Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1947, p. 8

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N. 8a|« Ceaaty Illinois, agiinit uid a'fifa artata «b or \bafbrs u g£ •EMUQOAft* FANNW SAGfiZ, Administrate* Myn * Mint, Attorneys. (Pnb. March 20-27-Apr. 3) toad the Wanteds JOHN F.'BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal mi Faraaee W«rl QffMt SU MeHeary. IB. 24S-R f; * 4 ^ . MK-'*- • i . WATER PUMPS ^ < Mrbuki Mora* Ejector aadP«P typn. AU sites. Complete "JEmj te iastalL Sasm pumps. Take old pinpi hi trade. ' gNGSTBDM SALES AND 8ERVICB T iWl MeHeary fHjW-1 • ' (SMft freai NelTa Ballroom) r-'t Ifelephoae - ^^Xake AH Braadwi Crystal take lilt OOff SSeewweerr WWoornk McHENRY CO., SEWER SERVICE fjMeeked Sewew Opened Withoat i'By Electric MeterSLle and Reft Cotter Crystal Lake, Illtaob L. Nebofc 1M E. Crystal Lake Are. tHARLES S. PARKER, Attom* (Jeslvn ft Parker) atfedaeadav Afte2So-l:«W:tt OElee--Ke*r 8applyCoB»panT, MS Mala Street, West McHenry TeHeanr 4M Woodstock 11*5 •in i'1 1 ' INSURANCE . EARL R. WAL8H A ate, Fana aad Ufa Iaeai Bspr-wtiw ABLE COMPANIES yea aeed iaearaace of say kiad Phoao 4S or 11S-M McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICB 41* or Waaler Late SCt 510 Mala SU MeHeary, Ilttaoia ELECTRIC SHOP Htoctrteal Contractors LEO G. BTOFFKL ft REIHAN8PERGER areata for all donnas el prspsrty la the tart Weet MeHeary, WIL80N*S RADIO Repair* on AH ft Auto ftM E. Elm DR. H. 8. tt W. Waakagaa Piaae *1 ' McnMvy» 'iH* Otlee Hears: lMkta 1 fja. McHENRY FLORAL Oa *1 tl far a# WELDING : Maiateaaace aad Ceastrnctieft Portable Eqalparaat 'I H. E. VANCE--MeHeary 8W Stt Soath Green St, MeHeary, lU. '•W: FRANK E. WEILER PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone MeHeary ttt-W-1 . PalatSac, Paperhaafiag, Spraying Estimates Cheerfnlly Fnrnlshed Q-T TRUCKING CO. land -- Gravel -- Black Dirt -- Limestone Damp Tracks For Hire Phone Johnsbarf 677-W-2 McHenry, 111. ' ; ^ AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICB Ml Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding ^AsfLfUir wW"e1 wWSlKsurS". *O,. Mcwr?at"if» PkoM 61S-W-1 or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL W Rates oa Road Gravel aac Fining . . Black Dirt . . Powet aad Grading. J. E. NETT P. O--MeHenrj •iyj 1 11 ------ •--WANTED TO BUY-- We pay <6 to $» for Old Horses pas for down horses and eattk Kf r MATTS MINK RANCH | „v. Jehaaharg -Spring Grove Road f z-jf Phoao Jehasharg 659-J.2 p . . CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS - HORSES AND CATTLfe Wo pay phoao eharaao W. - roleum industry ,a agriculture, railroads utilities. William HowardTift was tin flnt President of all 48 states tjha union, aa Now Mexico and Ariaooa --the 47th aad 48th stateo--were admitted to statehood during his administration. Aaether Thorp 8ale Postponed Avction CHAS. LEONARD, Aactloeor The sale originally billed for Twaday* March 25 and postooned. due to snowstorm will be h®»d on the farm known as the Ijiujw farm located 3 miles oast of Dundee on Route 68 to Bateman Road, 7 miles wast of Barrington on Route 68 to Bateman Road, 7 miles southeast of Algonquin, and 5 miles norUi of El- Sin at the corned of R°ute 6S and ateman Road, on , A MONDAY, APHIt t Comencing at 1H» o'clock sharp the following described property to- !-«rit: v• 12 HEAD . OF UVB8TO(i Consisting of . 