mMii & if , .• J* •S'JH ?, -M FOR SALE WANTOD--We for iubbw hoaw. emr (ifflii. List Jacob FHts, 1, McHenry or 1006 Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1838-19S4 tf. and Waxing new ai floods; also Kentile, *- lifetime floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. 43-*4-tf WANTED TO BUY ><OR SALE -- Registered Holstein fall calf, 5 months old; price, *50 «r will trade for animal of like Tel. McHenry 636-W-l. 46 SALE -- James way electric er stove, new, 500-chick size; Also three breeder geese and e gander. Oakmount Game Farm, ,t. 3, McHenry. Tel. -2. CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-l when in need of Insulation or a new roof, asbestos, or inaulatcd WANTED TO BUY--I am in the i brick siding, weather stripping, or market for a McHenry county farm, | combination screen and storm winranging from 80 to 200 acres. Must! dows. Free estimates. Durfee Bros, have good buildings and good soil.; Roofing Co. 43-tf Prefer one with stock Box 233, Waukegan, 111. and tools. *44-4 McHenry 619- 46 SALE--Front and back barone McHenry 665-J-2. McDonald's cCullom Lake. 46 SALE -- 1941 Chrysler ape; chicl New Itafcer^ 5 pass, coupe; wood brooder 12xi4; 500-cJiick electric batbrooder; 2 finishing batteries; meswav oil brooder stove; 2 sets tnetal nests, one new. one used; feed troughs and water cans. Gall Mrs. jyTouffey. McHenry 181-W. 46 iece living room McHenry ©14- •46 . j^. • . ." " • ^ FOR SALE--New L. and H.* etec- • trie hot water heater. Gambles, WANTED FOR CASH Homes -- Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, HI. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf HELP WANTED tt't1 'K • • • •• ••• 'i' ri , Ntwi From \ Wonder Lake SALE -- 2- like new: HELP WANTED--MEN-- Buffing, inspection, file trim and _ plating, first and second shifts; drill press and punch press, second shift; smelting and die casting, second and third shifts. Apply in ^person. Electric Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, 111. , Good Transportation Available 46 West McHenry. 46 SALE New boys' iawatha 24-in. bicycles. West McHenry. and prls' Gamble's, 46 HELP WANTED--Single farmhand; good working conditions; top wages; must be able to operate power machinery and milk cows. Charles Van- Keuren. Tel McHenry 617-J-2. •45-2 i , • , f , , FOR SALE--Living room e n s e m b l e , f consisting of Lawson sofa and occ. / iihair; lounge chair; end tables with \<('\ matching lamps; 9x12 all wool rose lipoadioom rug with pad, cost $600, led only one year, sacrifice, 5300, HELP WANTED--Laborers for construction 'work. Ivar Fredrickson. CaU Wonder Lake 221. 44-tf HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk in drug store and fountain work. Bo - ger's Drug Store, McHenry. 38-tf Richmond yea; 851. 46 FOR SALE-->Easter bunnies. JifcHenry 681-M-l. . r Tel. 46 SALE--Clipmaster cow Te4. Richmond 736. clip- FOR 46 •|5?: iOR SALE--1942 Chevrolet 1% ton truck, long wheel base. Tel. Richmond 736. FOR SALE-- Blue net formal, size 12, and old rose formal, size 14, loth worn once; "boy's blue fingertip coat, size 14; 14-yr. size boys {Knit, tan tweed; lady's coat, green irith brown fur collar, sise 14. Tel. IfcHenry 687-M-2. *46 HELP WANTED --r WOMEN -- File trim, punch press, racking, drill press, first and second shifts; inspectors, second shift. Apply in person. Electric Auto-Lite Company, Woodstock, 111. 