Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1947, p. 4

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Editor, .Adele - .^fcteted aa sscoad class matter at i|ji MiiofiM tt McHenry, HI., ate tfcs act «1 May 8,1171. • >n« Year $8.50 C: Display ads for the Plaindealer -Will be accepted until Tuesday noon <df the week ad is to appear. . Classified ads will be accepted until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. News most be in our office by 5 o'clock 4Q* Tuesday afternoon. ___ ,.v; IALCDITORI ALLOCATION ?/' - - •. -an. Berg Entertain® Afternoon Bunco Club Mrs. Oscar Berjf entertained menifi hirs of her Bunco club at here home west of town on Wednesday of last .week. Prize winners were Mrs. "Hiomas Doherty and Mrs. Kick B. Freund- Mrs. K. Hanf and 4tftghter Jof Chicago were recent guests in the Otto Mueller home here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert and son, Ronald, spent Sunday viaiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flnnegan in Chicago. Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and family were Woodstock callers -Saturday evening. Miss Helen Merges of Chicago spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mrs. Anna Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Darold Thomas returned last week from Washington, where they had been residing for almost a year while he was serving there with the army. Mr. Thomas will receive his discharge in the near future. The Misses Arleen and Ann Ntt were weekend visitors in Skokie. Mrs. Raymond Hughes and children visited relatives in Wauconda one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Olsen of Elmwood Park spent the weekend in McHenry Frank McDade of Chicago and Ray Syskowski of Pell Lake spent the weekend visiting in the Henry Kinsala home here. Mrs. Jane Karowsky of Chicago visited relatives and friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and son spent last week in DeWitt, Iowa, where they visited his sister, who has been very ill. Frank Rossi called in the Robert A twit beantiftal springvwqddlnr was sotomniaed it St Mtiyii am and Mrs. BonCheHai, Sr., beeame tii* bride of Mr. Roy Blake, son M Mr. .and Mrs. Math Blake. Both young people reside in McHenry. Rt. Rev. Msjrr. Charles S. Nix officiated ^at the solemn nuptial mass* a double ring service, « Father Bngene Baumhofer acting deacon and Father Doherty as subdeacbn. The adult choir, with Sister An dreella at the organ, offered the nuptial music. James Lenhon sang the "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "Sancta Maria" at the close of the mass. The altar was beautifully decorated with bouquets of gladioli, snapdragons and lilies. , The bride approached the altar on the arm of her father, radiant in 9t the eery lovely . _ t* eeetr ii/this community <91 Wedneeday mornfag, April t in St Joseph's churdi RfcihmcwJ, Rev. Father Make officiating. tinted in marriage were Pinochle Hub ' At Drucker HMae '? . The East River Road Pinochle v ^ club held its last meeting at the | EH, it* home of Mrs. Alex Drucker on Thursday, April 10. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. Bt R. Sutton and Mr*. Frank Adelmeier, The club will meet next at the hbmeof Mrs. Eleanor Nye on April 24T * • • Fathers' Night - ~ ' • • " ' To Be Held April SS Members of the P. T. A. are reminded that Fathers' Night will be observed at the parochial school hall o n F r i d a y e v e n i n g , A p r i l 1 8 . - JZ \ Sarprised On A Her Birthday Mrs. Math Glosson was pleasantly surprised on her birthday anniversary hut week Wedneeday, April 9, when relatives called to spend the afternoon with her. Following a social hour, a tasty lunch was served. Those present were Mrs. George Glosson, Mrs. Elmer Glosson, Mrs. Edward Tonvan, Mrs. Joe Glosson, Mrs. Glosson, Mrs. Harold Justen, Mrs. Bernard Matchen and Mrs. John Glosson. 