at Mc- I r;^ *" - fey fc « L. K + • -V t A m- \ k&.HT. '€* week^^atrfp Sooth. Mrs. Annabel Aieber hit returned from a trip to +*4 Mmn*gmtr. A.' H. Moihw Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey left Bditor-- ^dele Froehlkh lagt for a short trip through Brtwmd ae aoeead-claaa ytK 1j ^Mrf'lSd Mrs. Renard Blum and psottdfic« at McHenry, UL. warn* famiiy of Elmwood Park epent the . Ml ef May S, 1879. weekend in MdHenry. v -- -- -j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson 6m Tear -"l2*501 visited in the Merritt Cruicksnank --r-- home at Morton Grove on Thursday. f daWy e cannot accept news after Tues- Bob jugten, who recently enrolled afternoon at $ o'clock. Pleaae -n ^ Worsham Eattlming School turn your items in before the dead-;jn Chicago, began hi® studies on 'toe. ! Tuesday of this week. % y , -- -- -- i M r . a n d M r s . R o b e r t T h o m p s o n *df,for and Mr. and Mrs. William VanNatta, be accepted until Tuesday n<K«i | g u of Crystal Lake, attended •- J Aed ads will be 1a8c ce^pfteZdT ufnnitiill Ww£edd~- the christening of Judith Karen Koltz at the Lionsville Congregationnesday morning at 10 o clock. Newsjal church at LaGrange, Sunday. A jnust be in our office by 5 o'clock $bn Tuesday afternoon. ' -'A iKi-f1"* •tK ' ;,k. .. buffet lunch for twenty-three guests was served later at the Kolts home in Naperville. Miss Catherine Schwerman and two classmates from Valparaiso University, Ind., have been visiting in the home of Mrs. Paul Schwerman. Miss Mary Grace Murphy is en- Mr.' and Mrs. Ernie Loomis of Joying an Easter vacation from her rolo and Mrs. Harold Lindsay £nd Mount Si Claire college _aaghter, Lindfe Carol, attended a ,n . .. p»e-nuptial shower in Chicago on1 Richard Ward is spending this Sunday. Guest of honor was Miss: with his parents, the A. L. Juliette Broisus, who will become the Wards. He attends Valparaiso Unibtride of Clifford Bickler in the near' versity, Ind. , Jfcture Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye of Har- • u-' A#1„. -mr Ivard attended funeral services for McHenryJast > Mrs. Ale* Drucker visited in the *""""«*• Jon* of her son in Chicago last CARD OF THANKS •; ^ur«. iiw v.i« unA ' 1 wish to express my sullSre •v Tk^ TrvL^i- Ithankfl to my relatives, friends and ^ An Vri!w neighbors, for visiting me, for cards, #r., were Elgin cal^ra on Friday. kjndnes8es* and favors extended to Mrs. Ag*we Reinert and son, Le-j ^ my recent illness. am! <£$ 'Mr,?1""™?,';" MBS. JOE H. ADAMS. Smith and Mrs. Catherine Young of JBlgin visited relatives here on Sunday. The latter remained for a longer visit. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Vales and daughter, Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kempfer, Jr., and son, Albert, Visited in the John Bficklauts home in Cicero on Saturday.. . Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill and grandson, Ronnie Haldeman, of Commercial Sponges Many species of sponges cannot be used commercially because of glasslike needles embedded in their tissues. The true commercial sponges, when alive, are of varied somber colors from yellowish gray to coal black. Most of the work of detaching the dark, liverlike flesh Woodstock, spent Sunday visiting in from the valued skeletal In"eetwiwo°rrk* »is _ie home of Jie formers' son and done by «lvm« ? few days to de- Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phannen-' comPose on lonely island shores •till, in Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. James Chamberlin flf Chicago were recent guests in 'flie Frank Pitsen home here. Ronnie Haldeman of Woodstock near the sponge-harvesting beds. GraMiMa* Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-p4 Americans Like Cabbage Americans eat more cabbage than any other vegetable except potatoes. " -*3£> %t-' ' v J fS" - * •- > t */•* * msm ^ • fV- ' K. '"X mV v S S'""' . r," - , i:. *' r, i *"£»•%-• -W ' ^5" -*'* p J \>\ •; • *•; « •,I»r ff-' ii ' * Hi4" • •w ! 