461 Transportation Available HEL MEN Good LP W\ ANTED--COUPLE EXTRA HUNTER BOAT CO. 88-tf By Vanesse Sells A couple of weeks ago I wanted to know who had seen the. first robin, and a number of nice folks phoned to say that they had seen or heard of the little fellows. Mrs. Lillian McMahon saw four at one time, bathing and rollicking in her private creek. Mrs. Ann Landman saw one, and Mrs. Betty Selsdorf heard one. One of the Davidson boys saw several. Pat Wrede called and wanted to know if seeing a housefly would do instead! She thought perhaps that meant summer had arrived. Anyway, after the big storm of last week, I wonder if any -of eur feathered friends were able to weather it thnhigh. What I want to know is, has anyone seen a robin S. S. (since storm) ? Going bad. to the storm, would like to give a brief tribute to the gallant bus driver, Walter Nickels of McHcnrv, who stayed all night in Woodstock with his load of passangers and brought them safely home the following morning, slithering and sliding, but managing to get through. Several persons have dropped notes wanting this boy mentioned for his bravery. Another note, also commending this lad, asks that the station agent in Woodstock be thanked for having left the station with its welcome heat, open all night for the use of the tired, sleepy people who had no place to go. Struck is ck,M who writes news.. M the The Choral Society each Monday in the lie. ium Lake members. All to singv The direction of Mary McHenty. Virginia which meets at 8:00- p.m. high school auditorlcome any Wonder might like to become you need is to love group is under the Alice Barr of Menteleone of (Wonder Lake acts as accompanist. Wonder Lakers now singing with the society include the entire Howarka family, Alice and Bill Hoeft, Dolores Murphy, Mrs. Ethel Hansen, and Delia Cmuiey, Aerdial* Mr.*pd Mrs. the Their lev#!* home in Wonder ter Jm* hem put up for sale. The Fireside is* located on Route 31 and the Hansons would like to see their Wonder Lake friends. Mrs. William K. Wright of the Handy Pantry celebrated her birthday last week on March 27, the Mr*. Edward Muchow, summer resident of Indian Ridge, had the misfortune to break an Ankle during one of our recent ibad weather sieges. She is now at her Chicago home, 904 N. Keystone, and would appreciate a card during her enforced idleness. The group studying Great Books of the Chicago University coarse, met at the llome of Mrs. Phyllis Burt on Thursday of last week. Present at the meeting were Mrs. Hazel , vonBampus, Mrs. Peggy Alletag, j Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Mrs. Virginia Grosbv of Ringwood and Mrs. Helen Jones of Woodstock. The book being discussed at this meeting was the "Summa Theologica" of St. Thomas Aquinas. Small Orva Tronsen and the two Larsen youngsters are the latest •ictimes of chicken pox_ It has has been so bad here this winter that at least ten . youngsters have been out most of the time with the troublesome spots. &aren Mr. vening dinner day day after granddaughter Knapp had celirated hers. Wright planned a birthday for his wife . which included in town. The Ringwood "unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. A. Cooper in Route 120 on Tuesday afternoon.. Present from Wonder Laloe ' were Hn. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Lloyd Ben well, Mrs. Walter TrexeU, Mrs. Wm. T. Bofn and Mrs. Carlton Palmer. j* * ' Fi.'M YlliR FAMILY UStllY Your haOf fctaxy iMI ti carved in granite. Don't leave jthe icsponiribility to your <M- <hrtn or grandchiblsfn. in books can be destroyed five and other hazards. your family now, together! t i . v I ZOIA MONUMENT COMPANY Display Buy Direct We Hare No OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS * • , * " * 2 a* DONT TRY TO DO THE > ALL ALONE Hife Aft heljS 61 low-priced needs- HELP WANTED--Women and girl* to sew. Good opportunity for those j MUD. interested in this type work. Apply Riverside Mfg. Co., McHenry. Phone 39. 20-tf SALE -- 1937 Pontiac McHenry 685-W-2. sedan. 46 SALE--Dining room table and chairs; reasonable. Phone Mc- 684-M-l. 46 SALE--Electric brooder and finishing battery. Phone Mc- M9-R-2. 