Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1947, p. 6

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<r.- ' ** • *' ^ ' FOE SALE * ;• -Vj,' >• ISSit A>Vv* **v> • • : - . -.~v,t- * •• • I '{,- • ;ir' •SW• *4 ' \ 'j yM> "X* 8fc¥ FOR SALE -- Eight-room frame house to be wrecked or moved at once. Pink Harrison, Pistakee Bay. Tel. McHenry 328. «U 60-tf FOR SALE--1966 Plymouth, motor overhauled, new tires. Call at .108 Main St., after & p. m. 60 FOR SALE--About -100 acre*, irine- KR SALES--Hay, oats* and corn. See | room house, other farm buildings, Regner, Green St., McHenry.* 50 60 acres plowland, rest pasture, - - 1 part subdivided, Vi mile Nippersink •OR SALE--Inquire at 202 South frontage, near Pistakee and ^ox $reen St., McHenry. Link Belt Lake. gtokaer, electric brooder, gas range,; ALSO-- t electric ceiling fans, 2 large Vene- | Year-round home, gas heat, Fox tian blinds. 50-2; river, north of McHenry; also sum- -- I mer homes on Pox river and Pis- NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MOD- takee Bay for inspection. Jacob BRN 4-ROOM insulated year-round {Fritz, Realtor at Johnsfourg. Tel. Country Home, 2 'bedrooms, plupt'b-j McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lin- CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-l when in need of Insulation or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated brick siding, weather stripping, or combination screen and storm windews. Free estimates. Durfee Bros. Roofing Co. 43-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let ue dispose of yeur garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 865. tf Prodnce Penicillin -Without Using WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf righto. 674-M-2 •r 590-R-2, or stop at office, Tower 'Ikuilding, in Lily Lake. 50-tf ||>g, gas, electric, lake TERMS. Phone McHenry |OR SALE--Upright piano; good Condition; dining talble and number «f chairs. Address Box "J," care McHenry Plaindealer. 50 coin 1333. 50-tf FOR SALE--Full sized <> used iron beds, springes and mattresses. Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50 FOR SALE--Modern home, seven rooms, 2-car garage, five acres land on Fox river, near McHenry, Jacob Fritz, realtor, Johnsiburg. Tel. Mc FOR SAL&--Refrigerator, in good Henry 67&-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln Condition. I P- m- Phone 186-R. Call after 50 VfOR SALE--(Apartment size gas Stove and 500 chick electric brooder, •both in good condition. : Tel. McHenry 686-M-l. 50 1339. 50-tf FOR SALE--Unfinished home, restricted area, one mile north of McHenry, alonj? Fox River. Can be made into five rooms. For quick sale, $3,500; including lot. Tel. Mc FOR SALE-r-Used log siding, A-l I condition, enough for a 22x25 cabin, | t"K Henry 227-J. 50 SALE -- Quaker oil heater, $150. Guge, Lot 4, Sunnyside Es- P«rcelain g*rbage burner, electric R-l, McHenry*. 5© heater. Walter Johnson, West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. Tel. Mc- FOR SALE -- International 10-20] Henry 638-M-2. *50 tractor. Wilson's Repair Shop, % j ----7------ mi. w. of Volo on-Rt-420.' Phone! r°R. SAVE --,Immediate delivery, 50 FOR SALE--Five-piece dinette set. VW. 83-M after 5 p. m. R. G. Boelscher, 104 Waukegan Rd., McHenry. 50 two brand new home food boxes, 12 cu. ft. and 18 cu. ft., at wholesale urice. Address Box 506, Grayslake, 111. 50 i ' - . £ /v >r FOR SALE -- Lake front modern year round 5-room furnished cottage, attached garage. Hollywood fur- Down payment, $3,500. Call 7733. *50 FOR SALE -- All kinds of garden Slants are now ready at the Mc-; nace. Henry Floral Co. Get your order in | Chicago, Stone, Avenue How. Tel. McHenry 404. 50-tf | --~ ----- ; : 1 FOR SALE--Combination coal and FOR SALIC--Wis. 38 seed barley, gas kitchen range; EZ-DO wardtreated; choice seed. Jarrett Farm, robe; also number of other house- •4 mi._northeast of Genoa City, Wis., -hold_ articles; all very reasonable. TREE SPRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING. Frank W Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 43-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Cloak room girl or woman five evenings per week. Apply Just For Fun Roller Rink, West McHenry. 50 HELP WANTED--Women for restaurant work. Good wages. Apply at Renard's Nook, West McHenry. 50 HELP WANTED -- First class painters, union, $1.65 per hour. Call Jack Keenan, Elgin 3187 or McHenry 640-W-2. *50-2 HELP WANTED YOUNG WOMEN To fill, label and pack photographic chemicals. Steady work on salaryplus bonus basis. Ideal for young women who prefer working in group. Apply Edwal Lab., Inc. (formerly Ringwood Chemical Corp.) Ringwood, 111. Phone Richmond No. 5. 