Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1947, p. 1

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• P . L •ohnhrW^, McBKMST, ILLINOIS, THUB8DAT, KAKOH 27, 1947 Ho. 15 FREAK SHIM BETMVES an r OF GOWKNIEHCES Monday's Snow Take* WMtlar Topto Out Of OlMS '.W« dont ufaemter who it was •at coined the phrase "qrinf, •Oeutiful 8pring," bat whatever his mo«, we aire certain he wasn't referring to that season of 1947 in "ar '^younger folks have likely heard their parents recall on numereu occasions the freak snow storm which visited ow city one day late REPRESENTATIVES VOTE RIGHT TO APPORTIONMENT Home Joint resolution No. 14, submitted to the state legislature and designed to return to it the right to draw up a re-apportionment program for Illinois, met weekend was reported on by the house executive committee and will be acted upon by the house and senate. Submitted by representatives Keller, Bolger, Hunter, Kelsey, Taylor and Frasier. the Resolution imposes that Illinois members of the House of Representatives in congress appear, either in a body or through a committee, before the state legislature, and con ENSENffl.ES AND SOLOISTS ENTER SniMt CONTEST Twenty-seven Young Musicians Perform At Highland Park McHenry's young instrumentalists and vocalists are making final preparations this week for entering the northern Illinois district solo and fer with the state legislators on. th. e . en semble contest f. o. r. „hiigg ih school plan tpr congressional re-apportion-, students on Saturday, March 29 ment of Illinois. {Twenty-seven from the local school Introducing the resolution recently,! are scheduled to take part in e sponsors declared that it is the i urday's event, which will be h< ity of the state legislature to draw; Highland Park. Should any of We Ofcr Ym CMgratilatiMs! Hhn is no «m te lfcBenry mere deserving of our birthday congratulations than Mrs. Alma Thomas, 91 years old, who observed her anniversary last Saturday, March 22, at the home of a.daughter, Mrs. Herald Newman, with whom she makes her home. Ajaarty for relatives was held in the afternoon, with the following in attendance: Mt. and Mrs. James Rainy, her daughter and hus- Wis. the duty band, of Genoa City, wis.: a niece, Mrs. William Belcher, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman; her __ grandchildren and their families, Mr. in Sat-!*n<l Mn. Cari Rleteeel and children, held in 1 Diane and Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. them Curtis Mewnfan and son, Thomas, of inApril hack in the twenties. They up "any changes in the congressional: be fortunate enough to win the favor •"j' Mrs. Nellie McDonald ind that the mem- of the judges, they will advance to of Woodstock. FOUR BEATKS MOIMNED NERI DURIX0 WEEK tell of drifts so deep that it was impossible to get out of driveways to travel even on city streets. These Mrs. Thomas was pleased to receive many gifts and cards, which apportionment and -- , _ . , - bers of congress from Illinois have ; the state finals held in the southern no power or authority to draw up; part of the state in May. ,. - -- . ... , . re-apportionment plans as has been; Soloists who are entered and their, included a ®ox of iniit from her . done. The present plan was drawn selections^are as follows: , »i«ter, Mrs. EUaSmith, 89 years ftature, TT : L to ;.,'s;,Lii^twlng Illness • Proves Fatal To «' . Wesley Gnffey, 51 Sadness was brought to the Mc- Henry community last Sunday. Marcn 2S, 1947, with the word that Wesley Guffey, 51, had passed away at Hines hospital. He had been in poor health for the past two years and had been confined to the veteran's hospital for the last five weeks. The deceased was born in Marengo on Nov. 14, 1896, and moved to Woodstock with his family at the 656 WERE ENROLLED IN DUUNIZAT10N PROGRAM THREE ELECTIONS Will TAKE PLACE IN NEAR FUTUR