Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1947, p. 18

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'W the Chairman declared the motion unan- tAsst. Supr. Rosenthal rote* nay. tkt t imousiy carried. I Clwk announced the result of Um roll i j The following request of the State'* icall as follow*: 1? Supra, voting tor the • Attorney war presented and read to motion and 2 Supra, voting against the £th«- poard. to-wit: (Copy oh file in the, motion. and the Chairman declared the "County Clerk's oclce.) I motion carried and the resofutiona apf It wa.« thereupon regularly moved hy tpru\ed and adopted. * Asst. Supr. MeConnell and dUly second- The Chairman announced the selection .The Committee on Claims, County ed by Supr. wittmus that iVe request of Uramt Juror* a Ad Supplemental Panel iPoor presents the following report, of the State's Attb>ney e referred to for the January. 194? term Of the" Clr :^1 of which 1* respectfully submit HARLEY MACKEBEX, Ohm. »v msAsr^- • fe F. KUECKER - ** ' -v®. C. COT, Spadid Jwuuwy Mactlss, [{qan^STTa•jft' 1947 Boor. Ftlip and drrta«wL I The He of UcHeni special py more ...rag's,^ were referred tothe STOpM andvthe Board adjourned to 1:30 o'ojcak M*' Board of Supervisors \P- M for Committ^ *ork. Cpttaty, Illinois, met pursuant to a^all one-third of Its -- Which on motion of Supr. Ackman. and the Fees and Salaries Committee for cult Court nnd the following named wer- . Kdu--ir e-•, i-n- the -r duly seconded by Supr. Coy, and the report and the Chairman ^declared the 1 son* were selected to serve as Qrand j poodatoclt.'Tim Tuesday. Jthe 14th-1 roll being railed was declared unanl-. motion unanimously carried. I Jurors for the January, 1**7 term of iya5MiV, I>. 11^7, BVlO oqiock mously adopted, to-\Vit: of the j Tlje following resolution was present- the Circuit Court, to-wit; ••it and read to the Hoard, to-felt: (Copy I Thomas R. liurke, Sr., Riley Tffp. >n file In the County Clerk's office.) It was' thereupon regularly moved hy lfr. Chairman and Gentleman Board of Supervisors: Yoiir Committee on County Poor, As»t. SUpr. Rosenthal and duly second Claims would beg leave to report tjiht '<d by Supr. Harrison that the Resolution they have examined all claims presented i he approved nnd adopted by thip 'Board, • 't6 them, and recommend the payment and the roll bplng called Supra. RUth, vof the following, and that the Clerk be Wright, Wittmus; Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, dlrecte dto iSsue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimant# fer /' eral amounts allowed as follow.^, $ 30.00 Dependent Children-- Mrs. Cassius Sweat man ...... fijutheran Child ' Welfare Assn . ,'D&ymond 25.09 Mrs. Robert Slewert, Thompson ... 30.00 •,|*ul se Brooks, dependt hchII $$6.28 hrp off tray exp |8.0t) €4.28 *AII of which ifc respectfully submitted C. PERRY WRIGHT. Chin. . » ' . JV. B. McCOXNELL' FRAN'K MAY E. C. COY FRANK B. McCONNVLL ne cierK i>e wrignt, wmmus, isoy, crarrou, JtUfCKer, Jon I Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan, JlarriAbh, '«eo rer,t*» flewiijCornue, McConriVU, May, JteieVj; Jtsi 6W.1, fo-wlt: (and Filip and Asfct. Suifs. Majt^MIrM*" All* *The following notice from the I^ake CSJunty Tuberculosis Sanitarium of an increase in rate for care of patients was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: (Copy on file in County Clerk's office.) After some discussion with regard to said matter, it was regularly moved and duly seconded that the said notice be referred to the proper Committee for their Investigation and report, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of Zoning Board Of Appeals of McHenry County, Illinois, operating under the McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Ordinance, was presented and read to the Board to-wit: (Copy on file In the County Clerk's office.) "It Was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. May that the reporrt and action of the Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County, Illinois Zoning: Ordinance be approved and adopted by this Board and that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County HO.W in full force and effect and on file in the County Clerk's office, together With all map*, be amended to show the Conges in classifications as requested hr the applications and petitions of the petitioners as outlined in said petitions and in said report, and the roll being called $uprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Goy. Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Mackehta. Nolan. Harrison, Cornue, McConn «tl\. May. Schmitt. Meier and FUip and* Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, MeConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And t,h,e Chairman declared the report approved and adopted and the Ordinance and maps ordered amended, ^yhf Cpmmitttee on McHenry County le. Farm and Hospital presented the iWijig report, to-wit: £h«lrtnan and Memberf of . the >ard of Supervisors: .