Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 18

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I1' ' " ,k t* '*; , v **' ': 'vi=j i*AGE FOUR It . lihri stated that In his opinion something Should be done to compel the Public i&ervice Company to give their patrons better service. After some discussion It was decided that complainants should ' present their cause to the Road and '•..* Bridge Committee of the County Board. The Annual Report of Coroner E. H. Cook was presented and read to th£ Board, to-wit: January 1, 1936. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, : McHenry County, Illinois. Uear Sirs: ."', . • 1 hereby' present to your honorable Board, my annual report of. the offica Of Coroner of McHenry County, for the /vj^jpar ending: December 31st, 1935. C o l l e c t e d d u r i n g J 9 3 5 . . . . . . . $ 3 2 0 : 0 0 :AJDue Coroner i>oc. 31, 193.5'-.688.00 •; . • • . | J n c < i l l o c t e d " f e e s r . - . t . ' L C . . . 2 2 4 . 0 0 , Twent.r-three. 'ljnAtiestai ••tjjB.M.; Without ?v'-; jfurv. a- sa vmgr, to thfe county in jury. ' fees. $13S no. : " , -Coroner of McHenry County, III. . \ " >:EIHVARl> 11. (^)OK, ' the reading of ..the: report, a general discussion was hod'by the „m'em- .bers of the Hoard and the Clerk in rev.' gii'.a ,io certain /ases reported by thit '"ipbrftne'r. After* which.. saM report was •\.'$r<ler<Hl jHaced (to file. - .. • i Clerk presented .lists :of . claims .'V^gairist.-. thS County and OiY motion of .. '.;Stjpr. "Wright and duly seconded by Supr. 'Ackman and declared'carried, the Board; ' .-adjourned to 1:30 o'clock p. m. .for the ' 'approval of said claims. . '\ , 1:30 O'CLOCK P. *, £ .Board met pursuant to adjournment, and upon roll call the same members responded to their names, constituting-. . a full Foard. V The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies presented the following- report, which on motion of Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: • ; January 14, 1936 Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen, of the .-'•'. Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on I^abor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that, they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the • Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for • title several amounts allowed, as follows, '•••:' tOrWit: P. F. Fettibone & Co., cir. clk.........$2.0.28. . Prank Thornber Co., *cir. clk. . 4.49 ITrank Thornber Co., Co. Clk. prtg. .and sup. 53.18 .: Frank Thornber Co., Co. Clk. tax blks. -.. 39.39 Harry C. Daniels, Co.'Acting Judge salary !..... 60.00 Caflaghan A- Co., Judcy. library .... 13.99 111. Bell Tele. Co., Co. $46.55, -. sheriff $20.09 66.64 C. I. Herald Pub. Co., supr. prtg. 1.70 JSST.oodstock Journal, supr. prtg 1.70 McH enr'y Plaindealer, supr. prtg... 1.50 Richmond Gazette, supr. prtg 1.60 Woodstock D. Sentinel, supr. prtg. 10,60 Woodstock D. Sentinel, clr. clk. .... 61.00 Woodstock D. Sentinel, Co. clk.' prtg. and sup 1........;. 14.50 Harvard Herald, supr. prtg. 1.60 Harvard Herald, co. treas. prtg 32.00 Security Env. Co., co. treas. off. - supplies 45.54 Zlon Office Supply Co. treas. Off. supplies ....: v... 9.28 •'Ethel C. Coe, Co. Supt., sup; schs. off. exp. ..l ; ..17.53 The Johnson-Randolph .Co., sup. .', ,'echs. off. exp. ...... ..17.80 Pyramid Paper Corp., sup. schs. " off. exp. 77.87 Multigraph Sales Agcy., sup. schs. off. exp. 12.00 Hall & Eckert, C. H. & Jail- Rep... 1.12 D. B. Nichols, C. H. & Jail Rep... 9.20 David Rattray, C- H: ft Jail Rep... 3.63 Karl G. Fritz1, C. H. Sup 3.75 Ills. Wholesale Co., C. H. SUt>. 4.00 Ludwig Wilson Co., C. H. Sup. ...... 27.04 Richard Backhus, C. H. Slip. 8.31 E. C. Bodenschatz, C. H. Sup 23.22 Slavin & Merwin, C. H. Sup. 1.77 National Re-employment Service, C. H. Sup 40.00 . -Ijlenry A. Nulle, shff. per diem, fees and serv 32.60 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS > n ' . ~ T " r / , ' T y i f '}*'• lV To the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County., Gentlemen:- » I would again renew my requwt for an increase in salary for my Chiel' Deputy. He is now receiving $125.00 per month. My Jailor and Janitor,' Sylvester Muldoon, is likewise worthy of an increase, in view of the long hours he is required to serve in his wvrk. His present .salary is $108.00 a month. The salary of my Office Deputy, Philip E. Bierdeman, is in my estimation, entirely too low for the valuable service this man gives to the County and to me. He has been working for $100.00 a month for a long period of time and I earnestly recommend that ,l\e be given a substantial raise in pay. ; " -. ^11 of the above,: I respectfully submit for your consideration. Very truly yours, HENRY A, NULLE, .Sheriff. Supr. Turner. Chairman of the Fees and Salaries Committee, stated that the request was presented to, his cofn.mittee and that due to. the low salaries that the men involved were receiving for the class of W6rk they are put to do and also on. account of.therri all being heads."of families he felt that the request should be granted. Supr. Stevejis concurred in the opinion of Supr. Turnei*. After which a general discussion was had by the members of the Board on said matter. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Hale that the following salary increases be granted, to-wit: First Deputy Sheriff fpom $1^5 to $135 per month, Clerk in Sheriffs office from $100 to $125 per month, and the janitor and jailer from $108 to $125 per mopth. And the roll being called, Suprs. Stockifrell, Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Hemmer, Bro-^n, Turner, Stevens. May, Freund, Hale, Pilip and Asstt. Supr, MctConnell voted aye. Supr. Harrison not voting. Motion declared carried, -- The Committee on Claims County Poor made the following report, to-wit: I Harold Meier if. W. Gieseke Edw. C. Buhrow Peter J. Schaefer Gprtrude Brunkhorst .......... I > W. Hart Alexander Lbr. Co. Paul Buhrman .v...;..". C. V. Colby Peter Nelson .................. J. R. Osmun Cliff Wingate, Admr. F. J. Nichols Mrs. H. B. WilcoX G. D. Crabtree B. W. Colby Chas. A. Mason Dr. F, L. Alford .... Algonqun-- Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. p. L,. -Alford-iUi jdhn J. Fiiip May G. Hale ............ Joseph Vlcek .... 12.00 .... 19.30 .... 45.50 .... 10.00 ...., 12.00 .... 15.00 13.25 .... 8.00 .... 15.00 .... 15.001 ... 10.00 15.00 : .85.00 10.00 ........... 12.00 le.'eo 55.00 15.00 "1.77 15.00 5.00 A. & p; Chicago, 2500'MohKwtt StP 10.00 A. & P. Crystal Lake .16.00. National Tea Co., Crystal Lake .... 15.00 National, -Tea Co., Algonquin ..'.i....:. 24.00 Fox RJA er Grove Coal A Lbr. ........ 96.00 Emil \'oc)nan,«ky Esta'te ,.C,. 63 53 McHenry Co. Farm. Co-op, 15.4 6 Frank E. Bohl : f.;,;i'.V.„W^'.»«'0.00, Dr. J C.- Sculley 12.50 Arthur F. Harden ...i......... litt.OO C Franke & Co. ...82.72 S h i e l d o f Q u a l i t y S t 6 r e . 9 . 0 0 Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel ../.n...-! ^109.79 Warners Funeral Serv. 65.00 Harry F. Hansen 15.00 A. P. Borger & Son .......J... , €.46 L. B. Robbin, Rec. 10.0(t Henry Brelie Jos. J. Jaster Werneke & Wahlen Mrs. M. Burnett Margaret McGarry \. Joseph Smida 10.00 ....: 5*. 00 ........... 15.00 12.00 „......R. 10.00 ... 16.00 January 14, A. D. 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, towit: * Chi! Ind. Home for Children Dependt. Child $397.36 Zace Tuber. San., Ada Parrish ^....10.00 Ottawa Sanatorium-- Bern ice Sommer . --65^67 Margaret Butts 64.75 Amelia ElMsch 65.39 Riley-- :• i'--V' Royal Blue Store 15.40 Patrick Bros." 6.18 F. Levin 9.29 Chas. Engle 8.10 Ernest Wolf 5.00 J. H. Patterson Co,' ---.... 80.90 Slavin & Merwin 23.00 Chemung-- /. .. Lush Vermilya & Co. ..1 69.05 Fred W. Barlow ,ji.;,.i.....u.^J..154 92 City of Harvard, 5.28 O. L. Putnam 65.00 Strain Bros 58.94 L. H. Vierck 14.92 Hoge & Sons ... 31.11 Henry Koltz & Sons- 39.69 The Thrift Shop .......i.™..:."....,7.54 F. C. Peters 4.25 Lake & Harris 80.82 Schutte & Cerny 65.00 William Zell 10.00 L. C. Allen ..............................Jw 7.00 C. Ca m pan ell i».......... 10.00. J. C. Bates Frederika Deithloff .. Esmond & Dougless A. & P. (Walworth, Wis.) 10.00 West. Un. Gas. & El, 7.42 111. Nor. Utll. Co Bernice Sherman -- Mrs. Tom Jacobs .........--......... C. & N. W. Ry. Co. Alden-- Lush St Vermlya Wm. E. VanDer Veen .......... Duensing Bros. ....15.00 Diercks Lbr. Co. 18.40 John D. Dianis & Sons 86.70 H. W. Gieseke 10.09 James Kos 42.00 O. W. Hart 42.00 Edward Vinicky ..; !........ 75.00 Edk. C. Buhrow .....v...:........... 16.00 Kerns & Dianis 10.00 107.74 14.00 lo.oo .............. 12.00 ........ 26.42 8.50 Wm. Wascher A. Marek :. Cary Bakery & Gr,oc. -- Dr. F. J. Theobold C. Franke & Co. i...;... Alexander Lbr. Co. Marengo-- - Dr. E. Thos. Brarid,.........:..i.,.».~ D. M. Wright J. H. Patterson u.......... Albert Tessendorf Royal Blue Store Triangle Groc. -- John Rands E. Kamholz Warren J ordon .... A. M. Wallace ............. Shurtleff Co Shurtleff Farm Store J...... John Benton .........,.i.....:..... Central GrOC. Patrick Bros Ida DeLong Harry Eaton .... Hyde Cash Coal Co Mrs. TQJI Chestnut -i..... city of Harvard ... Havens Drug Store Lord ens Cash Groe.' --..... Dunham-- Lush Vermilya 6.00 C. E. Ambler 18.19 L. A. Douglas 99.92 Strain Bros. 20.00 Geo. I. Walker 12.49 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. M. WRIGHT , CHAS. H. ACKMAN A. H. HALE FRANK MAT. H. M. TURNER 10.00 ....... 18.00 85.03 15.46 27.00 7.63 41.72 1.50 62.83 124.21 10.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 68.17 9.30 26.00 18.82 23.70 ........... 8.00 .......... 8.00 66.97 28.00 18.12 6.12 10.00 Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings for their action thereoh as provided by law. The following resolution on Right of Way Purchase was presented and read 'to the Board, to-wit: Resolution WHEREAS, there is now available for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929, the sum of $2,456.33 and, * . , , WHEREAS, it is permissible ^ifhder said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25. 1929, to purchase Right of Way for the Improvement of State Aid Roads, and, WHEREAS, the «lght of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured rhe signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvement of State Aid Route Number 17-A, McHenry County, Illinois:; Herman L. Freese and Clara A. - Freese, Anna Mutchow & Fred C. Mutchow, Minnie Esmond & i '" ' V , Alvin C. Esmond ...! .$ 5t;7.0 David Lee, Est. 1,000.00 Harriett Stewart &. Sam Stewart 1,350.00 Lester Edingeiv County "Treas. treas. fee 48.63 and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Conatjr Treasurer's Bspprt Tor Month of January, 1936 uonni Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1986 $105,537.06 Taxes Red. from Porf $ 2,886.70 Real Estate Back Taxes ......:. 2,763.89 Personal Prop. Back Taxes .... 4 93.11 Penalties and Fees 7,704.72 Institute Fund 59.00 Check Payment withdrawn „ .50, 1934 taxes--final payment.... 7,312.73 Dog Tax 679.25 Non-high school tax 2,470.25 County Officer's Fees ......; 12,919.46 Tax anticipation warra'n^s .... 20,000.00 Machinery Rental >6,134.46 Inheritance taxes '1,340.09 License Fees 2,900.00 Commission on tel. booth. .36 Miscellaneous Irtcdqie , 8.00, Motor Fuel Tax 816.16 Insurance Refund 5,:. 17.76 County Home • 830.39 Blind Relief 384.63 Total receipts for January;. 68,220.06 Paul's Lubritorium, shff. per diem* T. , „ .. Y'fees and serv. ;... 21.49 "eb"on r^t Sh Grocery ....... 3*ck Smith Service Station, shff. , • J}' . per <1iem, fees and serv 27.78 ' v Rr<^;"v ' H®andrseravnn' 8h"; ^ **** M 00 1 ^And serv ... Hartland- - n...