1 ,4 ^ ; ; • -i* v ' -4 I?" 'J tf-T \r&\ • it ** In Mr $• ' •- t • ? ' / • " • ii r - '-• i vii -V- 7 • . (jotn^ed Ike rrleadhr Sim George Collette, Owner Authorised Dealer Phone McHeary 4U 121 Main Strdd West McHenry : Easter (Swtinga Til FEIfttT ttlttn Mom fM 4«ci4a m tot tftaMMriL c«m« m Mdm aw TnnmM in lunss M Km it * 9 \vU^ Look oftr stack <f the latest M-G-M recerda. Steffart's Jewelry PHONE 123-J MAIN STREET VEST MEHCNRY Bilimd by Wwtew By VIRGINIA VALB ITS just a matter of tim« till the movie moguls talk Gordon MacRae into making pictures. Like Gregory Pecjc, he was an NBC page boy tor. a while, in 1040; He got an audition with Horace Heidt, and a job singing with Heidt's band. A singing baritone, he'd had experience-- sang with Harry James' and Les Brown's orchestras at the N. Y. World's Fair. After a stint with the army air forces he started over again-^radio sustaining, Broadway musicals, CBS commercials. Beginning Kay 19th, he'll be heard •Srv- - p; %• &v-"~ fe.-f I-, k: . •. . :?;fe. ' 2$i" * ANOTHER LUICK ICE CREAM TREAT EASTER ICE CREAM CAKE A Half-Gallon of two delicious flavors--creamy vanilla and flavorful peppermint stick candy ice creams--made into a delightful Ice Cream Cake with colorful decorations. Phone your order NOW»-We will reserve them for yon! $1.33 -• • • . . . . • ^ •- -o-- -- • BRICK FLAVORS FOR APRIL J CHOCOLATE MAR8HMALLOW -- f ; r;-:;" ; VANILLA « S ; FUDGE ROYAIjE V - NEAPOLITAN • - r'd t , :c j^EW SPECIAL BRICK EACH WEEK-ENH f DRUG ST • *t<. 1?. ' K - . i iT^ r in, , f v r v - ' * . • : ' - - " GORDON MAC BAE over 320 stations coast to coast, 220 transcribed; he's heard now on the "Teentimer's" program. Tall, good looking, he's definitely star mate* rial. Phil Baker received a fan letter the other day that proved how well known he is. The envelope was addressed simply with a sketch of an accordion and a large question mark; immediately it was delivered to the "Take It or Leave It" quizmaster. --*-- William Keighley, movie director and Radio theater producer (his latest picture is the Shirley Temple- Franchot Tone "Honeymoon"), says "Inexperienced actors and actresses have a 100,000 to 1 chance of getting anywhere in motion pictures, and it's even harder to break into radio." He recommends dramatic school and summer stock as training; "too much dramatic equipment isn't possible." Marjorie Reynolds' first "bad girl" role since she started in films at the age of six comes at a strange time. 8he plays a,, shady lady in Seymour Nebensal's "Heaven Only Knows," wMeh t» stars Robert Cunmiags and Brfaup Denlevy--and It's he* trst picture staee the birth of her first child, Linda, whe was bora last Nmrtw, A fine break for a lovelyryeangmotherI The deadliest moment in radio comes when sound effects tell, says William Spier, sound effects man. It's happened to bint twice on "Suspense," when guns didn't go off as scheduled. Once an' actor cried "Don't shoot me!", nothing happened, and another actor came to the rescue by rw>unnl'*f "Okay. I'D use this knife!" Bamatly, when William Bffjdis did !£§•w Mas for Midnight," two gtai Wllna; ft. naUy one delivered thirf>tal bang. George "Gabby" Hay«a showed up at the Saturday night "Round- up"' rreehheeaarrssaall the other 4tr looking slightly green around the gDte. He'd spent the entire morning rkUng a «tage<?qach in Parsmsanl'a^VASw? querque," and just couldn't take the motion. Parks J< the fUMi Vex-Pep like a let eff is, have aniparasites. do not labeled "poi- » with Am word. "eau- ..iMl'llilia1 It an Foundation for recommends a con- . in use of the new maectwlde, especially around milk . „ „ , cattle and cats commonly ltek themselves, they are probablygnore likely thui other animals » fiwr ^silc effects from DDT 40r powdered on their bod- _ . ,Ammcan