Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1936, p. 8

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r> j* 1 c*«* ' >-w, / ,„r , ; ,„«• -y,; ; < ^ >.--«• w - v> <| ;n,' i "•> " * » s t,*- 1 • a- ~ _ •... ;y»^ . » . * . ^ ,- j r . * S, fl, ,;' :p"v' '?" ? ^7 ' * <• 3 , ^ ^ j»' \. *rr tf ^ ; ;+i H « * ' V^v*/'1 :"<; ;.-, v. - '• "V«V «/ * '/ \» .';/.v^ > ^ :T . 'I . . .: W « ^ . , ' ' r ' i " ' ' • ' v ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' • " " « « M c g n n t V ?LAJMPlAL«t '"=-•'r% '• * «£' ' ""tUMv/A^tttWliik Tq IS^ILIAUY MLLlfe 10MGHT CHRISTIAN MOTHERS MEET The Christian Mothers of St. JMary's church held their regular meeting Fri- -day evening and mad£ plans for the di uner to be. served Sunday at the carnival. Following the business session sev«jn tables of cards were m pi*y "and prizes awarded. LADIES'; AID SOC.KTY BIRTHDAY PA f Th£ Legion Auxiliary will meet jo- The Ladies'Aid Society is meeting ^ j,ay an(j pleasant evening was : i inight at the hom.e of the .president/-, tins-. afternoon at -the M. E, church. ^pen(; -Vfhdrsday when Miss Marie' Kinsala and Mrs. Fred .Schoewer. Mrs, Lester Bacon. . v The ladies ^re collecting used cloth- .1 ISTc-tt's nineteenth birthdav was celeing for. the Good Will Industries -bf brated in the beautiful club house of i OBSERVE TWENTY-FIFTH .You've climbedtheladderr^ by redecorated the meeting waCheld at Like Isaak's servant who did ride the home of the Grand Regent, Mrs. O'er deserts drear to claim his bride; iFred C. Schoewel1. " Well, Clarence captured quite a prize, The regular social meeting- of the From Arizona's cloudless skies Court will be held Thursday, Sept. 17. As; at Topeka I was stopping Plans were als% made to hold A pub- Like all the rest, I did eaves dropping, lie card party after the first business Aif. Landon said, "I'll fix a bout meeting in October. jWTiere Schmeling knocks Jim Farley \ Cards were enjoyed fallowing the, out. meeting Thursday night iiTnd prizes An'd then the nex£ thing, that I do in bridge wpr^ awarded to, Mildred Frank Block, I'll give his job to you. Through faithful service you have won, ALTAR AND.-R<)$A-ftY"\v;-\-v^'Gfetcago- •Members of the Altar aind Rosary. , •- „ . sodality of St. Patrick s church met- PAST ORACI.ES TO MEET ; - -Monday night when plans were made1 .The McHenry County Past Oracles for the dinner and carnival to be h^ld club, of the R. N. X. will meet Thurs-; ,,n the chui-ch grounds the: last of this day. Aug. 20. at the park, in Marengo. 3'«wonth. ' V l?1 case of rain the meeting will be 1 held at the home of Mr?. Siam Robb • FIXE CO-OPERATION across -from' the park. -. y The people of Mt-Henry apprecjat-!-, .' ^ ; - . ' the friendly gesture' of the' Wood-t.H-K t • , ;NIEXS.TftDT-SMITH. f High 5ciwi L - 70-pie.ce lxand,•\-^s•ho.^vJ•4\^iM[jyEfg• Eleanor'Nienstedt. daughter oj^ ^h^n tht?y came to •VIcHfnry on Sfliv Hany Nienstedt ' of •i'day. -2. io, ;asVist, i:n^ the CejY- 'Woodstock,. became .the bride of Mt. projjram' wilh a ^d;^onceinV; K^vneth Smith of Montpelier; Ohio, 'aj; ban<C directed by:"Clai4«'ee;5isoni':U' i^^ty^ home ^wedding-at 8 p, m,, Sat.-. a.^lived-<Jbrjft^-- thc boat races';aciid -their- ;u»^day.; . 'Mr; ami Mrs,. Elmer Freund >*-inusic. W:enjoyed•"by" ;thefWMm|s %t;rf among ,the- guests,- the. bride: 'beV •JZbf peo!i]tNg:ather^d tb-s.e^.the faces. - 'i.iny-Jlvsi Fieund'b sister. • ' - the Fox Lake Country Club. Guests were present from Wilmette, Johpsburg, Spring Grove and McHenry. WEDDING rung ANNIVERSARY onWard friend, and do not stop, -- v You've almost" reached the very top. ^ Miv and Mr^. Frank E. Block of i'm happy I caiS truly, say, PLAN CARD PARTY. {Tucson, Ariz., who had spent the past "Happy returns of this glad day. .^lr-;^eguhir meeting of Fox River] two weekji with relatives here and at- j>m gia(j to shake your fiand, dear VaTIev Camp. R. N. A., will be held tended the -McHenry Centennial and friend, next Tuesday night., All officers are;Homecoming, were honored at a fam- (jod »spe^"';-'-yo«l'hibMi^jward requested to be present, to .pract^; fly gathering Sunday- at , ~Harmony^ trend. . . f for the Convention which will be held ,"Ccurt on Fox river in-. ob'S<yvance of Twenty five.years ago 'tis true in October- Fox River Valley Cimp! the if silver wedding anniversary. , As "Best Man" I attended you.. will entertain the Convention . this year. . - . 