Township, School City Offices To Be Filled Diping April vivid descriptions of mother and dad will hold little fascination in the . ---------- ... , _ _. . future, for after last Monday's par-jUp and approved by the congressmen Carol Harrison, trombone, "Thoughts old, of Portland, ure. alyaing storm the youngsters are de- from this state during a visit to, of Yesterday." > Our nonogenanan was born on the d"a ring Jhat they have seen every- 1 Washington by G- ov. G-r een and mem-< B"eevveerrllyy SScchhww erman, violin, "Third old Fellows farm west of McHenry, to; | •Air m m. thing. The old folks are inclined to! bers of a legislative committee. j w Air Vaire." Uie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James agree with them. too. The house resolution was drawn Richard Heuser, clarinet, "La Mili- S*yj**» pioneer settlers, here. She Usually there ie one story that up as part of the fight of Lake, Mc- „ taire." . « . 1 J^ed her 1>fetlH?e m th,8 J c0.m" •urpasses all others, but in the case' Henry, Boone and Winnebago count- Rosemary Doherty, flute; "Scheu- jWunity, moving to town and her «l this week's rtorm it would be diffi-i j®® to be placed in one congressional _bert's Serenade.' • . home on Grove avenue thirty-five cult to say which of the many true'district as opposed to the present Frances Barber, tufca, "Rocked In y®?rs ago accounts was the (Host uncommon plan that divides t' " and unbelievable. First indication that the falling 1 trict with Cook county. «aow would wreak more havoc than! '. • usual came in mid-afternoon, when ian»AVn pvr iiavn av electricity "was spasmodically on andl WBwHU LJ? off. About 4 o'clock some business JUDOS CARROLL ON es dismissed their employees^fori Qf JfftTRDKR ' the four counties *be Cradle of the Deep." Until advanced age forced her to ive up her hobbies, ahe spent many Sr into three separate districts and.Marianne Glauser, piano, "Grieg's £ive UP h«r hobbies.ehe spentmany leaves Lake county a part of a dis- Concerto." I hours each day tending her beauti- I Frances Barber, soprano, "When flower garden ana plants and | Love r« Kind" and M A Brown Bird caring for her canaHea. ! Singing." I Our hearty congratulations to this I Albina Samec, soprano, "By the Bend very charming ladv and a wish that ! of the River." > she may enjoy the celebration of 1 Marianne Glauser, mezzo soprano many more annivemries. , "The lord's Prayer." i _ ~-- I Betty Long, messo soprano, "By the Parents Are Invited To Bend of the River." The most grateful man in Mc-; Carol Harrison, alto, "Nobody Knows w*» J®*"" | de Trouble I've Seen." V1 i Sue Strever, alto, "To You." idge Will- Arthur Epert, baritone, "The Open m of the Road» JW.U,- »H, .r I--. "Th. T«mp- invttin* .1. p.r«„tt.»d int.r,.t«d day becaue of no lights and Broken lines were responsible. While city dwellers were lucky in heing able to settle down for a coiyjH county" laat week was Ben-1 ^ f^^T i'v^Seen"^ evening at home with radio tor div- m Highland Park ' o of""**1® ,. ,2en- „ anion residents of the "suburb" JLS'JiSe WU1- ^ Y~Z jwt east of the river were less for-1 ^ ®n-- **- . ? Arthur Eoert baritone. "Th tnnate. Jlany homes reportedno 0f*Kul vS^m, Evening School Session Board members and the faculty of the McHenry Community Consolidated School District "iK. 15 are w£8L£Y GUFFEY A very noteworthy indication that McHenry parents are becoming1 health conscious was shown bv the great increase in the number of children who took advantage of the' immunisation program this year. Ac-1 cording u Joanna Rulien, school, nurse, a total of 666 wiere enrolled in. this year's program, compared to1 208 for 1946. Of these 655, there were 390 Schick tests, fifty-two' toxoids and whooping cough J vac-1 McHenry residents are becoming < cmatione and 177 smallpox vac- election conscious and just a little cinations. It was