¥$j|jir County Home Committee met on Nvvmlwr 27, 194S at the McHenry Couqtty Hoine and audited the hills for tflip n^OJith of November, 1948. and respectfvny submits the following report, MCMtpendlng same be paid. R. 0. Andrew Co., \chicken fe^d and grinding $ 12.00 Pnhlic Serylce Co., electricity .... "6.52 Goodrow's Garage, gas and oil .... 23.86 W#ftm Candy anad Tob. Cflu Md> 37.52 Superior Oil Co., fuel oil 89.20 Tff Bohp Hdw. Co.. light bulks 1 brushes (.98 Sexton and Co., groceries .... 174.75 Wool worth, thread, brushes, •crews and batteries 7.16 HIS 62.91 82.73 16.50 20.64 Qftean Boyce. gasoline and aJocthol Ullier Bstton Baking Co., bread and rolls Royal Blue Food Mart, groceries Thompson Appliance Co., Shellane gas Swtvyer Biscuit Co., crackers nnd cookies Woodstock Dry Goods Co., brassieres, pants and pillow oases 22.16 T- B. Merwin, rug 3.25 IRn F. Hailet Boiler Co., boiler tubing and repairs 356.63 1. T. Day, cleaning septic tanks 98.80 A- W. Johnson, tobacco 6.40 Hesselgrave Toultry Co., 30 pullets 46.89 Mensel Elec. Co.. refrigeration"1' gas, oil and labor 13.00 Rardin Ins. Asrency, ins on truck - 30.66 W. P. Allen, incidentals 64.8'9 ym. P- Allen, salary 115.00 Rather C. Allen, salary 100.00 Qjen Nelson, salary lA0.0<t ?Marion Nelson, wages 75.00 lima Melander, nursing salary 12?.00 jUssell Perl man. wages 37 day* 67.60 tanceji Periman, wages 27 days 61.60 Wm. p. A31)en. extra work ....i 76.00 Xsther C. Allen, extra'work 75.00 Mcpherson., labor hogs sold 351« lba. |1,965.96 - 741.18 81,223.63 •L Chairman and Gentlemen: „ f9»ir County Home Committee met at the County Home Nov. 27 to audit the bills and draw orders for same, the summaries of which are as follows: Permanent Improvement Rnnninir expense ^ , Clothing Tobacco ^ Hospital 70.88 2.95 29.96 43.*< 156.62 840.Ait 105.70 l*f«s 7 hogs sold ... |1.9«.!>.9<i ... 742.IS ' . 81223.83 , The corner post on the southwes* cor- S!ii main h*rn is rotted «uite wjflly »nd the Com rn it tee recommends *11"* this be repaired. Respectfully submitted, - R. C. COY - . -- G. J. CARROLL FRANK R. MCCONNIB&I' A. B. MoCONNELt. ' ' PAUL ROSHNTHAIi '»wr. Coy. Chairman of the CountT Home Committee, stated that there was » TI, *,nn in the amount of 865 of Carl W. Wittmus and Son for livestock that Was purchased by the County Home •hat was not included in said report _? .v.. 1 1n his onlnl°n should be paid Jj Tt wa#* th«refori* r^tnilarly moved hy Sunr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Wrijrht that the re- E*! f a^r,r?v^'i nn<1 ,hat pavment be r".r! K Wittmus and Son for ' ."nd the roll being called, fne Chairman declared the motion unaneqjried. ^ The following report of the Commitg ® on I^snds s>nd T.ots and Lease Agreepjent to the 4-H Cluh Towns Inoornorat- M was presented and read to the Board yj^f't: (Copy on file In County Clerk's ' It w»» thereupon rerularlv moved by fwpr. Knecker and duly seconded by #M>r Ackman thit the report be apjyovd and the lease approved and granted and that the Chairman and rierV of this Hoard be authorlr.ed and mrected to sl^n Lease Airreetnent In jhjeba'f of MlHenry Counter, and the eoll being called Snnrs. Ruth, Wright Wittmus, Coy Carroll. Kueck«r, Ackman' VK'Velvtt. Nolan, H>"Tlson, C^rnne Mct Cj^onnell. May, Schmitt. Meier' snd jyilin anad Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, MctJonnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay >ne. And the Chairman d«clar»d the otlon unanimously carried and the Jfa^e nsrreement approved and granted in"* the report approved. The following annual report of the fltftte'n CMtornev was presented and ; Ifnd to the Board, to-wit: (Copy on tile W ^W»e Connty Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by flupr. Kuecker and duly seconded by , Asst. Supr. McConneH that the report •e approved, and the roll being called Connell and Rosenthal Voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the resolution approved and adopted. The following repdft of the Liquor Control Commission and the Ltvense Committee was presented and rfrtd to the Board, to-wit: (Copy on file In the County' Clerk's office.) ' It was thereupon regillarly moved by Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the report be approved, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry CoUn- . ty. niihoia: "/ ' Tbe undersigufd members of the Road and Bridge Committee tor #aid County bvg leave to submit the following report qn the matters before vhetn. That we njet on the 13th day of November, 1946, and went to the Joslyn Subdivision north of Woodstock aud watched an HD 14 C Allis Chalmers and Le Tourneau scraper working. We then went to Rockford and watched another Allis Chalmers HI) 14 C tractor and a Gar Wood scraper stripping a rock quarry. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 22nd day of November, 1946, to conshjgr further the purchase of machinery. We finally decided to piace orders for machinery for McHenry County for road ma ntenance and betterment aS follows: 1 hew Diesel Dl Caterpillar tractor and 1 new Caterpillar Model 80 scraper from the'Patten Tractor and Equipment Co. of Chicago, 111., for the sum-of 117,- 937.80, delivery for early Spring. Also one new Allis Chalmers HD Motor Grader from H. B. Faith Equlipment Company of ROckford. Illinois, for |8,084.57, and also from the same company*, one doliMe drum Oar Wood sheeps Toot roller for 81.y61.93, April l, T947 delivery, all as authorised at the November 1946 meeting of this Board. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 30th day of November, 1946, to discuss further the surfhee type for the proposed Five Corners - Huntley - Algonquin road referred back to this. Committee at the November meeting of this Board. On the matter of Federal Aid for construction of road from Five Corners south of Union to Algonquin, Illinois. The resolution passed by this Board on June in, 1)46; setting forth the first and second priority is objected to by the Federal authorities as it covered both sections in one resolution. They request that separate resolutions be passed for each road. We, therefore recommend that the attached resolutions marked first and •e^ond priority be passed by this Board at this time and also the attached resolutions cover cost of Right of Way, Engineering and Supervision and one-quarter the cost of construction and also the attached maintenance resolutions all in reference to said Five Corners - Algonquin Road t.-e passed by this Board at this time. The matter was discussed with several Interested parties as to whether to recommend a charige in the surface type from gravel stabilized with Portland Cement and surface with a thin coat of Asphalt, to a gravel road surfaced with a heavy coat of asphalt C-4. We decided not to change the Committees recommendation, but to refer the matter hack to this full Board for final decision. Owing to (he early date of the I»ecember meeting of thtis Board, we were •tnable to act on the current bills of the Highway Department, ' but will audit them next Saturday, December 7. 194®. All of which is respectfully VfB* . ' • K. V. KUECKER PAUp ROSENTHAL T. F. NOLAN ' ' O. J. CARROLL C^RL K. WITTMUJI r ' ' - Supr. Fi)lp of Algonquin Township, stated that he thought the question of the road Improvements la hia Township and Grafton Township as to whether there would he soil cement or blacktop was decided at the last meeting and that according to the report of the ft<*d 4nd Bridge Committee they still were recommending that the reikis he constructed of soil cement. Supr. Kuecker, Chairman of the Road and prldge Committee. stated that bis Committee still recommended soil cement and that they had prepared two sets of resolutions, one for tbe improvement with soil cement and the other set for the improvement by blacktop. 8upr. Mackehen addressed the Hoard and stated that the people „of his Township, where a great deal of the road is to be constructed, afe very much in favor of blacktop. After some further discussion With regard to said matter. It was regularly moved by Supr Fllip and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. MeConnell that the report of the Road *nd Bridge Committee be approved, except that part of 'said report recommending that the attached resolutions marked first and second priority be passed by this Board at this time, and also that attached resolutions covet post of Right of Way. Engineering and ^Supervision and one-quarter the coat ,*»f construction and also the attached maintenance resolutions all in reference to said Five Corners Algonquin road be passed by this Board at this time. ^Vnd the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman. Mackeben, Nolan, Harrison, Cornue, MeConnell, May, Schmitt, Meter, and Fllip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, MeConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. George Lamb and Edward Cramer, representatives of the Portland Cement Company, being present at the meeting were called upon by the Chairman. Said representatives of said company then outlined In detail the improved method* and relative merits of soil cement roads and after some further discussion with regard to said matter, it was regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the resolutions calling for improvement of said roads by a gravel base stabilised with Portland Cement be adopted by this Board. Said motion was lost for want of a second. The following resolutions marked first and second priority and the resolutions covering cost of Rirht of Way, Engineering and Supervision and one-quarter the cost of construct'on and the following maintenance resolution, all of said resolutions calling for the improvement of said roads by a travel or crushed stone Surface type B, 20 ft. in width with the necessary exc vation, drainage structures. et<!. with .. 