Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1936, p. 3

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spSfrsi r1;" Thursday, August 13,1936 **?* '/ > r#^~' fg' *•« f *" t- *W£ .. • 7? ^ T rwp^^TiT^^T5 .-.1' * :» I THE LANDON FIT FOR CAMPAIGN r- h^v> SLOCUIVTS LAKE Harry Matthews attended the regttlar meeting of the board of directors bf the Lake County Farm Bureau at 'Crayslake Wednesday evening. George Bookhout of Salem, 111., is ow employed at the home of Mr. and s. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping r&turtied home Wednesday evening, after spending the past eleven days with r -P" Washington Letter --By-- NttleMl Editorial A Miiktlw VOLO 4 The Yolo CemeteTr'yv Society met at the home of Mrs. S. J. Russell Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing five hundred and airplane bunco. Prizes were won by Mrs. Joseph Lenzen, Mrs. Prank King and Mrs. Joseph Wagner in five hundred; Mrs. Ada Wells, Miss Grace Blascius and Mrs. Ida Fisher in bunco. Mrs. Ada Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Cor- Wells and Miss Jean Wells of Washington* August 12 -- Strategists of both major political parties relatives at Amboy and Moline and in j are seeking advarfce copies of corn- Iowa. • ^Jn^tee reports and keynote speeches1!!!" *"a ™1SS °* Mrs. Martha Baer <>f Chicago w^tf^ltich will be delivered before the D S r> .Vol' ^1S" *se„-a has spent the past week at the hdme ^American Bar Association Convention ^ . Sta"jey °f .VV au: of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthew^ is]4t Boston late this month. It is the on Sarah Fisher >n enjoying arv auto trip this week w? | old story of being forearmed against j and Mrs. Harry Matthews and I criticism. Interest centers in the talk sons, Robert and Lyle, and Willard which Attorney-General Cummings meet w"o "^"'o Darrell vpr as the voico of .th* Rnnsp. I ^ ay» P • _ , Mrs. H. B. Schaefer of McHenry. Mrs. Geo. Broughton antkMrs. Whithers of Wauconda visited at-<£e hume <jf"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews on -Thursday. Volo Cemetery. Society, .will at the home of John, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and will deliver as the voice of the Roose velt Administration. New Dealers areL •, x,t , , scouting around to get « line on th. :W,lukes*n shon proceedings so tf*ir Number One leg-! ind Mrs T„„v ^ a„d M, and Mr,. Hern,.* C,n- and M«.:low Wister*. ; The Eevub.icns Martha Baer of Chicago Were supper j hopeful that political ammunition may j ffuests Thursday at the home of Wii-: be found in the debate. Considering' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey, G. A LATEST PICTURE of Gov. Alf Lindon, Republican nominee for president, shows him in splendid health, fit and strong for a vigorous .campaign. Photographed in Topeka, Kans., as he prepared for hi« •astern swing in which he expects to meet voters at hrst hand and Remonstrate to them that he is a practical liberal, intent on reducing taxes without hurting the man on relief. He says he'll take the saving! Oat of the hides of the political exploiters. lard Darrell. V I its attitude in the past, the bar asso-, ... . ... , •" M1"* and Mrs.»Wm, Brooks of Libel*- jciation w ill probably oppose social se-U -i"' •.* v" ; j" et< ^ %ville were Saturday evening guests , curity and unemployment insurance i m, iVd Fril^w daughter, at the liQme of Mr. and Mrs. He L. laws as something for the states and1 rv , ' not the Federal government. Likewise, |5'^SrSk^JvSS?" ? lllard Darrell, Mr.and Mrs. Harry the' position the organized lawyers ... Mt " * *r' H nJ' « , Matthews and sons and guest, Mrs, trfke in regard to proposed curbs oh Marie <sn*>nt YVoH° ^ ""i- Martha Baer of Chicago, are enjoy- the judiciary is a point to watch. The'^^ufc1?: C nig an auto trip through Kentucky, commentary of the legal lights on thejcons;n • 01 •' ls" Washington, D. C., and the Great Lak- entire legislative pattern Avill have an I Mrs M»rv Snhlc Qnj «• r f. es Fair at Cleveland, Ohio. eefnfeecctt o0f1 ttnhee ddeebbaatteess aanndd tthhee ccoouurrssee ooff I • i MarS S®^|e> an® Mrs. Cath- enne Wagner of Slocum's Uke spent new laws at the next session of,Con- j Thursday here at the home bf Mr. gress* land Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Stanlov Kotlewsk and'- 7hfu R®PubHcan chieft i ain5 drifting Mrs. Frank St. George attended a daughter, Genevieve' of