Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1947, p. 8

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the follows E T S ? "7 • ? . . <4 Bt CS-A, 1 Volo, t mflee mat of lm4 I aila north of Taneoate, t east of McHenry and 4 astta* north- Utost of |mkM on Calaban npfl *td 5®-A on, V' ^ TUESDAY, APRIL • C Starting at 11:80 o'clock sharp, pie Mowing property: St HEAD LIVESTOCK 20 'roilch. cow* mostly clot* •princwill freshen within a montfi; in boll: 2 12Mb. ahoata; eghorn chickens, good layers. »v Feed torn com; 100 bo. oats; silage. ' Maekblery .. I 1980 Ford pick-up trucks new tires; Model B OFfcrmall tractor and cult.; 1-bot. plow; Int. Hut. trac-tractor, nana; Gehl Forge Harvester jand Stover, new; McD.tractor disc, flf-ft; McD. 3-bot. plow; McD. grain binder, 8-ft. cut, new; John Deere com binder; 3-sec drag; New Idea spreader; Buckeye seeder; coin planter; McD. . hay mower; land roller; iron-wheel wagon and rack; walking plow; roll t wire; steal and wood fence Posts; ' roll snow fence; brooder house; •NH jLfjfr powar; bfcyde; ft mgm idrsJi IBSTE pSjjset;\3oii2l ohair; l|l|.Wf art} i*d; |*10 tug uai pad7~frtow nSfos; &r««| *mimcabinet; single bad tprtag a*d mattm; cheat of drawers; dinette table and chairs; A. a stove; 3 g§e4»n hose; naneroua TT&fttS--All wgas qf $S5 and ander that amount, over that amount a credit of six months, at • par . _ cant will be extended on aptea ap< "Jfr ylfmA fir the elertc. Those desiring firi eMd{t MnMy arrangeaaeata ew prior to purchase. No property to be remoTed until «attlad for. •80 AORB FARM TO BE RENTED BY,T«BOWiNER ON DAXLQF .SALE. Ji,; RAT B. BUSCHKE WINDOW SHADES ' McHawy SUte Bank, Clerking. 45, lVfc miles waat of Hwy. No. 41^ 2 ailes south of WM4U. state lia#, on, MftO.,Mar. •T. v • ,*•># A v :v ' •r" To fct the Ttivoibip Election, McHenry Township, McHenry Coirnty; Iliinais, Vft V jJ. bOajOzL • < »v. <*4 ^ rV ** " j t S1 * " ' . • x «?>$;* f \ : 'K ' ' /•' "m h -I' • •; , 4-<* ^ A' - -'K. vV PEOPLE'S -v; LS (By Petition) ^ * (By Petition) Petition) (By Petition) *;v RTM- * t '"it,' « j " i.' - 5 SwpervljM^ - PI MATH N. SOHMITT St, McHwiry, ftt. !;'.v ;>•* = 'JjetW ' v? ^•4- > ^ ;.f ""or Sirpfrvi«o^ " FRSBMl^ « ' 1 Richmond Roa# •McHenry, Illinois " • ; . V** f . v ~ Vv 7 " n V ' - v^'i" k' %y:/:&8£Z&-r 1: ,{ .. .• i-vv-••'i-: i r <»4 '" - A t 4 ' . . v . , . v . , f IM# ' : . [llinois ' -' / .r S \ i V " • ' - "< .. ..w, - . %. # .. 11 V •* MM aja. - L and M LUNCH Nschiaary . _ y. TRACTORS-- M4I 101 Sr. tnus tor on rubber (irith power lift cult.); J. D. Model "A" tractor on rufcjber (with power lift cult.); A. C. Mode) "W C" tractor on rubber (with power l^t cult.); Osse MRC" tractor on rubber (with power lift cult.); new McD. Model "B" tractor on rubbe^;( TsJttt .^row porter lift cult.). COMBINES--M-H 0-ft. Clipper, on rubber; J. D. combii sr.: For Highway CdromiseioQ^r • OOMHENTS v. J^r Highwj^ GoinmisKioiicar ^ **, \-">3~ *1 "T ' r - si , \4 .. _ *; xj- "V For Highway Commissioned Q CHARMS J. MILLEK : 606 Front St., West McHenry, 111;' l*. For Highway Commissioner Q WM. B. SMITH "* . I . <V: It a call comes from a certain the fanner gives his number, firemen pick up his card from the file and study it on the way out, Fog nosales and wettable water their annual meeting a cow proctucing 400 i? I .NIESEN^S ^ Boor Covering .1 Peter M. Juste* Faraiture Stare V ' PiMaMa 491-M or OS CORN PICKERS--New Idea 2-row i corn picker; J. D. single row mounted picker. •- i GRAIN tDRlU# -- M-H 24 r»n dotMe disc drill; He# l&eD. 16-run •uble disc grain drill (fert attach.); PS 7-ft. drills; 6-ft. drill. DISCS--0 discs from 6 to 9 ft PLOWS--6 plow*, (14 and 16 in. 24ot); new heavy duty disc plow. DRAGS--6 drags, 2, 8 and 4-sec. CORN PLANTERS -- New J. D. tractor corn planter on rubber, fert attadi.; f planters, 2 of which are tractor planters, fert attach. m S R R E A D E R # -- J l (2 on rwbhar, 1 tractor, 1- sptNtfer). HAY 100M-4 f<PW (l h ». r amr, J^y d^tr , tracer tajrts IDSMk ~ 4k (» Mnjkics (oaa loader); 3 grain Wndem. MTIilfl ft S^iamitr Tiilli loiia aith WA00*»~1A Cgjr " IBMi (by W. H. Tammeus) IliratI„ ,I1U McHenry county haa been doing are making rural fire fighting more