necessary to give confused, with three trips to the ; booster shots to thirty-seven of polls on the schedule in leas than those who previously took tlye three weeks. Schick tests. I The first, and one of the most im- ;. Because there will be no school on portant, will be held on Tuesday, ' Friday, March 28, it has been neces-! April 1, when voters will choose sary to postpone the last day of. their township supervisor and highimmunization to Tuesday, April l, wav commissioner. Candidates for > at 9 o'clock in the grade school gym- j the former office are Math N. V nasium. ~ I Schmitt, the incumbent, and Anton Also in connection with the local ?ee'nrXPosition- ^ health program, some McHenry par- ^Ve fi • foI the,v"an<T t« ents mav be interested to learn that c.r#!i^ ^ the^resignation of Joseph on April 28 a county speech clinic J- Freund as highway will be conducted at thVMcHenry.7*7 are Charles J. Miner and win- , high school by the Division of Handi-, '"Hr-ft- l * . .. capped Children, University of Illi- With contest* for both offices, the ^ f nois. Some fifty children from ™ce Pronuses to be a lively one|, / throughout the county are expected the of wh,ch Wl11 ^ Wriy f to attend , awaited. ' * •. aa , .. . . . , . i Polls in the four precincts will tt April 30 is another important date ^ open between the hours of 6 a.m. 1 4, for health examinations. At this an(j 5 p>m- Voting will take place at ' ~ time the tuberculin test will be given the R«yai Blue store, Ringwood, first to seniors and freshmen. Th;s par- inct aty Hali McHenry, second Jf t* ticular project is sponsored by the precinct; Blake's Garage, Pearl St., J' , County Tuberculosis Association and third precinct; and Bildner's Barbed «l*r , is free of charge to students The s^op, Johnsburg, fourth precinct. ? program will be folUwed Iby X-Rays, FilinK deadline for the school elecwhere necessary. The association is tiong is aiready past and no con- ^de to finance the project through are reported The election# will Christmas seal sales. be held on Saturday, April 12, at the grade school gym for that elec- :»• Future Farmers To Conduct (tion and at the City Hall for the Scrap Paper Drive March 29 & hours of 12 and 5 o'clock and at the Y* through the evening, causing one of them to remark, eter. nan 01 uiem reman, aAinmd ii f. mVyaSnbfaJM!?n" 1 in drcuit COttrtiR^»art. Fdaa, bass, "Pante Angelthey^ talk about the 'sticks!'" Add-1 ^ fatally shot durinr an 1 the tavern last Sept. icus." enjoying arn civilisation. IBren in their misery there muat have been some who retained sufficient sense of humor to rdXtuts tJu i p dnMe*stowed1 no^KTOunds1 to^lieve 1 Diaine •F^eund, Carol Harrison, Ger-: ^*^tttha eomLiSS^aSo^wlWle STT mn^id lffi Vehos with »ld Rogers and Frances Barber. | |f tchwA whUe that HU1 had killed V«i»os with clarinet Qu^t^ «En Escapades",11 18 in that he had b fVanskiser; Richard Heuser.1 realize the truth in the old proverb iith 'the' intwt <<misery loves company." to ,tort an argueinent with the, JnMn ni0vmim S«d<«. torhuKlr^l. of T5? •ost Evidence in the ease established, stalled in piling dnfU. ] that fflll ^ DiaiAn fA aaniMA ^ . V>niWrlHAVUL Lois Weideman, Marion Smith and| SOHOLLE'8 FLOWSR ^ SHOP WILL BK OPEN Haydn£*Beverly' Schwerman, Mar-'TO PUBLIC MARCH Si Btret Bolger, Lorraine Miehels and i - - - - A scrap paper drive will be con-1 latter between 12 and 7 o'clock. Hiicted .in McHenry on Saturday j Running on the grade ticket are; March 29. under the auspices of the; Frank Meyer for president to serve j , age of 9. On Oct 10, 1922, he was Future Farmers of America. The i one year, and Fred Rogers and Giw , school patrons to ytait an evening united in marriage with Miss Irene toys wil begin canvasing at 1 o'clock. I Freund as members to serve three * session of school, to bo held on April! yay 0f McHenry at St. Lucy's ; Anyone outside the city limits who ! years. A. I. Froehlich and Ben Jus- | 11 ^from 7:45 to 9 pjn. ; church in Chicago. jhas paper to be collected should i ten are both candidates • for three I few classes will be run as. Th<> MinnU miiiiJ in rhiravn call the hiarh M*honl. nhnn* mu year terms on the high school board. < City Election The third election, to select city j officials, will take place on Tuesday, j April 15. in the three city wards. Foils will be open from 6 am. to S: p.m. in the City Hall, first ward; i town clerk's office, Schiessle build-: ing. second ward; and the Albeit Blake garage, thin! ward. In the first ward Alfred Tonyan is seeking re-election , and is without opposition. IW, .C M*W *5" , 010 *s | The couple resided Chicago for high school, phone 201-J, *k'n to dally clasaea as. some time, later moving to Western : for special pickups. ;,..iT?yy.„aM'y parents Springs, where Mr^Guffey managed An papers and magazines should Th*y came to mc- be sorted and . pronerly tied and Henry sixteen years ago last month, placed on the curb on Saturday For a time he managed the local morning. A A P store and for many years | _ i was employed by the Woodstock. mar »«•<•«• I Typewriter Co., until illness forced ^Orge Meyen Retires | his retirement. I Mr. Guffev was a veteran of the | first World War, having served with j the 38rd division, 129th overeeas. former McHenry rwident. and !F>st,V | ^*.v L. f . i BrMwr. Soth r»tirinar from the Illi- I , , '• _ Bus® retirement as ^ From Telephone Company George Meyers of Woodstock, a The ofMntntf of •» MeHmrv 1 i j" SchJle1. Elm Strwt Flower ""Av.l. 'ranee. yjWml_»t .dinner at the CryiUl| ^ Looking down from the top of his life w»s endangered or that he i I T<odge last " ThursdnY. evening. C g^®?, . 'stikrm- Itaher^ Fi^unJ' ^Jsines8» ' *"w'r months tiie Terra CotU hill the scores of waa exposed to bodily harm by ^y A ?~™i» -1i Shop and Garden Canter, is sched- i parked cars resembled flies in their jVehos' action and that the supreme lSnH^hv « Uke P1?0* ?,n Mond*/'-M^rc,h health ws^nterestednn sports "aid! *?• .Anderson of Elgin served a? effort* to escape adhesive paper. For court has ruled that if a person be- . te7.n°: ^ ?#rm*n JA ^ y^ a^J S^lhe coSS?r^iien's I *»»"«"n and toa,t master. hours tow trucks woriasd to diaen- lieves he is in danger he has a 1 *V ,', xfIc^rVk*n- Walt*iand Mrs. Scholle, the attractive shop V®^5", tnr. ° *r _in„! Gu««ts atfnrf-d from Crx'^al Lake tangle the congestion as snow plows right to take reasonable steps to Gi*f. «?ind 'is located on Elm »treet and Route ?. * - defining health did n0f WrvKlsto^k. McHenry ijnd Fl?in Jtempted to disseminate the high Stect hin-elf " i ^ A&«*SSSr,i _ k ! J^U Tim to"^ paS in Si | r-di ^ ^ I- fr tha^J *r,fts* I H,n was released from custody d .<0p€ Th Biue Eyes" by ..The have announced that favorite pasttime. Possessed of an, . Georire Wilburn Woodstock Iofflce of JK°I,Ce m*K*«trate, a poei MassenetT Frances Barber, Beverly *hey will carry a full line of cut ^ an<Tpleasant t«nperment, h e :"IB ^^rrTnd the El^ ^ lP Schwerman, Marianne Glauser , flowers« plants for the home, ever- quiet|y resigned himself to watch ana tne ftigin manag., Ahnvt> •„ ,iwtinn i *f cancy for which only one has filed,; „ Arnold Anderson. ^ ^ The only contest anticipated is in I V the third ward, where Charles D. f* " : B r o w n a n d G e o r g e J . F r e u n d s e e k ^ - v election. * Mm One McHenry resident, attempting; and returned to his position as houseto make his way to Waukegan Tues- man with Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. day morning, where he is employed, Zeithlin of Highland Park. It was* met a fellow worker still sitting in the first experience of Judge Carroll Ids stalled car after a futile attempt since he was elevated to the^ Circuit Vie night (before to drive