Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1941, p. 4

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og#* JPOR SALE--Si* room hoase on John ^ ftrwt, near schools. Reasonably firiced. Also double garage on lot. ^ f Jnquire Mrs. WiU Blake. Tel. 611- I^OR SALE -- Two-wheel trailer; Hltrong, pood body and tires. Tel. Mcflenry 630-R-l. m 7-tf |X)R SALE--Bantam chickens; pairs §3.00. Tel. McHenry 630-R-l. 7-tf pOR SALE --Two-piece living room let; library table, cheap; small dresser. H. C. Kqnjhol*, Center St., McHenry. froR SALE -- Dining room table, chairs, two 9*12 rugs, gas stow, bed- Spring. oil drums, ice box; reasonable. H. Whoa ton. mile south of State bridge, east bank. Ed Sutton's Fafc ' Oaks subdivision, McHenry. *10 I fQR SALE--Lawn chairs, window • {fcoxes, trellises, belts, suspenders, bill >'folds, purses, etc. Clarence Smith, , Johnsburg. UtOR SALE--Shetland pony, si* years "4ld. Sound and gentle for children to !viide. Wm. Staines, one mile west of IticHenry on route 120. *10 f fOR SALE--1982 Ford DeLuxe Roaster Good condition. Added accessories. Phone 132-W. Bob Stilling. 10 fX)R SALE--1929 Chevrolet, in fine Condition; Quaker oil beater; genuine reed set, like new, suitable for Ttommer cottage. Call 106-W. Mrs. • N. E Taylor.^ " ' 1 , ^ pi.iaat Miff, "kt A CfVy.f fiPORTS--That's Jockey Short. Gives you masculine support and real comfort, too. Made by Coopers. 50c per j»<ii niMit. - McGEETS, Green St., Mc* j f e n r y . • ' . M J*>R SALE--Twin beds and bo* eninrs. In rood condition. Call Mc- Henry 232-J, mornings. 10 fOR SALE --Market and fweoj. modem ctjoipiMnt Wfll ^stibBAw business. Good price for inmsediate •ale. Write Bo* "S," care The McHenry Plaindemler. 10 ipa uW.R POtSOVS WANTED-- to call on farmers in McHenry county. Steady work, good pay. No experie* »ce or capital required. Some makthjr 1100.00 in a week. Write Mc- 1TESS CO., Dept. S., Freeport, 111. 9-2 WANTD TO BUY--TVree or four ttd trunks. Most be dean inside. -~-Fhone 106-W. PRIVATE OWE}? CARLSON Private Owen Carlson, a Rbagwood ywrth, is ndw serving in the U. S. army at Fort Lewis, Wash. He recently returned to thie latter place spending a number of weeks on maneuvers' at King City, Calif. McHenry. was gjad to wekome back two draftees from fort Bliss, Texas, weekend. Bwlw win Privates Fnl A. Rosshjrh iimI Will I«nree, both of whom were enjoying furloughs from their regular army life. Beth are well known rnpaqMigrgffcfc* jtafc families laTeA«MMroAig hwM for several yeafffSTnqr have now returned to Texas and their addresses axe as follows: 10 f ^WANTED--Middle-aged housekeeper, t- lTear-round position. ^Owtf room. • Cleaning, cooking, ironing. One mile from city. Write box 848, McHenry, 111. *10 « mSGZLLAlVBOTO Private P*ul A. 202 Coast Artillery AA|f].r Battery E. :?j . F<tn,Q\\m,TmmdL Private Earl Levee, ' . 202 Coast Artillery AA,' V Battery F, ^ ' <^if|iirt'Bcivoir, Va. * July 20, 194L McHenry FlajlKtelkr. v McHenry, UL >aTft^ Dear Sirs; ^ .. #_.« I don't kfiow of'modi news to write about my We in. so far, exrm lokSd it hkrt Belvoir; my thirteen weeks' PKAD OS ALIVE AHDCAXJ $100 to 115.00 Qaah Cows - flins - No help ' Frompt and Day and Might, SodKm iid WhtrHsg liMMfW CLIFFS RADIO SERVICE -- New location, 107 Riverside Drive, Phone 436. Repairs on all radios and electrical home appliances. AH work guaranteed. CLIFFORD WILSON, Prop, ; » 4 d-tf cept that Va., to reeeive basic training;- ; I read all the letters which were written by the sesfr the fellows from McHenry who axe in the army,; so I cant tell you taneh more. However. I voiU ataiweiate it very much if you wotgdgNMjM Hie Plaindealer so I can read' the news of my home town. Now for the army life. Fort Betvoir is located shoot eighteen itailes south of Wasnmgten, 1J. C.. and borders