19 ft. bituminous surface sub-cljuts C-4 modified, all of said resolutions in reference to Five Corners Algonauln <oed. were presented and read to the Board, to-wit* Oon file In elerk's office. It w-« thereupon refQlarly moved by Sunr. Mackeben snd ^iul| seconded by Wayne Bennett, Marengo Tw, Andrew Walker, Ktarengo Jack Kennedy, Dunham Twp. Fred J. Btahl, Chemung Tvtt Paul Neidhold, Chemung Tw Fred W. Schultx, Aldea Twp.". John Nolan, Hart land Txi-'p. >] Jeorge Kugler, SfaeCA TVS. 2- Jess Hugh, Got*! Ttrp. , Albert Boncosky. Urafton Twp. Dennis N. Hurley. Dorr Twp. KathCrine H. Barker, Dorr' Ttak-v. llarry Freeman, Greenwood Twp. ulen S. Kpooner, Hebron Twp. Frank Marsahl, Richmond TW|>. Arthur Kattner, Burton Twp. Albert Purvey, McHenry Twp. Henry M. Schaefer, Mclfenry Twp. Louis Messenger, Nunda Twp. Janis Schiinpf. Nunda Twp. Herman Elilert, Algonquin Twp. Rilla Alford, Algonquin Twp. The following named persons was caU, to the^£»j3p tl erica was h au memfcars visitors present >wrt(«i being Mild of Oil ' members reapoi to-frit: August w. Ruth, im mmmm ot i The Board tnftt.iuw Z} jjwnt and uppn roll <*»l7 « I h*r* reiujoiiMMl to lair f; . peared of record In the F«e | eyc«»tii\g 8UW; Cw and iUted thftt th« , doatfi trnnii tSw cmtol, ... ec;ted one of their * * i*lt IP jMm- WUtm % a oard. student B | "w^ssed the Board aid membem ct>wri» " in jficaj etate ' nloot and thMkM lh«( .. jBoard and paitMin .tor May. Math N. IMhmftt. ^unch" The ' -- John J. vm «id ( 1U b hriehfiyT%», (a^well, A. B. Mo- , . , . titd Paul Rosenthal consti tilt- I lng a quorum'present. j The minut«s of the Special December, 1846 meeting were read by the Clerk. IMd upon rooUop duUr made and declared w^re ^proved ^<»d of Chairman announced that there elected to serve as Grand Jurors on the **** present at the meeting a commit* Supplemental panel tor. the Januaary, I toe w ten students of the Crystal county government 4 nkfirered several qUOS ward by tte student 'np|j! iBupDHes pre| re purl, which on r ana' duly seconded the rpll being railed impusly adopted, to-wit: * Mt tn--irpiMi aod . of, Super v i s o r s SofcKlei, Molts. iism !3 MMrtce lite;, soap. ^. fM miir r. --*-••••-- if.#} iUn, frOtorles 1*4.88 and toilet tissue. u ****** M^w f (Vtfs 1S*47 term of the Circuit Court, to-wit: lohn Ijiy. Burton Twp. Marie C. -Fox, McHenry Twp. Fred Dietrlck, Nunda Tv» Frank J. Cerny, Algonquin Twp.- Helen V. Hegner. AljCbnquin Chas. S. Stokes, Riley Twp. Prank Burt, Marengo Two. ^ Harold Waller, Dtihham Twp. . : . Lulu Strain, Chemung Twp. MiklreU Stafford, Chemung TiHL Ervin G. Boitlemy. Alden' Twifc Henry Callahan. Hartlan^l TwjL SlKpa Remus, Seneca TWPWalter D.Avis, Coral Twp." Robert Rehberg. Grafton Twp. P. Edwin Convfray, Dorr" Typ. Harold G. Huffman,' Dorr 'Pwi wunity subject jbhafi Igh School representing it in aaid aphdol, hamelj ,jni" of Democracy."' The »Wd that he and the Board Clyde Bond, ptvetiwood Tw] JOfin A. Sl'me, Hfeb'ron Twp WilUam Shotliff,' Richpiond It was thereupon regularly Supr- Harrison and duly sc Supr. Nolan that the 4el^ctio Mj\ Chairman and Oentlemen BoArd of supervisors: •* unRirmm) raifa mat ne ana tne tsoara auTfiiv ri«itl!*'wftiih? " ?! ty*"!?™ !.™°~ ih^..P.!fa1!d PofWhat th?y h^« « Sen ted to them, aw pient of the rollowtnf mitteeT-funotrons: The ChalM rWyVrSPerVt55*' 010 outiriifed In detail for said Comnuft- , the sr ve^rtmounts an lee the rules of procedure governing {§-L,r a™oonts •*! the hptdpess of the Board. ! pWnt Thnrnhoi- r>n > The following report of the Coupty miTv ^nMtiar Treftiurer ttir fhe month of becem&r, IM8!™. »?ntlner „ [to have them p r e s e n t and would en- 5 _ f a t i r i frfeayor to etelaln the dhtles Of the Hpafd of 8t>ne<^isors generally and W clerk' 1 l Lake Herald Tot IMS Ral. Forward Deh. 1, 1946 ....8407,196.50 General Fund 878,867.4f Suprs.. cpuoty Home 474.(5 Supt., County Rome 240.33 Liquor Uoens^ Comm.. .. 650.00 Circuit Court, and the r<fll beini dill^d County Q9Ic«uff Fees Suprs. Ruth, Wright. Wittmus, Coy. Highway Fiind ttfSI CArroll. Kuecker, Ackman. Mackeben, p*jf- Sj^ Tax-../,... 588.74 Nolaii, Harrison, Cornue, McUouneii, Inhfcrltaf>ce Thves 2,089.t8 May, Schmfft: Mfler, and Fllip, and ! Mqtor f^ol Tfixes Zj.....;. 3.