Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1947, p. 5

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Vtatataff Hie iwb publicised Mali gfMMkiT, tti Own ««• ImJIM --fat. JTSTW 18 '• «M MWM wSnJuij, •eaansey, . • giva wbitwtiil 1--nti to this aai «• init thaa to kaew mmi an en the Job to' of thoee doMtkna. workhorse and for the Th. vUton ggj*.> VvBttB off On- 1® to BUI <ta »|ttal letters), Walter Um- !••• IsHmUii* he on the order of the Lovelorn" -- only TW; Milt Pederson rises to state that •Ibm "Bnada" has bean promoted to "Associate Editor" ha wants to as "Associate Sfcorts --Aad have comes a contribution: ~ ftuaou Sehlita Distributor, Lennon, batter known as Jim, and his. chief bo^ Fetor A. Freund, to thing trip last Saturday, resulting t Mf catch of basa (mostly bottle basa). fUr youngsters did better. I They came in with blue-giUs." tell as that the sons Lamp Lighter" brings memories of our Dad to then! why don't we mention it in the took I All old timers and some not so can remember when Math Neisen oar Dad were the official lampin McHenry. This was in connection with their police duties. •l They had to carry cans of kerosene from corner to corner, extra foil equipment. At one were only lighted on nights, wed oil, w# wicks time, dads' resume. if*".' £ On windy nights when matches re hard to control, an ever-lighted :|cigar ms used on the wick. 1 1 v' People appreciated those lights .iind often left little gifts, such as inside the lamp aa a sur- On One occasion a kindly old lady left aome baby beats. McHenry had not grown up in the irvp-lighter day*, but bonds of lendship were strong and kindly emories linger on. r A northern Illinois AAU basketball will be held February IS, IS and 16 at the big Rocklory for tiie benefit of the Shrine crippled children's - home tend and the northern Illinois Cathochildran's welfare fund. The tournament, limited is open to amateur layers throughout the up Illinois counties. The to 16 pner tier champion runner-up crowned at Roclcford be eligible to compete In the itral AAU championship at Peoria r in the month, and the winner Peoria will continue on to the jnathmals at Denver. William K. Todd of. the Roclcford Republic has been named i for District 2 and is accepting eatriea. Applications fur en- JSy Hanke may T>e mailed to him. ^Entries will be accepted on a firat- U legibility regulations. 7 at the to have Don Howard took over theft*. ward peats for Don Meyer and Jfee Jackaon during the second quarter, a lot. of speed on the visilnr the aeon on an Vt to IS. Bade cama Jackson aftid Meyer aa the second half started* lad they were far different performers than in the first quarter. Jackson was much like Ms eftl eelf of high school days--only better! He dropped in three shots before the Dundee bpys could realise that their- pieink wa« over. . _ Osmplenea Changes McHenry pulled up to within one' point of the visitors as the third quarter ended 87 to 86. The complexion of the game had changed. In conjunction with the scortag department, the Co-op guai-ds, 'George Jaekson and Lee Smith, were proving themaehrea a pretty ragged pair of defense men. The fourth quarter waa a nip-andtuck battle that had the large crowd at a high pitch, but the home favorites couldn't get out in front. Joe Jackson was replaced in the last couple of minutes in a bit of strategy that gave the grandstand managers a chance to second guess. But, thats neither here nor there. The Co-ops lost their first game in fourteen starts and that must be considered pretty, good in any man's league. 