46 Ranger bicycles, FOR SALE--New Schwinn, . andPackard 24 and 26-in. bicyi from 186.76 to $39.75; tricycles for youngsters two to three years old |4i6. One Irish Mail, also two «hrotne handled Uby strollers, $6.95 <»ach. Art -Adams, Johnsburg, 46 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Box 163, Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, I1L 40-tf HELP WANTED--Woman, aged 25 to 40, preferaWy married, for sales in McHenry store. Gladstone's. 46-tf A reader of this' column at' Wessing^ n Springs, S. D., says that we don't know anything at all about She says the South Dakota variety is the worst there is and that they, say up there that, "If you stick to the land when it is dry, it will stick to you when it's wet!" (Made this writer feel good.' to got a letter from so far away-- stranger, too!) FOR SALE--Clover hay, baled. Good : feed when chopped. $15 per ton. About six tons available. Inspection avited. N. L. Heinz, phone Johns- 625-W-2. 46 SALE--Davenport and matcharm chair; three 36%-in. Venetian Winds; bed complete with mattress and springs; table chairs and table: two lataps. Tel. McHenry J66-W-2. 46 »R SALE--Bee-Vac vacuum. Yycital Hardware. John 46 HELP WANTED--Girls for general work at dress factory in McHenry. No sewiitg. 200 N. Riverside Drive. Tel. McHenry 39. 46 HELP Place 377. Wonder Lake won representation in the recent high school music eontest held in Highland Park on Saturday. March 29. Kehneth Fossler won first place in the alto-saxaphone solo. Arthur Epert (Torchy) won a first as a singer in the baritone division. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Bom hav<_ returned to their home in Wickline Woods after an absence of several months. Leaving here in December^ they visited many cities in California parts of Mexico and into Oklahoma; While in Los Angeles, they were guests of son Milton Born and family, and while in Tulsa, Okla., they visited the hotme of another son, Ted Born, of that city. Also while in Oklahoma, they made a trip to visit the tomb of Will Rogers who is buried there a%• the" top of a great hill. The Hope Cheet club met on Tuesday evening at the home of Delores Wilde in Wonder Woods. Each of the seven charter members of the club brought a visitor along to introduce to the group as a prospective member. Hamburgers and frenclf fries were served as refreshments. FOR: SALE-- 4 horsepower Stover ins engine, like new, $25. Call McHenry 416. 45*2 FOR SALE-- Modern home, Venetian blinds, automatic oil heat with Sir conditioning, electric hot water heater, 2-car garage, asbestos Y shingles, modern bathroom, built-in s|ub, shower, full fctoroi windows, Phone Wonder Lake 173. 45-tf The night of the Mg storm which brought the blackout and marooned so many motorists was a red-letter WANTED -- Waitress. Mi ] day for Mr. and Mrs. William Fiala, Restaurant. Tel. McHenry | when William Henry Fiala, Pfc, 46-tf i paratrooper, walked in unannounced and unexpected. Pfc. Fiala, discharged at camp Beale, Calif., and now just plain "mister," juet completed thirteen and a half months a% Hakodate .Harbor, Japan.. Young Fiala must have been mildly surprised to find his folks mixing cement' with lake water (no water running )\ in a mixer turned by hand (no poorer) and lighted by candles (no lights.) Mr. Fiala was completing his basement wall and only had four inches to go and a darned old 'blackout didn't stop completion of the project. HELP WANTED--Man to work on dock handling freight, night work. Downs Motor Express,- 104 E. Pearl St., McEBnry, ID, See Mr. Morrison. - * 46-tf HELP WANTED -- Light factory work. Cellulose Industries, mond, I1L ffi<& ion. Willi WANTED CARPENTER WORK WANTED-- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard, phone McHenry 634-R-2. 46-4 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--New 6 : refrigerator; new 8 refrigerator. Carey ^ McHenry. Tel. 25L :SK7Sr HOUSE WHEATON ANTIQUE & HOBBY SHOW--10th annual Show, Wheaton Methodist church. April 9, 10, 11. 11 ajn, to 10 p.m. Adm. 50c--3 day copper screens and' P858. $1.00 (tax incl.) Excellent -- - - meals at moderate prices. M6 OPEN AND GOING AGAIN-- Good quality 500 to 600 lb. Hereford and Shorthorn steers at somewhere near reasonable prices. I always buy these cattle as though I were going ; to keep them mywelf. There are' wrong kinds and right kinds. Visi-! tors are always welcome at the , farm two miles west Of Belvidere! on Route No. 20. H. L. Dunning. ! 