'Athletic Banquet Te Be Held May 1 and later accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Knox to the Rossi home in Chicago. They returned home later on Sunday with Mrs. Rossi, their daughter. Miss Lois E. Barr, instructor in I English at Bowling Green State Uni- 1 versity, and Miss Frances C. Barr,! University of Chicago graduate student, were weekend guests at the "home of H. W. Barr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin visited relatives in McHenry on Sunday. - Ed. Knox and daughters, Anna and Dorothy, of ^Chicago visited relatives heve on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum of Chicago were weekend visitors in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson of Evanston spent the weekend visiting in the home of his parents here. Mrs. Myrtle Symons of Woodstock visited friends here last weekend. MRS. BERNARD MAY Itema ef btereet Itken Frem thePfeeef the •f Team Age SIXTY YEARS AGO Jacob Barbian had the misfortune to cut his foot quite severely while Photo by A. Worwlek, McHenry MRS. ROY BLAKE lovely gown which she designed. Mrs. Nellie Bwon visited in "the J* was of egg-shell satin with long Carl Courier home in Marengo one!*™"' a .scalloped neckline fitteB dav last week. 'bodice and princess lines. She wore Mrs. Kathryn Smith visited her a n lo^ ve\l with blusher of French daughter at Wonder Lake on Sunday.! lll""°n nf ^hlch,wa3 held ™ Place Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty of ™th » c!"8ter, ?£ °™n£e Wossoms » « new May i Wonder Leke were Sunday guests i *ac.h Sld®. °! heaJ'. She car" anITi <.banquet .°tthe YZUIg in the Thomas Doherty home here. Pfi her. FJj*£ Communion prayer Peoples Athletic association will be, Mr . d Mrs FrpHprj„k R_wr nf book and two white orchids with held on Thursday evening, May 1, | Chicago visited relatives here last PurP|e throats, the streamers being although the exact location has not j j knotted with stephanotis. Her only yet been decided. This (Thursday) M V J,,«««,«• p0/vr;0 jewelry was a three-strand pearl AteLSS,ss'm«?'is * Uv 3" '» McSSS iSlLr*" neCkl,Ce' " 8it' "" Frank Johnson at which time rser- hon?e recently ,rom the Waukegan sanitarium. 103 So. Riverside Drive RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS The young ladies wore matching I McIIcriry for a reception and supper. Keeping wrtn AnNmD •L AWN MOWERS „1 I U_1_ 1 I_J ~r A Wf^riinc danrp was enioved at By Machine «i. : f. La' ; PT* fevations should be made for the banqu^ t. * • - • feirthday Tea' la Held Today Everything is in readiness for the annual Birthday Tea, which is being' held this (Thursday) afternoon in! ""J1* hours: by appointment the Methodist church hall. Oncel Daily and Evenings again twelve tables, representing thel Closed Wednesday twelve months of the tractively decorated in keeping some special feature of that partic- "ar season. It is surely one of the •vliest social events of the year. "Oris afternoon's program will feature vocal solos by Mrs. Harry Barr, accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Monteleone,, and readings by Nancy Wilton of Lake Forest collWegae;. Lady Foresters To ; , ^wtall Officer? Ladv Foresters will hold installafon of ofFicers at a dinner held at te Riverside hotel on Thursday evening, April 24, at 6 o'clock. Reservations should, be made with Mary freund, phone Ul-W, or Helen Wag- Ber, Mone 488-M, by Monday, April j|l. OCkisrs of St Agatha's court, Johnsburg, are invited to attend. MiWnheis of the local court are nded that Husbands' Night will held next Sunday, April 20, at 6 nL, at titie parochial school hall. will be a pot-luck supper aerved, to which husbands and friends are invited» ' • Mrs. Ben Chelini, Jr., sister-inlaw of the bride, acted as matron of honor and Miss Marilyn Schmitt, - -- niece of the groom, was junior brides- DR. R. W. DONNELLY maid ™e Misses Lorraine Lavorini Chiropodist Foot Specialist a"d ,^aine Gf?paro^Ji cou?ins i the bride, served as bridesmaids. AA°l£l MrllMirv 1 wore dresses pink in color, the fitted , i top ibein^r of a darker shade than Miss Mae Miller, daughter of William Miller . of Ringwood, and Mr. Bernard May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben May of Spring Grove. The bride, given in marriage by her father, approached the altar looking very charming- in a Edwardian gown of white satin. She wore a fingertip veil, held in