Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1947, p. 6

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•" ; TA'-' " i / ' &£:®; l*V-" V'* :^K. s,v,. fOft HM1 Four-deck, heated chicken brooder. Henry 9084-2. 5* MM and wt wlifte'ear; bbtk eollar '"Call McHenry 188. 86 FOB RALR--Scwinn Boy's Bicycle, ; nod condiion; bargain. Gam- Wast HELPWAHTSD McHenry. S6 FOR SALE Bed outfit, dresser, gas store and odd tiring room chairs. F. gnrft, Sunset View Subdivision. *35 FOB SALS--New GI two bedroom home; Ml basement; located 1 mile from McHenry city limits, immediate occupancy. Tel. McHenry 227-J. Homes also available for citisens. 35 HELP WANTED--Lathe tends for tool room; experienced. McHenry MiSg. Oo-463 toiM Late load, Mc- Hemy, 111. none McHenry 498. 85-tf HBLP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEfN.i.1. HU. N.» TER ..B O1 ' AT CP, 88-tf HBLP WANTE6--Women and girls, to sew. Good opportunity for those interested in thi* type work. Ajpplj 20-tf FOR SALE--1939 Chevrolet master deluxe tndor sedan; 4 new tires; A-l -------.y- U1 condition: $825. Phone McHenry Riverside Mfg. Co., McHenry. W-J-l. *35139. FOR SALE--Small poultry farm, 251 seres, 10-rm. hoose, toilet and run-] ning water, 8x28 ft. glass enclosed front porch, two poultry houses, j brooder house, 2-car garage, tool j house. Possession April 1. Edward Keefe, 1% miles E. Spring Grove, on blacktop road. 35 FOR SALE -- ZENITH RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION. Hazel Flagler, Center Ave., Lilymoor. 35 FOR SALE--One set of new heavy duty chains, dual wheel triple side track. Size 7.5x20 or 34x7. Also 1995 Chevrolet 1%-ton truck, flat bed, long wheelbase. Tel. McHenry 692-R-2. 35-tf FC* SALE--One Link Belt Stoker; excellent condition; suitable for state or home use. Phone McHenry 25L 35 FOR SALE -- One used Electric Range; perfect condition. Price $45. R. G. Ullrich. Phone 636-W-l. 35 .FOR SALE -- Wonder Lake home; six rooms, completely furnished; furnace heat; enclosed porch; basement. £as hot water heater and stationarv laundry tubs; garage. Lot 100x135 ft. TeL Wonder Lake 558. • 34-tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--Cocker Spaniel Pups-- Pedigree. Reasonable price. Call Saturday or Sunday or write Peter Volid, Sky Lane Farm, Lake Villa 2662. 34-2 FOR SALE -- Generators, starters, fuel pumps, water pumps, radiator and heater hoses, fitted floor mats for Fords and Chevrolets. Motorola auto radios. Gamble's, West McHenry. Phone 459. 23-tf FOR 8 A LB--Tear-round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Man ville Rock Wool Home Insulstion "Btownfo" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILIJNG, McHenry 18. tttf. FOR SALE--Modern 5-room house, large Inclosed porch, side drive garape, full cement basement, automatic oil heat, large lot, one Mock from Bos Ration, 2 miles from McHenry. Call ' Jacob Fritz, REALTOR, At Johnsburg, Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Lincoln 1333 Chicago. 27-tf. LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x850 ft., on Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf New Film Speed* Up Telecasting of Events A new motion picture film great* ly facilitate? the felecastingf of public events within a few hours of their occurrence and produces improved television images Newscameramen from the National Broadcasting company used the new "Telefilm" to make pictures when President Truman reviewed the 442nd combat team and affixed a Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation banner to the unit's regimental colors. Immediately after the ceremony the