on the-Bst--ao wver. There are 18,000 men hf g>. tgHtjng to be engineers. This fivPw|inil army engineer school and has only recently been enlarged as an Engineer Replacement Center. • Thus far the food has been ve?y fine and verjSwd^|*jhis^e<. Hie dll> c*rs are veif pad JKnf patient «nd treat as v«y swell. ~ Tour* very truly, Privatf $ptae R 1r, $J. 1 - 4th Eng. Tr. Bn., " placement Center COMING EVENTS Jaly 24 W.C. O. ^-Regular Meeting. East River Road Pinochle--Pienic. Jaly 25. lee Cream Social--Clyde Clark Lawn. Jaly 24 • 25 Red Cross Sewing Days--High School- July 26 • 27 St. Patrick's Carnival and Chicken Dinner--McHenry. J«l? 28 O.K. S*-'" Initiation. Jaly 81 Public Card Party--City Park--Sponsored by O. E. S. August 2-8 X" Carnival and Dinner--St. John's Pa#- |i' ish--Johnsburg. Aagast t - If • St Mary's Carnival and Chicken Dinner-- McHenry. Private tee, who i: Texas, re parents, Freund, on a wee Private Hi Mrs. Jos nsburg »yj'v®*4 t&fi- Wallace, of his Peter M. Thursday cousin, Mr. and elmsburg, wh« is stationed at Fort Warren, Wyoming is also home on a ten day farioagh. Both boys pa me home for the funeral of their |p^d mother, r J4rs. Hribert head. •ene wMh tiie viola up, but with this note attached: "Officer, there is a nickel in the slot. Ptoasa turn the haa> die. I'll be out at 9 a. ra." Kyler turned the crank and the nickel registered. Rich Indian Has S18-a-Week Job Worlts ia Cu Statidn lo S«t Eiuumple lo Tribe. TUfcflA. w Multlmlllkmafre Willie Taj^or, new claimant to the title of "world's richest Indian," works at a fining station for $18 a weak because ha wants to "sat a good example for my tribe/* Nor ia the job jwft a playboy's passing fancy. He's been dofag common labor in service atatfona more than a y**t, detpHt har flock o$ oil wells and a fortune he estimates at appro*imately 88,900,000. "Moat rich Indians are lazy," Taylor declares. "They figure they will Mvcr have to work, so they never try to make elves capable of earning a living. I want to dhow my tribesmen that work hurts nobody." But there's a personal reaaon, too, why the 24-yeatf-old Iridian wipes windshields and "fills 'am # six days a week. Ha ia a reatricted Indian, BmMad by Uncle Sam to a $78- Bvkew, ha says, K 1M can prove his work thit ha to serious, and fTtM* of the Indian department be induced to grant an incteaae in his aDotmanto. "Than'a nothing wrong In lag to advance mrnaelf," ha "But my first reason for taking Ois Job is becauae I want to command the respect of others by proving that I am able to make my own way if naceasaxy." - Oddly, he hi in favor of United States management of Indian funds, including his own. Moat Red Men, he says, do not realize the value of money in girieat quantities and, without supervision, would squander it foolishly. Poker Removed From Her Forehead and Girl Lives SLOUGH, ENGLAND.---The life of a seven-year-old girl who had a poker deeply imbedded in her forehead has been saved by miracle surgery. The child, Audrey Waggott, was taken to a hospital with a poker buried 1% inches in her forehead. She was conscious, and did no^ appear to be much in pain. ' Doctors despaired of saving her life when she was ruahed to the operating room. Dr. Nathaniel Mnier, who has made a close study of the brain, was called in; aopd he declared that it was ikqiMAilble to remove tlfb poker, i With infinite care Dr. Miller jwd another surgeon worked rewind Finally they were able to take it away altogether without injuring the Audrey is apparently little worse far her injuries, and it is believed unlikely that she will be permanently affected. _ each of theae fto miUiotis. of- dMIifri tave b«i& iaviahed a«uip(njent. Vast arrtuse of men have been employed to fcnng an engineer'a dream to fuWDmeot. But GKkdit Rock airport hi the Mojave