Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1940, p. 7

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% 5, t, ;v^'> *.< $m,r' ?V4 1 r ;, .V TteW.y.D^W*,'!^ -mrfr trip __ * *r~* -u/A. ;V-, .£ f >!n «. J#)\ | PLAiroiALBR mrnm y i »;> \ $ ~ >. j- ~ !•':' ' - *• W. •' ; W'jfc w#V»r-sii». r ? • s p t' "> 'v:.*-'.yiS'-. /J£~;' $ * ^ *** • tuapnnr FLORAL oo. -- Phone 60S-R-l -&» 3&"'V; .fc.' n One Mile South of McHenry , on Route 31^ Slower* for all occasions! Phone 43 VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bide. #-*i* OFFICE HQURSTuesdays and FrUtji Otttr Days by AppointaMSt Md«T7 - - - - ® ^*V» PHONE is * • X4Uy fiHrffet OK. J. E. AM.KB DENTIST Oflfco Hears 9-11 «ni i<C Bwiungs by AppoinluMttt 9 to 12 Mate Stnot »--* W. Melfafy A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contrastor Trucking, Hydraulio and Crane SOCYIOO --Road Buildlnc** UoEUBrj.ia RCETING /fi w NATIONAL TEA CO. f!•#* ••'- ':{', - .- " 'V >\T 7/.:" , • , 2 5 In all the noise and merriment of New Year 's Eve, remember that we ^tod:"' v cheerful thought for you. F--lain and Bar UNTI, Pro*. V r' ' K^r"- Horses Wanted I B I T Old and Dtaab' 4 Bom. Pay Croai M to 914. ARTHUR W. WBRRBACK Phono 439 439 B. Calhoon St Woodatock. HI m, A0W INSURANCE 'tSt EARL R. WALSI Praaaatiag 3 Reliable Oompaniei ffka jm need insurance ef any kM Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. - McHanr? GASH FOE DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Bead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges No. 800 Stoffol A Rsifaansporgor •lata for d tlawa of property in the boot companies. WVSTMeHCNKY % - ILLINOifc S. H. Freuod & Son v CONTRACTORS AMD BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Your Service in Building ;, h 5>; Your Wants V Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charles Street . ! Sign Painting 7 ' l Track Loitering Purniture Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL PEED C. MILLER, M.D. Specialising in BYE, EAR, NOSB and THROAT will be in Dr. A. L Froehlich's . Office, corner Green A Bb Streets, McHenry Every Wednesday Atom 1 to 2:30 p. ML GLASSES FITTED 191 X#»y DR. L. B. MURPHY • JPNTI^te^i wi Honrs -1 • a. at. fo 9 p.m. Green Stnet -- HcHorjr, HL m urn's OOTIIMG STOfE Sing and shout! A nelr, year is here, and, itfs bringing along o^p thoughts of you. Here's to a happy 1941! <C 1941 Njo • i ' *.>4 ASATHA SHOP m* mmm N. J. JUSTE* i SON # «" 8»ng out, o'bells! * in your ringing you can j tell oi/r friends attl neighbors -- "JTappp^ em Xeatvi^ '^. ^ 'V<~ •*»&•;»*? • . *%4 J MCHENRY FLORAL CO. HAPPY UiBlli JOHN DREYMILLER • l o i TWENTY YEARS AGO been appointed master in chancery to succeed Atty. E. H. Waite. While out hunting near Greenwood one day recently two Oliver employes of Woodstock shot a grey fox. The power ice boat, owned by the Star garage in this village, has once more made its appearance on the river. Excellent sleighing has been enjoyed during the past week and many have taken advantage of same by bringing out their tutters nad bob sleds. THIRTirT*AR3 AGO Miss Marguerite Freund, a senior at Mount Mary college, Milwaukee, Wis., is enjoying the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Preund. i j Mrs. Robert Burleigh of Ingleside S was a caller in the "home of Mrs. Al- i bert Purvey Thursday morning of last j week. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neiss spent last Thursday afternoon in Woodstock. Vale Adams, who is attending Lake Forest college, is enjoying the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty were Atty. A. J. Muller of Woodstock has 'Hgin visitors last Thursday after- Jolui Walsh, our pouplar West side policeman, has been appointed deputy heriff by Sheriff Henderson for the McH*enTy"today,lliursda7,"are he"adJd noon. Mrs. C. H. Duker left Sunday for San Francisco, Calif., where she will spend about six weeks visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh, Mrs. Anna McCarthy and Mrs. Catherine Conway were callers at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon. N Richard Freund, a freshman at Notre Dame university, Notre Dame, Inri., returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, Friday for the Christmas vacation. Ear! Smith, who is studying at St. Mary's at Winona, Minn., returned to McHenry Friday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unti, who left for a lengthy vacation at Daytona last town of McHenry. The Ostrander property on the West Beach, Fla side, which was sold at public auction Mrs'. George Miller ajpent at one o'clock on Tuesday of this Thursday afternoon at Elgin. week, was purchased by Mathias fctef- Miss Audrey Rothermel of Northfes of Johnsburgh, the consideration ern Illinois State Teachers college at being $1,500. DeKalb is spending the holidays with We learn from a reliable source her parents, Mr. add Mrs. Jos. W. that the recount of ballots on the re- Rothermel. cent election will return the Hon. Thos. F. Burn of Belvidere to his seat in the legislature. Jacob Bickler, who recently purchased the McHenry House property is planning extensive improvements on the building. The change will be made this spring. * tORTY YEARS A<|$ By the change in the telephone arrangements in this county Nunda is fortunate in securing the county manager of the Citzen's Telephone. Geo. F. Blethen, who has heretofore made his headquarters at McHenry. Mr. Jacob Justen remembered his daughters in a very substantial way, on Christmas day with • handsome village, passed the twenty-fifth milestone of their wedded life on Christmas day. After the concert a dance will be given at Stoffel's hall next Tuesday evening. Musk will be furnished by Baernstein's celebrated orchestra. Miss Mary Durland of Chicago enjoyed the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland. Miss Sylvia Snyder is spending the vacation with her folks at Janesville, Wis. Miss Patricia Phalin of Chicago enfoyed Sunday in the home of her par- •nts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Miss Louise Stilling, a student at Lake Forest college, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stilling. Melvin