Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1947, p. 16

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PAGE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRT COUNTY, ILLINOIS tnj Town Roxdx with State Funds. The work appeared to be progressing satis- ; tectorlly And had a pleasing appearance. We again met al Woodstock, Illinois » •* the 7th day of September. 1946, and ;; audited and ordered paid bills of a gen- ^-.-1 era I nature chargeable to the McHenry 'i County patrol system of roads as a s>*!\ whole for repairs and supplies for ' County owned mahcinery and labor at th«' County tool house and grounds to a total of $7,753.09 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: Sections S, l4 146.83 Sections 4. It, 18 .376.64 Sections 4, 17 415.36 933.09 466.02 Sections 7".'», '. .'Sections IS, 15 • 1 Total ..'110,009.63 Bill* were nuited and ordered l>aid i%': out «>f Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: " -1 Patrol Sec. No. 1, maint. laobr a,u' matrrial 1613.26 ' Patrol Sec. No. «S, maint. labor and material V 89,85.97 Sec. 32 engi. labor and mat. .... 9.40 \j--V\' Sec. SI const, lyIkh' and mat. .... 8M2.20 fl . , Sec. 34, engi. labor aud mat. 73.20 }•)": 8ec.-Jo,engli. labor Snd: mat. ....' j373.3 ;Total ; $io,:h7.;.8 ! Twp. Roads, St. Appropriatio n . Labor and material :....$ 342.35 The matter of the contracts .for the Towns of Hebron and Algonquin on the hereinbefore mentioned Town-Roads, State Appropriation . gravel road project was discussed and we decided to award the contracts as follows: Sec. 1 - Roads A and C. Town of Hebron and Sec. 2, Roads A and C, Town of Algonquin to the low bidder,"-Crystal I<gke Trucking and jBxcavating Companip of Crystal l^ake, Illinois a» the unit cost of ,64c per cu. yd. in the Town of Hebron and .63c per cu. yd. in the Town of Algonquin. Section 1, Road It, T,,wn of Hebron to K. L. Weter of Hebron, Illinois at .55c per cu. yd., Sec. 2, Road H, Town of Algonquin to * Consumer's Company of I Crystal Lake, Illinois, at .75c per cu. yd. We authorised the Chairman of this Hoard and the County Clerk to sign the contracts on behalf of McHenry County. Illinois, as provided by law. We are in need of several new road machines, but are unable to secure some at this tini*. oe may start the construction of a new storage building as much of the machinery has to stand We hirve received from the Elgin Storage and Transfer Company a check for two dollars and thirty-six cents <S2.36) in refund of our voucher No. 9008 which was paid in error. Vour committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County ihghway fund in the sum of 84.000.©o until the next meeting of this a report on the two-way radio ordered some time ago for the Sheriffs office. The Chairman of the Purchasing Committee addressed the Board and'Stated that his Committee has no information concerning when delivery and Installation will lw made and that they were informed by the company furnishing the equipment that the reason for the delay was that the Federal Communications Commission had not granted to McHenry County a wave length. The Chairman, F. K. Heck, addressed the Hoard and stated that it was his understanding that the Zoning Commission of McHenry County was now prepared to submit their final report on County Zoning. He then called upon Supr. Nolan, of Dorr Township, Chairman of the Zoning Commission foi McHenry County, Illinois, for $ald report. Mr. Nolan addressed the Board and outlined in detail the progress made by the Commission since the adopt lop of an Jnterim Zoning Ordinance 6"y McHenry County. Supr. Nolan then pre sented and read the following report of the Zoning Commission to-wit: (Copy on file in the County Clerk's office.) " After the reading of the report of, the Zoning Commission, Supr. .Nolan then presented the following Zoning Ordinance which was read to the Board, to-wit: (Copy on file in Clerk's office). Siipr. Nolan again addressed the Board and presented the following: record of hearings of the McHenry County Zoning Commission to-wit: (On file in the County Clerk's office). Supr. Nolan stated further that his Commission submitted their fina4 report and Zoning Ordinance to the State's Attorney of McHenry County and it was the State's Attorney's opinion that same was satisfactory as to legal form and that he wished at this time to file the letter of opinion with the County Clerk. Supr. Nolan stated that his Commission has already filed with the Clerk a McHenry County Zoning Atlas and copy. After some discussion with regard to the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and final report of the Zoning Commission, it was regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the report of the Zoning Commission and the Zoning Ordinance submitted with said report be approved and adopted by the Hoard of Supervisors of McHenry County and ordered of record and the report of Record of Hearings of the McHenry County Zoning Commission be approved and the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, \Vright, Wittmus, Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, Mc- Connell, May Schmitt, Meier, Kilip and Assistant Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosetnhal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved, the Zoning Ordinance approved and adopted and the Report of Hearings approved. ® Following the approval and adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. Supr. Nolan Special October MiStinfc. :«r »£' • 1946 pi ' Board * " oi me /-lining ordinance, supr. All of which is respectfully submit- ,th7 ,Were resolutions J pertaining to Zoning that should be V-V K. F. KCECKER PAUL. ROSENTHAL. O. J. CARROM, CARL E. WITTMUB T. F. NOLAN lvi 7 r' t' The Special committee m charge of the repair of the DeCrote Bridge in ; Chenlung Township presented the following