" h vr, -ifT.1! i.,^ y ' . ' " ' 7. . t» «S? to the TO* „ in* at thepoll T--dsy, April 1, as candidal ANTON P. FREUND. CARD OP THANKS tbi* manner I would like to jr gratitude to those who me at the polls last Tues- Stayi April 1, when seeking the* post fief highway commissioner. , *46 WILLIAM B. SMITH. CARD OF THANKS , desire in this way to express heartfelt thanks to the public their support at the polls last resulting- in my election as commissioner. I will strive the teat of my ability to fulfill the trust placed in me by the voters. M "CHUCK" MILLER. | Complete line of David Roberts veterinary medicinfes at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 4S-tef-bp Sokwfi^ fer The Plaindealer THEATRE * PHONE 32 Woodstock, 111 CAKDOV TVANKS I wish ill tills asaaaSr td thank the many people who wwut to the polls last Tuesday ami supported m in mjy saeeesafal campaign for re-election as supervisor. Your votes were much appreciated., • ... , ... 46 MATH N. SCHMlTT. L^vdop New Ointment For Treating Burnt Development of a new kind ointment for bums which removes dead tissue painlessly was announced at the 109th national meeting of the American Chemical society. The ointment, which can be stored in powder form and prepared for use in a few minutes by merely adding water, it expected to be of special value to the navy and other potential users requiring compact stlpplies. The new preparation based on the use of methylcelluloSe and sorbitol can be stored as * dry powder which is easily wetted to give a dear j*Uy ready for application in a very few minutes. Such a preparation is believed to be of inestimable* value to the navy, for example, which must carry compact supplies not necessitating frequent replacement _/ Accelerated aging tests have proved that the new ointment powder is stable under all climatic conditions and need not be packed in seated container*. , i *•.% , - APRIL S | "TILL THJS CLOUDS ROLL BT" In Color Johnson -- June Allyson |Van Heflin -- Robert Walker Frank Sinatra Soil Emita In the process of soil movement, valuable plant food is carried away which means reduced crop production. As erosion drains off fertility, it gnaws into sloping land, leaving gullies in its wake. SawD lUtaS MM KmW|» . Statistics Indicate Hurt 11«tt grocery stores opening today survive the first year, bfaft ouy 4 St' the 10 may expect to calsbrata • fourth birthday, Joseph K. Wa*> man, assistant to the cohubMn on economic development, reveals. Survival periods in (ttflMBl Industries vary considerably, Wui* man said. "Manufacturing and wholesale enterprises survive on the average for longer periods than retail, craft or serVice ooncerua. However the longer a Ann is In business, the more likely it la to stay in business for progressively longer periods." Citing reasons for a high rate of turnover in certain type? ot small business, Wexman said, "Beauty parlors, cleaning and pressing establishments, auto repair shops, hand laundries, watfch repair and aimilar services avtragrwi under $6,000 in gross receipt*. Thass meager returns coupled with the easy entry for iq^UMiti makes a high mortality inevitable. The capital requirements tar any of these are under $900." Glyeertee Caatlags e, which until recently; had seldom bean seriously considered infconnection with the products of the paint, varnish and lacquer industry, has become an important factor in the manufacture of protective and decorative coatings. This is due to the extensive use of glycerine in tiie manufacture at synthetic resins, including ester gums, which, in turn are used in the formulation of important cbatings, many of them highly specialized. Abait dents of lamtsway Uni -Ttmp c Hov«rs WED-THU RS-FRI-SAT APRIL lS-11-12 NOTICE TO PATRONS