Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 12

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PAGE POUR Special July Meeting, " 1935 : • .*"*• -; m ; %" r^ ; : 7 - - -^ r ,,< % ^ t t{ f ^ •. /, < _ , < - *• 1:/ .« * / y:*'! " •' -'-f * « **V r f •'W* THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS * • "fi ^ <* • -v • •<> • •• •* ^ * . ;ir; E. C. HUGHES C. M. PALM 10R " CHAS. H. ACKMAN JOSEPH HEMMER T&e Honorable Board of Supervisors Of McWeftry County, Illinois met in Spe- Hespectfully submitted, this 21st day' of June, 1935. , LESTER EDINT.ER, Co. Treas. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. ' 1, Lester Edinger, do solemnly swear The Special Committee on' MettsHfy'-'that the foregoing account is, in all re- , County Tuberculosis Association Ap- .spects, just and true according to my cial Session pursuant to a call signed propriation presented a report, showing best knowledge and belief and that I by more than, one-third of its members the purchase of an automobile to be have neither received directly or indiat the Court House in the City of Wood- used by the County Nurs.e and recom- rectly or directly or indirectly agreed "took, on Tuesday, the ninth day of I mended in the said report'that the title to receive or be paid for my own or an p. July, A. D. 1935 at ten o'clock A. M The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Paul Rosenthal, and the . roll being called the following members .• responded to their names, to-wit: Supra'. . L. A, Stockwell, L>. M. Wright, Chas. M. Palmer, K. K. Beck, N. p. Clawson, K. C. : Hushes, K. K. • &ueek«r, Chas. H., Ack- ; .ttian, Joseph .Hemmer, V. ,E. Brown,' J, i 1*;. Hnrriscm, ,/Iienry ' M. Turner, G. Stevens, h rank May, S. H. Freund, A- H. Hale. John Filip, «nd Asst. Supra. A, K. McConnell and l;'aUl Rosenthal, constituting a full Board." >'• The Records of the Regular June Ses- •:i, sion were .read- and on . motion approved. The ..following report" of the County ** Treasurer for the month of June, 1935, Was. presented and read arid on motion' ,4 duly made and t arried was ordered :• placed oil file, to-wit: < -J";; r Couaty Treasurer's Report for Month ol June, 1935. v - r RECEIPTS ' N "• Bal. 6n ;,haifd June 1st, 1935 168,477.11 Lester • Edinger, ! 93'4 taxes -$19,78ft.56 f C o ' u r i t y X H o m e , S u p e r v i s o r s : y , y 1 ' Inheritance Taxes ..1:. ^',565.59 Fees and Penalties 1-0® Dog Tax i.ii.. . 351.00 Deposited Order "of 'Court--Wii 2,145.60 • W. r. Allen, Supt. Co. Home . 389.69 Refunds on Ins. Premiums ' 5.26 •• Com. oh Tel. Booth .V.«; .19 Personal Property Back Taxes 8.27 Non-High School Fund 1,031.81 ' Institute Fund 325.00 125,062.39 Total Receipts $93,539.50 EXPENDITURES County Orders :.;$9;401.22 Highway Orders 2,979.74 Motor Fuel Tax 1746.24 Bounty Orders 142.95 Grand and Petit Jurors 399.50 Coroner & Coroner's Jurors.... . 30.00 Mother's Pensions .......1,155.00 Treas. Office, Salaries ' 850.00 • Collector's . Office, sal. . 418.00 Probation Officer .................. 90.00 Court Reporter 80.00 Eradication T. B. In Cattle; 416.35 ..Stamps'.' 35-06 $17,744.06 fial. on hand .lune 30th, 1935 $75,795.44 Total Expenditures ..- $93,539.59 The alcove and foregoing report is true and correct according to my be&t knowledge and belief. . ' LESTER EDINGER, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 8th day „of July, 1935. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. The Comfnittee on Licenses made the following report which on motion of Supr. Palmer and duly.Seconded by Supr. Brown was approved and. ordered placed on file., to-wit: July 8, 1935. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of thd Board of Supervisors: Your License Committee to whom was referred applications for Liquor and Dance Hall Licenses for the year l»ou, 'beg jleave, to report as follows: That Alcoholic Liquor-Licenses have been . issued to the following 6Tnce the June meeting of this Board. Peter Porten, Crystal Lake 168 H. C. Samuelson, Marengo 170 C. Ben Jacoby, Crystal Lake 171 "Wm. L. Scott, Crystal Lake 172 W*e would further report that Bottled Beer Licenses have been issued to the following: ; George Hermann, Algonquin Twp. 169 We further report that a Dance Hall ii, License for a term of one ,year has been issued to the following: , Ed. York, Hebron. Total amount turned over to the . County Treasurer on fees collected for County Licenses for the year 1935 and prior to this report ...$6075.00 Amount to be turned over to the County Treasurer by the Gounty Clerk upon the approval of this report $350.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STEVENS L. A. STOCK.WELL . JOHN J. FILIP of the car be in the name of McHenry other's benefit, any other money, article County. The Chairman called upon Dr. or consideration than therein stated, nor J. G. Maxon of Harvard, President of am I entitled to any fee or emolument the Association, who outlined in detail for, the p«riod therein mentioned, other how the organisation functions- He also than those therein specified. thanked the members of the Board for Signed and sworn to before me this their generous cooperation and further 21st day of^ June, 1935. •' stated, that in his opinion it would be " • • LESTER ED1NGER, Cw. Treas. a much more satisfactory arrangement R. D. WOODS, County Clerk, if the title of the car could be left iu . a I the name of the Association, instead'of irt the name of the County. After some discussion .'by the members of the Board in regard to said matter, the Committee It "ifras thereupon regularly thqved by Acknvan and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the report be adopted by this Board. And the Roll being presented the following amend*-<1 report, called, said motion -was declared unani to-Wlti- • • • . v mously carried. -I Mr. .1. F. Mitehen, gounty