^00.0^ Jurors and Suppl^menUU Panel for the January, 1947 term of the Circuit Coouurrtt be approved and the Cle^k he directed to certify tbe said lists to ifee CWfl# of the wl t>fSng called Asst. Suprs. MaxWell, MeConnell and Rosen^h^.1 Voted piye. Nay lione. Apd the Chairman aeclaffd the knotfon unanimously carfied. Tbe Chairman stated thftt if there wai< nothing further to come before this tpeeting fur thte good of UlcHenfy County he would entertain a motion to ad- Joyrn. It wAs thereupon rtMtulany moVed by Supr. Kuecker ahd duly seconded by Astft. Supr. McConhell to hd- Jpurn. Morion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. . ' FRANK K lirxJK, Attest:: • Chairman. R. D. WQODS, Clety. • Vkuifi Idpwatis {pMwhrir Tf flMwN fiiffaat |jl«rf»iit|F In an effort to reduce chHdbictb mortality and RfoyidQ better patcat* lor aiothers wof>"e mw(V c«l facilities are not available, Ar- Kan^ag curren% is tenphing ?om^ 1.500 local midlives oiqdfirR tnetit ods oJ child delivery. The American Public Wtlfare ^wpc|ation report| that nearly 7(i per cent of all the nonwhite blrthi in Arkansas are attended by rnidwiyes. The midwife tcai^itig plan, under direction of the •late board of health, is operating as an interim program until a^eoqate mpdical fapumes and more doctors can be provided. Under direction of efflgrifAPPl nurses, local midwives are given ctytprooin instruction in pffnat^l child delivery and pcMltQet#l care in seven sessions. The course of instruction supplements regular supervision given by local hMtth departments. Dieticians qnd other Wtf wpertg assist in insprvctlqn. Most oI the midlives ar^ between $0 and 80 y?ar» of age. though an increasing number <& younger women are becoming intpreated in the progr^. ylfufll •ads and practical deinaoi^rations f*t used extensively by the in^trucfors sinoe p§ny of the paidV>ve#. who must register with the stats, do not know Qow to read ^ write. ring Accqhnt _ Accoi^ttt lation, 4,849.87 RK Deposit by OMer of Court 1,448.58 Thstlf'te TUndf " ll.ftO t** Tax i.0» Penaiti^fc ^qd ^?s ||.$i Total receipts IIOI.W-M 8508',623.74 Fresstaf Kelts V plan to fyee#e roll# «head of time for a party or for unexpected company, iff better to freeze the «K«Md rolls rather than to freeze the dough in a large ball or in a sheet, according to ^rVFsith Fen ton, who has conducted research on frozen cooked foods ft Cornell. She reports that some of the frozen unbaked rolls used in tnieir experiments were excellent tfter eight *«eks' storage. As to whether the rolls should be allowed to rise or not to rise, Or. Peoton says that fully-risen toU* thai w«re thawed before they were bake^ tended to lose volume %pd fatten out during thsw^g. Th^ hfK-jds?n rolls did not rise; completely and also flattened out and had a Coarse texture, tbs rolls tmugx tpfere rising were excellent when aU precautions were used. These included Jceepinp the rtsfeg period to • mihiwum 90 »tqrin| the |do 818.021.ft ... 321.90 ... 181.26 ...1,382.80 ... IS1.I0 .5,046.80 3.603.10 Qi^and Total Smp* wJ™*™ Pro^llqn pfticer Wiry Corks' ilatarffif • •eneral Fund ... ilia h way draers Inheritsnpe Taxes tfpwpship Roafl, state A|»p. 18,622.35 Moto/ FUffl Taxes *35.46 l^yroll Clearlpg^Accoupt 3,16$.li County OBffM-s Fees 62,086.71 Pfnaltfes and |>es «,t|I.S< State s Attorney's Fj|nj| 3,0S|.4| Violations on Huchwa^s 3.792.7( T«*U1 pfnendiUires 1|^«.M Balance ah hand in all funds t^ec. 31st. ....„ :......T....S7!,584.82 'irai^d Potal f508.628.74 The at-ove tthd foregoing report is a< true and correct report according to my bfst knowledge ana fteliif. J S^ULLrK, Co. Trea#. P- U- County Clerk. The Committee on Refol^i^iopa pre- apd^ state? that he recently "atytt*e nd?eWd ai meeting at Uprlpntold' on the question 2} ceptrwliiatlen of government. He then reported to jthe ^oard in detail the various mattferp in qnestlon brought *<f tore the said ff^ting. «e ipfprmfd Ward that there wap a definite plan to take from locfl goverpqients the °*r* support 0,? the Roor and control oypr the ip^nagwient apd care of •f^alKent persons in County Hopaes, tranitfftrflns the aald control to' the stfte of Illinois l^»HIc /^fd, but tba,t It vas his opinion that i|m plan would not be carried' out. a- - §n Mf. ^ec|t ^ statetq thet hp thpmt^t |t wouldquite some (Inte before Cou and .To^nahip gbveruments wot^ld "j t|»ejr have lost flp Mothpe^rrss" Pensions a«d Hi uPr- %»•> addrfiisftd jiovM the adoption of i controls that Hlj|»d P^usions. jiur. o Hf>ard aitd mov, "fsolatlons and ttto ilpprova^ ot the re- •wrt \vlth tpstrmaiori* to the Chairman r^o N quajLtiftd to inform our fehators an.l |tenfesfntatives of the 'tUtuge and feelings of this Board on he (.rntfaiisj'tiun of gov«irnm^it Said notion wph duly i>»conded by Supr. V(a< ^eV* n. ap<» th© rojl heitig called was declared unmilmouaty carried. A nnm»Hl Romiieroy Subdivision, 'ocated in Algonquin Tpwn.qhip, with • he xpprn Ml of the po^intv 8\'i>erintendent of H(?h>vay^ indorsed thereon, was presented to tne Hoard for approval. It was thereupon regularly moved hy Asst. Supr. M'^onnflf ?hd duly seconded by ri'!n tpat the plat be approved 'i1" c^iitrnvm declared the motion •«^H^oii«ly carfifd. The following report of the Committee on Persona Property. was presented and read to the Roard. to-wit: (Copy on ^Ile in the CountyclerJ^s Oftioe.) It was thereupon regularly moved by 8upr. Ackman aB^ duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the report be adopted by this Board and tpe Chairman declared the motion \Hl%nmously carried. The following report of the Zoning Board of Appeals was presented and read to the Board.' to-wit: (Copy on file in the County clerk's oiflep.) It was thereupon regularly moved by "*"• ipd n«o State Rink of WoodptOck. stm |3.8tl. co tree's 0<f PUP Northern 111., Pub; Co., OO treM WP |M.