Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1936, p. 6

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' i£* '"V ' ^ /?'/-' P»f»8iZ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALSR Thursday, April, 30,1936 - ESCAPING * " REALITY; . By LEONARD A. BARRETT I .-v ',v!:v> i!-' 1 al>o,tjf a century ago „ wfote, "Life Is . but i thought:" so--" - , Let the rain And drown Reality -- I'M sail away In Uu< ark rretend, I in the' ark Pretend - T On niy Alpine eoslisy. mSmmi Dating, GREETINGS FROM RACINE! J^icine, Wis.. Aptii 014 Timers and Friends: / I send greetings. I was pleased to read the letters of old and new members. I wish to thank Mr. J. iSmith on (bp of sandwiches and cake. Rewarded ? Sure, he became postmaster. -1-' • • <H* Speaking of food, do yog mugs still like limburger cheese sandwiches? , , . ... , , ... Let me tell you that time and place ™ E «" h»™ everything to do with the* deknow .bout Mr. B,shop. •fc-!l«Ub«ty. Hey! "Mose," what »,y? Very Interesting arwl portraits fftsci- en 8 Y'e e n|®'ri° ' *"•*• ] First you must be camping out at a hut Marcel, possible. I. JM^op played the OTdJmg ««rdu ,lk.. Go fishing from a boat all day. Win not work. N.0 jMan^ of the quests have passed one 0:111 'escape real- ' i t y . JfeiS'glivation I I "will tell'."ybi#' a! little about myself may w>ate the*ark' find husband. We settltftf in Mt. Pretend in • w hich | Pleasant township, Racine county, we may sail nw iiy | We live one nile from Racine city u> ecstatic, i limits. HaVe lived in this home for t>ut .soonor"<:>r later, | twenty-five years and seven months, we mjist Jam! s^me- |Mr. Sorenson is a painter and papey- •wliiere. \Vi>jtt't ?ome- hanger by trade. We have had' ten thins <»f a shock [children, one son and five daughters when we realize tiutt jj.jving.'c Have twenty grandchildren, vlie.hjr.di'iu' ii' thirteen grandsons and seven grandnut. an lilvsvuni par;, daughters; one, granddaughter marisrtise hut ratli'ef the i rj, €ji : / * st-ertt eoUl...yorid- rtf-.j I .hope , to * attend. ^e^OM^^ttliers" r(>alit^^Ve;Ta^ino | Keun^on thjs summer,. , •'*• ' ,v . .. uiore escape conditions--involved in How many remember the Good r,'-; tTOse purposes of a social order ttuin Ten.plars lodge we had and the good i we can escape ,the analtera'ble fy,s times we enjoyed? .of the Cosmic >iniv£rse. ;Jn spiw of _____ this truth, however, mrfny-jpfyon* , REMEMBER WHY BACK WHEN-- earnestly endeavor to live UKffie world j _^>n Memorial. Day, led by the G. A. of unreality which , is exj^ssed in tile R pogt> we young. p^pj^ tbe girls little poem, and "sail »<v ly In the ar- pressed in white and arms filled with , prete"^ to so«»e Aln}** <vrt;isj. flowers, marched to the cemetery, and Very interesfinc/s a stut y o >e decorated the soldier's graves with methods used by'some persons to es- fjowers ? cape reality, .No get. away from the wort'! of facts md Ivy!_ Vm,'° ^ * -^Children's Lay, the church fas most derated with flowers, lace curtains and song birds at the windows? All the young folks were happy,* they sang songs and spoke pieces. Go to bed and awake at 2. a. m., during a pouring- rain, just simply starved. Go forth into the downpour sans nightclothes or otherwise and raid an onion patch. Return and make your sandwiches, then "cheek by cheek and jowl by jowl, talk the marvel o'er" and wash. it down with. Boley's Brew. Where's Ed French? Twice Told Tales Items of Interest Taken From the Flies of th* Plalndealnr #f Year* Ag# wlsh world, living a life of make-heliev ®; constnictinj* a dream world severed from ordinary and common relations. This is fce most dangerous method of "trying to escape," and not infrequently results in mental disorder. Another method of escape is drowning 'all sense of reality l»y the'use of. opi- •ates which lull one to sleep, or those soporific drug3 which only stupefy. Others more sensitively organized, seek refuge in complete isolation, like the mystics of long ago. The effort- to escape reality is neither unnatural, nor particularly dangerous. It is the methods used to effect that escape that are harmful. Every person wants to get away at times. The pressure of meeting life's" problems gets ioo intense, and our "lferves" cry aloud for relaxation and