Ife f l- 1.. '*4 nw&',.' v? „» *V$ ~ * » • ' ' . *- - 'j; • :^if:L^~ * r; ; - - *- '*': f?-vi -^v--7 • - : : : ' : - i m -w 71 HeHKHKY, HUHOH, TB018DAT, APUL 3,1M7 Witt sewn, "HUM" --in MSMYWMKlS Anion Frevnd By ft Votat; Smith Trails Opponent K6> and min bmwi, tke hepe of all politicians, prevailed IMI Tuesday, bringing to the polls a reoord number of wttri. It was «M of the most lively contested IMUISMP eiectfctts over hold here, vili spirits and hopes mnung high the votes from the last prewere counted. Ultimate winwore Math M. Schmitt, who was re-elected supervisor, and ^Chuck" Miller, who became highway commissioner to fill the vacancy moated by the resignation of Joseph 1. Freundt = Total Vote---- Both races. were clove, with the fallowing votes being tabulated in tke four precincts: Hath Schmitt, total 1045 votes; precinct one, 96; Scinct two, 306; precinct three, ; and precinct four 318. Anton P. Freund, total 986 preduet one, 256; precinct two, sM; precinct three, 806; and precinct tar, 120. "Chuck" MilleA total, 1094; precinct one, 298; precinct two, 416; jeecinct three, 363; precinct four William B. Smith, total 989; precinct one, 79; precinct two, 185; prei, 242; and precinct four, XSW PROJECT HAS BNV UNDERTAKEN BY S08PITAL AUXILIARY Another project of the Woman's auxiliary of the Woodstock Public hospital has recently hcen an* nornmed, namely the Infant Alumni Fittd. 'Mrs. Oliver Strutton is the very enthusiastic chairman of this "oae-man" couAnittee. If she continues hor |*eoo»it success in iath<- urinr membership, tbe walls of the WtUd will soon km lined with the names ud dateo of Die babies who arc born thoito. • The intents W#H» successfully graduate free* the hospital nursery and whoae parents eOre to make a contribution to the ftifant Alumni Fund will have their names and birth dates placed on a scroll near the nursery door. The fund is' to be.used^for nursery equipment A very modern incubator has just been ordered by the hospital auxiliary, the first gift from the new fund. In addition to the above, the auxiliary w now operating throe other special projects, the patients' GRADE FACULTY IB MAKING PLATO FOB EVEM1HO R*T_A«TT«N '3 EASTER CHURCH SERVICES • 1 m dnct three, Worn the above figures it can be readily seen lust how close the voting was, with little accurate means ou predicting winners until the very are two ox any township, ; Bl!lM*poUiB The positions of supervisor and ftMiway commissioner of fti most important in ami the fact that so wliied this and went is evidence of a growing inta^Mt la community piogrssa. gStHS-StS"* 8UHDAY. APUL IS April !«. rt I w, -vi uoaummity Aoxunnr ML fw Ma. t9H. VJfiW, of CryotoTLoke, wA install oil newly of the local Auxfifcry it the parochial MMI ~ mf. ftb fffl he to whfch all men •m Faculty members of the local while grade school are making final plans for the ovening school session which will be held on Friday evening, April 11, between the hours of 7l45 and 9 >p.m. Purpose of the ovening session is to better acquaint parents of the children with the manner in which school classes are contacted locally , in 1947. Many of these parents Who have never been Inside school since their own graduation day will no doubt find a great many changes in the intervening years. In addition to witnessing regular school day classes, mother and dad will have the opportunity to meet faculty members and also to view the improvements which have been made in the building itself. Among the latest of these improvements are new desks which were purchased last fall for each room. All parent* are urged to witness tikis very interesting school session. library the Coca Cola machine and [COUSIN OF FORMER the hospital gift shop, which is lo- pmiT.IBIfTO • cated in the waiting room. r i/UMpnaifc *• Anyone who cares to join the; AWAY IN 0HI0A auxiliary and assist with this worthwhile Mid interesting work will be | Just two weeks after the death most wwlcome. In McH rive members may call Mrs. Paul1 Woodstock, William E. Renich, Schwerman or Mrs. Ray McGee.; of Rogers Park passed away in --• I Illinois Masonic hospital on March OLP AOS PENSIONERS I?7. 