Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1947, p. 6

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•'-mm 4 GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roofing and siding; material or labor. Frank Gan®, 800 Rivenide Drive McHenry. Call or write. Phone Mc- Henry 1S6-W. Guaranteed by Sears Roebuck & Co. Free delivery. DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheel FOE SALE Cot^^r^CvAlom j [ng" CN FOB mSST"'; No. "3: Reverse the charges. No P fe 1 ^L*ke- Phone Cry*Ul **** 88 *45 j helR, needed to load. 36-tf. DRILLED wmemm PAINTING HINTS Smithsohian OR DRIVEN. ^ Vir ^w^fh^op'tl^'^TeF I WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair > X £" I'atretf - 45 3^ v> «FOR SALE--Electric brooders, Hud- - 93-J. Telephone 10-tf 100-chick, Jamesway 300-chick, GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us 1M PaA nmon , . . land Jamesway 500-chick "Vycital Hardware. ^ ; . FOR SALE--Five-room year round VC 4J modern bungalow, block from Mc- &> * « * v Cullom Lake; 100 ft. frontage. In- ]' •' 1 quire at |Crick's Grocery. A' • K. k". |FOR SALEr- Davenport and mateh- * ( r ting arm chair; 3 steel Venetian -I'*?6-' ' blinds; bed complete with mattress htr, / > and aftrings; table chairs and table; 4" , :'J2 lamps and studio couch. Tel. Mc- ^ iHenry 666-W-2. -- • . . 45 John J. | dispose of your garbage each week, 451 or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf 46 TREE SPRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING. Frank W. Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 43-tf ? - 4b *X.'"-' - 1. FLOOR SANDING -- Re finishing Varnishing and waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimate. Gall McHenry 497-R. FOR SALE--1986 4-door Ford, re- 43-*4-tf built motor, new tires, fjoj® T^i.c" p a 11 kArvrt V 1 -'Henry 274-W or call at 400 John £ALL KOBKlcr E. St. KNOX--Phone *45j691-R-l when in needInsulation -•--' or a new roof, asfeestos^pr insulated pOR SALE-^ 1935 Plymouth 2-door I brick siding, weather stripping, or Deluxe coach. Tel. McHenry 601-J-l. combination screen and storm win- 45 dows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros. Roofing Co. 43-tf HELP WANTED FOR SALE--Bee-Vac vacuum. John J. Vycital Hardware. 45 IFOR SALE -- Quantity of baled ~™~--~ ZZZZZTstraw. Joseph k Bauer, Ingksid^j HELp WANTED--MEN-- Buffing, jphone McHenry 647-R-2. *0 inspection, file trim and platings FOR SALE--S piece Waterfall bed-1 an<* second shifts; drill press room set, coil spring new Restonic and punch press, second shift; smeltmattress used 3 mos. price $125.00; | »»?' and die casting swond and solid oallc dinette table, 4 chairs $25; third . fnft.. At»ply in Pe"on. Elecfoor- way lamp $7.50; 2 piece uphol-: {nc Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, stered blue living room set, $50; 1Ustudio couch, $20, also 2 antique chairs. Wm. Bryson, Rt. 120. Volo, Phone 667-W-2. Good Transportation Available 46 45 HELP WANTED -- WOMEN -- File Electro-Agriculture ' ^ Leads Farm Pknninf Federal Government Attacking Problem ' Science is keeping pace with "elec tro-agriculture, planning and devel oping new methods for easing th< farmers' burdens and attacking troublesome problems with "atomic age" devices in Buck Roger; fashion. Farm electrification division of United States department of agriculture proposes to consider six of these problems next year. High or. the list is control of insect pests through use of electric lamps and light traps. Insects will be subjected to a wide variety of tests to determine color and intensity of light which best attracts them to an in candescent doom. The division also will experiment with the use of infra-red heaters to dry seeds and provide thermal FOR SALE-McD. 11-ft. broadcast *n™' P"™* Pr»? f1"11 Pfessseeder with grass seed attachment, ^ and second shifts; inspectors, used 2 yveeaarrss;; like new. Tel. Mc- first shift-.. Apply in person. Henry 660-W-2. Elec-1 *ak trie Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, _ 111. 