Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 4

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\. 't *'•' ' ->, , ,t TigtTGWt rLAimy^AUSK Thursday1 April, 15, 1W# THE M'HENRY PLAINDEAjLER Published every Thursday at McHenry, I1L, by Charles P. Renich Entered ar second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months ....... X..: - sJ|l.. COUNTY B. AND P. ( WOMAN'S CLUB - J DINNER MEEtim A. H. MOfeHER, Editor and Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor --^ . Telephone. 197 ST. MARY SCHOLARS WIN FINE RADIO HAROLD LINDSAY VISITS SCHAEFFER • FACTORY IN IOWA the courtesy of Date Thomas of the McHenry Dairy, the | Harold Lindsay, an employe at children of St. Mary's school will be j Bolger's Drug store, has returned given a treat Friday afternoon when from a four-day trip to |t, Madison, MFs^JoneZ Mrs they will see-a movie put on for their la-, where he attended the Schaefer - amusenient hy Mr. Thomas and a representative of the Stillicious Cho- |& colate Milk company.' fountain pen school. ' While there he received instructions in repairing pens and is now ^ PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. --. Klein, at Waukegan, Wednesday. Mr. McHenry was the mecca for mem- Klein received injuries to his shouldbers of the McHenry bounty Busi- er when he cranked a can which was ness and Professional Woman's club in gear. * Monday evening, when members and Charles Vycital, Maurice Schreiner their guests gathered at Niesen's and Stanley Schaffer were recent vis- Cafe on Riverside Drive for the itors at Libertyville Where they visregular monthly dinner meeting. ited Walter Brefeld, who is employed The committee in charge of the at an oil station there. meeting included Miss Ethel Jones, Mr and Mrs H C. ffughes were Mrs Chns Klabuftde and Mrs. Ann Sunday'guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hendnckson and the president, Mrsi. M Stephenson at Ringwood. C. W. Goodell of McHenry/ presided Tr , ... , , „T , at the business session. Kathleen Gvvens and Violet Wood- Dr. Mary Schroeder, a member of w*rd e"J°yed a b"f trip to Detroit, the staff at the Elgin State hospital, where they sPent the weekend, was the guest- speaker and Warsen Mrs. Kate Howe Fay of Elgin, with Jones of McHenry, little nephew of friends from Lake Forest, visited Ella Wheeler and other friends entertained with two vocal selections, here Saturday. Speaking on ^'Preparing Ourselves Mr. and Mrs. Fred SchoeWer and for World Citijpnship," Dr. Schroed- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon attended er stressed the points of independent the Legion and Auxiliary meeting at Miss Dorothy* Cleveland Norge Home Economist Here Monday - Tuesday Miss Dorothye Cleveland, Norge Home Economist, who will conduct a Cooking iSchool in cooperation with H. E. Buch and Son, has a pair of young blue eyes that sparkle and snap at the sight of dielicious food. She loves to eat. -Miss Cleveland, by thorough preparation, has her position as one of the Norge Corporation's food experts. She was a graduate, first of her mother's kitchen where she learn-1 ed to convert meat and spice- and j everything nice into satisfying meals1 for her mother, dad and to hungry brothers. She equipped herself for a career by earning and winning a Bachelor £Sitlified^ thiS Z°rl iri McH*m7' ' thirikMgTa "depHTtnre from"theWoodsTo^k list w^xi months the children of St. Mary s where, at Bolger's drug store, he is;- .5- . nf < Miss Anna Frishv school have enjoyed the chocolate drink prepared and delivered by the McHenry Dairy and have used on the average of fifty bottles a day. . The drink, which isrich in Vitai jmins B and G, has kept them well I'/'and happy during the cold winter days and has given them strength and vitality to continue their school ; -work, o " The children have saved the bote always ready to clean and Schaefer pens; row, selfish practices of nationalism • Miss Anna Frisby visited, in the pa,r ; and the necessity of having the cour- home of her sister, Mrs. Waiter War age of our convitcions as remedy for ner, at Elgin Sunday. Haro'd waf uken t^r0Jaj?h the chaotic condition of world affairs Mrs. Simon Michels arrived home the factory, where he learned how and quoted John Fiske who Thursday, after spending the winter the pens were made with espewally i g id «<The world is my country, to do, with her uncle, Msgr. Schmitt