Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1947, p. 3

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•• '• K'*TV* *;€'i tli iuria pom of imHton was a , V»t-H • '*•<*!!:l}>% XliH •€-• r » • * • «i' : iS 1RINGWOOD Radio an ftipgwood, DL :v-.. _ •. ... i-_. CONTRACTING Sarvica "V s.'; v 'M & "it -:*•• !ik- y-> •i4,r '.$ K» k c : ¥ « : Monday, JAIL 20, tho following storos of WONDER LAKE will have the following* store hours for closing: Jsift thie m. you wank--lo troubles? iDhd^|«arartt|rth«t^ mi tie baais at cM-wmtim atarting oad The adoil beta show Standard White Growff:-. fr»otii» is tops ffeboth thaw winter"muets".. .ai ~ t*>r*nr pren Don't make that i winter. Ths differences it to your winter driving YouH And nqmaive Standard White Crown ready for you a| X?f& your Standard Oil Dealer's . .. ready 1 j$ srith imttat starts and reliable jpiily hare recent1? astaM sad ia pfoek Days i:;iffi'ji|i liijfeHl ISPi " • • -,4,/' *' •ULBRANDT'S FOOD mm FOOD FCANDY PANTRY FOOD SHOP •I «to*u OHRISTIAHBSr FOOD I PAnrrmoDxooBATiMo ! What a grand and Oil a 1st in osld wsathsr start** ' 4%rf *V* 3 I* after served. tend and, It thin*. With of «T* appearing la ATXCNttOft-An item of vital *T*ytr*ii^f* to aO Lily Lakers is the annidy maatino' «l the Lily Lm S««!Si&ingelX This ia meeting aiooe Noveabtr year, and it will ho hold in the room of the Lakeside Inn, on day, Jan. 19, 1M7. Being the meeting1 of the now yaar, let's make a resolution right now to attend. Facts moot lilcohr to appear on the agenda of the day are the plowing of the roads, picking op of refuse, -a-moch needed inenue in the yearly does and the much talked about rodeo. Progress through the coming Sir depends upon YOU, the people, ery ounce of strength of strength is needed behind the plow, so come on and lend a helping hand. A correction please--In last weeks column appeared an item referring to the christening of little Nancy Jean Godina. The god-parents were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lannes, not Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thennes as stated. The new hone going up on Riverside Drive is bring built by Leon Sox and Co. The owners are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kutsa of Chicago. Thev are cousins to Mr. and Mrs. Kossup of the lake. The Kutsas plan to live here permanently after the completion of their home. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson spent Sunday in Palatine, Til. Hero they visited with three of their grandchildren. » Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hyatt and famiy spetot Sunday in Chicago at the home of the w. J. Hyatt s. White here they payed a brief visit tu the children's grest-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Yaegor apent one day last week in the city also. On this occasion they enjoyed a delicious dinner at the home of their granddaughter, Mr*. Becker. We are sorry to heai* that little Miss Carta* burned her arm severly last Saturday. The little girl was helping her mother when she upset a pan of grease. Spendtnc the weekend with the R:chard Flynn family is Mr. Fljrnn's father of Srookfteld. _ Wo aw glad to see that Mr. and j Mrs. McDernaott have returned from Alan a visit with Us York. > beaming _ - -- - ^ -- - f i : • r~ bf 14r. and ItI TS. OtMkl tbisi part week. This was to ths goof newa the family cothe appointment brother-in-law, 8. r, to advertising ban Press, of the Chain. the Diadone Gr^ t a Lending Liin^ talled. of protection, let all of the fact that with your car is necessity. Measures he taken against violators if is not vtopiMNl. Remember tpr leave your news itfems at the But Stop Tavern. die wtlh^their boots ADIOS. Wo have the rapid gfi BO weather of