Insurance " • June 26th, • 1935. '"Supervisor, presented a report showing Td th^ .Cfc&irrhaxi and Members of the refunds to McHenry County from In-,' . Boai d of Supervisors:, • • " surance companies on. change of rates. Your Special Committee in charge of which report was ordered placed on 'file, expenditures made by virtue oi an apv The Clerk presented lists of ciaihis propriation made by the County of M"c- against the County and oq motion of lieiiiy to the McHenry County Tubercu- supr. Stockwell and duly secondetl by losis Association would .beg leaye- to gupr. Harrison and carriet), the 'same submit the following report on the were referred to the proper committees matters and things before them. | for a report and the Board adjourned • Your Committee advertised for bids , to o'clock P. M. for committee work., through the press of the County for a i:3o O'CLOCK P. M. five passenger automobile to be used' Board met pursuant to adjournment, by the McHenry County Nurse. Your j present same members, constituting a Committee met at the Court House on Iuji tjoar(j. June 26th, 1935 and opened bids and The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees awarded the contract to Goodrow's Gar- : an(1 Supplies made the following report age of Woodstock, Illinois for a Ave which, on motion of Supr. Kuecker and passenger Plymouth for the trade in (juiy seconded by Supr, Brown and the p r i c e o t $ 5 1 0 . 0 0 . " " . . . All of which is respecfully submitted. H. M. TURNER, Chairman J. E. HARRISON £ C- HUGHES roll being called was declared unanijnOusly adopted, to-wit: • -- ' July 9th, A. D. 1935. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ' of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- Association Appropriation be adopted by this Board. And th% Roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee to Settle with the Treasurer made the following report, to-wit: It was thereupon regularly Moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that the above and foregoing I por'^that "they have exanTined alf claims amended report presented by the Special presented to them, and recommend thq Committee on McHenry County T. B. £ayment ot the following, and that the Aasnnatinn Annrnnriatinn h« i>u clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit:. Frank Thornber Co.-- Co. Clk. Prtg. and Sup. funifl ^...$50.43 Co. Clk. tax bk. etc. fund .......iit....i.363.00 Co. Clk. tax bk. etc. fund „'....110.00 Co. Clk. I'tg. and Sup. l'und/i 137.89 R. O. \V. and Bldg. Rd. Fund ........ i < .97 Cir. Clerk Fund 61.36 Co. Treiis. Off. Sup. Fund- 8.28 West. United Gas & El. Co., shf. feeding pris. fund 7.78 Albin Kuppe, shf. dpty. fund 4.00 Wayne Halbleib, shf dpty fund .... 20.00 William Girling, Jr., shf dpty ftfnd 44.00 Howard Freeman, shf dpty fund 4.00 Rfchard Farrell, shf dpty tund .... 8.o0 Victor O. Siegler, shf dpty fund 8.o0 Sidney Corson, shf dpty fund 8.00 Henry G. Fisher, shf dpty fund-.. 4.00 ' The Committee on Fees and Salaries '•thade the following report which on motion of Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: June. 19th, 1935. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and the Sheriff for the half year ending June 1st, A. D. 1935, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them: The semi^aDnual report of the County Clerk being as follows, to-wlt: Nature of Service Earned Received For Probate Fees ,...$2,588.26 $ 815.64 For Clerk's Fees in "• Suits jn Court 337.15 233.25 For County^Servicas 869.00. For Misc. Services 4,005.48 3,984.73 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to Settle with the Treasurer to whom was referred the semi-annual report of th'fe County Treasurer for the period ending June 1st, A. D.. 1935, would beg leave to submit the following report on the" matters before them. Your Committee "-met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on the 13th day of June and proceeded to check the receipts anddisbursements of the County Treasurer's office for the period above mentioned by checking all cancelled warrants against the County Treasurer's daily cash ledger; and also against the County Treasurer's semi-annual report herewith submitted and made a part of this report. A summary of the County Collector and Treasurer's accounts for the period ending June 1 are as follows, to-wit: Nature of Service Received During Commission Half Year 2% on $19,941.91, Taxes Redeemed fromForfeiturea $398.83 2<& on $1,657.59, Personal* Prop. .Back Taxes 85.15 2% on t2,666.93, Inheritance Taxes collected 63.33 2% on $520,731.46, 1934 taxes Ip,414.92 lqj, on $31,685.46, Received as County Treasurer 316.85 1 o/„ on $110,358.64, Paid out as County Treasurer Total Commissions „.....^.....$12,322.66 Expenditures Salaries: Lester Edinger, Co. Treas, 6 mo. 1,250.00 Clerk hire, Including extra 3,048.95 Stamps 757.29 Miscellaneous expense 10.25 Total Expenditures $5,066.49 Gross Earnings for half year $12,322.66, Less Expenditures half year .... 5,^)66.49 Total Earnings of half year $7,7$M9 ^ Received of earnings. "previously reported:® Probate 1,4$1.0S Court Costs 212.00 Miscellaneous'.,...:.....,.^..::,.::.....,.... 1.85 Total Receipts ...:.......$6,608.50 Expenditures-- Clerk Hire, including ~ extra $3,479.70 Refunded docket fees .15.00 , Miscellaneous ........... 23.71 Clerk's Salary for one-h^lf year .......... 1,250.00 4,768.41 Net" Earnings of office for six month's period $7,256.17 Your Committee would recommend that they be given authority to meet monthly on some day prior to the meeting each month of this honoral/le body for the purpose of checking accounts of the County Treasurer and Collector. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. PALMER, Chairman. N. B. CLAWSON F. E. BECK ' i A. H. HALE ; V D. M. WRIGHT < County treasurer's Saml-annaal Beport Ending May 31, 1935 \ Receipts Rec'd from Harry F. Peteit, Dec. 3, 1934 $87,352.61 Received Month of: ' . December, 1934 .....ji.....T-i|ll,434.58 January, 1935 17,765.77 February, 1935 --........... 