report to-wit: _ CoPV of this report on file in the County Clerks office. M'ft was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the report be approved • , th'* Board and the roll being called ttWCMdrman declared the motion unanlk monsiy carried. • The Clerk presented and read a cer- 1 e°p>' of a resoliKion adopted by dff 'r *We ctt>' "f Woodstock requesting the J- *tate Highway Department to re-route 1^ *1 1 s- 14 to bypass Woodstock, which Was ordered placed on file. The Clerk i V »'«<> presented the following similar ff"'" ' Resolution to-wit: Copy on file in the ' < Ourtty Clerk's office. ' ATter some discussion it was regularly , . . moved by Supr. Carroll adn duly sec- 1'!? by A"st- SuI'r- McConnell that the resolution be adopted bv this Board ' thft ro11 b<>,nS called the Chairman n declared the motion unanimously carried and the resolution adopted. h* following condemnation resolution • * presented and read to the Board. * to^wlt: i > -: ^9«»Py of th's resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. <J}*, It?" 'hereupon regularlv moved bv ^fs«.'Supr. McConnell and duly second* • S ™ Supr. niip that the resolution be : Adopted by this Board and the roll be- „ . fng called Suprs. Ruth. Wright, W|tt- ' 5*2-f"y- c'arroll. Kue< ker, Ackman, Malkeben. Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, Mc- C<rt»nell, May, Schmitt. Meier, Fllip and ¥ Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And * ' the Chairman declared the motion unannmjMfelv carried and the resolution adopted. The Committee oh Lands and Lots presented to the Board a Title Search Report received from the McHenry County Title Company concerning the title to a part of the old Fair Grounds property owned by McHenry County, together with a letter from said Title Company addressed to Don A. Wicks State's Attorney, stating that in view of the fact that the Repor of Title covers property owned by McHenrv County V.V 1here w"ultl he no charge for •either attracting or guarantee. The Committee on I^nds ;ind Lots then presented the following lease agreement which was read by the Clerk to the Board to-wit: (Copy In Clerks office. _ It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded bv kIVIT' K"tIk.P.r thut ,he leaf,e agreement adopted and approved by the Board of Supervisors ofMeHenry County, Illinois. He then presented and read the following resolution authorizing the appointment of a Zoning Enforcing Officer and a Zoning Issuing Officer of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, to-wli: (Copy on file in the County Clerk's office.) It .was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Fllip and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the resolution be adopted by this Hoard and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman,- F. E. Beck, then appointed Paul E. Bertram, of Crystal I,ake, Illinois, as the Enforcing Officer under the Zoning Ordinance and Raymond D. Woods, County Clerk of McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois as Issuing Officer under the Zoning Ordinance. Supr. Nolan then presented and read the following Schedule of Fees resolution under the Zoning Ordinance co-wit: (Copy of above resolution in County Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by, Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following resolution creating the Zoning Board of Appeals of McHenry County was presented and read to the Board to-wit: (Copy in clerks office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Carroll that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called the Chairman {leclared the motion unanimously carried and he then made the appointments as outlined and as. directed In said resolution. The Chairman of the Board, F. E. Beck, announced that in naming a Chairman of the Hoard of Appeals, he did it with the thought in mind that in the event thft the said Chairman so named did not desire to act or that a majority of the members up the Board of Appeals desired some other member of said Board as Chairman, that he would be glad to consider the appointment of some one of their choice. Thp following resolution on building or set back lines was presented and read to the Board to-wi:t (Copy on file in Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Rosentha and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called the Chairman • declared, the motion unanimously carried and the resolution adopted. , Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to conie before this meeting for the good of McHenry Count # .. ¥1 •'--• «»«ec-iiieni rv>i.n«?.n ii* ! an<' McHenry •••»-«-> •••« n»r me goou or. Mcllenry Couni ( '"h Town Inc., t,P ap. ty, that he would entertain a motion to a.l,.p»e,l by this Hoard and uljourn. It was thereupon Tegulnrly ehiwd ih If ii" ? rhn,rmBn de- | moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly uecanH ii. i lm>ti,,n unanimously carried onded by Supr. Fllip to adjourn And adopted B*rr<*eTnent approved and * " Several resolutions and permits received from the Natural 0;i„ Pipe Line <ompany Western 'nlted Oas and Electric Co.. the Illinois Hell Telephone Compsny and William Pencil and his T» i. # K("n('i l- w«?re presented to the Board for approval. Tit., said Individuals and companies requested in said resolutions and permits .P-iniisslon to extend their pipelines, telephoie lines and drain ace tile through upon, ami Rtl?r r",,n<V Highways and State Aid Roads. After some dlscti Opportunity Knocks There is a familiar proverb to the effect that opportunity knocks on every man's door once, btlt only once, but it is not always heard. For in- «ilil' discus- stance, a Nottingham plumber subne° rmit» ^h regard to said resolutions and ; mitted to the British War Office, in the same\,eW;,;r.:r^;,l;VNih;nn<;;V ?nd ;1911' 8 desi«n for a tank> then an Bridge Committee and the