^98.00 pr E Thos Brand 28.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that the report of the Committee on County Poor Claims be adopted by this Board. And that an appropriation be made from the general fund to the pauper fund in the amount .... 52.00 1 of $6750 to pay said claims. And the 33.95 ron being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following report of the State's Attorney was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: -c THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of $2,456.33 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 be. used fcir the purchase of said right of way above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R. D. Woods, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of'this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for it's approval for voucher. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the resolution be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented statements of. the various banks in McHenry County acting as depositories for county funds at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1935, which were on motion duly made and carried ordered placed on file. The monthly reports of the Circuit Clerk and County Clerk on fees were presented and ordered placed on file. Several communications from the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented to the Board and ordered placed on file. The Chairman asked if anyone had anything further to bring before this meeting. Supr. Turner stated that he heard that the chairman was contemplating a trip to Florida and extended to him the best wishes of the Board on his Journey. Sur. Stockwell stated that the'Labor Committee of the County Board had investigated WPA work in the County and were going to have a meeting tomorrow with state and federal officials in regard to said matter. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was regrularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. PAUL ROSENTHAL., Chairman Att«st: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Grand Total Receipts ....•.^.^...$173,767.12 tirMawarti County Orders $11,408.21 Highway. Orders .3,891.51. Motor -Fuel Tax orders .... . 43,035.36 '• I Mother's Pensions ;1,175.00 wl. „»ijl I Coroner and Coroner's Juror* ' . 311,00 Probation Officer 90.00 Bounty Orders 8.00 Replacement Forf. Taxes J 26,000.00 Eradication T. B. ih cattle..^.. 239.73 Bounty Orders 18.30 Unclaimed Witness Fees ._• 2.20 Salaries • 725.00 Petit & Grand Jurors 249.70 Pauper's Fund 5,278.90 Inheritance Tax Fees ' 10.00 Bad Check 6.73 Special February Meeting, 1936 The Honorable Board of Supervisors Total disbursements ....$91,438.64 Bal. on hand Jan. SI, 1936, , in all funds 82,318.48 Grand Total 1173.767.12 The above and foregjolng report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. LESTER EDINGESR, CO. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th-day of February, 1936. _ R. D. WOODS, County Clerk The comiqittee on Public Buildings presented the following report, to-wit: February 18, 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour License Committee to whom was referred applications for Liquor Licenses for the year 1936, would beg leave to report as follows: That Alchohollc Liquor Licenses for said year have been issued to the following: No. 41, Fiesta Cafe, Crystal Lake..$75.00 No. 42, A. H. Walters, Crystal Lake, R.F.D. 1 76.00 No. 43, Harold Miller, McHenry .... 75.00 No. 44, J. F. Watrous, Richmond.... 75.00 No. 45, Geo. Fritzel, Crystal Lake.. 76.00 No. 46, Frank E. ft Christine Harrison, McHenry R.F.D 75.00 No. 47, Frank "J. Roslnskl, Harvard, R.P.D. 8 75.00 No. 48, J. B. Hetterman, McHenry R.F.D. 1 75.00 No. 49, Jos. Slomer, Spring Grove.. 76.00 That the total amount turned over to the County Treasurer op fees collected for County Licenses for the year 1936 previous to this report is $2,900.00 That the total amount to be turned over to the County Treasurer by the County Clerk upon the approval of this report Is $675.00. All of which Is respectfully submitted. J. O. STEVENS L. A. 8TOCKWELL JOHN J. FILIP. „r fr.nntu Titinnis- met in The committee on Licenses presented special session Pursuant to a caU signed uon^ufjTmide^and cw&dT^pproved by more thaiv one-thirdi of its member d ordered piaced on file, to-wit: at the Court House in tne City of wooo-j ir«hrunrv is iqia stock, on Tuesday, the 18th day of Feb-. Tq the chairman and Members of the rTh,' called to ord.r byl Bo.rl »' S»p.rvl«,r,: ....... 18.65 ,11.12 Deduct return premium on Policy No. 1549 (three-year specific on courthouse) ;....• $42.67 11.39 Sue J. F. Mltchem 131.28 11 of which is respectfully submitted. '. S. H. FREl'ND E. C. HUGHES L. A. STOCKWELL 4«:o| Supr.' Preund, Chairman of the committee on Public Buildings announced' Shf. off. sup Howard Freeman, shf. bailiff Howard Freeman, shf. dpty Howard Freeman,-shf. per diem fee and ss. (for auto) IS.Ot Shf. per diem, fee ft s. (for auto)-- x Homer H. Mann : 18.0§ Homer H. Mann, shf. dpty 28.09 Shf. per diem, fee ft s. (for auto)-- Henry A. Nulle' Jack Smith Service Station 10.0I.; Henry A. Nulle 178.01 . National Reemployment, C. H. sup. 3t,9>" R. O. Andrew Co., C. H. jail coal S7.SV Pfeiffer's Pharmacy-*- . ~ ~ .71- Ml Co. Treas. off. sup Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. ...! Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem, fees and serv.- .100:0# Ora 8. Nulle, shf, fee. pris. 100.00 Philip E. Bierdeman, shf. deputy lSS.OOX. Vestie Muldoon, C. H. Jail sal 126.00 Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Schs. Asst: and clk. hire (hauling) A. A. Crissev, Pro. Off. - ..... S. A. Rt. 7 S. B. 1. 47 .....^ S. A. Rt. 14 SBI 67 EXT ...