of SH!7 m<Mle by their | good my religion." Aurora, at Pensacola, Fla, - *v,° The insecurity of present condi-! Mrs. Stephen Walsh, son, Vincent, tions, the desire for prestige and Mrs. Mary Kenneally and Mr. and own tool-makers. Over 7,000 pens and 300 pencils are tie caps until they had accumulated 13,000 of them, enough to win a radio; which they will receive as a gift J how the repair work was 2 MOrnt S^kl^oon 1 childi'»h selfishness shown by many Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgirt viser factory, where 600 out of the 1,000,.i n authority, illustrate the fact t+h1*a0+t iiftpeHd MMiissas NNaannrcvy FFrriissbhyv 5S5uunnddaayv.. .... _ . iwe must be educated to a desire to! John Wilson and daughter, La- Thengomg, repair depart- f attac^ world problems, an aid to this verae, of Chicago spent the weekend employes are girls. ment, the local young man was shown ^ a 8tudy of international rela. at Pistakee Bay. done ana .. | of the company, and which they will j assisted in the work which was later i^?8' ' Inspected. Miss Clara Freund has returned Dr. Schroeder warned her listeners home after spending two weeks with that nationalism is gaining every- friends at Winnetka. He learned that cleaning and re- wjjere and that our own country is1 Mrs. C. Brefeld and Mr. and Mra greatly enjoy. iStillicious chocolate drink is prepared by the McHenry Dair|y by'placing of sacks made up the major -mixing me -chocolate and vitamin j j^y 0f the repair work done by 100 preparation with milk, making a irls in the department, where 1,000 | and Freund aruf family I" J MAMA A«>A VAMAIIIA/1 AffflW llftir rhA VMV r . ' «« « M. one of the offenders. «E. P. Dietz and daughter, Catherine, Although a loyal supporter of the spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jake most delcious and nutritious bever-1 pena are repaired every day the year age. [round. The children, who feel that, they are; Such work as this and stnighten-i . f nolicy " well acquainted with Buddy and Gin-Ji^ 0f pen points can now be done I -5^ n, .per, will see them cn the screen Fr;- here although broken points and re-' ,, - nr«dn<»tinn bni r af: k rnM^L%r»i£.ndt^ifirment5 have 40 u --,o fas fine work in saving trve caps ano win factory. ning the radio. . | Foremen in the department who The picture will be shown in St. instructed in repair Mary's church hall at one o'clock on, fact that a Friday. Mr; Thomas, of he loea.) i caj and should be given the same care dairy, has worked hard to complete j and attention as a car or other ma- uni in arrangements ftfr gettiifg the picture; chinery. • ' here for the benefit of the children. | falks on merchandising and saleshis policies she regretted the fact: Edwin Sherman of Janesville, Wis., that he had not lived xup to his "good spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Laura Sherman. Stating that the country had solved | William Martin of Elmhurst spent but not the weekend at his home here. ex-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of plained that women could help in this Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober ucpwpvuic.iv problem of studying conditions. j of Richmond attended the masquerwork stressed the , Qoing tQ Germany in 1912 to study, ade Saturday night. fountain Pen^is Dr. Schroeder found the countries Dr. R. G. Chamberlin motored to a world of good-will. She Muskegon, Mich., Sunday and his needed no passport and was welcom- wife returned home with hiih after ed everywhere. Returning to Europe several week's visit there. Miss Arleen Bacon of Waukegan MISS DOROTHYE CLEVELAND of Arts Degree in Home Economics at the University~6f"Iowa. Prior to her work with the Norge Corporation she obtained practical experience as a member of t^e staff of Wilson u«. Co. FuodH Div; ifvn. Charming, completely unaffected, Miss Cleveland is a Arm believer that a kitchen can be actually a place wherein a housewife can do really exciting things. She is equipped with a generous fund of appetizing recipes and menus. A thorough knowledge of all the modern Norge products and jrOR BETTER HEALTH In connection with the program of Health Education in our schools a certain number of minutes are devoted daily to class-room inspection. Among the l^alth habits checked are the care of. teeth. Our local dentists donate their _ services in examining teeth in the" McHenry Community high school, the public grade school and St. Mary's school. 