state s At- i unknown military device, and across s^dPCr.mmit,te','nfnn ?"",y ,Klvln^' the the drawing, in red ink, was writ- . full power to act. and , ten the official comment: "The man is mad." When George Westinghouse had perfected his airbrake, in 1875, he offered it to Commodore | Vanderbilt, but the railroad magnate |C;. The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met In special session at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Wednesday, the 9th day of Octotxer, A. D. 1H46 at 10 o'clock A. M. Pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members now on file with the Clerk of said Hoard. The meetlTig was called to order by the Chairman, Frank E. Beck, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the I'nited States of America was given by the Cbairmajf with all members of the Hoard and Visitors present participating, after which the roll was called oy the Clerk and Ihe following members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright, Carl, E. Wlttmus, F. K. Itelk, E. C. Coy, O. J. Carroll, • E. F. Kuecker, Ch«n H. Ackman, Harley Muckebon, T. F. Nolan, John E„ Harrison, Stanley H. Cornue, Frank B. McConnell. Frank May, Math N.-Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and John J. Filip and Asst. Supervisors A. M. Maxwell and A. H. McConnell constituting a • fuorunt present. The minutes of the Annual September, 1940 meeting were re£d and on motion duly made and carried Were approved and ordered of record. , The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Frank E.' Heck, and Ex-Officio Chairman of the. Hoard of Review of McHenry County addressed the" Board and stated that due to the lateness of some assessors in completing their work and also due to the number and type of cuipplaints thaf have been f(led with the Board of Review,- that said Hoard would not be ablt? to complete their wt)rk and he would request at this time that the time for the Board of Review to Complete their work be extended to October 19th, 1946. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the request be granted and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of the County Treasurer for the mouth of September, 1946 was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: County Treasurer's Xeport Tor the Month of September, lMt Keceipts Bal. forwarded September 1, 1946 i *331,608.15 General Fund /.... $ 341.44 Suprs., County Houra) 462.70 Chm. Liquor License Comm..... 50,00 i'o,.,nty Officers Ft(es................ 8?»1.64 Highway Fund 88.36 Pers. Prop. Back Taxes *"75.21 Inheritance Taxes ; CW6.16 Motor Fuel Taxes 6,728.27 Payroll Clearing Acct 4,150.09 Fines for Hwy. Violations .... 106.00 State Apprpori., Twp. Rds. 15,182.97 Dog Tax Fund 60.00 Institute Fund 117.00 Non-High Fund 15.97 Unknown Residents and Minor Heirs 10.11 Total receipts 87,925.92 Grand Total $359,534.07 Expenditures County Orders (15,860.78 Grand and Petit Jurors 114.20 Coroner and Cor. Jurors . ...... 12.00 Bounty orders 5.90 Probation Officer 198.20 Treasurer's Salary 173.40 Cleiks' Salaries ...j 599.40 Institute Fund 172.50 Highway Orders .-. •„ 10,090.53 Inheritance Taxes 162.80 Township Road, St. Appro 1,398.88 Motor Fuel Taxes 13,637.18 Payroll Clearing Account 4,103.99 Deposit by Order of Court ...... 40.00 Non-High Orders 35.00 Total expenditures .46,604.76 » Balance on hand in all funds September 30th ! .312,929.31 Grand Total . . . *359,534.07 The above and foregoing report is a true and correct report according to my best knowledge and belief. J. G. STEVENS, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of October, 1946. * R. D. WOODS, (Seal) > County Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr Wittmiis and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the report be. approved and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Elections presented the ^following report, which on motion of Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. Kueckei'und th* roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted towltff October 7, 1946 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: \ our Committee on Elections to whom was referred the Registration of Electors expense bills for the precinct registrations held September 21, A. D. 1946 and October 8, A. D. 1946, would beg leave to' report that they have examined said statements and Vould recommend that the following amounts be paid to the Supervisors for the Judges of Registration for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County, to-wit': Sept. 21. 1916 Riley ,.|36.90 Marengo.. 1 41.20 Marengo g 41.20 Dunham.,.: 36.50 Chemung 1 39.20 39.20. Oct. 8. 194 6 $ 36.90 41.20 • i. V Mojouru. Ana the Chairman declared the motion Carried. Thereupon the Hoard adjourned i FRANK E. BECK.' R. 5. WOODS. Clerk. Ch",""*n 7WT wT.T K Suprs. Ruth. Wright Wlttmus, Coy, Carroll. Kuecker. Ackrnan. Mackeben. Nolan. Harrison. Cornue McConnell, May. S'hmitt. Meier Fillp' V-iv^rr* ^"P'-rvisors McConnell and v^.. „ and Rosenthal v„t,.,l ,VP. i mc itiuiwu msinne the moHo'n un.',nI "turned Westinghouse's letter, with Asst. supr. Rosenthal chairman of the ^"ese words scribbled across the bots J a,arv f«mmitt»e addressed i torn: "I have no time to waste on .^mrthT^ u V t i " * • foo,s':„sr« a *«rger ap- session of the .Hoard to .-..n«ider th" Proache^ Mark Twain with a request .Jhe,J K"a J r'1 nf Rfview and {or $500, for which he would sell increase in salary' a^t'd that'^his^Com- i ' int"eSt hiS inventi°n» but mlttee. after due delli-ration' would i Wam> stun8 several times ber^ mmend that the salary of ti,e mem-! fore, refused flatly. From courtesy asked the stranger his to nine dollars per day. said increase in ®ell, the man replied as he turned 1',°™^""'° f"r 'he. overtime away, "Alexander Graham Bell." It thereu'iiin regularH-^^liifived6 hv > S^angCr Wh° aPP™ached Hnpr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr ! Arthur Conan Doyle with a prop- 'h<* rp,'°|T,moi,dations of the osition. A young actor playine in £Wand tV'\Z i °ne t°f Dole's productions, he iuf, hers or the Board of Renew and the • 8ested that he and the writer agree principal cirrk of the Board of Review to divide their incomes with one anbe Increased from seven to nine dollars nth.r tk. ...i . ., . ,. 