deaert is unique. Not only is the field in an obscure and sparaatv settled territory, but it solely the inspiration it. w One man. * desert, where he aryears ago, and wanting others *ft» khare his entimaiasm tor the -wide and colorful vistas, file for tbt world to come to his Hd[ /hhd 'no funds--nothing but strength, odurage and a 10-year-old Soon .he accomplished the unbelieveable. Under the largest of the Its that dot the fioor c& what had once been a lake, he built a three-roam home. Protected from winds and «un, CrKzer scoffs at. the whimfc^rf jtature His abode, with its S^OtMon roof, is as comfortable in any extreme of temperature as the moat efficiently air-conditioned urban dwelling Likewise, he can laugh at man's destructive moods. No bomb could «*«* put more than a nick in his roof--a bomb shelter that to 100 per cent bombproof. Thiareek, which nature in one of ita ; Bigh-Heeled Ancient Egyptians vented by the much of the foot as contact with the hot out of ooat of arms, ja or exhibition Ireland. . Us Amy AMMi The army air corpa agrupiea in tte Unitedatatoa approximately 108 airfields* its own, and 19 in Alaska, Hawaii, Panama, etc. i.-- JXlMa at Tisiilmi' - . five tans of toma#ito ilrtra grown hi Mrfffcate, England, public parks last yaar. ce begins at ten . July 27, chilfri die eoot Of the Our W« with our entitled. Junior meeting at tile parsonage at 8:80 Fri day evening. t«t's all come and have a good tfaM. PaetoeVOBes Tha* will be h#d ht the Community Methodistjfcfcwwh a <Msh Mess, bership class, beginning en JUy 88. Watch for fflttfer aniiiiiiiaieaitiiHsl cAR&joTiSpirKs ' We wish sincere appredation to"' an 'relatives, friends and wl(H>A» iAo qfSsd their services, sent ^ritaal benqueto, floral piece* or cards in eader to express their syingtfi? la tfto djoath of our beloved wife and *M*fcar. 10 « Hubert Freund and Fantily.' theaet of May % 1878. T, 4MC' 1 for fhe PSaindecJer pMk to the has tossed from desert floor, one. standing in the Southland. i the any- Lix»f Between The United Males and Canada is aa follows: Hftoning at the Atlantic ocean at tte mouth of the St Croix river, it fsOows up ttat rtnagi to Ms hand; Ins turns due north to the St John's fiver; then up the St John's river to its branch, the St. Francis to the outlet of Lake Pothtp in a strsSgbt line to a point on tte h of the St. John's river; At tins then travels along the divide batwasu St Jds^'s and St Lawrenes rivers in the head of Halls stream an fhe forty-sixth parallel; then the Bnaa west to the St Lawrence river, and through the middle of that river, of Lake Ontario, Niagara river, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior .^.to the mouth of Pigeon river, leaving the Isle of Royale to the United States; the line then turns south to the forty-ninth parallel, and fdDows that line westward to Puget sound, and through the Strait of June" de Fuca to the Pacific At ft* of the R*yn1»tinBsrv war, the treaty between the United State* an4LA)gland fbnd tha northern bowidSry line from the Atlantic oceah to ls'^int where Oe lortfnbiik psddktf becomes the dividing line. ulflU, the United Btates pwv chased f9m France the territory known as ttie Louisiana Purchase. The horfherrt boufllery waa not fixed at the time of purchaae, and it waa not unto ltlS that .the United Stales and rjiaiami astttsd on the /erty-ntoth paralWl . %r:; bakes so that Am upper crust is brown end the lower is sSB pelt, turn fee bresd upside down la the psn and leave it untfl the bottom Is Refinish leonoslflslf^ • > * ' • - tJic Casein Wail Paint m Quires only" the of water in the ratio of one gallon of paste to one-half )gallon of water. One ooat is generally sufficient. Comes in white vnd ten pastel shades! ^ Hai^RY FRTOAt -- ONB DAT tH) "ROOK3SON <2) 'innuwismcaurrsM SATUiaAt _ omf DAT Batarday Mstlaes >;j| Marlena ITie til ili -|MsM T< Alee ii Cbrtoakt SUNDAY -- MONDAY Jaly 87 - 8* "MEN or BOW TOWW" («) TdhttAt -- Me - 8Se THXUXS FALL t>UT "BIOBOS8" WB2>NHSDAY -- THURSDAY AMee Faye Jack Oalde "GUAT AMEBIC** BE0AD0A8T" SELLS HQMg -8U8t' TO CALIFORNIA Mrs; N. 