Wm- Dieckman, Dairy Herd improvement work since j effective. "A compound is now avail- 1910. John Brock, fanner farm ad visor in this (county, told members of D. H. I. A. In recently that lbs. butterfat annually will return twice as much above feed cost aa a cow producing 900 Dm. butterfat annually. At the election' of directors, testing group 1 elected John Memler of Richmond, executive committee; Glen Morrison, Richmond, and Henry seftwl, Richmond. Group 8: Arnold Wittmus, Harvard, executive committee; Lawrence Johnson of Htfcron, and Howard Perkins of Harvard. Group 4: John Denldt of Algonquin. executive committee; H. R. Kilts of Woodstock; and Daytoii Field of farm treasurer; and Ralph Stacker, re- Tbe porter. A. B. McConnell is the .leader. New members this year ar& Wm. Boncosky, Wm. Stedeer »nd ; i mous women, Martha WMhington and Mary Washington. Woodstock. Group $: John Lindsay \ years ago'and the average yield of of West McHenry, executive com-! com for the past twelve years was mittee; James Curran of West Mc-; thirty-eight bushels per acre Snore Henry and Ed VanDerVeen of Mar- {than where none was applied. en*°* | The Better Goals 4-H club mtet The new rural fire truck for Wood-: recently and elected their officers, stock area should be here soon. Every A good representation of parents farm in the area will have a number, j was present Carol Stacker of Wood- Each farm w<U be vitlted and a lay-! stock was elected president; Robert out of the buildings, water supply, i Wissdl, v vice-president; Margaret etc., wHl b* sketched on a card. If; Wiseell, secretary; David McConnell, able that will relax water so that | Healthy Asparagus even a duck will drown in it," saysj The disease-resistant strains of Walter S^uett, trustee of the n«w asparagus are tiamea for two fa fire district It will not stay in dropleta but will soak right in. It is most effective in hay and grain fires. Anton Schmitt of Johnsburg was just in. He is retired and lives with his son. About twenty-five y&rs ago he put on over 4 ton of rock phosphate per acre. Two years ago tests were made and no phosphate' is needed yet. Rock phosphate can! be applied in large amounts and apwill last a long time. This experience of the College1 of Agriculture, where as much as five tons "were applied twenty-six R.F.D. No. 3, McHenry, >111, Feed on Wing Storms that clear the air of insects frequently bring starvation to chimney swifts as the bird jfeeds, only on the wing. ' Alrtpg {Pillows When airing pillows, do not leavd them id the sun too long, tor heat dries the natural oil «nd shortens the life of the feathers. Gariea Caattea) Because so littl& is known i the effects of DDT, gardeners advised not to use this new cide on garden food crops. Sheep There are mora. than sheep in the mountains of Mont and in neighboring basin lands. nccow £rXC f s t h e pwtmi boose trader. CmUKS/tXtAlt A Bebnildtaf ig WKmKmf kwvk mw acmce m w mwpfiAK RD. i itHONE 181 (Political Advertising) wm [ T > 7 ^ T is candidate! ?v' fbr the office of •! mm mg* Alfred 1 MkmmI N. W. Cihiisteusen, Auctioneer Public Awtkm Service Co., Clerk. I: # Mi t a to 9 a perfMl «mA iMd in livery, come in and ata OfMration. Immediate dein operation. STREET BOLGER'S DRUG . STORE McHENRY RINGWOOD NURSERT BINOWOOD, Hi. mm DRY CLEANING ITS BEST -••ifSLfJ i&KMVt, Up Vlbv, Mgr. CLEANB»S HUPPY & LEO'S GROCERY and MARKET CALL McHENRY 17# %&•» for Daily Deliveries c MVr Fnll Line of M E A T - ftnd all vegetables in season ' • • • • f.'*?' , ' ' : . , • *•# HDBBRT and LEO SMITH, Em»s. fiwarty aaM *#*• «n qrm.: st, udbnqr. • t-t • ;? ' * > • - i • > • In announcing my candidacy for the office of supervisor of McHenry Township, I feel that the public is entitled to know certain facts about my personal history. Having been a resident of the county all of my life, and having been engaged in farming for ten years after which } entered the contracting business which pertained to dredging and Excavating which I followed until the first day of January of this year, when I sold the business. I have long taken an active interest In the welfare of this community and the township in which I live, and feel that I now have the time