Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 13

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%%* TBI! BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRT COtT?W, tLLTNOlS "AUB Five t ?*tit and Grand Jurors 528.So ##U Probation Officer 90.00 •W.s Mother's Pensions .......... 1,175.00 Coroner s Jurors ....i.........;....^ ,42.00 to* , Eradication of T. B. in Cat,.... 241.50 «$.< institute Fund .....? 126.00 mj Stamps . 126.S2 . Inheritance Taxes 565.79 Salaries, Treas. office 425.00 Salaries. Collector'*? office '..:. : 288.uO 5^% j Petty Cash Account Distribution of Taxes i ......t7,183.63 Sf4.w Total Expenditures ............59,852.03 Bal. on hand July 31/st, 1835 .... 77,219.99 .Js®*. . Grand Total "':..,....^......i. .i|fi37,072.02 •^drVff.- pe above and' foregoing report is true f' . aild correct according to my best knowl- ' edge- and belief. V; X:«-» LESTEREDLHGER, Co.. Treas. '. vJf/'i Subscribed and sworn ' to- before ; *ne .: Vjf- this 9'th day Of August, 1935., . (SEAL,) K. D. WOODS, County Clerk. "wj ' ' . -- -- . : . ' The Committee on Licenses made th' 1 following; report which on motion of '<•;«£ SupfJ tirnwn and duly seconded by Supr. Wright was'approved 'and 'ordered placed «a file .to-wit; , •'• ; v August 13}. 1935, nl .Mr. Chatrmart and Gfentlemeri .'of '(the Board; of'supervisors: '•"' ' v ' Tour License Committee t6>.whom .was ifk referred applications for Liquor and Jjanpe Hall*' Licenses for the year 1-935, V* j, beg leave to report as follows'. That Air Vo coholic Liquor Licenses have been iswtftii sued to the following since - the July meeting of this Board. Cornelius R. Tobin, Harvard 173 We would further report that Bottled Beer Licenses have been issued to the following: Henry Schugart, Cary 174 We further report that a Dance Hall License for a term of one year has been issued to the following: .Ji»>v • •George M. Boal, Woodstock R. F. p." *0 ' - Total amount turned over to the Counts/. ty Treasurer on fees collected for County Licenses, for the year 1935 and prior to this report $6425.00 Jo • Amount to be turned over to • the County Treasurer by the County Clerk upon the approval of this report $125.00 Yo n *1*11 of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STEVENS.-' • JOHN J. FILIP . L. A. STOCK WI3L.L. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report which on motion of Supr: Wright and duly seconded ijy Supr. Harrison, and the roll being ^iws called w?s declared unanimously adopt- V\Ht ed. to-wit: . > - jo Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the £ -T :WHfi Board of supervisors, McHenry Coun- ~ ty, Illinois: • The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Word was received t h a t other parties were after the Barber Green gravel t < irier that had come into the ownership '-. of the First State Bank of Harvard, $ which your committee had been consld- -! erlng purchasing for McHenry County. i We therefore went to Harvard on the m 31st day of July 1935, and saw same demonstrated. It Is a large bucket elevator that picks gravel up frfitn a pile ' or pit, elevates it and by means of a spout loads it into a truck. The machine weighs about 6 tons. The mar ;chin*' worked porfeectly on the demon- ' Jstratioh and was said to have cost $5,- SOO.QO. It seemed to be in urood sltap" ' except for being rusty. We decided we -had various uses for the machine and %»)Vo decided to offer $600.00 for same on be- IW. j half of McHenry County, Illinois. f(rt^ We also inspected the placing of a seal coat on the asphalt road at Har- -jfto-, vard< Illinois, known as Section 6-1 M. P. F. T. , , Your committee again met on the 9th v?.V day of August at Woodstock, Illinois, to and audited and ordered paid bills of a to general nature, chargeable to the McHenry County ,l?3l,rol System of roads V~» X' a-s a whole, . including insurance, supplies and repairs and overhauling County oWnefl machinery, and labor on the W.lj county tool house buildings totalling '- a sum of $452,n» Bills chargeable to the various secfeiissi tions of County Patrol System of Roads ~fti;o for labor and materials at rates heretoj fore approved by this Board were audit- .Vrfii ed and paid as follows: iii-ii Section 1 10 .^.....',1 Section 2 . Section 3 "Vd'M Section 4 . - Sections 5, ^&i|di Sections 7, Section 8 ' -^k Section 9 . Section 11 Section 12 ....... r «•%*<». Section 13 >»ft S<^ctton >4 Section 15 .i.U. Sections 16, 18 Section 17 ....... Total ...-- '""fi Tour committee 143.32 7 5.65 188.49 225.50 413.15 202.65 634.51 73.19 68.44 99.42 188.:! s 202.82 107.76 64 0.0 s 190.87 •jfcfifft rxr.rn ^•S * 8J AM & ilktn'i W ^4 ..$3807.71 aim audited *nl ftttftt ordered paid out of tfce Motor Fuel Tax Funds, Items as follows: State Aid Route-- 2 Sec. 7 Construction labor ^40.48 - 2 Sec. t Construction material 10.80 g-A Sec. 6 Engineer labor S6.3i 13-13A Sec. 4 Maint. labor 1 <>••;!) 13-13A Sec. 4 Maint. material .... Z.6' 19-13A Sec. 4-1-T Engr. labor 4?.04 13-13A Sec. 4-1-T Treas. fee .... I 20 Sec. 5-1 Maint. labor .. , 20 Sec. 5-1 Maint. material . . .. 571- An agent selling salt, far the <onstruction of stabilized roads was present and it was decided to inspect the- new ** » stabilized road north of McHenry being built by the State and Government. The south end of same was in good condition, but the north end had many pits and 'holes forming. A parital , release was received from the First Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago, Illinois in the matter of right of way across the Wray Far"J north of Spring Grove, Illinois, .know'J1 as State Aid Route 5-B, Section 8 MET. There is also a request that the right or wav be paid for by a joint draft to the above batik and Flora J. Wray. that t)r<- release be not placed on record until sufficient time has elapsed to send tHe draft to Colorado for Mrs. ray s signature and return to the said bank tor collection. We recommend acceptance of the above conditions as far as the County is concerned. In the matter of the proposed blaclt topping of the Ridgefield Road known as Section 4, MFT. the State Division of Mi"hwavs approved this County s resolution, If a six inch compacted gravel lase is provided. In the construction of the road under State regulations six inches of loose gravel was a p p l i e d, but now test holes show that from one to two Inches of additional material need* to be applied to meet the above ™ndttion. We therefore recommend that a ^ " resolution for maintenance funds from the Motor Fuel Tax Funds be passed by this Board for the sum of $2000.00 for the.above purpose. Word 'was received that, the Eirst State Bank of Harvard, Illinois would sell the Barber Green gravel loader to the County for $600.00 and a bill of sale has been tendered us. We recommend the purchase of said Barber Green loader for said sum of $600^00. Payment to be made,by the Road.and Brldsre Committee wMn delivery of the machine is made to the County on the rnUiiic highway, out of County Highway Ta\VeF^"re' informed that the right _of . .SteMTl >t* I fr'vji n .