45 t. . , FOR SALE-- 4 horsepower Stover, Good Transportation Available h J ' gas engine, like new, $26. Call Mc- w. ™,,n " . . W ^ Henry 416. • 45-2 HELP WANTED-- Cook for summer •. j resort Pistakee Lake; year round; FOR SALE-- Modern home, vene-! R*x>d wages, full time work). Pistakee TT-* " { tian blinds, automatic oil heat with Tavern and Hotel, Fox Lake, 111. §K-> •' jUv- air conditioning, electric hot water Call Fo* L«ke 4281. *45 v : heater, 2-car garage, asbestos 1*^. D ur » vTcn c: _i / Z 7 <?i> • shingles, modern bathroom, built-in HELP WANTED---Single farm hand; ^ i tub, shower, full copper screens and , 5°°® working conditions; top wages; V* \ S f storm windows, Phone Wonder Lake !"ust ** ®ble % operate power mach- 1"M ^ jc inery and milk cows. Charles Van- Keuren. Tel McHenry 617-J-2. *45-2 FARM FOR SALE--120-acre farm, Mar Thorpe, Wis., 60 acres tillable! "A* balance pasture with creek; 8 rm. n work, modem house, barn 36x60, silo, 2- HELP WANTEJD--Laborers for. con. CaH Wonder 22L Ivar Fredrickson. 44-tf • ®L^», a2caSre'l lMi^en?e0cpryi iPlliaSindSeaLleBr. o_ X^! ?drEuLg Ps toWreA NanTdE ,D fo--unGt\ariln tow ocrlke.r kB oiln- 46-2, ger*s Drug Store, McHenry. 58-tf ISS««2fi5~^ ! £ ^erVC-1 HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA cTfty HUNTER BOAT CO. M-tf McHenry. Tel. 261. 44-tf Wme^ t,^cCunJ^^kTm PhS2!HELP WANTED-Women and girls iass-iBSF*. ^ HOUSE FOR SALE--Modant^BM with basement and furnace heat; also garage. Located,, at McCellom Lake. Peter Kaminslri, Phone 666- M-2. R-l, West McHenryu 43-tf .-1 FOR SALE Year Around Summer Home; 4-room frame with enclosed >rch; 2 blocks from Wonder Lake, lot. Priced for quick sale. C. E. Craig Real Estate. 128 E. 164th Street, Harvey, Illinois. porch; Large |7^2o. Plione Harvey 1130. 44-2 FOR SALE--Oaa good wmtk horse, reasonably ^ieed. Roy C. Davis, Round Lake, I1L Phone R. L. 8402. • 44-2 Box 233, Waukegan, interested in this type work. Apply Riverside Iffg. Co., McHanry. Phone ~ 10-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGF.RY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYG8AFT, P. O. Box 168, Phone 2M-R; W. McHcnry, 1IL 40-tf WANTED TO BUY $ v *C _ AT McCULLOM LAKE r , FpR SALS -- One store,. 8 and 4- WANTED TO BUY--I an in the market for a McHenry county farm, ranging f«*n 80 to 980 acres. Must have good buildings and good soil. Prefer one with stock and tools. I1L *44-4 WANTED FOR CASH es -- Farau -- EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate flats, 2-car garage; hot water heat; also store fixtures. Jacob Frit®, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone Route 2 MeHanrv 111 JfcHenry 672-R-2 or Chk*go Ur^ln ^c^ MchSTSt-S ,*** ^ Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf therapy treatments for farm animals. It will consider the use of ultrasonic vibrations for treating seeds and delve the limitations, cost and influence of bactericidal lamp? in animal shelters and storage eel lars. Bactericidal lamps have grown in popularity recently with poultrymen and dairymen to control respiratory diseases among chickens and sterilize dairy equipment. Another top project to be considered ns development of electrical equipment to aid farmers in performing chores. Since from 20 to 80 per cent of a farmer's time is spent in doing chores, the division feels that electricity can be put to greater use in taking over more routine jobs than is now the case. Experimental work also will be done in determining proper standards of construction for general purpose re frigerators for farm use. Banish Barn Drudgery By Mechanical Cleaner . ly Ijiirtm Ihweeaser Vnim. By Virginia tale AFTER Meing talented Debok rah Kerr's fine performance in the thriving "The Adventuress" it is easily understandable why Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cast her opposite Clark Gable in "The Hucksters". Gar bo, Dietrich, Bergan-- now Kerr, who already rates right along with them. "The Adventuress," a J. Arthur Rank production released by Eagle-Lion, is delightful. Sometimes it's a thriller worthy of Hitchcock, sometimes it's wonderful comedy. The cast, of course, is excellent; the scenery mm DEBORAH KERR -^Iriland, the Isle of Man--is beautiful. And Miss Kerr, who has the courage to look plain as w«ll as very beautiful, gives a performance to be enjoyed, and better, to be remembered. Jean Hersholt, the kindly "Dr. Christian" of the CBS Wednesday night show, got his flrst movie job in Hollywood in 1915 not because he could act, but because he owned a dress suit, tuxedo, spats, derby and cane. He received all of $15 a week. The iiSt ef Wis Is Hollywood ' numbering close to 30 of the film capitol's top people, cortverged on Salt Lake City for the recent premiere of "Ramrod" via all modern methods of transporation. Some went by plane, some by train, others by automobile. The reason for splitting the group was to make certain that a talent nucleus would be on hand no matter what the weather happened to be. Bryan Fay wm personally