exposed stock was developed, flown to New York, and used in negative form with the WNBT television film camera reversing the image electrically to its positive form. Pictures of the event were broadcast just a few hours after coverage had been completed Similar telecasts of newsworthy events have not always been feasible, according to television engineers, because lack of time or complications in setting up heavy television equipment did not permit direct broadcast. The new film, used in an ordinary movie camera, is designed to cope with such conditions. It makes a newsreel available for broadcast as soon at it has been develooedt. a party, flsaass prises awarded tte CMP IMI liv.CHII . Ml WIrhi Freund, Caroline Gillespie, CarsI Dolores »' " Tommy spent Sat Mrs, John tte Joseph P. Freund Mrs, Freund is « patient Therese hospital. lbs. underwent a major operation Monday of last week and is recovering nicely. An evening at cards was spent in the Daniel Miller home on Wedn day by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent, Mi?.. Lucille Nelson, Miss Edith Stewart t>0 Richmond,.. Lawrence and Art Nimsgern, "Pro" Mayv Joe Brown, Jr., and "Shim** Karls. A large crowd attended the Firemen's, Dance held in the Town Hall Saturday night. Everyone dancing ;to the tausic furnished by Bessie Baril and her accordian and Tommy Bower at the drums. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish of Chicago visited Mends and relative* here this weekend. "Pro" May suffered severe injuries to his hand when he was badly burned on Saturday. Others who are ill at their homes are Joseph G. Wagner, Mrs. Anton May and Chuck Martin. A bowling team from these parts had a return match with a Wonder Lake team at McHenry Sunday afternoon. This time our team lost by twenty-five pins. Nevertheless everyone enjoyed the refreshments at the Rolaine Grill' in Wonder Lake after tte bowling. ; tS- {Jaunty, eaimoit te eannot te ha ii^a *.n .plaintiff in tte /above angle AM ter complaint in I on tte 18th day of Jan- 1947, and that said action Biggest Strnctnre Tte largest masonry structure ever erected by man is the Grand Coulee dam on the Columbia river. Tte dam is seven times as big as the Cheops pyramid in Egypt. Its spillway can form a waterfall five times the average flow of Niagara and three times as high. HANSON AND HUFFMAN AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Anctionefr Phone Woodstock 478 A food way to use old soap scraps is to grate them into chips on a household grater, or put them through the food chopper. Or they may be placed in water in a jar, and in a short time a bottle of liquid soap useful for many purposes will have been collected. Keep toilet soap scraps in one container for use as shampoo or for washing lingerie, and kitchen soaps in another for bard cleaning. • -- v -- . ffearth's Barface The vertical distance between the highest and the lowest points on the earth's surface is only 12 miles. Farm Service Way Preferred -- Insured AUCTION L-H. FREEMAN Tel. 122, Hebron, fiT, JON, The farm having Tieen sold, will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Dittman farm located about 6 miles southwest of Woodstock, 3 miles northeast of Union, 7 'miles west of Crystal Lake and 6 miles east of Marengo, on----- The undersigned will sell an Public Auction on the old AMBORM farm, located 4 miles east of Lake (Geneva, Wis,, on Highway 50, then 1 mile north or 3 miles south of Lyons, Wis., or 8 miles southwest of Burwe i lington, Wis., on ' ^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Commencing at 10:30 o'clock sharp the following described property, towit: U HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of HORSES BOARDED--Room for two. ,_?6 Co** -- Nearly all' fresh Reasonable. Call Saturday or Sun-; bala"ce springe", 1 bull, day or write IPeter Volid, Sky Lane y«nrting heifers, 6 heifers under Fkrm, Lake Villa 2662. 