Physician, be adopted and made $2,0000.0. which account he took over as ment of office expenses during the entire n r,f Motion declared part of thhe Countv Treasurer'" n-ne*-*' four vears of Mr. Peteit's term of ofunsnlmously carried. v-nd. The actual transfer of the ac- floe were detailed in our report to you f ' r . ^ n n r t o f t h e C o m m i t - d i d r » o t t n k e p i a o e . h o w e v e r , u n t i l d a t e d F e b r u a r y 1 1 . 1 9 3 5 . W e h a v e n o t , any how appro- ^ f Rrpnrt T B ftnd Paup. 76.00 To Board of SuperyiMrs, Sub»e<4iient to that transfer the United nr'ntions on Kxhibit "1," which excess flght of way Is rhnlfman Halea In" Crvstsf T,akV and Mr*, Pose Goddard. Dependt. child. 20.00 Tlllnols. of Crystal Lake collected totals_»1.661.98 f«ir the four-vear period^ .$17.8# 168.68 nmount allowd, as follow*, to-wlt: $181.46 181.46 C'*nw> Sanntorium-- T. P. and Paup $4290.08 T !* 61.01 61.20 ' « 61.50 0 t 0 61.32 J 'HH.I ^ • April 27111 the Co. Home Committee T. B. and P^up. .........J. <t the coui«t bouse to *o over the • P and Paup. fer a R- .......................... J decided to'make1"*?! ^n«»ection ^Wire"^ oAg^roff, Strp. 10.75 *,1". n" Buildings was presented February 15. 1 f>Ti, when Mr. Hen'drleks therefore, gone into this matter I Tuesday A^rll 30 tb and see a Psnat«rlTTm?T.' B.^n" r-u-p •«««. ««, read to the Board to-wit: drew a, check on the account and had it ' "th-r in this report except to si Ifferent makes of coolina boxsii in Mr*, TV-I .IIO-h f. P. a«'i ioo^ transferred to the name of Mr. Peteit the amounts spent in excess of ap •\'ii of wh'"h l« r"«»»e»»tfuU» aubmltted. • P. M. for the purpose ef consid°rltig to a separate account. That is, the $2,- our report of February 11. 1935, to- * ' - . A.1^ Ji_A 1 •* AAn Sisv _ 1 1J U U -- ~1 «il4k a av/)iieaUr> aThallflli be Instructed to inspect all taverns out- narrow in place* and there are some from there went to F.laln, looking over n '* T*"1 Tfome for Child., dependt. Oentlemen: 854.^40.44 in taxes which were credited In Exhibit 1 we have summarized sMe of the city limits of any city or ebsrn turns at the north end. We de- three boxes on the way. In Elgin we 'children 389.58 " "• < i"* committee met to the same account, although tech- the apparent cash discrepancies detailvillage and see that they meet all the rtded to "have the r'ght of -wnv surveyed '-lewed two more, nnd then went on to iv»r Cole, for nursing 28.00 o* ?^t".rdiy Mav 11, 1935 at 1 O'clock ntcallv they should ha ve been credited ed in this re_po_rt_ and those shown _in requirements of the state law on Are end plats made and see What arrange* Geneva end visited the Kane County ha'ards. Motion declared carried. ments can he made to secure a sptlsfae- "Vrm. There we Insnerted the w*>ole The following named persons "were t.o-v MlTiment. /»t«n as well as their refrigerator. After elected to serve as Grand Jurors at the Your romm'*tee ag*»'n met on the 9»h these Inspections the committee decided Mav term of the Cir<*liit Court ana on dsv of Mev 19?5 f<t Woodstock, Tlllnol-' to e»j»ot all t^'ds. and advertise for bids motion of Supr. Turner and d'llv sec- and eodited ?>nd »>o|<5 Kill« of e l*",»*«l with the ot\ly speeiseatton being the onded bv Supr. Harrison the list was nature, chargeable to the McHenrjr sise of the box. approved and ordered certjPed to the County Pntr"l Svtem of Poa<,« ns Op May 8th the committee held their ^ CWk of the Circuit Court, to-wt: .whole.' lneiud«n» insurance, supnlleo and re(r.,iar monthly meeting at the Countv *he Chairman. Dr. Brand addressed r>iiev Irvin Gooder. > repairs for .County owned machinery Fprm. The April bills were gone over the Po*rd and stated that'he bad pre- determined the following amounts of in the American National Bank of v\o-rt- Marengo--Charles McQtttm- .J^L.:i4ki|i(d nnd labor on the County tool house and approved, Including some that were n-red some suggestions pertaining to windstorm Insurance to be written.cov- stock. In May 1931, he drew another Frank Tobln. buildings to a total of $1262^08 partially contracted during the term of the Countv Hospital • and read the fol- ^ the various properties n. M. WBTCHT IT M TPBNER CHAS. H. ACKMA»f A. H. HALE Windstorm Insurance on McHenry Coun- 00".00 should have been shown as an gether with the excessive office expends tv properties to replace existing policies account of H. F. Peteit* County Treas-' t---os. • wh.'eb win empire on June is. 1935. Mr. "rer. and the $54,540.44 as an account of Bespectfully submitted, ' : J. F. Mitchem was present and outlined H. F. Peteit. County Collector. H. E. SNYDEB ^ COMPANY, T»'*ni* whereby thru attachment of the On April 28. 1931. Mr Peteit drew a Certified Public Accountants. Poctor E. Thomas Brand, County Ph.v co-.i.h.f,u rancA claus-e on cer tain i tems check for $20,000.00 against this a- e- <•• For i t em.i z e.^ account see Couny l^laft fjefng present we* ce'led "oon by m"*-- n' reaction* in rete may be had. count, which check was deposited To the Clerk a records, 1 -- ~ With th's f'n mind votir committee has credit of the Countv Collector's account - Telephone Panddlph #631 ~ E. E. Sr y-ter ft Company Certified Public Accountants? check for 815.000.00 which was not paid ' ' Tax Counsellors punbam--Henry Brickley. Bills chargeable to the variouB sec- the former Superintendent. lowing report to-wlt: $86,550.00 on Courthouse, since the, United State Bank of Crystal • First National Bank Building

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