supervise "Red Stallion," which may outclass "Sntokey" and "Thonderviaien at 2Mb Century-Fax. There'll iv Ufinal tattle svenes that hare FOR SALE -- New GI year-round ;hone; occupancy about March 1. Phone McHenry 227-J. 37-tf WAHTkD Kff. FOR SALE--Wfll he able to famish j CARPENTER WORK WAHnft-- new beautiful, year-round home to I Remodeling and repairs of all kinds, civilian family if act«d upon at onee 'A. Leesard, phone McHenry 684-R-2, Occupancy about April 1. Write; 43.3 Box A, care Plaindealer. S7tf I • . --_ • . -- 7-- WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So starters, fuel pumps, distributors and Green street, McHenry. (Front part ignition parts for Ford and all other of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16-tf . cars. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- --7------ -- moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. WANTBD -- We nave cash McHenry 616-W-2 10-tf summer homes, city property and farm?. List your property with us, FOR SALE--Year-round comfort andi Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. economy with fire-proof Johns-Man - i 1. McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave^ ville Rock Wool Home Insulation, Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1888-1884 tf. "Klownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf.: WANTED TO RENT -- For period LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., on Route 31, about two block from • ^ ' depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. " loc&*}on t«. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf The aatonuitic hara cleaner will fws«n manare Irani gutters at the same tfaw. Where the surroundings ate clean, the problem ef preparing cows for milking is simplified. With the better barn cleaners, such as the Crown illustrated above, the only hand work required la thtf walk along the gutter with a scraper and see to it that the'manure actually gets into the gutter. The cleaner, at the touch of an electric button, removes the manure from the gutter and elevates it into a spreader located outside the barn. never before haen attempted In a a picture. ^ T* - Richard Bfcnetftet, bouncer in Cbtambia's "The Guilt of 'Janet Ames," is really Joseph Scitorba, an ItaBas. He got his start by hanging around East Coast studios as a youngster. One day A! Christie, looking cm a crowd of prospective eitraa, singled him out and asked if he spsfcs Spanish. "Si. buono," said HSpMfd, in his best Italian, and theiupne him the part. iSf • J Items ot latereet Taken' the Filea ef the Plaindealer ef Yeara Ago SIXTY YEARS AGO Afternoon mails for Chicago, now sent trout both the McHenry and West McHenry postoffices. Oranges, lemons, cabbage, onions, turnips and parsnips at Locke's home bakery. The new two-cent postage stamp which will be put into general circulation this month is said to be the handsomest design ever issued. H. W. McLean's hone "Old Black" gave up the ghost last week. He was once considered the most valueable horse in town. Frank Page started today for Slayton, Minn., with a car of farming tools, horses, etc. We believe he intends to go to farming in that section. - - J. P. Smith' is aV, work lathing, plastering, painting md otherwise putting his store in first-class shape. He Will have a handsome jewelry store when completed. The Great Court of Babylon, at the M. EL church on Thursday and Friday fevenings. of last week, was a success, both financially and Other, wise. Dr. Brown and wife returned this week from an extended trip through Kansas. FIFTY YEARS AGO Wallace Colby has moved into the rooms in the "Colby block on Water street and J. Young has moved to the farm owned by the Owen estate. Miss Nellie McCabe, daughter of Jas. McCalbe, died at her home near Volo on Thursday morning last. In Felb. fifteen persons were ar- , „lvl .