home. Above is pertinent election infor- i Ferol Martin. Scores Stalled iwithout a jury. , specialize in corsages, wedding and interests to less strenuous hobbies. ns WMMIIIIV uluuuti _ r, --- Ul'H : _ n v Qu _ " ~ I AUUVC 19 pel Sue Strever, Barbara Freund and &ree?1® an^ shrubbery. ^They will 0therg participate and confined his Mev#>rs worked thirty-five' mat'on which all township voters " -- -- - '.for W t*l*nhon* mmnanv. i will want to keep in mind for the These voune neonle and at least 'uneral Pieces and later will handle One of these from which he derived court bench to hear a murder case 100 more y wjfj littl# time to garden plants in season. Mr. Scholle a greqt deal of pleasure was raising TN»' other persons managed to ~~~~~ ~~~ eventually get to Wonder Lake, via! 100 BUSINESS AND rest even after the contest is over 18 offering a landscape service. flre flowers. for the band, orchestra and girls' . ^€"en,T* n?w. ?ines* man has Mi". Guffev had long been a mem, crhhoorrnuss hh»avvpe anllrroeaaHdyv eonnttaerrmedi tthhae cmonn-. ' Hnaj a a, gb*re*a"t1 deal of experience in ber of the locel K. of C H . . aide roads, and perform a necessary ppnTlBATnKAT WnwrRN* i test for organizations, to be held 2 s cnos®n woI*i "* operated a urrand about 3:30 p.m. Upon their «t Highland Park, on April 19. , ?ower ,n °«k Park f t l,r ,fiv« son. return they became stalled^ behind! AT SPRING MEETIN9 | before coming here to live. Hcia CSLBBRITY TO TEACH another car at the top of Sherman hill. Within the hour that followed, the road as far back as they could aee was crowded with cars, all un On Sunday afternoon,. March 23, RATIONING HEADQUARTERS The local OPA-OTC sugar ears for the telephone company. next few week„. ^ Plaindealer. w ... lists no favorites but only hopes for| " * J- ,. ^ lively and interesting Sections in •? which the best men come out on top. ; . ^4 . -»4>f '> COMMISSION SUIT * 3 commission sui| far i ^ „ ntl, ^,,,1, - j * . * j * -ii - • -- in circuit court last 1 &'} or the past twelve years he was em- Sylvester Muldoon of Woodstock: two 1 a"d at later date win open music week by Attorney R. S. Lehman andl^? j ployed at the Buehler estate at sj'sters' Mrs. Irvin Pope of Wood-' store there. On the radio, he has james A. Powers of Elgin on be-|" ¥ . Pj-1-'-- n- 1 1 --'-- * - -- " " -- --- " **• ' •* ' " ' " ' ^Lnrfy Gordon of Lakewood, well 1 W^ivora"'include "the ' widow; one|known fbr his radio appearances andi William; a granddaughter, Pat-1«n»«ic arrangements, will soon give; A ^ltor's co Ann- his parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 sP«*>al muBic lessons in Crystal Lake was filed ii . _ . r _ ... . . • l anH a + a lata* /4afa will -- a mikim 1 1 > . . jar ration- Pistakee _Bay as head gardener, where stock and Mrs. William Johnasen of appeared with such groups as Jack, half of William Meier, Elgin realtor,!. 100 members of the Business and ing o--f -f ice is-- located at 226• W;_.j »J ai.c.. k„- AhHist t.r beutiful flower beds were the Klein 1 SfJ1 uy S.n j n'r ?« , IT? ne' naming David Sachtleben defendant.! able to move. Occasionally' .11 j .i. Fitrn KflnH WAomn PtiiI H«rri* v. they re-' l^fessional Women's clubs of Dis- son Blvd., Chicago, with jurisdiction envy of all flower lovers. Erted a driver who for some un- trict Two attended the annual spring over Cook, Lake, McHenry, DuPage own reason deemed himself strong- meeting, which was held in the Mc- counties in Illinois and Lake county «• than the rest and tried to' pass. Henry Community high school au- m Indiana. Gabrieil C. Garro is He soon found, however, that an un- ditorium. restrained nature is more powerful The business session opened at 2 f than the strongest motor. Just as o'clock, with Miss Louise Mereier, ! drivers at last resigned themselves outgoing district chairman, presiding.1 to several hours of waiting, they Supt. C. H. Ehiker greeted the guests found that more excitement awaited few well chosen words of ; director of this branch office. COMING EVENTS SPECIAL HOLY WEEK SERVICES ARE PLANNED TM body r,,t*d >y, Vic J».t«„ Son, fun.r.l hom. unti. State iMUrMCe Tn V«t». March 27 cemetery. Mrs. Clara Goaa . Word has been received of the . 