1 Plans were* n ade for a public card party tp be.,'held "Wedriesday^af tei'nOon> •Aug;,;.19, .ph' the gradeischoel lai^n. . • FAMILY REUNION ; A . fan ilv . reunif n was • held at- thf1- hdmp, ofiMr. ancV 'A.. C." Peter Guests at the anniversary -celebra- | Your Golden Wedding I'd like to share tioR,, which y,:as planned as a surprise And hope that. we can all be there: l'or Mr. and Mrs. Block; numbered Wt'Jl Say, if God shoulcl else' debree >l§vehty-eight and were present fWm My deaf Savior pilot me. : ' : Cumberland, "Md., Hannibal, Mo., Tuc- Foi'- when we; reach" cur home: above, sen, Ariz., Dundee, Elgin, McHenry,' We'll celebrate that "Feast of Love." Marengo. Chicago and Melrole Park. So as ;th'e days and years fpjl on; Present among the guests were tha We ,11 let the will of God be done, T' ' ' " 11 ' ' • ey througti - Bringing: Happiness When persons only wish for the happiness of another, and when they never pass. a day without doing a ' kindness, how can they be otherwise than happy? 18th Century Silver Used Daily Sterling silver spoons, bearing the trademark of an Eighteenth century , English silversmith, are everyday table-ware in a" home in Kiefer. Okla. ' Hogs Fattened Quicker 5-Mrs. A. C: Petersow 6f Mrs^Bfpck and E: B. K o s c h - , He'll lead^us alb the |ou^ey-throu out thiFty-five» i(,ela^ j nYg^n of Melrose. Park; who served a-? Where rest awaits foi me and youi • gathered-'to s'p^hd'i h'ntiesitiaid and best man for the- Arid so dear friends- our wish ,for^ yojl, t l,e day" together. A picnic dinner ami COUpie ^.-theii?wedding twenty-frye . ^94 Five y°u what is best for yoa. cial day was enjoyed ' Among th^'yeais'-ago. : '-V- ' Vr' --M. DP^HLINGER. !:up?ts .present Were ° Mr. and MV?-.j Decorations 'iri rose and ^ilVer were £)edicated- to Frank and Emma-Block. : ank ftovat and family of Elgin and use(|. An elaborate dinner was serv-! ' -- Mr., and Mrs. William Jordan and jecj tables decorated with bouqueits , YOUNG MORON ATTACKS " iv.ily. Chicago, and Emil Peterson. 0f -mixed flowers and the bride's table WOMAN AT FISH LAKE was- centered with a large weddiogj - . : - ..- •• • . cake beautifully decorated in silvef and baked by the grooms' sister, Mrs.- Thef)., of Dundee. Charles F. Block, brother of the McHenry, EASTERN STAR McHenry chapter, O. TS.'./S*. $*<$$$' itcular session Monday evening,with M rs. Minnie Martji^ worthy matron, ' TJhe condition of Miss Mary Bnicker, 25 years eld, of Chicago, who was beaten and kicked into unconscious- R HUBBARD'S STJNSHTNB . CONCENTRATE , Think of it. . . . . - - :. A 200 lb. hog in 30 to 45 * time than with any other feed or 4-niethod. And look at this.... Y^ownakea200 lb. hogfrom weaning tiQie in le?sthaii six months on only * - • 10 bu. corn -' ;• 1 bu. oats V 100 lbs. HUBBARD'S SUNSHINE CONCENTRATE Yoti, too, can make mor^ money with your hogs. -Start feeding HUBBARD'S SUNSHINE CONCENTRATE today. Check the results you get. We know., once vou've tried HUBBARD'S SUNSHINE, you'll always use it. See us about your Feed Requirements. WANTED TO BUY-- WHEAT AND BARLEY McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association Phone 29 JOHN A BOLGER, Mgr. McHenry jo f siding. I The Good Will club is busy filling a hope box Vvith linens and household • , A ' t C.,. „ j ness Sunday by a moron who attacked groom, acted as toastma^ter and called ,her afc Fjsh Lgke near Vo, wag rg_ on various guests for short talks. • . f. A fil. . „roau Mr. ported improved the first of the week f i W v, *11 K o-ivAti nwnv nn l • veie Pr®s®n'e articles- which will be given away on! at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hos- %vilu a chest of silver as a gift from- . , t ;w+,r„iMa . Friend's Night, Sept. 19. This box will -their relatives present. 