^1* • < r • uT^HY }w/*'*•* -V 1."£*'- .& iu. r:7*J*er< V *?;;- • •?jt?;?;7i'i-:! " "V» '-f>- r^-li - ' *>-y.- • • nj*,.# t "' \', \»0 j .f % •* ./< • , . t V' . .&, ..', jr t-' ^ Dtoambw 24,19M ! ? T H E M ' H E N R Y P L A I N D E A L E R mmk. Appropriate Setting for Beauty r Published every Thursday at McHenry, DI., by Charles F. Renich , in. . • a" - 1 ' Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at McHenry, HI., under - ' 1 the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ....... Six Months - -...$2.00 $1.00 A. H. M06HER, Editor ui Mm|«r Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- -- -- Telephone 197 Public Service Awards <•* ' ^ Medals To Employes -I .- j . f ,t * » > >,<„* 1 ' " v"*V"Vl' Mary Williams, 926 Hayes Avenue, the first woman in the utility organiak Park, and H. J. Scheuerman, S39jzation to get the life-saving honor, West Kenjlworth Avenue, Villa Park, successfully applied artificial rpsusciemployes of the Public Service Com- j tation methods, as taught to all empany of Northern Illinois, were pre- ployes of the company, reviving a sented medals for the saving of human life last week. Britton I. Budd, donor of the medals and president of the Public Service Company, made the presentations. Both recipients earned their recognition for saving victims of lake accidents. Miss Williams, a typist, and young girl. Mr. Scheuerman, a salesman, used his knowledge of artificial respiration to restore breathing to a man who was thought to be dead when removed from the water. The Britton I. Budd medals, awarded annually since 1927, have been given to forty employes. "Defender of Faith" "Defender of the Faith" was a title conferred (1521) by Pope Leo X upon Henry VIII of England for his tract, "Assertion of the Seven Sacraments," against Luther. Later it was withdrawn, but in 1544 was confirmed to him by parliament and has since been tised by English sovereigns. BULLET -•W'iVV': CAMLILA Specially packaged for I Christmas. Costs only . ,2J" . . ' with MrrynifM*/ HOURS of gift seeking won't reveal a better gin at $2.8) than Eastman's Ballet Camera. It's thoroughly new in design, streamlined for quick, easy operation, capable of malting good iHxiHinch snapshots. The Builet Camera is ready here appropriately wrapped for Christmas Day. Be rare and see h now. SLOCUM'S LAKE FOR SALS FOR SALES--1931 Chevrolet Truck, Stake Body, $100.00. Having rented my garage to Chas. Rietesel, I will sell at cost all Atlas tires and Atlas batteries. A. E. NOONAN. 31 CBttTIFICATE OF ENDORSEMENT Ethel Granger was much pleased recently to receive a certificate of endorsement from the magazine, "Better Homes and Gardens" for a recipe which she had sent in for their approval. The recipe for salmon roll underwent tasting tests and tests of every kind before being given the stamp oL approval which assures it to be ed? dorsed by them in every way. « The letter containing the certificate; «f endorsement came as a surprise which was a most pleasant one. Say yon read ft in THE PLAINDEALER. : Jean and Martha Shintani posed in a setting of chrysanthemums at the Garfield park conservatory in Chicago. The two little Japanese girls tire friends of the Japanese consul at Chicago. Build Church of New Type Steel THOMAS P. BOLGBR ::;.c|i««ggist / 40 ~ McHenry Last Minute Suggestions- STATIONERY s Boxes, from 10c to $1 Compacts Manicure Sets Greeting Cards Christmas Wrappings Christmas Lights Christmas Wreaths fend Trees CIGARS King Edward, Van Dyke, Harvester, Dutch Mastari. All Kinds of Tobacco and Cigarettes, AH Christmas Wrapped. Pipes ~ Magazines and Books Gillette Razors and Blades in Christmas Box. ALBERT KRAUSE News Agency Elm. St. Near Riverside Drive Mr. anH Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at McHenry Monday. They also called on Mrs. John Blomgren. John Blomgren was a business caller at McHenry and Grayslake last Saturday. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters were callers at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter are recovering from an attack of the flu. Merle Dowell was a caller at McHenry last Saturday. John Blomgren called at the St Therese hospital at Waukegan Sunday and was accompanied home by Mrs. Blomgren who had been a patient at the hospital for nearly two weeks. Mrs. Earl Matthews and daughter,* Susan Ann, called on the former's aunt, Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Sunday. Mrs. Burnett is recovering from an attack of the flu. • Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and two children of Wauconda were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Herman Christian of Oak Park spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mrs. Elmer Esping spent the week* end with relatives at Forest Park. Arthur Wackerow spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arron Huntoon at Big Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. In the evening they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook and Willard Darrell, who had returned from the I8th Aitaual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation at Pasadena, Qilif. They report most enjoyable tjrip through the west and south. -r Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks are enjoying the winter months at San Benito, Texas, having left here Wednes day, Dec. 10. George Bookhout was a business caller at Woodstock and Harvard on Saturday evening. Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a Chirstmas party given by the Wauconda Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. Roland Lueder Tuesday. GUARANTEED "GOODWILL" USED CARS See These Car* Before You Buy Any Car: 1936 Pontiac Sedan, Run 13,000 miles 1986 Buick Sedan, Run 12,000 miles 1935 Buick Sedan, Run 29,000 miles 1934 Buick 'Sedan, Rnn 24,000 miles 1931 Buick Sedan, good condition, Run 87,000 miles - ,, 1931 Chevrolet Coup«~- r ,' * 1935 LaFayette SedajR ; - r ' ' r 1934 Oldsmobile Sedah - ." v • . 1935 Ford DeLuxe Tudor • • T* v . 1932 Pontiac Coupe ' 1985 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedan*, Many others at all prices R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Phone 6 , W McHenry, 111. FOR' SALE--House Trailer, large enough for a sm&ll family. Must be seen; priced right. Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. 22-tf FOR SALE--Choice big type Poland China Gilts; Bred for March and April farrow. Also a few choice stock hogs. James Hunter, McHenry, Phor\e 017-J-2. *30-2 FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT--220 acres good land, 2 miles from town, good modern basement barn, good hotoee and other buildings, silo. Will furnish some firewood. Also a choice 58-acre prairie fafm for rent, good buildings. Stoffel A Reihansperger, West McHenry. 28-4 FOR RENT---Modern house on Waukegan street. Phone 223-W. 28-tf FOR RENT--Flat in People's State Bank Bldg. Inquire of F. A. Bohlander, West McHenry. 26-tf WANTED WANTED--Dairy farmers to sell milk regularly to the McHenry Dairy. Call or phone McHenry 27. 30-2 „ i,s®cn through a maze of steel is the original wooden St. Augustin's Catholic church in Culver City, Calif., where film stars have been wont ° worship. Before it rises a new structure embodying latest method of instruction. Resistant to fire, termites, and earthquake, the framework is entirely composed of small round rods interwoven to form a network of steel, welded into a single unit. New method is invention of A. M. McLellan, Los Angeles engineer. Gridders Work Out With Pachyderm Gridders at Loyola university of Los Angeles, facing a tough schedule, build up brawn at Zoo park, as they try out the latest interference tactics with Anna May, thirty-five-year-old, four ton elephant. Needless to say they met with a lot of opposition. The novel workout was devised by their mentor, Tom Lieb. WANTED--Two reliable men to begin work Jan. 1; one in plant and one 09 milk route. Phone or call at McHenry Dairy. Phone 27. 30-2 MISCELLANEOUS READY TO SERVE YOU WITH-- Coal and Coke. Call 649-R-l. H. Sompel and Son. 4-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly Georg* Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157. or 681-M-l. 2-tf FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2, and reverse charges. 