Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1947, p. 9

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*p; i !. «? " ' .ti V« *" ; ,«* IX •.:'•• '¥• • Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained 4WV dob at their hone Uganda? mqtat. Mm wen awarded to Ifc*. B. T. til? *nd B. & Whiting*. hijh, and Hre. E. E. Whitfof aSTB. KBatter, tow. Mih and lba. Clayton Harrison •will hold open boose to thair friends from 2 until 5 pm. and 7 to tpjn. en Saturday, April (, in honor of fteir golden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bamakor of Somen, Iowa, announce the arrival of a eon, bom March 12. They have a little daughter to greet the new brother. Mrs. Rajnaker is the former fMai be home. Mr. Chicago mm rueets in tKil Mr. ari'Mte aadertntaft lj.*"f i ^ TTiH WeJdrkh and family of Keystone spent Sunday e*tshc with Us parents, Mr. end atf the Vkiday even- WlS&'Sf"ft.**. Woedward and sons were visitors Mrs. Fred. Wiedrich, Sr. at Crystal Lake Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mm Harold Stanek spent fiwige Haberlein spent Friday In Sunday afternoon In the Richard Chicago. i Staweb) home at Hebrew. Mrs. Olhrer Laurence and daughter, I Mrs. B. T. StQer, Ifrs. Louis Doris, and mi Brennan were visitors Hawley, Weldon Andreas and Wayne at Etrin Saturday. Foes attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wegner of Me in the Elgin went Mrs. Jennie and Alan Ainger tors at Genoa City Satur- * ^ mm s ,u. . ' : K r ' ~ Helen Weber says: f. 0ood care gives • longer wear-*** " ^""1 *! V* your garments to tw f^r cleaning •? ^ r clothes wUl look newer and last kmgefe were d»y. Henry spen£ Sunday with her Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eecher mother, Mrs. Bai^ara Laurence children of Chicago spent Sunday l M*« Merritt Cruickshank afternoon with her mother, Mrs.l£ ¥°^..CroJ*U>5>4..Mr».*yi Mn' Tlllie Vaillancourt Hugh White of Detroit, Mich., w . .. . __ icallerS in the Wm. McCann * i Sunday *£koon. gjj. L^Tr,!fT, ' M*»- Viola Low and daughter dinner guests in the George Shepardj^ Mrs Ebana Beatty were supper -- ; guests in the WWter Wilcox home near Woodstock, Saturday evening. Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family spent Monday Iftemoon in Woodstock. Mrs. Alice Feet of Elgin spent the, weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. McHENRY „ .. CLEANERS 103 ELM 8T., McHENBY, ILL. Y , Mgr. Crs. Paul Walkington, Harold Stanek and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane attended Abendroth of her mother, *Ritter ani ejpient the week* end with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt W«>ter. Miss Carol Roth returned to her home in Minneapolis .Sunday after a week's visit vntih her mother at the home of Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Van Dusen and daughters, lfr, and Mrs. "Curly" Wilson and Barbara Laurence spenf parents, wr. eftce. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Sunday in the Delmar Shook home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Bacon of Antioch spent 8atnrday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and , Mia.. Joe King and sons of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haldemann and fassi^y and Mr. and Roland Jackson and family of (Mid spent m 125,000 Gamble's "End of Month" Clear-; . Appleo Lesg _ ance 8ale is still- in progress. Bar- > Apparently mankind appreciated gains galore. West McHenry. 46: the worth of the'apple long before '•'•it , ,|N ones iwr,. The Johnsbuig Gommunitv dub will .hold its regular meeting on unity teeth) „ Monday, April 7. All members are requested to be present At this science had a chance to delve into its virtues. History tells us that Alexander the Great had a standing The cast for. the senfe# class "Make Yourself At •elected last week by the Miss Helen Steven*, The reduction will be preseiUdd oil ssr jars&ijr as-b,uy with epch meal. | included in t^e cast are 8mith, Helen Dtanean, Loretta of and Mrs. Oliver Laur- Fly Swstter ' ^ ring highway commissioner. ! Fly swatters are still common a*» i i tlcles of merchandise. A new kind, meeting special honor will be