rest. Some physicians advise a complete change in . one's environment as a remedy for the '• effect of over-strain. Travel may bring this result Music, art, and even the DR. • ABT (Oculist): "McHenry development of one'§_hobbies have a should be an excellent Held for me. most salutary effect. The fact re- Wish my own eyelids were not con- . maips; there is only one way to es- ! gested and red." cape, and that is to march straight up* There was a; "CLO^ED"SEASON" for DAD ? "You" are darn right. Nobody "stripped' Dad's newspapers. He read them and when he had finished, it Was still all together and, in , ord^r - and when we were through cred,t to the one who Painted It. with them those same papers were F'sh<* says he don't; charge * cmt neat and orderly. SIXTY YEARS AGO Billy Whitson, who is well known in this village, made us a *flying call on Friday last He now makes his headquarters at Chenoa, 111. A. Frett has purchased of E. M. Owen the corner lot south of the creek, and is now putting up a residence thereon. The sound of the hammer and saw can be heard in all parts of the village. . , ; A new sign deecrnles the front of Fisher's Meat marlcet,, which is a hamdsome piece of workmanship and papers When we pld tim- mor« for meat than he did before he ers sat dpwn to mleals there was no I>U'T.U^, s^n "dog figlit." We kids were the first ones up in th<l morning-and built the fire in the kitchen stove. Maybe those old Dads got up once or twice before we did and I am telling you, we would much rather they stayed in bed until the rooms were warm, after we had had the experience of him getting up once or twice. When Dad said, "Tlor.'t leave tho yard today," we stayed home. Am I right? Those old timers were the Head of the House and it was grand training in having a respected father and mother. H. E. Mead, who lives just west of this village, was kicked by a horse on Sunday last, breaking three ribs and otherwise badly bruising him, which will lay him up for some time, to come. i - We had some mighty fine four-legged friends that worshipped us ? Mrs. Howard, there was Buff and Chubb and" they had a splendid line of descenants. The ancestors of the snow Chistmas time there was a tree? How we older people worked to make it a success ? I remember one time Dad was Old Santa Claus and I was t h e M r s . C l a u s a n d b r o t h e r , F r a n k , , , . . . . dressed like a girl; was the Miss bir J ds' robms and sPa™>ws cheeped Claus. We passed the presents. I still remember how warm it was with that mask on. CLARA BENNET SORENSON. SOLILOQUIES OF FORTY OR MORE YEARS AGO I • St. Paul, April 26. DR. WALTER C. BESLEY: "Killing a tooth nerve with arsenic causes several days of pain. There should be something to counteract." to the p; ^)lem of reality and master it. Any ^...illion, however grieviyus. may be altered hv our menial attitude toward it..' A problem is solved not by tunning away from it but by staying with it. Because men and women stayed with their problems mastered them, we have our finest music, best literature, and noblest art. Not trying to escape reality but mastering it, develops a type of character upon which the future eer**r!^- <•' c.. dc^crtds-. • © Western Newspaper 1'nion and twittered in the same old trees that now shelter their descendants. Throw them something to > eat and treat them kindly. You are gods to them and they depend on you, when the snow covers their natural food. Their ancestors knew your -folks 'away back and they destroy insects that might overwhelm us. Nat Kimball, when "feeling good" would run his team and holler: -"I don't give a dam for any dam man who don't give a dam for me"? FIFTY YBARS AGO T.. L. Turner, of Wauconda, has l.;T"uar J ty-• icat li.arket of E. Lamphere, in this village, and taken possession of the same. M. Neil, who has been in the mill of R. Bishop, in this village, for the past year or two, has severed his connection with that institution with the intention, we believe of going west. The Town Meeting in McHenry on Tuesday, passed off very quietly but at the same time a good deal of earnest work was done. The following are the names of the officers elected: Supervisor, F. K. Granger, Town Clerk, F. G. Mayes; Assessor, Peter Rothermel; Collector, Mathias