1m dkns turned out fine for this attraction and wen well-pleased with the great second half effort put forth by the Go-ops. They were also high in their praise of the very nifty play of the Dundee boys. The Co-op "B" boya lost a S» to 29 contest to the Zarndt second sauad. BOX SCORE CO-OPS "A"--46 FG FT Fouls, Meyers ...--« 4 2 8 Geo. Jackson 4 0 4; Howard »*•«*••«•,»»««*..««« a.% ± 0 0 Joe Jackaon ....--...... § 0 JU Bill Bolger % 1| Lee Smith <Capt) J;-.' 1K 2 Peterson Z f 4 1 TOTALS ..... DUNDEE--49 Schumaker, R. Storm ............... Ehlert Schumaker, B. Swanaon Menke ............... Bruhn TOTALS -- .18 8 12 rr Foul* -- ? J iteo, zzV: 39 12 ~ The "A" Co-ops tacked on another victory to their list. Hiey list Richmond on their own floor 58 to 52 last night. A lot of color was added when four of the local boys fouled out, leaving only three men to hold the Richmond five. Don Howard a*8,,£jf gun with 15 points. | McCleUan 6. The, "B'r Co-ops oiled up another Hauff« II for their list," by defeating a Rich- j D#vj# mond quintet 51 to 82. * j Madison Thoughts and After Thoughts-- | Mueller Watch the Sports Calendar--The potboys at the high school vKll give - 'em all they've got when Crystal Lake plays here Saturday night-- The Lakers are pretty class}v --When SPEEDY DELAVAH FIVE BEATS MCHS 44 TO 34 IN CONFERENCE TILT Last Friday night the Warriors travelled to Delavan and suffered their fourth leaa in the Swani conference. Delavan, a fast and acrappy little team, outclassed the Warriors in the second and fourth periods to make the final score 44 to 84. McClellan, Delavan's speedy forward, took scoring honors for the evening with 16 points. Neiss and Buss led the Warrior* with 10 and 8 points respectively. \ Janier Vanity L*W First The Junior Varsity Ust their first game of their conference Friday night 37 to 27. DELAVAN--44 FG FT Fouls 8 2 S O 4 1- 5 (Capt) .... I -| , - 4 0 8 0 1 9 0 ton), Osssga On, •arry-a» Test, Bob I*i»ka, Pepper Mart* aad fkaak Filsah. of a • had a araM is sadly Is !)!!•§ today. For example, Lao Durodwr of the. Dodgers haa drawn mora comment t h a n any f i v e , m a n a g e r s . Led t s a great manager. But a large flock of this publicity has come from details far apart from basebalL Ted Williams drew more words, favorable and unfavorable, than any oilier ball player last year. So Ted must have had a type of'color. They at least knew he was around, liking him or hating him. Joe Louis has the color of ring perfection--one of the greatest fighten of all time. But outside of this Joe is an extremely quiet fellow who doesn't like the great bright spotlight. 'Just Business Men' In Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson, golf has two of the greatest golfen the ancient Scottish tame has ever sent to the fairways. But who could say they were in the same class with Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen or Gene Sarazen for crowd appeal? They are two prominent business men who can break 70, collect their dough and move along. Mnsial, one of the aleest you ever met, a great ball player, the top of the year. Isn't aaleifnl In any' senee of the word. Stan .Is Jnst a great ball player, •e wants to he aofMag else. Neither is Eddie Dyer, an able manager aad a graat feBew. Sport today has become big