1?47- HE ^ «« 111 ONLY • ^ '3u4'K" , * KS -A "• JHc WALTER J. FREUND MARKS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN BUSINE88 Walter J. Freund last week Friday, March 28, completed twenty-five years as owner ana operator of his tire shop in West McHenry. He opened the doors to the public in 1982 in the same location where he now conducts the business, but in September of the same .year moved to the corner of Main street and Route 81, where the Smith Grocery In June of 1923 the former stand, wfaere he remained through the years. Mr. Freund is nol£±he first man to complete twenty-uve years of business successfully in McHenry, but he is the first man to do so under so great a handicap as his. "Walt," as he is known to his patrons and friends, lost his sight many years ago and afterwards studied the skilled business of repairing tires at a special school in Cincinnati. To most people so handicapped, it store now itaMfe he returned^io 1 SUSAN RAN LAID TO RES Well Known McHenry Resident Succumbs To Long Illness It was a saddened Which teamed late last Sa afternoon, March 29, 1947, of death of a respected and loved resident, Mrs. Susan HtnkiaL She passed away at her home on Broad street at 4 p.m. after * lingering illness which began last August. "Sue," as she was known to evea casual acquaintances, was a friend of all. For many years a popular employee of the Gladstone would be » pe«t «^pl'8hment to ^j^^nt ^rt' h£*2 master one trade, but not so r , Walter Freund. Before his business' training, he toured the country as _ . - . -- ... . 1* puncher with one of the large OS are offering to those of all faiths ing Christ." Special music will be \ circuses and also appeared in vauto Easter Services. These offered at this time. Again this year, McHenry church- will be contained in "The Ever Rislilies appropriate services. ..... _, -UJM( churches and the toaautiful enry, pros-!of his cousin, Charles F. Renich of help to them on decorated for the occas 1 Mrs. Paul Woodstock, William E. Renich, 73, E^ter morn are aU ayasbols ofEter- Easter flowers and plants. W COOTTTT OKT IU.076 i pr^t of IN MONTH OF FEBRUARY the Reptfik^Building Merchants' ! associatioin and past president of Old Age Pension allowances were 'Credit received by 127,107 Illinois persons during Ffebrufcry, Raymond M. Hill- his c0"*1" in Woodstock on March iajd, pdUk aid director of the Illi-!16- «... . . . nois PuMic Aid Commission,.has re-' Mr. Renich is survived Iqr a daughter, Alice. Services were held last Monday afternoon from the home, wiife bupial in Rooehill cemetery. lnstaalillii ng officer will ha EH--both 1, who with hor iWMftiilf odor tasaa will pqrtUfrote ia 1ft wMlftl aorvice. President sisct of OVm Ihw poet auxiliary is Mrs. Lina KDday, who succeeds Ml*. Pauline Mas. P^ ifreahnvents will be served at the haion of the meeting. #OMINO B VENTS ^ ported. "The average monthly allowance per person was 139.92 and total cost of payments was $5,074,612," Hilliard said. "This amount includes medical and- hospital care and special services required because of illas or disability. "There wore 287 . more recipients on the roll in Febraary than hi Old Age Pwsiaii allowahcos were 811,076. We Offer Yei Cwpatalitnd! Birthday congratulations this to one of our older residents who is toring Feb- atili young in spirit. Chris ! Mrijwho last Sunday, Match SO, TO flffltsiMi tmmi bratod his oighty-sevonth birthday aannnniiwvesrrssaarryy at the .IhMoMmMe o0f1 hmiss daughter, W flsoipt Justen, with whom he makoe M» haasa. A family dhmer was oajoyed at nc of well it the Mr: young muakians,'^ nfearMd homo lost Sr stal April 8 - C. D. of A.