1 Following these examinations the results are summarized with 100 lists reported from all three schools, complete reports of which will be printed next week. Our 100 per cent lists are increasing in number each year. Many children are now having corrections made and most children show evidence of improved personal hygiene relative to cleansing of teeth by the use of a tooth brush twice a day. ' Many children might well be on the honor roll because they are taking better care of their teeth. "Dental carriers, commonly known as decay, is the most prevalent childhood disease. Between 85 and 90 per cent of the children of school age have tooth decay. In view of this fact, then, where shall we start in trying to correct and -prevent this very common disease? The proper place, of course, for mouth hygiene to be taught is in the home, but too few people realize the importahce of this. It is to be hoped that in the near future all of us will become more "health minded" and reaVse "that we all have two common rights," to be well born" and "to be wall cared fw.* For Better Health. ._;Vr A: JOANNE RULIEN. Health Nurse. I ":.M . . v u ;«• again in 1922 she found an entirely Miss Arleen Bacon of Waukegan art),Jijances has ziven her the best of T?TT"R AT QPHOOL manship wer®, nlsbut different situation, with world fellow- spent the weekend at her hornetm;^ in creating kitchen short-cuts RURAL SCHOOL learned that, not other, pens but ^ q{ f Main street. and economies. l TEACHERS TO MEET oth^r gift items such as candy, per- ^ ^ guspicion existing be_, Mr. and Mrs.1 Harvey Damm of and economiesj fumes,- etc^ were considered as c°»" tWeen -the people. [Kenosha, Wis., visited her parents, teachers, of the rural schools in petitory. "T . ^ , r A The troubles of the world today are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon, Sunday this ilutrict of which Mrs. James E. Dwight Lindquist of Rockford wasto the Treaty of Verseilles, in Mr. and Mrs. H&rry Morris of Chi Larkin is chairman, will hold a meet- j alIss°o aa^ sstt"uda!eTntl 'iJn ,1t™he Jr3ep'1a"irre cdeeipVairnt-- ^e opinion of nD-^r. 'Schroeder, aonnrdi ttv.hoe rcnagcon hhaavvfel rreettuurrnneedd ffoorr tthhee ssuummmmeeir /vno, equany as weu as me actua ing at the high^school Friday after-.;|J£nt f*£h ins^™ctiohS in p^T^epajr demands. ™ade.. at the peace table season at the McHenry Country club. Idemonstration> Miss Cleveland thor Her demonstration has everywhere convinced her audiences that cookery definitely ,and easily can be lifted above the level of drudgery. And, equally as well as the actual noon. Mrs. E. C. Coe, county super-J ™ -»«»called for conditions impossible intendent of schools, is expected to work given by the Schaefer company. be present. The diagnostic • tests will: Thomas P. Bolger, ICiCl tviiiuanj. Green street ca"7 out to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Then and oughly eftj0yS informal chats with rf 1I Mrs. Kate.h rine« J« ost of Chicago_ are wvv ovmillvenli,) ovri miiivenii), ww 1hi vo/ cvanrive ttov sowtamyj ownii ^ , . . • 1 readv to accoir.o- "r^e refusal of politicians and now. making their permanent home j to ask questions or offer suggestions be discussed and also the annual di- d g:g , ^ :y , , . countries to give up thein own rights at Lily Lake, having moved out Mar. The cpokins school will be conduct rectors meeting. The township An operetta will be given by the repairs rural students under the direction of i J. Irving Horn, music supervisor of ' the county. The rural schools will close at later dates this year because of the . time lost during the bad weather and blocked roads last winter. Secause the time varies in different schools the rural districts v/lil close all the way from the last of May to the middle of June. In some districts the teachers have held school all day on Saturday, while in other schools the teachers tire having classes on Saturday forenoon, to make up lost time. „.c<pv...e. • • ; oml 1= now nrenared to take t6 form a uni0n caused the fourteen 1. They have been summer residentsLd at the store of H. E. buch and <fi.te set for the McHenry., - • ^F»unttfan '^oeki M fit "tiocdT P°'nts the treaty to fail and the there for the past nine years, having | gon> Riverside Drive, McHenry, Monip exercises is May -2. | ^ * ,advice to make for international good