'death of Mrs. Clara Gosa, formerly with a lew wen cnosen woroi 01 p R. . p ~"T" ,7.' .. r*. McHenry churches have announced 0f McHenry, who died on March 19 them. A ball of fire suddenly ap- welcome, after which Don /Awards . fcaat Chi®-- , special services for Holy Week. ;n the hospital at Victoria, Tex. Mrs. •eared above the cars, turning to and William Hutchinson of Wood- L. .*"/•» mn«r j At St. Marys Catholic church, Gosa, an aunt of Dr. rf. S. Vanm blue light and then vanished as stock entertained the guests with ' mjLi, 90 evening services will be conducted Denburgh, made her home with that an electric wire fell and was carried vocal and instrumental solos. .' PirfJie Cmrri Partv Snnn«AMut Kw Wednesday and Friday evenings family during their four years' resi- * --• j «--•- ---• * ** •--•1 The treasurer s report was read _ _ _ rany oponsorea oy >B thev have been thmmrhnnt T^nf j - u o'clock whei^servicw>rwe^ hVld at a^ and Victor'Borge.' He has made Available Without Examt St. Patrick's church. Burial was in | |"^c^r™n*«ments for^such stars by the wind back and forth beside the cars. ty the secretary, Miss Helen Henry, j O. E. S. as they have been throughout Lent, dence here. Larger cities nearby reported all after which a report of the activities , g . 0-1. PrtM^Maricet--Snonsored 1oIy u Thure?*y- St-..^ftrkk's Wednesday, March 26, otel rooms filled early in the even- and membership of each club was °aK* 1Maricet--sponsored chUrch, evening services will be held Dr. and Mrs. VanDe There will also be special services on Burial was at Palmyra, Wis., m ednesday, 26. , VanDenburgh accomleast one ini man wa? un so contented arms of Morpheus in his •stablishmpnt. This wafc onlv a small part 01 wnat penriue; »nu nwi..uc j Anril 1 • 1*. „ .. _ «-=*.--• ««•""»«». -- ; happened in McHenry last Monday, City. ' Rinrwood Home Bureau--Mrs. A !*ernic« Koehler. Alfred Krepel Glen conducted on Wednesday afternoon March 24, a day long to be rem em- Miss Marian Sewald of Woodstock | Bureau mrs. a. Marunde, Lucille Nelson, Richard from the Gilbert funeral home. bered by those who were caught in'wus elected new district chairman clinic_Gr_d» School J.*?k ^^ke, John W. L. Fish the freak storm. ; of the organization. j Anril S i^vld ^ ^ Elsie Smith and Har- j McHenry county residents and es>- Even thoughts of spring were al- An interesting talk on her exper-, ~ q . . ;*»us:npl,. Meeting ' Walter. " " most nonexistent then, and yet there iences as superintendent of -women s , • ^prj| j j instance where a business ing ciuds: rnuarea onanwo, Aurora,; & Paner iDrive Snonsored hv i . *nuraaay. Glenn V. Lackwooo unable to reach home and Celia Natske, Downers Grove; Effie | pT^p Am oponsorea oy An impregg,ve confirmation service McHenry friends will be sorry to ed himself to sleep in the'L. Jones, Elgin; Maude Martin, Jo-1 u ^ «a | will take place in the Lutheran learn of the death of Glenn D. Lock- "--L- - business liet; Helen Henry, Kankakee; Mary, ^ fi . "f*V?47_palm g . church on Palm Sunday at 10 o'elock. wood of Crystal Lake, who died at j Endres, McHenry; Fern Hoeft, Na- ( rhn^h Sunday The f0Uowmg children will receive Sherman hospital, Elgin, last Sunday of what perville; and Adelaide Leseman, Tri-j !rn";, , • ;the confirmation rite at this time: morning, March 23. Services were m m • ADall 1 ' MAmiiia V AALIak A 1/M<J I -- . . » 1«r. J - pecially the people of Woodstock The choir will sine the beloved were saddened to learn of the death aa Perry Como, Connie