*k ... JV,- "br)'. •; . At*s - • • f t •:~n: Ml of Richmond. Illinois has been "ecured except one tract at the north end, and we are Planning to grade and improve sam* as far as the rigrht of way i» ^ cured in the near future. Same being known as State Aid Route 28. Word has been received that a h is to be held twfore the Illinois Commerce Commission at Chicago September 11, 1935 in the matter of the proposed concrete highway south oXit or North Crystal Lake along the known as State Aid Route 8A, Section 6' Owing to the lateness of the season, we recommend that said mile of road be advertised for bids on or about Sepw 1935. subject to the consent of the Illinois Commerce Commission to th^ new railroad crossing involved. In case the Commerce Commission holds adversely. th<*n all bids to be rejected. We also recommend that if bids are received 'satisfactory to this Committee Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors and the County"Clerk Ik- authorised to sign the contract on behalf of McHenry Oountv, Illinois in the matter of the road improvement known as Section 6, MFT. We have received and turned over to the County Treasurer for the Connty Highway fund," draft from the Security Insurance Company for settlement on battery and coils,stolen from tnodel T Ford truck i n the sum of $9.95 Your Committee estimates that there will be necessary for th<- care of the M^Henrv County Patrol System <vf roads and purchase of maohtnery, an appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund levied in September 1984 the sum of $4,000.00 additional until the September -meeting of this Board. , " - . V , All of which is respectfully' submitted. H. HALE t .... rjr • F, KCECKBR "... -Frank may . -v". '-'"r ' JuSKPH HKMMKlt ° • The' follo'wing Resolution on Right of Way purchase, fitate: Aid Rt 6-U and Sta'tiS .Aid Rt.. 8-B wsis, presenie^j.a«*S' rea^ to the; Board, to-wit: -. ktiolntin WHEREAS, how available for the use .of - McHenry County, Illinois', out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 4929 Law.jf the siirn .of $1657.83 and, ! WHEREAS, i t is«vpermissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25. 1929, to purchase Right ot" Way for the improvement of State Aid Roads, and, WHEREAS, Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement ot State Aid Koute Number 5-B and 8-R, McHenrv Countv. Illinois: State Aid Boats s-B Section 8 MTT Flora J. Wrav and First Trust f J o i n t Stock Lank Bank $1500.00 Lester Edinger.'Co. Treas., tres. fee 30.30 State Aid Beat* 8-B S. B. X. 176 Frank Strand, strip of land of lot .'. 125.00 Lester Edinger, Co. Treas. treks, fee 2.53 $1,657.83 THEREFORE, be It resolved by Said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, that the above amount of $1657.83 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 ' aw be used for the purchase of said right of wav above mentioned, and, BE IT Fl'RTllER RESOLVED, t h a t P. D. Woods, County Clerk, Is hereby directed to certify a copy of this'resolu. tlon to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for Its approval for voucher. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the Resolution on fight of Way Purchase be adopted bv this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following Resolution on Maintenance, State Aid Route 13 and. 13-A was presented and read, to-wit:' - Basolutlon of County Board of supervisors of'McHenry County requesting approval ot ihe use of money allotted to the County under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors. of McHenry County, that 'public interest demands the' maintenance of sections of the public highway all loi" dji>n State Hid roads and originally constructed under the provision of tb" 'Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved March 25, 1929, designated as follows;. State Aid Route 18 and 13-A, Sec. 4> M. F. T. .............--...:......|1(060.00 ind be it further RESOLVED, (1) that the above designated sections be maintained under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax Law during the year ending December 31, 1935 (2) that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Two thousand Dollars ($2000.00) from the c o u n t y 's a l l o t m e n t of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance of the above designated sections: and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield'. Illinois. It w.4s thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Mnv that the above and foregoing Resolution on State Aid Route Maintenance 1 <• adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following report of the R. O. W. Committee was presented ' and read to the Board to-wit: To the Board of Supervisors, MWTenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Right of Way Committee for said County would beg leave to submit the following report on the matter of securing the right of way for the improvement of the Twin Lakes Road north-east of Richmond, Illinois, known; as State Aid Route 28. • " . , That we have secured the dedications for the right of way needed excepting the owner at the north end, and recommend that the County. Clerk draw orders >n the County Treasurer payable out of t h e $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 l e v i e d f o t payment of r i g h t >f-wav at the September 1934 meeting of this Board as follows: To Joseph E. M i l l e r Tracts 1 & 2 $41.80 Lydia Rehorst Estate, per Pater . Is. Olson Guardian. Tract 1 19.33 Justin Genis and Cha's. Kruse, Tract 1 and 2 . 