Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Aug 1941, p. 7

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-p- •• K"-:: ! i itSps t&* A» Washington, August 6--Vititon to flw Nation's capital And -difficulty in tails-eftha in pottqNaolrtag. Shsir confusion issharod in -usast-nafta by S^hSillr^ « mn not aaaetlg- «#•••&» •£• * _ tarry rttuation -It ktffHng atany of the active _ mhiai to intensive hearfnga before •everaiCei«»coaieMleoaunitteea. The ItittwrMy -Mil -uMaoy >ie • v what they are doing in the em«igency IMMNO thawi MMWMWI few opaortmritieA to -handle -their regular Chores. Army and Kovy^fcrass-hats" • for instance, must tarn «ii to prepaso-thMaaetoes for thru required conferences at each ead «f #teada#*aa£a Avatue -- the lllmrt »ioHI«nttaw •riifrtffcs Capitol Meaathik their subordinates are fnatie •Mian* * span niwrte te cfetala far vital projects wanhjly ara nm tapartiit of legislators ar the oca It wM" asked (OK. *<Well," was thereply, "by tK :« pedal attachment 'lever converts a vertical inlo a circular The principal part of the machine it • huge disc that wwhu ia a vertical plane. Power Is applied through the aorie of the diac, awl work ia tee on the periphery, where the hazdeat rtad by mere-impact may be reduced to any shape." "What ia this wonderful Machine?" choraaed the crowd. "A IMa week ftnda Oongrosi wrestling Mrith the extension ef draftoss' \t*«, • highly 4a you can him he'd he tax MIL lares* ia a by poHtttH consider. Trade enkaa wW be en a spot on this irtnsgfsary price chale hi no Hit the the House action on the tax hie shoes as well! leaving affected groups ef taxin a frustrated mood, attention turned to the 8enatt finance Coathearings It is expected that Itoriny sessions will be witnessed as pvfests about the House draft am Tbe mandatory joint returns ibsnd and wife is the of contention. At least tight have community property laws will be vitally affected if the esent plan prevails. The State gov* fernments are pressuring their Conjnal delegations to block the proposal. T^e revision of the tax structure is isly of a temporary nature for *igh officials have indicated a new tax leasure is due each year or sooner aa defense situation warrants. Dene has revealed a trend for lowerig the personal exemptions from to jcatch millions not now tax tonscious. The broadening of the ise at the last revenue revision (>rought additional millions of citixen* ito the role of a Federal taxpayer And required 3,600 extra tax inspectors. 1TaUM>£al,poll tax of five or ten dollars ia not taken seriously because <jfviltMbisiit\.wcwdd tt&od up under a Jegal test. Uncle Sam's tapping for Contributions may ausume the form of & sales tax at the mxtfVtnWlMng- ^ One thing is certain. Hie emer- #«»«y, is .pDodod«|giAi* .federal vjfgencies without .jtflRiMAMg.tb9.Awn. ;4rous alphabetical .gettftft created Since 1933. Hie latent >to iMlk* its Dgdvent lis .the JBttaoailc Jitfonts Board < "frith Vice-President Wsjlscs.aseiwlrjfaan .and iiatUtmikHt littaabers eg jhe Cabinet. Just where its fanctienSJbegin and end in relation to oxistiagj Agencies is not^^rfwattfcejfcaeeu- • fkwe (Order creating the Board. Ap- |>arently, the Wallace jMBiauttce's jgnipe savers <eYe«qrth>ng. Whether this fuper-council will clean <up the etafui eion on defense policies is so <pet ataOy fkarwiMt. rers to "develop integrated economic defense plans and programs for lotion % t<he depart its and sgincies concerned aa^, sa& plans and programs are earagencies.