'E. Tayior recently sold hsr home on Kivenide drive to FrvA Gans and aflkwr gspteariberji shaptona to move to Lss Aagi^ OaBt, J*in she heaps to ismain fee the rest H her Ufiftime, so she iraport*. Mm. Thyler formerly owned and operated' opd restaunmt eo tin intersection of Shn street and Richmond road. She has bent to California several timea and enjoys tjte climate in that stat* Leo Smith of Chicago Heights to Shfoyihg a vacatioh this week in theborne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs* John R. Smith. :**ri m. ' - O - L - E - D FBI. - SAT. -- JULY SB - 26 Brsada MatshsW - David Bruce in 'SINGAPORE WOMAN" ~ -- p l h s -- Otto Krager sad Glaria Dicksen in THB^MB BOSS" SUM. - MON. -- JULY 27 - 88 Sen. Cant Irsea SsAB p-.w. tfe to s ^ p * . C l i n d i a l , 1 8 e - '.CSsry Cntjsr JOHN DOET* with WaMsr BNannn - Sir Arnold Hie story of an'average American) TUBBDAY 18e - Spseial - lie Richard Dix - Preston Fa#er In •THBBOUND-W With Patricia Merieoa - Dp Vfisea Aslo Novelty, "Serewi Snapehots" WB>. - TOUR& -- JULY St - M Mamphrey Bagart - 8ylvla Sidney THE WAGONS ROLL AT NIGHT" r with JlSa LoaHe - Bddie Albert IN THB DRAFT" - m -V. : t*4 •' - V> g>" ¥• ^ 6. !-- ^FRIDAY -- SATUtoAY*" GARY C«&PBI "MSBT JOHN DOS" Barbsra StSnwydl [aJflt ...MCipi Jeksny Mac Bmsb ' Pony Post " 8I/NDAY ONLY im f' .jStage and Scroon' Wackie Army Comedy? IM) Ooeby - Marie WUaea in "ROOKIE ON PARADE" en the stage ' loop vodvh eBrect from Chicago - Snappy Ads - a .fT | QAB&Y QekTiE Genevieve Knox, Mildred pnd El- X eanor Kinsala of McHenry and Georgia y anna and Mary Donahue of Huntley * spent lasf Thursday in MflWaukee, . Wia. Order at The OITT-- P*io*-*hf "?f:V k . . . . • • X e Everyone know* about vitamini and the vital role they play io promoting health «•« in helping to build resistance. But noc everyone knows how to judge vitamins and be assured of the greatest values. Never buy vitamin products by price alone. It isn't what you pay, but what you get far ymr money that counts. We feature Abbott Vitamin Products because of their h igh vitamin potencv, stated vitamin content, end theirdc^eioJability. YcurDoct ~r'r ^resrrrt»- tions will be filled with Abbott's when brought bete. Bolger's Drugstore 12th Operation Restore! Sight After 29 Years BURLINGTON, -Blind since she was three months old, Miss Eliza Barnard, 29 years old, was able to see today--and the "new world" she found was just as beautiful as she had imagined. Sight was restored in one eye by the twelfth operation she underwent in 14 years to remove a growth. "Some things," she said, "have surprised me; for example, the color blue. I had a mental picture of it as something lovely and good looking. It was very different from what I imagined it, although 1 disappointed." Green Stags* McHenry "When the line Is -busy It's often a nifty pajama party." An Indiana man, arrested for distilling corn liquor, told the judge that bootleggers, because of heavy competition, had been forced to dilute their liquor half and half with, vinegar. When Ivan Spencer of Des Moines Iowa, was operated on for appendi citis, an X-ray revealed that his heart, liver and gall bladder were on the right side, aqd the* appendix on the left , * - , Strange Bird in Howe; •v i - Sufiibg&ion Discounted -'pHiLADjfep'HIA. -- Superstitious people believe that when a strange bird comes' into a house it means bed luck, but Mrs. Ethel Chester disagrees. Several weeks ago a pure white bird that could be either a pigeon or a dove flew into her