Heimer; Commissioner of Highways, Allen P. Colby; Constable, Charles T. Eldredge. DR. NORTON: "Good thiiij| I was strong in Psychopathology." DR. WELLS: "Now, If I caa find someone to decapitate those chiekeiis, I'll get busy jtod clean them." DR. HOWARD: "Dose 'em with calomel, put 'em to bed aad they get well." j We would "catch on bob" and when a corner was turned we would jump off and p.ush the rear end around as far as we could? Fun, wasn't it? OLYMPIC COACH OLD DR. DAWISON (Wauconda): "I aun't quit until they are dead and I won't stand for anyone around who thinks my patient is going to die. Now get the hell out into the kitchen and get some chicken broth ready." Old Doc was just like that and when he drove into the yard the patient kn6w that help had arrived. EMIL PETERSON (Carpenter): "Cats and dogs don't nag. If I was young, I'd like to rejoin the Swedish Navy." (Greetings to you, Emil, we will have a good visit.) A team would "run away" and go galloping and smashing down the street, breaking harness and strewing the road with a seat here and a wheel there and scattered milk cans? I'd like to see a good runaway right now. Eh! What? Have you all caught onto that "Eh, What" expression ? Some folks, you, know, are either soinewhat deaf or inattentive. Eh! What say? In telling something vague, or the teller did not care to accept responsibility, he would say, "As the fella said"? Dave Woodburn( Civil War Veter an) had chronic bronchitis and»would be seized with violent Coughing spells and the tears would run down his cheeks and when he again could breathe, he would say, "I'll cough my dam head off some time" ?. LILY LAKE A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' League was held at "Betty's Place" Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Fr#d Dosch, Mrs Frank Stoinsdoerl'er snd Josephine The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternqon. Myrna Bacon spent Friday at the home of her iterents, Mr. and Mr3. W. Bacon of Grayslake.- Mrs. Fred Dosch and Mrs. Joseph Daly were Grayslake callers Friday. Christine Wegener of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J, ter, CI '.\ Harry Miller afid fri( Jerry Braoly, and Jack Lavenger, al of Chicago and L. Wegener of Grayslake. Donnie Weisbaum visited his grand father in Chicago, where he also attended the circus. , \ Am • those that nt the week- •.»»> cottage wer< Mr. and Mrs. Petha arid family, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and baby daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pankonen, Mr. and Mrs. Galitz, Mr. Gottether, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fast and daughter, Clarie, and Jack Lavenger. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Pregler and Marge Wortz of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinsdoerfer Sunday. Wegener. . • Mrs. A. Rddgway of Chicago is Visitors in the Fred ' Dosch home spending a week at the home of Mr. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. Tysler and son, George, Mrs. C. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Hienry Fast and daughand Mrs. A- Then. Mr. and Mrs. A. Then, who have moved out from Chicago recently ED LAWLESS: "Nice to be alive pnd well. Wish I had known, when I was fighting the Rebs, that I'd be here now. Mee yeow, yeow, yeow, Spitt, yeow, mee yeow. Now watch Block's dog come." PAT CONWAY: "Yes, I must go to church. Next time I'll wear a baseball mask when they tease John Faar." ' --~- a . • Elisha Hubbard was blind and his great desire was to have the doctor who made the mistake of a too strong, silver nitrate solution locked in the same room with him? JOHN BONSLETT: "These patent leather shoes are the class." A ' Frank Barbian was a splendid courteous gentleman ? The (?) in the picture of the Barbian employees, as shown in the 60th anniversary edition was Mike Paully. FORTY YEARS AGO Donald Simpson, on the Howe farm east of this village, shipped a car of fat cattle from this station on Tuesday. At the election on Saturday last for one Township school trustee, E. H. Thompson was unanimously elected his own successor. Murphy and Phillips have just received a new delivery w^gon from %he Rockford bakery, which will be used in delivering