(0( R. Q. Andrew Co.. ct Of# oqal Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Mishler Electric Woodstock Trucking Serv.' 10:90 John Russell 2t-00 Hubert Ehafmacy 8.87 San?amo I>l~slnf. Co. .......v......... <8.64 Walter B. Morris , 18.12 Home Oil Co ' 2.1-7 ilohn Hdw. Co f.t0 Clyde C. Miner t.U Lawyers Co-Op pub. Go., Judcy Uhry .1...^-- Charles F. Hayes, J^dcy ius foea Cherie K. McFarlin. «0 fotp. t*p- -H.8f Ct. Hse. Repairs-- MoCoIlum Hoirt |(fg. Co. ...... Botts Welding Berylee R. L. Bak^om Cq.. The Roland ||<*Canpqn. @upt af.'ffi.'Sfs- *m Stone's Drtyr St?*e ^--^... gji Tr^e Value Store --,---."u--, Andrew Worwick --.-- Pearll 8chults, cq coro Cfn .... Fred C. Bau, shf per iliem ***& serv. SS *S Shf. Feeding Prla.-- S rackett's Bakery 4M* QakMde Dairy ...Sit; 89.36 ply American Bakery O. Shinner Co. Rdw. SclttsMt Orocery Wayw" Ice Service .......26 National Tea Co. '8.86 Western United Gas and HM. Oo. 442 Shf. Dpty.-- ' ' ~ 18.00 S0.1M m ^ F-Jf WWlirwh Cfl.. toweia. t^e»d, ?l^tic wfid rlhbop 38.01 R. O. Andrew c£, grtndin#. salt and chicken feed 214 ipw-lor Oil Co., .fuel oil J«7j iop, freight on onlona potatoes M Trigoold, husking oorn utenSL * ' k^ch#n • W. P. Allen, incidentaUi' ' " Wp- P. Allep, salary Ksther Allen, salary L. Qlen Nelsqn, salary ..... ^rloti Nelson, iflary .... ^ qSK SK p- 4M^n. o*t& work . ...... C. *J1«5P, extra work • F - Hog* Wrtd cretnt «4« »6 Me. ChMrman: Qeptlamen 82.4 mittee met at th0 ^sday, Japuqry tth, ^ r^. previous mqntbs hUla $pRe^rrm maaniieon^tt i<i^n|iMl>-rdovy^ei«R»^qnn^&^p •Io 1n3wf.-4f Running expense 1.4M.14 Wbjng j T.M «-'rr R. D. Holmes H'lrtiH Hohbs .. John BamtniM - Howard Cairns Armour BlVk" .. Fred Wendf' .... Warren Berg .. L B. Lemon Clyde Miner - Irving Stamets .. .^. Harold Vox, shf bailiff ... Vernon Keys. Bhf bailiff Kilts Office Service' 480.2# Rro Srlckson Vt.01 C. L. Tryon. co sup hwy trax exp $2.40 111. Bell Tel. Co.. ct hie Jail ted.... 141.80 •T.W. North and Co.. contingent .... 850.00 KirWvers Co-Op. Pub. CO., Judcy • N • * library . S.ftO «P Req#ipj*--Ifogs W86-37, oifnm f3.4S8.88 °y°n was made apd seoonded. car- ' W brown t«aq> hie Sold to . - w>d carried that W. mw*V^^^rs?AUe?s8^la?y *JJ* iff I per month. *^f«neUfugy ^<qh|nit|.ed: 5. F. Dusenberry, ,. 3.„ P e,pe en toy Kent, co sonlnff ixi> wtidwig Wilson Co:, ct hse sdp .... Supr. Sal. Wileag^ T urust W. Ruth -- •.* tis . Perry Carl E. WTtt F K. Beck 2- J- Carroll . R. F. Kuecker Cha^. H. Ackman Ha^ley Mackeben A.I.. T. F. Nolati " :.... •t E- Harrlion Stapley H. Cornu^ ..; : ""rflpk b. MeConnell .... F^ahk "May Mhth N" Schmitt Henry C. Meier rohn J. F|lip I •. \ M. Maxwell v B. MeConnell Faul Rosenthal : 1 Roland ItoCannon. sup sphi Si'pervlsOry Ft'nd, sup m aspt and clerk hlrlf Or•aanntt J-o h^ nspp. a-nd shf r^ss repair ....: J,l|fj66 >rothv Fort In. sun achs aast ' :: DoHjthv Ffrtlp, qup test and elk hire :....... Vesfle Muldoon, ct hse Jail s-u "*l*y of VTondstock. ct hse )^l It and Wafer r*. jaii Coal-- "ojenthnt T.umber and FUftl Co. 42.84 Fnrrrfifp 3jtp. C8T88t."33- Forrest Campbell ..... t r>n<iTtty M->••«!•* <*nnfln'gent .Tones, er TP °® -- ljf" " Sabipa Bau. shf Cook for Bits -- Fred Bart, shf per dlMj tfit SfMrv Orant Johnson 1 of yhlch is rei^pefcttMHjr .H*: HA PL F. b. f: KVl £ K. HA, R. c. CO AC|C|CB«N. The Committee, vn Claims, presented th* fc •safe The chief industrial naetsls and minerals are mineral fuels, suck as poal, oil snd gas; iron ores; ironalloy metgls: chromium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, tung- Men, vanadjurp, copper, lesd. zinc, tin, aluminum; minor metgls; metallurgies minerals; ohensical D mifierfls; fertUizers; cerai^c minin exca- , #rals; Sbrggivef. P<)|4 heOSUSe Of ",™"' its dominant monetary use Is not listed fs gn i^du^iriai mlMrd. but at plays gn important part lb affording means of purchasing needed minerel suppUe*. The most essential minerals for modern mechantaed war are oil, coal, iron, nonmetale. iron-alloy metals, ^MtinoBy. BigUhum, sulbestos, graphite, magnetite, mica and industrial diamonds. Runr. Filip that the ^es^futiOnk be an rrpyed and adopted by this Board, and 'he roll b«ing * eelljd Supra Ruth, WtigKt. Wittmus, eiy. XuMUfr, "isn. Markeb-n. Nolan. Harrisoh, Cornue. MeConnell, May. Schmitt, Meter and Fllip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell" and MeConnell voted aye and gupr. Carroll and "uly seconded by 8U#r. Wltt<ni|a SfL the roll heln* cAl>ed'w^S deoltLlred Qnani •o'onsly adopted, to-Wlt: ' 4 • • Supr. Kuerk^r add duly seconded bv _:r- Supr. Wright, that the report of the 1 motion of SuyK Zoning Board of Appeals be approved and adopted by this Board and that the actiop taken l>y t|»e faid Board of Appeals In changing the classification Of the property owned by the lECIshwaukee Post No. 192 of the American Legion of Marengo, Illinois. 