them _ .. their dream early completion. Our that oy siting another will bo addad to the line of heeutifnl homes in tills block of Maple Hill Drive. KT yaar a Hills, a district of ] marriage propoaal who, If a time to the bridegroom's hown on Probation. Marriage is further complicated by polygamy and M» pulaory croee-couain marringe wuphd with a rule requiring a maa to marry hia wife's father's widow. Mrs. Shirley Fox Phoenix, Aris^ wher vhcationing and will With her Meters, returned from, i she has been! make her home Mr. end Mrs. leyers, of Mrs. Fox is Ihe widow of U. Elmer Fox of the %nny Engineers, who was killed a| 'tNcinawa on ago his birthday two yean On t«r«4« By "Yardsttdi^; ^ WURTZINGER AUCTION CHARLES LBONARD, Auctioneer Because my tenant is side and in the hospital it is necessary for i to discontinue dairying , aukd I Will sell my dairy aad feed and surptua machinery cn the Nihan Farm 8 miles west of Woodatodc on the Jackaon Street road of Woodstock, 114 miles oast of Route Ko. 23, SH miles west of Bubbling Over and 1 mile south, on i MONDA« Y, JANU« ARY St Commsnring at 1141 o'clock sharp The following Livestock, Machinery end feed will be aold on the Jchn Nihan iParm at 11:00 o'clock 12 Holstein First Calf Either Fresh 1 Hobtsin aZ. Ago Greetings Folka: At 7 oVilodt Ipst Sunday evening we had our radio tuned to Milwaukee's WTMJ station and listened to an interview of Leo Freisinger, Mc- Cullom Lake^i ssost famous son. Loo Freisinger first gained fame when he was judged the speed kinjr Lee Sawdo was the honored guest at last Saturday's Screwy Dosen'* birthday party at the Roy-Al Community Center and, as usual the affair was a gay one. The delicious midnight supper, aa well* as the refreshments served thruout the evening, added much to the pleasures of the fifty guests present. There' haa been much talk theee past fsw weeks stout the campaign of ridding our community or the many stray dogs. Notices have been served in our column for three weeks now to the folks who hate pets and want to knep them, to chain them up or keep them fenced in. This little effort on their part will help a lot for the pick-up crew to distinguish between a stray and an owned dog. v . . The main reason for this action is to protect our little tots who in on ice skates at the 1936 and 1940 ™anV fIo*i World His next step rfown to fame and fortune was a star billing in the Sonja Heine Ice Carnival Then Catne the war and Leo's rapid climb was interrupted by a two-year hitch in the service of his country. On his return he spent months rehearsing a new act, n which his besutiful wife, May, also made a name for herself aa a profOastaoal dancer, and his 4-vear-c4d daughter, Joanne, could join him. Last July this trio Joined the "Holiday On lee" show which wan scheduled- to onen in New York. After a succssaful five-months tou.- of our eastern cities, where the Freisinger family thrilled hundreds of thousanda of people and were lauded by thf critics for their ar tistic performance, the show moved to Mflwaulme, where it will until the 19th of January. Mr. and Mrs. Fran* Freisinger, play AUCTION William B. Sullivan, me Marsago 112 and WUttam Ruesell. Phone Woedatock S3 The farm being sold, I will se!l at public auction on the farm known as the Omar Wright farjp, located 2 miles north of Mateago, 10 miles of Harvard on Route 28, 6 west of Max Wiloan's corner, and 8 miles northeast of Garden Prairie, on ^ TUESDAY, JANUARY 2*^;:. Commencing at 11:00 a.m. sharp the following described property, tan wit: It HEAD OF LIVESTOCK St 7 cows, springing or fresh; 4 two year-old heifers, S yearlings. 