34-2 months SATURDAY, JANUARY tt 1947, coaaawncing at II ottock i Lunch Wagon on Graands 45 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK MISCELLANEOUS old. 14 brood sows, 10 feeder Spotted Poland China boar.' 170 White Rock pullets. Hay, Ghiia and Machinery 800 bu. oats, 2,000 bo. oar corn in 23 ft silage in 12-ft silo; 3 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install punrns. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 98J. 10-tf jcrib; w . • * -- tons baled straw and 10 tons loose electric chick starting batteries, 4 . 8 ton» hay; 70 bales ?ussev electric chick starting batter- LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY i timothy hay. {»«•» 80 Bussey chick feeding batter- AND REMOVAL INSURED Mc-D. H. tractor on rubber with ies, including feedersand water pans. FREE ' cultivator: Me-D. J5*-SO tractor on I GRAIN, HAY, FEED -- 600 bales 42 HEAD HDLSTEIN * GUERNSEY CATTLE, consisting of 29 Milch Cows, of which 16 are springers, 5 are fresh, balance milking food. 6 heifers, 2 years old, bred; heifers, 8 months old; 1 Purebred Holitein Bull, 1 Steer. MILKING (EQUIPMENT--DeLaval „ 4-unit milking machine, coftiplete; 3; McDeering milking machine. 2 units; q 23 10-gal. milk cans* 4 nails, Dairy Maid water heater, wash ami solution tanks. HOGS--8 Shoats, weight 150 lbs.; 1 self hog feeder, 8 hog troughs. POULTRY AND EQUIPMENTIS New Hampshire Red hens, 2 chick feeders, 1 chick fount, 2 Jamesway cultivator; Mc-F-30 J. W. Bex 188, rubber; Mc-D. B. tractor with culti- crop alfalfa hay, 150 teles sec- Ptene 298-R; W. McHsnty, KB. 40-tf vator, power lift, starter and Regular year John E. Hill. P. 0. Box Henry, Phone 365. fa ; '0. D ' life- ESTIMATES RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box _ light* • | ond crop" alfalfa hay, 400 bales mixed CKUttkrv rnn nmwr h. JD ^r*in drill on rubber with 200 bales straw, 1,000 bushels bABBAGE COLLECTING--l^t power lift, grass seed and fert at- Vicland oats, 25 tons ear corn, quandispose of^your garbage nch week,. tachment. i tity of loose straw and fodder, 125 ^ ITRLr,!ior^ J® 8-bottom" 12-inch plow; AUis ^lfs timothy hay, 80 ft. silage in rates. Regular year round route. Chalmers 10-ft. tractor grain drill, 14"ftf j l a l l steel; Mc-D. power corn binder TRACTORS, TRACTOR EQUIP- ! with loader; Allis Chalmers combine; MENT--McDeering Model-M tractor TREE TRIMMING - Available for ™c «nder; JD ^h Power lift cuWvator wito fruit and shade tree trimming. Dan-1hammermi11 with cutter head and "terterflights andI2seta.of wheels, geroue limbs and dead trees removed, i S?m®j ^t-' hammermill; Mc- battery, McDeering 1 • Tel. McHenry 630-R-2. 85-2 D- »,de ^delivery rake; Mc-D. 8-ft. factor ganjf plow, 2 tandem discs, ---- |tandem disc; 10-ft. tractor disc; Mc-,8 *"d 10 ft.; David Bradlev PLASTERING--Ceilings, arches and ID. 14-in. plow; JD 999 corn planter manure spreader on rubber, Mc-D. patching, also new work. Reason-1 with fertiliser attachment. hammermill, Mc-D. silo filler, Mc-D. able. B. Bartnick, Box 385, Wau- IHC corn planter with fertiliser corn hinder with loader and carrier, eonda, 111. Phone Wauconda, 2501.1 attachment; Mc-D. 4-sec. rotary hoe;j^® ft. drive belt, Mc-D. five Made 85 ^ Mc-D. single row cultivators; IHC »talk cutter, new: Allis-Chalnwrs 4-sec. drag »nd