1* approved and •onfirmed and that said ordinance on ^ounty Zoning now on file in the County - -- Clerk's office be amended to fhow said i«v} to tb«>»i. and reci ben Mr: r-halrnv* nand Oe 7",rd of Sufaerviaorl •I K» Tour committee o^ County Poor h - --» -;•« would m§ leave jo iiM«rt that bounty they h*ve examined #0 J ^hnnee in olassiffcatlon" and 'that the "on bug maps on file in the County Clerk's office »>e amended to show said change in said classification, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Or«Mnance amended. 1 The Committee on Fefs and 8aiaries presented the following report, which op motion of Asst. gupr. |llConnell and duly seconded by gupr. Wittmus and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted. tO-wft: (Copy on flip '"the County Cleft's offlc«.) The Clerk presented and raad a report of the .T. w. North and Co. for tbe fiscal W ,ti'» 'oi'owing, au. <"M«;»/>ted to issue op, Treasurer to the Cuil '^""endent ChllS^en-- » -V-->»« rhiie Welfare ASM., Oaymond Rl^ln CathoVc chaHHe* Harvey r>lo«»ssn Catholic Charltlee, Glnsson *'l^nrtale Farm School. TJeLme.... Mrp. Cassias Sweatman, Stead man Mr*. LllMan Oatbmsn. Kresan .... ftoj>«rt A. ?i»|irert. T, i Louise Rrookp. dtfei- , neo ofr trav eyp 817.6S tv>nendent Ch"drep-- 18.41 ,»n 80. OA 180.00 20.00 Pfhipg po.. hrtM >*. popers and' iiiiT ejr, m^cinf .."!".!! Hdw."lii^'buiji' .m miiH .....;....i 9i«d,T'fW5 °a«^Ke. feline l{. 83.73 2ftl is r s should Of »ll towiuUiiB l^rldget W ..._ opinion Bridge _ _ .. regular inapcM^a of all 37.#p ^and tp the evgnt that a repair to prolog the 8 the County. Bft that fh® Chalnnah be irittr point a committee of three and they together with the.Cdhhty P^rjjtfnderit of Highways, to have , cn^rgf of the repair or the coitstruci &5,rr„ "rfcr, «,u' Magwpll, MeConnell and Roi voted Aye. Nay nc>ne. And th< map declared the motion UnaaiiimOi carrieo and" the prayer " of Mlltli granted- The Chairman stated tl ' would appolht the same Coihmlt he nr^vloukly appointed to have of the repair or construction of bridge, ^idmely. Asst Supr?- A. i Chairhvaii, gUi ley Cotnue and A*st gSpf. A. 1 |.iet RuiK Maxwill a4. the Bou-d and stated that hV did & beUe^thOl.'the SpeciaTTromtnittee qjftK £^»t report concerning ue«M<er suggested, to have an inspeo* ass ospltal . V i-13 IOENEIAj it ya» thereupon regularly -iy«Mi by gupr. Wittmus and duly secohded by Spr. Schmitt that the report M approved ang that th* recommendations Of said Committee for salary Incniasea ho ap- Itfoved and adopted by this Board and the roll being ajl^d the Chairman declared the motion unanimously ohjrriOd, and thte r«port approved and that *alary Inoreases granted. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report,' which on motion Of Asst. *BUpr. Mcoohbsll and duly s econded hjr gbpr. AakUan and the roll being tailed was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: J ' Mr. Chairman and (leptlemfn fo the ^iflinqis' rV *' vwin- ^elsned members of tl IrittO CopirnTt|ee for sa eral other Suprs. (It a ted that nay f( of the same opinion. ,. An. instrument In writing vacating the plat or Land O'Lake WoodaS ubdiyk siop in" Burtop VVwnshlp, prcmerlv acknowledged, wap presented to recommending approval of the wVl vacation and th« fqllvwlng reSolutlog accepting vacation of plat of said sub* dl vision, to-wit: (Copy On 'file In thK County Clerk> otTlla.) It was thereupon regularly moved Supr. May and duly seconded by gv ¥«•« that the resolution accepting oatMp of (Mat of aald «pMSvtslea *****d by this BQwrd.iamt.itheft ** dedication instrument maie hy the ows *• of said subdivision to VcHeerj wiwty, he ordered recorded In' the on 1 "2**®"°»jJhe County Recorder of McHenr) Ooontyf ahd the roll Mnr called by thi Chairman .declared the motion unanl mouaTy carried. A report of the Grand Jury for the' January term. 1847, of the Circuit COUtf Was presented and read, and upon tfcof tipn duly made and carried w%s approves 4rtd ordered placed on file. * 8evral communications from the of Illinois. Department of Puplio and Buildings, together with Oa fllpttnent report for the month of A '•entMr, 1946, was presented and otters rilfee^ on file. •"• ^VPr. (4pl{|n. of Dorr Township, Chgl^1 man pf the BHlldTpg Committer, as dressed the Board and made ap oral re port »S to the progress being made pf • Wnrpvementin «He Court House | gherlg's resflrence in the nature Ofpairs. He stated that the work i progwss^ng satisfactorily and that WOUld have a further report TO prew , o|» tl^ t we met al oh the 7th du < audited add one! .t^^'h^re'them" oodstock, iltinofs, 1946, and of a genr r*M 1 nature ci Bills chargeable to the varioue t'ona of the County patrol fy^enaT of *tf*tds ht lute's heretofore approval by tW? audited j^d atflefedpald 'dnoi tioAii *3, 14 tlons 4, 16", 1| Sections I, '17 Options 7, 8. 