Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1947, p. 6

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8ALE--Pure Bred Registered cow, 8% years old; fresh 27, 1947; also two very rood Gatdc Holsteins. Maple Lane Farm, ,&», Ingteskte, m. •*& FOR SALE -- Quantity of baled | Joseph L. Bauer, Ingleeide. McHenry 647-R-2. *48 ,.J«OR SALE--Duroc sows, due to] ffeirow soon. Ban J. May, Spring fciwm TeL Richmond SIS. *48 or 2p05 Shj^Wd ATJ, Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1SS8*18M if. CARPENTER WORK WANTED-- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard, phone McHenry 634-R-2. 46-4 WANTED TO BUY CASH |POR SALE--Singer drop-bead sewiSWW machine; all accessories. Apt. Wattles Apts. Call after 6 p.«n ^|POK 8ALE -- Lawn mowers, hand .jpower; power sickle, rood used mowsharpening and repair*. Bob WANTED FOR Heesea -- ParsM - EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 . McHenry, 111. •48 McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry W7-R-2 _ Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 1 40-tf RUG AND FURNITURE CLEANING-- In vour home. To lighten your Spring Cleaning, call Pasdera Rug Cleaners, Cary, 111. Phone Cary 5181 evenings. *48 ACT NOW--To secure the county's most profitable small business. One man can operate. Write Mr. R. G. Gilbertaon, 229 E. Douglas street. Bloomington, Illinos. 48-2 FREE--Horse manure wfll be given to patty hauling same my. Pine Tree Dainr Farm Now 1, Horse Barn. Rt 1, McHenry. HELP WANTED Main St., McHenry 48 jPOR SALE--Plsyer Piano and rolls. ?fWrite Art Herman, 1524 So. 96th West Allis, Wis^ as to when * afcuw^can be seen in McHenry. 48 HELP WANTED -- Girls at Local Cleaners, Inc., Green street, McHepry Full time. 48 SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnace* repaired. John McDonald, Reaper Rd., K-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf HELP WANTED--Local young man wanted to work in filling station. Good pay. McNally's Service Sta- •1 ~ _ , tion, Corner Routes U. S. 12 and FOR SALE--1984 Chevrolet coupe, rtiinois 120, at Volo. Phone McHenry j »V fair condition, four new tires, wil- e^.jf-2. *48 SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 128 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 548-M or 716-M. 42tf •MIS iPhone Radio Service, McHenry 469. 206 Elm St 48 IFOR SALE--Coal or wood white ^porcelain enameled ranee with cast iron top, reservoir and oven heat indicator, price $25.00; card table auid 4 chairs; also dance and vocal records, each five* cents and up. Ed. Davis, Lot 47-48, Block 8, Lily Lake. ) *48 :i FOR SALE--1947 power sickle mow. er. Inquire after 6 p.m. at 110 Main street. 48 • jpqr SALE--1940 Studefbaker Champion with radio and heater. Good v condition. Tel. Richmond 632. *48 I FOR SALE--Farmall H Tractor, on • rubber, with starter and like new. f Frank J. Marzahl N. Main street "s Richmond, 111. 48 FOR SALE--By owner, year-around , ' house, designed for living, large wooded lot, large living room, pid- 1 ture windows, lake view, heatilator fireplace, full basement, good furnace, water heater, water softener, modern kitchen. Furnishings if de- . {, sired. Priced for quick sale. M. L.! '5;;> - Burt, Lalae Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 263. ; . 48 / FOR SALE--Oil circulating heater, 6-6 room size, excellent condition. ^ "* Mrs. W. Sartwell, Wonder Lake, 111. i ' Phone Wonder Lake 572. 48 HELP WANTED MEN 1st, 2nd and 3rd SHIFTS BUFFING, POLISHING. SMELTING, PLATING. PUNCH PRESS, INSPECTORS, TIMEKEEPERS. 1st. and ted. SHIFTS FILE TRIM, DRILL PRESS, MARTERIAL HANDLERS, DOCK HANDS APPLY IN PERSON ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. 48 GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roofand siding; material or labor. Frank Gans, 800 Riverside Drive McHenry. Call Henry 106-W. Roebuck ft Co. or write. Phone Mc- Guaranteed by Sears, Free delivery. 42tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is , the least we pay for dead horses I and cows in good condition. Wh#W ' ing Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 8. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 36-tf. COLLECTING--Let us O. Box 274, TREE SPRAYING AND KILLER SPRAYING. Frank HankeL TeL McHenry 68141-1. Vast Cill» Win m electrical manufacturing six girl Inspector-specialists «k an responsible for test* 118,000,000 teat of wire used to cable. CP&w r _ 1 laveolted Typewriter I;: Three residents of Milwaukaa, Wis., invented the Aral practical typewriter in { 1867. The inventors were Christopher Latnazn Sholes, Carlos Glidden svid Samuel W. Srnamm •"•7 , ,.U:21E£. HELP WANTED--Girl or middleaged woman for part time work in kitchen. Mill Inn, formerly Barnard's Mill, north end of Wonder Lake, at bridge. 