Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1947, p. 3

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"'iStfl, :Tf •** ' * % 'V '. ,'**• !E»-?SE -\ wtilfglfllgiil «a MM' ftrst robin arc that tuir lird ma aeen heading In direction. *ipu i' spwwf W 'pi#PJ1 \»W • ;"r •'• *'-•"•-'•• '- •" - **• • " _ ' . . -V 4^'A" ^ ^ " "'4 ' '-' ' '••-,•• « " "• "'• * 't' ' h. i (By Yardstick) FVOksl ^ first robin flf thie /car waa at MeCaUom Lake last Snailis visit could mean b.ot on* that- s print: was just arooad vner. Some twenty-four hoars eld man winter unleashed his M fury, covering the tromid with • deep blanket of the bh»wh» in It's a boy Mil Mr. and Mn. William. Tonaasek are the proud parents of this 7-poiind youngster, born at the Wa&her Memorial honital in Chicago en March 16th. Grandma Tomaaek imparted this bit of good news to us last Sunday when she accompanied the Stephensons on their ftrst visit of the season, to thair cottage here. Uncle Prank dtrided to guar in Chicago and give brother Bin a hand passing the around. Both Mother and Jr., are doing nicely. Conand oar best wishes foe. and thermometer j the future for tile Latest! Boy Blake, whose hours of single many more such happy occasions in 'lie Tomasdcs. th®" SSttVi hOBO® Ott OraaBWe^ad noaa last a^oesc. ware he hapea M inatell f™* hnelova Lois of aU survey* after their march down the on April 12. The former Zabhome, which Roy purchased last fall and which is located about two blocks away will serve both as nursery and dog -house for Roy when the occasion arises. With this setup the guy has every prospect for a happy married future, aa we see it. Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Barteldes spent a nleasant Sunday enjoying the beautiful exhibits ai the flower show in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deskis and son, Ray, also visited the floral exhibit and renewing old acquaintances on the south ride of Chicago over the weekend. The Brand brothers, sons of Mr. mm! Mrs.' Adam Brand of Hickory Drive, wwfe the winners of the first 3>rixe on an amateur program over a Chicago radio station last Sunday. Hie award for their vocal efforts was $75 in cash and two beautiful wrist watches, gifts of the sponsor. We predict a great future for this pair. on hia Jap has finally Baf«ey Graff enr of Mr. and Mrs. So determined i* Therese Cunningtiam in her aim to make Steve Huslca, Jr., a model husband when they "get married, that she has enlisted the aid of Joyce Huska- Steve's sister, in her strategy. We expect to «ee a halo over Steve's head in about two weeks.. Among the early birds who drove tout from Chicago over the weekend ivrere Mr. ana Mrs. George Harfcer, Sr. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds, Mr. and rs. William Eastlund and Jerry Persky. Joe and Libby Horn surprised their many friends and former neighbors last Sunday when they joureyed here from their home in Book- Held. Joe tells us that their ifbr a big food mart in B jare well under way and that workmen will start on this project in the inext few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. joyed the company Bd fltackirick and their children, Ed. Jr., Betty and Patsy, «er the weekend. While Barney shd Ed were busily engaged in removing a few ceilings (ana we dont mean OPA), the suls prepared a delicious dinner, which they all enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pfisa dropped in to say heila> to us last Sunday after their lone absence. Joe and hir charming Mrs. promised to return soon ana get things a popin* down Germantown fay. Time for Uncle Hetge to oil kaf crutches. Ceaftalalstlsafc To Tryg Injrtld « his 26th birthday anniversary Tuesday, March 26. ABee Thomaen oa her birthday March 26. Richard Ostsrby on his ISth birthday March Sk Freddie Thomsen oa his ISth birthday, anniversary March 21. Judy Struck on her 9th birthday, March 27. , Nate and Belts That disay feeling is seldom caused by during too many good turns. It is time that au of us learned the grim lesson that there is no substitute for work. Oil and waiter, woman and a secret are hostile properties. Service is the rant we pay for oar room on earth. Bsfcy care is one subject that must be learned from the bottom up. Experience is what