11,468.81 March, 1935 6,078.80 April, 1935 i....,i„...::„:.....,..ll,066.92 May, 19 S 5 44,071.05 Amount rec'd for 6 months $101,835,93 July 9th. A. D. 1935. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report- that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of , the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit;. Ottawa Sanatorium-- T. p. Patient Pauper Fund $76.74 Care of Mrs. James Clifford,' Albert Jance, Amelia Eibisch, J2sttierT Nelson .190.20' Zace T. B. Sanatorium, T. B. Pauper Fund 10.00 Chi. Ind. Home for Child., depend. Chil. Fund £45.50. T. B. Patient Pauper Fund<-- Claire Gregbroff ,.^.... '56.00, AJrs. Anna Freund V 15.00 Regina Klein 15.00 Mrs. Tom Jacobs . 38-28 All of which is respecfufly submitted. • D. M. WRIGHT '• , -FRANK MAY :,i': .. . CHAS. H. ACKMAN' "/ > - ' H. M. TURNER^.;^:^:^':, The Committee' on Road aivd' Bridgesmade the'following report, to-wlt Mn Chairman arid Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: • , • ' " ' 'The undersigned members, of -the Road and Bridge * Committee •' for -said County, would beg leave to submit" the following report on the matters before them: That we met on-the 14th day of June, 1935, and inspected roa^s in the west and south part of the County. South of Harvard a Barber Green gravel loader was inspected and inquiry was made in the matter of renting or buying same as it was thought that same could be used to advantage loading gravel for the proposed Ridgefield asphalt road. No definite action was taken in the matter. Several portions of road were noted where gravel resurfacing is necessary, especially in Riley Township. Your committee again met on the 6th day of July at Woodstock, Illinois and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature, chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of roads as a Whole, including insurance, supplies and repairs and overhauling County owned machinery, and labor on the County tool house buildings totaling a sum of $866.56 Bills chargeable to the various sections of County Patrol System of Roads for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and paid as follows: •a. George Nystrom, carpenter 88.00 Louise, Johnson, help 18.70 John Reynolds, hauling milH, April, 1936 7.20 John Reynolds, hauling milk, May, 1935 ..: 7.44 Incidentals : 59.50 Dacy Lumber Co., cement .... 2.50 The Swords Co., Are hose and couplings ..... 35.25 $2,302.22, Miller, White and Woods, hogs $234.85 Bordens Milk Check 154.84 889.69 Total amount received ;..$189,238.i>4 Expenditures December, 1934 ,.........$13,698.05 ~~ ^Trnraary, 1-933 , - --21.107.71 ^ February, 1935 19.1jnj-Tt March, 1935 25,2 J2.28 April, 1936 .,......A,.........:.J^.........19,977.33 May, 1935 21,2 < (.92 Balance due County for half year ending Juri<> 1, 1935 $1,840.09 Circuit Clerk The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows, to-wit: Nature of Fervice Earned Received For Recording ...$3,793.05. $3,768.05 Fttr Clerk's Fees in Suits in Court 2,305.15 2,033.80 For Misc. Serv 156.45 ' 129.45 148 Days in Court at $10.00 per day 1,480.00 I".. :• t Toal Earnings of half year :$7,744.«f Received of earnings previously reported: r Recording and Court Cost* 192.70 r - ilfs. ft ? -J .*«?, . K"1' ; Ik • . Total Receipts-.-;...,;..™: $6,124.00 Expenditures-- ' ' .Clerk Hire, including ' extra for Vj jr. ;$i,763.25 Refund docket fees..;. , .15.00 Mispel. offlec'expense 'nfip-half year 42.37 Clerk's Salary for one-half year 1,250,00 $3,070.62 Balance <l<ie County for onehalf year ending R-31-35 ^ Sheriff The semi-annual report of the Sher- :ift; being as follows, to-wit: Nature Of Service Earned Received ' For FherifTs Fees in Suits in Court • Process Docket ......$1,401.05 Exec utions ; 318.17 . For Misc. Serv. 1,126.50 ,.$3,053.38 $1,088.7 256,52 Amount disbursed for • .....120,761.43 Balance in all funds ,.......$68,477.11 Salaries accrued but not paid 607 00 Balance on same' 67,870.11 Total .....$189,2 38.54 The above arid foregoing' report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. LESTER ED1NGER, Co: Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of June, 1935. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. Official Tees and Emoluments Received And Expenditures Made June 1'9, 1935. By Lester Edinger, County Treasurer, County of McHenry, State of Illinois. To: The Chairman of the Committee to Settle With the Treasurer: I, Lester Edinger, County Treasurer in and for the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and during the half year ending May 31st, emoluments of my office, and also of necessary expenditures therefor, for and 1935, wherein 1 state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during said half year, the total amounts of receipts of whatver name or character, and all necessary expenses for clerk hire, and other xpenses. Nature of Service • Received During Commissions: Half Year 2«& on $19,941.91, Taxes Redeemed from Forfeitures- $ 398.83 2<£. oh $1,657.59, Personal Prop, • . Back Taxes • 35.1 2ofr on $2,666.93, Inheritance'! Taxes collected 53.33 on, $520,781.46, 1934 taxes 10,414.92 !<#. on $31.685.46,. Received as County Treasurer - 316.85 \<y^ on $110,358.64,-Paid Out as • County Treasurer 1,103.58 59.40 .$1,588.72 Total Earnings of . --..Half year . .. . $2,845.72 Received of earning v; previously reported: V'• Court costs; Process' Docket Executions *.. .. Total Receipts ..i..;,.,... • Expenditures--- •! , : 'f>»#uty Sheriff .......$ Misc. (Postage) 40.00 Sheriff's Salary for' M year (less $51.28), 798.72 $1,588.72 •fNote: Balance due Sheriff on Salary for '4 year ending Mav S1. 1935. $51.28V AH of which Is respectfully submitted. .