15 . per day. said increase to start Septem- ? u j i ° ^heir lives. Doyle her 8. 19to, and the roii being 'ailed ! lau®hed heartily. "Charlie Chap- "PC,are'1 lh<' motion unan- j lin," he said, "if I didn't know you 'Wi» Chairman of the Board called I Vpon the Furcliasing Com. of Board for audacity 1 : Chemung 2 Chemung 3 Chemung 4 Alden Hart land .. Seneca Coarl CSrafton i . Grafton 2 . I>oi^: 1 Df>rr 2 Dorr 3 ....... Dorr 4 .. Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron Richmond . Burton McHenry 1 Mcllenry Mcllenry McHenry 4 Nunda 1« ...... Nunda 2 ...... Nunda 3' Agonqoln. 1. Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3. Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 S6.r,o . 39.20 . 36.20 40.70 3,ri.80 36.20 . 36.20 40.80 40.20 . 40.10 30.10 . 30.10 3r.,r.o . 40.70 . 35.00 . 41.80 36.80 41.20 . 36.20 . 41.20 . 41.50 -41.00 41.00 . 41.00 36.60 . 36.Oft 36.60 . 36.60 . 36.00 41.20 36.50 39.20 39.20 36.50 39.20 36.20 40.70 3 f..S0 36.20 36.20 40.80 40.20 40.10 30.10 30.10 35.60 40.70 36.20 41.80 36.80 41.20 36.20 41.20 41.60 41.00 41.00 41.00 36.60 36.00 36.60 36.60 36.00 th» road provided a suitable catch basin j The Clerfc. presented lists of claims ' the following resolution, to-wit: 'that it was his oslnion that tk« MA. is constructed to let the water into the against the County and upon motion of j Copy of this Resolution on file in the cedure used by the County for culvert at the general level of the road Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by .County Clerk's office. i right-of-way for roadlraDrovemeai w«a ditches on adjoining property, at no , Supr. Meier and declared carried, the It was thereupon regularly moved and getting to be a big Joke Mid tint he cost to the County. | said claims were referred to the proper j duly seconded that the resolution be did not believe It waa right and proper We agaih met on the 17th day of .committees and the Board adjourned to {adopted and the Chairman declared the for one or two oroDertv owner* otia Seipptteemmbbeerr,, 1946, and went to Huntley 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work, motion unanimously carried. road improvement project to be able and interviewed the Kahl Brothers regarding the purchase of about one j thousand (1,000) cubic yarsd of crushed | gravel for the month of .October, 1946. ' l:tt O'CLOCK 9. Board met pursuant to adjournment J improvement project to be able The Committee on McHenry County to hold up the whole road improve- Home Farm and Hospital, presented the ment, and that it was his opinion that following report, to-wit: 'the procedure should b« chanced and that he would move at htis time that We again met on the 27th day of *nd upon roll call the same members Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board unless the right of way for road 1m- September, l»46, and went to the Vil- ; respondedI to their names as appeared; of supervisors of McHenry County: Iprowement was secured wltttar ton lage of Spring Grove in regard to a pf recorrd In the morning session and | y0ur County Hoipe Committee, met days after the Right of Way Commit* pL>e*rrmrn1itt ttoo i<nni-tti.a1l1l a•> anaetwvAePr npiinpae aancrrnoasas !! inntc! lUudd innfigT AAsssstt.. S8Uufp»rr.. PPaauull RROosMenntthhuall ooff |ol l October 2O . 1H9n4 6tt . at t4h1.e. iMl.ctHv enrv . ' rtiVBl u"ifci rinv7ifrtiiiui i#v«i f""iVSm the lack top, road known as Sec• 13-1T Algonquin Township, constittlng a full bounty Home and audited the bills'fo? way. that the road ii^rove^Mt 55u»2 n i ^,e ^lave ls with'n /he Village board present. | the month of September, 1946, and re- particular road should be passed up trill " " "" ~ The Committee 6n Claims, Labor, Fees : spectfully^submits the following report, j that the road improvement |n limits and we claim no jurisdiction or responsibility other than the care of • and Supplies presented the following ! recommending same be paid. the . surface of the nineteen (19) foot ! report, which on motion of Supr. Wright ! Hubert Pharmacy, medicine $104.60 asphalt top. ^ We decided toj'ecommend land duly seconded by Supr. Nolan and ; R. O. Andrew Co., chicken feed that permission be given to P~a ul "W*e *b e-r , (the ro-ll- -b e-i-h g ca-ll.e d, was declared unan- grinding ...., 18.10 a Village official, to install said p'pe imously adopted, to-wit: * and restore the , pavement at no cost' ' to the County. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 5th day of October, 1946, and and audited and ordered paid bills of a general,nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole tor repairs and Supplies for County owned liiachineiy and labor at the County tool house' and grounds to a total of ...r.. $3,683.29 Bills chargeable tc>; the various sections of the' CfJunty patrol system of roails at rates heretofore approved by this .Hoard were audited- and ordered paid as follows: I ' , Sections 3, 14 1 $ 24.00 Scetions 4, 16, 18 Sections 4, 17 .... Sections -fl®, 6 (Sections 7, 8^ 9, 10, 11; 18 424.80 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on, Labor, Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to. report that they tykve examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amount? allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co. ...$208.16 Woodstock Daily Sentinel;... $812.40 Harvard Herald ., :. .. 