A TBiy , . held Sa m see--d olsss matter mtifour 0»c at the act of May 8, 1870. 111., under was % »! 's church, One Year ... Six Month* ^ft.09 VavtM, FOR SALS FOR SALE -- 5-room bungalow on Center Street. Completely modern. V , C. H. Kamhols, Phone 225^J. 8-2 ®f<Y FOR SALE--Goose and gander. In- •V" quire at Noonan's Tavern, Green St. §/ FOR SALE--800 Super Contest Lep- 'r:' horn Chicks, 8 weeks old Monday, Jane v 16. Also a few New Hampshire Reds >-,I' and White Rocks. Last call for baby jk\-f chicks. Farmers Mill. Phone 29. ' " HOW TO MAKE TOUR WIFE HAPPY -- Wear Jockey Underwear. It's buttonless, easy to launder, and »£.,• ' * needs no ironing1. Knit fabric ab- ' sorbs perspiration. Coopers make it! 50c up. McGEE'S, Green Street, Mc- . ; 52Z: *. -•'.v FOR SALE--Six room house on John street, near schools. Reasonably priced. Alto doable garage on lot. Inquire Mrs. Will Blake Tel. 611- W*l. i 4-tf %sammz- ' " • 1 • FOR SALE--1,500 bu. corn, 800 bu. bariey. Inquire John Gritzuk, 1 mile south of Ringwood, 111. , *4 FOR SALS-- Bargain. Heavy steel angle Fence Posts, 6% feet long, set in concrete, 4*4, 26-in. deep. Prices -- 50c to 75c. T. M. Thompson, 5214 North Christiana Ave., Chicago *4-2 . 11 v i,l a*. at their where the noon has been engaged in his •*•*- tiee fur the past year and oiMMutt. After the completion of herMfh school education, Miss Ward attended the University of Iowa and for the past year has taught at Diaffoa Iowa. The groom is a graduate <rf the McHenry Community High school and attended Lake Forest college, later going to Palmer School of Chiropractics, where he was graduated with high honors to August, 1939. Itr. and lira. Ben Justen, daughters, Bertha and Bernice, and son, Paul, of Ringwood, llrs. Henry Stilling of McHenry, Stephen Wen the, Bob Loischer and Dr. Kabana and two daughters <rf Chicago attended the Wedding atid breakfast helu it the inlTVOT room of the Blackhawk hotel at Davenport, Iowa. Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were John Maettirties, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Muettirties, Mrs. Tina Hoke and son, Howard* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zalesky of Elgin; Mrs .M. Dentsch and daughter of Hampshire, HI.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp, Sabira Huette, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Rcxs, Miss Kathleen Justen and Dr. Robert Bastoso of Evanston; Julia Donaghuc of Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Marzahl and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schimmcl of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Wilmette and Miss Monica Ward of Davenport, Iowa. A T » ^ A quiet ceremony was Saturday afternoon, June 7, at o'clock in the rectory of St. MR. (Photo br WwwWfe) AND MRS. EDMUND KARLS Complete and ready far aetiea, the recently eommWowti SS,0M-tea battleship U. B. 8. Washington contains this gleaning operating room, it it well equipped and staffed fey veteran doctors. A son Gregory to Mr. aa* Xts. «f4n June 4 in CAAseio. mwmn : M « i A J t , FOR SALE--Cherries. Call McHenry 142-M. 4 FOR SALJB--Combination radio; 29- ft. launch; dinner table, 6 chairs and buffet; library table; sewing machine; '26 Chevrolet coupe; rug; kitchen table; bookcase and lawbooks. Phone Pistakee 671-R-l. *4 Sh'; ARABIAN RIDING HORSE FOR SALE--3 yrs. old, spotted; unusual markings; gentle. George M. Whiting. one mile south of McHenry Flour Mills. Tel. McHenry 620-R-l. *4 FOR SALE -- Used porch furniture. Also a solid mahogany carved library table; love seat, overstuffed. Phone 112-M. 4 WANTED R ' : v, ; 3?. ' fe'" s&k;;: --r WANTED--Girl for general housework. good cook. Two adults. Personal laundry. Good pay and bonus at end of season. Telephone Pistakee 28. 4 i mr i 1.1 11 ii ii • 111 " «-•»' WANTED -- Elderly woman, light housework, in Chicago, family of three. $5 weekly, room and board. North side. Ideal home for unattached woman. Phone Johmburg 621-M-l Sunday. 4 WANTED--Girl for general housework. Small summer cottage. Two in family. Home nights. Transportation furnished. Sundays free. Write M. J. Clark, 400 Rex Blvd., Elmhurst. 4 WANTED -- Summer boarders at northwest lake resort, beautiful home. References required. Carroll,*, Willow Road, Lily Lake. City phone, Berkshire 4185. 4 WANTED--Maid for general housework. Cook employed. Call Mrs. Charles Holknbach, Pistakee 187. 