•S^.Kat..?"Sm'8J;kLl<Lr i-'ti"! plants. The, c„ also be used over The study shows the flea la fearfully and wonderfully made. Millions of yeara of evolution have gone Into the evolution of a creature almost perfectly adapted, through extreiftely complicated physical mechanisms, for its parasitical Ufa In the world. A little of the flea's life history down through the ages is regaled by tills examination. Once, fortok ample, it' was a flying creature/" Vestiges of wings still can be found in one of its development stages. As it became more and more strictly parasitic on warm-blooded animals thd need for flying disappeared, and the legs were developed into marvelously efficient organs for jumping -- the creature's chief means of locomotion. Extremely complex is the flea's feeding apparatus. When 4 starved catflea is allowed to feed, it becomes oblivious to everything but the prospect of blood. Hence, if a forefinger is offered it as a food source,, it may be observed leisurely in anyposition under the microscope, even; with a strong spotlight turned pa Jt.' Hot-Caps Aid Plants In Getting Start Hot-caps, which serve as miniature individual greenhouses for plants, are recommended to home gardeners. Hot-caps arc; hat-shaped, especially treated, paper plant covers. They protect plants from wind, cold and the direct sun while the plants are getting started. Hotcaps can be placed over tomato, pepper, cabbage and other early through the ice. The game warden is doing his best to stop this illegal practice. About seventy couples attended the masquerade at Riverside hall on Thursday eveninjg last. C. T. EUdredge shipped two carloads of very fine hogs from this station last Thursday. Wm. Tilton has been wrestling with a bad case of inflamatory rheumatism the past few days. Died--At Terra Cotta Feb. 27, after a long illness, Mrs. Wm. Doherty. < E. W. Howe has been on the sick list the past week. FORTY YEARS AGO hills of melon, squash dbd similar tender crops to hasten seed germination and protect young plants. After the hot-caps are placed ovef, the plants, the soil should be packed all around the edge so n<| wind can get underneath and blow the cap away. After the cap is set, it is best to punch a small hole near the top on the side away from the prevailing wind to permit ventilation Ten dayKjo two weeks' is about the maximunh time that plants should be left under hot-caps. Such treatment will bring an earlier, heavier crop. try frhfngfc, board or plank that is exposed to the weather will rot if not treated with a good preservative. To prevent this- action at the elements is a simple and economical process, so low in cost that not a single piece of timber should be without it.. . You save money in repairs and rate* thoroughly saturating wood with Creasote wood preserver placements Crystal Paint Store Use Moore Paint - * Phone 1160 Across From Depot CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Mixed Grill A tempting combination for a mixed grill includes lamb chops, pork sausage links and sweetbreads' that are precooked, then browned in the broiler. . Dlsesse Protection Faftners assisting at. farrowfrig of pigs should protect themselves from brucellosis infection by wearing rubber gloves and using a mild disinfectant. Cows Need Water Milking cows require a lot Of water to keep production at top level. But in cold vreather they won't drink more than enough to take the edge off their thirst if the water la at low temperature. The result is that 1 the yield! ef milk falls off. A. D. Loomis and family will occupy the new tenant house that is being erected by Henry jHieimer. John Miller, the former tenant of the Hanly farm, has moved to the Parks residence on the corner of Center and John streets. Mrs. S. W. Brown died at the home of her son in Ringwood March 2, after an illness of short duration. Jos. Schaefer is now occupying his recently purchased residence, the O. N. Owen place. Cancer Treatment Or. .ccooirttof » br<«kmthe nu* Trastnxnt at officer anywhere t* !?*<1"'g to th. electnc li«tt pta-V ^ fc .wentM* * radiologM tli6 manager of tA6 plftnt is 6X*j .>»i --m, perienciiur great difficulty in fur- pr?Ttem' . . ^ treated *"5 r*di^ nishing the power with which to run mc^nt substances or x-ray*, since the machinery. only a small number of cases are E. A. Hamilton has moved his entirely suitable for surgery, the family to McHenry from Richmond, doctors said, pointing out that and ia now occupying the rooms there were only three patients in ! over N. J. Justen's furniture store J a Ave year survival grtnp who wefffc John Spencer has our tiianks for treated entirely with surgery. - sample sack of flour, the product Hog Breeding Crat# WANTED TO KENT MISCELLANEOUS 'H," cave Plaindealer. Address Box 44*2 ; Vegetable CocktaO 4 To make a vegetable juice cock- TREE SPRAYING -- ANDERSON, toil at home and at the same time TREE SERVICE* TEL. McHENRY < utilize liquid from a can of peas, 113-R. 45-4 | combine one cup tomato juice with - • . i three-fourths cup of the liquid, add SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ? flash of tabasco sauce and one- WORK--Gutters and furnaces