48 FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing varnishing and waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimate. Call McHenry 497-R. 43-*4-tf txtntbathig Ante • For nests of ants in tha soil in the lawn or garden, make holes about a foot apart over the infested area with a broom handle, or similar object, to a depth of two to four inches and pour into each two or three tablespoonfuls of carbon disulphide, closing the hole at the surface by pushing the soil together. In the case of large ant hills, it may be necessary to make deeper holes and pour into them a larger quantity of carbon disjilphide. TRUSSEf te" illITIffif """ ICMMKIDjror PADTKUmS ^ S 3 S S 5 ' * Ml HppMMi triMM, lit. mi mt |m alaS|| Msa fceys frees ei to«a 'fttw ftmd teg beys whe Bes around to a good dU Farmer Collins* barn. I expeet ' seeaasd a lot dUtesat to 'tatiti iothtt «t «f unifona. But they ;*j|f^ha4 a graattiam, spinning yarns, drinking best, aad talking over the old timea in South Africa and Italy and the Aleutians. I want offer to cevet the mestlag fer«heCM%aai«MtHif son tttoNsssi. toe wts tfcs Bolger's Drug Store Greea Street MeHenry Ccfyrigkt, 1947, VmM : " • Fraa ahari S tit aar rgaaiai the war. Aai ttafVa mighty 0m4 «appla to «f aa--la totara» tiea, aai good fellowship. TREE SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 113-R 'S Die HELP WANTED MEN Second Shift. Die Repair, Polishing, Machinist. First Shift, Sheet Metal Worker. APPLY IN PERSON ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 48 HELP WANTED--Men needed for work on pipe line construction. Report at Kaiser-Frazer garage. Union wages. C. S. Foreman Co. 48 HELP work, sales soft FOR SALE--Four ft. bath tub. Mrs., Kathryn Freund. Tel. McHenry 64-J. 1131 •48 i -- WANTED--Woman for ladies' ready-to-wear, good dept. Good opportunity, Gamble's Store, West McHenry. 48-tf HELP Henr^ WANTED -- Girls for Melee Cream Bar. Apply at Green St., McHenry. 48-2 FOR SALE--Hiawatha bicycles, boys' and girls'. $89.96. Gamble's Store, West McHenry. 48 FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein trail calves--Carnation, Pabst, Curtass, Ragapple and other leading Wood lines at fanners' prices. Hickory Creek Farms, Lao J. Smith, mgr. TeL McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf • ill FOR SALE New home milk pasteurisers'; handles two gallons of adlk an hour; available immediate deliviery. Gamble's Store, West McHenry. 48 •"OR SALE--Extension ladder, lawn •user, work bench, boy's bicycle, garden hand cultivator, electric motor, grinding wheel, hose and reel, shovels, fruit Jars, Johnsburg, Sunnysid HELP WANTED WOMEN First and second shifts, FILE TRIM, PUNCH PRESS. RACKING, DRILL PRESS, INSPECTION. APPLY UN PERSON ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO* WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS *8 HELP WANTED--Girls for general voile at dress factory in McHenry. No sewing. 200 N. Riverside Drive. Tel. McHenry 89. 47-8 WANTED--Woman, aged 26 to 40, preferably married, for clerk in Gladstone's Dept. Store, McHenry, 111. 47-tf HELP WANTO>--Laborers for con. atruction work. Ivar Fredrickson. etc. Greener, Call Wonder Lake 221. 44-tf Estate. *48 FOR SALE New Coronado 8 cu. ft. home freesem, $269. Available immediate delivery. Gamble's Store, •West McHenry. 48 FOR SALE -- Brood sows to farrow soon; wt. 275 lbs. TeL Round Lake 4221. *47-3 FOR SALE --2,000 strawberry and raspberry plants. Route 31, two miles south of McHenry. Rudolph Mionska. HELP WANTED--Girl to clerk in drug store and fountain work. Boigers Drug Store, McHenry. 38-tf HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 33-tf k>lph '47-3 - 1 ' . FOR SALE -- Concrete building blocks available new in any ouan-! tity. von Bampus A Sons, West i McHenry. Phone 245J. 47-4 i FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES; ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. Service on: all'makes. L. V. Kiltz, Woodstock. Phone 549. *47-2 FOR SALE-- Modern home, Venetian blinds, automatic oil heat with air conditioning, electric hot water heater, 2-car - garage, asbestos shingles, modern bathroom, built-in tub, shower, full copper screens and stoim windows, Phone Wonder Lake 173. 45-tf WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE ». 