goods in this village at the lakes. It is a neat and tasty turnout. We learn that during the storm on Friday last, lightning struck the Johnsburg church, damaging it to the amount of about $25. •; THIRTY YEARS AGO Butter on the Elgin board of trad#, closed firm at 21 cents Monday. Oliver Moore, one of the victims of the dynamite explosion, had his in jured leg amputated just below the knee last Wednesday, all efforts to save the member having proven futile. Twenty-five years ago last Friday Jos. J. Frett and Miss Louise Schillo were united in marriage at Johnsburg by Rev. H. M. Fegers. The twenyfifth anniversary of the happy event was properly celebrated by that estimable couple in Chicago last Friday evening. Clean up your front yard and make McHenry a village beautiful. ./ TWENTY YEARS AGO Thirty-four cents per pound w*s paid for butter on the Elgin board of trade last iSaturday. McHenry entertained her first real Saturday night crowd.of the season last Saturday night. John P. T.fidt.7., tho PETE LEIKUM: "Doc Fegers says my stomach would feel better if I'd quit using tobacco, Well, I will quit--seme day." JOE HEIMER: "Guess I'll go down the river and »yank and catch some bass." Johnny Rehr, sfthletic director of the Illinois Athletic club of Chicago, has been named head coach of the ^meri- , «» . , can Olynjpic boxing team for UttC. Mr. I COLON 0>STRANDEII: In play- Behr served on the coaching stuff of ! inS Pakt'r> P]ay as though you have the 1928 American Olympic track team, j *he cards, whether you have them or an<l has «be>.n -coaching track, boxing ; ' and t ther sports at he Iv A. C, since 191!>. • To those who get the Old Timers' clippings mailed to them by friends,! public auction here next Saturday. cided to give up housekeeping and will sell his household furniture at ABBY GERTIE i*Any wife who hits on a concrete can prove that marital prob MM are hard to wtv«M JOE MERTES: "This- is the life. Let those who want to live in a city live there, I'll take mine with the rod and gun." • . • • < let the club assure you that you are missing a deal of very interesting news by not subscribing to the Plaindealer. Have the thrill of opening the Home Paper yourself and memories of joyous days will come flashing back to you. After all, it is the numgs ber of subscribers that makes it possible for the Plaindealer to give space to the Club reminiscences. Only $2 a year for 52 thrills. It costs about four cents to mail the clippings and for, less , than that' your friends can get the whole paper without bother and jdelay. Very truly yours, FRANK BENNETT. We understand that St. Mary's parochial school attendance has increased to such an. extent that it may be found necessary to open a fourth room. NlCfc BARBIAN: "Guess it's better.'. if I start a cigar factory of my own." * • AWD A STRONG HEART. REMEMBER WAY BACK WHEN-- Roll Waite carried a "full dinner pail" around while electioneering for McKinley? Mrs. Waite packed a fine lunch..and "Roll" would lift the cover and proudly show a fine cut of pie Alike Viiited in North Scientists and ornithologist? from all over the world join with thousands of Americans who annually visit the Is land of Bonaventure to view the great natural bird sanctuary where murres. razor-hilled auks, dwell in company with 200,000 other memb >rs of the feathered family. The bird9 share the tourist's interest with a geological phenomenon, famed Perce Rock, in which the sea has worn a 60-foot arch, chipping away each year from 300 to 1,000 tons of solid rock. Treasures of the Mind --There is nothing which so adds to the treasures iff the mind and Increases its |towr as its own thinking. Learn to think for yourself. It is all very well to hear and to read the wisdom of Others. Rut one should not let this take the place of ids own thought Many persons are like cisterns, they are good to hold the thoughts of others. But'when the time comes they are forced to rely on themselves, they have no power to do so. The outside, supply ig cut off and the cistern run£ dry. But if one, like the river, is constantly fed by its own springs, then, as tiie learning of others comes to him. it unites with his own waters and the stream widens and deepens. ^ New Method A new, promising method of