given the retlri Viae Fresh Ysaaatoea A good-sized tomato, vine-ripened and trefth fxom the garden, wilf give about half the day's quota of vitamin C. however, is made of synthetic rubber, molded in bright colors, and containing an admixture that spreads a delicate odor through .the air when the swatter is in action • son, Joan May, Carol Marticke. I ward Buss, Leslie Krieger, J i McCulla, Harry Mueller and Robert ' Svoboda. Student directors are AM| - Samec and Lois Weideman. > ;ll --~ • • / *, Order your ruooer rnsiM at M V • Plaindealer. « Packard Announces All-New Convertible r. Mrs. I a , Itichmi _ y with th«r party in the Daniel Rawson home i patents, Mr. iniMn E. G. Whiting, near Wonder Lake Saturday even-' Mrs. ^Albert Skcher and children 1 ing. of Chicago are spending the week I Mrs. Mae Harrison is visiting in with her mother^Ml-s. Tillie Vailitho home of to daughter, Mrs J lancourt. ™ Glenn Treon, it Crystal Lake. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Fellows and Mr. and Mia. Henry Marlowe and Mrs. Harry Bmson of Genoa City ; family of Huntley, Mrs. Etta Wattles j were SuncUf supper guests of Mr. and son, Glen, of^McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Dkk (Hdson, Sunday. M \Ulvl I " / / i (i /y Easter is a big day at my house, just as it probably far at yours. A few days beforehand, I start shopping at my A6P, so the family can enjoy all Easter's special good' things to eat, Because A&P's prices are modest, my food money goes farther. And A&P's big variety means I can pick andmowfipn the best of everything available,, ^ and Mrs. Frank Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mrs. Weldon Andreas, with her mother and sisters, attended the Ice Capadea in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepeon. Phylis McCannon remained for a few days' visit with her.grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Alice, were visitors at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chandler and Ella WUcom of Racine were Sunday guests in the Charles Carr home. They also called on Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. ICBnVOUBEflTtHflTT"! dtjghl Wtedri HMT-OATI n«SY COOftM Tfh« last word in first courses . fruit cocktail topped with this iherbet: Boil % cup of sugar and cups of hot water 10 minutes. / Sprinkle 1 tbsp. ttWf of gelatin on top S . ffWfri 0f Vi cup of cold water. Add to sugar syrup, stir tai dissolved; add 3 tbsps. of lemon ."Juice, % cup of orange juice, 1 pt. fpt AAP GRAPE JUICE and M ^>tsp. of salt. Freese. For the rich .^flavor of fresh grapes, be sure to 'Aise AAP GRAPE JUICE! ' Itw TO (MOO Mllll Ever noticed how quickly spt^i turn brown when they're cut? it's a sign the air is robbing them at freshness. That happens to coffee, too, wltf n the bean it broken by grinding, so take a tip from me and buy your coffee in the whole bean and have it Custom Ground to fit your coffeepot! That** how A*P COFFEE is sold, and bdfeve me, it's grand! Get mild, meUow EIGHT O'CLOCK: rich, fullbodied RED CIRCLE, or vigorous, winey BOKAR at the AAP. MMUEt ONMN SlWFnSB Mr. and Mrf. Arthur Dimon and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dimon and son of Ostend spent Sunday afternoon in the Gordon Larson home. Pastor Cornelitw Stem of Milwaukee preached at the Ringwood Bible church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family were visitors in the Marvin Arsneau home at Richmond Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and new daughter have been spending the week with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. and Mrs. Louis Winn and jhter, Janet, and Mrs. Fred iedrich, Jr., visited relatives at Elkhorn Sunday. Clinton Vogal, nephew of Mrs. Wiedrich, was killed in an automobile accident Sunday afternoon. Percy Lenard of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with his brother, Jack penard, and family. The Keystone Home Bureau members met at the home of Mrs. A1 Goosie on Friday, March 28. Seventeen members were present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Glen Jackson on April 25. . Hie metribers . of the Keystone Home Bureau unit that attended