Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1941, p. 2

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- •'iiti :'•*«' THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ 1* SA»1P ONUWPlCAl COM. MUMPS TF (-XECXOX1 WMSB EA KNMP *PXO*EMF> NCOAT MBa RPOMB/MMSRTFCWWTJ.* * ko - .:.-r..^&" /crcveAM VIMS ACMSmSEPlN ,^annepswtK , A5 E*Rt/ AS /777 / MIARK.VMCM GAttXiME »4A6 CNOtMM eNHway "to Propcl a car 450 Mitra "to -rue GALLON--F --• POVUCft LOSSES -1HR0U6H vwinp resistance. Harrow anp otvtns causes ccotp Be FUMiNATtP Movies of industrial OPERATIONS ARC REPLACING "fooRs" in mahv Plants, \ambre. VtSrroRS M16HT CAUSE COSHy INTCRROPTlOM§ t:< CLOTMN6 iMAy NOW ee AMPr OF jfpfClAUy Tftf AtEP fA8RlCS 1MAT ILL GERM* ANP MW> tO PROTfCT ie WEAWP AGAINST INFfCttpN Out of Storage to 'Keep 9Em Flying They're taking 'em down to send 'em up again at the primary flying schools in the Golf Coast Air Corps Trailing center. At Randolph field, „ ***.» mechanics are removing training planes from storage. With •he training of piMi in full swmg, and thousands of jouni men awaittu JastructioB, planes like these arc hi great demand. Different Makes of Aatos More than 1,500 different makes of electric, steam and internal-combustion passenger cars have been built and marketed in. the U, & Speedy Tanks , Tanks that travel 50 miles an hour are used in current warfare, in contrast to the crawling pace of World •H tanksu Eggs in One Basket Generally, all the eggs of an oviparous snake are laid in (Hie day, although occasionally a snake will lay part of its eggs one day and the remainder the next. The Pish and Wildfire service says that a python 28 feet long, laid 100 eggs in one dav. Earthquakes a Tear Every year, 9,000 equarthquakes shake the earth; the internal pressure being adjusted once every hour. Dining Car KitelMK The length of a U. S. railroad dining car kitchen ranges from 13% to 17 feet. in length and TXESA six to seven feet in width. McCULLOM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Alva G. Elarton of Downers Grove spent a week at their home here. Mrs. Jacob Riter of Chicago spent the weekend at her home at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cyilk of Chicago spent Tuesday at McCullom Lake. Mr.. Stracy and son and daughter of Chicago spent Monday at the laka. Mrs. Peter Hauser and friend of Westmont spent Thursday at. their home here. John Winkrantz entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett and son of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crick of Chicago spent the weekend at the Lake, Eleanor Schaefer is spending several days at the Clayton Bruce home at Wonder Lake. Mrs. E. Schroll of Chicago spent Friday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritz and family of Chicago spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madeen of Chicago spent Sunday at the S. Smith home. Mrs. A. Doberstein and son and daughter have moved to Chicago to make their home with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Nickels. John Shark of Evanston spent th» weekend with his parents here. Elmer Schaefer and Mickey Untc spent Thursday at the John Unts home at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May of Johnsburg spent Sunday at the Jos. A. Schaefer home. Mr. and "Mrs. Dolen of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. -Mrs. Joseph A. Schaefer and daugh* ter, Eleanor, were visitors at Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Babu and Mr. -and Mrs. Warren Babu of' Chicago spent Sunday at the Lake. Frank Pitzen and Bert Mclntyre of Chicago spent Sunday at McCullom's Lake. Fred J. Schaefer of Chicago spent Tuesday with his brother Joseph A. Schaefer, here. ^ SPRING GROVE Plane Mileage' Figures on maintenance and operations .at Randolph field, Texas, indicate that almost every one of the 300 craft used for student taaining have flown about 235,(tyd miles since being turned out from'facto* ries. Byes Hismhuid Dr. Paul A. Schwabe McHenry 129-Jl Woodstock C74 A. R Nye Bid*. West McHenry THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mrs. Frank May was hostess to the members of her club on Tuesday night TWo tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to those achieving high"scores. A lovely lunch was served following the cards. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church met at the Ben May home on Thursday night for" their regular meeting. Following ths meeting cards were, enjoyed and re» freshments served. . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond May, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widhalm attended the "Forester Fest" at St. John the Baptist parish hall given by the COP on Wednesday night. The Paul Feldsien family. hav<t moved from the Ross house to Mr*. Mike Rauen's house; ' Members of her club met At the home of Mrs. Albert Britz on Friday night. Pinochle furnished the enteiv tainment and prize winners wens Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Chas. Freund while consolation went to Mr& Harry Myers. A .dessert lunch wait served at the conclusion of cards. Mr. and Mrs. John Jung and the Ford Hanford family visited Eugene Jung and Robert Hanford at Sacred Heart Seminary, Geneva on Sunday. Among those employed out of town who spent the weekend wtih home folks were Bemiece Nimsgern, Lucill «! Freund and Joseph Brown, JtC, of Chicago, Lucille and Lawrence Nimsgern of Woodstock-and Lorraine May of Zion. Guests in the C. L. Stevens home on Sunday were Dr. T. J: Blakeman ®Jld family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson arid daughter of Keystone. LILY LAKE r. . T-'".i !• L;, "j >X-, / W'F'F,-, ' r " f ~'k * •r'" ' ' s' v..; , W • '1 •L&:"' Luxurious Soft Water , throughout your kome Kent * • U Sudsmaker" Water \Softener $2.50 PER MONTH •Free Installation«r»n ispr A S K Weber Plbg. & Heating Co. Green Street J-:-,: McHenry, III Notice to Truck Owners The second annual test of your track is now required. We have received the stickers and invite you to come in / as soon as possible. We also have a well equipped repair ihop to take care of your correction that you may comply with the law. . ' .. , r • * s" CENTRAL GARAGE Xohnsbnrf FflED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing .P.... <mxmoH^iEVKH» * (Central Standard Time) St. Mary's CktksHe Charcfc MbtS86S. Sundays: 7:00; 8:80; 10:1ft Weekdays: 6:46; 8:00. First Friday: 6:80; §:«0. Confcarions: ^ Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and Thnrtday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 p. and 7:00 p.m. Ms«t. C. S. Nix, pastWv ' St Patrick's Cathode Chart* Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7-80. • First Fridays: 7:80k"^v 1% • On First Friday, Coftmratff^ «S- ^ . tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and befoM ^ ; and during the 7:80 Mass, Confessiooa: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5KH) p.fl 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before first Frkby . 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7KW U 8:06 p. w. Bev. Win. A. OTlourtre, pastor. St. John's Catkolk Chareh, Jtbubarf Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and #:9fl«S v > Weekdays: 8:00. "*•'* First Friday: 8:00. . Confessions: Saturdays: ^:30 and 7:80.,v. Thursday before First Friday: 'Ml and 7:80. . Rev. A. J. Neidert^pastor. Cemntiinity Chareh ~ Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service: 11:00 a. i*. Junior League: 6:30 p. m.' JBpworth League: 8:00 p.a. R«t. J. Heber Miller, pastor. Lather an Evangelical Sunday Service, 8 a. m. Sunday School, 9 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's Catholic Charck, 8pring Grove SOLON HILLS Mrs. Richard Hopton returned to her home in Ohio, after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown and son, Tommy, and Mr. Blecker of Aurora, spent Wednesday in the C. L. Osbprne homer Mr. and Mrs. Sievers of Chicago visited Thursday at the home of Mrs. Joe Kuhn. Mrs. Arthur Merrill is staying at the home of her sister, Mrs. Brown, for a ?ew days. ' Miss Vivian Kilpatrick spent the weekend with her parents here. Mrs. Joe Adams spent Sunday in Johnsburg visiting in the Art ^dams home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lenery ware weekend guests jn the Henry Aubert home. Synday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pester were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kendal and Nancy Kaye of Milwaukee, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pester of Grayslake. Mrs. Goe. Pester, Mrs. Ricjiard Hoptoif Mrs. John tester visited tives in Lake Forest and LibertyviDa Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jones to quin to witness the installation «f officers in the OES. Mrs. Joe Adams visited her shier, Mrs. Joe Schaeffer, Armistice day. We are glad to hear that the Cropleys, who left for Florida, have arrived safely. This is their seventeenth winter spent there. Work is progressing nicely on the home and tavern to be operated hy* Mrs. Frank Hora of Powers Lake. Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: pnd PKHV Weekdays: S :0G. First Friday: 8:00." Confessions: . Saturdays: 2:30 and 7ilS,| ^Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:15. JUv. John L. Daleidan, Pastor. Yolo Community Bible Chnrdi Combined Service, 10:00 a.m. Rev. W. P. Rueckheim, pastor. All are invited. trouble b.%* ZN- ^ V i a A' 1. MbsSialr 2.ErfUsMvafvtssstMt^ofliik-ntrt^n| 3. M-prssssra ssgkw hibricstlos-ftosting odlstsks. 4. ttNSMfly raccC sfewfhr wcw (TIMII 5. Utefsl mm ef pseishMi sntifrictiea 8. 35-Ampers slr-csaled gsmfitsr REAL TRUCK WImb fit depend on year Dodge dealer, ye« get intelligent, factory-supervised service--- using genuine factory priced to please your pocketbook. Try it! "KM and Specification* Subject to Changs Without Notic* HOP IN--TODAY;:: AND OVER row HAUUNO BUKE MOTOR SALES TeL 156 " •' '• _ •; -'v ; v., i' v ' e 'V' ""'v' What a difference good lighting makes! '"V r H & i i' v-r * I can hardly believe H'm the same old room I used S' fo ioolc like this. •" » : f i> , I- 1 ' V jt The Lily Lake school PTA held a box social Thursday evening* Nov. 18 Entertainment by the children of the school. Boxes were sold and later in the evening they were enjoyed with coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nemes and daughter, Sandra, of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh Sunday. Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Paul Erickson of Dearborn, Mich., and Mrs. John Kelly of Long Island, New York" have returned to their homes " after spending a few days at Lily Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Boerm, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vogel, Mr. J. Vogel, Miss N. Langtsaff visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hintz Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Godfrieg Kostelickey and baby have returned to Chicago after spending-two weeks at Lily Lake . # Lloyd Pelton of Mauston, Wis., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabautfi over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Streat and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wensick and Harry Miller all of Chicago visited at the Fred Dosch home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fast of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Mrs. Thomas Klabaugh was a Chicago visitor Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, where she visited with her mother, Mrs. Nora McCalla, who is leaving for Ohio, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of spent the weekend at Lily Lak% '* S V> WY. •{h Party Coiors ' ; Camjpalgn buttons had not Been invented in the days of Constant^' nople's glory, and so the men paint*, ed their fingernails to indicate to. which political party they belonged --green for Hypatius, blue for Justinian. . ..'3pci» # •* - % IJISK. H.,: So here's what we did \ \ "* T J*? . Ur 5 * I '•V t vl : I - ' * * ^ - "J .: •< l f , , r; R - -* ' 2 ; - -- " , „'7y' A, • ^ • •' >.^v:' ^ >-R-. . . I owe it all to the HOME LIGHTING ADVISOR She not only gave me valuable suggestions to help make my .rooms more attractive and colorful, btit she slso checked the amount of light we had. for reading, sewing and other dose work. She showed me just bow important the relationship is between better light and better sight.; Why don't you let her help you,j too! Just phone or msfl a cud to| die local Public Service Company^ office. Ask for a Home lighting*' Advisor. There is nochaigcoroklK sstioQ for her service. - -v -1 -ITT • T V - ~ ^ ^ -- : It was simply a question of fixing up the old ceiling fixture with a shade and diffusing' bowl, snd adding a larger size lamp bulbt. And just think--it cost us less than $2.3d! 1 JOIN PAJBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ^ Of NORTHERN ULINOtf • • .K 'F ~ *TT|- <• F ~ ScrriM Ord« --101 WillUma St, Otjr.Ul'ta* -- Tdqthonc Snttirprtoe 4UW. v.* .'-Vi-- !^ifess®. i • •*<*. ^ . R- £

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