** MfttfTnrttij is.a functo advise oa pott-anr Meonstruoion-- a subject which ahtpdjtd lir. >e's aftsnflsa as wmSmrb of Agriculture. The Board's initial steps %iU be watcfetd daaafr. - Few realise that American occupation of British isles off the Atlantic «t as strategic bases is >wn by "red tape." The navaj iting base at Bermuda is ' large sums. Under the ninety-nine fear lease, millions are spent for the ^acquisition of lands from private pnapi| rty-owners though Crown lands am -^-ionated. The Navy wanta fleet anchor »ges in Bermuda, Trinidad and Netr foundland and harbors of adequate f ise are scarce. Tremendous sums am fequired to equip these new outposts ; frith living quarters, shops, ptfWer ftations, Munition depots and the like, urge amounts are expended on outlying stations along our West Coast, C|>articularly in Alaska, now a vital j|rea. The Naval Air Station at Kodiak jfcrill be completed in a year while other |Uaskan defense projects are under inrush" orders. The Navy is pourmoney into these improvements at Iht- rate of fifty-live million pec nonth. Wheel Click a clicking noise is heard ia front wheel it usually indicates » ed wheel bearing and should given prompt attention. •wrt-Wealad Australia plsns to ship im& bleft to the United States. Spooled sheep ridns suitable for making coata. ?*4v ^ 1: FiUowt ^ fa ooa Australian hospital, paliants with head or neck injuries are supplied with a "radio" pillow, jpootauung a very weak loudspeaker >|he pillows are made at #ar. •ABB WPOIMMT mUrn. Bdwwd rrett of Chicago meat flalaadaf and Sunday in JMBalB^er. Mrs. Beador and daughter and son, Andy. of Chicago attended the chicken dinner here Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Alex Freund and of Chicago spent Saturday and Suaday in the home of Miet. Stephen BL Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Landren and children of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baer and daughter of Chicago attended the picnic here'Sunday. Mr. aad Mrs. Albert Bugner of Ohio are spending a few dayrjn the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Jde J. Freund. The Lily Lakf L#»' League held tfieir buaoo pa^ft *» Casino one Vachet, Mm. McPepald, Mrs. W. "Gwno over here, Jimnoy, introduce yo» to my little Deht TaroMonds were on a train was held up. Aa came through the train tafch* caah and valnahlat (nm the paaalwtta, one of the men became more and IIHWO aervous. HiuHr, ottb tka ra^ bars only a few aeats away, he put his hand in hia pocket and draw out a bill and held it out to hie IH--d. "Here. SanCUwaakU "hwe'atfaat tea dollara I owe you.** ^|%- "1 never felt to punk in all my life." "Do any drinking last M&tTn "Yes, and when I went to bed I felt fine. But when I woke up I felt teriiMa* ill was the sleep that 4id it." ' ; ' * - . One's a Crowd "Say, miatn/' said tbe little fellow to a next door neighbor. "Are you the man who gave my' dog last week?" "Yes." - "Well, Ma says for you te aad take them back." CAN'T KICK MJMd the young to <000 sj« leav$#t;a *Vm; & thai no r man who came last night, fcoluurrl r" to ktak.' Laiy A iat Oady algBpad on the ocales, not ihnowiag!tt»ey vwere out of order, and «art ia « par. Tht went up (to AT gNMtatfa aa A neadny atanlhlg Jt>y aotlced 6M «ituattoa. "My ••ahf" te "Shalt heUoarr" •C . - Vif " Expressioas II MATU nmna4* Cauae me to For WU1 By sign* *Kga»; -Omt*: "Twin bods are all «• said the blushing bride to man in the furniture department, "but there is no use buying them untU we get the twine." Dirty Faea Office Boy--S'poee my face is dirty, what business is it of yours? You aren't my father. •levator Mao --No, but rm htftjping you up. ' The Only QmT Carol--1 am sure there are many girls who could make you happier than 1 could. Jim--That's just the they could hut they won't •ahse Bcoslved Ftieod--What did you realise «o your investment? Stock Exchange Victim--What a fool I was. CbaruH Ira Ifji'llf Washington, D.C, it spending the saauter at the home of his undo Mid aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Lipoea. bring Horowitz of Brooklyn, N. Y^ Ss spending a week at the Cdtypami fcoiaa. Mrs. Nellie Hoffman of Chicago Is a week at the home of hei and husband, Mr. and Mrs. FUDip Gilmaa. Mrs. L> Friedman of Chicago is * week at the home of Mr. aad-Mn. Btrgar. -- - Mr. aad Mra. Joeeph Hahn and son. Miss Katie FHaa of Chicago spent! Bob, ef Oak Fhyk^ visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fmd Dosch Sunday. Mrs. Nsea IficC^a of Chicago and Mrs. L. Mtoa eg Houston, Wis., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom K la hough over the weekend. Charles do Ml Hi has returned home to €hk*ce after spending • week vis. iting