South Philadelphia home. It had an unusual tuft of feathers beneath each wing and a wide ruffle of feathers encircling the legs. *Penny Dreadful* Books Go to British Museum BARNSTAPLE, ENGLAND. The world's most complete collection of "penny dreadfuls," including "Sweeny Todd, "Springheeled Jack" and "Black Bess, or The Knight of the Road," have been bequeathed to the British museum in the will of Barry Ono, the, comedian, who died at Barnstaple. Today the ooTlection i« valued at (20,000. • flarlbsiil Mora than half e eentury before Mussolini's riss to power, Italy had I teWjfi Bt W| Wwip 0®^ UcBTthe palrioCafcaWr&i^Ifcfat| to free Italy tan foreign dominotion, and to isbUs the Itattan atptea," Garibaldi was n plotter and tj .fighter. Under ssntsnce of death* for s plot which missed fire, he came to South America, and helped Uruguay win independence. Later he returned to Italy to take part inj another revolution, and battled the armies of Fpmee, Austria, Spain and Naples. For a time, he lived in exile in New1 York. Returning again to Italy, he attempted to settle down. But he left I his Wide immediately after the wed-, ding to begin a new campaign. It was during this war he was named dictator. But Garibaldi did not want to rule. After Sicily and Naples were conquered, he saw Victor ICmman-1 uel proclaimed king. Modern Italy traces its beginning to the achievements of this petrtot who rsftissd to I admit defeat. Vr • ' 1 a^MN&ed fact. Being, as inconvenient* as handed. We nag from le$idjritht Hence those wm are rigfifttyed see the letters at the beginning of each line better than left-eyed renders. Most of us have one eye that doea much more work than its companion. It is this dominant eye we use in sighting a gun, in looking through a telescope and eVen hi winking at a pretty girL Dr. Paul B. Popenoe Of Altadena says this is how you can tell whether the dominant eye ia the left or the right: Double up your fist with the index finger pointing straight out like a pistol barrel. Next, keeping both eyes open, raise the fist above your head and bring it down quickly as though you were firing at a target. Finally, shut one eye and then the other. The eye which is now in lin? frith both your forefinger and the target you pointed at is dominant* This test work* like a No Skirmish on Sunday Thomas Jonathan 'Stonewall" Jackson would not fight an engagement or caif^lifV «tfhisB on ~ day. Sentenced to a year in prison far burglary, George Tyatt of Minneapolis pleaded with the judge for a twoyear sentence so he could atudy and prepare -for a trades " k : 1 Cranberry 8kins Vahublo Cranberry growers may find new profits from a recent discovery that the skins of the berries yield ursolic^; acid worth $80 an ounce. From the seeds an oil can be made that hasmore vitamin A than any known vegetable oil. 5? Hardware :;&v 14-lWBokW Track, like Bows, Mercury Fo^br Sedaa, very otaus. n»hieoamfiill«wi|ic ni>4 al^tof near-nsfweaxsfaavebeen turned in oo tbe doais. Most^of tham normally wquld,have been driven another year or so. They're real beauties--in looks as well as value. So act fist if you're in the mark*, WHILK PRICES AJt* STILL LOW! Save money with one of these high-class used cars. Thka Ford DeLuxe Fordor Radio Mkp Heater, a good buy. 1988 Ford Coupe, radio and heater, new paint. IY>rd DeLilrxe Tudor, radio tnd while the picking's jM heater, good tires. Ford DeLuxe Tudor, radio tnd heater, new paint. # «• it- Ford Tudor, radio and heater. Three Ford Fo Chevrolet Fordor, new paint and re- radio and heaters. Three Tudofa Tudor. Coupe, radio and heator. sWg0X oonditionec^ 1937 Ford 60 Fordor, rAdlo aUdlfeat^ good paint and tires. BUSS- ;v4f -<"+$ TIC <4^ 'Jl-Jlt'H SriWain StreH West McHenry Ml Phone lr

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