Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1941, p. 7

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tax HeHnni yr.trimiiAr.ia ' ii i I" I ' l i i i .1, « . .it . • smT m , * ' SMtajr a MTOKpr ; 3^* • DENTIST " p OMM HNM:* ! • ».•. Grew Street --» McHarr, BL Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge - eaCharlea Street^ ,• |Sv ~ ^ «t*n painting Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL The Foreign Invasion Tfut Must Be Stopped w r : FRED C. B5TLLER, M. D. Spedaiixing In HYB, EAR, N08B and THROAT will be ia Or. A. L Froehlich's Offiee, eener Grew * Hm McHeary _ Wednesday from i to t-M p.m. «LAB6ES FITTED m- S. H, Freond & Son - CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ^ Phone 86-W McHenry Our Experience is at Yon* Service in Building Yonr Wants Telephone No. 800 • Stoflel ft Reihaniperg* . hiraranee agenta for all claaaee of property hi the beat companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILUNOtt CASH FOR DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Bead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges % GAIL SCOTT, CHICAGO JOHN J. WAGNER, VOLO, WED SATURDAY, FEB. 22 Little Flower church, on the south side of Chicago was the scene of the METHODISTS JOIN ! CRUSADE TO RAISE | WAR RELIEF FUNDS j Hie Community Methodist church I of McHenry will participate in the j _ __ Methodist Emergency Million crusade j wedding of Miss Gail Scott, daughter in a nation-wide attempt to raise one I of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Chimillion dollars to meet three war- j cago, and Mr. John Joseph Wagner,, caused appeals. The offering plates j son of the Joseph F. Wagners of Volo, j of the 43,194 Methodist congregations on Saturday morning, February 22. i in the United States will be simultan- j The pastor of the church officiated at i eously passed on what has been named j the 9:30 Nuptial High mass. "Methodism's Day of Compassion," j White net over white satin was the March "• „ ; combination chosen by the lovely The Rev. Mr. J. Jleber Miller ex- bride. Her trailing net veil was topplains the three types of appeal that j ped by a tiara of flowers and she are consolidated in this Good Samari- ! carried a prayer book corsage, tan movement: (1) $250,000 is to be allotted to the religious and social well-being of young men in army camps and navy yards. Methodist chaplains within these camps will be aided with literature and equipment as needed from the fund. Churches nearby • ill be helped to meet their enlarged responsibilities in ministering attrac- Miss Billie Jean Martini of Chicago, a school girl chum, attended the bride in a pale blue satin gown trimmed with net. Her hat matched the color of the dress and her bouquet waa composed of gardenias. Attending the groom was Norman Molidor of Grayslake, a close friend of the former. Both were attired in morning suits. Ushers were Jack and C8K THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS JOE QUICK RESULTS lively to unusual mimb-rs of youth! Robert'Scotti' ^ brotherB d ^ during the critical hours of "leave, bride In some cases this fund will provide! Th; ceremon wa8 followed by the general Methodism a share in creating wHding breakfast, which was served interdenominational social and relig- m the Blue room "at the Windermere lous centers to sustain and build char- Fast hote, Chica(?0> for the farida, ® r* 1 party and the immediate families, con- »2) $250,000 will be devoted to assisting of the John Scott family of Horses Wanted * # i s o y Old and Disabled Horns, f-- Play from $5 to >14. ---- tfTHUR W. WERRBACI Phase 4^9 4» B. Calb-- St Woodatock. HI INSURANCE FARM UTO uwviuiflVb v UFI EARL R. WALSH Pin-My Reliable Companies fFkn yon need insurance of any Idad Phase a or il-M Fries Bldg. MeHsnn phonb is X4U]r Serrtoa DR.J. E.SAYJW " DENTIST Office Horn 9-12 and 1-S Svenintga by Appointment Itanim'itolt Mais Street :--: 1 % A. P* Freond Co. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic end Qrw iervioe - -yre --Road Building-- TeL 204-M McHenry, HL McHENRY FLORAL 0ft . -- Phone608-R-1 -- •. : "$4 ' V' One Mile South of McHenry •an Route 31. flowers for all occasions! Phone IS VERHOH J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW , Fries Bldg* - OFFICE HOUitt - ' Tuesdays and Friday* . Days by Appointment j w t e w V . • .. vAtt... f>' . * Qi»SNAPSH0T GUILD COSTUME PICTURES But the mother church in England m j Chicag0i the Joseph Wagner family of temporarily easing some of the fright- Volo and the Jacob Wagner family of ful situations involved m 150 bombed Wauconda, the latter being the grandchurehes. Also in the South and East I arents of ^ Rroonu of England there are parishes so A option wag held Saturday dangerously located that almost the evening in a Legion hall in Chicago entire congregations have evacuated, for about two hundred guests. A buf- ^eaving quite unprovided