4 WANTED--Maid, two in family, Catholic preferred. A. Quedensley, Sunnyside Beach, Johnsburg. *4 WANTED--We have two farmers of mature age and experience on farms who desire to purchase a farm each of about 15 to 20 acres for next year's use and occupancy now or in 1942. Stoffel & Reihansperger, West McHenry. 4-4 if1 WANTED--Girl for general housework at Pistakee Bay. Good wages. Call 604-W-2. 4 MISCELLANEOUS DEAD OE ALIVE AWTMATJI $100 to 115.00 Gash Cows - Horses • Bagi .No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service fty and Night, Sunday* and Holidays Phone WheeltaglM Be»e*ae Chaffee GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ren J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--We have bought out the Russie garbage route in McHenry and surrounding territory. Our trucks will make daily trips. Call Staines Bros., McHenry 638-M-2. 62-4 LAWN MOWERS--Machine sharpened. Repaired. Used mowers bought and sold. Robert J. Thurlwell, 110 Main street, West McHenry. Phone 93J. 4-tf -M tl©0 REWARD for the name of any man living or dead who has sold mora McHenry County real estate than has Dan Quinlan--that's all he does. He knows the soils and sub-soils -- the corner stakes of nearly every farm. The oldest reliable land office in northern Illinois. % century old. It is a good time to sell. Last your farm now with Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, HI, He has buyers--he sells 'em. Large ones, small ones. I sell farms. *4-4 Appropriate Fathers' Day gifts for* Jane 15 at Nye's Jewelry shop, West IfaHenry. 4 fcete lor: Wi MfiS, .BAY ^LBRiCHT Schufer/tfteMd^Hwer of Mr. McHenrjr^jMl^Hp^tyi fjbright of 2448 Berteast atChicago. The nuptial mass' waaread at St. Mary's church at ;eight t>'clbdc Saturday morning. Msgr. Charles S. Nix offi ciated at the>c«r*inony. The bride, wh^ irfca giweo in marriage by her f^lwl^ was lovely in a fitted gown of whit* marquisette with laee embroidering,-and the very full skirt fell grrarefuHy11/tW a train which was five yards' 18H)^. Her long tulle veil, trimmed wfch lice, was draped from a crown 4md seed pearls. She carried an a<*m bOilquet of white gladiolas and ^orchids and she wore a string of pearls,; a gift of the groom. Miss Lorraine Schaefer attended her sister as. maid «f Honor, and the bridesmaids-ifercr MiSs Shirley Real, a cousin of ^tWe bride, and Miss Florence Albrighf, the groom's sister. James Aftwht'w<S' fiis brother's best man and were Donald Schaefer,' the'ttrdther of the bride, and Frank Athbadrtr, all of whom wore dark su|t^: t) • (Little Clarice Schaefer assisted, a«. the flower girl. J and Eugep# Schaefer as the ring bearer. , ,i • The bride's attendants #0¥e' &owns of pink marquisette with corded skirts. The maid of honor was distinguisbM^ aMUniiwh veil, while the bridesmaid's. gfjl»jgege pink. The veils we^^^^yaj^Mitjjrith wreaths of blue flOweRTlKss Sfchaefer carried an arm bouqet of pink roses and ble delphhjium and^he Misses Real and Albright had ^muets of pink roess an4Mu^SI|UlWhutton8. They also worn dHudaBrhBi were a gift of the b*5T JT W The flArarVn «ffhared in pink marquisette, qu-rginga colonial bouquet «f jpSk^iXSSSSw^peaa. m dressed in a white satin suit. A mailt 111 HI W1U1 White accessories w^t^t bride's mother. outfitted whitr of nixed The wen < peonies.» the wide gladiolas Virgin "Ave Miller, Mrs. C mony Mrs Me" and "the You Truly, • ' One hqpdred ar)d fifty guests at tended tl^'repeption which was held from 6 feMf^pw m. ih St. Mary - St PMaddc tthopl h»n. A dinner was ser«M ai^ ttincMrtook plaee later in the evening. The newlyweds left on a short hjanexmooit throftgh the north after tWnAyi*P+{/m and upon {heir return willrefHpe in Chicago. Tli* bride attended the 'McHenry C ommunity JEIigh school and has "been employed lh the ofHee til Pairbknks Morse cortsany in Chiei4n> where she will confnqi^td work tlpbn their "return from the honeymOOn. The groom is employed in the Union Electrotype company in Chicago and he attended Lake View High school in Chicago, i DR. JIATCIIEW^IATEN WEDS,IOWA TT&TL AT DAVENPOET SATOEDAY On Saturday morning 4it 9:30 o'clock at Sacred Heart/ chapel at Davenpport, Iowa, Miss(Mary Margaret Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of Diagonal/Iowa, became the bride of Dr. Jerome W. Justen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. {Ben Justen of Ringwood. The bride chose a suit of gold and British tan with matching accessories. Her sister, Mis? Monica Ward, who attended her was attired in a suit of blue with white accessories. Paul Justen served his brother as best man. The bride's mother wore a light blue