--Business Meeting* *. April 7 ' , Jfhwhurg Community Club. Altar A Rosary Sodalitaf. V. F. W. Installation--K. of C. Halt O. E. S. April 8 Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Pot-luck at 12 o'clocte--Mrs. Walter Haug : Home, Shalhnar. April 9 kgion Auxiliary Otffufaa Membership Month. April 11 Oaunty Legion Auxiliary--McHenry- Methers Club -- Peter M. Jnsitit Home. April 13 f. F. W. Auxiliary Installation. April li Agatha's Court. C.. O. F.--Initiation-- Villa Club Resort. April 16 Baseball Dance--Spnsored rocks ball team--Noll's April 17 W. S. C. S. Birhtdav Tea. Public Card Partyu-K. of C. Hall- Sponsored by C. D. of A. April 28 St Clara's Court, C. O. F^ Enterlain Husbands--Pot-Luck 8uppe»f < p. a April 28 f Oaunty Speech Clinic -- MeHcmy ^ April 34. 28 md 8mma|» Sale--City od by Circle 2, W. S. C. April 28 Senior Class Play, "Make Yourself At Home." April 88 Vibercular Tests--High May 4 Kgh School Orchestra Concert. _ • May I • fuMfc Card Party--®oon»ort*by Riverview Csmp, R. N. A. May 12 ICethers Day Banquet--C. D. of A. COURT ORDES . . Judgre William R. Dusher la dreuit court last week entered an _$rder directing that Leonard Palmer, Chemung township, clean up his garlage dump near the village limits of Chemung* and also that he adhere to rules and specifications to be set on by the state health doctor. Dr. H B. Millar. He then continued for thirty days the hearing on the petition to show cause why he thouki not h* held in contempt of tourt for failure to comply with a temporary injunction issued Um* 12, 1946. , .v/y? HKOTICE A;.. Ste It is respectfully reauested that business place* close b»+We«n the hour» of 12 oVl/>»k noon and 8 p. m. n FrVi*v . CITY COUNCIL OF M*HENRY. R. I. Overton, lUjwr. wf to 'ple reeided in Johndburg for tweni); ty-fivo years before moving to Piai!?: takee Bay. where Mr. Blake served Blake, W«M> was ths father of thiriZ.& LESlSr"' Our octogenarian wai born on a II* farm between MeSennr and Johns- J^ buigin 1860 and has always lived ia „rW>l» h^orkrn this community. Following his mar- SifaS tffi partl^ .norttlenh!riafo to Miss Anna IBllor.'too cou- McHenry was fortunate enough bring home seven winners--two inone vocal oiisemlbte. These included j Carol Harrison, trombone; Frances j Baiber, tdba; Artiiur Epert, baritone; Robert Svoboda, bass, brass sextette, clarinette quartette ( and j girls sextette. | Second places were awarded to j Beverly Schwerman, violin; Richard 1 Heuser, clarinet; Frances Barber, soprano; Betty Long, mezzo soprano; i Robert Felse, bass; the string quar-, tett« and the comet trio. Three ratings, those of Sue Strever and Carol Harrison, altos, and Marianne i Glauser, piano, were not made when ' the group left contest headquarters. \ First place winners are now en-; titled to enter the state finals at Charleston, 111., on May 9. The local band, orchestra and i girls' chorus will enter the district j contest for organisations, also at > Sham- Highland Parle, on April 19. j »•••11oooe to 0 <>••»»»•••oa?i Amonir the Photo by A. WorwtcJc, McHenry CHRIS BLAKE «lfville. In later years he has de- The church will be attractively {voted his spare time to woodworkoccasion with ing, especially inlays. His beautiful ! table tops are evidence of his great nal Peace, which boloims to all who Zion Lutheran ! talent in this line, which most folks will enter the House of God to pray. An old fashioned German Good : without handicaps find most difficult! tat our hopes ho Wswered once Friday service will be held in the j and skilled work. more as we becmao humble before Zion Lutheran church, W\est Mc- Our hats are off to Mr. Freund, our Lord and worship Him by de- Henry