Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1947, p. 7

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fr/wr: "MM :*k^; i V. ^ ^ -^f ^ , - ,, ' . ,J ' | • -i „ * ^ , *5 »>,«j|r WNOWOOD (It lbs. Mrm. OMIT Buco club at cfterncer.. Mm wn'mifM te Mrs. Thomas Doherty ud Mr*. NWt Frtund. ^ a The ofMrs. A 1 #Nk ---n^- Fwd fddriek, Jr. Tha ftoe N. parade< flt Mn. F. man latent. Mrs. Wfegner tans A stork shower vu beldat l ha cawal Selections. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Airgsr and Hebron sptnt Thursday home t! Mrs. Bose Jeia»\Wedneste amine ta honor of lira. Mit- family at • ' v | i s.v • . > r- ;x*: | McREMRY CAB--Call 472-J Im ,s«ro' M'ra ~^w '»* ' J - IT >m •» III a hnny ^ " V For prompt and cotirteons wrrioi, ^ ( on't start to worry. ^ ^ "•* ^ We have 24-hour sgrtifei ' McHENRY CAB-Oill 472-J •# ELECTRIC MOTORS I COMPLETE REPAIE SHOP I A Redesigning McHenry Electric Motor Service BB0OS W. fMffll* 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD. V PHONE 181 wpPliilpi^iip , >?'• I * > YOUR FAMILY HISTORY four family history should be carved In granite. Don't leave the responsibility to your children or grandchildren. Records in books can be destroyed by fire and other hazards. Select your family vfww, together! -v.. ZOIA MONUMENT COMPANY Large Display Buy Direct We Have No Agents vOPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOO^ WOODSTOCK, ILL. A W N I N G S TARPATJLINS CANVAS GOODS Laqre Selection of Materials * and Residenoe Awnings . McHenry Awning Co. Phone McHenry B71-W4 ":3fhos. Thimneton Prop. Victor t l t C T H I C C O L O S H A Y aim COOLER Tha cold apray principle waa dmiopad years 090 by Wclor englneera and has proved, through *ha yaara to ba tha moat practical and faataat known mathod ol cooling iiiir in rmi«. Tha Victor Cold Spray Milk Coobr raducaa «nilk temperahuea 40 dagreea in 40 ninutea, and by retarding rapid bactarial growth ineuree a higher qucd&y ol mQk dud command* a pramium market Thaaa coolara so naoaaaii lor a eucceeeful dairy oparatton an dadgwad to cool and atora milk in cana. Capodfl*arattabla 3 to 12 Knights Refrigeration left D. C, talrWt U. Neil Harringtonvisited friends hers Wednesday and Tvamdsy. Mr. and Mra. George Haberiein spsnt Friday in Chicago. Mrs. HubcrMn will remain for aviait. • Miaa Aliea Peet of Elgin spent a few days the east weak with her parents, Mr. ana Mr*. Charles Peat Mra. Gatn* Shepard apent Saturday with Mrs. Clara EL Foster at Richmond. Mra. Joe Wegner and granddaughter, Maa Nimagern, ox McHenry spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Laurence, who has been ill. Tha Ringwood Rural Tooth entertained the Hartland group of Rural Youth at tha home of Suzanne Muaay, H>ursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner announce the arrival of a daughter, bom at tha Woodstock hospital, ril 10. ck Kelley and Milton Laurence April T)ie Elgin, enterspent Saturday night and Sunday in the Robert Van Dusen homi in "* Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler tained the directors and their wives of the Howe district achool, follow-j ing school election Saturday evening. Howard Walkington was rejected. Those making up the group were Mr. and Mra. Howard Walkington, j Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hopper and Mr. i and Mrs. Dfcniel Rawaon. j fnd Weidrich, Jr., was re-elected; achool director of the Ringwood j school, Saturday. Those ftom here to attend the school directors' meeting at Woodstock Thursday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mr. and Mra. | Kenneth Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ' Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Wei don Andreas and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wllmette spent Saturday with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, and family. Mrs. Fred Weidrich, Jr., Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Jack Lenard called on Mrs. Roy Smith at McHenry, Saturday. , Mra. Wolf Shadle visited mends at Evanston, Saturday. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Van Duaen of Elgin were visitors here Sunday evening. | The Keystone Home Bureau .unit'si , social evening will be held on Sat-. j urday, April 19, in the Richmondi hall. This will be the last party for] I the year. Cards will be played and j ! refreshments will be served. Every- I body is welcome. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the < home of Mrs. Clayton Harrison,; Thursday, April 17. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low are | the parents of a daughter, born j Monday April 14. ! Mrs. Mae Harrison returned home! Sunday from a visit with her; daughters at Crystal Lake. Mtb. Rose Jepson spent the weekend with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley returned home Saturday from a two weeks' trip throuh the southwest. Mrs. Emma Beatty attended a birthday dinner in the Alva Herbert home in Elgin, Sunday. Miss Marion Feet of Elgin apent tha weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodatock apent Sunday with her mother, Mt*. Viola Low. Mra. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake spent £tanday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Back and family of Arlington Heighta spent Sunday with her father, Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wicks of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson, Bubara Laurence and Charles Little. John of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and family at Woodatock were visitors in the Clayton Bruce home Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Harold Weidrich and aona of Galadonia apent Sunday with Miss Mae Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetse and daughter of Milwaukee spent the weekend with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mrs. John Woodward returned home Sunday from Washington, D. C., where ahe viaited relattvea a few days. Mr. ana Mrs. Joe King and aona of Chicago apent Sundav with her narenta, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Miss Audrey Merchant, R. N., of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Prevent Saap Laaa Return bar aoap to a dry aoap dish to prevent unneceseary melt* ne COUNCIL April 7, mi •• Tha City Council mat in regular aemi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton preafaMng. Aldermen preaent: Althoff, Fkauad. Regner, Tdnyan. Absent: Bam. Motion by Regner, seconded by AltholF, that tha minutes of the last meeting ba approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by AHhoff, seconded by Freund, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion _ Tonyan, that tha be approved as read. Motion carried. v Motion My Regnair, seconded by Freund, that the cleric's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be pdil as by tha by Freund. seconded by that collector's report ^$191.10 - 175.00 M 140 JO ~ 1ST JO .. 140JO m 60.00 R. Ekrl DawaU, Lester R. Baeon John J. McCtethy, salary W. C. Feha, salary Arthur J. Smith, salary . Ehrl R. Walsh, ofllea ex] . salary and missions Edward J. duty Collector of Internal income tax - George Steilen, labor on streets William Bnifeld, labor Matchen Bros., repairing police car ---.. Widter J. Freund, chains The M c H e n r y printing and election supplies 17.40 Carey Electric Shop, labor and auppiiea 22J0 John J. Vycital Hdwe., auppiiea ........ 4.68 Tfiennes Oil Cbn fuel oil ........ 10.66 «J1 Wn^H. Althoff Hdwa, np- HoHy* Swvice Station, gaa 4k ou, police car A truck fiJO National Office Supply Co., 0.06 Broal, cleanin„g aewers 240.75 Earl R. Walsh, freight Al«^>der iAmberCo., coal .. Kleinhana BuikUng Service, lumber Clark Chevrolet Sales, storage and towing McHenry Lumber Co., coal _ Western United G. A Et Co*, 1J6 14.70 17J4 11,001 41J8! gaa aervice Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 6.50 TLJ5 5.50 2.61 221.95 TESSENDORF A U C T I O N CHAS. LEONARD, AactioMer I will sell at public auction at my farm 1H miles east of Crystal Lake intersection No. 176 and 31, firat farm on the gravel road on MONDAY, APRIL 21 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock a harp, 17 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 17 ' ' Consisting of 1 bull, coming 2 years old; 1 bull, 15 mos. old; 12 first calf heifers; 10 ' fresh milkers and 2 springers; 2 j heifers, 2 years old; These first calf {heifers are all good sire, well marked | and are heavy product£3. I would I be pleased to have anyone desiring I replacements look at these heifers before sale date. 1 heifer, 4 weeks 1 old. Machinery I McCormick-Deering 2 single unit milking machine; 8 milk cans; milk I strainer; shallow well electric water ' pump; 2 wash tanks; 1 small grind- 1 