preventing fruit juices frow becoming floudy is based on actum of an enzyme that does not affec| starches aad proteins in the juice. Glasses. Fitted' • Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST . Eyes Examined A, E. NYE BUILDING West McHenry Thursday Afternoon. Hears 2:30 « 5:00 -- Phone 123-J nrW'^ IS at Karls Cafe ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE We know that this is going to "good news" to our many customers who enjoyed the chef work of Mr. Jack Mosley, formerly of Rickett's, Chicago, who was at the head of our kitchen last summer. He is here again with all the delicious dishes which aippeal to tire appetites of those who are accustomed to expecting something extraordinary. Herejgjjey can get it now, for '.'JACK IS BACK" FOUNTAIN DeLUXE FONDLE /TEFYIFYE/IAJBYI-WUIE -- mm su soWit, OrUiJf YEAR after year those who arc "in the know" look to Norgc for newest d&vclof^nents in refrigeration. Today we offer you what is, by a wide margin, the greatest Norgc of all time. One look will convince you that no more beautiful refrigerator has ever been built. Closer inspection will reveal many exclusive quality features--practical features that save time and work, add materially to Norgc conven- - icncc, cleanliness, efficiency. Actual testimony from owners' proves that Norgc effects savings up to $11 a month. And we ~an show you how the 1936 Norge is even more economical than previous models which effected those savings. Before you face another summcr, be snrr vnn have safe pro^ tection for your foods. Shop if you like--^compare values- But; 0/ «til *Aea..ii, iec t£e Norje before you buy. A FEW OF MANY NCRGE FEATURES -- Sliding Utility Basket • Combination Bottle and Dairy Rack • Adp stable She If • Odor-Proof Doer on let Compartment • Automatic Flood Light • Closely Spaced Shelf Bars • Im- • proved Laztlatch • All Screw Heads Concealed • Improved Rollator Mcchants't. TVt nOLi..;TOR COMPRESSOR.- smooib, easy, roll in* power instead of hurried back-and forth actiahi Resji/t-- more cold f»r the current used. Ottfy V. cc h < the Ro'.Utor. <jL - -r tWtr^JU-aZuon REfr '. . M . OFF. U ' H. E. BUCH <i SON Phone 48 HOME "ArFLLANCCS McFenry, Illinois and are making their pei .nanent home at Lily Lake, attended the funeral of Mrs. Josephine Debus la CM*-- cago Tuesday. Ancients Were Right Experiments in a Hamburg, Garmany, hospital have Shown the effectiveness of hooey, popular in th*> ijA. die ages, as a cleansing agent for wounds. . V: BR. B. C. HUNT VETERINARIAN t Crystal Lake, V • Illinois Telephone 452-M West Hillside Road > • FIRJS AUTO •' V/"' INSURANCE • V. EARL R. WALSB , Pkwseotini Vn;' r Reliable Companies Wlwa yuo need iasnnacc of aajr kUrf PImmw 43 or 61-M Pries B|dg. - - Phone 41' VpiOR J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry - • Downs Motor Express pie Pioneer Lin* Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash McHenry 7518 256 Telephone No. 300 Stoffel ft Reihansperger Inanrmnce agents for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS S. H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants $100.00 REWARD for the name of any man living or dead that has sold more McHenry County Real Estate than has Dan Quinlan--that's all he does. Farms for Sale and Rent in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Large ones and small ones. I sell farms. DAN QUINLAN Woodstock, I1L Long distance private phones St A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service Road Bnilding cHenry, HL WILLIAM B. MARTIN Representing Metropolitan Life Insurance So. 105 S. York St. Elmhurst, 111. Main Street McHenry, HI. Phone Elm. 2708 Phone MoH. fiXV-J Charlie's Repair Shop Jnst East of Old Bridge -- Over Fox River (Rear Schaefer's Tavern) RADIATORS REPAIRED* BODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting ^ "" Truck Lettering - Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETESEL SENT ft COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C B Placed with fhe most reliable Companies Osme in and talk it otst "Htsoe McHenry 8 S'JCH IS LIFE - • V"^X! .MAKES -FRY JUMMER-/WP AAAKETST IT 5MORT" -\ V. '4 KMOW l-"=AT Ker : > AMP -HAAKES ' THEM | ^M-nzACT \ 1 o I

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