from 1 to 2 p.m. on Good j who has won the respect of his votion and reverence this anniver- Friday. All interested, and hoping. fellow townspeople through the years sary of Christ's resurrection Into;to attend, are requested to bring;when he has successfully managed a Heaven. j their German hymnals. ; business and with his charming wife 8t Mary's 1 An Easter dawn worship service has raised a family of six children. The beautiful now chimes at St. at 7:30 a.m. will be held next Sun-' Mary's church early this week at- day. Special musical setting and tracted attention in that direction choir anthems will envelope the en-: .nmrniMntm and assurred parishioners of some tire Service. The public is welcome. ATTENDED INSTITUTE very enjoyable music in the future.: Between7 the Easter dawn and the AT WOODSTOCK FRIDAY Holy Week services, began today. Festival service, which will be con- j _______ Holy Thursday, aad will extend ducted at the usual time, 10 a.m.,] . ^ through the morning of Holy Sat- there will be a new feature this . /e**J, a e" . urday, dally bringing hundreds of year--The Fellowship Easter Break- *^9^^ faithfuh to sorviceo. Later on Sat-j test in the church basement. Thqlmore than 800 toachers and admmis- 300 COUNTY TEACHERS i /j - . urday the church w® be brightly' men's club of the church, as well as oir\^ni, Cy"nity decorated with boufuots of spring! the Ladies Mission Aid, are com- ^ ru,,A* v,nlr and other pitted plants ap- bining their efforts to have a ham pronriattt e to the IWt msr will the girl's choir *4 o'clock, whoa the offer the made |» at 8:80 and 1 the girt's eheir Tho Mass in 1 by Rov. Vnisa far tfw.fcpt Oooir* • and eggs breakfast for all who will and twofew; attend. Thto breakfast is also to The for- j serve as an oocasion on which the when newly affiliated members of the at 10 church may got better acquainted choir will with those who proceeded them into asses will j the church. The membership certifio'cloek. with cates wtll be given to all members at 8:8*. who have Joined the church since the first of the year. It will be the formal recention of the now Members. Therefore, a isqusst is • made that all be present, if at all possMo. For hath services the churefc win be eepodally dscarated with spring ths Glorfama VkSiC i flowers. All are most cordially in- At 10 o'clock the aMr singers vited to the Easter festivities at Ro£ ^roiader,10??* thi; On Maundy Thursday, Holy C«mw- "Rogina Cooli" by Kev. Dr. Fr. Witt' munion will bo celebrated in the attho offertory. The mass will be Lenten Service at 7 >41 p.m. The preceded by the staging of tie "Vidi 1 newly confirmed will partake of the Aquam." As the last if the faith- Lord's Stopper for the first time in ftil leave the church the choir will an impressive service. Offer "O, Glorious Easter Vision" On Good Friday at 7:45 p.m. the \gf IVppert. ! last Lenten service will be held, with at Patrick^ i the celebration of Holy Communion li^ Patrick's *1*° being observed. Announce 8t Patrick Patrick's *lso church, the Maso of the Prssaactiiled ments for ^ Communion are to be Speakers were Dr. Claude Vick, director of professional and public relations, Illinois Education Assn.; Richard C. Bdmundson, assistant to the state Runerintendoat of public instruction and chairman of the supervisory deo* rtm«nt for the northern district, and John Strohm, world traveler, author and lecturer, who discussed "The Russian People", and preeented oolored pittarss of his recent trip to that countrf. Sectional discussion meetings were V*M vrnsle wa% fVirnlahsd by the high school and Junior high school Poland MCCOMOB was in chaigo of the meat Ing. * -v ; >- - .