~~ S."A. Rt. 14 SBI 67 S. A. Rt. 10 SBI 67' .^.a::X.^--. S. A. Rt. 13-13 A Sec. ^ d by S. A. Rt. 5-B Sec. 8 ^..^..^.ra..... B.8f. ill a IS. A. Rt. 11 Sec. 11 r'fill-18; A. Rt. 13-13 A Sec. 4-L T ..... ...... l».lll for a I Si A. Rt. 2 Sec. 7 .5139.4$-, Spl. Com. Work (Sup. Sal. Mil.)-- that the new fire insurance rate referred to in the above and foregoing report made a saving on County Properties of approvimately $900.00 in five years. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell apd' duly seconded by Suprr. Stewart that the report of the committee on Public Buildings be adopted' by this Board, and the roll being, called said motion was declared unanl- City of Woo<ffetock, C. H. Jail mously carried, ' ftn^ water ...... The following resolution, directed to | Hall & Eckert, C. H. Jail coal .... Henry Horner, Governor of the State of Hans Hansen, C, H. JAii coal Illinois, on primary and election was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, the office of County Judge of McHenry County is vacant on account of the death of the Honorable Charles T. Allen, -which occurred on January 24th, 1936; AND WHEREAS, it is provided law that the Governor shall call Special Election for the purpose of Ing said vacancy and fix' a date Primary for the nomination of candidates to be voteci for at such Special Election: AND WHEREAS, a state-wide Primary for the nomination of candidates for state and county offices will be held on the 14th day of April, 1936, and whereas the General National; State and County Election will be held on the 3rd day of November, 1936: AND WHEREAS, if a Special Election for the purpose of filling the aforesaid vacancy is called for a date other than that of the General Election, it will require the expenditure by said County of | John J. Filip a large sum of money, to-wit:- approxi- A. B. ^McConjiell -- --...„. mately $6,000.00 for Special Primary and ' """ * Election costs: AND WHEREAS,, it is the sense of this Body that the best interests, of the cltisens and taxpayers of McHenry County will be served by the calling of said Special Election on the day designated by law for the general National, State and County Election, and thereby saving to them the expense required for a Special Election and Primary; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, Illinois, THat the Honorable Henry Horner, Governor of Illinois, be requested to call a Special Election on the 3rd. day of November, 1936, for the purpose of filling the existing vacancy in the office of County Judge of McHenry County, and that he be requested to designate the 14th day of April, 1936 as the date for the Primary for the nomination of candidates for the said office of County Judge to be voted for at such Special Election; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk forward a certified ..113.7S- ..10S.8I .176.21. ... M.St.;* 75.or 2821.01 • 559.0T 919.71 2296.45* •I L. A. Stockwell D. M. Wright C. M. Palmer F. E. Beck N. B. Clawson ....:......,..........w.-., E. C. Hughes Chas. H. Ackman ............... J. E. Harrison .... H., M. Turner J. G. Stevens Frank May S. H. Freund .....; A. H. Hale 16.9C 11.61 35.60 SO.80 48.30 4.50 S2.10 14.10 10.40 21.60 11.6# 5.2* 88.80- 16.50 18.80~7 4.90 IB.00 Paul Rosenthal Joseph Hemmer All of which is respectfully submitted* L. A. STOCKWELL JOHN J. FILIP S. H. FREUND . The committee on Claims, Cototjr Poor, presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. May and the roll : being called was declared unanimously, adopted, to-wit: February, A. D. 1936. - Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th* Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on County Poofr . Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented, to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerjc b«, directed to Issue orders on the CountjT" Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit!- Chicago Indus. Home for11 Child., dependt. children $439.50 Old Peoples Rest Home, T. B. and pauper 46.00 copy of this Resolution to the Governor | Ottawa Sanatorium, T. B. ft Paup. 81.otf of Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 18th day of February, A. D. 1936. Ottawa Sanatorium, T. B. ft Paup. 81.67 - Ottawa Sanatorium, T. B. ft Paup. 81.8$ Zace Tuberculosis San. 10.00 Chemung-- " Dr. E. Thos. Brand 11.00 Western Un. Gas & El. 7.21" It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Stevens that the resolution be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called paid motion was declared unanimously carried. The following resolution on Right of _ . Way, Engineering Service was presented LillTan C. Allen and on motion of Supr. Wright and duly Bernice Sherman seconded by Supr. Harrison, and the roll di\ J. G. Maxonbeing called was declared unanimously 1 A. & P. Tea Co 10.00 adopted, to-wit: 1 Hoge & Son ................... 86.5* ' 45.91 8.90 Ills. Nor. Utilities .................... Wm. Zell C. Campanelli J. C. Bates i................. Frederika Deithloff 4.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 55.00 174.30 10.00 59.46 7.99 3.28 18.85 ,3.20 :om«r Mann, shff. deputy ..............124.00 toward Freeman, shff. per diem, fees and serv. 93.00 Lush & Vermilya --12.00 Seneca-- . ^ Otto Buchert, shff. deputy 4;00 William Girling, Jr., shff. deputy.. 4.00 H. J. Miller ' Clyde C. Miner, shff. deputy 64.00 Coral- n_ Clyde C. Miner, shff. bailiff ;... 4.00 w'»^ g. «haw shff- bailiff ..... 24.00 wm T swonguer C- «. Muehlberger, states atty. investg. A. S, Wright, shff. jail sup. clo.. HI B. Banjamln ............. H. R Miller M. D. w. c W. C. Nulle, shff. feeding pris, .... 39.65 Grafton-- Kirkman Ice Co shff. fdg. pris... 10.00 Dr John G. Henson Brey s Bakery, shff. feeding pris... 20.60 vera Church Pin gel & Koch, shff feeding pris... 56.76 \ym Rasch """""•""T-""* Western Un. Gas & El. Co., shff. Chas. Meyers .'