place by a silver and white beaded tiara, and carried a bouquet of white roses, with an orchid in the center. chopping wood on the faim of Page Colby on Tuesday. Hon. Chaa. H. Tryon, of Hebron, was a caller ~5n Monday. He waa on his way to Terra Gotta, witere he will do some surveying and leveling for W. D. Gates. H. H. Nichols has tendered hia resignation as a member of the board of trustees of this village, which will necessitate the election of four instead of three at the election on Tuesday. James Wells started this; Wednesday for Maaon City, Iasra, where he expects to get a job Cor the season. * FIFTY YEARS AGO ^ C. B. Curtis and a . of friends from Elgin, shipped the finest lot of fish from this station one day last week that we have seen for many a day. lliey Were nearly all Mack bass. Mrs. Wm. Page, died at her home in Chicago Monday last. She was the mother of Chas. Page who resides southw<est of this village. We are informed lira. M. A. Searles will open her store. soon with the latest m Spring millinery. W. D. Wentwortn had the misfortune to lose a valuable Jersey cow on Sunday last. FORTY YEARS Chas. Lamphere will soon mov$ into the Gage house on Main street Mrs. Culver, who has been spending the wifiter in Iowa, will return to McHenry and. again occupy her house. John M. Walsh has sold his farm ... . . . , , • west of town to John W. Phannen- Jfi88 £J£?! still Who will take possession of the same next week. H. Hirsch has rented of J. J. Buch bride, served a» matron of honor, attired in a light blue taffeta dress. All attendants carried colonial bouquets consisting of pink sweetheart roses and aweetpeas. Melvin Kattner, friend of the groom, served as best man, while Eugene Miller, 'brother of the bride, served as groomsman. Ushers were Allan May, brother ^of the groom, and Richard Miller, the bride's cousin. „ The groom's mother chose a poudre blue suit with pinki accessories, her corsage consisting of pink sweetheart rosea and sweetpeas. The altar was beautifully decorated for the occasion with bouquets of white flowers. Following the service, a break- _ fast was served at the Miller home | the full skirt, which was marquisette ; to,. *he immediate families, _ &fter_ lover taffeta. The gowns had cap which 175 guests* gathered in St/ sleeves and high round necklines.1 Mary s-St. Patrick s school hall in Miss Patricia Miller, another sister the old meat market on Water street of the bride, and Miss Joan May, 'd ^ about the ftrgt of next the groom's sister, acted as junior I k ' therein market lor all bridesmaids. The two girls wtore; kindg' Qf ,moked meats. light blue satin and net iToor length I The opening «, Gilberts' gents' gowns. Miss Shirley May, sister ofl fumishi,^ hoW in the old postthe groom .served as bridesmaid, offi bl^.k will teke place Friday, wearing a pink satin and net dress. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO gloves and halo headpieces of white gardenias with puffs of pink veiling. .. r ^ _ They carried colonial bouquets of Abe Greasing and Repairing Cars white gardenias and pink sweet- WILLIAM BUCHERT , heart roses. Their only jewelry were 601 Front St. McHenry j single strand pearl necklaces. .Alvin Blake served his brother as 'best man, while Charles Blake, another (brother of the groom, and Leonard Blake, a cousin, were W. P. BROOKS ft SON Painting and Papering AH Material At Cost TeL 131-R . IIS Washington St McHenry, Illinois Edward wedding dance enjoyed Nell's later in the evening. Both Miss Miller and Mr. May graduated from the Richmond high School in 1944. They will make their home near Spring Grove*; Read the Wane Ada Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCabe have (moved from the Gibbs farm south of town to the upper flat of the Schaefer house in the north end of town. ^ Fred Ferwerda took over the business of the Riverside Dairy last week and since then has been serving the patrons very satisfactorily. The barn on the Henry Block prop, erty on John street is being razed. Another improvement to the street. Excavation for the basement of a new home to be erected on Elgin road by, Wm. Simes was begun on Monday last It isn't retUy difficult to decide whether ov not yottihouki borrow money4L*L Here's a simple test: Just ask younelf it die loan wfll help you aocomplishasound purpose. ; [|: « The competent businessman who needs credit to make more money... die individual who wants to consolidate his bills into one obligation which he can pay off systematically, and die person who needs I! 