30.61 Helen Huff, Tract 1 T>5.00 James Todd, Tract 1 27.40 Total $174.14 All of which Is respectfully submitted. V. E. BROWN ; I). M. WRIGHT S. B. CLAWSOJT "'CKAS. H. ACKMAfT- " • by Supr. Ackman and d u l y seconded by Supr. Kreund that said matter be referred to the State's Atty. for his approval. Motirn carried. Supr. Kreund moved that said application also be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for their investigation and ret>ort. Supr. Freund's motion was duly seconded by Supr. Brown and declared carried. A n o t i c e received from the Peoria' Rockf^jrd Bus Co. was presented and read, showing the filing by said "Company with the Illinois Commerce Commission of an application tor a certificate, of- convenience and necessity to operate as a motor carrier on the public highways of McHenry gounl'y and other poy^ts. Said notice of application .upon motion dyly made and carried was referred', to the State's Atty: for his approval; " '. ' , . v \ . A -communication from Dr. 'Brand, r'Ominly Physician, was presented and 4-ead,' requesting tlie full Board of Super- 'viso'rs to meet some day convenient to them 'at.' the, CoiVnty Farm to '. (pppectihe intpro<"eni»;-nts'i and changes that have' 4Ven recently, made I hi said Institution. Said request being, made upon the reco'hiinnu* nidation of. the County -Home and Faim Committee.; After some discission on Saids matter it was regularly,, .moved by Supr.. Hale and duly seconded by SuprA that - the Board meet at the . County: Farm.. Thursday ' the t'went y-niiith day or August- at the hour of,11 o'ctoek standard time. Motion de-- ctartMl unanimously i-arried. • -•> \ The . following report of the- County Home 'Committee was presented and read to the Hoard, to-wit: August 7, 1935. Mr. Chairman and m'embers. of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, jour County. Home Committee respectfully submits the following report for th » month of July 193^ audited and paid August 7, 1935. -- . N. B. Clawson, cream separator antj motor .:,. $85.00 W i l l i s Disbrow. repairs, gro. etc. 32.3-3 L. .lessen, paint and labor .... 60.05 Public Service Co., It. and power 9",.74 ••V S. Pet7 <""o., hos. equipment ....528.85 Snwver Biscuit Co., crackers. and cookies : ...............15.64 Eeward Sea Food Service, fish 8.SO Corn Belt Hatcheries, chicken feed and supplies 39.41 Dr. Hrand. med. and supplteS 6.85 Royal Blu«>> Store, gro<*eries-....... 116.71 A. W. Wagner, hardware ....... .7. . 2.6-3 John PfeifTer, sand and gravel .. . 3.T. 18 John J. White, six door mats 9.30 Franklyn R. Multer, I n c ., asbestone. floors . . . .... 210.00 The Bohn Hdw. Co., hardware ' 6.09 E. F. Bachus, elec. work and f i x. 128.84 Illinois Bell Tel. Co., tel. 21.25 Q Candy f.nd Novelty Co., to^l ..... 26.48 PfeifTer Pharmacy, drugs 9.16 Fred Kling, mason work .1.,-.,-:. ..; 153.94 C. T. Abbott & Sons, welding . .... 3.00 R. O. .Andrew Civ., feed and grind. 31.40 Peter Shulz, bull 77.50 The Shurtleff Co:, nails, boltspiaster. cement, etc. .158.58 Rosenthal Lumber and. Fuel Co., b u i l d i n g material - 221.82 Electrical Appliance Shop, repair Frigidnire 8.43 Elgin Cignr and Tohsrco (So.( toib. 10.37 F. W. Griswold. lauhdrv . 5 7 0 Boyce Bros., gas an<r oil 24.95 Arvid E. Anderson, mason WOrk . .. 74.00 Montgomery Warily- Co., paints ... 215,40 F. W. Wool worth Co., towels, thread, needles Hartley E. Rardln Ins. Agency, Ins. 19.49 " (1. S h i n n ^r and Co., meat 6.12 Plngel and Koch, groceries 3 96 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tqbacco 14.76 ' ah'wig Wilson Co.. iMmp. Btips . 59;34 Brey's Bakery, bread ...... 98.66 McConnell Implt. Co., mower guards 2.80 Home Oil Co., fuel and oil .v.......... 26.36 O. W. Hart, groceries 13.r,« •lohn Sexton and Co., groverles, ...130.91 Home Elec. Sbop, radio . 30.38 c. F. Gumprecht. mach. repairs 8.55 Wm. P. Allen and wife, Supt. sal. 150.00 9.o<? Guy P u t t y , cook Arthur Wendt, help ....... Alva Wendt, help o. Borreson, farm hand . Mrs. V. Doughart, nurse Miss E. Withrow, nurse George Nystrom, carpenter 102.00 Mrs. L. Johnson/ house work 16.00 W'rn p. Allen, cook, nurse,• help. 31.61 45.00 v 25.00 1 40.00 5 loo 19.47 dishes, petty Bordens Milk Chpclt ... Boar J. Olbrlch Mill White and Woods 158.65 13,491.81 .,$93.97 2.0.00 : 109.97 It was thereupon regularly moved Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr Kuecker that the above and foregoin" : . .ui i . ernmmendation of the R. O. W. committee l.-e adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following Resolution on Maln- •enance. State Aid Road known as" Section G was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: ig hosp the County Medical Association 1t*» in vited for a day and later an open house for. the taxpayers be held. Motion carried. A. H. HALE V. E. BROWN J. G. STEVENS J. E. HARRISON A. B. McCoNNELL ftesolnilon of County Board for tli« Halntenanca of State Aid Orarsl aad and Macadam Boads WHEREAS, The law requires "That when a gravel or macadam road is constructed, the county shall pay one half of the cost of its maintenance" and, WHEREAS. The law requires that the maintenance of all State aid rouds is under the jurisdiction of the State Superintendent of Highways, and WHEREAS, It is necessary to pay promptly all maintenance bills to secure satisfactory and economical results; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the County Bomrd of McHenry County that there is hereby appropriated from funds in the hands of the Pounty Treasurer, the sum of Three Hundred and 00-100 I>ollars ($300.00), r as much thereof as is necessary to defray the countji's portion of the cost of maintenance of State aid road known as Section G. for the period ending December 3 1 . - 1 9 3 6 . and he i t f u r t h e r RESOLVED, Tl^at the County Clerk is hereby authorized to draw orders on the County Treasurer in the payment of the maintenance cost of said road upon receipt of itemized bills properly approved by the State Division of Highways. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. ' • $681.79 - ' 423.91 - $3.067.87 BSjoft of County Home Committee ~ August 13. 1938 Honorable Board of Supervisors: . 'Jentlemen: • • , : Your County Home Committee met i t the County Farm August 7th to audit the bills and make, their monthly inspection. , The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hale with the full committee nresent. ' Total exp. for the month were $8,491.8> '.••muneiit improvement ..... ...... 1.R94.S* Running expenses .^, 1.205.73 Which Included one toull $75 00 '"'othing and shoes .34.46, Tobacco :. -51,61 Medicine - : I..-.;....- 6.85 Dieting V. . .,;J94.82 Receipts----- '" M i l k :..".......:$93.97 |?oar 'i '»n ae-- Hogs and cow .... '..