at the heme of Mr. end Mrs. Claude MePamtt. Sr. aad lbs. Via H. Metssen and family ef BeHBiwar, Calif., visited at the beaae of Mr. aad Mrs. Ckocge J. Wegener Thmedaj Weekend visitors Br. aai Mka. Walter Erinn ana v of DesPlaines, Mr. and Mm. Baiail Krinn of Chicago. Mrs. ITlidtWtti toad daughters are Mr*. James Sa< a eeataao aar three weeks. Saturday and Sunday far the bowe ef her father, John Pttsen. Jaams Bettermann, Robert Bacon and LeBoy Meyers were Chicago call, en Friday. Mvs. John Hnemann and daughters of Chicago spent the weekend in the fcoue of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Humaann. Mr. an<i Mrs. Joe Karis, Pauline Bbde and Mrs. John Degen and daugh* ter, Jeanette, were Waukeg*n »Dem Saturday afltmoon. Mr. ami Mis. Tony Miller and Mr. and ' Mrs. Leo Mfller of Chicago and Leander Miller of California attended the funeral of Alfred Miller here Monday. Mr. and Mm. Stanley Zollener of Chicago spent Wednesday in the home of Art Peters. Mrs. -Mike Gorski and children of {' Woodstock spent Tuesday with Be , and Mia. Joe F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers an# aad Jhaia Hette King called on Mr. and jMrs. Wa>$ar Frsaad at Fox Lake oa Mrs..- Gmrfv . Miller of Gra: inner rat A. Jkgrffcethf Mrs. aai Mmi' & " Tlatek natal at these meeting^ Let's see if we con db better. The next bunco Will be held • at Mrs. George J. Wegener's home Thursday afternoon, August 14. Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Trojan of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper over the weekend. Other guests wore Danny Kahn and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vais arid family. • ? V ' L 'V ;4/i Wodmad gaests at the Fleitrhsr mm were Mr. and Mrs. OBie Mo> Pherson and son, Kenneth, and Arleae, Bud Bellinger, Sarah Lee Fufbeck. Louise Arundel, Orrin Chambers, Mrs- H. Brunswick and daughter, Marge and son, Frank, all of Glen Ellyn, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Krinn of DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. C. O Swatfsou celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary by giving a dinner for about six guests in McHenry. Guests present wore their daughter, Lois Swsn- ,-y f .• -A,* .Lv,--' n, Mr. and r. and Mrs. 4 ENTEBTAM MINFAL aoctxrr PBBNMERT House guests in the summer home of Dr. Edward G. Faller in Fair Oaks subdivision along the Fox river this past week were Dr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Cartw right. Dr. Cartwright is president of the Chicago Dental society. *•:' v'>" •£y MS# VOStJE 1W ULTWA-SMART STATK5NERV a m. * .isi-x.- • i f , Jol atttMis. Harry Murphy, Balho and da^k* all ef CMand son. Hoy, la Chicago at the eir- . State and son, Ken- Marilyn, Mr. fattier, John James Hettermann, Eugene Kins and iisBog Meyers were Cedar Lake jam collert one day thia week. Mr. aad Mrs. Water Freund of Fos Lake were callers here Sunday aftere of Mr. end Mrs. ad Denald Pasealy iMr m vwl at the Weid- Mr. and Mrs. George Frett and «W1- dren of Woodstock were callers here NAME-ON PERSONALIZED STATIONERY* wM. ^ fceps leswaom eM «ft> o Jeiiiif IbM 100 DOUBLE SHEETS**1?^ 100 ENVELOPES (WAUirnAp) ^, ;.:-«eoy* *o« duiy $ Mr. Mr. and Mrs. demons Freund and of Chicago were caller* here d Mrs. Morris Ha+eii «nd of Solon Mills were callers Mr. and Mrs. Bob WHkte and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder of Chicago upent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. party was held at the y for their twin Frank. Guests parents, Mr. and m X 1MM1, John, Jr., and KulM of Oak Park; Viola Billy Bobinoon, Mrs. Helen Robinson after spending a at her homo here. -na^Byl#t«lml P.