....i.:v.. feeding pris. 7.07 Enos Conlev . B. G. Shinner ft Co., shff. feeding Hazel Nvham .......... pris, .- 60.4«) ^ jj Farley ' P. F. Conway,, shff .feeding pris, ..- 15.97 state' Bank of Huntley .. Marinda Bates, shff. feeding pris. 2.00 The Williams Works Cj L. Tryon, co' hwy. maint 262.77 Dorr ,. I*. A. Stockwell, supr. sal. mil. fnd. 64.45 pr e Thos Brand D. M. Wright, supr. sal. mil. fund.. 72.80 Mrs Nettie Miller ***>; C. M. Palmer, supr. sal. mil. fund.. 76.20 Thorne ft Son" ' : F. E. Beck, supr. sal. mil. fund :. 24.80 Benton St. Restaurant .:..... ; N. B. Clawson, sup. sal. mil. fund 52.70 Hall & Eckert E. C. Hushes, supr. sal. mil. fund.. 4.50 ({oodall Oil Co • F. Kuecker, supr. sal. mil. fund 19.20 a ft p., Cass St .Chas. H. Ackman, supr. sal. mil. Pintle ft Koch iL-S-.";:.;.". T fund ; -.... 53.30 Eckert & Bendng . ..L...:.....: . .jtos. Hemmer, supr. sal. mil. fund.. 10.40 E. C. Bodenschatz Volney E. Brown, supr. sal. mil. People's Supply Co. ............. fund 57.65 r. o. Andrew Co. , J. K. Harrison, supr. sal- mil. fund 28,40 Dacy Lbr Co. ....... H- M. Turner, supr. sal. mil. fund 20.80 Park Store .........:.v..;.™.„U J.- G. Stevens, supr. sal. mil. fund .111.60 Ridgefield Farm. Supply .i; Frank May. supr. sal. mil. fund 23.20 Greenwood-- 8. H. Freund, Sup. Sal. Mil. Fund 20.80 Dr. E. Thos. Brand A. H. Hale, Sup. Sal. Mil. Fund 31.00 Dr. T .F. Forrest ,U Paul Rosenthal, Supr. Sal. Mil. Fund .'... '4.90 A. B. McCongell, Supr. Sal. Mil. Fund 13.80 H. L Henry A. Nulle, shf: per diem . i fees, serv. ,:.....,.,..l 00.00 Ora S. Nulle, shf. feed. pris. 00.00 J. E. Harrison Hall & Eckert Ehorn Hebron-- Phillip E. P»ierdeman, shf. dpty. ....100 00 Vestie Muldoon, C. H. Jail ...........108.00 paisy V. Moore, sup. schs. asst. . . and clk, hire ,... LI 13.75 A. A. Crissyey, Pro. Officer 2 mos. 150.00 City pf Woodstock, C. H. Jail light and water 79.80 Hall £ Eckert, C. H. Jail coal .. .223.57 Hans Hansen, C. H. jail hauling.!.. .17.07 8. A. Rt. 11 & 11 E*t. SBI Rt 47 26t)8.25 S. A Rt. 11 SUA Rt. 47 .: 2003.46 • g. A. 8B SBI Rt. 176 112.22 .A, Rt. 7 SBI I.W.. 40.81 S. A. Rt. 13-13 A. Sec. 4 9.27 .8. A. Rt. 2 Sec. .7 301.97 8. A. Rt. 5-8 26.92 ST. A. Rt. 11-11 .100.44 S. A. Rt. -1-3-1 3A 4,1 '... 7.00 8. A. Rt". 11 SHI 2 lit. -47 1.. 440r, 90 " All of which Is re*riw*t(fttily submitted. L. A. 'STOCKWELL H. M - TC11NBR JOHN d FIMP S. H. Kl'Kl-vi> J., G. STEVENS State's Attorney Lurtiley and hip As Dr. C. W. Ballsy Hebron Lbr.. Co. .' Roval Blue Store . F. C. Buchte M. W. Merry E. W. Wright .....; H. M. Turner ... H. M. Turner •H-.-M. Turner Harold Harrison. L........ Hueck Bros. A. Johnson -- Richmond-- W. L. Speaker Dr. . F. Harrison E. C. Johonnott - Chas. Wolff Mrs. Harry Tlirner Mildred A. Schultz - L. J. Burton Barker Lbr. Co. Wm. Johnstone ............... Dr. M. M. Dicky Burtons', B. Weber Est. ................;.-..vv« Frank May ... John Lay Thos. P. Bolger ..................... Joe M. Regner ............ <*/kr ^f slBtant, Russell Allen, bemg-yireeent at 1 Tibbetts Clmernn IAr Ct •• 5.«.24 . thi> meeting were called, upon by the rjr M M Dickey ' chairman.-' Mr-. Allen thanked the ;mem- I MrHpTTry--^ ^ ' "TWrsV^the Board for their splendlaTco- I f>r' r Thos Brand'15.00 :operatnm given him during the recent I c u °Freund '• -• illness of Mr. Lumley. Mr. Lumley | .Anna Freund • 'Stated that be was glad to be back on , p ]usten the job and that he felt fine and was I jien j' Berfeld^ ready and willing and had been .for I pr t jr Forrest some tiwr-to take care of the '"any a. AV. Smith ft Co. ........ duties of his office. He thanked the 1 ^ K Hawiey members of the Board for the kindness parbian Bros. shown to his assistants,.Mr. Allen and Mr. Peneen and that he-was informed that the Board made a special appro- ; Arth Smith priation to them during his illness for peter J. Sch'aefer"";".'.*.'.'.'^^?^ •which he was also grateful but that he j Alexander Lbr. Co. .;^^^.;;';; would recommend at this time that the 'jjoHenry Lbr-. Co. Appropriation be discontinued and that Nunda ' / '• '• if he had caused indirectly on account pr. E. Thos. BrandC.....,;....:... of his illness any expense to the county a. H. Hale he was ready and veiling to refund., public Service same if the Board so desired. The j A. & P. McHenry Chairman assured Mr. Lumley that the I a ft P! Crvstal Lake members of the Board were all very xktional Tea Co. . happy- to see him back on the job. Rosenthal ft Fuel The Clerk presented and read the fol- west. Un. Gas & *E1. Co. .... 'lowing request from- Henry Nulle, Sher- 1 ^icHen. Co. Farm. Co-op. .... Iff of McHenry County, to-wit: I Maud O Anderson ^ January 14th, 1936. pbuiip ; . 13.96 . 15.64 . 15.00 . 12.00 . 4.78 . 65.00 . 6.72 . 8.00 . 85.52 . 26.45 . 83.00 . 9.00 . 6.00 . 2.17 . 8.00 . 27.46 . 6.00 . 16.50 . 8.00 . 37.29 4 . 35.00 . 23.00 . 3.09 . 12.90 . 16.66 . 1.13 . 4.92 . 11.58 . 23.93 . 5.15 . 11.85 . 36.06 . 47.12 . 2.94 . 7.72 . 71.00 . 5.00 . 18.00 . 50.44 . 41.32 . 15.51 . 65.00 . 3.00 ....... . 26.80 . 33.00 . 88.37 .. 26.38 .. 4.54 .. 3.60 .: 2JI.21 ..155.73 .. 20.60 .. 2.00 .. 2.02 ..19.63 .. 3.00 .. 25.02 ;. 65.50 .. 8:50 .. 33.01 . 31.00 .. 17.7 ft' .. 14.42 .63.20 .. 31.00 .. 6.50 .. 20.42 .. 1.00 .. 10.43 li.ii,. .. 5.6.24 .. 23.00 .. 15.00 .. 38.94 .., 20.00 ... 6.42 ...10.00 2.00 ..34.05 ... 17.29 ... 53.70 ... 14.04 ... 10.88 ... 13.00 ... 17.S-2 ... 49.99 .... 14.36 9.00 .... 8R.«o ...: .... •••O.r.o .... L2.r.o ...27.00 .... 71:87 .... 3:56 "... 35,04 43.04 8.00 State's Attorney's Bsport of BxpenOltures To he Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: I, herewith, respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from the 9th day of July A. D. 1935 to thte 14th day ofJanuary A. D. 1936. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. I the Chairman, ^nnnin7 to whom was referred the matter of nounced that the certificate of appoint- flre (n8urance on McHenry County propment of the new Supervisor fronJ D?.r.j erty would beg leave to submit the fol- Townshtp Mr.RoyJ Stewart,to fill jowing rep0rt on the matters and things the vacancy created by the deatn or . . • th; Honorable Volney E. Brown wm ori his ^VSoLlttee met with Mr. J. F. Mitchem, County Insurance Supervisor, The Chairman then introduced the new t hg Court House in the City of Wood- Supervisor to.the stock, Illinois, and due to a reduction in Upon roll ,call. t.h® ^ 1 fire insurance rates on McHenry County responded to e8i> « Wri«rht property, your committee called for new re>r vMis orDs 1L^. -A . StoFc kwwefcllk, Df. Mc . HWureihge s*• fire iInnasunrmanncr«e npnolliiociipe*s oonn sctaai.idd pnrroopneerrttiieens C. M. Palmer, F. E. Beck, E C. Hughes, dated january 1st, 1938. Roy J. Stewart, J. E._ HHaa^rrrriissoonn, JJ. GO. | your committee increased the total January 1st, 1938. ... , a A' Your committee incr Stev-e.ns, Frank May, S. Freund. A. | Qu t f insurance on said property to ,ie 01 Loumy 01 ivicnenij, H. Hale, John J. Fllip, and Assistant . addition to the Countv , Vincent S. Lumley. State s Attorney Supervisors A. B. McConnell and Paul £over the 1e»„dudiw eWlpmenHew McHenry County, Illinois, being first Rosenthal constituting a Quorum. I 8 |ault incl-uding e. duly sworn on oath, depose and say that The reC0rds of the last preceding meet- and louiDment In Countv Court Room the several items mentioned below are ing were read and on motion approved. r^i?i£ts in Jn^the Supervisors Room just and true expenditures made in con- | chairman. Paul Rosenthal, an- 1 m scelltneoSs ' S an™ nection with the administration of my noUnced that he would appoint Supr. ; »n 'ld°^„m„'nd "t this time^hkt the ^»p™ <"•">»•» po""". toment was on motion approved. j ^ YEAR GROUP---- The Chairman called upon the com- I Premium on new oolicy $16.64 mittee on resolutions to prepare i stoffel ft Reihansperger, W. McHenry tions of sympathy *he late H . Wm Desmond, Jr., Woodstock Charles T. ^he ' Joseph W. Freund, West McHenry Hon. Volney E. Br"wn- Super\isor. The r McConnell, Richmqnd - said committee after having retired to ~ . Aokman Union con«ld.r the .aid ™iter, pr<»entea tke • Harrl jjlrvara "ST"" nth, To the Chairman and Members of the, Qeo Lemmers, Woodstock Board-of Supervisors: M . Chas. H. Francis, Woodstock Your Committee on ResoluUons would Bryant Ins Agency, Crystal Lake, beg leave to submit the following report a YEAR QROUT* on the matters and things before them. premlum on new policy . .,..*28,74 Kesolutlon Less return premium on old policy 17.05 WHEREAS, It has pleased the All- . -- wise Ruler of the Universe to remove Amount due .-......-..$11.69 from among uB our most worthy citizen e. T. Renwick, Marengo. and County Judge, the Honorable Frank H. McAssey, Richmond. Charles T. Allen, and | Tanner & Redpath, Marengo WHEREAS, In his passing the people l. w. Ackman, Marengo. »ssolutlon • F. M. Ties WHEREAS, there is now available for! Thrift Shop the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out The Fair Your Committee on Public Buildings of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 law, the Lordan's Groc .... " sum of $59.68 and, Boston Store WHEREAS, it is -permissible under1 W. D. Hall Lbr. Co. . said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved D. Hereley ft Sons ...... March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of Dr. H. R. Newton Way for the improvement of State Aid Geo. I. Walker Roads, and, , Mrs. Tom. Jacobs ...r.: WHEREAS. Right of Way Committee Lush Vermilya ft Co. of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry , Henry Koltz ft Son :... County, Illinois, have secured the slg- Lake & Harris natures to the Engineering Services of Strain Bros Wayne Mentzer for the improvement of Dr. C. F. Baccus State Aid Route Number 10 and 11, Mc- I Woodstock. Hospital . --.--_ Henry County, Illinois: . I Nunda-- State Aid Boute 11 8.B.X. Bouts 47 ! pr. Thos. Brand -rt' Wayne Mentzer, engr. serv $30.00 Sherman Hospital ;.™-- Lester Edinger, Co. Treas., fee 61 a. H. Hale State Aid Bouts 10 B.BJ. Boute 67 A. & P., Crys. Lake ...... Wayne Mentzer, engr. serv. 28.50 a. ft P., McHenry .........i.i_v.......» office out of moneys set ove.r to me by this Board of Supervisors for such purposes. 1935:-- July-- 9--Appro, from Bd. of Supr. for rent $800.00 9--Appro, from Bd. of Suprs. ......250.00 Total ......$550.00 9--Amount due State's Attorney as per report filed 56.19 9--Balance of Appropriation ......$493.81 Disbursements 1935-- ' July 11--F. A. Walters, for rent $300:00 July 27--Postage on package sent to 111. State Commerce Comm. .... .42 Aug. 19--Luretta Hopkins, stenographer 2 weeks : ' 80.00 Septembers-- 4--Hugh A. Deneen, invest!. 5.00 9--111. Hon Tel.. July and Aug. ....• 67.50 9--Harvard Herald, reward notice 1.0<» 9^~~BurdettePSmUh C^lstaUite* Voo ' of McHenry County have sustained an J. a Peters, Woodstock. - m « Co onfon skiri I irreparable loss, and | WnK P. Hoy, Huntley. M. B. Cook Co., onion skin | WHEREAS, It is the desire of the R. C. Getzelman. Algonquin. c'oo , Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- Ed. Lines, Hebron. ty, Illinois, in Special Session assembled i a. H. Henderson, Crystal Lake. legal paper 9--U. S. Post-office, stamps c T 2 9 . 9 0 I t h i s e l e v e n t h d a y o f F e b r u a r y A . _ _ D . , ! i f i o y " ' l n V i i r a n c e _ A g e n c y , W o o d s t o c k , Nov. 7-- Sheriff Cook Co., Dept. 1936, to pay public respect to his mem- p. Eckert, Woodstock. Pub. Wks. ft Bldgs. v. Schaeffer.. 7.90 ] ^pj^^^RESOLVED That we the Board ! prenfium^on^new policy ....