Boswell, the; Mrs. C. Brevtspraack. county chair- Dinning sisters, Skip Farrell. Fred man of the Home Service for the Waring, Raymond Scott, Wbrld Par-: Red Cross, announces that blanks ade on NBC and Harry Cool. for use with terminal leave bonds are Births • ?vailf^e, now' Portions or entire bonds may be used in payment of insurance. Veterans' Administration state insurance may be picked up until Aug. 1, without medical examination or payment of back premiums of any interest charges. Applications for state bonus may be secured and filled out at county headquarters. rif \ >;% 1 j FILES flS,»18 SUIT ing flu epidenmSc and the occasional who brought the ladies attention robin, looking especially bright and plump after a season of plenty in the south. In spite of the nast week*. McHenrv to the many problems of India. Following the adjournment of the business meeting, McHenry county cliib members were hostesses at an ,vsident= can be fortunate thati informal tea served in the home- March 21 has come and gone. Wh*»t- • making room, which was very springever the weather today, we can be like with bowls of lovely nasturtiums sure that tomorrow, or some to morrow in the near future, will bring sunshine and warm breeses. GREENWOOD RESIDENT F>*teS Mr*. Lefa Clarke. 89 ve^rs oH. o* Greer-.'«ooH. dicd l«<«t we#>k Wednesday. March 19. 1947. *t the hom« o* her daughter. Mrs. M. I<. Tworr'«v wifh T-hom «he lived. Br«idA«s M" Twomlev. sh" is «nrvived by two daughter*. Mrs. M. Bertini and Betitah Clarke of Hertford. Conn.. and one son, J. Milton Clarke of Chicago. GOSPEL CENTER SERVICFS The Gospel Center of Wonder Lake announce* the opening of its graded Sundav Bible School on Palm Sunday. March SO. Morning worship service will be at 11 o'clock. Eaater 8und»v services will be held at 10:15 and 11 o'clock. Order your rufodeakt. The long taWe was beautifully decorated with a centerpiece of yellow ionquils, with dainty sandwiches and little cakes bein^ served therefrom. Miss Gladvce Laughlin and Miss Mabel Hofobs poured. Among the, gue«ts„ \y,ere many teachers, all of whom \vere'>nthusiastic in their praise of the beauty of this room and the school in general. , The McHenry ^committee consisted of Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mrs. Harold Steffan and Mrs. George Collette. Miss Ethel Jones was in charge of reservations. Look your smartest in a gay spring bonnet which flatters that lovely "you" on Ekster morning. All the newest shades 'and styles for ladies %f an ages. Elisabeth .Pich, Green street, McHenry. 46 CMiipleta Una of Lee's poultry at Wattles Drag Store, llc- A large Palm Sunday congregation men*ber of Woodstock's popular male ^ Miss p Schaefer. The -- - -- ho occasion out the county on programs for a with flowers. 'number of years. Another member i is expectWed to attend^ Hie church quartette, which entertained through. AA • A . _ • . • A ^ 1 .A . ^ A . A Sponsored by C. D. of A. St Clara's Court! C. O. F., Enter-'£!" ^.^utified for the occasion out'th"e"county on programs for ttaaiinn HnuussDbaanndass Prooti- Lwuicckn sSuupnpoeerr , go . , 'number of years. Another menu pecia] instrumental and vocal of that group, P. B. Anderson, died April 24 |£usic will be included^in the ^Palm ' about two years ago. 6 p. m. j Sunday service at the Methodist i A suit to recover 11IM)18.1$ was filed in circuit court last week by the law firm of Loose and Kinney on behalf of Joeeph Baur tor the use of C. J. Downs doing business as the Downs Motor Express, against „ . .. , , Amalia Miller, executrix of the es- Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Erickson otitaLte of j. Miller. The bill relates Wonder Lake announce the birth of j that March 30, 1945, at the intera son at the Woodstock hospital on Motion of routes 12 and 31, one A , mile south of Richmond the plaintiff was bom at