laP'/t • £••• i * • r '\ „ '•»> IW»ISS«:M fcfcu-; -..\ ipjfiS immmmrnrnrnm *A-V' %; * « Sf * * :;':JJi McHeory Builders are Ready to Co- &->'Vv k• Every day inquiries are being made for places to rent, due to someone for Rent Scarce purchasing- the house where the inquirer had been residing. There is a great scarcity in this community of desirable homes which are for rent. *f|The solution lies in the "Own Your Owp Jfomfc" movement.. Investigate this campaign, consult your McHenrjr builders and find out how . easy it is to secure a home of your own. ^The first essential necessary to the building of a new home, of course, is ||a desirable lot. The McHenry community is very fortunate in this respect, as there are many to be found in the city dnd in the numerous ^subdivisions and around the lakes region. Prices asked for these lots 0 have a range to fit any purse. * All the advertisers on these pages are also ready to submit estimates to 1 anyone who is contemplating a remodeling job on their present homes. ^ Consult your McHenry builders. StCONO FLOOC 'r(irKvalar'lrMrI Families looking for the most economical type of home to build will recognise in the Amsterdam an answer to their needs. It is, a large two-floor structure of Dutch Colonial architectural inspiration. A veranda and attached garage increase the illusion of sise from the exterior, while the interior actually is spacious. > . • • - • .s After®30 Years. of experience in our line of work in McHenry, we feel qualified to give you a correct estimate and c^rry through the job on your new home to completion. -- Established 1911 -- Plumbing, Heating, Electrical Appliances Come in uid let us give you an estimste on these different Phone 48 * Riverside Drive McHenry BEFORE YOU BUILD YOU'LLNEEDA LOT We have several choice locations that range in price from $300 to $750* Phone us and we wiU ^Term* can be„a*|M|^ McHENRY We Carry A Complete Stock of Builders' Hard ware Faints and Oil •ih Let us give you an estimate on your FURNACE, AIR - CONDITIONING or QUXI'P WORK. Our shop is equipped to handle sheet metal work of all jkinds. Use MARTIN-SENOUR MONARCH PRIMER and 100 Per Gent PURR HOUSE PAJWT to » gwd two cart paint job on yanr home. •' John J. Vycital Hardware Street Phone 98-M McHenry y y i •faf>c" i"rr 'if, • MEBBBUQ Simple convertibility is the keynote of the plan for this "native American" house, typically representative of the homes in our great middle-west. . An All-American home, it is apparently four rooms large, but becomes five by enlarging the dining porch. Construction of a basement is optional. ' 1%'v .pf \ ( .<* ( >&&-*•> • , i ^ ^ " * -* > ; * • '• . * 'H . .? •' .»*- X ' - ONE OF THE FIRST PIECES of work, after the selection of the lot, In building that new home is excavating. That's where we oome into tb* picture. t We are fully equipped with the most modern t • • \r machinery. Trucking, Hydraulic and Crape V' Service. ASH 1$S*9 1STIMAT1! ti5K A. P, Td.204-* Co. i*, - .41 ' $ WIW YOU YOU '1%, We writ# all lines Insuranoe^ "I HAVE RESOLVED NEVERAGAIN TO TAKE UPON MYSELF THE TASK OF ANY KIND OF CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT SEEKIHG THE ADVICE OF EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE MEN FIRST. THAT" IS FINAL! " Yes, and that is just the story we hear so often from people who have token misled. Bewar* of the " JERRY-BUILDER!" The "Jerry-Builder" is not now and never will be "the way to save money." Any building operation, however small, will gain you greater satisfaction, will last longer and will appear better if done by skilled workmen; men regularly and continuously employed at such work; men who have the "HABIT" of carpentry, masonry, concrete work or any other trade whose work you may require. Such men take pride in their work; they know that if their job is done well and outstanding, it will attract the attention of other possible customers; that one well-built building may bring another, or a dosen into the market. Thus it is that their business continues to grow. They know that the progress of their business depends upon satisfied and gratified clients. This is the thought that drives them on to do their level best. , c * Your first demand on the dieck book mvy be a trifle moril;° though ndt often/nor always. But your own pride in the possession of Vie completed job will equal theirs in their craftsmanship. Get a reputable contractor for your job. iBeware^rf the "Jerry-Builder." Tonyani Construction n Company Fp ft T fftF111*AfWI ^pg AND BUILDERS Phone 16ft , West McHenry, HI. Windstorm Auto Casualty QUICK SATISFACTORY CLAIM SERVICf S(/fi '*6 Kent £ to. FHA Finance y McHenry -^>hon|^§ "mm ' ' ^©rvic#*1 " Agents for these ReliaUe ' Companies: HARTFORD GLENS FALLS ™ U. S. f^G. . ^ AETNA ^ NEWHAMPSHin and several others^ ; /' The Way to Build the Home of Your Dreams You can make the payments with what you would pay for Build, repair and rent receipts. . - J remodel with qual- It costs less to build with ow quality material because labor 1**7 materials! costs are reduced by the use of Weyerhauser 4-square Lumber* Benefit by our long experience and let us h«ip you with your plans. We make it easy for you to build. Consult us todafL McHenry LumbfiF Co. Phonnee 46 " . . W e '• rWaitt MM ecMH m e n j y K-55-. MSI