-:•»< M. TURNER, chairman * . : F. KUECKER ' Henry G. Fisher, shf bailiff fund 28.00 Homer Mann, shf bailiff fund .... 8.00 Homer Mann, shf dpty fund 4.00 Clyde Miner, shf dpty fund '.. 12.00 Clyde Miner, shf bailiff fund 32.00 Charles A. Kuppe, shf per diem, fees, serv. fund • 15.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf per alem, fees, serv. fund 48.50 W. C. Nulle, shf feed. pris. fund 64.98 Marinda Bates, shf feed pris fund 2.50 Ct. Hse. Jail Repairs Fund 1.50 W. Woolf 1.50 E. F. Baccus :. 8.82 R. M. Anderson 16.00 Sylvester Muldooti 5.00 Bakkom Bros. t.v 2.25 Ct. Hse. Sup. Fund-- * * Bakkom Bros 4.48 Spitzer's Office Fur. House i448.80 I E. C. Bodenschatz 33.82 Albin Philipp, Jr. 1.00 Ludwig Wilson Co 33.61 ! Buckley Tea Room, Ct. Jury fund 8.40 Hotel Woodstock, Ct. Jurors fund 2L00 Ed White, Ct. Jurors fund 8.25 Rosenthal Lbr. and Fuel Co., Ct. Hse. jail coal fund 42.15 H. E. Snyder & Co., Cont. fund ....4,60.00 Caliaghan & Co., Cir. Clk fund -- 7.60 Win T. Conn., Cir. Clk., Cir Clerk Fund 70.00 P. F. Pettlbone & Co., Co. Clk. Ptg. and Sup. Fund -- 22.93 Co. Treas. Off. Sup. Fund-- R. Sanborn 20.00 Zion Oflice Supply 12.39 Zion Office Supply 6,72 Byers Prtg. Co., sup schs titl exp fund 12.*3 Ethel C. Coe, Co. Supt., sup schs off exp fund • 18.31 111. Bell Tel. Co., Ct. Hse. Jail tel. fund .....17,80 4J1. Bell Tel. Co., Ct. Hse. Jail tel. fund - 50.75 Richmond Gazette, Supr. ptg. fund 1.10 Harvard Herald, Supr. ptg. fund 2.80 Harvard Herald, Co. Clk. Ptg. and Sup. fund 3.50 Co. Treas. Assmt. Fund-- . Harvard Herald, 50.20 Harvard Herald : 247.80 Herald Publishing Co 819.30 Herald Publishing Co. 199.75 Herald Pub. Co., supr prtg fund 34.13 Marengo Republican News, Co. Treas. Assmt. Fund 887.75. Marengo Republican News, Supr. Prtg. Fund McHenry Plaindeader, Supr. Prtg, fund McHenry Plaindealer, Supr. Prtg. fund --- Amer. Ptg. Co., sup. ptg. fund .... Perfection Legal Blank, States Atty. gup. Fund flWyev}«~c*rr*otv Pub? Co,, Judcy : Library Fund ... 7.50 Woodstock Daily Sentinel-- Cir. Clk.-Fund 108.00 Co. Treats. Assmt. Fund ..i.i.w..„v.;..479.00 Co. Treas. Prts Fund 3.96 P,d. of Rev. Fun 1 24.S9 Supr. Prtg. Fund 2.70 W. S. Battern. Judcy. Justice Fees Fund 80.00 Richmond Gazette, Co. Treas. ' ' Assmt. FCThd 514.1Q Richmond Gazette, Supr. ptg fund 2.70 C. L. T--yon, Co. Hwy. Malnt. fund 247.65 Hebron Times, Co. Treas. Assmt. Fund ...: 150.40 S. D. Childa & Co., Co. Treas. Off. Sup. fund 10.81 Nat'l Re-emp. Service, Ct. Hse. Sup. fund ......: 25.00 Brey's B;ikery, Marengo, shf. feed. pris. fund 26:94 Pingel & Koch, shf feed pris fund 30.42 E. 0. Shinner & Co., shf feed. pris. fund 66.59 Supr. Sal. Mileage Fund-- L. A. Stockwell .*. 1). M. Wright Section 1 ...»...$ 46.04 Section 2 ........1.....;...^...,.................. 70.00 Section 3 158.58 Section 4 .................... 74.12 Sections 5, 6 111.OX.. Section 7, 10 ... 145.27 Section 8 703.47 Section 9 84.11 Section .11 65.00 Section 12 137.38 Section 1.3 40.00 Section 14 .. 244.83 Section 15 65.50 Sections 16, 19 -- 116.04 Section 17 • 175.84 Total .....$3,103.72 Your Committee alBO audited and ordered paid out of the Motor Fuel Tax Funds, items as follows: State Aid Route-- 2 Sec. 7 'Construction labor $384.80 2 Sec. 7 Construction material .... 52.09 13-13A Sec. 4 Maintenance labor 12.60 13-13A Sec. 4 Maint. material 4.03 The heavy grading gang asked for a larger allowance for mileage to and frbm work on the job at the Lake Countv line two miles eaBt of Spring Grove. They had been receiving an allowance of 20c per day for transportation fn addition to 35 cents per hour. The round trip is 40 miles from Woodstock and we decided to allow them 40 cents per day toward transportation in their own conveyance on this particular Job which we expect to take about 21 working days with the two tractor outfits. Your Committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of roads an appropriation from the C&unty Highway tax funds the sum of $3,500.00 additional until the August meeting Of this Board. • All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE E. F. KUECKER FRANK MAY JOSEPH HEMMER F. E. BECK 1' : ' Total Commissions $12,322.66 Expenditures Salaries: Lester Edinger, Co. TreaS. 6 months ....$1,250.00 Frank. Daly, 6 mo. .„....-:i.......$750.00, Marjorie Hamer, 6 m*>. brands Rodwell 383.30 Marion Rasmussen 338.40 Marie Lordan .178.50 Marjory Whiting....... .310.50 ^uth Bigelow ... Helen Beck ....... Eleanor Nienstedt .;. Celia Kuppe 48.7; ...,.:...«02.00 ......... 88.00 ......... 49.50 '$3,048.9 "7^:o5 „ . • •• 9.20 Total Expenditure* stamps Telephone Tolls Freight on Tax Bills 7.60 7.30 2.60 1.60 12.69 Chas. M. Palmer ... F. E. Beck ............ N. B. Clawson ......... E. C. Hughes ......... E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackmah . 37.60 . 79.40 . 90.40 . 22.30 . 77.40 . . 25.00 . 88.50 . 20.85 . 67.05 . 28.20 . 26.00 . 79.05 . 11.60 28.40 . 52.50 . 40.30 . 13.80, . 15.05 .$1,912.53 Keport ox County Xtoma Committee June, 1938 The Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: . Your County . Home Committee held two meeting at the County Farm for June business. • One, June 19, was held to iron out -some difficulties with the farm hand. This resulted in his being paid up in full and dismissed. The regular monthly meeting was held July 5 at Which meeting all bills were audited and orders drawn for same. The expenses for June were $2995^84. Of this amount $1821.53 were for permanent improvements and of this amount $1131.65 was for the refrigerator and walkin box. The running expenses were $803.33 ' less receipts of $245.97 of which $103.52 was the return on the bull that went to the yards, and the balance was the milk check. The dieting cost $280.26. - -4 A. H. HALE \ A. B. McCONNELL. J. E. HARRISON J. G. STEVENS \ V. E. BROWN July 5, 1935. |tf. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, your County Home Committee respectfully submits the following report for the month of June 1935, audited and paid July 5, 1935. Crystal Garage, car repairs '. and overhaulfhg <tXii.$U.60 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob. 27.01 Dr. Brand, medical sup 6.55 Public Serv. Co., power and It 54.94 Sawyer Biscuit Company, crackers, cookies, etc 7.58 Q Candy and Novelty Co., tob.-....:... 10.26 Albert Tessendorf, Shellane Gas.... 18.00 Corn Belt Hatcheries, feed for chicks 51.06 Woodstock Laundry, hospital laun. 1.80 Ludwig Wilson Co., cleaning material, sweeping com., etc 18.50 Home Oil company, distillate :. 30.22 The Shurtleff Co., repairs, coal and seed r... 58.37, Thorne and Son, clothing 5.61 R. O. Andrew Co., ice, feed & seed 42.31 John Pfeiffer, sand and gravel 21.37 F. W. Woolworth and Co., dishes, mirrors, oilcloth, titd 10.76 Rosenthal Lumber and FSiel Co., straw, plaster, metal lath 170.72 E. F. Baccus, elec. work and "fix. 179.88 Wm. R. Burns, refrigerator and Watkin Box 1181.65 E. G. Shinner and Co., meat 80.80 John Sexton and Co., canned goods 69.08 O. W. Hart, groceries and meat .... 56.14 M. Cohn and Sons, clothing 28.29 Goodrows Garage, gas, oil, and" grease r ........ 17.79 Seward Sea Food Co., fish 7.00 Pingle and Koch, groceries 67.24 Wm. P. Allen, incidentals 57.25 Wm. P. Allen and wife, supt. sal. 150.00 Louis Fales, cook 65.00 Alva and Arthur Wendt, help 70.00 O. Borgensen, help 14.74 Miss G. Melander, nurse 55.00 Mrs. V. Doughart, nurse 55.00 John Genz, farm hand 33.12 George Nystrom, help ....: 80.00 Fred Kling, mason 80.23 Arvid Anderson, mason 43.80 Franklyn Mueller. floor work an'd plastering ; 75.00 Milk Check Miller, White and Woods, bull net Total $2965.57 $142.45 103.52 245.97 $2,719.60 Joseph Hemmer V. E. Brown ....... J. E. Harrison ,.... .'. Henry M. TurUer,,...--i.."'^..«.w^ I. <5. St"venn Frank' May 4«v. S. H. Freund ..' A. H. Hale . --u tohn Filip .................. A. B. McConriell ..."..i............ 1 poselhal Philip E. Bierdeman, shf dpy fund 100.00 Ves'le Mi'ldoon, Ct. Hse. Jail sal. fund ......'.........10S.00 Ora s. NtiMe. shf feed pris fund ....I'OO.OO Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Schs; asst. nd clk hire fund .. ...113-75 Henry A. Nulle, shf per fliem, fees, s#>rv. fund : ..100.00 City of Woodstock, Ct. Hse. Jail It. and water fund ...... 68.63 Goodrow's Garage, Sp. Approp. McHenry Co. T. B. Assn. '...$'10.00 Todd Sales '"'o., Ct. Hse. Jail • repairs fund -9.50 A. A. Crissev, Pro. Off. fund 75.00 S. A. Rt. 23 Sec. 9 . 50 00 8. A. Rt. 8B SRT 176 ! 350.00 S. A. Rt. 13-13A Sec. 4 19.50 S. A. Rt. 2 Sec. 7 ........1,010.10 AH of which is respectfully submitted. L. A." STOCKWELL J. O. STKVKN'S JOHN J: FILIP H. M. TURNER ' The Committee 011 Chirms r"n, 1 „)v poi»r ""de the following report which on motion of Supr. Palmer nnd duly seconded by Supr. Turner and the 'roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit s " It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the report of the Road and Bridge Committee be adopted by this Board. And, the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home made the following reports for the months of May and June, 1935, which, on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer and the roll being called were declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Bssort of County Komi Committee, May, 193B. The Honorable Roard of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your County Home Committee held their monthly meeting at the County Fa/m June 5, and audited the bills and drew orders for same. The expenses for the month w®J"e $2302.22 and the income $389.69, the milk check being $154.84 and the hogs sold $231.22: The expenses were- for . permanent improvement and $1108.91 for running expense. Feeding the help and the inmates cost $246.81. A motion made by Brown, seconded bv Harrison that it be presented to the whole board to remove the Women from the main building to the tenant house. Motion carried. A. H. HALE A. B. MCI'UXN'BLL •J.'E. HARRISON J. STEVENS V. E. BROWN Mr. Chafrman and members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, vour County Home Committee respectfully submits the port for the month of May 1935, audited and paid June 5,' 1935. John W. Brady, feed, hay and , straw . * k vi Sawyer Biscuit Co,, crackers ........ 5.31 R. O. Andrew Co., coal, l#se , *-• and Grinding ........ 11.60 O. W. Hart, meats and groceries 63.92 Goodrows Oarage, gas, oil and batterv charge ^ 20.11 Rosenthal Lumber and Fuel Co., coal, feed, cement and plaster 147.45 The Shurtleff Co. coal and'feed 188.10 Tallman Robbins and Co., off. sup. 9.60 Publ'e Service Co., light and power 43.16 111. Bell Tel. Co.. telephone 9.85 Albert Tessendorf, Shellene Tank I Gas 18.0° ; F. W. Woolworth and Co.. supplies 11.6.) W. W. Lichty. treating horse on Jsnuarv ,19s 1935 -- 6.00 Elgin Cigar and Tobacco Co., tob. 6.05 C. F. Oumprecht, sharpening plows and cutting window bars 30.60 Candv and Novelty Co., tobacco .... 28.69 Dr. E. Thos. Brand, medical aid and supplies • - 6.70 Georco Moncur, florist, tomato and cabbage plants and seeds 11.30 Mont-nnierv Ward and Co.. clothing supplies and shoes 67.64 I B;>kerv. bread - 46.56 | W. J. Sparawk, repairing light- . . i nine rods ».2-i ' Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob. .... 19.67 Ludwig Wilson and Co., clean- ' ^ ning materials .: 1!) E. G. Sh'nrter and Co.. meat & lard 37.22 Home Oil Co.. die. oil for cook stov© 4p,rifi Pingel and Koch, groceries ............ 82.33 '.Tohn' Sexton and Co., gro. 93.7 1 I ^rilla Murket. seed potatoes 15.00 Con Belt Hatcheries, chicks, . , feed and 2 Simplex stoves ..:....1«3 0? •Tohn Pfeiffer. sfnd and gravel. .... 27.96 | The Vvr-Fyter Co.. fire extin- 1 gn'shers and refills ..