re-! half teaspoon Worcestershire sauce tired. John McDonald, Regner Rd.,' and chill well. This makes four Michael Wouftc, fashion creator under»contract to Wflfiam Cagney, says he's rapidly going nuts. At RKO he's deigning clothes for Laraine Day mid Judith Anderson for "Tycoon"; at Eagle-Lion he's dressing Sylvia Sidney and Ann Richards for "Love From a Stranger," and at U-I he's whipping up frocks for Ava Gardner for "Singapore." Ran up 1 taxi bill of $M7.15 in no time at all, dashing from one studio to another. So he decided to learn to drive, and on his flrst day as a motorist was hauled in by a cop for improper parking. --*-- of the new West McHenry flour and feed mill. Mrs. S. S. Torrance of Chicago, having rented the Mrs. J. H. Spamdtne millinery store on the West" will open therein a first-cfass •tore in near future. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, who have conducted the Owen estate farm here of late, have moved from, Waufcegan street to a farm near Spring Grove. Mrs. Mary S. Powers has rented! the Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street and moved her family into same last week. The McCarthy house on Elgin road has been rented by Martin Stoffel who will move his family there next week. J. C. Holly has rented ground of Peter^ J. Heimer on Riverside Drive, upon w4iich he is now having erected a real estate office. John M. Schmitt and Patrick J, Cotton Economy Paftxe America entered the war the cotton belt contained 54 per cent ef ear entire farm population and 99 per cent of oil the farms In the countiy. During the five-year period 1835-198*. the United States produced an annual average of 12.8 million bales of cotton, consumed 6.8 million bates, and exported 5.3 million boles. The excess of 700,000 bales was primarty responsible for the perennial cotton problem. Floor Coverinf Located at Peter M. Jaaten Furniture Store McHenry 491-M or 68 Radio announcer Don Wilson has •» tw ««nes! Cleary ha've been selected as the men to 8 Cej-pse Came who will reDreSent McHenrv town- C.O.D." George Brent, Joan BloadeO and Adele Jergons have the leading rales in the thriller--about a series of murders with a Holly weed background. KIS-"l' , McHenry. 650-R-l. Phone McHenry servings. 44-tf 1 NOTICE-1 am equipped to take1 Watch Washing Machine care of plowing, disking and wood' v, ^7* sawing. Herman DoweT 208 Rich- u For u the housewife who wants to mond Rd., McHenry. Phone 241. 42tf! keep her washing machine in good | repair, extension service household ACT NOW--To secure the county's j equipment specialists offer these most profitable small business. One1 simple rules: Know your machine man can operate._ Write Mr. R. G.| study the manufacturer's printed The breeding crate allows tne breeder to use a mature boar on immature gilt or vice versa without danger " injury, and it con» serves the vigor of the boar. The crate shotfm is constructed so it can also be used as a holding crate for ringing, ear tagging 01 vaccinating. This crate was designed by Kansas State who will represent McHenry town ship on the grand jury during the May term. Edwin Hall has been given the exclusive agency in this and Lake counties for the Simplex stop signal for automobiles. Dairymen delivering milk to the various bottling plants throughout this section will receive $1.70 per hundred for milk delivered during the month of March. Henry Degen, who with his family, Seven years isn't too long to wait for a honeymoon, according to Robert Mitchum and his wife. They decided when they were married to wait tiil he was a star, and then ig^upyin^ihe He^ Hei^r'h^ honeymoon in New York, where he|ftn Ma\„ w «nr*k..~t th* Gilberts on, 223 E. Douglas Bloomington, I1L Street, 44-2 COME IN AND SEE US about our new 1947 H. C. A. homes. May be had in either 1. or 1% stories. No two homes need look alike. May be bod with either plywood or lath and I m^nr^rtTproperly "cited, Construction time 2 months. Frett, holts and snreurs tiak* mut Brothers, General Contractors, 804 Washington St., Woodstock, 111. Tel. directions in order to get die best and most lasting results; watch the right clothes load for your machine --avoid overloading; keep drains clear of lint, surfaces clean and dry; take special care of all rubber parts, drain hose, keep rubber free of oil; Swine By-Products a ? Cure for Peptic Ulcer A new hormone has been discov ered in the mucous lining of the up per intestinal tract of freshly slaughtered hogs which is proving effective in healing