324.90 Clyde C. Miner » 42.30 Cj-ystal Lake Herald 651.65 V klUlir », 9rlV| , l . t | 1.1 Sections, 13,-^6 • 1 Aiaic en»o i Tl Total $6,164.47 Bills were audited and ordfered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as follows: Patrol Section No.-- 1, Maint., labor and mat $ 49.27 2, mauit., labor and mat 7,438.39 Sec. 32 const., labor and mat. 62.12 Sec. 35, engi., labor and mat 203.45 Total $$,743.23 TTownship Roads, State Appropriation $26,788.64 of wtych $636.52 is for engineering. The Township road program with State funds is well under way. The bituminous work recently let is completed and the gravelihg in the Towns of Richmond and liurton is finished and in the Towns of Hebron, Alden and Dunham it is unde^ way. The County's road machinery ik assisting many of the Towns with tKe grading at the usual rental rates. We have checkers keeping track of the gravel and giving out a ticket for each load of gravel delivered. We have received from Motor Fuel Tax funds rental on County owned machinery included in the above report $541.03,. we have also received from Sections 31-T MKT Maintenance (Patrol Sec. No. 2) $454.62 fo£ shoulder gravel from stock pile at the Burgett Pit, also a refund check No. 10282 in the ;unount of $38.00. Remitter N. C. Lan^re, for. overcharge on lalculator due to OF A regulations, and turned all of same over to the County Treasurer for the County i'oa.l fund, which said sum is hereby re-amiroprii-.'.od for road purposes incljidilUr th > repair, storage and purchase of roud machinery or f<>r improvements tor buildings to house machinery. Your commltUe estimates there will be necessary for tne care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol sybtcni of roads ah appropriation trom the County highway fund in the sum f $4,OOOO.Oo until the next meeting of this Hoard All of which is repsectfully SUbmlttea. E. F. KUKCKEP. Fa u l . Rosenthal G» J. CARROLL. T. F. NOLAN CARL E. WITTMUS .rVT-I..crystal Lane ,i, ,, Uluntley Review, co elk elec sup reg 74.25 Richmond Gazette 192.50 Marengo Republican News 136.80 mes 127.30 Woodstock Journal 115.00 111. Office Sup. Co., clr elk rec bk 68.76 Hyers Printing Co., sup schs off exp $5.34; co treas off sup $17.06 22.40 Co. Treas. Off. Sup.-- Burge&s, Anderson and Tate, Inc. 1.28 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Universal Laboratories 180.S2 Ludwlg Wilson Co. ... 65.60 Haloid Co 805.25 Haloid Co i. ..:...„.........i,059.13 Roland McCannon, sup schs off exp 11.81 H. W. Schmidt Co., sup schs off" exp $6.48; cir elk sup 75c Co. Clk Ins. Depdn.-- Dr. O. E. 'Nelson, Lutkus Dr. Henl-y W. Sandeen, Lutkus Caltyghan and Co., judcy Ubry .... Lawyers Co-op Pub. Co., Judcy Ubry 8.50 Pearl Schultz, co cor reporter .... 22.00 Dr. Alan A. Lieberman, cont 25.00 Dacy Kiev. Co., ct hse repairs .... 2.85 Woodstock Truck. Serv., ?t hse rep 6.00 Willis Hubbard-Clifford Hyland ct hse repairs 475.00 Shf. Off. Sup.-- Andrew Worwick True Value Store Fingerprint Equipment Lab.- 13.57 Armour J. Birk, ct hse jail Sal 25.00 C. L. Tryon, co sup hwy trav exp 260.72 Henrry A, Nulle, shf per diem fees, serv Shf. Reedg. Pris.-- Oakside Dairy Products Tracket's Bakery ; Royal Blue Food Mart Asmus and Son ' $1331.10 $1332.30 All of which is respectfully submitted. » Math X. sen Miff CARL K JWTTTMU8 s--- T. F. 'NOLAN C. PERRY WRIGHT JOHN J. FILIP • V -The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, Which on, motion of Supr. Schmitt. and duly seconded |»y Supr. Wright and the roll being called. Was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: _ • Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors, McHenry County. IMnini*: ** - , The un<1<-rsfpned members of the Road and Hridge Committee for Vaid County beg leave to submit' the following report on th" matters before them. That we met on the 13th day of September, 194H, «nd went to the Spring Grove road on the matter of a permit to fill in a road ditch In front -of a new house owned by Kornells and Son. just east of the Village of Spring Grove on MKT Section 13-1T, We decided to recommend that r permit be granted rt-o fill said ditch at the culvert across The following petition of the Highway Commissioner of Chemung Township requesting the County to build a new bridge or a second-hand 'used bridge on the sigh of the Walter's Bridge in said Township was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Copy of this petition on file in the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the Chair appoint a Committee of three Supervisors to investigate the prayer of the Petition and inaake a report at the next meeting of this Board, to be held November 12th, 1946 and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman appointed Asst. Suprs. A. B. McConnell and A. M. Maxwell and Supr. Stanley Gornue to act as said Committee. Several resolutions and permits received from the Natural Gas Pipe Line Company, Western United Gas and Electric Co., the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, and William Fencil and his wife, Nell Fencil, which were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee at the September meeting, were again presented to the Hoard. The Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee reported that his Committee met wit!) the State's Attorney, and after having considered said request for permits and requests for authority to' cross highways under the Jurisdiction of the Board, and after having *made certain alterations in the form of the resolution upon the advice of the State's Attorney, that his Committee authorised the said Companies to proceed and would recommend at this time that the permits be granted to the_ Illinois Bell Telephone Co. and the Western United Gas atjd Electric Co., and that the following resolutions be adopted by this Hoard, and that the County Superintendent of Highways be authorised to sign said permits in behalf of Mcllenry County, to-wlt: Copy of the above on file