9. 10, 11," If Section 13, IS Total 84.979.43 Rills were "audited and ordered paid ">»t of MOior Fuel Tex funds as foUoWB: Patrol Sec. No. 2, M*int. Iabor and material :'..;..„.S 15.00 ^»c. *8 const, labor and mat. 32.12 "'c. 54. enal. labor and mat. .... I1.T0 Sec. 86, engl. labor and mat". 112.40 •Sotsl ...fl72.t* Yfivt commlHw eHtlnrntec t]|er* will Jji necessary for the pare of the McHenry County, Illinois pg'tpo! system of roads «n appropriatron from the Cbonty highway fund in the .aum *of li^Hf un (|l |^e next meeting of 4htis The following bmit- HAL of Srhlph is reaa£ectft|lljr a., F. KU3 AfTL R CARL K a. r. carRqll A F NOJ^l enance resolution snd Right of Way Engineering resolution were presented atftf reed to the Board, to-witi fCopy oii die in County Clerk's office. It wss thereupon regularly moved hy ipr. Filip and duly seoSdfrd^ gy gupr. iwht that the i^lSt^y^ ^pttfed hj (his Board, and the |«n M Chairman declftred the hi»fnlr«otisly narri^l k'nd the reso)utfons Uopted. _*fhe following letter from R. T. Cash. fpllowln, ^*>d*ry Malptenanc greetnent Count w in ct«vi «bic«.) 3t.04 years ending November 80th. 184$ and i K'iS^nt'* r*«pt Store." Ketchnm Ut 1946 covering all County offices. After ! Car* T. t*. r>ntlctit«J- •ne reading of the report, it was ,T ake Co. *r»tbero»los1p gan. S.Qf6.0fi thereupon regularly snored by Supr. RonUfprH Mnn. TB Sap., poweei 242.00 Kuecker and dulg sermidad by AMt. *11 of which Is respectf\ilTy^|a|lRlf*~ gupr M cCon n el "that said report tfd. * * ^udlt he reWfr^rU IKS fSSder^eSm. La" ~ ^ mlttee for report, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented llsta of Claims fiid4LSj<L&Ax&lat^dmimi ..'i* .HfJLt ,v*.. 4. .,.-5 . C. »»RRRT WRTOHT, A B Mc^OVNICLLV FRANK MAY K. C. COT ^ «•••:> i. • i-U'v.J; ^1 strict Rntfneer and the following Federal Aid Secondary Maintenance Resolution and Agreement hy Coupty pf McHenry to maintain hlgh« red, were presented and T«ea to tne rd, to-wit: (dopy In Clerks Office.) After some discussion with regard to •aid matter it was regularly moved by 8upr. Meier and dnly seconded by gttpr. PHSmitt th"t the resolutions and agree- (oejtt be adopted by this Board and the roil hcalled gupenctaors Ruth, Wright. Wittftma Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, *ckman. Srack^nen, Nolan, Harrison, M»y. Sohmjtt. Mel^r. FUlp, and Age*. <««tnrs- Mrtwell. MeConnell and Roant- •hal voted are. Nay nope. And the Ota^rmsn d^efared (he motion unani- 8% srjHifoagpr w' w*y (.uninusmimsr or tn ToWnsstfp ef Chemung, asking for the repair or the bulldlng of .a new bridge at the aite of the Waiters Bridge in Cheaung Tan. ' I" ' * , " " * at the next meeting of lhis Board. The chgirma>> stated that if tL vu|e nothing further to come before t_ meeting for the good Of McHenry Copi ty, he would entertain a motion to a toMiy. It wm thereupon regulariy mov by 8t|pr. pecker apd duly seconded I Agflt. Supr. MrConnell to adjourp. the Chairman declared the motion Wournef9* T|»«FSKWn the *'n. n. woods. C* •vw»*iikt Agfve«e*e4i If Wwtj f«l fpur, H«l*f Siy« • Overweight if fMr^vgtgd by emotional tensions, suoi es worry, fear W I#t4» to in cregsed intake of food, aocorduy| to Dr. 9. Charleg Freed of ^n *7angiscp, who qugstiow the befiol ihgt abMity rtsults team glandular ta^bgaee. r Writing fin the Journal qf Hm Apierican Ifedlpg) association. Dr. fWj» Woegs the fact 0)gt "onigw Wight is discussed only occasion* snd educatipn of the public if ' rd is sadly neglec^sd, al- * isrevention or trMtment fr *>*• g f«T gregtgr bfneflt. Ming the We gpan and coindegenerative changes than W owFSigpggg toat "while tberg mhdit M to the shortening Gd jtfg by such factors as smoking, tobaeoo, glcoho] exercise, there is imaniimius ggreMnent of all gutbonibiai M overweight has a decided feet on decreasing the sp6m of life. «tetistics ovor^elmW^how Sat overweight not only results in an in- WM5ft dWth rgtg bi^ glao |a zwfponalblg for the egmer davglogK *»snt of cardiovaacular-renal fner- ^te hea^ blood vossels gnd Iddney) diseases, diabetes and even cancer." - liiaee Vttaaala C , *°ods rich in vitamin C should not be cooked too kmc. Neither sboulfl foods that are rich in vitamin C m allowed to gtgsd tog fcng before *rv%f. If they are alknnoato stand toe very long, they will lose their gr "dU Visa all srltgantn C grid* gtettdiag. They ahoukl be preparM lust before serving. ^ -H ^ ( * * * . . . .t i^." '.W .i. LfSL .. •»

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