and preventing recurrence of peptic ulcers, according to Dr. Andrew C. Ivy of University of Illinois. The new hormone promises relief for over a million ulcer sufferers in this country. It has beep tested on a large number of patients with satisfactory results. or Johnsburg, 111. I-L Tel. Mc 44-2 cleaning TeL Mc- •44-2 POOLS Ellsworth 542*M 42tf bolts and screws tight, and have regular check-overs to avoid trouble and expense. * 7 Wash basins did of standard adm the early port of the" when they wei the efforts of a achool liam Andrus Alco% - > Reason in Book As good, almost, kill a man as kill a good book. Who kills a man, kills a reasonable creature . . . but he who kills s good book, kills reason nself.--Areopagitica. . Seed Inoculation Sweet peaa, lupins and peas usually grow bettor if the are trentad artth one ef the lanta available for the& unipooe. Treatment stimulates the ability of the plants, to obtain nitrogen from grew up. She'd never been there. His movie career was well under way when the war interrupted it; "The*Locket" starred him and they headed for New York -- and he bought her a locket, because that made it possible. . .ft ODDS, AND ENDS--Z*cb*ry Scott is eonvincti tprimg is rttlly btri; bis d*HgbltT Wm/trif, 10, bms poisoh omh poisoning. ... Mo Jm Uum 50 Hollywood ntws photographers bmvt snspprd csmdid shots of Asm SboruU* croebsting m btdsprtmd. . . , Mmtt CrowUy, stsr of "Road of Lift," msd rodio's "HUM with tbt fitrftct diction," ovtremm* tbt handicap of stntUring, itnd so mltcrrd bis pLmi for timing m livflibood--from radio engineer to rsdio actor. .. . Doneld O'Connor, comedian on the Ginny Simms show, is just 21, bnt br's m father and has a lot of responsibilities--bnt be still eats Eski- 'mo pies during rtbearsalsf • Bmsath Lawn For a smooth lawn, soli II fat the spring after the frost is out of the ground at a time when the soil Is not too wet. on Main street, has purchased the Mrs. Emma Matthews house on John street, and will take possession soon, ««*• UM "Our lands . . . were originally very good; but use teaA abuse have made them quite uUwrnias. We ruin thstM atM*«r CHI iOOwB fwRI we have It, or «n|gl»te Wt western country." -- George Prewar Ruhr Dotted Witk Great Cities The prewar Ruhr was an area of fantastic statistics. Fifteen cities had more than 100,000 inhabitants. Duisburg, where the Ruhr river joins the Rhine, ranked in shipping tonnage with Europe's largest seaports. The Ruhr's pig iron output nearly equalled that of the entire British commonwealth of nations; Its steel production was double that of France. Five per cent of its known coal deposits would furnish enough coke to process all the ore in France's rich Lorraine iron field. Unplumbed beds of coal were estimated to be sufficient to last tor 8,000 years at the prewar rate. Nothing about the Ruhr of the late '30s was more amazing or harder to match elsewhere than its cities. The aggregate population of the Ruhr cities over 100,000 reached nearly 5,000,000. Four cities--Cologne, Essen, Dusseldorf and Dortmund -- counted- more than 300,000 each. Seven cities in the Ruhr, vol ley -- Duisburg, Oberhausen, Mul hahn, gfeaen, Qelsenklrchen, Boehum and Dortmynd -- farmed real- ^cMeM^mous urban development of MIM88 persona. by applying it with a brush, mop or spray, especially all checks, cracks and cut surfaces. Wood treated with creosote will cease to act en food for decay. White creasote Is a very white paint for all exterior wooden surfaces, such as chicken houses, dairies, stock barns, fences, ?tc. It prevents destructive rot, promotes beauty and sanitation. Also used as a Germicidal paint. White creasote is especially used on fences ind lower parts of barns exposed to livestock. This is done to eliminate the possibilities of lead poisoning to the livestock. Make your appointments now for SPRING HOUSSCL1ANINO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING WXLDIHQ PAINTING Wreck Work a Specialty Over 20 years in the Trade HANS FLACH 609 Front St. McHenry Phone McHenry 244-R V McHenry Sand and Gra1 Excavating and Orane Service rel Co. Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading • " Q • ' A ' • CALL McHENRY 97-J • HAVE YOUR CE88POOL8 - ^ , r- SEPTIC TANKS CATCH BASINS CISTERNS (flfuned By' I EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE _ - - • EDDIS torn. Prop... % ^ • hi - TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 ,. tfiiik .mii* f ?-A; . . ..j

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