-T. A. buna^ waa hold It tha ^me of Mrs. Walter T. Einspar Thursday afternoon, July SI. PHaes wore won by Mrs. R. Bie- Orra Idh Bettray, Jennie •••A" 4ST-:'.:. . I f l.lyepiMAWMWiKf lMV mg$M ISiM Mrs. Ltana Schroeder aad di ter of Chicago are spending the with John PHatn SOLON MILLS Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell wen Woodstock shoppers last Satatday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gieser and family spent the weekend in their summer home here. The funeral for W. J. Overton was held at his daughter's home, Mrs. W. H. Gardner. Sunday afternoon. Those who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Overton aad Hr. and Mrs. Tetloff of Milwauftao; Miss Bertha Overton from Mhineapolis; Mr. aad Mrs. Glen Esh. Barrington; Lucy Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Bichard Esh, Chicago; Mr. and M?"- W. F. Cowan of Harvard; Mrs. Ada 8trang of Milwaukee; Mr. aad Mra. R. I. Overton, McHenry, and Mr. and Mra. Murriel Richardson of Delavan. Mrs. John Pester spent a couple •days in the home of George Pester at Grmyslake this week. Mrs. Charles Westlake and Mrs. Sullivan attended the races at Arlington this week Wednesday. Mia. E. E. Gropley and Mrs. F. Kilpatrkk were shopper? at Kenosha en Wodaesday. Mrs. Annie Kelsey and daaghter, Mm. John Gilhort,, ef Chicago were at the Bl B> Oraplsy haase Mrs. Paul Pretxman of Oak Park is spending « wedt's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cropley and Mrs. Paul Pretxman and daughter. Donna Jean, spent Thursday in Lake Oeaeva aad teak a meter hoot trip around the lake. Mr. and Mm. R. R. Turner were business callers In Crystal Lake Frl- <toy.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and lea, Junior, were calling on Mends and relative H in Chicago over the iiJSife mi Mr. and Mrs. Lester Talcott and Mr. and Mrs. Mancel Talcott and William Oliver of Waukegan were din. aer gaests at E. EL Cropley'? Sunday. Peanor Savage of Raymond, South Ihkota, is visiting in the homes of Chas. and Chet Osbom this week. Mrs. Ben Benson snd daughter, Ruth, and sens, Buddy and Barney, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oshorn, Wm. Osbom and Eleanor Savage spent Sunday at Brookfield Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell were calling on friends in Elgin Sunday evening. Henry Berry of Chicago spent the weekend with Ms mother here. Jack Pester and Mr. Kendall just returned from s fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. They both report good luck and a nice time. Mrs. Alice Bell attended s picnic with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell and family of KirklandL, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Palaske of Antioch attended a Bell reunion at Jim Bell's home at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick and son. Junior, attended the boat races at Fox Lake Sunday "afternoon. ISSUE 40 MARRIAGE LICENSES DURING JULY Forty marriage licenses were issued in the office of County Clerk Raymond D. Woods during July, fhis is sixteen less than in June. ; ^ NIGHT AIR COOLING SYSTEM t .'vrfe'ifv:* A»\. Inhdos fresh, cool night gir~»oxholos hot, stole par LAST CHANCER Spitdal iastallotion owonc* «nds Stpt. IS ; iTherc will still be many more nights thi* k; s-^,-|Ummer when your home is filled with sticky ait Do as hundreds of families have already done--install a Nighf ^Air Cooling System! This equipment act ; tually makes your house breathe at night, silently drawing in fresh, invigorating night air and expelling the hot, sluggish air that makes your family uncomfortable!, and restless. Operating cost is only a fews , Come in mw and arrange for an installation while our special allowance holds good...then enjoy the comfort of Night Air Cooling this summer--and for many summers to come. Youll find It A mum! iiwwrmefltl. Word Night Air Cooling Unk Ar sundown, open the downststn^ windows aad tat aa dbe anie -ats "T.| * As the powerful Ian pulls in cool nifhc air, ttalc hoc air it expelled. cents a day! ®imUVK-2€) •MY *54^2 A cooapact, sturdily buik ha, designed fcf me in die attic. Easily installed. Portable modeb also available, for ust in igtic or individual rooms. libml tenrn and qxqal jnstijbQon ittnwr ^7 ...r* ce (cads September 15.) .4tnd electricity is In 3 minutes or less, the air in every room has been completely "v. PU1LIC SERVICl COMPAMX «f Northern Illinois m r - ^ - if ' flarviee Onkr--101 WUliajBS Bt, OrystelLato-- \

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