Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1947, p. 3

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»!,'•** " * 5 1 ^ 4 1 ••' '• ' r • r0^> ' " " '" " - ? Mfrf* *• -^- v~i a^v*" f * V «***-•> fkSwday, Hayt, -Ml v** «-r*V£ '"* - ~-^V M • V'v • *•' v< v" *• vV* V**-- • -V ICeHXmT nilRDULB v • c V 'M-.i Won4er Lake By Vtncue Sells Mot long ato I read a story in «i Tribune, by "Mam of Sunrise Mountain" which told of a perfectlr beautiful home, that she and bar hatband had just* visited. Lea vine ft* her husband said, "Yes, it oertattly is a fcteautiiul place, but wmmrt it bare looking. Not a doc er a cat on a chair or on the floor. People who love pets will know •aactly what he meant and those wk» don't will never understand, never the twain shall meet. Perhis wife, Ifr. and Mrs. Amsfrowg of California who will soon embark wants to' go.. for a two year stay on Guam. It .•Mania .a pity tint folks don't •1 always understand this, and kill the Jh« third and fourth glade little animals for trespassing. Ws-mothers met on Friday evening at all know its true that pets, like Fiala a Lake View ice cream parlor children are sometimes over in-jt° plan the Community club party dulged and may not have the kind j *^«h will be held in the school of manners they should have, but i "i,18, evening (Thursday), and at surely other folk's pets is: which they are hostesses. Refreshnot the answer. jments will be served. Everyone in Recently it was brought to my|the «o™~?"ity is invited. There is attention that a "pet killer" is lurk- no »dmi8S,on charge. ing in Wonder Lake. The Ruzickas T , _ . of Wonder Center recently found , , ™ni^. 9?1 J8 their pet cat with a bullet through! I*?"?*.Im"*!? I i . its head. However, the ache in' ,, f' ljvl! their hearts it probaMy easier to! J18/ .? bear than the color in the heart of j J"8 ^*mi. y .?* ?*?•* j whoever did the lolling. •WJ'W M»V VW»IU BIWU IU^Ip. *»«" ) n . t , . aanally, I don't think that people) Surely nothing m haaven nor who have never felt the thrust of earth has ever been seen like the ballet that has been formed and which will perform at the Rod and Gun auxiliary* play the latter part log's cold 4 nose into their palms a little attention, nor had a cat h its back beneath their hands, ; _ , law miissed a llott iinn Jjiifffec,r Sure, they °* June. •nag in extra mull; an heat chair and keep yo" ting on weight letting i and sit in the; This. ballet, composed of sixteen you from put- gentlemen of all snapes, sixes and them in and weights, will do a springtime numbut how much worse to sit in ber, clad in pastel costumes. The flne clean house in which noth-1 group is now known as the "Ballet ig living moves. Hiat's what I: Moose," and is under the direction Ink. ;of Mrs. Virginia Monteleone. Mrs. Of coarse you may have a little Delia Cheney will play the accomtrooble. It is difficult to pamment. little animals understand that! --•r have carefully matted off all Mrs. Mary Lou Merritt wfll leave is earth into neat little squares ] on Friday, May 2 for Los Angeles, that men watch these little Calif., where her niece, Carol Eanl with such jealous intensity of Chicago, will be married next they don't want anything alien week to Edward Garrett of Los cross these invisible lines. A dog Angeles. While in California Mrs. IB roll in any grass, the green- Merritt will visit her brother and he was in the hospital, his daughter, Mildred Beyer and his granddaughter, Clara Genlrucki, both of Chicago, were also confined to hospitals. All are now on the road to recovery. We nope that only good things will come now as Mr. Graff will celebrate his sixty-third birthday on May 2, and forty-two years of marriage on May 9. For both of these occasions, felicitations? Woodstock last Itomday by Mrs. Elsie Boss < Butler /it the extension service, UniversitySof Illinois, Mrs. J. Cristofferson and Geraldine Cormier were present representing the Busy Bumble Bees «-H dub and Mrs. J. Selsdorf and Sharon Grace Sells of the Handy Helpers club. On Manday evening, April 28, the members of both Wonder Lake 4-H clubs met at the Harrison school for a short program. Talks were given by the leaders and by members of the Busy Bumbles Bees, now going into their fourth year. Following the program, officers were elected by the Busy Bumble Bees. Joan Donteah