Burton's National Capital from scout-1women's county committee meeting in Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Es- ing tr'?S arenot s?L sure ^at the cur-. Waukegan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Rau of Chicago spent Monday at the home of jfcfr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. NOTICE During the summer months my McHenry Optical officc in the A. E. Nye building will be closed. Glasses Fitted lr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST ; Eyes Examined Phone 674 Woodstock (for appointment) Monday ---- Wednesday --- Saturday Central Garage Phone 200-J Fred J. Smith, Prop. Johnsburg • ^ The best equipped garage in this county? We can take care of any kind of repair job and our Work is guaranteed. Give us a trial 4 Standard Service Station 24-Hour Towing Service FRED SMITH, Prop. where the daughter teaches. ping enjoyed a picnic supper at Lake!^ d,ls£ns.1<>n ™thm th*. fa,n t k%of Geneva last Sundky evening- l"'0" ,S * °L & hablhty f°r Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowel! and daugh- ^ir Prof™"- ters attended the Fireman's Carnival P\ese^ ls}° the/ffwt th/ S?U\ ^',11 at Lake Zurich Thursday' evening. | ,break f the *^2* {™nt °J the 1»bor Mr. a0d Mrs. H. L. Brooks attended! Ieap # Ue ^e^by Major George Berthe Centennial celebration at Crystal ! r£ former ^ ^m'nistration, m an Lake last Friday afternoon. to, soh,dlf>' 1^01" 1'otes for £ho Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris and i Ro*sevdt ticket ^ fly m the publican ointment is apparently the doubt as to which direction the name calling and vote-herding will take John Lewis, the militant leader of the Mine Workers Union, has played closito the Administration and wduld probably expect White House support. The skeptics say tihat some labor groups which would ordinarily follow the Berry-Lewis banners may vote for the Lemke ticket out. of plain "cuss&lness." At the best, it is too early in the season to measure the reaction for jthe peace-makers are trying to heal I the rupture before the elections. Conservative Democrats are repr< Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, jr., in Wauconda. Mrs. Hazel Remington and family Mrs. M. Krause of Chicago spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam .Waldmann. Mi's. Ada Wells. Mr.-and Mrs. Corwin Wells of Webster, S. D., and Mrs. Anna Case of Wauconda were Saturday dinner guests at the Dowell Brothers home. Mrs. Joseph Wagner sp|nt Friday, in Chicago with relatives. Hamilton Parr of Wheaton. III., called on old friend# in Volo "-Monday. Mrs. Margaret Grabbe of Ciystal Lake is spending a few days here with her daughter, Mi*s. Walter Vasey^ William Rossduetcher of Joliet visited his mothei*. Mrs. XiOU,ise "Ros^r deutcher, Thursday.; Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Casper spent Monday evening at the Herbert Casper home in Ingleside.- Mrf. Sarah Fisher spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour near Wauconda the past wee^c. > Mrs. Joseph Titus of Grayslake spent Wednesday here with her daughter, Mrs.. Frank Henkel, Jr.' Mrs. H. C. Michalson and Mrs. L. Littlefield were\McH.enrj' shoppers on Fiiday. '• ; . Mrs. John Capaller .and sdaughter, Iris, of Chicago spent several days here with her - mother, Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher. Mrs. Joseph Wagner, -Mrs. Joseph Lenzen and Mrs. Herbert Michalson were Tuesday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Harry Maypole in Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs^ Albert Kautenberg of Waukeean called at the John Walton home Wednesday. Mi*s. Fred Caspers, Catherine Mc- Guire and Betty Anne Herikel called on Miss Alice McGuire in Round Lak< Tuesday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ross# *, deutcher are receiving cards from Emo, Ontario, Canada, during the » \ past week. . Mrs. Grace Kirwan and Mrs. Herr man Molidor-called on relatives in Eir : gin Wednesday. -'J. Miss Catherine McGuire returned to* Kankakee, Wednesday, after spending ,. several days with her sister, Mrs. F, Henkel. - « Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons, r Mi-s. Roy Passfield and family visited""^ their sister, Mrs. Charles Dalvid, ia. Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lenzen. Mr. aril Mrs. Paul O'Leary and Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher were guests at the home ' of My. arid Mi<v John Capaller in Chi* . ' cago Wednesday evening. ' -MiV"1.Clyde Wright visited relatives , ' •at Fox Lalce Thursday * s. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Wright . anl• daughter., Genevieve, and ^1':^. Ida - ' Fisher'Visited' Mrs.': W'rieht- in El-;."' gin."Friday... >'* '• - . • ; Mrs. Charles Jones:ah<rf>M'rs. St. George ^*%re McHenr^ callers §at-'- ,1*,' urday. . -O -• /,'¥ • Mrs; .Joseph • Passfield '-and. Da>lvin were Waukegan shopper? oq ' '/s - Tuesday/ "v.' -rtr ^ |^ ^ OVERTOX FLOAT WINS PRIZE The R. I.-Overton'Motor Sales was one of the prize winners in the Centenniial parade at Cr>*stal Lake Fridav, having one of floats entered. Other winners were JBauer and Bauer and the Wagner Dairy. Judges were the mayors of Algonquin. Hebron and Woodstock. Many people from McHenry isaw the parade and other features cf the celebration. James, Merle. Alma and Rollin Dowel! were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell in honor of their daughter, Mayme's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren attended the Centennial celebration at Crystal Lake last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mort. Baseley of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and children of Crystal Lake were callers at the Joe Dowell home Tuesday; "UNCLE EZRA" BUYS FARM Friends here have learned that Mrs. Grant Randall has sold her 90-acre j feented as genuinely concerned ov< farm on the Richmond road about a I the dominance of labof leaders in their mile east of Hebron to Patrick B.J party affairs. These veterans fe< 1 Johnston of Chicago, better known as i that in event of a Roosevelt victory, "Uncle Ezra," of radio fame. He has'the party will be obliged to cater to also purchased the adjoining 77-acre j powerful union forces in endorsing Hollenbeck Haven farm. [legislation giving these organizations- Uncle Ezra plans to use the Randall everything their heart desires in plachome as a summer home and will make ; ing the employers in a legislative a flying field and probably a short! strait-jacket. The liberal element is. wave radio station. . . !of course, in favor of this prospective Mrs. Randall and her daughter, policy but the warhorses of other camformer McHenry residents, have been paigns do not want their Democraticusing the farm as their summer home, ! party to be known as a "labor" clan, spending the winters in i Chicago, As a consequence, they are warning the newcomers about the pitfalls. THIRD "ANNUAL SUMMER F E S T I V A L ! Sponsored by Community Post 2997 v Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United Statics Qity Park Virginia Street Crystal Lake On Route 14 TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 14, 15, 16 WATER FIGHTS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 7:30 P. M. Come and see the fire department in this thrilling sport. DOLL, WAGON AND BICYCLE PARADE SATURDAY AT 7:30 P. M. Cash prizes for the best three entries. GAMES -- REFRESHMENTS -- FREE ACTS MUSIC -- CASH PRIZES ^ Merry-Go-Round -- Ferris Wheel -- Kiddie Ride ~ Lindy.Loop SOMETHING FOR FUN EVERY MINUTE This IDDK talk ahout RED CROWN ii started hi| pixilated people" y. ...HJ55EO L_ A^rtiST I THIS StMBOL idcnhf.t tKa by Wondord O %exumc6 w STANDARD DEALERS OFFER VALUABLE BOOK OF MILEAGE TIPS--FREE 1 Not technical, this Ksraboot contain! many smiuiblm ivggufioiii which will •nob/a you »o g*f aiora mil tag* p»r gallon. If I foil of itmpl* things to do whkh add many mihi to. o tankfvl of gatoliHo, tharwby taring you rotfl monty Gal your copy of "Tips on Morm Miloogo For Your /Monty" from amy Standard Doalor No obligation, nothing to-buy. C«pr. 1936. SbulanlOfl Co. STANDARD Red Crown gives 150 miles a gallon and not a fraction more!" continued Mrs. Popyew. affectionately called "Pixie" by her host of friends in Tall Story circles. She added: "To stop this loose talk . I put my foot down. Unfortunately, it was'on the accelerator and the car leaped clear into the next precinct* Red Crown is responsive." We have more than p faint suspicion that "Pixie" is indulging in slightly "loose talk" herself. Standard Red Crown does give as ong mileage as any gasolinepossibly more -- but definitely not 150 miles per gallon! As a matter of fact, hundreds of thousands of motorists are now learning, first hand, the bedrock truth about gasoline mileage in the World's Greatest