for the pas- fet Juncheon was served. Among the tors who are staying to minister to were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus those who remain. Other urgent needs Freund> Mr. and Mrs. Mike Budler grow out of the necessity of rescuing and Mr and Mrs Albert Justen of certain British Methodist missionary McH«nry; Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Grimpersonnel and projects which are in eUi> M„ Henry Stoffel and daughter( jeopardy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. and (3) $500,000 will continue and sup- Mrs A] Aithoff, Mr. and Mrs. Rusplement the Methodist overseas relief sell Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Phan- <iow in progress; feeding, clothing and nenstiH and Mr, Mrs. Wililam sheltering non-combatant war victims, i wirtz of Volo Since war conditions make added Mr and Mrg. Wagnei- are making demands on all regular missionary j their home in an apartment in the Und philanthropic funds both the na- j McHenry Town House. The bride, tional and local leaders of this cam- W^Q wag graduated from Longwood paign emphasize that this is an emer- academy in Bevery Hills> was employjgency offering and must not be allow- ^ as a stenographer previous to her ed to block the flow of giving to the marrjage. Mr. Wagner is a graduate regular world service activities of the of Grant Community High school in church or the result will be the ere- pox and drives a milk truck ation of new and equally serious prob- under the empioyment 0f Joseph Waglems. ner The national movement is being led jby Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, retired, j ITAPTC •of Washington, D. C., who is supported by the Methodist Emergency Commission composed of all the bishops and a representative number of prominent Methodist laymen and ministers from all the six Jurisdictions of the church. Dr. Owen W. Fifer is executive secretary and Dr. Elmer T. Clark, formerly of Nashville, Tenn., is handling tl^e promotion. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of BLOLA E. BOYLE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, the 7th of April, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of ELOLA E. BOYLE, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. RICHARD I. OVERTON,,__ Administrator. DAVID R. JOSLYN, Attorney. ,\ >!>. s - ""'v| (Pub. February IS - 20 -If) CHURCH SERVICES^ (Central Standard Time) St. Mary'a CatkoUc Cbvcb Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:30. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:30; 8Kit. ^ *'"£ Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. and 7:00#•# Thursday before First Friday.' After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 pw* and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor. St Patrick's Catholic Chardi Costume*--real or makeahlft--make delightful snapshots, either humor* - oua or aarloua. Try aa evening of costume knapf--youtl have some [i <• genuine camera fun. k TTOW many eoatame pictures In ** your snapshot album--pictures Of the children all dressed up for a party, or other members of the family In the costumes of a bygone era or another country? Such shots are easy to arrange --easy to take--and a source of much camera fun. They're easy, because the costumes don't have to be elaborate or durable. For snapshot purposes, you can use all abris of substitute materials and methods--pins Instead of stitching, lace paper instead of real lace, and ao forth. Some ot the most clever eostumes can be put together In a few minutes. These makeshift costumes are successful because the camera Is easily fooled. Pins In the back don't ahow--and substitute materials can appear just as natural as the real thing. If some part of the costume la too obviously "faked," you simply adjust the light so it is in halfihadow. This subdues the obtrusive details. • Children enjoy tke taking of coetume pictures--and so do grown- ups. Chances are. If you will rum* mage around in the attie trunks,, you will And plenty of material tor^Ts an evening of fun. Coats, dresaea, collars, and hats that you wore eighty or ten years ago--these are apian- , did for the purpose. It's surprising- * how "dated" the styles become Infenly a few yeara--you'll find them truly comic. For foreign costumes, vartona materials can be pressed Into ser- ... vice--such as an old shawl, stray ' pieces of cloth from the work«% •; basket, crepe paper, and plenty of. pins. Just to illustrate--crepe pa-? % per, folded and gathered, makes a, .. ,*• fine neck ruff for a Spanish don or an Bllsabethan dandy. Tonr dle-^?"