• i- . • » »- ' FOMEX STUDENT KXE ms FATAL snomc SUE RANKIN invaluable aid in solving a harassed public during the thortsgss of the war years. Illness forced her to give up' her work lgjt summer, and although she returasd for a eboct ttitmteeo, /ddeecclli ning health confined The deceased was horn in Chicago 58 years ago, the daughter of toe late Albert rrott, a native of Job-- burg, and JaHb Frstt of Paris, FVaneOb As a jmm glri, whoa At the north was at this of the dqr> that she Jtxs. Sv*te&e82f {mm for a fiNT yeptfs. Whsa kv aaxoate' health Ihflod. howovor, MrT and Mis. rood to McHenry and hoaM with the Fretts On Good Friday urch, the Maso of the ITasancU^-v. . A.„ft „ m Will te read at 7:80 mM« with the ^ Th^' regular Lenten services it tha even- J"*1' ^ ot "ervicos on Thursing. On Holy Saturday, tha mass ^ *nd Fr4d*y- , Wtil ba at 8 o'clock, witS oonfpesions J®** • win b. WrtjlWt «t Md 11 "JLi^rrte^'hSh i rMT^Mid "G»r- « ft where the toterior orf ^ of will "VWi1 n«tk l»PP«Md to be the one." nor fortune •hr Aureh has just been w-painted. maw>• Music chosen will be 'Vid ( liTed ln the vicinity of but her warm smile and gentle heart The asure of the ceiling, and con- Aquam _ by Tappert, I.aro.t ^bj McHenry tor about nine weeks two undodbtedly assurred her of the ^enuenee bv V4>ars aero this spring and attended spiritual happiness of which Wer uT<m the local high school as a freshman. < faithfulness to God had made hor MoHenry residents took a apodal. •rim interest in the probably fatal «hooting of Eugene F. Gornett, 49, of 8807 8. Drake avenue, Chicago, last Seturdav night in a now softcottage he was erecting at j bar of the North Aurora. Ute attempted slayer 1 also a charter SMmbar of the formerly lived here. Confessing' Henry CImm«1 dub of 1841 and '42. that ho "meant and intended to) She was deeply religious •hoot and kill him" was Ray Glen through her many months of illi ^fur-touch, 16 of Lovedakr on Route spent much of h«r time in praye 1, Aurora. \ The young lad added The death of 8uo Roakio has He had wanted to kill some per-! been mourned by a few relatives brightness at vazietta 'points. Toser, Credo by Famsworth, "Terra Tmrne will be throe mtimss on Tremuit" by Singemberger, Sanctus, Sunday, a hiah mass at 8 o'clock Benedictus and Agnus Dei by Farnsand low Ti at 9:30 Md at 10:30. worth, and Communio by Toser. The choir's offering at ttio early 'Thrist Is Risen" will be sung folmoas will be Marco's Solemn Mass, lowing the mass. . . . with the "Haoc Dies" chooen for the At the Benediction, the choir has offertory. Preceding the mass, the chosen Vera Jesu by Cherubini and onanist and mixed chofr wffl sing "Tantum Ergo" by Singonfttorgor. "The Palms.** Benediction selections j St. Peter's, Spring Grove will include "O, Salutaris** bv Brown The mass of the Presanctifiod will ,t 5 p. m. After supper he took Justen and "Tantum Ergo" by Montani, be read at 8:30 o'clock on Friday' - • --p- PP^- • • Juslen after which they will smg "Christ morning, with Veneration of tha the Lord Has : ishioners leave 8 p.m. Saturday will be at 8 am. fori The faithful of St. Peter's church y. At will attend mass at 8 and 10 o'clock Rev. on Easter Sunday, when the church This organist and choir will presont While teachers regarded him as s worthy. model student as far as behavior w»s Survivors include the husfcand. concerned. McHenry friends this .Harry; one daughter, Mrs. Eleanor week recalled him mentioning at that Reid; two grandchildren; one sister, time that, he wanted to kill one of: Mrs. Joeephine FOilen of Chicago; the teachers. He quit school be-, fnUr brother*, Henry and Albert of fere the end of the term. ! Chicago, Bernard of Maywood and According to the boy's story, he i Edward of McHenry. A brother, attended the Aurora theater on Sat- William, preceded hear in death, urday afternoon and returned home The booy ranted at the Pater M. funeral home ' t, Montani, be read at -30 °n ]his rifle and five boxes of high-pow- morning