foundation warns. FjjUlasnitore, it is known that DD^ when consumed in excess, is id a the milk op cows. It unUfely that a cow rrould to poison the milk. there Is much yet to be learned » <P» pot^tial hazard. In the meantime, the cautious use of DDT Is recommended. '•rasfi lll advisbd to use DDT «ly ® a water solution or powdered form When applying it direct to animals. Oily solutions of the insecticide are absorbed through the *in to a degree that might club mst jvt Schaaltr net* wet* Km fid. Nickels and Mrs. EldMd Wattles. • • . Mrs. C. H. Dakfr tatertaine Clab ;f. Mrs. G. H. Dakar memMbrs of the Neighborbood dub at her home last Tlrarsday evening. Prise winners were Miss Mai? Kinney, Mrs. Peter Roche and Mrs, Clarence Martin. Smoking Fat To get Hie best use from fat in cooking as well as to save it for use again, heed the "no smoking" rule. When fat,, reaches the smoking point, it starts to break down chemically and three'unfortunate things happen: the flavor of the fat and of the food cooked in it is damaged; food fried in smoking fat may have an unhappy effect on the digestive tract; fat that has reached the smoking point will turn rancid more quickly than fat which has not smoked if saved for use again. To prevent fat from smoking, keep heat low when melting fat for sauce or pan-frying. Cook meat at moderate tempfrature which is best for the protein as well as the fat. Remember, fats vary in the amount of heat they can stand. Butter, oleomargarine, drippings and olive oil all tend to smoke quickly. pong Fowl Ydung, well-fattened turkeys are best for roasting. Marks of youth in a bird are a flexible cartilage on the rear end of the breast bone, tender skin, soft meat and soft, smooth feet. Turkeys in the roasting class are those five to nine months old. Other marks of quality include a wellrounded body, a well-fleshed breast, a good coating of fat under the skin, and few pin feathers. As for size, about three-fourths of a pound to one pound dressed weight should be allowed for each person to be served --dressed weight meaning the picked but undrawn bird. In the case of chickens, about one pound of dressed weight for each person to be served is a good average and in the case of a fat duck, about one and one-half pounds of dressed weight. The marks of youth and quality in s chicken sr duck are much the same tvs in the turkey. Many Attend J at the public card party sponsored by the O. E. S. at Acacia hall last Friday evening. Hostesses for the evening were Elsie Feierttisel, Florence Larson and Mildred Rochelle. Many lovely prises were awarded, the most beautiful of all being pre-' sen ted to Miss Ethel Freund. The next regular meeting of the Q. B. & chapter will be on April 7 , - - j St. Agatha's Court To Hold Installation # St. Agatha's Court No. T7T -will : hold installation of officers at the Villa Club Resort on Tuesday, April 15, at 6:30 p.m. Officers of St Clara's Court No. 669 are invited to be present. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Leo Freund, pnone 606-M-l, or Mrs. Williaih May, phone 649-J-l before April 13. » • M Guest of Honor At Pre-Xuptial Shower Mi*. Math Blake and Mis. Irvin Schmitt were hostesses at a prenuptial shower given a.t the Blake home last Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss Lorraine Chelini, a future bride of April 12. Five hundred and bunco made up the afternoon's diversion, with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Ernest Freund, Miss Helen Garrelts, Mrs. Orville Freund, Mrs. Theodore Garrelts, Mrs. Ben Chelini, Sr., and Mrs. Ben Blake. Tasty refreshments were served and Miss Chelini many lovely gifts. j> Ci !