1 : . , v i' j Charles Block, 85 years old, of Gil- j ^ received Mw, 'a belts, uncle of the groom, recited a eoncussion, brurses and shock, poem that he had composed for the her condition is regarded favoroccasion, Mr. Block, who never com- fo1 lecovery- OUTING AT LAKE posed a verse of poetry before Tiis»- Arrested three hours later by An- Menjbers of Scout Mothers Cluh of! eiohtieth birthday, now has more than thony Seisser, state hjghw-ay patrol- | Troop 11 of Holy Trinity church, El-|y™c poems composed during the last man, aftei a posse had searched the j gin, with their families composed a j'five years. These poems, all written!."woods in the vicinity, Robert Mcln- , group of thirty who moto-red to Gris- j jn German, are humorous and pathetic tyre, 19 years old, of Chicago, was ! wold Lake Sunday to be guests at the an(i weVe composed by him for everj- •held in the Lake County jail at Wau-J- • summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Elston j occasion, some to be read at the fun- ( kegan on a charge of attempted rape, j G-' Hunt. A covered dish dinner was |eiai 0f a'relative and some at a happy ] Miss Brucker was spending the day served shortly iafter the arrival of the L Ccasion such as the celebration Sun- with her family. at the lake. During | group. • , day. Mr. Block remembers them all the aftewioon she left the others to I The Scouts';1 knd tWeir fathers eh- j anc; ;can recite any of them. 1 gej; a drink of water in a nearby grove, traged in a ball game, in which thej Music and songs were rendered by When she neared the pump she told 1) vs won, while the mothers- held a j (ipi'don and Florence Mueller of Gil- authorities, that a young man grabbed business meeting. Plans were made to i j^rtSt who have appeared on the Am- her from behind and started to choke end one or two gcouts to the jam- ateur' hour at WLS radio station. . her..-' The young people, also, enjoyed No one heard her screams and she games and rivef sports while the fought her assailant until she became adults visited. i unconscious. She was found an hour The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. T., Jater by others who went to the pumpr H. Bethke, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Block, for a~di*ink. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bethke and ;--_--,-^1 children, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bethke j ' . BAKE SALE and sons, Theo. Bethke, Jr., Mime- Theix^dies' A"W will hold a bake T... ^ ~ Block, Ed Blcck and Mr. and Mrs, Au nUap.wiir-bft.-an-. Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of Amer-1 Schroeder of Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. ' n' i" ica, will fill the officers' chairs at the j Ed Schock, . Alma Schock, Mr. and '/;i.\' ---C next meeting on Thursday, Sept. -3, j Mrs. Wm. Gerber and Olga Kolby, of , ' •- l-" •'•-'•V when they will be entertained by the! Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. W-' Willistan and. Good Labor court, it was decided at the business. daughter of Cumberland, Md.; Walter The foundation of good labor in session of the society held last Thurs-! Bussert, Hannibal,' Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. W shape is a good man, and all day evening. Cards will serve as en- Clarence Bussert, Mrs. Wm. Bussert ^at ^ done to give breadth, depth tertainment. Because the hall was and daughter, Betty and son, Paul, and fullness to him will re-act in ul- Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Koschmann and ( timate improvement upon his work, i family of Melrose Park;Mr. and Mrs. soon be on exhibition in the \vondow (f • Jacob Justen's furniture stove. Watch for it. . bui ee at Washington in June, 1937, The club will begin immediately to .raise money for this purpose. Supper was served after the meeting,, the 'women, serving a treat of watermelon. " V ; i CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS , Past Grand Regents of Court Joyce Clearance Sale The Weatherman says that summer will be with us for some time, so we suggest that you take advantage of our value offerings, now. ^ Men's Skipper Sport Shirts A variety of styles and, colors. All regular $1 num.- berg, now; * - same as above , No w 2 for STRAW HATS, All reduced. Sailors and soft types. Values to $1.95. Now selling at $1.29: Some for.;;.