at 10 o'clock, when the ored shells and left the house. He were conducted fo -- -- - * - Method*! The Community Mothoiiot too, is planning specisl Good Fridsy and Easter 8 p.m. on Friday ®v Price will talk on "What Mrs. Thomas Kane, a recent patient at St. Thereee hospital, Wau- , iivw wt>i xmt^ m 4J> iI1MJ „ l-fc hagan, ia again home and able to Farms and the Honenbaeh Croos,?" and on Easter his message specially prepared music, bo about. many years. After the death of his ! ----f. ili*^ heiT home on^ichmond Road KIc Henry to 'live wlui theC*justen I Oil Painting' Of - COUNTY TAXPAYERS Jar the past wok, is r^overingf^.^ ^ stjn ^ ^ and j Artiit In Chicago (WILL PAY HIGHER George Cable of Wast McHenry ettends maso daily at St. Mary's # „ RATE THIS YEAR has boon a medical oatient at the church. Ho is a very enthusiastic, Mrs. C. McHenry » _ • - • I wtwu ouuaw MIW IVA* »»•* iivwwv. "VI WCIV W from St Ptrkk's par- Cross following. Thst evmingspe- oralked up the railroad tracks, shoot- • church. Interment was in tka. cial Lenten servicm will be hold at 1 fag at some blackbirds along the,church cesaotery. a The high mass on Holy Later, retracing his *eps, he! saw a man in a cottage, sitting at M'HENRY BUSINESS MKN' the radio eatinr a sandwich. Young. ORGANtSB Stumbaugh walked around the cot- j At a W. Klonte of Woodstock hospital. member of a local card cliA, mode' is among the exhibition artiete in Mrs. Ellon Mannix is still confined up of old time residents, and spends the cunmt collection of tteJJorth c)e^k to Mercy hospital, Chicago, uiwre other leisure hours entertaining his Shore Art Guild, on viewls Mamlel j tmxo-ye„ jn McHrary she has been a patient for the past young grandchildren. few irrmfca 1 Again congratolsMons to one of Mrs. Frank Mathieu is seriously | our popular residents who ill at hor hoir.e L_ n .J ohnsburg_ , watched with interest as McHenry Mrs. Maria Fveund has been 01 at i grew from a small village to the the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben j bustling little city it is today. Brothers Galleries in Chicago. Klonte has done an oil {Finite According to a release from the • ~ * D. Woods. u_ taxpayers in McHenry county Wwiinll and 1 P*? * higher rate this yesr than in many years poet The county's multiple under thp 1 a combined Kennebeck. Mrs. John Reinfooldt underwent Mirgery at St. Therese hospital, Weukcgan, last week. Father Walter Conway of Notre residents of Ringwood, will observe Dntre sufferio t broken arm in a: the;r goj^on wedding anniversary. Ouriod la vendor Wisps. > b bowl, which kMcoto ia color and attractive ^>w*ngim--t, "Hie j Butler act is .4, making warmth of the painting is brought rate of ajw>roximately $6^l as comout by the breath of tha canvas, j pared to 85.77 last year- The county MARRIED FIFTY YEARS I which, though small in actual sise, 1 will raise 3173,388.64 extendM on an Mr and *• done with such skill that it has I eleven cent rate. This is modeiup of „ -- />ii o' tt ~ • 1 ' i__ " ii-.ia large appeal to the eye. 1 these items, bonds, .0074; highways, Mrs. Clayton C. Harnson, .jp^gtime _ 1.0821, and general, .0642, making a ooseree, B()NUg AVAILABLE I total of .1037. There bein^ a frac- Soldier bonus blanks are nowl tion, County Cleric Woods is forced fall recently. i Dinner will be held at the Ardin to extend .n e even «nt rate to hom. at noon fop th. W! McHenry postO^lces and The county tax rate is being ex- I £. E. n«i.man ^ IIUUII «vi MIV asmu- j • pi local ltsidiint, i*aa been a patient at j with open house from 3 to 61 ™ St Therese h.vpital, Waukegan. ! o'clock and from 7 to 9 in the even Aurora Mifs Virginia Passfield nnderwent • at the Harrison home. r.n aopcndectomy at the Woodstock j ho«T»ital i^r<ntly. ; Mi Place Restaurant will be closed Mifchael Kr.ox has been ill at his • a»j day Thursday, April 3, because home at Terra Cotta. ' . . j 0f alterations and repairs in tht John Freund has been ul 0t W1*: kitchen. The bar will vcmain open. Woodstock hospital. ! 