12 Spotted Poland-China Spotted Poland-China boar. Stallion riding ' pony, two old. Hay and Grain bales mixed clover and timogilts; years poo Sili FEED--700 bu. Vicland oats; 26 ft. silage in 12-ft. silo; 800 bales mixed,. hay; 250 bales of alfalfa, and clover hay. |emr < MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT-- J. D. Model-B tractor on rubber with starter and lighta, 2 years old; mounted J. D. 2-row corn picker, 2 years old, fits Model-A or B tractor; 15 ft. Johrf Deere single disc; J. D. 2-bottom 14-in. plow; J. D. manure spreader; New J. D. Roughage mill; 8-section wood drag; electric hot water heater, copper lined; Case side rake; rubber-tired wagon mad SSiir ^PS; &S5 1<Mncki arjsi ^ house equipment. I fertiliser sttachmeats; Mc-D. power IS HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY ?»ower, 7-ft. cut with pea bar and COWS AN© TWO BULLS j 6-ft. windrower; Mc-D tractor plow, | two-bottom, 16-mch; Van Brunt 8-ft. Balance of feed will be aofii on my phosphate spreader; 16-ft. phosphate 780 thy hay; 4 bushels 404-A seed con:;«, 3^00 bushels Vicland oats; 10 tons ixed hsy; 6^)00 bushels goodi corn; 10 ft. silage in 14-11. silo. Fsrm Machinery, Etc. FIVE TRACTORS-tMc-D. Model- H tractor on rubber, with stfrter, lights and cultivator; MAM Model- Z tractor cn rubber with cultivator, Iwer lift and power take-off; New ver King tractor on rubber, with starter, lights and cultivator; 1942 Ford son tractor, 6-speed axle, with Ford agriculture 7-ft. Ford 7-ft jriculture ft. tandem disc; mower and Mc-D. 15-30 tractor on rubber. Caae tractor plow, Massey two-bottom, 14-inch; Interna larru own farm 1 mile north of the John Nihan farm. This la one of the outstanding dairies that will be offered for sale thie winter and spring. 10 cows in from 2 to 4 weeks, 10 cows springing and S summer cows Eader on rubber: ;2 Me-D. corn ters with fertiliser attachments anted); 7-lt. rotary hoe; A-C 5- ft. combine; John Deere tractor corn planter, four-row, with fertiliser attachments; Case Modd-1 two-row,; 1 t.rJSS Holstein byll; 1 1- com picker; Power saw fcr Ford fear^old Holstein bull. >. tractor; Gehl hammermill; 1985 Ford| HOGS: 5 bred Spotted Poland-China truck platform rack; 1984 Ford 1V4 :; gilts: 1 spotted Poland-China boar; ton truck and grain baa: U.S. single i 10 Poand-China foodtU hogs. ichain elevator, 30-ft.; mteraational . Hay, Grain, file. burr mill, 8-in.; Joftn Dene hand f 80 tons of ear Nnj[ 12 tone of corn aheller; pump Jaak with % h.p 12-year-cld corn; 8jM> bu^Vicland oats; dec trie motor; 1% Itp. gasoline enfine; flare 2 rubber-tired box', and one International roller :s™£. withr ble box; steel mid bits; tank; 1 260 bales clover hay; 700 bales first cutting alfalfa hay; 26 ft silage In 12-ft. silo; 8 ft. wage in 14-ft. ailo. MiBdag Machine and Efuipmsnt wagon: forge; post drill DeLaval Milking Machine and Pipe galvanized tank; steel Line for 80 oowa, 2 single unite; all wooden tanks. S&, st3Sra,T^,l,e,lt lndl>dinC | tfi2 PONTIAC ElGHlTCOACH wld11!!! t*w0 a dKls^fara^ rw$S fl0ME HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- i°W °.n two. ^J5_WS 800-lh. deep freese; Zenith radio; n-00^v^r7 Wilf^f. InnS hashing machine a^d other house! 11:00 !L h^dgoods and other articles too siviuiui.-- | numerous to mention. Lunch Wagon -Att suite of $26 and a...., ttat amount, cash, over that amount a credit of six months, at S per . will be --tended on noteo ap- TERMS: 826. and u deriL Theae desiring that amount one credit kindly sab arrangoments bankable notes with Grounds tdsr, cash; over year time on W% down, balperformance. Try it today jrou'll like it all winter. SMSi ^ i: instances have been knocked and pawed while walking or playington our roads. The one other j reason is to protect the many beaut! •! ful evergreens and other shrubbery that have suffered