/; Surprised On •" Her Birthday Miss Kate McLaughlin was pleasantly surprised by relatives and friends last Sunday afternoon, March 30, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Several social hours were enjoyed, after which lunch was served, presented with lovely gifts and cards. Present were Mm Julia Murray H lllilllMIIHIII im of a family of eight children whose father had to watch Ae pennies to makethem go around. Whenooe of the w children requested money take the money and pot for some special purchase it in the bank for your A friend of want your tennis racket, you may talce this money and buy it If you then you don't waat the racket as badly as you i thought you did, you can 'sk'/'N k:i; --such as a tennis racket or a bracelet--the father would bring out the desired amount and say: Tm putting your money in this box on die mantel. You're not to touch ft for a week. If yOa still self. This process was continued through the children's adolescence. And every one of those children grew up with a bank account each was terribly proud to own. -Reaimbr'S Dkjkt I sMcHENRY STATE Member Federal Reserve System '• -*'*,* v, . «'! i Member Federal Depoeit lasuranoe Oorporatiot Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs. Nick Miller.' * * * Pinochle Club At llionnepoa Home Mrs. Thomas T^ionneaon was hostess to members' of the East River Road Pinochle club last Thursday afternoon. t Prizes were merited by Mrs. Thonneson, Mrs. Alnret Vales and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. The club will meet next at the Alex Drucker home ell April M. . » » * . . Alfred Seyffertbs •«.' Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth of Lily Lake observed their fortywfifth wedding anniversary last" Saturday, ^ \ ing open house. hbors and friends were in atance. Cards t oiici wviivn luiivss | wvuuuig cuim v^ioairy Miss McLaughlin was | March 29, by holdii members of their family, rresent Mrs'. [tendance, uaras and bunco provided and daughter, Marjorie. of Geneva, entertainment, with a tasty lunch be- Mrs. William Doherty, Mrs. Thomas ing served. Doherty, Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mrs. George Miller, Mr#. James Doherty, Mrs. Richard Weber, Mrs. Mabel Powers and Mrs. Robert Dofierty. * * • Altar A-Rosary To Meet April 7 Thp Altar ft Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will meet next Monday evening, April 7, at 8 o'clock at the Legion hall. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Nick Young, i • wave which battered shoreHnfcs m ttie Hawaiian Wifi, Plwu, California and Alaska «aaaot be ?redict^ td, «sl|ys Dr. tUkM U. Sv«rdnm» directw of the Unfararsity^ of Catti £ tenia's ferippr Instttdtion Oceanography. Tidal waves are usually caused by underseas earthquakes, Dr. Sverdrup, one of Htm world's authorities on ocean eur> rents, points out. As yet we haven't learned to predial Oarthquakes. Al> tidal want cannot be pre- Dr. Sverdrup suggests that of the esa. smsll and frontthiksStatulcstudy of amiMbious otferatioas during 4ha war ean be put le '1m to ondarf stand the eiM of tldal waves. 4 network of sea [sml IwsO stotions throughout the neifle could warn of the approach of such waves. : • te argument, to them! 80, they're re- . - - eontrafet, replaced by Arthur Godfrey's Talent Seeats. Don't miss the new March of Time, "Fashion Means Business." It shows backstage views of new Paris and New York collections, shows New York's huge garment center at work, lets you see designers in their studios, gives the inside of the fashion business. --*-- Lamenting the difficulty of finding a singer to replace Betty Barclay, Sammy Kaye said "I'm hot fussy; all I want is a girl who can sing like Dinah Shore, with a face like Lana Turner, a figure like Betty Grable's, and the natural poise of Ingrid Bergman!" ; . Mineral Of mineral losses (nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, calcium, magnesium end sulphur) crops and gracing take off a total of 19% mnlloii tons a year, while erosion and leach* ing whisk away ^MMUrly U? nUUoft a year. ' f - ? •' - Otelitnt'i