* .132.7. Frank S. Betz. hospital supplies . 40 67 I W. P. Allen and wife, Salary ........150.00 I Lo'iis Ffl'es, cook 65.00 ' Arthur Wendt. help 00 I Alva Wendt. help --85.00 John Genz. farm hand 55.00 Miss O. Melander. nurse 55.on Mrs. Virginia Doughart, nurse .... 55.00 Fred Kling. mason . . --• JJiJ Arvid Anderson, mason Io-»0 Supr. Harrison, a member of the County Home Committee, addressed the Board and stated that the County Home and Hospital was having a lot of trouble in obtaining first class telephone- service, and that he felt that the telephone company should make some concession to the County for past favors on the installation of a private telephone line for said institution. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that said matter be referred to the County Home Committee for their investigation. Said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following resolution presented by the-Finance Committee was read to the Board, to-wit: ~ July 9. 1935. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Finance would beg leave to submit the following resolution and moves its adoption, to-wit: WHEREAS, it is necessary when a budgeted account iq overdrawn to transfer from some other fund to said account NOW7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that $500.00 be transferred from the Sheriff's Feeding Prisoner Fund to the Sheriff's Office Supplv Fund: that, $1000.00 be transferred from the Sheriff's Feeding Pris- -r Fund to the Sheriffs Jail Supply and Clothing Fund; that $200.00 be transferred from the County Clerk election Judges, etc. Fund to the County Treasurer's Office Supply Fund; that $600.00-be transferred from the County Clerk Election Judges etc. Fund to the Superintendent of Schools Office Supply Fund; that $1000.00 be transferred from the County Clerk Election Judges etc. Fund to the Bounty Fund: that $300.00 be transferred from, the Sheriff's Feeding Prisoner Fund to the Supervisors Printing Fund; that $600.00 be transferred from the Sheriff's Feeding Prisoner Fund to the Contingent Fund: and that $6000.00 be transferred from the Right of Way and Building Road Fund to the County Treasurer's Assessment *UAND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the - above and foregoing transfers of appropriations not In any way affecting the total appropriations take effect immediately upon the adoption of this resolution. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HEMMER, Chairman N . B . C L A W S O N V . / K. C. HUGHES JOHN J. FILIP 1 V. E. BROWN .It'- was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the resolution be adopted and the roll being called. Suprs. Stockwell. Writ-ht. Palmer. Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Hemmer, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund, Hale, Filip and AS8f- Supr. McConnell voted aye. Nays none. Motion declared carried. State's Attorney V. S. Lumlev, presented the following report and through his Assistant, Russell Allien, asked for •n appropriation of $250.00 for office expense, and also that the yearlv rent for his office, amounting to $300.00 be -lid, to-wit: State's Attorney's Beport of / Expenditures To the Honorable Board of Supervisors; Gentlemen: • 1 T. herewith, respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me 'rom the 13th day of March A. D. 1935 to the 9th day of July A. D. 1935. •^tate of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. T Vincent S. Lumley. State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first luly sworn- on oath, depose and say that •he severnl items mentioned below are Just and true expenditures made in connection with the administration of my office out of moneys set over to me by this Board of Supervisors for such purposes, 1935, March 13-- Appropriation from TM1. of Sujfrrs. $200.00 Amount due State's Attorney as per report filed 20.93 April 25--Shf. Cook Co., fee serv. summons Dept. of Public Works v. Sternards et al 7.00 April 22--Shf. Cook Co., fee returning summons not served Dept. • of Pub. Works v. Hacklander .... .60 -May 21--U. S. post office, .stamps 5.00 May 22--Mary McCauley, testimony Peo. v. Handy, inquest 6.24 June 1--tel. March, April & May 115.40 June 14--Russell Allen for Marie- Kruse, -stenographer ..... 30.00 June 21--Maurice Johnson, Cert. copy of order Dept. Pub. Wks. "4" and Bldgs. v. Hacklander et al 2.00 June 25--Edward Denemark, House of Correction Peo. v. Frank Sapinski, Mickey Myrda,- apprehensions 17.25 July 2--Horder's Stationery Stores, • Stenographer note books 1,12 July 3--U. S. Post office, stamps 5.00 jTulyt 6--111. Bell Tel. June 40.75 . Total Disbursements ..„...:_>.U$235.26 -. Xecapltulatlon. Totar amount received ....$179.07 Total amount paid out 235.26 Balance; due State's Attorney - :: $56.19 VINCENT S. LUMLEY, Sts. Atty. Stibfecribed ai)d sworn to before< me this 8th day of July A. D. 1935; - (SEAL) Beatrice C." Bopp, -N. P. It was thereupon regularly 'moved by Supr." Wrright and duly seconded by SUpr, Palmer that the report of the Statels Attorney be approved and placed on file. Motion declured carried. It was then moved by Supr Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Wright tha.t the request of the State's Attorney be granted, and that the County Clerk be directed to draw an order for $300.00 to the State's Attorney for rent for the year, 1935, and an order for $250.00 for office expense. And the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. A communication from the State Department of Public Wrelfare directed to the State's' Attorney of McHenry County with regard to the Thompson children of Marengo was presented an< read to the Board. And after some disr cussion by the members of the Board and the Assistant State's Attorney in regard to said matter, it was regularly moved and unanimously carried that the State's Attorney's office investigate said matter and report back to the Board at its next Special Session. Supr. Freund, Chairman of the Building Committee, addressed the Board and stated that the work on the addition to the County Clerk's vault was progressing satisfactorily to his Committee and that he woufd move at this time that $500.00 be paid the contractor H. G. Johansen as part payment on his contract, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue an order on the County Treasurer for the same. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Hughes and the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following communication from the County Superintendent of Highways was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: - ~ July 8, 1935 To the" Board of Supervisors McHenry Co., Illinois Gentlemen: I have received complaint that several bridges on the McHenry-Boone County line need- new planks for the floors and wings and filling for the approaches. Under Article V, Sections 36 and 38 of the .Road and Bridge Laws of Illinois the above work is a responsibility of the adjoining counties. The County Superintendent- of Highways of Boone County suggests that a committee from both boards of Supervisors meet Jointly and take steps to perfdrm any necessary work in the above matter. Yours truly, C. L. TRYON, Co. Supt. of HWy. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the Road and Bridge Committee of McHenry ounty meet with a Committee of the Boone County Board In regard to said matter, and as outlined in the letter from the Superintendent of Highways. Motion declared carried. The following resolution on Right of Way Purchase was presented and read and, on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Brown and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted to-wit: BE TT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County, Illinois at its meeting this 9th day of July 1935, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or 90 much thereof as may be necessary, from the said County's Motor Fuel "tax allotment of 1929 law, for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and jury awards in necessary condemnation proceedings, required for State Aid Route 11, also known as State Bond Issue Route 47. When detailed costs for each tract or condemnation are known, the County Superintendent of Highways is 'hereby authorised to send a statement of such cost to the District Engineer of the State Division of Highways at Elgin, Illinois with request for payment, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, to guarantee payment for all costs for right of way needed on said State Aid Route known also as State Bond Issue Route 47 as now laid out across the Town of Dorr In said County, approximately 2 miles East from the west line of said Town of Dorr. Frank Brooks 294.*# Clayton E. Murison and Stella Hun* son Jt. tenants 1236.01 John M. Hoy 9480.00 L. T. Hoy 1000.00 O- S. Marron Est. per James Marron 1500.00 Carl W. Miller 882.25 Fred C. Churchill 2000.00 John A. Sloan 1432.10 John A. Sloan 254.30 To Lestef Edinger, County Treas. for Treas. fee 484.17 Total $24,450.4# THEREFORE, be it resolved by sai* Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, lllinoLs, that the above amount of *24-45ii.4'6'of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1920 Law 'be used for the purchase of said right of way above mentioned, and, ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R."D. WOODS, County Clerk, is hereby , directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways Springfield, Illinois, for its approval tot voucher. , , It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. S^upr. McCopnell and duly seconded. by Supr. Stevens that the1 above and foregoing resolution on the Purchase of Right of. Way Route' 47 be adopted by this Board. And the." roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously tarried. •The following resolution on Right 6t Way purchase State Aid Route 8-A was 1 presented and read which, on motion of Supr. Kuecker and. duly seconded by Supr. Stockwell and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, M» wit: The following resolution discontinuing a certain road as a state aid route was presented and read and on motion duly made and carried was adopted, towit: . . .' ' • ' BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois this 9th day of July 1935, that the portion of State Aid Route 11 extending westerly from the center of Section 33. Township 44. North Range 7 East of the 3rd P. M. along the existing highway about 1 *4 miles to the Chicken Church Corner (so called) be discontinued as a State Aid Route and that same be deducted from the State Aid Mileage of said County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOTArED, .that in lieu thereof. State Aid Route 14 be extended from Pugh's Corner, which Is about 60 rods East from the South West corner of Section 20 Township 44, Range 7 East of the 3rd P. M., easterly about three-quarters of a mil^' to a suitable connection with State Bond Issue Route 47 as now laid out. and that same be made a State Aid Route. The following resolution on Right of Way Purchase route 4 7 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Balance of ar>r>ronriation $179.07 Disbursements 1935-- March 10--U. 6. post office stamps $ 5.06 Resolution WHEREAS, there is now available for the use of McHenry County, .Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law, the sum of $24450.50" and WHEREAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law,' approved March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of State Aid faoads, and, WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHepcj- County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement of state Aid Route Number 11, S. B. I., Rt. 47, McHenry County, Illinois: Chas. Garlieb $125.00 T. R. Ferris :. 