'McHENRY tofinancehome r e p a i r s o*i * equipment, or to buy a new r.^ , car --all can make good use of a bank loan, provided they see their way dear to repay r the loan as agrqpd. A bank' loan is economical. It can ^ , be obtained prampdy and • , without red tape. And you establish'a bank relation-; " > ship for die future which ^| can be useful to you in mtny other ways. If you need credit, come see us. « i I 'it.- Member ?|0dml Reserve System ^ Member Federal Deposit Insnrance Oorporatioi HiHHiiii ni 11 »i 11 n n i iiMHiiKUfxn mmmi» VERNON J. KNOX =_ Attorney-AtrLaw COT. Green and Elm Sta* McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Deys By Appointment - Phone McHenry 41 A. P. FREUND SONS ISxcavating Cratractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Seifice --ROAD BUILDING-- DR. JOHN WAIDZUNAS Phyaician ft Surgeon Tel Johnaberg 644-Rll , Main St, Joheabuig, IU. TeL Cryatel Lake S6-M Office Hears: M aan. to 2 pjfc. and 7 p.m. te » . Ne Hours Tlmraday Brenings TeL 204-M McHenry, HL TeL McHenry 24S-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Paperhanging, Renravinf Old Wall Paper With Steamer, Spray Painting 195 N. GRE&N ST. McHENRY --WANTED TO BUY-- We pay SS te $25 for Old leaa for dewa horsee end . MATTS MINK RANCH JohMbarg - Spring Grove Rea* Phone Jehnaburg S59-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOOfc HORSES AND CATTLE We pey phene chargea FRANK S. MAY Tracking , Sand --Black Dirt -- Crtehed Gra*l tenders -- Limastone Truck fer Hire f Phene Johnsberg 685-W-2 - R-l McHe ^L«E Knows NO IImmAi A fraternal guild of the 12th century, the grocers' livery company, tried to restrict marriage of its members to daughters of guild men. The attempt failed. Complete line of Dr. Hess' poultry and animal remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 43-tf-p5 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fo* Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle *ad Hogs -- Sanitary Power Load- N -- Tankage and Meat 8craps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 11S or McHenry SSt-J-2. Revenc Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. * t- iUf® Attendance • ff At Mothera Chb k/ - 3 About fifty ladies were present P<j at the April meeting of the Mothheld at the home of Mrs. .gjU. -Peter M. Justen last Friday after- W"' •:[ tioon. Mrs. Justen' served as hosf-- ^ t088' by Mrs. Eleanor Nye, IU Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. Albert Vales, .Gerald Newman, Mm Robert i'- \ Newkirk and Mrs. LeR^y Conway, k , i During the business "meeting, the annual flail festival and flower show ^as discuaeed and it was^agreed to change the date from early in Sep- { '* temoer to some time in August. gifa A half hour program followed, in- 2f clud'ng selections by Mrs. Cornelius Hf" v®cal selections by Adel$ ^ K- i ^oehlich, accompanied by Mrsi V5/ ! ' Quinlan, and readings by Coral Har *?' * naon. l<: -- A delicious lunch was served later '£Y' ™e committee. If DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 12S Green Street Office Honrs: IS to 8 p. at daily except Wedneeday. Evenings by appointment. TeL Wonder Lake 418 M. R. H. WATKINS W Dentist ' 1 •o-Office Hears-- Tnteday ft Saturdays: I a.a. to 5 pan. Eveninge and Sunday Mornings »y Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lafctt I0L C. J. MEYERS General Contractor Carpentry Nlew Work and Repairs McHenry, IU. TeL Pietakee S42-M-1 groomsmen. Ushers were Blake and Robert Blake. • The bride's mother wore a peacock blue dress, the top of wnich was net, worked with braid, and the skirt of crepe. She chose a fuschia flowered hat and black accessories. , The groom's mother was attired in i a lavender' colored suit and black straw