46-31 JEARM FOR SALE--120-acre farm, lliear Thorpe, Wis., 60 acres tillable, balance pasture with creek; 8 rm. ^|nodern house, bam 36x60, silo„ 2- car garage, $7,800.00. Address Box *'TL," care McHenry Plaindealer. •45-2 Last Wednesday evening, Merritt' Foesler of Deep Spring Woods was feature speaikier before the Presbyterian Men's club in Woodstock, i Fossler, who holds the unique position of public relations officer at Foreman hig<h school in Chicago, explained his duties as ah intermediary between the students, their parents, and the faculty. The students' strike at Foreman last year brought to a head the need for deeper understanding among those TnOst concerned in a school, and the creation of a public relations post was the result. ft. -Servel gas ft. Servel gas Electric Shop 44-tf, FOR SALE--Modern with basement and furnace home heat; also garage. Located at McCullo<m, Lake. Peter Kaminaki, Phone 656-; NOTICES--Please do not bring grain for cleaning and treating without' appointment. McHenry Mills, Inc., West McHenry. Phone 92-R. 46 _ Mrs. Amanda Van Altheri of Wickline Bay has been a • patient in the Wpodstock hospital for almost two weeks, where she is suffering ifrom an internal ailment. The Busy Bumble Bees 4-H club was well represented at the count; meeting on Saturday in Woodsi by Mrs. J. Christoffersen, Unl James Selsdorf, Sharon Grace Sella and Germldine Cormier. A new 4-H club will be formed this, year at Wonder Lake, as there are too many of eligible age to be absorbed into the original club. The^ new club, to be formed very soon, will select a name and apply for it# own charter. Mrs. James Selsdorf, assisted by Sharon Grace Sells, lead this new drib. Mrs. J. offersen and Geraldine Cormier will direct the activities of the Busy Bumble Boos. , On Monday afternoon, April 7, directly after schopl, the leaders of the clubf will s<peak to the little, girls who are elig|ble to join. Theh§| mothers are also * requested to bo present so that tip 4-H program can be fully explained to them, ancf understand what 4-H can do irf building character and in occupying spape time. Sunday Bible School Center had its opening session on Palm Sunday, with a registered attendance of sixtytwo. The Morning Worship Service at 11:00 o'clock was also well attended. There ^rere people in the audience not only from the Wonder Lake community, but ' also from Wicklinfe Bay, Ringwood, McGulTom Lake and Island Lake. The officers of $he Sunday school Are: .Franklin- Anfteyion, acting superintendent; Edwin' Dornbush, first vie© superintendent; Milton K. Peterson, .second vice superintendent; Marianne Glauser, • secretary and pianist; John Christoffersen, treasurer. The" teachers- are! Mrs. George Lisfnby, beginners; Mrs. Edwin Dornbush, primary; Mrs. Richard Old&on, juniors; i.Edwin Dornbush, Rer. Frank Anderson, The Graded at the Gos<pel Old English Pint, 39* Olamp A •OOURXNO PADS in box S; 19c 'A - ;SPONGE' RUBS knbelingI fwlHt yMf ~ U«M ) : wk#» wfehMsa, d*.. is# etc .j QQ/i KM<I fM tMl MM.[ tl a?-" MUM $1.35 Wool Dusting Mop $1.19 'BiiMl Carpet Sweeper Minute Mop Ourtain Stretehers Brooms Powderne Linseed Oil Soag Johnson's Cleaner v 10-9T. QALYAHIZBO WATHt PAH. Copper bMfinQ tleel* heevy bStf " 39c Wax T&veni Rug Shampoo Tayern Window Cleoner OlimftT Wall Gleaner Upholstegy Cleaner Linx Cream Polish-- Spic ft S#tt Soilax f: ^y&tat HdW^; Green Street Phone 98-V .,W': " f '1 : LILY LAKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. LILYM00R M-2. R-l, Weet McHenryv FOR AT McCULLOM LAKE SALE -- One store, 3 and 4- room fiats,'2-car garage; hot water heat; also store fixtures. Jacob Fritz, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln __iri 1833. 40-tf! 43-tf TREE SPRAYING -- i TREE • SERYICE. 