business. Then Is plenty In the way of sport left, hat with the buttons, nst the millions, Involved, a let ef eeler has seeped out. I was talking about this color angle-with Frank Frisch, the New RocheDe flower expert. "Just what is color?" I asked Frisch, as Johnny Kieran cocked an attentive ear, a Kieran habit when any information is coming along. "The lads ef afl osier." Frtseh is always abttty first No get by. Many have tried to oa-eaRed color, la the place ef aWttty. It won't Galar moans Dempsey, Uteheeck, Grange, eta., afl stars. Color Is also a natural quality. It eaa't be faked. Two ef the eolerful ball ptayen of all tlnM Babe Bath and Dlsay Dean. always wan »y-- Charlie Mertes and Pink Harrison j Neiss TOTALS -- ^McHENRY--84 -were snowed in last winter they spent the same half dollar back and forth for days--It's up to a dollar this winter--Inflation!-- City Sigh to-- Donnie Schaefer (West Side Butcher) with a newly-purchased play pen --Bowling notes will show a 250 nme and 565 series for Barbara Freund--And to keep the top scores among the Freanda, Ben came through with a lofty 284 game in the Johnsburg league You don't sec every day. i LARGE SPORTS SHOW AT ROOKFORD IK MARCH Rockford, Illinois will be the scene of the first annual Illinois-Wisconsin . Sports Show to be held in the Shrine Temple on March 18, 14, 15 and 16. „ Patterned after larger sports shows /held annually around the country, the Illinois-Wisconsin Sports Show will feature exhibits of outstanding national manufacturers of sporting ^ equipment, as well aa exhibits of *-**• local sporting organisations. Beside the regular exh&ta, the ahow will ^feature a display from the Conser- • irssi ' and game found in Illinois. Doors to the exhibition will he - open from noon to midnight daily v 9 throughout the four days, s, A thrill-packed floor ahow will be J presented twice daily by outstanding ; sporting pOTonalitiaa^ Of apodal % interest to toe ladies will be a sports ,J style show featuring the latest in fS 1947 sports foahiona. :• Thursday afternoon, March LockwootK S. Miller . MMuurrpphhyj .----- Buss (Capt.) G. Miller Bockman McCulIa TOTALS 15 Score by quarters: Delavan 6 6 19 30 Mrflenry 9 16 26 Fouls' 5 5 8 aai ftaMe, bat great artiste. Bart Game's the Ttung Now 'r , "The game doesn't need color today," frisch said. "You can start a dog fight between two ierrien and draw 10,000 people. Ball clubs that were far down in the second division drew from 800,000 to 1,000,000. Football games that meant nothing except another football game were sellouts. Today it is the spectacle, the contest, that fills a stadium or a park, not any outstanding star. It's the game, the show today, not an individual star." This Is an trae. It all may be for the general good ef vert. Afta all, only toe game sonata. Bat daspite this aay for hamaa Waddell, Tost, a eertala 44 84 BSgfa School Ti Win At Whitewater Both basketball teams nspretenting MCHS wen sucMsafid in winning at Whitewater Tuesday night. The "Big Warriors" had an easy time winning 48 to 81. The local Junior Varsity won by a 28 to 22 score. Box scon of the McHenry first squad follows: BOX SCORB „ - •FG FT Fouls 4 0 \ I f { McHENRY Neiss ...... Lockwood S. Miller •GV TX Buss Bockman ... W. McCulla J. McCulla TOTALS 15 S 5&iS!FaWsartrt reduced rate. Special programs of i interest to children an planned far 18,1 this time. •w 486: HL Sartoes, 484; G. 481; S. Fiaand, 407; F 488; B. Ftwand, 471. L. BoeheBs, f telatne OrOl, 1. E. E.IHaneenT4b8; M. RechalU, 174-441; Pink Harrlseaa. 