er; four 5-gallon cans of green j paint; pile of old iron; Kimfcall piano; fanning mill; ice box. Feed 4 tons ear corn; 5 tons mixed clover hay, loose; 300 bales straw; ; 11 ft. silage in- 14 ft. silo; 200 bo. Boone oats. Terms: All sums of $25.00 and ! under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangementa .before purchaae is made. No {iroperty to be removed until settled or. ED. TESSENDORF, Owaar - O u . - } ' » • « , *** « LOCATION r" r.r McMahon Refrigeration SALES ami SERVICE -- 510 Main Street West McHenry, UL AMERICAN FARM AND HOME FBBEZER ON DISPLAY SELF SERVICE FROSTED FOOD DISPLAY CASES tLEACH-IN REFRIGERATORS WALK-IN COOLERS DRY KOOL BOTTLE COOLERS DIRECT DRAW BEER DISPENSERS Phones KCHSKKT 119 WONDER LAKE 568 telephone service Pvftiic Service Co., power and light Special Sewer Fond:---• Fred C. Felts, salary $135.00 Maym« iBUas, clerical 20.00 McHenry Lumber Co., lime .. 6.63 Flreund Oil Co., fuel oil 30.60 William Spencer, repairs, disposal plant 4.92 PcMic Service Co., nower and lisrht 46.65 Motion ^»gn< the cuiient ried. _ Motion by Altboff, . Tonyan, to advertise for _ ! for purchase of new police 'to be opened at r^ular _ May 5. 1947. Matkm carried. I ^®«rner, secoi I Althoff, to adjourn. Motion Unemployment WHk Ds Unemployment rarefy falls View S per cent of our working force, even in periods of prosperity. It averaged 5.4 per cent in relativeh proaperous 1920-1927. ^ Salad dressing should ba adfetW aalads at tha last minute before they are aerved. Moat dressinci have a tendency to cause fresh (ndEs and vegetables to lose crispness. It is onart to serve dressing at the table. Oil Route *7 1 ~ .1 WoodttoA, HL Every Wednesday at 1:30 pjn. Freeh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS ¥. B. and BANOS TESTED Private Salea Monday and Tuesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS CASH OR CREDIT Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyers for every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% / Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., ING Phones 572 or 499 • :r: IK e • H'iV ^ ; i-4- '• Chicago aad Northern Dttaois... Bichin Edscadosal 'and Cnltmal JUmbga i • • *':vim laOT only has Chicago and Northern Illinois industrially great but also it has become t ^ ^ ffch in the things that give character and perma- -t* jjencetoafltrea--its educational, humanitarian, and fulMrai advantages. Throughout Chicago and Northern Illinois are , colleges, technological and scientific insplendid schools, great libraries, distinfisbed museums, churches and theological schools, , •>% . r *i. 1 • great hospitals, center of basic research, all ranking V ' among the finest in the world. Residents throughout all Northern Illinois are fortunate in having easily accessible opportunities lor study in every branch of learning and the n»... j Wards that cultural advantages bring. Some of these opportunities for a fuller life for the jpeople in the entire area are indicated below. There ere many more. CUnio HlilwkW try. Hnm--t •# *$ tM b horn* for 10,000 Mhn* fa U. S., mprorfwfcg pm- HHmry +*mmHud to Mb wmrtd. rarimtmt of Jiik. MM of Urn Art. nwy ipttmdH twUbth. ' aL tnpaffaw6 AfeHn fo courtsim •ore Aon 10 ilim CMcon, Srepfceey, CrW Optm'i Immm kt CM- SknW *oc*. omo*t6 itmtt CM Miffnf SdUafc mtt It 1891, ummMm Mw k--t ra**, 42 try Chric Op- /mriu pwKrim Wrtorfc mmt- ti«Mi mat* mm m iSp-'. Miho--im mvtk. we SeWhe. antf #<m. tm4kml mrr- BnohfwU Zoo. AtJkmok fa BtouUfut church* gnu nU- ancttont Kodt Kw, Sunday Irmimg CU« tytBr 97 mt- mmwndimgt dmidntiny not- gh«n huplnHoit to am cimttit. hmpotlnnl wttrii by haow hvndrwdi of tocturo out So- afci urtW fatx'tote. acWplorf dot Itto oroa. cuimfl groups. of dkomuHy ortt Chicago xhooi of wrHon hqt Art « HI Vv«WWickNk drooghr hSumuirf Mil ott art m*ool omd om ot % RoOroad Cmotmr el Mm (MM SMm • Wwrlrf ALRPA* _ ' fctland Waterway* • Geographical Center of U. S. Population • Great Financial Center • The "Great fen* id MarinT • Fo4i Producing and Processing Center • Leader in Iron and Steel Manufacturing e Good Labor Relation* Record • 2,500,000 I of Power • Tremendous Coal Reserve* • Good Government • Good Living e Good Service* lor Tax PoRnn • Swrf tor frW a-'.t - 4? Ar mm iaform*ii9*9 cmmmwics* wim m TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT f

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