so much damage from these dogs in the past. No greater evidence of this damage can be seen than at our honor roll j Sounds where the beautiful shrubry, which was planted before last Memorial Day, is now completely j ruined end will have to be replaced.; So let us all get that chip off our: shoulder and co-operate. Keep Mc-< Cullora Lake safe and beautiful. Coarratalatiena »To j Mrs. Ercel Richardson on her ^ birthday anniversary, January 18.' Michael Schmitt on his birthday,; January 19. j Elaine Vycital on her tenth birth-: day, January 29. Jimmy Doran en his first birthday, Januarv 26. Mr. and Mrs. Eklward Doran on their 30th wedding anniversary, January 20. Nate and Bolts We dedicate thia weeks Nuts and Bolts column to Ben Schaefer of Johnsburg, who confessed to us that he holds the weekly Plaindealer upside down while reading our column so as to get at thie bit o' nonsense first. 'A dime is a dollar with the taxes taken out. * 1 A girdle is a garment that prevents a lot fit loose walk. A wedding shower symbolises the beginning of a reign. I When a gentleman lies to a womap COMPILING THE FIRST AMERICAN I^MSy egg will Ue en Ite •m on mm bottom of a pan of wator. If stale it eriO stand on end if very old it will riae to the surface. THIRD ANNUAL CATTLE SALE -•M:. On Grab Hill Rd., being 214 southwest of Lake Villa, S south of Antioch, SV4 mQn ' west of Round Lake, on SATURDAY, JAN. 25 at 12:80 o'clock 27 head of Hoi., Goer., Shorthorn, Swiss and Hereford cattle. There axe 9 springers, 4 recently fresh; 6 bred Hoi., heifers, coming with first calf; 8 Guer., heifers coming with first calf; Swiss cow, coming with second calf; HoL cow, due March; HoL bull, 22 mo. old; Guer. bull, 20 mo. old; bull call, 8 mo. old; 2 heifer calvea, 8 mo. old. 'r: 4 fat butcher hogs, Feed: 100 bu. oats, 8 ton choice mixed hay. portable strainer, Equipment: Pago milker, complete, Some household furniture. New tan breeching harness, never used; 1989 iFord V-8 Tudor sedan, good condition. BERT GALIGER Chandler & Elfers, Auctioneero Public Auction Service Co., Clerk. * xii THE BRIDGE McHenry, Hi. i -d uIder hew mana Wishes to announce that its *«'V m: DINING ROOM is now open, eorving good food and cocktails. •§, <,j. -: "0 in - PHOIN MCHXNST 36 ' ; - V ^ ^ i y a L , *. • ain In 1946 CHEVROLET IN CAR PRODUCTION a a \fh*t IN TRUCK PRObuCTION IN COMBINiD CAR AND TRUCK PRODUCTION! t- TV lOAIN at tlto doee of 1946-- when America's need for new motor cart and trucks it most urgent --the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors leads all other manufacturers in automotive production. This means that Chevrolet is iirat in paaaengmr car production--first in truck production--Arat in combined jMMsan#er car mnd truck production ... despite the fact that aQ Chevrolet plants were dosed completely during the first three months of 19461 Naturally, Chevrolet hopea to be able to build more and move cjf these fine products which America ig buying so eagerly--the only motoft car giving BIO-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST--the only true* giving BIG-TRUCK QUALITY At LOWEST COST--the complett Chevrolet line which stands out as thj^ km--t-pricud line in its iSaJdgf Meanwhile, it stands to reason youlK get bigger ra/ua and quicker delivery by ptarhating the product of America's largest buOda of cais sad tracks Chevrolet! £ 3i? Rsrasmbor, Plaoa and I IfilglST MOIVCIIOM means QVICRtST gKHVilY of your nen&aiv l> your order with us for a new Chevrolot and got bisosst value as well as 3 aartlest poesiWe deliyfry! SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES Corner Rts. 120 and 31 r? McHenry, Illinois -- •W' " 'S"T " -- " Ms

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