hat trimmed with violets. Her accessories were also black. Both had orchid coraages. Immediately following th« ceremony, a breakfast was served at the Riverside hotel dining ropm for relatives and dooe friends. Open house was held at the bride's home rand later a buffet supper was served at 5 o'clock at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's" school hall. A reception was held after 8 p.m. for relatives and friends, with music and dancing providing entertainment. The couple are leaving this week on a honeymoon trip west, the bride traveling in a grey striped suit with brown accessories and white nrdenia hat. Upon their return they will reside in their home at McCullom Lake. Mrs. Blake attended the Oak Park and River Forest high school and has been employed at her father's Slace of business, the Troy Brass : Aluminum Foundry, in Chicago. The groom attended the local schools and is now co-owner of the Roy-Al Inn at McCullom Lake. Sir SUNDAY ACCIDENT Nell, son of the Joe Nells or Woodstock, was injured in an Mito accident which occurred early Sunday morning near Al's White House, east of McHenry. Several others were also reported hurt. YOUR WATER SOFTENER -- Protect this expensive equipment by installing a Micromet Feeder to dissolve and carry away the iron salts which salt brine does not remove in regeneration. MICROMET Installed ahead of your rZezorlit-e Softener is good practice for eff'dmcy- See our ad HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS OATCH BASIN* SEPTIC TANKS fISTERNS Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. * v * \ \ • ,* TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 -: SPRING FESTIVAL a 7 Q f - , r - f l r ; - m. JOHN'S CHUEOH on •1., •iW NELL'S BALLROOM a Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. . 43-tf-p4 . Subscribe for The Plaindealsr 3. r "»fi« E« Production ' phe more feed ard.water the hens consume, the better the ehances for nigh egg production. Large Savings <» The. cash savings that consumers ' accumulated during the war were MB large as the total amount they actually spent for goods and serv- Jcea in 184* Feed Better Eggs 1b certain instances, the nutritive value of eggs can be influenced by the quality of the feed which the hen Obtains, uv tion speciali<s t.* .. j . ' - FOR SALE - ZENITH -- HOWARD -- OLYMPIC -- SONOEA SENTINEL -- SKY ROVER -- RCA -- PHILCO AUTO RADIOS - RADIOS $19.95 AND UP--TABLE MODELS - RADIO PHONOGRAPHS--PORTABLES USED RADIOS--PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES KINNEY ALUMINUM WARE --BARGAIN COFFEE SETS^AND BROILERS--BARGAIN WILSON'S RADIO SERVICE 206 F-T-M JTREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS ••'"--j- •' * • - PHONE 469 PR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store ; (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyee Examined -- Glaaeee Fitted Vianal Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Vianal Analysis Hoars Daily: 9 te 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Eveninga: f t* IJI PJ*« > PHONE McHENRY 4S3 smmtts vaasn* YOURSELF . AT HOME" ^ on •jHs' 8:15 p.i«. Jk-1 McHenry Auditorium Admiaaion 50 cents, tax inolnded ^ : / Seats may b# reserved at High School April 28 at 12:30. THE GOSPEL CENTER (Nonsectarian) WONDER CENTER, WONDER LAKE 1 Extends a Cordial Invitation To Its MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP NIGHT ii FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL I8, at^:00 o'clock Speaker: Rev. Fred J. Young- of Crystal Lake. Special Music By the'Crystal Lake Church Choir Refreshments A Welcome To All tvrruA NteW'7"; IT II lovely Costume Jewelry Handsomely designed to add rich charm |§ every costume Mother weam. i«!rely brooch andeeiv in classic design. Perfect gifts for Mother's Day ts ' remembrance* • LATEST RECORD Hlfi U among which are "Misirlou," by Jan August; Teg-O'-My Heart," by the Harmenicata; "fieer A^cnl Pofka." by Bkpe Mna^Ue OxchoiUa. Ooene hi and git your uKratt of redMls ftMn": "TBI Roll By." ; / f USE OUR BUDGET *»LAN Jewelry MAIN g£;:jJrr- vasts* ; -V-tTl&F-immtmm

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