8 Black Ang^ steers, wt. abwit 550 lbs.; 8 Black Angus heifers, wt. about 560 lbs.; 6 White Face heifers, wt from 400 to 460 lbs. Feed 7 tons first cutting alfalfa, wire hales; 16 tons clover and timothy, mixed; 660 bu. oats; 400 b«. corn. Machinery Case RC 'tractor on rubber with lights, starter and chaina; Case Model C tractor on rubber, completely overhauled; Case 2-row cult, for RC tractor; Case 7-ft. power mower for either tractor; Case 2-bot. R series Plow, 14"; Case 8-bot B series plow, 14"; Case No. 70 E porwiei1 controlled 8-ft. disc; _ Case Model A . combine, 6-ft with Wisconsin motor; Caste 8-ft. single rollerpacker; Case No. 40 corn planter with fert. attach, and tractor hitch; 100 rods check wire; Case B P grain drill with grass seed attach.; New Idea side rake, like new; New Idea manure spreader; New Idea rubber-' tired wagon and box; New Idea com sheller; wagon box; 600 lbs. scales; U.^S. corn and grain elevator with Vt horse motor, on rubber, like new, Papec hammer mill, 10 in.; 45-ft. ninber endless belt; 4-see. steel drag and evener; David Bradley cylinder power corn shelter; hay rack and iron wheel wagon; road grader; grindstone; 2 windrowefsj f rolls snow fence; tank heater; grab fork; 200 ft of hay rope; Bee sup. ere; oil pump and barrel of oil No. 20; steel tank with inside waterers; 2 feed bunks; 4 hog troughs; 10- hole hogfeeder; 2 A houses; 8 rolls wo^en wire; 50 steel posts. NOTE--All this machinery in first class condition. Uwnl Thorp Terms. f iTTAmXmJtmtl ' < *• -if , ' " V> ; ItoaM of Iptaroot Tahaa Fi>i the FHon o^ the of Tears Ago mXTY TBARS AG0 ; • Duck hunting is now opening up and with a few days of warm weather, will ho in m Moon. Smith ft &>ydor have erected a fine new awning- in front of their block, in West McHenry. It is a good improvement Our pvfcUe ochqel opened on Monday with V.R. Jacltman, principal, Miss Clara Wightman, IntermedUte lage, primary teach- Mitman, and Miss Elsie Gage, p er. John B. Brents, whilo hunting near the black ditch, down the river; on Saturday last, kfllad a large rattle snake. It measured*three and a half f«et ldhg, and . had rattles. # FIFTY YEARS AGO f KENNETH HOl»E }- W. F. Powan, Representative Ths#p Ftnaace Cerp^ Clerking Phono Woodstock lit DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist -- Foot Specialist ltt So. Riverside Drive PteM 41T Oneo hears : bqr appoiata^at DaUjr and Bveatac* RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MO5 A|so ,Greasing aad Rspairlag Can t WILLIAM BUCHERT ' --1 Frsat St MeHeary W. P. BROOKS.ft SON^-;M #Paiatiag a*d Papering AH Matarhd At Cm •*-** > TsL lfl'B ' iytg rfi% 1M Washiagtoa tt HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid h> Dead aad Crteplad Horseo, Cattle aad Hogs -- Saakarv iag Tanhage MM Moat Scraps 116 or MeHeary «t-J-S. Rovem. for sale. Phones Arliagtoa Heights Charges. Palatine DR. JOHN WAIDZUNA8 . Physician ft Sargoon , Tel Johnsharg 644-R-l ' Mala St, Johimbarg, Hi. TeL Crystal Lake S6-M Office Hoars: It ojl to 2 p.m. tnd 7 p.m. to t-p.m. No Hours Thursday Evoniafs fit. Miller i« unloading 'k car of stone this waek. Adolph ORsher ol this village has been given the atodMntmint of night watch at the Elgni airylum ^pd has gone down to entinr upon Ids duties. The store buildihg' of Owen ft Chapell is undefgoinff quite extensive repairs'. They am jMtting a new roof over the entire building. Married-- At the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Raht Sherburne, in this vUltffe. on ^ day afternoon, April A, by Rev, J. R. Clark, Clayton C. Harrison of Ringwood wid H** Flora W. Sb®rburfie of - Mclfenry, :"v" FORTY