ContimKHvs Shows Wednesday From 2:3© on -- Open 2:15 McHenry, Illinois TUESDAY Doors Starts at 5 WEDNESDAY Open 4:45-- p.m. with Fee tare FRI-SAT Alan Ladd -- Brian Donlevy "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE BLAST" Plus--News and Cartoon KUNisr itfVAii SUN-MON APRIL S-f Red Shelton -- Marilyn Maxwell THE SHOW-OFF" Plus--Worid News and Baga Baany Cartoon CLOSED TUESDAY THE MAN John J. Vycital Hdwe. Green St r Colorful gf tfftflMi -- Neville George one.tif ttf worst sex III British criminal hishanged in Pentonville a wealthy Englishstreet outside tried against tile "sadistic condemned him to people, mostly resitough Brewery road district, wet* acting fer Hfith's death corticate ^ be posted on the prison Sites whan Mrs. Violet Vanderelst, a #|W|j foe of capital punishn^ al, iieS>ed from her automobile 6*i liita distributing leaflets headlined "Fresh Evidence. (Sate Braia lajary. The laaflSi alleged W H^ath. » hsndaonie ex-flier, had suffered a braln injury due to instrument birth, and said that his first irtctim, Margery Gardner, film extra, had submitted to flagellation before he killed her, causing a "vibration (which) no doubt affected his brain." "Evil entities can enter and take possession of anyone like Heath," the pamphlit stated. The condemned man also was accused of the mutilation and slaying of Doreeo Marshall, pretty veteran of the women's royal navy service, but was hot tried for that murder. The famous Tussaud's wax works has found that the effigy of Heath, recently added to its chamber of horrors, has attracted record crowds, consisting mostly of women. Mrs. Vanderelst, symbolically attired in black, continued to distribute leaflets until police bundled hevlnto her car and ordered her to leave. Three others, two men and* a woman, were arrested during the night for attempting to post anti-capital • punishment placards on the prison walls. She Is Fined 98. ; Mrs. Vanderelst appeared to Clerkenwell police court to face two charges of obstruction of free passage on the highway. As she entered the court, she protested that she would give her life to fight the "sadistic law" which.decrees death for murderer*. She pleaded not guilty ts both charges. One oount was dismissed, but sha was ordered to pay an $8 fine for the ether violation. A police Inspector testified that whan be wsmjdi Mrs. Vanderelst that Sha was. tmtruettaf passage outsiders Jatt, she replied : "You swine! I naasmbar you! Why Ad they hang ftt jwwii man? You don't caie. yea wretched inapector!" ' Sea damp away nom moisture. Jmp ass some other electrical &H't uae more than ens piece of portable eqtdpment on one outlet. "Don't use metal sochate in farmstead wiring; uae poroelsla or other appfOfSd non-aaetallic ones. Iksrt use pull-chain switches unlessthey contain an tnsiilstlng link or Don't overload your motora. Don't 1st the braid or Insulation on Wiiei get frayed; make repairs or tWdas corda at tet Sign at rvm9 gPtQAPORE, MEUm-Ths Navy and Cable huntod for some able armored ci cally from The cable waa but tbe plratea in sight pi a They half - mile el from tin while Chief |tng The natural beauty of Tropical Bird Plumage gave Cheney the idea for these striking new patterns. The colors are a blend of soft and brilliant tones taken from the peacock and the bird of paradise. flVFFLCBritish Wireless, Ltd.. mass of valupiratod practK % ocean floor ~ almost withstation. about yarda station. Then, r _ - John Cockburn directed the splicing in the first break, the pirates hauled in another 1.7-mile kngth t«to miles away. In three raids wring five nights, the plratea got ataywith 4.2 miles of cable, Cockbuat Said. "I don't know Which was cheekiest-- the fact that 4hey made the first cut only faros from our station or that tMy Wars- busily sawing away while f was testing what thought waa an spdior break," Cockburn said. Cockburn has a hunch they plan to melt the copppr and aell the steel wire en the blac|K*aiazfc*t. . . • v i,-„, , ... ^ T«* Mrtft at Im WHhtat* FM hHMi by Mfhtw YORK.