folding drawbar; 3-|WC tractor on rubber with power sec. steel Mcf-D. manure spread-! lift cultivator. er; Appleton 4-roll corn husker; FARM _ MACHINERY--Mc-Deering Hoosier 8-ft. lime sower; trailer lime fi?.rain binder, Me-D. **afa sower; Timken bearing wagon and binder, Mc-D. 6-ft. mower, Mc-D. 8- rack; 2 iron-wheel wagons and 1 grain drill, disc, with fertiliser, box; corn sheller; rubber-tired milk cart 6 hog feeders and troughs; 2 brooder houses, 2 unit Surge milk- YOUR overcoat mothproofed for 5 years for only 62c. Berlou Moth- SPray guarantees to repair or replace your coat if damaged by moths within 5 years. Bolger's Drug Store. 85 WANTED TO BUY US ' 1 1rANTED TO BUY -- Four or five room summer home, near McHenry, •n or near Fox River. Address Box fBJ," care Plaindealer. 26-tf ANTED--Small farm wanted, 30 acres more or less in vicinity of Mcfitenry. Give location, price, de- Jcripoon of land and improvements, cription of land and improvements, when possession. John E. White, 888 Dacy1 St^ Woodstock, UL Telephone 566-J. 35 FOR RENT fM IPT-JMeim rooms; winter nia te laii aaek or month. Oak iK a^>ls*kee Bay. Tel. Mcin- K~2 <1 .f t«.« ing machine, pipe for 36 stanchions* Dairy Maid electric water heater; 13 milk cans; steel tank; stone boat; wheelbarrow; 60 steel posts; electric fence; 2 drive belts; 8-in 78-ft. and 6-in. 75-ft.; walking plow; hay rope; gas barrels; shovels; forks and other small tools. This is a large sale and machinery and feed will be sold before noom Lunch wagon on grounds. Terms: All, sums of 825.00 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled a G. HANSON and GBORGE a HUFFMAH first National Bank ef Clerking : . .v: m (IIHV OTVUNIV deHvery rate, r. Mc-D. "80" A grass seeder and power lift, Mc-D. corn binder, Mc-D. three section lever drag, Lindser two-section lever drag, two row sulky cultivator, Me Deering corn planter with fertiliser attachment and check wire. John Deere corn planter. New Mea high speed trailer wagon on rubber, basket hay rack, flat hay rack, double wagon box, Mc-D. power corn sheller with cob elevator. 2 Prime electric fencers, Mc-D. side New Idea hay lend r twine hay baler on rubber, »«w, rubber-tired wheelbarrow, steel-wheel wheelbarrow, cow clippers, some cedar posts, 1987 Fora 1 truck, 30 lb. grease gun. Usual Wisconsin Farm Auction Service Terms. ROSS FRIO Aoeton Service, tte* far •> tte Farm flsiike Wi _ * D - S 2 5 n t c S s s r - ^ • :•11 • ••••'•" • 1 -' • v. •• '••• 4*' "v> J"' *"*" """""fapfrng? ' " Farm CLARENCE'S SHI Kitchen cabinets and ntjftUMila aade to ordeiv yVt* Full line of lawn chairs, nie table sets, children's play picket fences, window boxes, bird houses, etc. ^ v -, Genuine leather men's and ladies' belts, pmioi/Hc. ^ CLARENCE SMITH TdL McHenry 625-J-l Jdbnsborg ELECTRIC MOTORS OOMPUTS MPAfR SHOP Rewinding ft EebaUdinf iury or Service BRUCE W. XLOMTZ 109 W. WX&XEOAH RD. 'ry^i 181 ' 4'-S, T,< - j*. Phone 19 jj^}> ^ 7& -4 mm J - k * *n: » '4.^'A Irtf ' -.4" "3 • '4 f **/ ; f * ,i,: ^*Sf | 'SSI .. tie' -i'r ».. ! '*%. '• ' Pi _; 5l6 Main Strnt "• ^ H in ' J - t! *v> Vi •tation --f >'r' >* formerly known aa BOB and SHORTY'S i ;• «•- w .W.. " ?<#• *jf,' r s'f 4 mgm • it, •-* ; >S Under New Management "JIM" DOWNS, Prop. Oome in ind see us^Khi an always welcome! 'w-k I! % • "Why, you mid youndf ilm$ mrt bmga in th* motorln Enjoy beer at its best.. FOX DE IUXE F? •If?