50 -1, Box 21. *50 A. F. Lilley, 126 Country Club Dr., - McHenry. Phone 239-M. 50 FOR- SALE!--Vast gravel and sand bank; ideal location adjoining a fine [ FOR RENT--Kitchen with all facilft- room modem home, newly deco- • ities. Inquire at 202 South Green rated and insulated. Belvoir Agen- St., McHenry. 50-2 R-l, Box. 21, Genoa City, Wis. I HELP WANTED--Painters and Paper Hangers; first class men only; highest wages. Crystal Lake Paint Store. 50 Mr Wf V % ' . • Mo * | WANTED--Garage, near Northwest- ------r-------.-- ---- Iern depot, West McHenry. Will FOR SALE--Black dirtr free esti- ' t>ay $10 per month. C. IF. Kinney,! fiia' fhates. Will load truckers by ap- 2300 Sheffield Ave. Lin. 8105, Chijgointment. Power leveling, grad- cago, 111. 50 HELP WANTED -- Girl or woman for plain cooking in private home at Pistakee Bay; small family; no cleaning or washing; come and go every day, six-day week; transportation can be furnished; top wages. Address Box "HL," care Plaindealer. 49-2 HELP WANTED--Men for work at Ringwood Nursery. Tel. Richmond 49-2 and excavating: Nett's Sand & filtvel. Tel. McHenry 637-R-2. , HELP WANTED--Two women for 49-3* cottages and kitchen work. Phone 4^. a..p VT T :--- -- Harrison, McHenry 323. 50-tf TOR SALE--New home, ready for -- occupancy. Two bedrooms, cabinet HELP WANTED---Man to help on kitchen, full basement, automatic, truck; good wages; 40 hours per hot water, laundry trays, furnace week. Address Box "Z," care Melt, fully insulated. Apply H. B.! Henry Plaindealer. 50-2 Williams, Shalimar. el. McHe S27-J. Tel IcHenry 50 WANTED Kfc,, FOR SALE -- Baby walker, baby i swings, car seat and gate. Leslie FOR SALE--Complete line of nur- j Mason, Phone Wonder Lake 243. *50 aery stock, including evergreens, 1 -- aiirube, fruit and shade trees, magnolias, berries, etc. See our stock and get our prices before you buy. Westman Evergreen Nursery, Vi mi. west on South St., Woodstock, 111. Phone 232-R. 4&.2 FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Curtiss, Ragapple and other leading Hood lines at farmers' prices. Hick BUS DRIVERS WANTED--Steady work; good pay. Apply by letter onlyv stating reference and experience. W. A. F. Trans. Co., • Inc., McHenry Illinois. 49-2 WORK WANTED--Man wants any kind of work on Saturdays, also during week after 4:30 p. m. Call for information, phone McHcniv 102-J. *5° W 4NTED--Watches and jewelry to rejiHir. Anthony Noonaanp,, 2Z0000 SSoo.. & as; £5 ES. ^^23; pho"si"»° HELP WANTED--Woman for sales work, ladies' ready-to-wear, soft good dept. Good opportunity, iamble's Store, West McHenry. 48-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers for construction work. Ivar Fredrickson. Call Wonder Lake 221. 44-tf lit Types Also Developed bf Modern Process. NEW YORK.--The first synthetic penicillin, an achievement malftng possible entirely new types of this potent drug, was announced in Science, journal of the American Medical Association for the Advancement of Science. The artificial drug, an important fundamental advance in penicillin research, was developed by Drs. Vincent du Vigneaud, Frederick H. Carpenter, Robert W. Holley, Arthur H. Livermore and Julian R. Rachele of Cornell university medical college at the New York hospital-Cornell medical center. By, chemical methods they produced Penicillin G--one of the main kinds of penicillin--which is exactly the same as natural penicillin grown by a mold. It is jus£ as potent as natural Penicillin G, the type which appears to be most effective in the human bodj^----/ This achieverhent "opens the way to the synthesis of a series of entirely new and different penicillins which might be useful against diseases not affected by present kinds of penicillin," Dr. Du Vigneaud s^id. He explained that more changes could be made in the penicillin molecule's structure by the synthetic method rthan by the mold. Only tiny amounts of synthetic penicil'in have been made so far, he 8<- and much development would leeded before the synthetic process ould be used to produce in greater or cheaper than by mold growth, o, providing that penicillin could be ade synthetically,>lmd in new forn. the research possibly might lead to a clearer picture of the structure of penicillin, which is not yet fully known. Just how the jigsaw of chemical parts fits together in the synthetic process is not yet completely determined. When this mystery is solved, the search for different and possibly more effective penicillins can be speeded up, Dr. Du V/gneaud said. penici'Mi q- . Commerce Cham Urges Red Communist penetration into government has stirred a growing demand for Congressional action. In a report on "Communists With in the