crepe dress, and the mother of the groom appeared jti a gold • colored crepe suit, both wearing corsages of gardenias and baby breath. A wedding reception was held at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. <and Mrs. Ben Justen, on Sunday afternoon, whflg£gyHMtinfe^*ttd friends numbering offe| beet MISS JANE EDWARD 0ITZKE, JR. HA^JS JUNE WEDDING Miss Jane Heimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer of Elm street, McHenry, presented a very church white ^Mteniony, of white <ot the Blessed prayer while the by CSara organ by 'ere. the iwfrayed *0 Promise offered "1 Love church, Spring Grove, uniting in marriage Miss Marion Ober, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober of Crystal Lake, and Mr. Edmund Karls, son of Miss Miriam Sayier of Chic&go en Mr. and Mrs. John Karls of Spring j joyed the weekend with her parents, Grove. Rev. John L. Daleiden, pastor, j Mr. and Mrs. James Sayier. performed the rites. Miss Janice Ober, a student nurfe at Sherman hospital in Elgin, attend* ed her sister as maid of honor and Clarence Karls of Spring Grove, a brother of the groom, assisted as best man. A reception was held for a throng of relatives and friends of the bride and groom was held Saturday evening at the Odd Fellow hall in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Karls, who are now enjoying fi short honeymoon through the southern part of the country, will be at home to their friends at Spring Grove following their return. "Hie bride of this union was a graduate of the Richmond High school in 1935 and has recently been employe*! at the Oaks Manufacturing plant in Crystal Lake. The groom also attended the Richmond High school and has been employed at the Alemite Die Casting plant in Woodstock. MISS LILLIAN VALES, WILLIAM V MARSHALL HAVE LARGE WEDDING MRS. EDWARD GITZKE stunning picture Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock when she walked up the aisle of St. Mary's church with her father to become the bride of Mr. Edward Gitxke, Jr., sen of the Edward Gitxkes of Gary, I1L The Npptial High Mass was read by Msgr. Cka*. S> Nix. Miss Elaine Heimer, a sister of the bride, lead the party as the bridesmaid. She was followed by Mise Lucille Steffes of West McHenry, a friend of the bride, who served as maid of honor* Hairy Nowicki of Cary served his friend, the groom, as best man. Ushers were Leo Heimer of McHenry and Ray Reichel of Chicago. The pride's |«Wit was fashioned of white mousseKne de soie, with a bouf. fhnt skirt, surrowded by two large ruffles, which formed a train several yards long. Her fingertip veil yras hefti In plaee With a halo trimmed with seed pearls and orange blosseins. She earned a pvajer book and cortege of white t»m»lljps and swe^t peas. The fcridetaaN aad miid ef honor wore gowns «f £iaflt mensstfoii de^oie with lace trtwiaed hadtoes and full skirts, and pink gardeft hats banded ; with * long ph& YdMt r*bon. Both carried pfnk roses «hd hive detpfcin- The wedding of Miss Lillian Vales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vales of 2527 South Millard avenue, Chicago, and Mr. William Victor Marshall, son of Mrs. Agnes Marshall of McHenry, took place at high noon in Blessed Sacrament church, Cermak road and Central Park aveffte in Chicago, on Saturday, June 7. On that happy day, the wedding bells pealed at noon and as their echoes died, the organist played the Wedding March and the bridal party marched up to the altar, which was decorated for the occasion with white peonies and palms, where the Rev. Mackin officiated at the Nuptial High mass. *, " The bride wis attended by her sister, Miss Virginia Vales, as maid of honor, Miss Hilda Mikkelsen of Sommerdale, Ala., who served as bridesmaid, and Miss Dolores Ann Vales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales of McHenry, as junior bridesmaid. % Earl Marshal) of McHenry assisted his brother, the groom, as best man. Ushers were' ICdward Vales, the (Phot* by Worwlek) bride's brother, aanndil KKeenn neth Marshall SdHMn of parents a» Mr. of Wonder Center and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mie%g of 3319 North Midare evenue, Chicago, The Miriings are also summer- residents of Deep Spring Woods. , No matter what the weatherman may say to the ccmtmxy, the summer season is arriving at the lake. Hom& are in order, the Mftriis tfhattTfed and folks ready for a gay seMOH. Mr. and Mrs. Ted iHsehar launched their outboard motor boat, the MLaz- E-Girl." Much excitement was created at