built a home there in 1927. ' Public Pulse (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published! The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their opinions in these columns.) FOR SALE BROTHERS DIE AT ALMOST SAME HOUR Aged brothers of the late Lucy Hall of Ringwood, died at almost the same hour Monday, one in Elgin and the other in Stockton, Calif. The Elginite, Olin E. Hall, 82 years old, succumbed Monday morning at Sherman hospital, following a brief illness of pneumonia, and in Stockton, Calif., his brother, Joseph Ervin, 84 years old died following a brief illness. The brothers were born in London, Mich., and as young men left the old homestead, Olin to locate in Elwitl, unheeded. | Misses Marie Nett, Viola and Car- Build up self-confidence, do not oline Freund and 'George Bell spent shirk duty, widen your circle and Wednesday evening in Chicago at the have a definite goal in life, advised Aragon ballroom. the doctor, concluding with the quota- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodburn tion, "What a world of beauty if man have sold their 16-acre country home but did his,duty and loved, his fellow near Woodstock and are moving into man." » the city of Woodstock. About twenty-five members and Master Richard Sullivan of Woodguests were seated at the table stock spent the weekend with his centered with a bouquet of daisies aunt, Mrs. Ted Schiessle. and carnations and given an air of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of , springtime with yellow jonquil nut Chicago visited his parents Sunday AMERICAN TRADITION leups and matching yellow candles. and called in the Raymond Colby What an awful deluge of expotula-' A delicious chicken dinner was home. tion on this subject has been handed served by Mrs. Guinto and Mrs. Dun-1 Mr. and Mrs down to the people lately, by seem- ham. I Volo visited in the ingly sane individuals. The people' The next meeting of the club will home Wednesday evening. .iktuj qaiw 19 » 19 have taken it as a matter of course, be held May 4 at the home of Missj Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel &n<l j l . TT * f «iqa n and have regarded it as a necessary Daisy Moore, Woodstock, when elec- son of Milwaukee visited relatives Brooder House, cost seu *t>u, evil. The people have ndt, at any tion of officers will take place. Re- here iSunday. time, come to open disagreement with ports of committees and the treasur-1 "Supper guests in the home of Mr. any of this brand of individuals; they er will also be given. Members of and Mrs. Paul Schwerman Sunday have, rather chosen to fight them and the nominating committee appointed honoring Mr. Schwerman's birthday their impertinent propaganda with by the president were Miss Daisy were his mother, Mrs. H. A. Schwerday and Tuesday, April 27 and 28. FOR SALE--Baby Chicks, from B. W. D. free, trap nested; single comb white leghorns. . Dams--200 to 827 eggs pullet year. Sires--289 to 332 dams record. $10.00 per hundred. A. Ford McDonald of c. Parfrey, Spring Grove, or call Mc- L. F. Newman Henry Flour Mills. 45-4 silence. The truth of the matter is, that these expostulatojrs do nqt themselves want the old tradition back again. They tell you, they do, but in real* ity, they do not. They also kftOW from the beginning that tfte people are not going back to fhfe old pioneer Moore, Miss Bohn and Hutaon. Round Metal Road Stand, 9 x 18; wood floor, $76; 1929 Ford Coupe $90; 1926 Buick Coupe, $35; 1927 5-Pass. Buick, $65. Phone McHenry 617-A-l. *48 m«q Zelma roan, and two daughters, Hannah and jHulda, and son, Walter, of Liberty- jp^^e 83.& „ ville. visitors in the FOR SALE--Roper gas range in good condition. Must sell at once. 48 TAX STATEMENTS I Sunday Vinpent j FOR SALE--Water softener, used Martin home called by the death of'very little; in first class condition. ARE MAILED OUT Hugh Martin, were Mr. and Mrs.; Priced very low for quick sale. In- • James Schultz and family of Elgin, quire at 419 Seminary Ave., Wood- Tax statements are being received Mrs. R. Walgenbach, Miss Sarah j stock, 111. 48 days and the hardships of the early McHenry residents this week, Gleece, John, Ethel and Lillian Mc- g gin in 1881, where he has been a settlers. If it was possible to bring having been sent out by County Gee, Woodstock; Mayme and Edward ™ S^^^igre^Cocker Spa Sack gardener, .ml Joseph u, loc.te b~* the good old th«« indiv- About Mr.. lS.