1--Jetto Nielsens, 1. D. Psisart, 8)1; L rait, 485; ,E. Frost, 484; N. Larkln, 188-155- ^ 171-514; L. Miller, 188-178-467; D. 2891--Tmyaas, 2888. t..: Schaefer, 418. 184-487; Gas Ffreund, 196- Patonon Boat Co^j-jolly RfaA, 1. M. Dahnrto, 181-178-470; E. 2459. J. Peterson, 487, Adsert, 419. k - iltaGerald Crshma) CAT. (4 ^ Baitdta, lfH -- BaxtoH, 491; A. 171. 1748 -- fiasfUe Marke 177; P. Breman appeal that aa few have today. Sport nnnllUis ara serleas peaat a big Job aew. Mast M b 'JSTSi ha Is heavy. The big idea is Today we have only and I can't even remember their names. Joe Louis? The top champion of them aB--who limita hi* publicity to ring efficiency. In baseball we have Ted Williams--who is still a big story when he flops. Stan Musial, the best ball player in the game today, is just the beat ball player. He has no interest in any outside headlinea. Footbafl coaches --able business man with a big Job to do. No particular color. No Rockne, no Zuppke, no Yost It may ha better tiiis way. But it's duller. Bavtves Va 187-888; & 0. W(' 518; C. J. I Od Thaera- Jones, 28 518; CristyT 488; N. 8251 481. -- Bacons, 2841. Blake, 179-488; M. Schaefer, 188-488; Dowhs, 498. MeGeee Clbthia|t. 2-^Stilliiws In Jones, h' L Stilling, 495. StaffSns Jewelry, 2--Blake Motors, 1. -M, Whiting. 4ftB; J. Stilliw, 477. ^ Dichows Market,. 8--Hoots Tavern, Pap Fenska, 110 John Weber, i|4; Plate Olson, 181. To revive the flowers women's hate, hold them over the steam from a teakettle. The vefl can be pressed betweefa two cb|f$! of wax paper. fiBifi fir Fir? A " United States is the only Match-- ' ' Rolaine OrUl, 887« f - R t n g w o o d ; Tavern, 2851. Frost>0^16^201-660. j SmttTfel1 W. M. 8«nltk, »8-545;'| | for the usual two games* game starta at 7:18 pja. Crystal Ldke high School cornea to 1885. a Grandt, 458. 5^ <is±r^rs^.iFir,t!"™ *"*"rM 509; Tonyan, 516; Jones, 586; Paluch. SUNDAY, JANUARY 19-- Herdricha, 2 -- McGees, 1. W. Kreataer, 198-51|; Ba«er, 214-582; Rosing. 588; Pr&e, 586i w Lumber, 8 -- Kre^txer, Justen, 518; G. Justen, 609; Bacon, 188-508. WWiBKf B8Ai a Alexander K Diat, 1. Schlitt, 218-581; N. 220-205-156-581; Weber, 6 County Bowling Tournament starts with the team event* at the Palaee. The Oo-opa are the hosts to the Barrington Rangers and the Jewel Tea Co., in two games. The local high school is the place and 7:15 p.m. the time. G. L League--. _ . m ^ FRIDAY, JANUARY St-. McHenry Sand -A_Gnvel, 2--Wt- The MCHS Warrior* are host to Henry Bank. 1. , Jnn McAndrews, {Burlington high school. Two games 191; Ingersol, 208-492; Stoller, 521; M usual, first to start at 7:30 p.m., Sutton, 194; Adaaaa, W. tin the local gym. Hoots, 8 Bolatos Grill. L A. Noonan, 478; T. Noonan, 184; Duttko, 882-488. Newsboys, 2--Matte Tavern, 1. R. Smith, 496: Justen, 190-489; A. Phannenstill, 188-478. ~ -- - - 2 -- Fitspat- Amerleaa Then an some 700 wineries la California. It is because fine wines are made in this and other statee McHenry Plumbing, tthhaatt tthhee ddeemaanndd ffoorr Euurrooppeeaann ricks, 1. bowe, 198- 888; P. Freund,1 wines haa for the last decsde de» 187-&Q8i Grandt, 185. f creased rapidly in this country. •--Sdmefers^*-' • \ ' Sabscrlbe for the Plaindaaler SSk^Pub, 2708 -- AnUoch, 2527. | Schlitt, 156- 227 - 2l8"*-688; Kraust, 288-589f Koob, 578. Schaefer Rec, Girls, 2158; Co-ops (men), 2181. E. Hoyte, 179-486;: M. Sutton, 200-502; N.J^kin, iUM- 440; S. Miller, 514. ,1 , , Durban Fneund, 250- 565. Fenske, 8--Stillings Gift Shop, «. G. Runs, 400; M/&»tton, 451; B. Wagner, 177-408; N. Larkln, 185. 