--Two realdenta of the Canary islanda, who had beeh without food for a weak and without water for four dsjra While adrift in a 30-foot sailboat, wete reacued by the crew of a flreighter 470 miles southeast of Cape Cod. The coast guard aearch and rescue center here said the men were picked up by the Jamea Smith and were being taken to a Canadian port. The men were Juan Henriquez de Peratta, 36, and Thomas Metros Castellano, 19, both of Las Palm as, Canary islands. A message from the Smith aaid the two men sailed Auguat 9 from the Canary isfends for Mexico. Storms blew them off course sad their food and water ran out. ttakmpt IridtfrtMi Sin Laundry SHREVEPORT. Don't tamper with permanent sdttag unlesa you have bit cut off current at the ftise boa or msster switch. ' Avoid the use of more than one or two extension cords In any one outlet. More convenient outleta may be needed. - 1 . Beware of the lines, don't touch theiko*' allow any high equipment, loosew^re or other item to contact thei Never uae eleetrteriftring or equipment for playful experimenting or practical joking. Electric Heatora The sale of electric water, heaters in American homes has passed the first million, a recent survey reveals. The number of dwellings with electric water heaters has risen from approximately 35,000 in 1935 to the survey figure of 1,149,000 which covered sales up try tjhn rnti of 1945. . aMl ha» ss . *^itfe^sr jlli'Ml ' yip» e married Order m appp-.p *•". fiii'ttiftfiTriiitfft-" ; « ' at lbs m Complete line of David Roberts veterinary medicines at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-bp - / N- • J ^ \ i>' 4. f « .» .v TKADE IN YOUR OLD BATTERY on .a B0W n A" .V- • r' • s-.v V . *#• ^^ ^ * y If e can fit all can and trucks with » FIRESTONE TIRES Vtmde in jour old tractor, track or pawenfer tar ttret on a brand new set ot FXRE8TOH1S. ', ^ ^:« t ^ JUBT ABiRIVKD--TEACTOE Complete lino of Seat Covers, Pmnw, SuSa Wrenches, Spark Plugs, Fan BeHs. v.. , %*" " . '*v Pome in and see our IXKESTONjB BeMgaraton and ymyiiny M«i»hins« ,. ^ , . i ? ~ .1 ' * Walter J. Freund TIES8--TTJBE8^-BATTKEIB8--AOOBSSORISS » TIM! AND TUBS VTJLCAWIZ1HQ f ALL WORK QUARANTMD / Phone 294 West WMnry * ^ ' i , , _ i- * 7 ' •* ' n m nassuu wi look to bvbry tiu abovt m TO WISE TOU All. A WOHSBBTtn^ HAPPT SASTXS. MAT TBI BASTSS BymfT HAXS All. YOU* WISHB8 OOMX «N?B. ' Peoorative ^ - CANDLES tar Bxtot KUB1TS CHICKS Ton will want several Perfume A food fifth-ounce each of Lenth&ic's famous perfumes, Tweed, Miiade and Confetti, 0B|uiiittlf pKscntM.>7.30 Pirns T*x • •' » "i" i. <i|," BemMnber ,•/ HIM . With a Gift at , BAsraft 4 Ho will be surprised and appreciative. J Wo snggeet bofetio of >RTSMAN lVE $1.60 '* V ' " CANDY Per af tiie fami%f Remember your friends with a card from for largo selection. . For that Easter t n - GIFT 7 ' A good bo? of Candy if always appreciated. "Give Her the Best" " ' vt we' have in stock Ga? -- CoUvfUl LSTERJO•IY S PlmblUbibU ^ " Waddling Dndtt Every Child will th« diytimt jfragranc* ^aasssa JbcM^Md teiJltbrcNAt $1.89 fafSKB. fiwa ll-«, Dscumcs bdmlMkpiutm. ( mill* k . <-r: Shreveport Laundries, Inc. . Mitchell asks an additional for the value of Electric Mc6EE'S STORE FOR MEN - SO. GREEN STREET A^ Hew Psrfnme 8ensatksi Dark Brilliance »f ' : A hawntlng scent ^yon can't forget! A Splendid Gift Easter Baskets £ for that very Limited Quantities '" ; tA9nc at.o $m1 .n7f$e t . for the :rr,, THOMAS P. BOLGER v'-VA" • •-!' : Mu H y