- s •' .. ^ t • * HmM wHli l«ipoft«d m loi fore coat oi •1016 Vy nMll^ to exude, then Uteitetiltrlfa EVERY r< AY8TAL PAIKT From Depot Phone lilO DON A. WICKS, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATB of FR£D A. BOHLAMDER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3rd, 1047, Is the claim date in tte estate of FRED A, BOBLANDER, Deceased, {tending In tte County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that claims may bo filed agianst tte said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERALD J. CARET, Executor. (Pub. Jan. 2-9-16) Don. A. Wicks, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of CHARLOTTE J. MADDEN, Deceased. Notice is hereby riven to all persons that Monday, February 8, 1947, is the claim date in .the estate of Charlotte J. Madden, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance ef summons. WM. M. GREEN, Administrator* . (Pub. Jan. 9-16-23) Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of THEODORE G. STOCK, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to ail persons that March 3, 1947, is tte claim date in the estate of Theodore G. Stock, Deceased, pending- tn the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be film against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of mc jpStt:' ; GEORGE A. 8TOCK, vi ,: Administrator. (Pub. Jan. 9-16-23) ? •Hw_ ' r;;. TIL. Nemonr 47M ; CBCXL BALtpWE FRANK E. PAINTING ANO IMKXttAnNG Pteaw Mdtey 68S-W-S Paiatteg, f « Q-T TRUCKING CO. -- Graval Dirt -- Tracks Per •fea/r fateskaig itf-wMi MeHsnry.m. • R.-> m-w r - i, CL N. FREUND TBUCUNO Livestock --• Ltee -- 196 Waakegan Read Weet McHenry, IB. Attorney '• M DATS A. Wicks, NOTICE OF CLAIM Estate of ANNA a BOHLANDEU, Deceased. . Notice is hereby- given to all persons that Monday, February 8, 1947, is the claim date in the estate of VERNON J. KNOX * Attorney-At-Law Car. Green and Elm Sta„ McH< Tueeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointsaent Phone McHoaury 48 McHENRT GARAGE N9 Frent St (Boats 81) General Rapalrlag Wtldiaf--Arc and Acetylene Ught Bhrteaatft Work NICK F. MILLER Phone McHsnry 188-R P. FREUND CO. avating Centftlet ackfaig, Hriraalk and Crane Sei ilcs --ROAD BUILmNG-- TeL S94~M McHenry, TeL McHenry S43-J HAROLD H. BELL Paperkangteg, OM Wall Paper With Bteaner, Spray Paintiag 18S N. GREEN ST. McHENRT Wander Late 411 R. H. WATKIN8 Dentist 8ERVICE . Call WONDER LAKE SS8 LEO G. ^ A. WCMIWICK ............. FmSSS£Sm Csaamarrisl Ptetegraphy Dries ^stel ]f. ' | \tmi~ ff - 3 , *<J mSlsMs^ WILSON* RADIO SHOP ii - !*»(•, "' , a.?: -V' ~ i. •JMWClrrMfr Acetylene ^ ALEX W. Ptene 618-W-l or ILL. rtdtersnd Cattiag WurV, Operator Ptene MeHeavy S87-R-S NFTPS BANDjft GRAVEL I Let LeveHng and J. Johnsburg * «a4 llf>S ; ^ P, O^McHenrf f TO BUT-- m4.f CALL Af DHGK ON'DHAD HOGS^ > HORSES AND CATTUI^WWe nar ateae cterree ».r-. FRANK 8. MAT -- Black Dirt -* Cinders -- Tlrack for Hire Ptene Jehnsterg 68S-W-S R-l McHeaary JOHN F. RRDA * SOI# Metal and Faraace WMfc l#l N. Green SL, McHenry, UL Ptene M3-R WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Elestei1 an typea. AO sises. Ceanplete ai to iastaH. 8nmp paaape. Tate pasape in trade. ENG8THOM SALES AND 8ERVIC^ m McHenry 69S-W-1 ;„/ (899 ft. from NelTs Ballroom) tk Telephone AO Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer We McHENRT CO. SEWER SERV Blocked Seweas Opened WHhent RyElectHe Cotter Crystal Lake, IRineis L. Nebon 188 E. CrysUl Late Avag CHARLES a PARKER. Atterney (Jeelvn| Pkrkor) ORce Hears: Wednesday Afterneene 1:99-8^9 Office--Kom' 541 Main Street; Weet Phene McHenry 488 Woe week 1188 INSURANCE RARL R. WALSH Fire, Aata, Farm and Life Insnrane# Repreeentfag REUABLE COMPANIES When yon awed insurance off any kM " 48 er 118-M Green ft Bn McHenry STOFFEL ft

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