113-R. ANDERSON TEL McHENRY 45-4 >| intermediates; The Arthur Finlesrs have mpved adults; into a new home on the northwest Easter Sunday services at the side of Chicago. Their Wonder Center will be held at 10:15 a.m., Center home is up for sale. j with a program and a special treat I for all the children attending. Morn- Among those present at the show- ing Worship service at 11:00 o'clock, e* given in Woodstock last Friday 1 with the pastor preaching on the # * o » ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE 1947 SEASON WITH A GIGANTIC BUILDING PROGRAM AND LOT SALS! •M 4 IH <H » • ! 11111 < I l l H I 111 I I I > l l l l 111 > ••* 11 FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and SHEET METAL AND FURNACE, WORK--Gutters and furnaces re-' aired. John McDonald, Regner Rd.,! McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf ignition parts "for Ford and all other cirs. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily- care- 01 P-?Winsr' moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. TeW McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf sawing, mond Rd. equipped to take disking and wood Herman Dowe, 208 Rich- MeHenry. Phone 241. 42tf SALE Year-round comfort Adlni?' Tef.ani!£5i I %. 46-2 i - • FOR aeonomy with fire-proof Johns-Man-, Henry 130-R. fUle Rock Wool Home Insulation i -- "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call j SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POpLS, \| LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. I cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth!|! 36tf {cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 | St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone or 716-Mt 543-MI • • 4 2 t f i : : LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roof- Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf FOR RENT ing and siding; material or labor.' Frank Gans, 300 Riverside Drive j McHenry. Call or write. Phone Mc- i Henry 106-W. Guaranteed by Sears,! Roebuck A Co. Free delivery. 42tf FOR RENT -- 4-roo<m modern furnished cottage, with electric Frigid- ^aire and gas stove. To neat reliable couple--rent free in exchange for part time caretaker of grounds. Ref. Call after 6 p.m. Green Gables Est. McHenry 638-W-l. 46 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Veteran, wife and child desire apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished, in or near MeHenry. Veteran is company exactative. Tel. Mrs. Dunn collect, ^Toodstock 806-W or 559-W. *46 WANTBD TO RENT--House in Mc- Senry. |28 rewai A^ler information •M^F^nty *«i and )swefcry to Hasatt, 200 8o. (Front part y MMf DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is the least we pay fcgr dead horses ' ®nd cows in good condition. Wheel I ln8 Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling I No. 3. Reverse the charges. No • help needed to load. 36-tf. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366, tf ELM STREET FLORIST ! On Routes 120 and 31--in the heart of McHenry, offers < it « • " « ^ « • rL the best in TREE SPRAYING AND .WEED KILLER 8PRAYING. v®pank W. Henkel. Tel. McHenry Wl-M-1. 43-tf Order PlaindMt^C EASTER FLOWERS --for the home and for wear OUSE9 pslces will range from $2,250 and up, depending oh the Stylt and Construction. A brand New all year round Modern Home on a lot 50 x 100 overlooking t^liikf -- * $4,250 :1Tenns. • . v s LOTS Say it with Wo tdeti^ fiowem aiiytrfwp I > H<M M I Ml Ki l l ! MM HI : "'~'7 "3 MM.,: * Y ft-1* • We ha^ just placed on the marfaet for sale Lots SO x ICR) cost!: ^from $150 and up. These lots will be sold on payments of as low $10.00 per Monttk • • - NO DOWN PAYMENT v We have ten Highway Lots suitable for business pmpoees. , no.oo Monthly. . • ' r • For complete information call by phone: McHenry 674-M-2 or McHenry 667-RHINKI REALTY ft OOKSTBUCTION COMPANY ~ Edward M. Lannes ' Marshall Sampsoi| fihicago Address: 3124 W. tawrenoe Ave. Phone: Keystone 2060 All Departments