~h Keef. Jwp 419 the coMt, where for ftftv year. idu>l> would be locked'Ih Mode, end 33'°W statement. w..e mailed out to Mr. and Mra. C. MeBreen and aon! P "»"P Woodatock 111 after was proprietor of a large grocery! pillories put in every pt$lfc *quare residents of the county, representing Chicago. L 48 *ras proprietor 01 a large grocery p ^ country - ' $12,101,430.98 and include 22,000 real M. L. SchoenhotU, Tony iffrta I5 00 R M 48 on he was concern. . Their sister, Lucy Hall, died three months ago to the day, at Lake Bluff. Among the Sick Little Miss Dolores Vales is ill wit& intestinal flu. Miss Ellen Walsh is in St. Joseph's hospital, South Bend, Ind., for treat- FOR SALE--Model T Call McHenry House. Ford Alvin Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, suffered a broken wrist and bruises when kicked by a horse, Friday. Lurence^ Bergman of Burton's Bridge underwent an operation at Woodstock hospital last week Wednesday morning. N. C. Klein of Waukegan suffered aa injured shoulder and bruises last week sustained while trying to crank his car while it was In gear. Mrs. Fred Gilly returned home Sunday from Evanston hospital, but is still confined to her bed. She is suffering with heart trouble and gall bladder trouble. and aim from the beginning of time. G. P. NORIN. MISS JEAN IN CHICAGO RECITAL Miss Jean Rasmussen, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Ward Rasmussen of Chicago and a former McHenry resident, was presented in a recital with Ramona Fillmore on Sunday, April 19, at 3 p. m., at the Wilson Park and August 1 SEND IN NAMES Names and addresses of former residents who should receive invitato the Centennial and Homeling on July 31, Aug. 1 and 2, are ited by the secretary, Miss Ethel Jones, McHenry, 111. Everyone is asked to help in "this respect so that no one will be overlooked. Just write the addresses on a postal card or in a letter and mail to Miss Ethel Jones secretary, or R. I. Overton, chairman, or to the Plaindealer. . J. F. Claxton spent Moioday in Chi- Field House, Chicago, by their teach- j The legislature of 1935 amended er, Miss Vera L. Eshelman in a dra- the law by advancing each date one Be sure to visit the Wm. H. Althoff matic art and expression recital. month. Hdwe., McHenry, Saturday, May 2. Miss Rasmussen, in whom local All day and evening a cooking dempeople are interested because they We write Comprehensive Automo- onstration will be held. Watch foi new er mother and grandparents bile Policies. The broadest coverage further announcement next week, so weu gav0 the following numbers, ever offered For instance, your plate 48-p4 The Recital," "Chances of the glass is covered without additional * • "Su®*1'" o?e"3 of ®prinE" "lf" and cost. EARL R. WALSH. Phone 43. WANT TO GO ON THE AIR? "Three Stages of Married Life." Miss RUsmussen and Miss Fillmore ; • •• j; also gave a one-act playlet entitled,. JUNIOR PROM "A Midnight Phantasy." ,»•••._ j The Junior Class of the Lake Gen- Saturday, May 16, 4:30 p. m., stand _ - eva high school will sponsor their ard time, please notify Joseph F. Joseph J. Frett left Friday for a annual Junior-Senior Prom, Satur- Nelles, McHenry County Recreational visit in the home of his son, Claude, day, May 2, at eight o'clock in th* Council, Armory, Woodstock, 111., bejn Springfield, Mo. He will also vis- high school auditorium Connie fore April 25. Singing, instrumental rt at Oklahoma City, Okla., and |S©t Wendell from Waukesha. furnish music, recitations and skits trift con- S^nngs, ArkM before bis return. / the music. * / stitute the program 46-tf McHenry County people interested in taking part in a half-hour radio program over WROK, Rockford. 111., FOR SALE -- Seven Good Work Horses. Lewis Schroeder, Ringwood. 