Jerry's Friday evening when Mae Kubovy presented Jerry with a beautiful Century inboard motor boat. It arrived bedecked with flowers and flying colors. With a bottle of champagne, Jerry christened the boat, The Mae. Amid smiles and cheers Jerry treated the crowd to a toast of champagne. It has been rumored that it's the fastest, smoothest inboard on the iake, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Leckhand of Beach Drive, Deep Spring Woods, are out for the summer 'in their new log cabin, Mrs. Aixhdale and her daughter, Grace, have remodeled their home fta Deep Spring Woods and are now <ffi year residents. John, son of Bmil Jurgensohn of Shore Hills, hat enlisted in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Fern, of Indian Ridge are now established , in their new home as jwrmaiMnt; residents. WeelpNidftMsts in the home cf Mrs. Tina Genemy ef Cedpr Road were Mr. and Mrs. Stem Feller of 1400 Lake Shore Drive, CMMg9t Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Spears spent the weekend at their cabin in Deep Spring Woods. Jacqueline Mercer, Who has been attending Texas State ^university for the past year, returned to Wonder Lake Tuesday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doa Colby, of Deep. Spriag Weods. Mrs. J. S. Freed, Vh0 makes her home with her daughter, Ifrs. Charles McBride of Deep Spring Woods, is visiting in Detroit and will return the Fourth of July. Weekend guests in $fa* home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harldns of Wonder View Farm were Orin Hoyt of Waterloo, Iowa, the Harkins' home town. Mr. Hoyt, who is of the U. S. Army, is enroute to Detroit to complete his training. Miss Thelma Thompson, former resident of ^fonder Lake ani her fiance, Maurice Hill, made up the gay party. The happy group enjoyed a motor boat trip around the lake. Undaunted ^by the misfortune of ed by fire r. ana MT|. Ed Schu- Road are eetabUshed home. Best of luck! Ifire. Edward Pfeffer and litre dinner guests of the ftsnday. Dwane fleesler of Shore Hills has returned home after a busy weekend with the Boy Scouts of McHenry and Boone counties, who camped near Crystal Lake. Three years ago when Walter Troxell and neighbors formed the Heigh- Ho Silver Club, little did he think that some day he would be employed by the Silver Cup Asking Co. That day has arrived and Walter is now at the company's station Jn McHenry. Thomas G. Kerwin of Cedar Road is recuperating at the St. Francis hospital in Evanston. A speedy recovery, ig j ^ Partner Dr. Jfcee, Bfrl and Mrs. Jack Kirk and family are returning to their home in Chicago, after two weeks of fishing. Mrs. Kirk, with Richard and (Delores, will be back at the lake just as soon as school is out. * v f Wood! Unit No. 1 held their annual meeting and elected new officers: PVesfaikmt, Wm Kuncitz; Vice-president, Don Colby; Treasurer, Mr. Johnson; ftpttftary, D. T. Eastman; Comagisaiofter, W. G. PhiliipiM. Deep Spring Woods Unit No. 2 meeting was held Sundap afternoon. Officers elected were: President, R„ R. Brown; Vice-president, John Vida; Treasurer, Ted Leckband. Assessments voted: per house, 88.00; Vacant, $1.00; business, "$5.00; vacant. 84.00. The people of Wonder Lake extend their most heartfelt svmpathies to- Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and family in their recent bereavement. - -> """ AND MOft _ ^ | sad sold. Tfa*waa*»i_ efficient. Yet we auiMla tit Ughsat eAleal stsaisttls, aed a defiahs professioaal Maotflet^ As yaw DocMMfalfirM aaslsnuits, / we assure yo« skilled prohwiMil service, itesh potent drugs aad fcir prfoss* always. Maciit neat preecriptioa yoar Doctor witoss limlttr accwate, reliable compouadiag. Bolger's Drug Stare Green Street McHeazy 'H (Phtto by WorwWk) MRS. ALFRED MILLER Last Wednesday, June 4, Miss Jeanette Hergott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergott of Spring Grove, became the bride of Mr. Alfred Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller of McHenry at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove. A compelte account of the wedding appeared in the last issue of The Plaindealer. south of McHenry. Mrs. Marshall will commute daily to her work hi Chicago. Mrs. Oitzke, the mother of the groom, chose a poudre blue dress With white accessories and the mother of 'the bride wore a pale blue redingote with white accessories. Both wore Corsages of mixed sweet peas. Two large baskets of white peonies stood at the communion railing and several bouquet? of mixed peonies bedecked