Whiting called on Chicago friends Sunday. James Kenneally and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kenneally, Elgin, were guests in the home of Mrs. Mary O'Flaherty Sunday. upright piano. Paul Justen, a student of dentistry Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds, of thi^Lat Loyola university, Chicago, is variFTY YEARS AGO S. 1,. Rounds has openjed a barber shop in the Nichols block and is now prepared to do all work in bis line in workmanlike manner. Miss Clara Wightman, who is teaching in the public schools of Chicago, is spending the holidays at her home in this village. Mrs. Fanny Beckwith starts thia Wednesday morning for Minneapolis, Minn., where she intends spending the winter. The Christmas tree, at the Universal is t church, this week will be one of the moat beautiful over anranged by that society. SIXTY YEARS AGO J. F. Parker and W. D. Howe, of Greenwood, sold and delivered to Geo. Kidredge, in Richmond, a few weeks since, three hundred and thirty-five fleeces of wool that averaged eight and one-third pounds to the fleece. The strike is over and work on the pond and at the ice housed is being pushed with vigor. Orson Bugbee has broken up housekeeping. and, with his family is boarding with Wm. Mudgett, four miles southeast of this village. H. E. Wiehtman, mine host of the Riverside House, had a present last week that is worth while. It was no less than a fine span of young horses and was presented to him by his father, who now lives in Nevada. HEY. AND MRS. MILLER TO VISIT PARENTS OUT WEST On Sunday, December 29, Rev. Gaeddert, who is studying at Garreth Institute, will conduct the services at the Community Methodist church in West McHenry during the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. Heber Miller. Rev. and Mrs. Miller plan oil leaving tomorrow, Friday, for Cherryvale, Kansas, where they will visit Mrs. Miller's folks. They will continue their journey to Knowles, Okla., which is Rev. Miller's home town. Rev. Miller will again take charge of the services on the following Sunday, January 5. CARD OF THANKS Very Rev. Msgr. Nix and Rev. Paul Tuchlinsky, officers and members of St. Clara's court and our friends, many thanks to you for all the lovely cards and gifts we have received. We wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Katherine and Helen Schneider. War Relief ig the last quarter of -1939, $1,756,608.12 was collected in the United States for relief of war sufferers in other lands, but only $934,- 614.84 was sent abroad; the remainder represented money left on hand and amounts spent by the organizations far administration . . • * - Napoleon Napoleon was imprisoned on both Elba island and St. Helena island at different times. - He escaped from the former and died on the latter. cationing in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Waukegan Were Sunday visitors in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Eleanor Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage south of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and children of Woodstock visited relatives in this city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Phalin home. Mr. and Mrs. William Wicke of Des Plaines enjoyed Sunday in their summer home on the Fox river south of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and son, Raymond, of Woodstock called on McHenyy relatives Saturday. Roy Gladstone has returned to McHenry to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gladstone. He is studying at the University of Illinois at Champaign. Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter, Monica, of Lake Villa spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. Minnie Schuenrtnan was happy to spend Christmas with her son and family, the H. J. Schuenemans, in Chicago. Gerald Baum, who is attending Illinois Wesleyan at BJoominjrton, is home to spend the holidays. Chester Colby of the University of JjUinois at Champaign is enjoying two w£eks vacation at his home at McHenry. Angelo Unti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unti, is vacationing from his studies at Loyola university in Chicago. Miss Marie Johnson, a freshman at Coe college, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is Spending her two weeks' vacation at her home in McHenry. Freddie Kamholz of Chicago was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, on Monday. Mrs. Ralph Walkup of RidgeAeld and son, Lowell, who is home from DeKalb Normal, called on McHenry, friends Monday. I Miss Marjorie Duker of Northern Illinois State Teachers college at DeKalb, is spending the vacation with her parents, the C. H. Dukers. Mrs. J. Komiskey and Lee Hughes of Topeka, Kan., visited the latter's father. James Hughes, at McHenry Monday. Daniel Justen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen, returned home from Notre Dame, university, Notre Dame, Ind., this week to spend the Christmas vacation with his folks. He will return to the university on January 6. George Reid, a student at DeKalb Normal, is enjoying the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid. Mrs. Clarence Whiting and Miss Genevieve Knox are spending the day at Notre Dame, Ind., where they are visiting the former's son, Clare Whiting. who is a student at the seminary in that city. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries are happily headed for the Sunny South. They left this morning to escape the j winter in Clarmont, Fla. 150 Sins ft® Am#rlean food induStiyfraelcB its fruits and vegetables in more than 150 different-sized cans, at least &E.KYE T, C ' New Year's. the; .time r0 :#or,'.nA.'io come forth with an expression of *^ appreciation for your f' * patronage. Thank youl j} f .. . r_i- _L. KENT k CO, INC. 1 ' • t When you tnink of good things, think of us--and . / " Of our kind thoughts of ^ ^ you, this New Yeat% v ind always. -,s - v k Vt.A* V \ *r f / y r* r4<> - I t : AMWRS LUIITY SHOPPE Let the horns blow--tho bells ring -- the crowd sing! And let us join, • f M shouting ^Happfif m Year to yoi JSCHWERMAN '•mri KOMESTUO TEA ROOM - - &

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