* tionary, encyclopedia, aad other books will Illustrate many coatumes; that are fun to reproduce. - Try an evening of costume snap-^ / shots. Gather a few materials--en- > list members of the family as mod- • els--and yonll add some worthwhile pictures to your collection. Johc van Ouildsr WASPI WED SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT SPRING GROVE CHURCH FAMOUS BOOK PEDDLERS During the early history of America and throughout most of the last century, books were sold to the public largely through the personal canvass- j LoVraine May of Spring Grove7 a ing of itinerant salesmen. A number, friend o£ the bride and Edward of noted persons were book peddlers Wagpi of Richmond, the groom's in their early years, including at least ^ brother. Miss Regina Karls and Mr. Glenn Arthur Waspi were quietly married Sunday afternoon, February 23, at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, at 3 p. m. Rev. John L. Daleiden officiated at the wedding. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Karls of Spring Grove and the groom is -a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Waspi of Richmond. Attending the couple were Miaa three Presidents. George Washington once canvassed for a book called "The American Savage; How He May Be Tamed by the Weapons of Civilization." He sold about 200 copies in Alexandria, Va., ^and vicinity. Ulysses S. Grant sold Irving's "Life and Voyages of Columbus" before the Civil War, and his ^successor as President, Rutherford B. lHayes, sold books in Ohio, including ^Baxter's "Lives of the Saints." Henry W. Longfellow, Bret Harte, "Jay Gould and P. T. Barnum all peddled books before they rose to fame. ;One of the most aggressive of the early book sellers was Mark Twain, who was a publisher as well as an author. He published President Grant's "Memoirs," of which he sold about 320,000 sets in a single year, but he had plenty of help in his enterprise. "His firm paid Grant's estate about j$450,000 in royalties. " The foregoing notes on famous book Salesmen is from data contained in a bulletin of the New York Public Li* •braiy. A selectee who reported recently at ^Fort Jackson, S. C., to begin his year iof military service brought a bedroom suite, a rowing machine and a bicycle. Approximately fifty gueats attended the reception which was held Sun day evening at the home of the bride's parents. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Hartwright of Chicago and Miss Marion Ober of Crystal Lake. Both Mr. and Mrs. Waspi graduated from the Richmond High school with the class of 1939. The groom was employed at the Alemite Die Casting plant in Woodstock, while the bride was an employee at the State f ish Hatcheries in Spring Grove.' After March 1 they will move to Los Angeles, Calif., where Mr. Waspi will seek a position at the Douglas Airplane manufacturing company. UNCLE SAM'S PHONES v Telephones now used by government officials and employees in Washington alone now number nearly 52,000, as compared with slightly more than 20,- 000 in 1933. An increase of more than 6,500 was made in the last year, due to the new offices created in connection with the defense program, and more are being added continually. The White House and adjacent executive offices of the President's staff use about 100 telephones, over which an average of some 2,000 calls are handled by seven operators daily. In addition, the President has numerous direct, private lines to leading members of Congress and confidential lieutenants. About 39,000 calls daily are handled for the Capitol and the Senate and House office buildings, through 1,400 mam stations and hundreds of extensions, requiring the services of thirtynine operators. It is interesting to note in passing that the original Congressional telephone girl, Miss Harriett Daley, who first took that position in 1898 as the only one so employed, is still on the job in charge of all the Capitol operators. The United States as a whole now has about twenty-two million telephones, which is more than are in use in all the rest of the world. Washington, because of its being the seat of our government, has the highest ration of telephones to population of any city, with forty to every 100 people. In iact, our capital has more telephones than the whole of Braxil, which has an area larger Ulan our forty-eight states. Wm M. Carroll ;/ ; State's Attorney Woodstock, Illinois $tatj|\<tfj3niinois, County of McHenry, ss. In the Circuit Court Of' McHenry County. The People of the Stats of Illinois, . '; r ,v ,;v. Janes Leehey, , . - Mae M. Leeheyj ; Edward Leahyf Defendants. /•' Gen. No. 29217. Public notice is hereby given that ill pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1941, I, C. Frank Daly, County Collector of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1941, at the hour of ten 6'clock, A. M., in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder the. following' described real estate, to-wit: All of Lot Number Seven (7) In Block Number Twenty-aeven (27) of the Original Town (now City) of Harvard, excepting and reserving therefrom the follow- . ing: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of said Lot Number Seven (7) and running