the 4-H chairman meeting in Woodstock on March 26 was Mrs. Wm. Harris. Members of the Keystone Home Bureau unit that attended the 4-H organisation meeting in Woodstock on Saturday, March 29, were Mrs. •Roy Weidrich and Mrs. Wm. Harris. Mrs. J. C. Pearson is teaching in This 1941 9upet4ty£t Convertible froa the dies up," with quantity production scheduled for June, hss just been sanountwd by the Packard Motor Car Cosapany as a jjppUmw to its pmat Clipper lias. ' Among many standout features *1 dbi cm. deaacibed u "Ameriai,i first all-new postwar convertible" and shown above, are "flush-contour" styling and a aew 149-horsepower engine cradled in a specially built fauna. There ate no rear fenders, die body itself sweeping over the wheels. All windows, front seat and top ace power-operated. Hie panel, with keys that push for bo* "on" sad "of," hss disl illuauaatioMk of "black light," which ilhaieeijl night-time glare The distinctive front end drtiga, company oAosls point oat, pre* serves snd enhances •SC i ' RIVERSIDE MOTOR SALES- * Packard sales ud sbrviob fy ' v kiV"< ^ 1304 last,Petri St. iaoim MoHonrj, HLj «>• *1 to denuta, your family will jtg this dessert made with tender, ven-fresh JANE PARKER To please every Easter feaster* narketii »at my n< net If you don^t agree that it's a do your holiday'marketing at the AAP. Ill eat new -E aster -bon- HESTER OILS ONUTS from the AAP. SpUt butterhpudl* ^" . with more pudding, and--as fdonuts and nlaee vanilla or adding betweep the layers. 18 or 4 colored Jordan or candy Easter eggs. • garnish almonds •wall spot to shop! For everything in AAP's biff stock ^ JBT ^ I Ny'; j%.: big has been carefully •elected and attractively A Happy Baste* and the to you I lies of the "lie Best For Leas* JTUXL on» LUBRICANTS MILLER Weedsteck, IHineie of C. 4k N-W. R. ii WEST McHENBT, ILL. TELEPHONE M*HBNRT Mt STARTS WEDNBSOAY, APRIL mi rim 4 «te >^Ts AmozifK) NtMis dboat 1ho Now 1946 Mnmmo washcr IT WIIL HAVE A Suud • in • Steel Tmnsmiss yx , ... . *. ..w . . -p" $' ^ OI^CII AOAlNtT Of isaotlfAetuM Mil* t,*# CLftffUS .* f Here's the automatic waaher tiiat does 3ro«|. washday work. It's the famous Westinghounl Laundromat that washes, rinses and damp* dries the clothes, then cleans and drains itself and shuts off::: all automatically: All you do is put the soiled clothes in, the dials, take the clean clothes out. Yotf wdek's wash completed and your hands nevdf touch the water! The Laundromat can be installed anywhere, for it doesn't have to be anchored to the floor. And, you'll be delighted at its low-cost operation. For cleaner clothes without hard work, you'll want a Laundromat. Come in. See i|too^ •-1* TNI HI AST Of THI LAUNDROMAT Its worWag heart. . . the TraoamMoa.. . now 8«aVd in Steel and funolnd for tw yeara after year of manufacture, acaiaaC iiiaiifttinim defect*I Aiwafl *£ laas life and trouble-free milin ... eaHMhn with tbe LauMdroiBatt r» -..••a - < is " ' , t 'li * ' f * f CAREY ELECTRIC. SHOP Phone 251 Gteea Stieet - McHearf1 iMCBfC.' A BASV DOES MOT SHSO ^TWBS/ IT IS AROUND ! MONTHS OLO/ MANtC- §i "-- %4 u i ' V' U • ~ s •-S&B& TABLE MODEL RA KSU -176. SaNfbcc, able mnU. ' llaaai nary pluac ritiaii. • htM. plii it m titd k m4 d«l. "On a i M'nw. Ftdcal rxCK w rndujld . . •. In 33 jesrs of kat ton* eftgt&tiring, Sooor* hss pioneered manj, mtajr ciraut iatprovessents thst hsra brought jou sn incrsssingly better tone--"CU*r « < BM" SM NOW, in its new console combustion. Sonars incorporates M these improvements, sdds s esssterpiece of cmbinetry fashioned of finest ssstched mod selected ribbon-striped emhogsajr -- s radio-< phoaogrspb anmstched in performsnce, unmatched in sppearsncc, onssatcbed in vshse. J 235 I00K AT THESE FEATURES • Sturdy Automatic Raeord Choi cnfSol tridaip loag-Sfa for 35 aiadtfc a Ns oariol or froiw< aa«Sa Sal in "^nnnnM«n»»" la> • FuS laa^e i>iiohl» torn liable Mrt s( St wiA • Caiyhli Aert-wov* rac • 1W ki| teeer**erege i • hw-pratairt VlStiSS'^Os «&' * \ - \ m -f.35 COLES RADIO vif3P!K;:. - .w^ ^ .s'.+'P': f-' * - Paik» McHenry 303 Rt». l|, Rkhmondg Tel Rkhmotid •m ~ - Jfcy-. -r -

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