20-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES I. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168. Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, I1L 40-tf HELP Place 377. WANTED -- Waitress. Mi Restaurant. TeL McHenry '• 46-tf MISCELLANEOUS WILL YOU NEED house or yard cleaners, baby sitters etc.. during Hoibo Week, April 21-26? Notify F. H. A. members or high school HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern home homemaking department. *48 with basement and furnace heat; BIG EGG PROFITS for everyone also garage. Located at McCullooi with heavy breed hens such as Rocks Lake. Peter* Kaminski, Phone 656- and Reds. We furnish Game Roost- M-2. R-l, West McHenry. 43-tf ers and pay hatchery prices for . year round. Write or phone LAKE Henry 166 for full particulars. 4- Chain O'Lakiea Game Fields, RFD : 1, McHenry. 48-2 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THOSE CONSIDERING GAS HEATING Early in 1945, the Western Unite4 thorization. Expected delivery of Gas and Electric Company foresaw its need for substantially greater quanti* ties of natural gas. It applied to thf pipe line companies which transmit gas from the Texas fields to this areo, to increase their facilities and supply it with more gas. The pipe line com* ponies, acting upon the request, ordered steel pipe to expand their sys^ tems even before they were granted the ^required federal regulatory au- * pipe has been.prevented by a nationwide shortage of steel. Even though the Western United Gas and Electric • Company and the pipe line companies have done everything within therr; t power, necessary expansion of the pipe line system has not been conf?" pleted. Therefore the Company is* grets that it has been obliged to impose these restrictions limiting the additional gas heatingewstomers: r- AT McCULLOM FOR SALE -- One store, 3 and room flats, 2-car garage; hot water heat; also store fixtures. Jacob Fritz, Realtor, Johnsburg. Phone NOTICE -- McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago Lincoln care of plowing, disking 1883. 40-tf sawing. Herman Do we, mond Rd., McHenry. IT I am eouipped to take isking and wood 208 Rich- FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, 4-eow Phone 241. qtarters, fuel pumps, distributors and -- - - ignition parts for Ford and all other CLEANING--Available for cleaning cars. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- offices. Christine Adams, 601 South moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel., Green St. 47-2 McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--^Year- round comfort and ileonomy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. 1X)TS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., on Route 81, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715. Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf WANTED WANTED -- Place to work tshing care of lawn at Fox Lake or Pistakee Bay; 3 or 4-room cottage, to live in during summer; pay not as important as home; would like to live in part of main bouse in winter to protect from vandalism. John F. Hat i •«»' end wife, Markeson, Wis. For mere information call J. G. Wxon, McHenry 898-W-l. *48 OPEN AND GOING AGAIN-- Good quality 500 to 600 lb. Hereford and Shorthorn steers at somewhere near reasonable prices. I always buy these cattle as though I were going to keep them my»elf. There are wrong kinds and right kinds. Visitors are . always welcome at the farm two mites west of Belvidere on Route No. 20. H. L. Dunning. 46-8 TREE SPRAYING -- ANDERSON TREE SERVICE. TEL. McHENRY 113-R. 4j_4 WANTED--'Watches and Jewelry to lajpli Anthony Noonan, 200 So. 0 dates, lasuli SEPTIC TANKS AND GREASB TRAPS cleaned, built and repaired, modern equipment; competent engi-i neering. L«ke County Sanitary Co. Pnone Libertyville 1346. 47-1 MARTIN ft^SON Carpenters TW^Ww^Xk^Wi .Building and Remodeling^ Ci»»rfia^.Gi5fei 1, No cKkfitionai reddential space heating (except those homes not yet connected that qualified for service July 14, 1946) until such time as additional gas becomes available. 2. No additional commercial or industrial space heating. To protect the supply of gas to present customers, violators The Company at all times considers as its first obligation the continuance of jervice to residential customers and for essential community needs, it will protect this service in every way possible. WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY % •< ^ J.

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