YEARS The pric4 of butter on ]the Elgin bosrd of trade Monday wps 81 cents. John Graaser has moved onto his farm lately purchased of Charles Parks, Peter Miller hat moved into the Claxton house on the hill to the Hogan farm. The D. F. Hanly farm which was sold at the county court house last week was purchased by the H«n1y Bros. - ™ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Wm. Freund who establiished a milk route in McHenry a short time ago, expects to have a real milk wagon on the road within the next few days. John Franzen, who during the past several months has been employed In the Smithy baifcer shop on the Wesb side, has again returned to his old stand in the Mrs. Christine Brefeld building, reopening the latter shop this week. , f- P- Weber, local designer and builder, informs us that he has been successful in securing a number of new workman. Among th« nerwi men will be his brother, Joe. On account of uiii very bad condjtion rf the voads, auto travel bothJ «.*tthfe..agd Riagwood no weUaa between MiHonry *td Volo has been ordered stopp<ed. had iIth halha tn battuttohilaa art units wuwh ha* . thraa aml a halt mtt- duringI ttM ,w: AGiON Ba aura [haaa Infdnaod tha snoai . . are not •vailabJo, Oie mobile bath tmits lord . tha- populace Tha firat mobile bath' unit was put to uaa in Ehgland in 1M0. The van waa deviaad for tha primary purposo of providing hot batha for airraid victwla. It consisted of a dra--u , taf tjfent aad four ahovraia, hnd wag brought tato operation almost immediately upon its arrival at a dea> tinatkm. The phowers were connected to^a street hydrant, or to taps which were stiU The water was heated tafomSo? bS t o r T e l r o a d pledged v to. tha vote with confidence and pot to make my "eWsdST *** i| fsrm o( '>a«lorwater iswiBll Um" waa used in warfari ai aac|y M tha fifth century, B. C. Qraeiaa dhrva sawed down bartl#«* «Meh had boon bldlt bdow tha anrfoipa of tha water to prevfut Oradaa warships from entering the harbor gf' Syracuse. JU aMtal -IIWB MM# ters careftAf for or Rayaa oosps ch^uil and start * •». heater of a^kimiM gWaat and whata brash agahud it ar an ^animal the rubtish ricked which h«a bam tl and !*»«• Uacktop a Utile of town, there sinse'last faO t than h hffi H. H. KIRK. & The Years average tlumber of school ytars completed by city children it I.V tad by farm children T.7, aeoordinf to • Twentieth Century Fund piiblieatlan. ^ ^ lateht aii ft tikts about twa bushels of corn aad 110 pounds of alfalfa bay -te makt a fltadar lamb of 80 pounds Into a Anishsd lamb of 90 pound*. bar an oil jA new type of absorbs mqpt of tha rays of Ufht has beet tha United Stat Batter Vision ii which red heat developed in to the «The ~glate ia OfeMstmas The Chtlatmas cactua ia an cellent houaa plant If it is not tared too frequently. Especially when tha plant Is in bloom, wpter should ha applied sparingly. If tha buds show a tendency to fall, syringing the top of tha plant while keeping the aoil relatively dry wiD help. AUCTION m suitable for usa as a heat screen in optical projaotton devices employlights. " ^ rabbit sldns a year are imported flrom Australia, laa most of the rabbit the hat industry. Three ofr four rqhbit skins are used to makp ana Aslt hat since rabbit fur forma tha greatest proportion of any fur uaed i| tha manufacture of felt CKFA1K SHOP A e tlectnc BEUCl W. ttOim 102 W. ^AUKEOAN RD. • ' PHOME 181 «HBS MINKAIS U H. FREEMAN ft Auctioneers 80N, .. Because of ill health the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm known as the W. T. 31avin Farm, located 4 milee Southwest of Hebron, 4to* miles aou&east of Alden, 9 miles south of Woodstock, or 7ft miles oast of Harvard on fllUNDAY, APRIL i* Sale to start at 12:80 p.m. 89 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 88 Holstein corws. •. 