you have left after you've lost everything else. Stop us if you beard this- one-- An old maid school teacher, on vacation in a small, "old fashioned hotel, couldn't rest until she found the location of the ffte exits. The ftrst door she opened was that of the bath--occupied by a man taking a shower. "CHi!" she exclaimed, as she turned and started to. run, "excuse ma; I'm looking for the fire sir plans rookfield And you'll agree this new star deserves top biDing! For the new feature in this year's iO Star Spring flpacii# Is Permalube ... the grand new motor oil that gives yofT' pramium-phis lubrication, cleans your engine, and keepm it dean. v Yes, an oil change to summer grade Permalube topi o|ff . program specially planned to pmrip near life into caw worjt down by winter. Youll find your Standard Oil Dealer's 10 Star Spring Special is a peat pepper-upper, bringing vital care to all the trouble spots. Standard 00 Company^ Improves the ill Next Tuesday is April 1st, a very Important dav for every true American in McHenry county. On this day elections will be held at McHenry for candidates to fill the offices of township supervisor as well as road commissioner. This is our opportunity to show the rest of the county that McCullom .Lake is on the map as well as insure future ben «fita for our community by going -to the polls and casting our ballot for the men best .fitted for the offices. Free bus transportation will be provided to take you to and from the polls. Schedules for this service are as follows: Struck's Depot, 9:18, 11, 1:00, 2:00; McDonald's Dtepot, 9:20, 11:02, 1:02, 2:02; The Pillars, 9:23, 11:06, 1:06, 2:06. Now can you Stihink of one reason why you cant go to the polls to exercise your right as a citizen and taxpayer of McCullom Lake? It was a lonesome weekend for Al Blake. Jean, his spouse, decided on a visit with her parents last Saturday and expected Al to call for her on Monday, but there came the biisxard, wnich prevented Al from making the long trip to Kenosha, so Gabriel had to suffer another twenty- four hours without his Evangeline. During Jean's absence the "Oh, How I Miss You Tonight' record on his phonograph got a lot of punishment. Mir. and Mrs. Phil Brautigam and Uncle Ed. took their little Patricia out for the first outing of her young life last Sunday, their destination, «i Villa Park, 111., when their fblks reside. The little lady enjoyed the long trip Uncle Ed tells us for she slept all the way. Uncle Ed enjoyed it too. for his dream of having TRUSSES * UmI. MM am «SrjMr H* ClL|i liuto jSL •» Ma |N fefNmMH • am Mn iM Hw «f Isii La* Nmm l Hwlyii ttriO anew, at, mm pvfcs$ w© iwily piiMi iwk V POXTIAl' A finecqr made finer A rndmct qf Gtmrsi Mmton When you buy a Pontiac you get a car that ia deliberately designed and built to give you IT certain type of value. ia# per? you a thrill every time you take the wheel. This applies to the engine, to the car's roominess and comfort, to its roadability and handling ease. Yet--Pontiac is also designed to give you •taoomj^M operate inexpensively*-to be First of all, it is designed to give tou fin formance--performance that will give vou wheel, inis s easy on service--and to last a lon£, long time. In short, Pontiac is designed to give complete satisfaction--extremity low cesL This is ahtmys true of Pontiac So regardless of when you expect to get your next car*--make it a Pontiac It's a wonderful value. THE SOONER YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER fer m new PoHtutc, the earlier yea will get it. Se place year enter mew fer future delivery. 7MM fc HBOtY J. TAYIO# omthmmir twkm w^kly Andhara's whet's ssMffv--Dutincti** Silver Screak Stirling • New massive front end design. COMMST--Big, roomy Body by Fisher • Famoas Triple-Castuonod Ride • More Lasurkm Interiors • Shock-PrOof Knee Actioa • Fisber No- Draft Veadladoa • Remarkable Handling Ease. BMHaassirv--Smooth, powerful L-Haad six or eight cylinder csigiaes • Full-Ptessare Metered off POttnACS axtro vslsi Flow Lubrication Oil Cleaner. soomomt--Scotch-Mist Permanent, Ht^My (MUleul Quick Warm-Up Manifold • Gasdector • Vacuumatk Spark Control • All-weather Engine Temperature Control. SM*nr--Multi-Seal Hydraulic Brakes • Unistael Body • Tro-Arc Safety Steering • Doors hinged at front • dear Vision • Hi-Test Safety Plate Glass. R. I. Overton Motor Sales 403 FRONt STREET McHENRY, ILL. >4 rf'*'" •, f if'X " a'. *> f, Bolgei^s Drug Store Green Street McHeary escape." She beard a shout and] Care, to glancing back she saw a towel-clad 'Adda a nail, no Mt; man running down the hall after her. "Hey!" he bellowed, "where's the fire?" And every Draws one out. Iff* wit; its, v--v _i -^4 * * ysa over visit M CrewriTs Csna, hell take yea right oat oa back patch of his sal show his apple tree. "There," says Jeb, "ia nature's nbblest creation--fifty years, and bearin' still the finest cider apples in tiie county!" > Bat last fall, when a group of til was there, Lad Deaay atroas the river to his aad says: Therms aa sfcht! Aeres aad aerea ef gsMea fraia yea eaa make doaeaa ef thiags with--lacMftag spetkHeg bw" Rom where I jit„ Jy Joc Marsh, • V Apple Tree Versus Wheat Held Both of them get so doqusat on the subject, that the rest ef as up frits a thirst; aa Job goes to the ieshex for beer aad '. And whea ths Ttfi laliemuls come, LuA chooses dder, and Jeb takes the beer! hw where I sit, tkaft the 1 yea want, hat whea K to tastes aafe there's jastae atgaawaL Cepyriikt, 1947, United Stete$ Bremen F< SPPPLVL MOTLEY - SAVING VALUES SALE STARTS FRI., MAR. 28 AND ENDS SAT., APR. 5 i' WASH DRESSES Assorted Colors and Patterns ^ " Sizes 12 to 52 price $2.79 to $4.98 $^00 #JPECIAL S* UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 40-in. will SPECIAL, par yard _29c CHINTZ Eeg price, yd., 84c -SPECIAL Assorted Colors 36-iiL wide 59c 100% WOOL 0L0TH Plain and Plaida Bfegf. price, yd., $3.79--Special 18.19 LADIES' COTTON HOSE Sizes 9 to 10%. Special 3 for $1.00 t I Ladice' and Misse*' SJ&^T COTTON PANTISS For year-'round wear r- Small, medium and large Beg. 89c--Special 48c LADIM'TEE SHIRTS Solid oolors and stripes Special 79o COTTON BRIEFS 1 Tea Bos©--All sizes {^.'490 Special 54c arrAKTS', XKITTEO HKLMITS \ Blue and red--assorted sizes Beg. 39c -- Special ..... 19c Household Broom Fine Quality Regular Price $1.09 SPECIAL ± LAWN SEED 5-lb. Bag Beg. price $2.88 $169 SPECIAL . 1-Jb. pkg.. S[>ecial " ' 44c • Combination Side CUTTINO PLIERS Army Surplus Beg. $2.87--Special 98c 16-oz. CLAW HAMMER Quality ^teel, ' Beg.;$1.2f^--Special T9c TLASH LIGHT BATTERIES Beg. 8c---Special, each 4c SPARK PLUGS Set of 4 Beg. low price, 45c Special, each 24c Water Tumblers 9-oa» Crystal Reg. price 5c Special, Eacll Casserole, 8-iii For sei*ving and storing foods Reg. price 69e Ja Special 1'\: NO-DRIP JUICE SERVER For Syrup and Juices Beg. 25c- -Special ""'JftgRp1f. * .0 -r- WORK SHOE LACES '• 40-i*. Beg. fie--Special ~rin::; I for ldl Beg. W0RK80CES For Shoes and Boots 34c--Special ALUMINUM SKILLETS 10J44B. Beg. $2.50--Special 8KILLET--Stainless Steel Beg. $2.59--Special ILGf ALUMINUM ROASTER ^ for 3 to 5-lb. roast Special f^.> 8EL7 POLISHING FLOOR Wi Pint and quart, both SOREEN PAINT--Black Beg. 59o--Special ' 44$ I /l FLASH LIGHTS--ARMY STYLE Beg. low price, $1.49--Special 89c TIRE PUM* Beg. $1.98 -- Special . ORANGE SHELLAC Beg. $1.0i)--Special, qt. 74T LINOLEUM VARNI^V $1.19 $1-19--Special, qt. 89c BOYS'PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS ^ Sizes 6 to 18 Reg. #1.9d--Special ...^ 1 HOT SHOT 6-VOLT BATTERY For Electric Fence Reg. $2.45--Special .... $1 98 GIANT Clothes Hamper Ventilated $C45 Reg. $7.49--Special J WINTER CAPS Sizes 6Vt to 7 fer 89c to $1.39--Special 59c HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES Beg. $1.45*--Special fio CHORE MITTENS Beg. 36c pair--Special 29c BOYS' PTILO SHIRTS Assoi ted sizes and colors Beg. $1.19--Special ......... .. ... 69c BOYS' CORDUROY OVERALLS Sizes 3 and 4 SPECIAIi Polishing Cloth ' Jumbo Size Beg. price, 67c SPECIAL 89c RIM WRENCH All Purpose Reg. price, $1.29 SPECIAL 1_* 59c TOW CHAIN 14-ft. Lock Liuk Chain CHENILLE RUGS Specif „ $1.89 BATH MAT SETS C$ieniIl«y*^3-pieQet Reg- prio^.$1.39 SPECIAL 89c Special K. D. METAL CABINETS Single door * White Enamel finish .... „ $1191 %%EGG CARTONS . Beg. price, doc. 20c--Special, ltji> | GBOROC COiXBTTE, Owaer ' AUW>R1ZED' DKALBK s. i ^ -•«- W v .Ife.jaii m MAIN HdBRKT, ILL or mm J ^ L , i i . 1 ' I s . * •%'r' - • .'i*, •

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