inn the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved*by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Asstt. Supr. McConnell that the recommendations of the Road and Bridge Committee be accepted and that the permits be granted and the resolutions adopted, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. ^ A request of the Illinois • Northern Utilities Company for permission to extend their lues along certain highways in Dunham Township was presented to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Siinr. Fillp and duly seconded by Supr. Sdunitt that the said petition and re<|iiefU be referred to the RRoad and Hridge Committee giving said Committee full power to act and the Chairman declared the motion unanimous! carried. The following report of the Boardr of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance was presented' and read to the Hoard, to-wlt: Copy of the above on file In the County Clerk s office. It was thereupon regularly moved by •s"'ir • ^'"'"n : ,nd duly seconded by Supr. Filip. that the report !*• accepted and placed on file hikI the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Mis. Dorothy Young Keller, ;i resident of Hacger's Bend Subdivision In Algoiuyiin Township, appeared before the Hoard and was Introduced by the ;V"h<fitrman ,Mis. Keller addressed, the | Hoard jjnd stated that her purpose being here was to register a protest for lier- Iself and a great majority of the property owners and residents of Haeger's I Bend Sul*li\^«ion to» the action of the Hoard of Appeals of the Mcllenry Coun- I ty Zoning ordinance in denying a petition for a reclassification or for a variance or change in sontng classifica tion of th 7.23 10.00 iO.OO 8.50 6.18 1.02 Bohn Hdw. Co., fruit Jars and pans 10.07 Glen Boyce, gasoline 2.63 American Hospital Supply Corp., hospital supplies Jen A See Laundry Co., laundry Walter K. Goff, cooler repair>and service r.... Goodrow's Garage, gas and oil.... Miller Patton Baking Co.. bread and rolls Montgomery Ward and Co., .clothing and shoes .....r.. .. .» • 11.97 Western Candy and Tobacco Co.J> tobacco A. D. Johnson.and Co., tobacco :... Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers artd cookies : F. W. WoolWorth Co., clothing .. . Thomas B. Merwin, mattress and pillows Superior Oil Co., fuel oil John Sexton and Co., groceries .... 127.83 Ludwig Wilson Co., soap 123.CI Thompson Appliance Co., Shellane gas : 16.50 F. Cichocki Shoe Shop, shoe repairs and shoes 15.65 Woodstock Dry Goods Co., mat. and towels ..^--44*69 4.T.94 6.41 14.90 26.24 58)83 33.88 ' 16.85 12.20 37.74 81.64 Rays Radio Repair, rep. "sprayeE Oscar I'itton, canvas aprons Bowman Bros. Shoe Store, shoes Hebron Hdw. Co., gasket packing ann, red tin paint , JJ-V.' Bell Telephone Co., tel. serv. Public Service Co., electricity .... Dr. Wm. J. Gay, vet. service Ferris Bros., car repairs .........°... Arwell, Inc., pest control ............ Esther C. Allen, medical for Ruth Crezon ^...y Wm. P. Allen, incidentals Wm. P. Allen, salary Esther C. Allen, salary Stephen Steffek, 23 days salary .... Dorothy Steffek, 23 days salary.... tJTen Nelson, wages , Marion Nelson, wages Linnea Mason, salary W. P. Allen, extra work Esther,C. Allen, extra work Glen Nelson, vacation pay ... Marion Nelson, vacation pay line be given preference. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Ruth.- Several Supervisors addressed the Board anad stated that they did not believe that would be a very good plan and questioned very much whether preAdence should be given to another road project for failure to secure right of way within a reasonable length of time. Supr. McConnell suggested that perhaps work could be started on the AMen road and completed all except the two pieces of right of way in question. Supr. Harrison stated thtat lf the Right of Way Committee would hold a meeting with the property owners on the Five Corners Road to find out how bad they wanted»the road, that he would withdraw his motion. After some further discussion with regard to riirht of way problems it was agreed that the Right of Way Committee would hold a meeting as suggested by Supr. Harrison, after which Supr. Ruth withdrew his second and Supr. Harrison withdrew his motion. Township, would ... 78.20 45.30 36.00 83.45 58.54 Shf. Dpty.-- Otto Buchert .... 10.00 Fred Wendt „... ... 10.00 B. D. Holmes 20.00 Harry E. Beu «... 10.00 Lewis Thayer 5.00 C. V. Seaman 5.00 Martin Bohl 10.00 Fred J. Krenz .... 6.00 Earl E. Erlckson 5.00 Willis Jobe, shf bailiff .......... 25.00 Vernon W. Kays, shf bailiff 5.00 Hazel Wilke, shf bailiff 10.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty $70.00; shf bailiff $20.00 90.00 Irving H. Stamets, shf dpty $20.00; shf bailiff $10.00 20.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse jail tel 125.43 McHenry Plaindealer, co elk elec • sug reg, 81.10 Western United Gas and Elec. Co., shf feedg pris 2.64 Charles G. Seidel, State'st Atty., co elk ins depdn 30.40 Bd. of Rev. Clk. Hiro-- Mary E. Baldwin 100.00 Marjorie A. Kuppe 100.00 T. F. Nolan, co zoning exp 32.90 tlenna Beam, co Jdg reptr 10.00 George H. Gorham, co clk elec sup 4.00 R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal 41.38 Harjorie Kuppe, co zoning exp .... 20.00 Supr. Sal. Mileage-- Aug. W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus E. C. Coy ZZ... G. J. Carroll E. F. Kuecker Chas. H. Ackmaan Harley Mackeben T. F. Nolan i J] E. Harrison .......... Stanley H. Cornue » ...... Frank B. McConnell Frank May Math N. Schmitt .......... Henry C. Meier,. John J. Fillp .^1.1............ A. M. Maxwell A. B. McConnell ;. .......... Paul Rosenthal. Wm. Desmond, Postmaster, o® clk elec sup reg Forrest Campbell, ct hse Jail coal Ridgefield Farmers Sup., ct hse jail coal 346.30 City of Woodstock, ct hse jail It and wtr 175.19 R. I. Overton, cir ct pro off sal .... 