46-fp APPEARS ON BROADCAST j Come in today and make your IfcHenrv friends were happy J® i choice from our verv lovdlv hats of hear an old time resident, Mr«. Loin 1 shades and styles. Pem»mbef, Walsh of I/w, Angeles, Calif., a^ on|v three more d%ys until 'Easter, g»e*t r.n the Breakfast in Hollywood urogram reoeHly. Mrs. Walsh was oreeentod with an orchid following her appearance. f*--fe«o ~»ne at ,r»'; street, Mc- 46-fp Fliz^beth Pieh, Green Henry. wfrracB ~L ^ Hi mm Reotauraul MB ^o open i ' 1 ^ * * and Wcot at Daly's baifcer shop. Harry Lock, | tended on a county valuation commander, and John Dreymiller, i $157,576,036. The county's inservice officer, of the local Legion! crease in taxes is $10,892.' The suns post, distributed the blanks this Qf $173 333.64 is to be raised for the week. , | county a* compared to $162,441 lost year. •. ./5^ tare, watching Garnett through the! a group of windows as he walked into another form On organisation for room. Suddenly the thought came and civic improvsnsaot. to him to riioot He waited and „ It was felt that McHaan watched a few minutes and finally, urgent need of such a uaH fired. , embracing McHenry and waa ia Stumbaugh later told police that to his knowledge he had never seen i Garnett before and was merely ful-| filling his urge to kill. Garnett is in a critical condition in St Joseph's Mercy hospital, Aurora. * Births »40oooooooo>»»a>oeoooaoooe it m The new4y elected cfkin ore: President--John E. Looae. Vice-president--Charles VydtA Secretary--Dan Justea. Treasurer--Robert L. Weber. Committees have been appointed and will be announced at the neat meeting. All business and professional seen of McHenry and community are ureed to join. The next meeting will be held at Howard Wattles' on Wednesday evening at 7:30. ARMY WEEK WILL BE OBSERVED ROM APRIL 7 THROUGH 13 : e ;'1 t- TSe 'r*'" deoa-*r~»nt »s*».isdr *n invitation *o "H A"n»r'«"<n Ix*i«»n /*§ no^ts ""d .'nonfat Auxili- >rv- to t^k» r*n*+ ia Army Day ind Army W^ek ohservar-"- •h:< v**r. "wuw the (!*'• Af Ar~»v STANLEY KURLO Masonic funeral services wm be held this (Thursday) afternoon from the Peter M. Juoten funeral home in West McHenry for Stanley Kjirlo .. of Fox Lake, who died on Tuesday;#." April 1, 1847. Mr. Kurkt 88 years old, owner of a refrigeration service, ia survived by his wife, Edith. Burial will bo in Acacia Park' cemetery, ChttagOb. , at thf | A son was born at St. Therese . _ _ -- 1 hospital, Waukegan. on March 25 to P-"- *'-><• ' esr tM I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montgomery , ^re-i^t h»« He»l»rcd Mo"(«av. Annl NOTICE of Waukegan. Mrs. Montgomery is j 7. as the official date *~r A*~y D«v The McHenry State Bank will be! the former Miss Clarice Blake of j for 1«47 and has calW uno« the closed all day, Good Friday. April I McHenry. *">enc>»n pe.>nle ob««»rr- Army 4. 46fp | Mr. and Mrs. Jamee M Wolf an- : W»»k fr«wn April 7 to A^l 1*. : 'nounce the birtii of a son at the The ournose of Ar*yr to You still have time to select that! Woodstock hospital on March 27. j huild in the th- A«rencan EOster hat from our large collection , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tiffany are ' "°op* a real»w»t*on of the nwifc w of modern, spring styles of 1947.1 the parents of a daughter, born at ; the armv and the preetig» that sot Elisabeth Plch, Green street, Mc- j Sherman hospital, Elgin, last Friday, an army must t» accorded^ ^ Henry. 46-fp i = -> Mr. and Mrs. Blpb Johnson of I Comoleto lino of Dr. David W K Jasten was a Chicago Chicago visited Mrs. JOha Thompoon | votorinary at W| caller On Friday. I<» Saturday. -• '• -1 •• - ' • [Drag Storo, McSonry.