the altars in the church. The matt) was sung hy the mixed choir, of which Miss Heimer was a member, aceompanied by Sister M. Andreella, the organist. The wedding breakfast was served for the bridal party at the home of the bride immediately after the ceremony. The dinner, for eighteen guests, members of the immediate families, began at 1:30. Throughout the afternoon and early evening the newlyweds received their many friends at a reception held at the Bridge ballroom in McHenry. Guests were present from Cary, Chicago, Crystal Lake and McHenry. . > The bride and groom then left on a wedding trip through the northern part of Wisconsin. They will make their home at Cary upon their return where Mr. Gitzke is employed by the state. Mrs. Gitzke was graduated from the local high school in 1935 and has recently been employed at the Betty Nielsen style shop on Riverside Drive. The groom is a graduate of tfae CWJtel I*! •a- A,- of Crystal Lake, the groom's youngest brother. The men were attired in morning suits. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, presented a striking picture in a gown designed-by George Jacobsen of JJew Yorlf Ci^y. Her dress was fashioned of ivory satin, princess style, with a deep Bertha collar of ivory marquisette trimmed with lace applique of ivory satin. Her tightly fitted sleeves ended in a point at her wrists, while the skirt formed a long train. Her full fingertip length illusion veil, with dainty blush vail, was gathered on her head with a spray of orange blossoms. She carried calla lilies which were tied with a large ivory satin bow. A double ring ceremony took plaee, at which time the bride received the ring which was given her mother by her father on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The maid of honor -ami -bridesmaid •were attired in gowns of aqua mar* quisette and laoe, pinafore style. They carried eolonial itouqUBts of red and aqua carnations, with clusters of the same Bowers in their hair. The junior bridesmaid wore a gown of aqua net, fashioned the same as the other two attendants of the bride. She too carried a small colonial bouquet tied with a net bow and her headpiece was a small cluster of flowers. The bride's mother attended the wedding in a dustry rose dress with white accessories. The mother of the groom wore navy blue with white accessories. Both had corsages gardenias and stephanotis. While the bride placed a bouquet of white peonies and larkspur on the altar of the Blessed Virgin, Mrs. Bess Kvidera sanp "On This Day, O Beau tifUl Mother." After the wedding, the immediate families attended the breakfast which was served at the home of the bride's parents. A reception was held that evening in the Cypress room at th Sokol Havlicek Tyrs. A buffet lunch was served to about two hundred guests. Friends from Alabama, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin were present at the reception. McHenry guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, daughter, Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mrs. Agnes Marshall and daughter, RoVena, and Mr. and Mrs Paul Schwerman. - The groom has resided in McHenry for approximately eighteen years and is the manager of the Shell Service station on route 31 in this city. The bride, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales of McHenry, is secretary for the Carrier corporation, located in the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. They are making their home in the --jSt*- "• - w f * - FOLKS, A TREAT IS IN STORE 70R YOU! INext Sunday or Any Other Day at Y W ^ M ^ BARNARD'S MILL1 AT the Bridge, North End of Wonder LAKE ^ We serve a dinner, family style, that will please anyone, at a moderate price. This is our specialty and once tried we know you will visit us again. Chicken or roast. Tel Richmond 3X8 -T Macgaret Jenner, Propf "vf ! you doing Thmy*v down? 5--,i • ft tf. £' "ft f f . -r. OvoranNw^ ^|i«er the furnace is tamed off, you're going to want cregi money 'iooce hot water than ever, to take cue of those refreshing thowen after working and playing in hot weather. You at tutre summer hot water day or night, at the tun of a £rac*% |r you install an Automatic Gas Water Heater ;V. W0. • iaal Is Opavola. Ttm a m tfmsl km A* fir wattr ty gas. Hm means that cost of operation is very low--but doo't take our word for it. You 'tin prtm how cheap it is by taking advantage of out Satisfacon Guaranteed Or Your Money Bade Ofec. Act aam- € offer is good for a limited time only! " •" > r , 1 ;