Road f est, and even though you may pot be driving one of the Res e a r c h T e s t C a r s , i t w i l l pay you t o . . . , LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT GASOLINE MILEAGE a mttUA FOR ANOTHER MILLION OWNER FRIENDS % -You are giving Chevrolet the greatest year in its history, just as Chevrolet is giving you • i suae roue ca* it safi to dkivi -- then orivi s a f i i t i The confidence of the third pa J.y 1 ' leaders in the success of^the Lemkefor- President is no longer a laughing; matter at political headquarters? There is no way of telling whether the rebel crowd is basing bets on careful surveys or just making predictions of victory out of Whole cloth. Whatever trickery is-involved, it is sufficient t® provide a disconcerting tone. The dopesters say that the Lemke follow* ing is engaged in wishful thinking about the electoral, not the populaty vote and the possibility of throwing the issue into tftie laps of a Congress which will be plentifuly sprinkled witli. Lemke adherents. T^he average citizen seldom realizes the importance of the Electoral College which tihe Constitutional fathers provided as a balance wheel. things in life is demonstrated in the heavy enrollment in government-financed educational programs. A report made M ailable recently showed that nearly two million persons welf •endeavoring to lift themselves from the slough of illiteracy. Estimate!?; show there are 14,000,000 illiterately in this country. The heaviest enrolfinent wa* reported for adults with. vocational training a favorite subject. esfcure hss been exerted on admins istrative agencies here to speed up rules and regulations regarding new statutes which were enacted by the last Congress. Conferences between the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission forecast^ something definite as to what the Fed* eral agencies will do in interpretating and administering the Robinson-Patman Act dealing with Uhe merchandisr ing systems. More than a million retailers are pestering their supplier* for a definition of policy only to meet with the reply that the government must first lay down the rules. Th®. san e confusing situation exists at the Department of Labor in connection with the law relating to government contracts. The drift at' this agencyindicates a tightening policy whic^ will keep exemptions to the lowest possible minimum. Final details await the return of Secretary of Labor Perkins from Europe. Government attorneys anticipate a deluge of lawsuit# when,business takes exception to the iu)ings of bureaucracy. Recalling the adverse court decisions of the last tw# years it is not unusual for these;, agencies to watch their steps in writing their ideas as to what the lawmake^ s had in mind. Early Animal Breeding*"' IWbert Bakewell of England first introduced the system of breeding from a single breed shortly after the middle of the Eighteenth century.. It was based upon careful selection;" to develop certain desirable quali* ties. The crossing of different" breeds had previously been though* to be the way to improvement. M Com^ JfEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES -CGjpvbia-Acting, Self-Articulating) saftsi and imoothoit mvor> dtrtloptd SOLID STEEL o TURRET TOP HIGH-COMPRESSION flLVMN-HEID ENGINE mn fan 901 and oil •UBK1L MOTOII IHSTULKjm-- NMTI1T PAT* to wit mil rain r To the million people who have already bought W>* ECONOMICAL 1A.1/ / - i 1 .. 'ybansportation new 1"j6 (jhfvroleti V, . and to the tens of thousands of T>ther |>eople who are, now buying them . . , we of Chevrolet wish ta ; express our sincere appreciation for your patronage and your friendship. Thanks a million for a demand which has lifted production of 1936 Chevrolets to the initlion mark in less than a year! T You l<H»ked at this car--yon drbve it--you btnifihl it--and now you are recommending it to all your friends. Thanks again for a million Chevtolets, and for giving Chevrolet the greatest year in its hi|Jory>, ju^t a» Chevrolet is giving you the only complfte loiv-pricod car. CHEVKOLET MOTOB CO., DETROIT, HICH. IMPROVED GLIDtNO KNEE-ACTION RIDE* 'ffcc imoothest, safest r'ae of' GENUINE F1SHE? WO DRAIT VENTIL n NEW TXTSKET TOP Ml* mott btavtrfvl and • bod its titr low-pric»<# HOCIFROOF moking driving than ( ALL THE* CHEVROT $4< CHEVH0LF "4 a 008NBR U. & IS smI ILL. M PHONB iSM

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