75.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf per diem - . fees, serv 150.00 Ora S. Nulle, shf cook for pris 100.00 Alice Jones, er TB off sal. 125.00 Vestle Mutdoon, ct hse Jail sal .... 150.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. HARLEY MACKEBEN. Chm. K. F. KUECKER J. E. HARRION K. C. COY •. •••• ; STANLEY H. CORHUS 26.10 16.40 68.00 24.40 61.60 94.60 28.55 72.80 70.00 7.70 16.40 18.00 26.40 49.20 24.00 94.60 7.40 22.20 80.80 181.12 67.50 The Committee on Claims County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and the roll being called, was declared onanlmously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman- and Gentlemen of the ISjuml of Supervisors: • Your Committee on County Poor Clain)s would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County. Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, towit: Dependent Children-- * . St. Vincent's Home for Chil., Harvey $ 30.00- Diocesan Catholic Charltlew, - "" Glosson - 30.00 Louise M. Brooks, pro off trav exp $26.63: dependt chil $16.33 42.96 Dependent Children-- Allendale Farm School, DeLine.... Lutherans Child Welfare Assn., Daymond Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman Mrs. Lillian Gathnian, Krczan .... Care T. B. Patients-- I.ake .Co, Tuberculosis San 2,758.00 Rockford Municipal T. B. San., Powers ....- 120:00. All of which Is respectfully- submitted. C. PERRY WRIGHT. Chm; F»:.WK P. McCOXNBLl FRANK MAY' K. C. COY ; Supr. Cornue of Hebron Township addressed the Hoarrd and stated that Henry Turner, a member' of this Board for nearly fifty years representing hts Tawnship, was ill at his home in llebron 54.00 25.00 60.00 Sold 1 cow 1090 lbs. @ 9%c, Sup. Cornue of Hebron stated that he thought that this be a good time to formulate some concrete plan and rules and regulations for the purpose of right of way to be .followed by the Right of Way -Committee. A'SSSt. Supr. Rosenthal suggested thitt the Right of Way . Committee visit other adjoining Counties to ascertain how they meet their right of way pur-* chase problem. After which It was regularly moved by Supr. Cornue and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the Right of Way Commltte ebe instrcted to formulate a procedure for thfe purchase of right of way In Hc- Henry County for road Improvements and to present same In writing at -ttk* next ipeeting of this Board, *n4 the Chairman declared the motion umutlmously carried. Some further discussion was had with regard to all right of way problems facing this Board and Its Committees. Supr. Ackman, Chairman of the Right of Way Committee, stated that. It was his opinion that the Highway Department needed more help to get their work done In time. The Chairman addressed the Botril | and stated that it was necessary for the $1,853.97 1 County to employ an attorney to start . 2.00 6.85 13.06 38.72 27.60 61.20 10.00 45.60 15.00 3.00 57.00 115-00 100.00 95.83 57.50 75.00 -75.00 115.00 76.00 75.00 17.60 17.50 98.88 $1,755.09 Tour County Farm Home and Hospital Committee met atv the • County Farm Wednesday, October 2nd, and condemnation proceedings on the two pieces of right of way on the AldMi road improvement, said condemnation proceedings being authorized by the Hoard at its last meeting. It thereupon rergularly moved by Asst. SUpc. audited and drew orders for the month- i McConnell and duly seconded by 8S8; $ ly bills, the summaries of which are as ! Mackeben that McHenry Countyj _ follows: I nois, employ Don A. Wicks, State's At- Permanent Improvement ......$122.06 j tornrey of said County, to start a*M Running Expense 1,061.58 j condemnation proceedings and the rod 69.7o I being called, the motion was docla^efl 41.60 unanimously carried. Clothing .... Tobacco Medicine Hospital l«</.84 Diet ......... Fuel $1,853.97 |tion to adjourn. It was thereupon re(ULes «J o*» COW sold 98.88 ! larly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly | seconded by Supr. Meier to adjorn. The $1,755.09 I Chairman declared the motion un^pl- The new pump In the main well has ] mously carried. Thereupon the Board been installed. It seems to be working 1 adjourned. 4.69 TV Chairman addressed the Bwrd and stated that if there was no further business to come before this Board or 14 jMH^fhlng further for the good of Ifc- --arfHenry County, he would entertain a-iqoin very satisfactory manner. E. C. COY ' PAUL ROSENTHAL " G. J. CARROLL FRANK B. McOONNELL A. B. McCONNELL It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that tile report be. approved and adopted by this Hoard, and the roll being called . the Chaiarman declared the motion unanimously carried. A certified copy of a report of the Grand Jury for the September, A. D. | 1946 term of the Circuit Court of Mc- j Henry County, Illinois, was presentrd j and rea^l and upon motion duly made | and carried, was ordered placed on file. I Boiler inspection reports for the FRANK E. BECK. ChalnM*. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Dr. A. C. Ivy New U. of I. Medical Activities Head Dr. A. C. Ivy r. Andrew C. Ivy, new vice presided of the University of Illinois, _ has instituted an expanded program Main Home and Hospital, Frame Houxe i of teaching, research, and service md Barn, and Farm Residence at the I to the people of Illinois through the University's colleges of medicine, dentistry, arid pharmacy and ife hospitals in Chicago's west slds medical center. Dr. Ivy, head of the University's Chicago Professional Colleges and hospitals, is one of the world's leading physiologists and clinical investigators. He is author of more than 750 publications dealing with the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, brain, and glands of internal secretion. Born Feb. 25, 1893, in Farmington, Mo., Dr. Ivy was graduated from State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, Mo., and