was elected president, Joanne Resheske, vicepresident; Esther Martin - as secretary; Peggy "Selsdorf as reporter and Jean Hay as recreation chairman. Mrs. A. Grill, Mrs.. J. Reinhard and Mrs. Sarenac werjr visitors. Refreshments were served. Searefced in Tate Searches rivaling those for the Fountain of Youth and the Seven Cities of Cibola in North America furnished a pretext for extension of Spain's empire in South America where exploring parties hunted the fabulous empire of the Caesars of Patagonia. The legend told of a mysterious European city deep in Patagonia whose residents, known as "Caesars," were extremely wealthy and long-Jived. Spanish governors equipped many expeditions during the early 17th century to search for the city and sporadic quests continued until the close of tike 18th century. Although such searches were naturally fruitless, they provided early geographic and ethnic information concerning Smith America and in opening the way for future settlement of the region, j •Ai *->fA Precious Metal Palladium is the name of a precious white metal of the platinum family, first discovered in 1803. The dictionary also defines pal* ladium as "bulwark," Le., "palladium of our liberty." 8k|M One of the reasons of King Jam* aI England for colonizing Virginia was that the colony would provide an additional source of turpentine nod other naval stores for England's ? v , We sell and install MICRO: See ad on Page 9. H. E. Buch Sons, McHenry. 50 P3 Cheese Consumption j An average of five pounds of; cheese was consumed by each civil- , tan in the United States during 1949 ' Cleaning ver should be polished ly to maintain and restore its i ness. The easiest way is to good standard polish in paste, or powder form. You have a definite time set aside for cl»»nmg silver. • ^ We will serve dinners from 4 p.m. to midnight on week'days and on Saturdays and Sundays from noon nntil... Sandwiches at all hours.' • • ART & imS RESTAURANT Riverside Drive /McHenry, Illinois • . Closed illl Day Mondays. The anniversary services at the Gospel Center last Sunday, April 27. in commemoration of their second birthday was attended by a capacity crowd. During the Sunday school hour, the Chapel Was filled to the uttnost. ' Among thofe attending this anniversary of the Center were. Mr. and Mrs. Morriss Ness of Chicago and their children, Melvin and Arline. The Gospel center occupies the premises wnich was the Ness home before their move to Chicago. Feeling the need for religious service at Wonder Lake, they opened l their home for the original gather* jings which eventually grew to the [present status. Another of the original group was Margaret Kott who flew here from New York city' where she is now [employed by the Christian and Mis- ' sionary Alliance. S. J. Swenson and Mr. and Mrs. (Franklin, all of Chicago, and also important in the betginning of the Center, were present at the birthday services.. It A^as a grand reunion and gratifying "to the present pastor to see - all the men and wbmen present who I were responsible for the start of | the Center. j The Sunday school next Sunday; May 4, will he at 10:15 A.m. aho the morning worship service will he at 11:00 a.m. The "pastor will speak on "Partnership." Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Porter of Wonder Woods are parents of I fhaby boy, born in Woodstock hospital on Sunday, April 27. Mrs. Porter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis of - Deep Spring Woods. Nylen Family The word nylon is a generic term and not a trademark. Like "wood" or "glass," it designates a family of related compounds, which m vary as to properties, form or Household Efficiency Among the household chores*that take the most time, and so need attention to efficiency, are meal preparation, housecleaning, and dishwaahing. 