to devote all my energies to the responsibilities for the office of supervisor. During my business career I performed work pertaining to public improvements such as publip buildings, ^roads, parks, waterways and the improvement of farm land. This experience well qualifies me for the important position of supervisor. I offer this platform' for the approval bf the voters of McHenrv Township. CAPABLE REPRESENTATION FOR M* (RY TOWNSHIP ON THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN KEEPING WITH TRE FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL IMPORTANCE OF THIS AREA. There ave seventeen townships in McHenry county each of which has their own supervisor. Ji/cHeitry Township ranks third in that it has an assessed valuation of over 120,000.000. Its rank Is not its only importance. It has some of the richest agricultural area in the state. Through its rivers and beautiful lakes, it is a summer resort area whjch is ra&idly becoming a year-round comanainity with ever increasing taxable valuation. It is important that the super* viaor for McHenry Township have the ability and interest to properly represent the needs o& McHenry Township on the county board where sixteen supervisors and their assistants, who are picked by tkfeir own comunitles, fight for the welfare of their own area which they represent. 2. RECOGNITION OF THE FACT THAT Mc- HENRY TOWNSHIP IS DESTINED TO BECOME AN INCBBASINGLY POPULATED AREA OF TINE YBAR.ROUND HOMES AND A DEVOTION .TO EVERY EFFORT WHICH ies to UNEQUALLED AND EVER RISING VALUE TO THE TOWN ON PROSPER! ILL Tf :: BUNG SHIP. 1. ADEQUATE RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION FOR THE RESIDENTS OF McHENRY TOWNSHIP. f In 1045 %I was one of the founders and an active meaner In the McHenry Township Asso elation, Inc. purpose of to McHenr memftwr which -was formed for the avowed improving railroad transportation ownship. At that time I was a committee which made «ry Township. showing ^ist in January of 1945 there were a survey over two thousand unoccupied homes in McHenry Township, practically all of which would have been occupied had the Northwestern Railroad provided suitable transportation so that these people could ret in and out to their various worlc hours. Despite the fact thst no progress has been made to this date in improving railroad transportation, I am active in the fight as •a private citizen and pledge that if elected to the office of supervisor of McHenry Township, I will use all the power and influence of this office to strike the iron bands of transportation and to jelieve th« intolerable transportation situation so that the many of Chicagoans who now lone eagerly for a home in McHenry Township will be able to enjoy that and find adequate transportation facilitiei fit any and all working hours. 4. EXTENSIONS OF THE EXISTING BU8 FACILITIES IN McHENRY TOWNSHIP TO -GIVE MUCH NEEDED SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN ANDTHEIR PARENTS. When the WAF Transportation company was' seeking m charter in Springfield last spring, I gave freely of my time to lend these boys every assistance and to use the ship which I had with senators and representatives to see that this franchise was granted despite the opposition of selfish monopolistic interests. I feel that I enioy the friendship and coneffort to see that the splendid bus transportation which now serves the rest of McHenry Township will be extended so that our friends and neighbors in Johnsburg, along the Fox river and in any other area not served at this time may enjoy the same advantages. 5. A RECOGNITION OF THE FACT THAT sS&vf GIVEN THEM PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT A WHOLESOME CHILDREN BE PERSO: LAW AND ORDER AND COMMUNITY FOR OUR MAINTAINED. r 6. A REDUCTION IN FKKSONAL AND REAL ESTATE TAXES WHEREVER pna! SIBLE AND A PLEDGE THATTmOFFlO? OF SUPERVISOR OF McHENRY TOWNSHIP UNDER MY ADMINISTRATION WHX BE ^CONDUCTED ON SOUND BUSINES8 PRINglPLHS UTILIZING EVERY FMtSIBLE JCONA Vote far Me is a Vote for These 6 Big Issues-- * '<*VTT\ " 7 7 J" • 7 . - • '• ^/Uj * • * •; • K i : X f . ^ m r " : mm m . J .L * i?*# £ j.

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