48 WANTED WANTED--Plowing of gardens. Tel. McHenry 136-M. *48 HELPWANTED In those days a thief ,or robber was estate bills and 11,000 personal pro- Bruce Klontz and Jack Hess attended FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China either hanged or Shot on the spot Perty statement. a meeting of Scoutmasters at Wood- Boar. Wm. Brefeld, Ingleside. *48 when caught. The story of the good Rea^ estate taxes are, payable in stock Wednesday night of last week. old days in Butte, Mont., has it, that two installments the first of which The campaign program for the sumone morning when the sleeping popu- June 1 and the second on or before mer was discussed as well as plans lation awoke, there was found nine September 1. Personal taxes are pay- for the Merit Badge exhibit. undesirable pesrons hanging to the able in one installment and are duej Among those who attended the telegraph poles all over town. Who on or before June 1. ' ~ funeral of Hugh Martin Monday were did it? That is a secret even to this 'aw requires a penalty of one Mrs. Herman Hicks and son, Paul, day. . per cent per month on delinquents of Libertyville; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. We need not wort? about- this line a^ter these deadline dates for tax Martin, sons and daughter, and Fred of bugaboo, but it safe is very inter- Payments. The penalty is assessed' Wagner of Grayslake; Mrs. Ben Maresting to 'study these fellows who on the first of each month after June tin and daughter, Mrs. Cecil Meyers, stoop to such foolish doctrine in this 1 on the first installments of unpaid Round Lake and Miss Nellie Courtenlightened age. Forward and on- real estate *n«l after Septem- nfcy and nephew, Wavconda. ward to better and happier Uvea and.ber 1 on the second installments. | Mr. and Mrs. George Westerman living has been the people's slogan 1 Assessments are made as of April and Mr. and Mra. Emmerson Bever- 1 by local township assessor and tb» ly of Elgin visited relatives here county collector has nothing to do Sunday. with the assessed valuation of pro- Miss Catherine Walsh was a weekpARMTTp^| y|J[ perty, or the amount of taxes and he end guest of the Misses Elizabeth has no authority to change, reduce and May Conley in Chicago. or cancel any taxes, penalties or in- Jack Thelen, nephew of Mrs. Pich, terest. returned home to Chicago, after All penalties attaching to taxes .spending a week's vacation with her. are imposed by law and cannot be Chas. F. Pich, Supreme Trustee of waived, reduced or altered. .the Catholic Knights of America, rein previous years the due dates for turned from Chicago, where he atpayment of installments were May 1 tended an anniversary banquet of a branch at St. Augustine's Church. FREE--1 Cardboard mash feeder free with every 100 lbs. of starting mash. McHenry Flour Mills. 44-4 Miss Evelyn Karls is spending the week at her home here. Good Food and Good Liquor -- We are operating not only a tavern but a really first class restaurant as welL Complete dinners from "soup to nuts" as well as short orders and sandwiches. , fish Dinners All Day Friday 10c and 256 :1 My Place Tavern - JUSTEN&FREUND, Proprietors } ^ Oreen Street - . McHenry, III J f " :, At The PIT Quarter Mile Elast of McHenry on Route 20 Sajturday Night, April 25 SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER, (% Chicken) . Free Dancing Music by Hot Shot Trio j Harold (Schmaltz) Miller, Host; 50c OLD TIME DANCE VOLO TAVERN SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 25 Music by ."Ben Thonnesen's Orchestra-^ Refreshments Served FREE DANCING, SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Hoot Magloot and His Barrel Stretchers! A Good -- Hot Snappy '•-- 6-piece Band THE BRIDGE BALL ROOM McHenry, III FRIED CHICKEN BEER MIXED DRINKS \ of MATTS TAVERN Wednesday Eveniag, April 29 PLATE LUNCH 25<f GOOD MUSIC A good tirtie for all. MATH LAURES, Prop. MALE HELP WANTED--Can immediately place a capable, ambitious, energetic man with car ready to fill important permanent position with big company. iSplendid income. Write at once for early interview to L. K. Jones, 2947 Eastwood Ave., Chicago, I1L 48 gedBIaodedlkMl PURSAN61 MISCELLANEOUS I WILL PAY $4.0u to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to,walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. 19-tf WE PAY $2.00 FOR DEAD HORSES AND COWIS weighing 1,000 lbs, or more. Phone Dundee 10--Reverse Charges. MID-WEST REMOVAL CO. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED-- Before you buy a new sewing machine, let me see your old one. I guarantee it will work just as good as a new one, no matter how old or what model. FOPP, Shoe Store, West McHenry, Phone 162. 43-tf. If^tnrmlaut Ntirlbnic time to get back to no deficiency in the that makes red blood redy If you are^^7e?you Iwl'tawot*da^' See how much better jr hardly know your- ..i( fnr the same THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" Phone M Oreen Street

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