8eeare - To save a big mending Job later, make sure all bindings are secure. If the binding is sewed too close to the adge, rip it, move it in a litUe r, apd then restitch. . . • Nutrttfenal Nee* The average American must ntm hia cheese consumption 40 per cent; ice cream, 70 per cent; and milk, 50 per cent over 1945 levels to meet his full nutritional needs, a government survey reveals 9LAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE 200 S. GBSEjr STREET 'GOLD WAVE -- $10.00 and $15J PERMANENTS -- $5.00 and up Shampoo and Finger Wave -- $1.00 ' All other lines of beauty work PHONE MCHENRY 10 Subscribe for lhe Plaindealer iiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiii • •MI I NLI ITM i n n i M i i T M 11 IIIIIIKH m i n i i i n i n n n u P. L. Cormier, K. B. Richards and Lloyd E. Benwell departed Tuesday for a fishing trip near New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico. FLOWERS FOR Of May owers Tell Your Storf IT (ill* flowers early to insure delivery in tim* for Mother's Day. convey Mr. and Mrs. Emit Semicke who purchased the former Botchers home, in Wonder Center, took a vacation recently to the west and ended up as owners of a trailer camp in Phoenix, Ariz., where they will make their home as soon as they can sell the house here. The delightful weather of these. | J May days calls for your most charming sheers and sports clothes. Let us freshen your Wardrobe now for days ahead. JjyoaJL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thorns, who have been residents of Wonder Lake all winter, will move Monday into their brand new home in McHenry. Phone 19--208 S. G V McHENRY St. Mrs. Peg Alletag entertained the Sew and Sip club on Wednesday, at her home in Wickline Bay. inniiiMinniiiiiiiiiimniniiinRmiiiii! Phone in your Mother's Day order. We'll wire it anywhere. McHenry Floral Co. Greenhouse located south of McHenry, on Route 81 Our Phone number McHEHRY 464 V. €.' - *» a * 5k* ^ j-Jrv • n i i n n i i i i i n 1111: I I I IUHHUIH I MM 1111111111111 H 11»» TIM frMt ami •( ytmt car b* tfe* DANCSR END--if wkwb art «at mt •HfiMtt *r «at «f hhic* ANM HMUI rtak ni anJIm Mby ptthf I »n rli»ck H MI MI IWW acimtlflc MANBEK i Q wtt |tw •ccaraU. kaaast facto mat ymmt K YOUR CAU HARD TO UEER7 J ) 0 THE W H E E L S S H I M M Y ' ARE YOUR TIRES VfORN UNEVENLY ' DOES YOUR CAT? "WANDER?" Nine ladies were present at the home of Mrs. Mary Kay Carmah in Deep Spring Woods on Tuesday, evening for a brush demonstration Spresented by Mirs. Arthur Thorns. 'The cake, served with coffee was iup to Mrs. Carman's usual standard -which has earned her a fine {reputation as an expert. Both the boys' baseball team and- •the girls' team of Harrison school Invert against the teams of Fos» dick junior high on Tuesday. The rewly formed Harrison teams wer» 'b»dly defeated against the expe: " It will 'i the iBjfctwt We am give yea nothiiag for a FREE inspection. Don't delay If itast hint of anything mang at the *fi«nt aid.* the caaae and theenre in fhm mimmtmt CENTRAL GARAGE *Phone 200-J FfifiD J. SMITH, Prop. Towing Johnsburg tnced teams of the junior hig school, but a gallant game wa played and the Fosdick youngsters showed the good sportsmanship of "not laughing at the score. For the' boys' game, the score was 25 to % and for the girls' team, 20 to 8. Jeanne Resheske, captain of the ^Harrison girls' team, and acting pitcher, did a line job. One noma run by Peggy Selsdorf helped in the scoring. Home runs were also scored toy Sharon Grace Sells, Ger» aldine Cormier and Gertrude Smith. 4-H Newa AP) Losdor school, held in mm ---•-- ' Bil AC H I E V E M E N T Springtime is time! |f we were to publish a list of those who ~#wn Cadillac cars, it would be recognized throughout the world as an honor roll of •ontemporary achievement. For mere than forty years, Cadillac has been built fo provide the finest personal transportation it is practical to produce. As a result, it has become the instinctive choice of those whose choice is unrestricted. s-ta-7 SKELLY ACCESSORIES FOR MAPPIKR, SAUt, MORS ECONOMICAL MOTORING THIS SPRINO AND SUMMER If you want a Mnooch-running car, yen must have high quality accessories. Oar line ... the compter SKELLY line . . . money-ipek guaranteed, indudt. batteries, spark plugs, windshield wiper blades, bulbs, (an belts, and many others. Stop today (or an accaa-. •ory checkup, fafs good sense to spend Cfnts to seve . dollar*! V FREUND OIL CO. PHONE 202 MeHKNKY, OX. If yea are aafMsr /•*" • MO CadUlmt plmu ia aasarwf that tv*ry ef»rt it Mmg mmia to fmrthtr pniwdUm. Dtmmmi is to grtmt, Aeawaer, that IMM May tm dttivtry is still huvitM*. But k»Ut to fiwi it 99 Jggt 4p- OVERTON MOTOR SALES V « 403 FRONT STREET rJr McHENRY, ILLINOIS rM y't - 7 Htk? ; ^ C. A . ? . . jc.'k. X A'. s.\ . A "A ..

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