$40.83 December- 88 12! of Supervisors extend to the bereaved N^Tk 6812 I family of the Honorable Charles T. 20--Sheriff Kane Qo*. Dept. Eub. Wks. ft Bldgs. v. Danners ........... 80--IT. S. Post-office, stamps 1936-- - ; Jan. 18--III. Bell Tel. Co., Dec g 85 i Allen, now deceased, our heartfelt sym- 5.00 ! P«th>'- an<i Less return premium on old policy 32.44 Amount due Loralne Curtis, Woodstock. r- «.S9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That q ft. gtm, Woodstock. 52.53 ' this resolution be spread upon the Herbert T. Cooney, Woodstock. Total Disbursements .......... Becapitulatlon Total amount received Total amount paid out 579.29 Balance due State's Attorney' 85.48 VINCENT 8. LUMLEY, State's Attorney. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of January A. D. 1936. (Seal) BEATRICE C. BOPP, N. P. records of this meeting and the Clerk Robt. M. Fritz, Harvard. «R7fl ; be directed to certify a copy of the Allen Insurance Agency, Cary. ' | same to the Widow immediately upon chas. S. Pingry, Crystal Lake. $493 8i ! *ts passage . | Novak ft N'agel. Fox River Orova. Aii of whichJs respectfully submitted, A." m! Wallace Agency, Marengo. ' N. B. CLAWSON | Floyd Earl, Harvard. L A. STOCKWELL . Mrs. Francis Garland, Woodstock. F. E. BECK (Hartley E. Rardin, Woodstock.) . . J. E. HARRISON" - Frank Hendricks. Woodstock.' . A. H. HALE ' •• ' | 4 YEAR GROUP-- To the Chairman and Members (if Premium on new policy ...$52.93 "Board of Supervisors: . , Less return premium on old policy 47.37 ^ ; Your Committee on Resolutions would ' ., ••_','l1 It was thereupon regularly moved by I beg leave to submit the. following report Amount due ' ^..f 5.56 Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by j on the rftatters and things before them. Mentch ft Mentch, Cary. Supr. Clawson that the report of the J Resolution 1 A. A. Crissey, Marengo. State's Attorney be approved and that! WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty gchuette & Siems, Union. " the Clerk be directed to draw an order • Ood to remove from among us our \|rs. Annie Miller. HebroB; on the County Treasurer for the balance due the State's Attorney as shown in his report in the amount of $85.48.- And the roll being called, said motion was declared unanimously carried. State's Attorney Lumley made a request for an appropriation of $100 for expense of office, after which it was i esteemed and worth Colleague, the Sup- Harry Silliman, Woodstock* ervisor representing the Township of._.j|. j. Walsh, McHenry. Dorr, th^" Honorable Volney E. Brown, j -g. Williams, Huntley, and L. E. Sweet, Richmond. WHEREAS, In his passing we, his as- x. V. Houlihan, Harvard, sociates and the people Of McHenry Walter Conway, vw>odstock, Countv. have sustained a great loss, and Crumb Agency, Harvard.' . . WHEREAS. It is the desire of the! 5 YEAR GROUP-- regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and j Board of Supervisors of McHenry Conn- Premium on new policy ............ duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the ty, Illinois, in Special Session assembled request be granted and that the County this eleventh dnv of February A. D., Clerk be instructed to draw an order on 1936, to pay public respect to his memthe Countv Treasurer for the same. orVi now therefore . -- Motion declared unanimously carried on) be IT RESOLVED That we extend to, Rov Kent, McHenry. roll call. ! his bereaved family our heartfelt sym- Mary Alice Keating, Huntley. The following resolution creating State pHthv in this our common loss, and _ Harry Xlenstedt, Woodstock. Aid Route 17A was presented and read BR IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, E, J. Deneen, Harvard. and on motion of Supr Brown and duly , this resolution be spread upon tne Richard C. Burton, Richmond, seconded bv Supr. Fllip declared unanl- | records of this meeting and the Clerk Hartley E. Rardin, Woodstock, mously adonted, to-wit: be directed to certify a copy of the I,j0hn c Flotow, Crystal Lake. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of same to the Widow of the said deceased 1 prank R. phelps. Harvard. ....$64.99 Less return premium on old-policy 68.16 Amount due ...., ,$.83 Frank Tappan, Woodstock. 'h« State Aid System of Roads of said County, described as- followsi: Beginning on State Bond Issue Route] 173 about 80 rods west from the north! quarter section corner of section 2. | Township 4r». North. Rapge 5 East of | the 3rd P. M.; thence easterly one half "All ctf which ;. IN B. CT.AWSON L A. STOCKWELL Fl E. BECK J. E. •HARRISON" A. H. HALE Percv R Forma n. Crystal Lake. J. F. MITCHEM POLICIES-- New .1-year policy, premium New 2-year policy, premium .$10.78 Less RP on old policy 3.63 $6.24 7.i: New S*year policy, premium $15.31 Less RP on old policy New 4-year policy, premium . Less RP on old policy . ..I... 6.91 . 8.40 ...$19.85 10.09 T!76 n wa* thereupon regularly movsd b* mile more or less, as now stnked out anil Supr. Wrisrht and duly seconded try Asbt. known as <'onstruction section 131X -by Supr. McConnell that the resolutions be the State of Illinoits Department of Pub- adopted by a rising vote. Said motion lie Works and Buildings, to State Bond | was unanimously carried. Issue Route 19 for a termination, and .. The following report of the County to be known as State A'd Route 17-A. . Treasurer for the month of January, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that 1935 was presented and read and on J the County Clerk transmit two certified | motion of Supr Harrison and duly 5.y«&r policy, premium --..$24.37 copiM of this resolution to the -State of ^ seconded by Supr, Hals was approved Leas RJ» en old policy -- 14.1$ Lester Edinger, Co. Treas., fee .... «..2f 49.7^ 10.24 r....209.51 5.0ft 38.00 .... 9.01 i.'.. « o| I5.8T 74.6S „...1#1.8« 18.81 60.0« ^... M.76 ^... 