<09.97 . ' $423.94, Leaving*w net rtiiraiing exp. of' $681.79 Total expense <rfet), $3,067.87 Motifin bv Brow", seconded by Stevens that we recommend- to the entire board t h a t t h e b o a r d have a m e e t i n g at The Committee on Claims. Labor, Fees and Supplies made the following report Which on motion of Supr. Rjown and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens, and ^e roll being called was declared uraWimously adopted, to-wit: „ August 13th, A. P. 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, of the Board of Stiiu-rvisort-: "Your committee on I^bor. Fees and Sup Claims would t>eg leave to report that they have examined all etaims.,present ed^to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and' that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on tlie County Treasurer' to the Claimants for the seyeral amounts aHowed. aa follows, to-wit: . - P. F. Petti bone & Co., cir elk' $40.03 Frank ThorriWr Co., cir elk -S'LT'T Frank Thorijber-Co., C<s> Clk prtg ' and sup 1".. .. 78.5") Frank Thornber- Co., co elk, tax blks 23.91 Callaghan & (^o., j'Udcy libry . . . 3:00 H. C. Miller Co.,"co cjk prtg • and sup . ..... ' -' 11|'.J6 Zion \tff. S»i|iplies„4'o trea^ off sup '28.1 8 l'feiflfcr s I', co treaj* - ; y ! : VO# sup . .'. -1.13 I'.feifTer s Pharmacy, shf off sup ... 1..7A State Bank of Woodstock, cir -elk' 1-.75 111 l!Ml Tel. Co., C; H, and * •: jail tel tCo.> "48.15 111 Bell Tel. Co./ C. H."a>nd. ' . jail tel. <shf,) _'... .v....82:40 Hurroiighs Add. Machine, co treas • off - sup ...•. .5. 16.53 Sup. Sch. OfK* RJtp.W Ethel C. Coe, ..... ....... . 9.39 111. * >flice Sup. 42.45 . Richmond Gazette .80 Herald I'ubg. Co., C. (m> .80 McHenry l'laindealer „8o Marengo Rep. News .90 MarengO Rep. News, supf prt# .... 10.40 Hebron Times, supr prtg ......: 2.70 Hebron Times,"sup schs off exp .... .80 Harvard Herald, sup schs off exp 1,50 Harvard Herald, co elk prtg : ' and sup Harvard Herald, clr elk ; 34.50 Harvard Herald, co treas assmt fund ..397.30 Herald Pubg. Co., <C. Lake) co treas assmt fund ...... :......180«.S# McHenry Plaindealer, co t r t o s asstnt- fund I1M.70 Woodstock I>. Sentinel^-- . Co. Treas., Assmt. fund 661.20 Co. Treas, prtg ^ .. 38.26 Co. Clk. prtg and sup 83.98 Sup. Sch, off exp 80 Glentia Housholder. ,Bd. of Rev. ...:.288.00 'Virginia S t i l l e r. Bd. of Rev 144.00 William Earl, Bd. of Rev. .: ^.....144.00 Benton St. Restaurant,~ct. Jurors 12.65 J. F. Mitchem, cont. funrl, ins. .... 60.00 Industrial Chem. Laboratories, C. H. supplies r. J.00 ,E. F. Baccus, C. H. sui/pties t.55 John F. Wienke, C. TWail repailr 8.00 L. DJFish, C. H. jail repairs ...... 18.78 Henry A. Nulle-, shf. Ber diem, fees, serv. 22.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf.. per diem, fees, serv. v....216.50 Shf. feeding prisoners-^- W. C. Brey Bakery . W. A. Parker Plngel & Koch ;.. Western 1'n. Gas and Klec. ... Marinda Bates E. G. Shinner and Co . 36.5« . 56.48 . "46.4S . M0 .' J.00 . 10.41 . .46 1.24 .124,00 . 1«.00 . '4.U0 4.00 8.00 <.00 82.00 82.00 Rohn Hrd. Co., C. H. sup'........... Charles A. Kuppe, C. H. sup William R. Girling Jr.. shf dpty Albin J. Kuppe, shf dpty Sidney Corson, shf dpty ... Richard Farrell, shf dpty Loren Edinger, shf dpty. Sylvester Muldoon, shf dpty Clyde Miner, shf dpty ................... Clyde Miner, shf ImilifT Heiirv (1. Fisher, shf bailiff C L. Trvon, Co. Itwy. Maint. 320.82 McHenrv Co. Abst. Co., Rt. of Way and Bldg, Rds. 38.00 Richards Jewett and Wright Abst., . Rt. of Wav and Bldg. Co. I<evy 83.50 Philip E. Bierdeman. shf dpty 100.00 Vestie Muldoon, C. H. Jail sal 10M« Henry A. Nulle, shf per diem fees, serve 100.00 Ora S. Nulle. xshf. fee£. pris. 100.0O A. A, Crissey, vro. offleer ......... 75.00 City of Woodstock. C. and Jail H f c h t and water M.64 D. M-'WcidLht. spl com work - 123.70 C. M. Palr&r. spl com work 104.60 F. E. Beck, spl com work -... 14.40 N. R. Clawson, spl com work ..110.SO Earl Hughes, spl com work 9.00 E. F. Kuecker, spl com work ..... $0.60 Chas. H, Ackman, spl com work .... 94.98 L. A. Stockwell, spl com work . .... 86.50 V. E. Brown, spl com work .104.85 J. E. Harrison, Spl com work ........ 18.80 J. G. Stevens, spl com work 64.10 H. M. Turner, spl com work 10.40 Frank May. spl com work 12 .30 Joseph Heminer. spl com work . .. 18.90 S. H. Freund. spl com' work S6.40 A. H. Hale, spl com work 85.40 Johti J. F i l i p, spl com work 22.00 A. -B. McConnell, spl com work 13.20 All of which is respe< t f u l l y submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL S. H. PREI'ND , ' J4JHN J. FILIP . • : ; ; M. TI'RNEH St G. STEVENS The Committee on CT.t Wis, fN>Wflty Poor made ihe following report which t i n m o t i o n of S u i>r. Hemmer and duly seconded by S u p r. S t o c k w e l l, and the roll being called w»« declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: August 13th; A. 0.193K.* Mr. Chairman and fl«ntlemen of th« Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Co. Poor-Claims would beg leajse to report that they have e x a m i n e d a l l c l a i m s p r e s e n t e d to them, ami recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Ottawa Sanatorium-- r Esthel Nelsen T. B. and Paup. ....$65.4* Albert Jjirieo T. B. anad l.'aiip.- «•..»» the County Farm for the ptirpose of i n- j Amelia Eibisch T. Y',. and Paup 65.40 spectfng the new hospital. Also t h a t Chi. l n d . Home for Child., :3«.30 It was thereupon regularly moved by | Supr- Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. 'Clawson that the above and fore- j going report be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Paul Rosenthal.' Chairmnn of the County Board and Ex-officlo Chairman of the Board of Review, addressed the Board and stated that due to the revaluing of all feal estate in McHenry C o u n t y and t h e number of c o m p ' a i n t s that have been received by the Board of Beview, that it would be impossible for that body to complete their work by September 7th and that' the Bosfrd of Review at this time would make a reouest for IS days additional time after September 7th to complete their work. In answer to several inquiries with regard to the Board of Review s t i l l being organized after the 7th - of September Mr. Rosenthal read to the Board opin- ,,f the Attv General of the State of Illinois to the affect that the Board ma/ continue its sessions until it has completed the work pending. After some discission it wns thereupon regularly rroved by Supr Turner and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that the request of the Board of Review granted, and the roll being called said motion waa de Mt.oo «i*5 ifao 54.00 Stevens that the Resolution be adopted by this Board, and t h e roll being called j ary increases for his Deputies., It was said motion was declared unanimously jnerYeed by the membership of the Board dependent children Zacfe Sanatorium-- j• Hsrrv Hansen T. B. snd P*up. .... lf.