5-tf • «** * V ' - Johnsburg Tavern Hats, Noisemakers and Horns For Everybody SEECIAL PLATE TURKEY DINNER Qood Orchestra ~ -m . • -• - free Dancing 'Arrange for your New Year's Party withN'Pa and Ma-" Hettermann Jehn Hopkins, Merchant Johns Hopkins, the founder of * Johns Hopkins university, at the 1 beginning of his career dealt in ' groceries, farm products and Maryland whiskey. Xmas Bargains . Oaiy a few shopping hours remain before Christmas. - Here are a few very timely gifts which we 20-in. Wheel TRXOYCLE, regular 15.25, Closeout price RIDER TRUCKS 11.00 I7.95 59* PYREX PIE PLATES' ^ - CASSEROLE, In wck^gated frame, bhie or green ; L., LARGE BUICK AUTO, With hwn and light, Regular $10.50, closeout price TOY WHEELBARROW JUL J BIRD CAGE AND STXHD, Re^lvory, brown; Complete ^ $2.50* COASTER WAGON, Electric Ught and horn , $4.80 ELECTRIC TOASTER, Special price ,...^ *1.19 ROASTER, 3-pc., large sixe, with inner tray, Blue enameled 1. $2-50 This Store Wishes All Its Customers and Friends A Very LY CHRISTMAS" Win. H. Althofi Hdwe. Cor. Main and U. 8.12 West McHenry. N. J. JOSTEN & Main Street (Next door to West McHeiiry State Bank) A MERRY CHEISTMAS TO ALL ,111 NEW INVENTION USED IN FILMING " SHOW BOAT" John Mescall, head camerman for Universal's "Show oBat," which stars Irene Dunne at the Empire theatre, December 27 and 28, has just perfect ed a new invention. It is a new type of variable dilfuser applied to the back of a camera lens and capable of moving from sharp long shots to soft closeups in one continuous operation, saving camera set-ups. Differing from the usual run uf present day gauzes and filters which are used s©;extensively for special effects, Masai's device will not be used on the exterior of the camera. Stars and featured players in *Show Boat" are Irene Dunne, Allan Jones, Helen Morgan, Helen Westley, Charles Wipninger and Paul Robeson. The direct**,- wjjiose production schedule waa aided 5>y the invention, is James Whale."" 5: ; * •. « c "4^ t»y' . * • )SK - " " NEW YEAR'S EWE PARTY SCH AEFER'S TAVERN PLATE DINNER Hats, Horns, NoisemaJ^te: 50c Good Music Free GOOD AT THIS, TOO Charlie Gehringer, star second baseman of the Detroit Tigers, showed his adeptness in other sports besides baseball when he took part in an exhibition of badminton with other exponents of that famous indoor game. Though there was a difference in the swing of his racket 'o the swing of his bat, he managed nevertheless to prove he could handle both with great skill. CHIC ENSEMBLE Living Room Suites $59.50 and up » - * - CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to express our thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to us during our recent bereavement We also thank donors of cars. RIT. William Voetts. , Fred W. Voelt*. John Voetts. George Voelts. Mrs. Loais Bendinc. Ghatka Nttata. 4" A kepi hat of black cire satin with a coronet of black felt leaves by Suzanne Talbot, a smart cape of silver fox, a simple high necked Kim of black matelaase crepe, ck kid suede gloves, antique fold jewelry. ) , MONDAY, SHORTEST DAY With clear skies bat cold winds, winter officially arrived Monday, although according to the temperatures it had been here for some time The arrival of the winter season marks the tithe when the sun readies the lowest point below the equator and is also the shortest day of the year, the period from sunrise to sunset being nine hows and seven min- The days will now begin to Lounge Chair* Knee Hole Desks Occasional Chairs Lamps; Studio Couches * Cedar Chests Beds and Mattresses Doli Carriages Velocipedes Shu Fly LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS Magazine Raffia Radio Tables End Tables Smokers I Occasional Tables Bridge Sets Sewing Cabinets v Rugs ' Secretary Desks FOR THE CHILDREN Commodes Cocktail and Coffee 1 Boudoir Tables Pictures Waste Paper Baskett Mirron Children V Desks Tables and Otytirs 11 High Chairs Hone*