42.50 Martha J. Lawson Est. per Frank Lawson and A. H. Hubert, executors '.. 150.00 Henry A. Eggers 4250.00 Enos Conley 47.90 Mary Alice Keating and Elisabeth Keating Dwyer 199.77 '""red Hernemam John Hawley 186.20 Godfrey Olson 135.2ft Enos Conley. 204.20 ctias. C«nley 169.31 Thomas Conley by Enos Conley attorney in fact, 85.63 Mary Berner , 139:.6."> John Conley 153.20 Anne c. Evans per Henry jStoltse. attorney in fact ., '-"tephen Ozmek ; 71.74 Fntik Lawson and August H. Hubert ' 97.90 Lewis Li. Foster --................ 90.09 Chas. T. Forrest, Safe 15.90 Besolutlon WHEREAS, there is now available Tof the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 LaW, the sum of $408.08 and, WHEREAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25 ,1929, to purchase Right of Way for the Improvement of State Aid % Roads, and, WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement ot State Aid Route Number 8-A, Sec. 6, M. F. T., McHenry County, Illinois: W. F. Selzer ,...$125.00 Henry L. Cowlin >75.00 ' Lester Edinger, Co. Treas., treas. fee 11 8.08 Total $408.08 THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of $408.08 of the Motor Fuel Tax or 1929 Law be used for the purchase or said right of way above mentioned, and, BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R- D. Woods, County Clerk, Is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public* Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for Its approval for voucher. The following resolution on Right of Way Purchase State Aid Route 14 S. B. I. 67 was presented and on motion or Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, towit: • Besolution k WHEREAS, there Is now available the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law^ the sum of $559.07 and, _ WHEREAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fiiel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929, to purchase Right Ot Way for the improvement of State AW Roads, and, WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenrv County, Illinois, have secured^ the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the Improvement of State Aid Route Number 14; S. B. I. 87 Extension, McHehfy County, Illinois: Frank Pugh L. T. Hoy 250.00 Lester Edinger, County Treas.. Treas. fee --••••-- li.Q? Total $559.07 THEREFORE, be It resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of $559.07 the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law, be used for the purchase of said right k of wav above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. Doods, County Clerk, Is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings. Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its approval for voucher. Several communications were presented . and read and ordered placed on flie, A communication from the Attorney* General of the State of Illinois was presented and read together with a copy of a letter directed to the Attorney General by the State's Attorney's office of McHenry County in regard to the Soma family. Said letter or opinion from the Attorney General stated that the liabilitv for relief of the said Somas t was in Riley Township. Supr. Stockwell addressed the Board, and stated that to his knowledge he had never asked any other Township to take care of the Somas and that he felt it was a County matter, and requested the Clerk to read a resolution, adopted by the Board, at its February Session, 1932. After the reading of the said resolution^ a general discussion was had in regard to the whole matter but no action taken. The Chairman brought up the matter of how the Supervisors should sit at their desks and suggested that the Purchasing Committee try to make some different arrangement as to the placing of the desks to be more satisfactory to the Membership of the Boa«-d. There being, no further business to come before this meeting it was regularlv moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Freund to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. , .. PAUL ROSENTHAL. ChairfliM, Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. • ; Special August Meeting, 1935 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenrv County met in Special Session pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day, of August, A. D- 1935 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Paul Rosenthal, and the roll being called- the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wi»i'ght. F. E. Bcelc, N\ B. Clawson. E. C. Hughes, E. F. Kuecker. Chas. H. Ackman. J. Hemmer. V. E. Brown, J. E. Harrison^ H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank May, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale. John Filip, and Assistant Supervisors A. B. McConnell ana T'iinl Rosenthal constituting, a quorum. . The records of the SpeciaLJ uly meet- * • n?. 1935, were read ahd on motion approved. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of July, 1935 was presented and read and upon motion 'uiy made anil carried was approved and 'rdered placed on-file, to-wit: County Treasurer's feeoort for of July, 1935 RECEIPTS Bal. on lnnd, July 1st. 1935-':..$75,7»S.I# Lester Edinger, Distribution jt Back Taxes $28.755.2ff r*ount,v Home. Supervisors 596.91 W. P. Allen, Supt: Co. Home 245.97 Pers. Prop. Back Taxes 52.12 Mog Tax 435.10 -' License Fees 1,350.00 bounty Officer's Fees 3,654.-74 Non-High School Tax 304.64 'disputed Taxes 256.72 cnnm on Tel. Booth r. .28 Refunds on Ins. Premiums .... 3.25 Motor Fuel Tax 25.621.06 •; Total Receipts for Month 61.276.S8 Grand Total Receipts ...,$137,072.0S" Expenditures - bounty Orders $15,564.04 Highway Orders 3,093.17 Motor Fuel Tax, Orders .......... 330.81 Bounty Orders 70.7S

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