10 of 8 are spring- Dairy these cows are fresh; ing, the balance milking good^Thay are. T. B. arid Jiangs tested and ean go any place. 2 good work horses. Machinery Allis-Chahners 9 ft tractor disc, No. 8 tO John Deere tractor corn plantar, MeConrick grain drill, 1941 International fl-ton pickup truck, Hkh hew; DtUnl ihlutag machine, withflf single units with and •Medway heads, like , 14' 8-galJ^piUk eans, elactrie watpr heater, ,->vaah and solution Usual Farm1. A a «t i o n Service I »4,, Feed** has It Is COMMJRBLY Try this sen spsnding part of yoar that won't iHssulvsT 2W« «rasssw ab% jbf" wWiiUwkrfm fldnrSrnfOtr MWrtotBimliidUmi ! ss no Imwsaf, aojJ*iwi>>^i rwni; miw j orw foflkt | for winter clothes that are wo fraqaeatly. They aeed freqae «aiag to preaefve their good km d wearlag qaalitiea. Yen can dead apen aa for satisfaction. -J*: GEORGE SLAVI& H»nnr FTaemBi Hebron, 111., bistrkt Rra Geneva, Clerk. •77 AM mmuki fit* 2SSKSSS? APPKOVKD AMD SOLD BT TOtnt " FEED DEALER t frORTHAT , • , ..SFTF" •-Mfc 8. Graea Bt McHENRY GOOD OLD BOCK BEER 0. T«p 4'y| ^" • r ' I ,"** { » Price $3.95 per ba» ; ' Leu In Larger Qnamtitim . ' ' - £*' McHENRY MILLS, Hie.' 1 PHONK M'HENBY 92 * .. Wert KsHaory, M -••••: . VISIT W'yf. Ti^GkEEN srmit f • y s Ipteph J. Millet, Prop, t v - .:p« . VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law r Cor. Green and Elm Sts* MeHeary , Taapdsy snd Friday Afteraeem Other Days By Atpoiatmeat Phone McHenry 48 A. P. FREUND SON8 Excavating Contractor. TracUag, Hydraalic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M MeHeary, HI TeL MeHeary 243-J HAROLD H. BELL «lag, Paperhaaging, Ri me i lap Will Paper With SteasMr, Spray Paiating 105 N. GREEN ST. McHBNRl Paintlni Old FBANK 8. MAY tMlhf • Blecfc Dirt--Crashed Gravel m-w*. DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist --. 120 Green Street Phoao 2t2-J. Office Hoars: It a. m. to 8 p. • dally except Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. TeL Weader Lake 418 ^ ' DR. R. H. WATMNS ^ » P--y '-'3/;* ft SataitJpuibtilpJB Eveua|s sai^^wwiwai Leekoat Poiat Weader Lake, IB Livestock at Auction On Bouto & Woodstock, ill. Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. ' r ' - v f - f Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy- COW* -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS . T. ^ aud BANGS TESTED 8alM Monday and We take ordflrs for feeder cattle and pigs CASH OU CREDIT i r??: your turning stock to this'AUCTIO] We have buyers for every artid#f^ PLANTS BTAOMTHS TULIPS ' •••* a* H7DRAN0IAS T.TTTTMH JONQtTILS ROSE 9 AEAT.ttAft FLOWER^ BMAPDEAOOm -- CARNATIONS KOSSS -- GARDENIAS -- 0AMXLIA8 DAS3IK8 --JONQUILS -- TULIPS PLXA&E ORDER ALL OOKSAO MSW LOW C0MHI8SI0N Bwt Oatf Harket in Northern »n«m»u ^ " rOR LIVESTOCK OOKE TO WOODSTOG^ WOODSTOCK COMM. SAL^ q)., INC. 4I'-IR. ^ . w i ,r- IT'* '• T I V- ' • f / .thOMS smor 4«|;' '3$mL-kcL : ' . *; V.,- mmmmmmmmrnmi 'If lh', it-, v. r>.' ( Si W. / A^HENRY FLORAL CO. Rout. M, One Kile Sonft oflbptuy : Cali AkHenry 404 - . ; f -• i -m": - i,* J " 1 •' fi-'f' •' ... pr- - a' \ • f J *> *** hr •»» " . *•«!%• * Jv*.

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