the Woodstock was driving a truck for Downs and on March 20 to Mr. and that Rudolph Sager was operating Henry Krause. Mrs. Krause is a truck for Mr. Miller. The bill ormer Peggy Schaefer. further charges that the defendant Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Meadows failed to stop at a stop siirn and of Orchard Beach announce the birth Rj|ed to give warning when he of their first child, a daughter, bom crossed the intersection and aa a at St. Joseph's hospital on March 24. result the trucks collided. A boy was born at the Woodstock p^,!,;22 to Ml ,nd FORME* «•*** Jay. High School. I at 11 o'clock. I April 24 25 a«d 26 j On Thursday of Holy Week there Rummage Sale--Citv Hall--Sponsor-, will be a special Communion service ed by Circle 2, W. S. C. S. at 8 o'clock in the evening and at „ . „Pr" , xr I the same time on Good iFrid Senior Class Play, Make Yourself At Home." April SO Tubercular Test*--High School. May 4 High School Orchestra Concert. May 6 ^ Public Card Part\*--Sr>onsored by Riverview C^mp, R. N. A. May 12 Mothers Day Banquet--C. D. of A. Mi Place restaurant will be closed all day Thursday, April 3, because of alterations and repairs in the kitchen. The bar will remain onen. 45-2-fp NOTICE Mi Place Restaurant will be open every Thursday, serving lunches dinners, until further notice and Among the Sick Mrs. Anna Lunkenheimer has been ill at her home on Fox street. Mrs. Amanda VanAlthen of Wonder Lake has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospieal. Mrs. Martin May has been ill at her home on Washington street. Mn. Beatrice Freeman of Ringwood was an accident patient at the Woodstodc hospital. Mrs. Francis Wirts has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Order your Vlork and at ^f'30 It thl FrJ 1 . Mr" and Harold Freund a» last surviving Elginite who was born uSirlhuih the parents of a son born on Fn- in ^very, died at her home last Methodist church. . | day, March 21. at the ootistock She had been ill for a year. | hospital. Mrs. Freund is the former g^e was born Feb. 11. 1860, on a VETERINARIAN DI1 j Miss Calla Vasey. The couple ^has nlantation near Cherokee, Ala., where ^ n m eo inrrc uuier cnuuicu, m uiufiiwi.vivr nf] thfArgy edog falm^eak of Antioch. 'J'.1;"6' an^ twins' Gene *nd Jean*. Vewsome, were slavey In 1862. they oirn'R.'tVrgy i7r3rd'0fd Kie^dr to fI. a heart atFtla* c! k"^• ssuonn' Wph, w.5 bwoMrnM I ^m,.,,, w ^ith ^their ^little daung°hrttehr". March 16 at Fort uuderdw, na. ^ the Libertyville hospital on March, Threuch the assistance of the 4tun- Dr. Tague went to Florida in Janu-j 1Q to Mr #nd Mry. Alfred Dietrich. ^^rnund rs^^ o^nIi«i by A^v?r d^'aid Ttock1 faJSi Besides his ^re,?ts- the little fellow; .nt;-slavery Northerners, they made •£°- ,He 9™* U[,0JUf:S the former Miss' Delphine Untx. McKillop Veterinary hospital tn <3iicago also. 18 i stay there. Scholle's Elm Street Flower Shop announces its opening on March >31. OPPORTUNITY FOR G1 WHO DESIRES TO LEA Riff AN EXCELLENT TRADir la there a GI in the McHenry terReady to serve the puMic with com- ritorv who has a desire to learn the plete fiewer service for all occasions.; printing trade ? The government has 45-fp! a plan to assist financially so that 1 GIs can receive a fair salary while Of course your hair ,4s your crowding glory, and just as important is the het that covers those shining curls. To be sure of the right. choice, visit us today. Elisabeth Pich. Green street, McHenry. 45 fete aft .-<• . r f - f ¥ ~ i -N Complete line of Dr. David Roberto i they learn. The Plaindealer needa veterinary medicines at Wattlee; such a man. If intwasted make ap» Drug 8tore, McHenry. N«ed Rphhar StampaT The fialudealer. 43-tf-fp; plication at once. Wd-W the Wabt Ait * •-V * • . . "i » c * • « ' » . » * • " * 4 * * f AJ x '<

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