thence Northeasterly along the ' Southeasterly line of said lot, twenty-five and one-half (25*6) feet; thence Northwesterly on a line parallel with the Southwesterly line of said lot, one hundred three and three-quarters (103%) feet; thence Southwesterly on a line parallel with the Southeasterly line of said lot, twenty-five and one-half (25H) feet to said Southwesterly line; thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line, one hundred three and threequarters (103%) feet to the place of beginning. AH situated in the City of Harvard, County of Mc- • Henry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale: Cash at time of sale at which time Certificate of Purchase will issue to the purchaser. Dated this 18th day of February, A.D. 1941. C. FRANK DALY, Cdfcmty Collector, McHenry County, Illinois. (Ftab. February 20 - 27 - March 6) f;; Sundays: 8:00; 10:00, 4 Weekdays: 7:30. -- • First Fridays: 7:80. . On First Friday, Communion dn tributed at 6:30; 7:00 and befovs and during the <7:30 Mass. Confessions: , Saturdays: 4:00 to^6:00 p.m. salt --s 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. /> Thursday before First Friday. 4:04 to 5:00 p. m. and 7W0 tr 3:09 p. nt. ':,-t Rev. Wm. A. OHourke, pasted, j m Need Rubber Plaindeaisr. T Order at Tbe m YOU jBEONIS wbeoyoapticc roar 1941 order for Corn U.S.. Illinois Approved Chicks. 64-p*ces; 7) photoi. CORN BELT MATCHERIES, lie. Woodstock • Liberty ville 8t John's Catholic Church, Jofcnabarg Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. £ Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdays: 8:00. ' ; First Friday: 8:00. ' t " r.€onfessions: . Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday: 2:M£ and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, paator. Cosininnity Chalffc Sunday School: 10 a. nt " ' Worship Service: 11 a.m. Epworth League: 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Latheran Evangelical dttnl , Sunday Service, 2:15 p.m. Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. f H. Peter's Catholic tharch, V v ? Spring Grove lfasses: Sundays: 8.00 an<l 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday; <i:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: atij 7.15. Kev. John L. Daleitfen, Pastbr. 2-M Volo Commanity Bible Chartfi .... Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. ' ;*| Preaching service, 8 p. in. n Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. All are invited. ' MR. FARMER! tf you have the misfortune to lose any livestock, call the PALATINE RENDERING COMPANY and yoa will receive the highest prices. Old, dead and disabled horses, cattle, bogs, sheep restov*- ed promptly. Day or night service. PHONE PALATINE 95 OR RICHMOND 318--REVERSE CHARGES ' v | , - 3 Pfcone McHenry 677-R-l •/ Basement Excavating -- SETT'S SAKD AND GKAVXL Special Rates on Road Gravel aad Lot Filling Blade Dirt and Stone . Pswer ( h Shovel Service Jbwer leveling and grading 1 (Cement mixers for rent J. & NEXT Jehnabarg P. O. McHenry, DL MAN AGED 9 4 walks to town most every day" says Oklahoma druggist. "Used ADLERIKA last 15 years." ADLERIKA contains 3 laxatives for quick bowel action, with 5 carminatives to relieve gas pains. Get ADLERIKA today. THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist. McHENRY GARAGE Electric and Acetylene Welding - General Repairing Wagons and Trailers to v Order! Rte. 31 -- John & Front Sts. Flione 97-J or 151-M Nick P. Miller A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER - rwuinvt • Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Cepying - Framing STS -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. *. 1 • :.v 'Pi 4 /• MILES K. WOODRUFF, D. 0. Lioented Chiropractor Honrs: 10 to 8 - Except Thursday --• Phone 540 -- 112 Benton Waodstock, DL Br. Paul A. Schwabe QPTOMErnUST McHenry 123-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock #74 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DEVOTIONS HELD TUESDAYS, FRIDAYS AT ST. PATRICK'S Lenten Devotions will be held at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, every Tuesday and Friday evening, beginning at 7:30, for the duration of the six weeks. On Tuesday evenings the Rosary will be recited and there will also be a sermon and benediction. On Friday evenings the Stations of the Cross will be read and this devotion followed by benediction. Bing Crosby, Ai Capone and Sally Rard all received write-in votes for President i%J^»r Yprk City at the last eleetlo%. ' Your Car or Truck ••• Should be checked over more often during the cold weather. Troubles are more likely to develop and an early fixing saves expense later* make a> GbedMip novt! ! v Have your truck tested at 1&s garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of jovr correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE YSKD J. SMITH, FiopF 90&-J Towing

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