512. Oak Park Hotel, 8--Vogue, 0. V. Johnaon, 401; M. Simon, 480; T. Hoyer, 175-468. Hettermanns Tavern, 8--Volo Bait Co., 1. B. Hulquist, 407; L. Frisby, 402; M. Weingart, 458; P. Pne«, 418; G. Millerk 408; E. Gnoit, 411. Jehnabarg-- ... . & fi nearta, 8--B. Frsaads 1. 8ten Freund, 191-198-200-584; Ben Freund' 864-588. A. Jachaons, 8-- MiUaaa. 1. Go®- i Nowak, 194-506; Art Jackson, 502.: J. Fntts, 8--Martinecs, 0. G. Jacksons, 2---Smiths, 1. J. Michels, 181-479; C. Smith, 175-486. Pale, 2--Old Bridge Tavern .. "Sonnyy" Miller, 214^- 2,1 8-140-567; J. Carlson, 219-535; PeiMrt, 182- 216-200-698; Rosing, 201-550; Meier, 609; Bennett. 155-201-231-587. Prager Beers, 2--Hester Oils, 1. Surtees, #>1-603; Preis, 195-217-210- 622; Kreutser, 536; Hup Smitih, 5W; Hester, 219-552; V. Johnson, 169- 210-218-595. Volo Bait Shop, River Novelty, 0. Gilliford, 586; Sutton, 226-666; Gnoit, 514. Basts, 2--Blatx, 1. fcause, 209- 580; Herman Schaefer, 527; Wruplewski, 588; Koob, 536. Tavern Leaage-- Rolaine Grill, AMHMCA'S MOST fAMOVS SUMB-WASM JACKIT "Tr- $12^0 up Wind-proof, showarrasistant WINDBREAKERS with lina wool linings. As advertised in Life ft Saturday Evening Foot. McGEE'S McHENRY vs. RANdRS t JEWE TEA CO. McHENRY HIGH SOHOOL OTM > i Sum, Hnt to Start at 7:16^'^ TMRK IS SO BETTS&MEAB AT MT PSNK1 ^ a mum QUAKBR STATE 2^2S* BROADCAST •MK. * a # • ^ HEINZ CKJW •< TNUT0 SNP ll-Ot CAN UIBTS, IN HEAVY SYtOf aaMtnaiffOft PEARS ....can tSc .lOtf SWNSMMI * KriapytiMkBvt .^tSc NAfCO, 9INM Ol MAMAieUA Airy Wo FOt IAVNNV USi "i MUS8URY. CERESOTA Oft ML! I 8E6UIA8 Oft -- RATObpIU#! Vf; , » I IMMtCMUES A HOUUM PSOOMCt A HOUUM MOOUCT N--it Knmfc.. 22* JUNKKT lIlVAMMMSIl •P VtWwlViirI >rMK9r»'a Z^'S t FOft KVitY USK flag nee. 2-iB. ^fK26. 5* TWSNTY MUllTSAM Btvax -- WHIN AVAILASU Sapr S TtOYHOUSI PKG. M| SOAP POWDER FLEECY WHITE RINSO --8INSO I 33 RINSO WHITE--RINSO IRIGHT LARGE PK«. BLEACH IT--OiOOl 21 DISINFECTANT--OEOOORANT V^al|||c JUC a college of accepted the deaf. GaQaadet coDdge, estabUAed In Waaihlngton. D. C., In 1881, awards the usual bachelors' and magtap? degrees |D art and s^aee. _ «*:• _ ^ ^ • Firestone Cires We now have a food stock of tires, all sises, in truck, trader, passenger car, motortyde, bicycle and wheelbarrow. Cold weather is hard on cars and trucks, espedall} if they are not winterised. We are prepared to serve yon with, ANTIFREEZES, CHARS TO FIT PASSENGER 0AR8, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, PUMP8 AMD jlCKB, FAN BELTS, RADIATOR HOSE, 'TKRS, FOG LIGHT8, 8EAT COVERS, ETC. w- C. • w l l i . Walter J. Fre A: TIRES--TUBES --ACCESSORIES AND TUBE VTJLCANIZINC| ; QRK GUARANTEED HcHenry CAUFORNIA LARGE LETTNE HEAP fOftTO RICAH SWEET NTATIES 3 PIORIDA mm. SKIN TMGERIN slosioa jutca ORANGES Wu.41* •TANJOUISMKraM ' FEARS 4r »* mfmm 45' MiawaAW tsuow ONIONS 19 t^ lS* 1 8 CAUNNMU CARROTS m LARGE |Ae CRUNCHES |9~ € MAINS Sspof SpMls n^4r 8 " • aHP>S|iPB 4:1 rtfj 1 *-i -j k[; ;l *4 •] * ' ---nr-~ t . n ^'5 V'J = - , ri>* *" J" " - •x.- -A-;. J ' .>* J* ^ A . i i* '• 1 • 't; 2 ^ • > V > w 4 ' M , . \ ^ - *' •' ** r**v j ^ Ia.-" ~ >1 ^ * • ' - -5: - v.? : 1 k. *4 * & » -k4 »• j :y ! •. """V •>.

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