DIAPERS 27x27 Made from Ugliest quality double fleeoed ootten flannel One Doien to Customer 00 Gladstone's Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth wish to lhank those who sent lovely gifts and cards. One of their most prised messages of congratulations was a telegram from their granddaughter, frent from Atlanta, Ga. Among- those who attended the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Legge of Lilymoor, who on the same day observed their forty-first anniversary. Aerylle During the two world's fairs 9I New York and San Francisco, acrylic resins flrat appeared in soBd form and were sensational because they had the unique property of piping light around corners in spirals, knots and other spectacular ways. Some thought it possible that housea might have a powerful central lighting system which would transmit light to other parts of the house through these transparent solid rods. Then came their use in specialized protective coatings in which they are strongly resistant to after-yellowing and to moisture, alkalies and dilute acids. Acrylic resins adhere well to plated surfaces and being water white do not contribute any discoloration to the plating. For this reason, they are widely used in clear finishes for polished metals. They are also useful in luminous paints, in whieh they are ideal bind" era for the luminous pigments which are adversely affected by acidity. Complete line of Dr. ^less' poultry and animal remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McIJenry. 4S-tf-p5 Order your cobber Plaindealer. pt the Curing nam Qiring ham and bacon is not com* plicated, if certain principles axe observed, homd specialists say. Two methods of curing--the dry and the brine--are suited to home preparation of ham and bacon." The curing agent in both methods is the same--a mixture of salt, sugar and saltpeter. Salt preserves the meat, sugar improves the flavor, and saltpeter in a ajtiall amount sets the color and acts as a oreservative, «,. A lemory or a • t Dear Friend fsT1*- Gladstone's in. Phone 182 E A S T E R > • / ODDS AND ' Bttiomd Pictmru bst bought "Tin Wistful Widow of Wsgom Cop for Abbott mod CosttUo . . . Nko thm$t wkkim A* post four months "Dmrld Honitmg •Commtorsjtf. bos hod f*m shorn om thomos u>b*cb modo front tops th* doy hofort tho broadcast . . . Tm rooson so msrny wM-kisovm stmts stmt a#Aaar ee "Crimtt of CmoUmsotr is tbot rrodmtr Dirsctor Jim Sbotdo* hot to msrny good frionds its tho thootow . . . Cots DoUy, eomody ttm of fmomossmfs "Vmioty," colltcts MMtiqiMi--bought m 1880 clock nctutly, omd fommd m old fn>* doILsr hiU 'iusido it! McBENRY CAB--CaU 4724 _ - • w & If you an in a hurry For prompt and ; Don't start to worry. > iff9 have 24-hour senrioei #lchENRY CAB--Cfcli 472-J Stainless Steel Pans Stainless steel does not darken in cooking alkaline foods as aluminum does, but oace darkened by overheating or scorching, it cannot be brightened es aluminum can. First Commercial Hateker]| The world's first commercial hatchery was started in New Washington, Ohio, in 1887. The State now stands fourth in the commercial production of baby chicks with over TOO , i f c . . M i p L A ^ &• (Noneectarian) OF WONDER LAKE fetids a Cordial Invitation to tWe SERVICES ON EASTER SUNDAY ' Sunday Bible School With Program at 10:15 A. M. Morning Worship Service at 11:00 A. M. The Pastor, Frank W. Anderson, will speak on the topic: _|^^«THE RISEN OHRIST^' ^' JtaU E V E L YN UP TO iiAjrsoof MUSIC WMJCOME! t' ' ' X;. For use at any time, in any place, regardless oi the orf wsioai. Complete with iaiBe bag and tiny funnel $5. ' Dont worry, tt's fitmwiieed isuhytuui Ond practically guarantoed to be your iavorito eompa^on ahraya. Lustrous, lightweight aluminum body. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE > :V raONl M S1! I! # • S'.." ^ , PMF its**** <»». *<• ^ ^ 'K"'- r\^ '";0