#0 Ada Parrlsh, T. B. and Paup. Mrs. Tom Jacobs, Ada Parrishj, T. B. and Pnup. . . , --j-i McHenry--• ' - Re<rina Klein. Josephine Frsuna T. B. and Paup.-'... - --- Claire Gfegoroff. Mrs. Oeo. I^ay, T. !'• and Paup. , •'. Mrs. Anna Freund, Mildred Freund T. B: and Paup. ?8.00 Chemnug Township--• , Care Albert Walmsley '«•"£ Op™ A'l-ert Walmslev S5.5t> All of which is r»«n»ctfully submitted. D. M.. WKI :TTT • • A. H HALE - ^ ^ '* . -- CHAS. H. ACKMAN • " H-. M. Tt'RNER. ; i. ' FRA:::: • Assistant State's Atty.. Russell Allen, addressed the Board and stated that he liad just received a lengthy opinion from the Atty. General of the 'State of Illinois outlining in detail the procedure necessary to be tak'-n by Counties and Townships with regard to pauper relief under the new law that he would read to the Board and file with the Clerk. After reading of said opinion he informed the Board that he would gladly answer any questions pertaining to the same A general discussion was then ' had bv the members of the Board and the A s s t. S t a t e 's A t t y. A f t e r w h i c h i t was unanimously a .Treed that all unpaid poor bills after July 1st would be presented bv the overseers of the poor of .each Township to the Board of Super- 1-.>-e.f u^'Rimouslv carried. i visors of McHenry County for approval Supr. Turner, Chairman of the Fees | an<j payment a t , its annual September and Salaries Committee addressed the 'session, 1935. Board and stated t h -it his Committee I The Chairman suggested that the had received a request from the Sheriff 'Committee on Claims County Poor meet of McHenrv County for salary increases {p'ior to the Board meeting for the f i r s t Deputy S h e r i f f, t h ,e C l e r* each month for the purpose of a u d i t i n g in the sheriff's office and the Jailer and i poor claims, after which it was regularthat his Committee had also received a • ].v moved by Supr. Brown and duly secreouest from the Circuit Clerk for s a l- jotided by Supr. Filip that the Committee carried. • The Superintendent of Highways presented duplicate copies of State Hiehway Permit applications, 834 and 835 of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company requesting permission and authoritx1 ,to lo certain work upon or along Stite Highway known as State Aid Route •24. • ^nniic-'tions were '""received from the state' Highway Department. The Superintendent of Highways requested the approval of the Statt-'s Atty. on said Applications. After sortie discusthat action on said matter be deferred until the afternoon session. • Tbe Clerk nresented lists of claims against' the County and on motion of Supr Ackman and duly seconded by Sunr. Filip and carried, the same were referred to the proper ' committees for a report and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for commit tee work. 1:30 O'CIiOCX P. X. Board met pursuant t o adjournment and upon roll call the sime . members were present Including Supr. Palmar of It was thereupon regularly moved by £'"pr. Kuecker and duly' secondedby . Supr. Freund that the Resolution be •- - » -- ^ „ ... duly seconded by 8upr. Harrison adopted by this Board, and the roll bea «d'"'stateC,DVviVion of Highways that the s'|0n u^was thereupon regulariy moved Dunham Twp. constituting a full Board. that said matter be referred to'the pur- lng called said motion - was declared on"ciaims County Poor meet on a day prior to the Board meeting each month for the purpose of auditing poor claims against the County and that all claimants be notified through the press of the County that-their "claims should be for • v,#, nr»vious. Said motion was declared unanimously carried. Counts Treasurer, Lester Edinger, appeared b »fore the Board and stated that he was very much in need of some new equlpme t In his office, including 2 type- Writers „nd some desks. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck and chasing committee giving, said committee full power to act, and the rdll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. ' The following Resolution on R. O. W.' Purchase Route 47 was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: V: ' Basolutloa" ' -- ~ WHEREAS, there is now available for the use of McHenrv County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law, the, sum of '$9,973.49 and, WHEREAS, i t Is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax ]<aw, approved" March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of State Aid Roads, and, >'WHEREAS, the Right of Wny-Committee of the Board of Supervisors of Mcl-lenrv County, Illinois, hav'e Secured the, signatures to the following High- Way Dedications fof the improvement of State Aid Route Numbers 7,-11'and 11 Extension, McHenrv County. Illinois: State Aid Boute 7. State Bond Issae 47. Worth of Woodstock:. Gabrieila ,C. Murphy,' aii-d llenry C. Murphy, '.widening, at • reek $ S-.fto Le«ter Kdinger^^oTrea^nT#n 1 - ,1.0! './j: 5.10 State Aid Bout* 11, State Bond issue Bt. 47, South of Woodstock Mrs. Bessie C. Harden. Ida B. l'merv, Rose B. M,i(."o n n e l l. Fred, " p. McConnell . 50.00 Emil J. Olson and'Anna OJson ....Ijioo.oo A. C- Frederickson and Anna Frederick son :S500.00 Iy.>ster Edinger. Co, Treasurer, Treas. fee 91 92 $4,641.92 State Aid Bouts 11 fcxtanslon, 8. B. I. 47 Within City Xilmits of Woodstock O t t o l.indgren $1,100.00 McHenry Co., 111., t fairgrounds tract) " l.oo F. M. Gaulke, I2JO.OO Yens M. Jensen and Nellie Jensen 225.00 Edward Thurow, Fred Thurow, Bertha Malnke and .F- C. Thurow 2000.00 E. Bohn and Ida Bohn ;. r iRo.on Elizi»l>eth and Ernest C. Joorfets 150.00 I.etah M. Hoy and John M. Hoy 175.00 Lester Edinger, Co. Treasurer, Treas. fee .105.47 $5,326.4 7 THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv. Illinois, that the above amount of $9,973.49 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 j^tw be used for the purchase of said right of wav above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. 1). WOODS. County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways. Springfield. Illinois, 'for its approval for voucher. - ' " Supr. Freund brought up the question e* to whether or not it was legal for the Couhtv to purchase R. O. W. inside the corporate limits of any city or vill a g e. Supr. Brown, Chairman of the R. O. W. C o m m i t t e e, addressed t h e Board and stated that his Committee had taken the matter up with the Highway Department and had been informed that it was legal either for the City, County or State to buy the right of way. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board after which a motion was made by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the -lut /n on R. O. W. purchase Route 47 be adopted by t h i s Board, and t h e roll being called said motion was declr- eH umnimouslv carried. J. H. Brock, County Farm Advtsor. anpe;'red t*for»> the Board »nd made a request for a donation of $225 to cover the cost of pretniums to he given to 4 fl members at a judging contest to be held August 27t,h nt Woodstock. Illinois. Mr. Brock outlined In detail the 4 H work In McHenry County giving the membership of said club and the total pYoject involved. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. MeConnoll that the request of the County Farm Advisor be granted and that an appropriation of $225 be made to the County 4 H Cluh Committee, and that the County Clerk i»e instructed to draw an order oil the County Treasurer for the same. And the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright. Beck. Clawson-, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman. Heminer. Brown, Harrison. Turner, Stevens, May, Freund. Hale. Filip and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted aye and Supr. Palmer voted naye< Motion declared carried. The following Resolution on R. O. W. Purchase by condemnation was presented and read to the Board which on motion of Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr . Hale, and the roll being called .was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: unanimously carried. Supr. Freund of McHenry suggesretd that the Board notu us annual picnic some time t ! i i.< uion h and . t k> a trip up through the Lotus Beds on the Fox itiver. After Some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly se„conded--by Supr. Wright that the picnic be held on the 21s1 day of August and that an Invitation be' extended to the County Officers and the representatives of the press\ all to assemble al Hunter Boat Co. at McHenry *&t 10 o'clock A. M. on said day. Motion declared unanimously carried. « Supr. Freund again addressed the Board-as Chairman'of the Building Com-' mittee "and stated that due»to.; the' improvements in the County' Court Room That it would he. necessary "to decorate said: room, and also that it .would be necessary to write additional insurance in. t he amoupt : of $161)0.'00 on the addition to the County Clerk;* vault. It was thereupon regularly moved * by. Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr Ackman tlia:t said 'matters be .'-referred to/the •Buildtng Committee, giving said, com- 'niittee -ful) 'power1,to act, and. the roll beini^'called said motion .was declared iHiannnously carried. Asst. Supr. McConnell addressed the Board and stated that when- Right;'of' Way Purchase Resolutions, and Road Improvements Resolutions, were- presented to the Board that he was at, a loss to know where the Roads yvers actually located in the County and moved that the Purchasing Committee be instructed to purchase a large County map with the present highways designatevi .thereon for the use of the Board. Said map to be- bung in the' Supervisors' Room. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Filip and declared carried. The following report of the State's Atty. on the Peteit and Hendricks matters Was presented and read to tile Board and on motion of Supr. Brown and duly seconded,, by Supr. Kaecker was ordered placed on file, to-wlt: BE IT RRSOLVED. by the fiosrd of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, at its meeting this 13th day of August 1 935. that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars or so much tnereof as may be necessary, from the said County's motor fuel tax allotment of the 1929 law. for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and Jury awards In necessary condemns tion proceedings, reouired for State Aid Route 11 and State Aid Route 11 extension known as State Bond Issue. Route 47. When detailed costs of each tn 't or condemnation are known," the T >unty Superintendent- of Highways--hr-rerpby authorized to send a statement o such to the D i s t r t i c t Knglneer of the State Department of PuWic Works and Huildlngs Klgin. Illinois, with request for pavment from aforesaid motor fuel tax allotment. BE IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be submitted to the De- , 'I'tri'.-it ( lf Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois to guarantee pavment for all costs for right of. way needed oil said State Aid Routes, known •(« "tut# Bond Issue Route 17, the detailed location being described as follows: - Commencing, at the north west corner of the south west quarter of Pflotion 9; thence ^ast along the north l!l«e of the south weit Vt of section 9 fAr a distance of 400 feet to a point on the renter line of said State Bond Issue Route 47 for a place of beginning thence extending/northwesterly alitng the proposed location of State Bond Issu© Route 47 as surveyed by the State Highway Department to a point at the intersection of Semlnarv Avenue and State Bond Issue Route 20 extension. The following Resolution on R. O, W. Purchase State Aid Route No. 8-A together with an agreement between ths County of McHenry and the Chicago, Northwestern Railwav Co. for the widening of an existing crossing on said State Aid Route was presented and read to the Board, 'to-wit: Bssolutton WHEREAS, triere is now available for the use of McHenrv County', Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law the sum of $4,000.00 and, WHEREAS. I t is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law. approved Merch 25. 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the improvement of State Aid Roads, and, WHEREAS, the County Board of Sunervisors of McHenrv County. Illinois, have entered into an agreement for right of way with the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company whereby the said Countv may obtain a new crossing and A widening of an existing ' •rossing for the ifriprovement of State \id Route number 8-A in said County, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached; THKHEFORE. "be It resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of $'4.o00.00 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law be used for the purchase of said right of 'way above mentioned, and payment of the County Treasurer's fees, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. woods. County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public .Works and Buildings. Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its approval for voucher. * State of I l l i n o i s, County of McHenry., s». Woodstock. 111., August 13, 1935. Bsport To the Chairman iwnd Members df the County Board, McIJtnry County, Illinois: It is the desire of -the •State's Attorney's office at this meeting to make a full report on the matters involving Frank J. Hendricks and Harry F. Peteit, which matters were heretofore referred to the State's Attorney's office at a previous meeting of this honorable Board. After these matters were referred to the State's- Attorney^ office, "Demand N'otices" were immediately prepared and the present County Treasurer. Lester Edinger, personally served these notices upon Harry F. Peteit and Frank J. Hendricks, 'a -copy of said notices being hereto attached for your perusal. Both, Harry F .Peteit and Frank J. Hendricks, failed to respond to the "'Demand N'otices" which gave them until the 13th day ot' June, 1935 to pay to L e s t e r E d i n g e r, C o u n t y Treasurer, nt the County Treasurer's office, the alleged shortages based on the audit of II. E. Snyder and Co., Certified Public Accountants. Consequently, civil suits were filed in the- Circuit Court of McHenry County on the 14th da>' °f June, 1935 against said Harry F. Peteit and Frank J. Hendricks and all of their bondsmen, t'hder the law, all defendants had until the 15tji day of July (being the t h i r d Monday) to answer the charges made in said suits: By a general order of court entered by Circuit Judge Edward D. Shurtleff leave was given All defendants thirty days more in which to answer said charges. This times expires August 15th, 1935. We are informed that our Circuit Court will again be in session ground the latter part of September or the fore part of October at which time the State's.Attorney will ask that immediate disposition be made of these cases. Respectfully submitted, RPSSELL ALLEN, : Asset. State's, Attorney. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss.' Bsmaad Botlos To Harry F. Petei t, Wodstock. Illinois I. Lester Edinger. as County Treasurer of McHenry, do hereby demand that you pay to me as County Treasurer at my office, lotated In the Court House, In Woodstock, I l l i n o i s, the following sums of money on or before, the 13th day of June A. D. 1935: 1. Taxes collected by you as Collector of Taxes for the year 1930 ....$831.00 2. Taxes collected by you as Collector of Taxes for the year 1931 .... 940.81 3. Taxes collected by you as Collector of.Taxes for the year 1932 . ..1298.37 4. The following sums of money unaccounted for by you as County Treasurer, Hoy taxes 4766.71 Discrepancies In Treasurers acc't 1112.40 Shortage In receipts from Village Treasurer 57.00 6. Monies illegally expended by you over and above your appropriation each years as Co. Treas. 1661.93 As Co. Treas. of McHenry Co., 111. (Copy) State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. Demand Botlcs To Frank J. Hendricks, Woodstock, III. I, Lester Edinger, as County Treasurer of McHenry County, do hereby demand that you pay • to me as County Treasurer, at my office, located -in the Court House, in Woodstock, I l l i n o i s, the following sums of money on or before the 13th day of June A. I). 1935: 1. Monies collected by you as County Treasurer on the Hoy taxes $4766.71 2. Monies collected and unaccounted for --by voir as County Treasurer 1648.76 As Co. Treas. of McHenry Co., 111. (Copy) '• upon regularly moved by Supr. Act '.nan and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer t® adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. paul Rosenthal, chairr^n, Attest: R. D-. Wu< 'DS, Clerk. Regular September Meeting 1935 The Honorable Board of Supervisor# *, -• of McHenry County met. in, annual session at the Court House in the City of'.,, v.-' Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 10th day oC»^- September,-A; D. 1935 at tf'n o'clock AW .n. < 'M. . • ... •: - .'J'-*- -The meeting Was called to order by* - ^' the Chairman,-'Paul' Rosenthal, and tha-" roil- being .vailed the following member#"; • responded to their names, to-wit: L. A^v'V,' Stockwell. D. M. Wright, Chas.p M. Pal-*-.., . mer. F, / K. Beck. N. -B. Clawson, E. CJ .• • . Hughes. E. F., Chas. H. Ack« tTian. ;J. Hammer. V. E. Brown. J. Harrison. H, Mr Turner, J. G, Stevens^' Frank Ma\', S. K: tfr.eund, A. H. Kalej,.-."j-;"- John Filip and Assistant Suprs. ' A.-'Efej,^;^ McConnell ami Paul; Rosenthal eonstiR? tilting a full Board.- , ' The records o^ the Special Meeting of*5- August. 1935, were read and on mo.tlo#^ approved. . • The Committee on Finance made th» following report ori,th$ County Budget for the ensuing fiscal year, to-wlt: • '» I1. Communications from the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings and the Lions Club of Woodstock, Illinois were presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Clerk also presented statements of the condition of the State Bank of Huntley, the State Bank of Woodstock, and the West McHenry State Bank at the close of business on June 29th, 1935. The Clerk was then ordered to request statements from all banks who are or act its depositories of County fundi. Mr- KiJte, a representative of UH Woodstock Typewriter Co,«apjwtered before t&e Board and stated that at the* time the Woodfctbck TypewrHertr wW» purchased for t h e c o u n t y officers i n 1 9 3 2 he had a v e r b a l a g r e e m e n t w i t h the Committee that he Would service the machines for a period of three years with the understanding that they would be r e p l a c e d by new machines a f t e r that time. A general discussion was tjien had by the members of the Board in regard to said matter, after which a motion was made l-y Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that all matters pertaining to the purchase of tvpewriters for County Officers be referred- to t'he purchasing Committee, giving said committee full power to act, and the roll being called sail motion was declared unanimously carried. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors f<>r the September term of the Circuit Court and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and dulyseconded-' bv Supr. Brown the list was approved and the Clerk directed to certify the same to the Clerk.of the Circuit Court, to-wlt: Riley--August Ruth. . Marengo--Frank Miller and Albert Tessendorf. Dunham--Ered S. -Gay. Chefhong-- P. E. Whittleton and John W. Phalen. Alden---J. L. Baldoclt. H a r t l n u d--John Haliwy, Sr. Seneca--William Hahli. ( Coral--August Gurke. Grafton--Enos Conley. Dorr--Frank Peacock and Frank ScBXiett Greenwood--Nelson Smith. Hebron--John K. Peterson, Richmond--Richard Burto*. . Purton--Joe G. Wagner. McHenrv -- Theodone Winkel and William B. Tonyan. Nunda--Rudy Hauek and Henry C. Meyer. Algonuin--Martin Bohl and Frank Suchy The question of salary increases for the deputies in the Sheriff's office and deputies in the Circuit Clerk's office were again p r e s e n t e d to t h e B o a r d. I t was announced that the request of the Circuit Clerk's office was withdrawn. After some discussion in regard to said blatter, it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer that said matter be tabled for at least six months. Motion declared carried. ' There being no further business to come before the meeting it wag there- Your Committee on Finance beg leave to report that they haTe established a. '• budget for the general funds and fog the funds raised by taxation for gen*1.', eral county purposes for the fiscalperiod ending with the Sunday preeed-~ ing the first Monday in December, 1936. and recommend to this Honorable Boatf the approval and adoption of the bud* get of "Annual Appropriation ordinance" attached and made a part of this report, in the manner, and upo» ' the conditions specified in said annual appropriation ordinance, to-wit: Annual Appropriation OriUaaM For the fiscal period ending with th# • Sunday preceding the first Monday ik December, 1936. , """'iuant to "An Act In Relation t# the Budgets of Counties Not Require® bv Law to Pass an Annual Approprtagr tion Bill" approved July 10, 1933, It Mi . Herein- Ordained by the County of Mo* Henry, in the State of Illinois, as tot* lows, to-wit: . Section 1-- Receipts of the preceding fiscal year $438,65*.0# Pay merits made in the preceding - fiscal year p.... 861,183.4# Balance (n tW# Oouhty Treasury at the end of the preceding fiscal year 87,358.41 Estimated incomes from all sources during the year covered by this budget are as follows, to-wlt: Income from taxes ..$199,<99.5§ Totaf receipts Co. Off. $69,601.60 . Total Net Receipts, Co. Off 40,881.4# Income from State of Illinois: _ Refund Mother's Pensions ...... OOO.Of Refund Blind Pensions 3.600.0# M. F. T. Refunds : TO,000.0# Income from County License# To.noo.oj' Income Institute Fund 300.^# Total Estimated'Income ....|WT,081.H(|' Section 2-- . ':- That it is deemed necessary In ord«* defray all necessary expenses and ilw bilities 'of said emmty for the currertl •isc.-i] year that there be and there hereby is appropriated to be provided tap by the general tax levy and other revw enues for the current fiscal year th§ • aggregate sum of Three hundred tweia . tv-seven thousand thirty one dollaiB; ($327,031.00) that the object and put* pose for which said appropriation J# made and amounts hereby appropriate^' for the same are as follows, to-wlt: Oounty Snrreyer--#3°o.°# ^ Services* ...|IfQ.Wv, Circuit Clerk--#1 ^00.00 Recording, books, bar dockets and supplies* _ ^ ^-..>1.500.0# County Clerk--IHlOOXt Insane and dependent cases $ Printing and office supplies Tax extensions Registrars, births and ae*tns . Criminal cases Dog tax licenses - Election judges and clefKS, polling places .....;. Election supplies Tax books, etc. ....~ County Treasure* and CoUeetor--••JW* Printing f - 'ssooflS Printing assessment office supplies and record books Postage Ife#e«## Collection, delinquent personal property tax bills - JRierlJf--#15,800.00 Bailiffs ...».*.. Court per diem and fees for services office supplies -- Feeding prisoners - .lail supplies and cjothlng Deputy sheriffs ^ Coroner--1TOO.OO Coroner's and Coroner's Jury Fees at Inquests ........ Buperlntsndent of Schools #1,3084# \ssistant and clerk hire $1,365.#» Office expense Court House and Jail--#7,696.00 Salaries .-.$1.2.6 S.OOO.M .. 850.0# . 300.00 .. 150.00 S.S00.M ,3.600.0# 1,800.1 <00.«# „$i,ooo.J# 5,000.00 ...1,000.00 .5,000.00 _ 1.500.00 J.OOO.I# 100M 1,500.00 . 900.00 . 1.500.00 1,500.00 ...1000.00 356.00 500.00 500.0# Coal Light and water ........... Repairs buildings and ground Supi>lies court house Telephone -• .......... Judiciary--#l ,300.00 Library * Justice fees Miscellanconc ^expense_ • Oounty Home--#18.000.00 ^ Current expenses $18.000.«0 County Highway--#40,00<W)0 Maintenance Biale and state aid roads ... . ---3'.700.0# . Removing snow "•J""-™-. office supplies . ....^.....K.™.- Probation Offleere--$1 JOO.OO • . : Salaries , - * • ^ • #oard of B»vi«^#t-#*>7004)0 ^ Foreicn Witnesses 10O.W Bounties I -aa'22 " Jurors . _ * Baperrlsors--08.1OOAO ^ ^ • Salaries and mileage 000.W.,:. Printing MnoS ' Blind Pensions , Mothers' Pensions 1122122""" Dependent Children •....•••:•• : - 4..00.0# Pauper Belief--0O74MM4O . re Countv F'auper* , 60.000.W, Carp' T R. Patients in Sanatoria 7.M0.Off .;' State's Attorney--#»W>^0 Rent <00.00 Salary --•+»-- Assistant offiee supplies Investigation#' 500.W Stenographer 100.00.,. For pavnrent of Right of Way , and Building Roads . 70.500.Of County Aid in Building Bridges 500.0# Bogardus Fund ••-- Fradication of T. B. in Cattle 3.500.0# Contingent Fund --i I."00.00 County Insurance - 1.000.Q# McHenry Connty T. B. Assoc lation Fund t* .1.000.90 Total . «37,031.0| Section 3-- This ordinance shall be in fuu "ory. and affect from and after its pitiism00 and Approval according to law.. - i All of which is pesnect fully snbmltte#. JOSEPH HKMMKR E. C. HUC.HES . JOHN J. FILIP . N. B. CWWSO* V. IE. BROWN '• it was thereupon regularly BWtftd fcy Supr Freund and duly seconded l»>- Supr, Harrison that the Report of.the Finanoe Committee be apprised and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance be adopted h® this Board. And the roll being calojl Suprs. Stockwell. Wright. Pafcner. Becli Clawson. Hughes. Kuecker. Ackmajy Hemmer, Brown. Harrison, Turned, Stevens, Mav. rreund. Hale" Tilip an| \sst. Supr. McConnell voted sye. Nay® n«.ne Motion declared unanimous®,; carried. The County Treasurer s Report f<#. the month of August. 1935. was pr«K aesnted and read and on motion of SupHV Hale and duly seconded bv Supr. Turne^;; was approyeo M4 ordered place# on •*» to-wit: • , • i 1

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