later received B. $., M. S., and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Chicago. He obtained an M. VD. degree from Rush Medical College, Chicago. After leaching at the University of Chicago and Loyola University, Dr. Ivy joined the staff of Northwestern University. From 1925 to Sept. 1946, when he assumed the newly-created position of vice-presi- County Farm were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman, Frank E. Beck .addressed the Hoard and c stated that there were two resolutions that he had before him that were passed by the members of the Illinois Association of Supervisors and County Commissioners on September 24th, 1K46 at Peoria, Illinois, .and that he wished to read the resolutions to the Hoard and make some comments and observations on same. The first resolution read by the Chairman was a resolution" opposing any legislation to take away from townships the control of poor relief and centralizing same in the State (foverninent, and the second resolution being a resolution making certain rules for the j regulation and management of the Mc.- ; Hettry County Home and of the Inmate of said Home. After the reading of the resolutions the Chairman talked briefly to the Hoard on the dangers of , the centralizaation of power and /oy- j ernment both at Washington and in the ^ State and suggested that the resolu- : lions just read be referred to the Com- j mlttee on Resolutions of thls"Hoard for their study and report. After some further discussion with regard to said matter it was reugularly moved by Supr. MUckebcn and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the resolutions be referred to the Committee on Resolutions fo*- t study and report at the next meeting, ! and the Chairman declared the motion ! unanimously carried. Some further dis- ; cussion was had with regard to said matter and some members of the Hoard ! voiced their views as being def'nitely , against centralization of Local liovernments at Springfield. j _ , A communication from the State of dent of the University of Illinois, -ha Illinois Department of Public Workrs was head of the deDartment of rthva. and Buildings and a Notice of Appli- inlnov artA .. cation made to the Illinois Commerce Commission with MKT report for the month of September, 1916. was presented and ordered placed on file. Supr. Wittmus of Dunham Township addressed the Board and spoke briefly on his attendance at the meeting of the Township Officials held recently . at Peoria, Illinois. Supr. Nolan. Chairman of the Building Commtitec, addressed- the Board and stated that a contract has Vven let for the improvement «.f the Ladies' Washroom and Veterinarian's office hut to _ date sufficient materials had not been 'jfconsultant capacities durin* th* ora* released to get the work under way. •>„,! . .. __ 8 . war Supr. Nolan again addressed the Board and stated that the Sportsmens League of Woodstock, for a fee of one hundred dollars, would guarantee eighty- « u , fiv.. per cent elimination of the pigeon i«o, ne served as American. vne:>nat-e around the Court House and representative of an international commission to study Nazi war-tiine iology and pharmacology at Nosthwestern. He is a member of more than 25 national medical societies. He is the discoverer of two hormones-^ cholecystokinin and enterogastrone, the first a substance which forces the gall bladder to contract, the second a recently-announced cure for peptic ulcers. Dr. Ivy held numerous technical and was director of the Nayal Medical Research Institute at Bethesda. Md. Jail and he wondered if the Hoard wished to take any action on their proposal. After «ome discussion In re-' i'iird '" wild matter, there was no action taken. The «'h:iir»r«:»n of the Hoard, Frank E. Meek, stated that there w'as a very efficient D -puty County Clerk, .-who, ronny years has waited on member the Board in a vorv courteous manner, that recently joined the liolv bonds of , and that it 'was his thought tliat per- matrrimony and that he wished at this n.titi..n « ' Property described in said , hapas the Hoard would like to express time in behi'.tf of the individual mem- I lllon tiom that of farming or that I their sympathy. The Chairman address- l«>rs of the Board to present ot agriculture to light industrial 1 - property.- Mrs. Keller then outlined in <leta41 her protests in general and the.. . procedure taken In presenting petitions sympathy and that the Clerk be in- ...... and evidence and testimony before the structed to have flowers sent to Mr. Co«.n«y then thanked the members of Hoard of Appeals. • Mrs. Keller then Turner expressing the sympathy of this the Hoard for their kindness in thanked the niumbcrs of the Hoard for Board during his illness aud wishing appropriate manner their patience fft listening to the pro- him a speedy recovery. «TM?^<?om- Simr. HnrrlKon of OrecnwoM Town- . - tests of the remittents of llaeger's Bead, mlttee on Resolutions then prepared ship addressed the Board and 'stated phases of-medical rcscarch. trt her, ed the Hoard and referred said mat- Vrs. .lames H. Cooney, the former ter to the Resolutions Committe- of the Kar'en Her lit, a little eift of moncv Hoard to prepare a proper resolution of to l>e used by her artd her husband in manner that they see fit. • Mrs. s ol verymedical fexperiments, and served as medical adviser to testify on th« ethical principles of medical investigations, studies, and experiments for conducted by Nazi doctors on trial for war crimes. " Dr. Ivy consistently cites the need for continued and expanded medical research in the interest of humanity. His particular interests, aside from the gastrointestinal tract and the gall bladder, are geriatrics (diseases pf the ag£4), chronic illness, cancer, analgesia, and the need for animal experimentation to |d| /•

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