-...,:..,.: 89c BOYS' PLAY SHORTS, Kaynee make; Regularly, 85c. Now ;69 & BOYS' ATHLETIC UNIONSUITS, Values to 95c. Close out at J.., 39 C 2 for 69o SLEEVELESS SWEAT ERS, Formerly 95c. Close out at 49 c SUMMER WASH TIES, Were 25c and 35c. Now reduced to 19cv MIDDY HATS 2 WASH SLACKS, Comfortable, Cool. Values to $1.65. Now $1.39 White Corded Ones »were $1.95 Now $1.69 • BATHING SUITS, Ladies $3.50 values, now . $2-89 One group at 89 BOYS' ZIP TOP SUITS, Can be used as trunks, $2 values, Now $1.39 BEACH SANDALS, For comfort 39^ 3 for ... . $1. .. BATHING CAPS 19^ ONE WHITE CLEARER, 19c : White laces free with each purchase. THE t T t T T T Tf tT T T T tT i It to announce THE PAYMENT OF ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF 10 PER CENT' ON DEFERRED CERTIFICATES, t T T T ? ? T T T T Y fT f T t • t T t Checks Are Now Ready For Distribution Holty and Mr. and Mrs. Koehn arjd children, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Dryer, Forest Park; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feltz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voelta ami children. Mr. arid Mrs. Albett Kamholz and son, Mrs. Minnie Block and son, Louis, and Elsie Harmsen, McHenry. The following, poem .composed for the occasion by M. Behlinger and dedicated to Frank and Emma Block, was read by Mrs. E. B. Koschmann at the gathering Sunday: This story that I now relate Began in nineteen hundred and eight; But as I. now look o'er the score. It must have been some time before. When Fiank Block was a little lach Great plans for him his parents had, When he gre\V up they tried to- find A job--but just the easy kind. please; . -. That was the Clerk's Life of ; Ease," - They told hini not to strainjiis batk- Just at each stop, kick out a sack. He chose the railroad called the "Soo," ; " Because this road has least to do. Frank learned to know Ben Koschmann well. •yr Now Mrs. Young right from the start A ; Had schooled them in Domestic Art, T iT t Tt •J f And oft against their inner wishes She'd say, so weet, "Please wipe thvi dishes." A sailor boy Frank yearned to be *, Like GolumbQs to sail the deep blosl sea. Frank had a dream in early youth; Now folks this is the very truth. He thought Columbus looked for him iTo teach hjs crew to sink or swim; ! He wanted one who'd stand the test, Mc m 8 SS*:: ALL THOSE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE THEM ARB ASKED TO CALL AT THE BANK WITH THEIR CERTIFICATES, OR SEND THEM IN, IT IS NECESSARY POR THE BANK TO HAVE THE CERTIFIt DATES FOR ENDORSEMENT AT TIME OF PAYMENT. ' . -:" f iT ti Tx tt t 1* ? T T J T T i One who'd be braver than the rest. He turned away, his brown eyes wet, The man he'd like was not born yet. Who was this man so hard to find ? Whom did Columbus have in mind? It was Frank Block, I thought you knew, ; That he onqe sailed a small canoe. Then in his vain imagination He thought he'd take to navigation. On this canoe, in letters bold, "To Waukesha or bust," he scrolled. Fox River was the stream he sailed H is Dundee friends he proudly hailed. He soon returned, we wondered why, Found out the river was quite dry. ' Something was wrong we found, too, soon, All Frank would do was sit and moon We found this handsome turtle dove Had met Emma, who he learned- to love. He married her in 1911; He thought that jiow he di^elll^ ilk • heaven. Then after three long years there came • • --t..'- t,;. • A babe, arid Esther Is her nanie. Again they waited three long years, And lovely haby Ruth appears. The lovely daughter that first came, Esther Bussert is her marriage name. It $1045 art tht list prit'tt the nrxe Buickt mt Ffint* H4kh.t iubj*it t4 {hang* withmu tutu*. Standard mud tfrial actttnrut frtmpt m^all at tetra cttt. All Buick prim incimd* nfiij giatt Ummfhtrnt Oi %t*nd*rd HHMINIY MTMHm TO RT YOUR rWSil Ait *knit th' Utntrnl htmn httttllwunt flan THE coolest people in town-- the happiest and most carefree -- are those wise folks to whom we've lately delivered one of these lively Buick SPECIALS. Swing wide those Ventipanes -- let your foot down smoothly on the accelerator -- and you've got your cooling breeze, made to order'whenever you want it! There's no noise, no heat, no labor to its oilquieted, valve-in-head straight-eight engine. There's no effort to the handling. We've* yet to find a hill or a stretch of tough going thgt can draw a puff or pant from this easy-stepping Series 40 Beauty. It isn't too late to get thrilling pleasure out of this summer. We c*n make Quick delivery--arrange our easy terms to suit your. Ifkes. Call us--and we'll be right around for a demonstration. its- ' i ^ iiii torn M&m «on mmm m a wwim mourn am • I. Overton Motor Sales Tront Street, McHenry, 111. Crystal Lake, I1L WHFN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE E U i1 EUilD THEM * * « .

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