11.0« : 4S.8S 25.00 12.50 6.50 .57 ; Peter Nelson ......1 15.00-. Rosenthal Lbr. ft Fuel $59.68 ! chas. Johnson THEREFORE, be It resolved by said j c. V. Colby I Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- j Maude O. Anderson * ty, Illinois, that the above amount of: j. r Osmun $59.68 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 1 p w. Kruger law be used for the Engineering Service | Harold F. Meier ....... above mentioned, and, i Paul Buhrman BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that j e. C. Buhrow R. D. Woods, County Clerk, is hereby , r. J. Warner ... 50.5. 66.00 71.80 24.00 15.00 41.40 10.00. 4.91 12.00 805 directed to certify a copy of this resolu- • chas. A. Mason 12.50 . tion to th' e -D epartment of Public Works I h w. Gieseke ............. ... ... 21.9Tand 'Buildings. Division of Highways, I peter J. Schaefer Springfield, Illinois, for it's approval for voucher. The clerk presented lists "of claims against the County and on motion of Supr. Stevens and duly seconded' by Supr." Freund and declared carried, the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock p. m. for the approval of said claims. > 1:30 O'C&OCX P. *. I ' Board met pursuant to adjourntupfU Jind upon roll call same members' wfer3 presented and including Supr. Clawsori and Hemmer, constituting a quorum. The committee on Claims, Labor, Feps and Supplies presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: 9.0# i.ri IOJ . s. . 10.00 • '6.00. . 12.00 15.00 Western Un- Gas ft SI --, Mrs. H. B. Wilcox National Tea Co ......... G. D. Crabtree ............™J B. W. Colby McHenry Co. Farm Co. Op. <2.71 15.00* 25.00 3S.1I 12.00 J.00 February 17th, A. D. 1936. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims I N. N. Weber Est O. W. Hart .... F. J. Nichols Alexander Lbr. Co. Gertrude Brunkhorat Phillip Huffman ....4,.......,.....;....... M:ime S. Hoellen Public Service. Co. George Peterson Co. Richmond-- Mrs. Harry Turner Barker Lbr. Co Mildred Schultx Chas. Wolff Wm. Johnstone .^i. L. J. Burton ...r„r.. --.. W. L. Speaker - C. B. Covell Burton-- • - • . Dr. E. Thos. Brand Frank May presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer ,to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: P. F. Pettibone ft Co., 'Cir. Clk $59.23 Frank Thornber Co.-- . Co. Clk. elec. sup 89.86 Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. ; 18.32 Co. Clk. tax Mks 32.31 Co. Treas. off. sup 8.44 111. Of. Sup. Co., Co. Treas. off. sup. 8.S8 S. M. Henderson, Co. Clk. tax blks. 13.00 Richmond Gazette, Co. Treas. prtg.' 8.75 Harry C. Daniels, Co. Judge Sal. (Acting) 30.00 C. L. Tryon, .Co. Hwy. Main. ..........829.92 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. jail tel. Co. $41.05: shf. $13.70- .... .T.vr 54.75 Lawyers Co.-op. Pub., judcy. llbry. 7J>n Zibn Off. Supply, Sts, Atty. sup.-- 1.69 Victor Safe ft Equip. Co., Co. . Clk. prtg. and sup. Harvard Herald Co., Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. ".................i, Woodstock I). Sentinel-- ! Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. Supr. Prtg Co. Treas. prtg ..................a.,, Hebron Times, Supr. prtg. Von Lengerke ft Antolne, shf. off. sup Marengo Rep.-News, shf. off. vup. 25.00 L. V: Kilts-- Cir. Clk. . ......w 4.00 Co. Clk. prtg. and sup.".*;-.... .75 Co. Treas. off. sup- 2.00 Ct. Hse. sup. --:....; ...S24.87 Ct. H Jail Repairs-^ » H. G. Johansen A. W. Wagner Belcher Bros A. It. Bennett -. .....>. .,1. Sanitarj Pig. ^r'Htg. ,4..:-.,.. Richard Backhus, Ct. H. sup. ...... Thorne ft Son, shf. jail sup*, cle. T": 2.28 15.75 69.00 • 1.60 2.50 » 1.50 6.90 11.71 1.24 57.45 6.00 8.32 4.12 Dr. W. Hepburn Tibbett^ Cameron Lbr. Co. ........ John Lay Coral--: Chas. H. Ackman ....... W. C. Nulle H. B. Benjamin Wertz & Shaw .... The Shurtleff Co. Riley-- Pennsylvania Oil Co. J. H. Patterson Co. ... Ernest Wolf A'..... Chas. Engle Hartland-- Lush Vermilya Co. The Shurtleff Co. Dunham-- •• : > Strain Bros. ....: ;....... ...; Jacob Raeder .; .-.^1:..-, Lush Vermilya '.".....i....... Peavev ft Good sell ........... W. D. Hall McHenry-- T :v-: Dr. E. Thos. Brand Dr. Mary E. King . S. H. Freund .„..v..._..-.:.. Ford Jackson A. W. Smith ft Co. L. E. Hawiey % Matt Welter Ba rlrian Bros, -- Anna Freund Arth. Smith Joe M. Regner Peter J. Schaefer ...... AleNander Lbr. Co. J.. McHenry- Lbr. Co. Geo. Hohenstein ......... Greenwood-- - - , •. Dr. E. Thos. Brand J. E. Harrison Hall ft Eckert Eckert & Bending Farmers Store Algonquin ... 8.1.. , ... lo.o# ... 4.71-.'" ...10.10 ... 81.00 ... <9.47 ... fl.86 ... 28.90 ... Sl.OgL' ... 15.00 ... 25.00 ... 10.01 - 1.00 ... .81 ... 20-50 ... «.00 ... 65.9$, ... 14.81 ... 7.50 ... 40.75 ...18.44: ... 1180 ... 87.31 - 6J ... 30.9# ... S.Ofl S.10 15.00 13.80 10.00 15.4»^ 5.00 7.20 lL8t 41.00 5.00 23 34 12.30 82.90' 1« 90 10.00 51,05 25.00 18.00 11.20 23.00 60.00 33.69 10.00, ...1. 63 35 2 4 54 2.57 I National Tea Co., (Alg.) Bohn Hrd. Co., shf. jail sup c.lo. 3.09 National Tea Co., (C, L.) Shf. Feeding Pris.-- Plngel & Koch Hoesley's Bakery P. E. Conwav .'........;Xv^i E. G. Shinner ft Co.. Marinda Bates : 2.00 West. Un. Gas ft El. Co 7 49 Richard Farrell, shf. deputv 4 00 Clyde C. Miner, shf. deputy Earl Smith, shf. deputy .....V Henrv G. Fisher.'shf -dptv H*nr# Qi Fiiliir, shf> ballltt ... A. ft- P., (C. L.) . A. ft P., (Chicago) C Franke"ft Co. „^il6.17 (John D Dianis ft Spns .....u„., Kerns & Dianis ...i./. Dr. F. J. Theobold .»...w......;,„. Wm. Wascher ...- i- JI,.; Fox River Grove Coal-ft Ijihr. 84. 36.00 Harrv T. Hansen 15.00 8.00 A. Marek 14.00 4 00 Frank E. Bohl 10 00 1* 00 McHenry Co. rarm Co. Op. S0.M . 74.00 . *2.00 . $3.60 15.00 . $0.30 . 24.00 . 15.00 - 16.00 . 10.00 77.30 16.00 20.«0 15 00 "•If

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