Government," with detailed recommendations for action, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States has iirgcd prompt action to remove Communists from government posts in the interest of national security. The report cites estijnftes that about 400 Communists * Kold positions of importance in Waaiington and adds: / "The Communist-dominated United Public Workers of America (CIO) claims membership of 100,000, of which 40,000 are Federal workers. /'While it cannot properly be Mid that all members of this onion fere Communists, it is undeniable that they are all subject to Communist propaganda and pressure." The UPWA, the report points out. tias announced the organization of 17,- 000 worker* in the strategie Panama Canal Zbne under the leadership of Leonard Goldsmith, a CIO organizer with a long record of Communiei activities. 0O1UUBNTS HELP WANTED--Girl to, clerk i.i drug store and fountain work. Botger's Drag Store, McHenry. 38-tf HELP WANTED--COUPLE EXTRA MEN. HUNTER BOAT CO. 83-tf tity- von Bampus ft Sons^ West MoHenry. Phen| 245-J.. 47-4 farm?. List your property" with us, Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt-. 1, McHenry or 2005 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 1333-ISB4 tf. WANTED TO BUY CASH HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MPG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. 20-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY AND REMOTAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 168, Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, III. 40-tf FOR S^LE-- Modern home, Venetian Minds, automatic oil heat with •ir conditioning, electric hot water heater, 2-car garage, asbestos ! " shingles, modern bathroom, built-in! WANTED FOR tub, shower, full copper screens and ' Homes -- Farms -- Businesses! HELP storm windows, Phone Wonder Lake1 EDWARD M. LANNES I Place 173. 45-tf i ^ Real Estate j 377. HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern home | McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667*R_2 Wtth basement and furnace heat;! Chicago Phone-Keystone 2060 also garage. Located at McCullomi 40-tf! FOR RENT--Brick business Lake. Kaminski, Phone 656-' • ;* _ ing in Ringwood; immediate M-2. R-l, West McHenry, 43-tf MISCELLANEOUS sion. Address Box "J," WANTEID -- Waitress. Mi! Restaurant. Tel. McHenry ; 4g4fi FOB BENT AAF Wuthsr Central Sets Varied Queries WASHINGTON. --A pilot concerned with? weather conditions for a planned cross-country flight, an officer arranging a week-end trip, or a soldier debating whether to wear a newly pressed uniform are typical of the military personnel who look to "Weather Central" of the.U. S. air forces in Europe for the answer to their official and personal queries about weather. It's all in a day's work for USAFE Weather Central to furnish accurate weather forecasts to scores of pilots clearing over dozens of air routes, brief the commanding general and his staff on weather conditions, supply data to the Stars and Stripes and the American Forces overseas radio network, transmit meteorological information by radio and teletype, or even answer Mrs. Jones' query about the advisability of wearing, a* raincoat to the commissary. Weather Central is located at Wiesbaden, Germany, air base, a few miles from USAFE headquarters. Since weather information for aerial flights must cover a wide area, accurate reports from as far west as the Mississippi river and as far east as Siberia are available at Weather Central. Henry Plaindealer. care Mc- FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, nnp nc*vrnr» ' _ _ 50 yterter., fuel P»mp;, distributor. »nd | Gl«d.tone Sto^ ulnd^r1™" RfNT-Ckwi pMure lnd, vi- T1 T*l- McHenry 204-M. 50C » " • » * " - moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop McHenry 616-W-2 FOR SA LE--Year- round comfort and •eonomy with fire-proof Johns-Manidle _ Rock Wool Home Insulation *Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call l«EO J. STILUNG, McHenry 18. S6tf. Tel.! ALL BRANCHES OF TREE SlIR-! ,iam Dern, Wauconda. 10-tf i GERY; also spraying for scientific weed control. Anderson Tree Service, McHenry. Tel. 113-R. 50-5 FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., CONTRACTING -- Floyd Cooley, building contractor. 103 Main St. Tel. McHenry 491-R. or write Wil- ^0-3 care Sore" sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Rich- S^%,&4b0.U' SSL'T. ='i"-."ScH™ry'™Konr24." Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf Perk Liver Helps In Refnlatinc Perten't Nenret t Pork liver, often neglected by the *504! i housewife, is worth almost its ;--• ; weight in gold in food value, ac- NOTICE -- I am equipped to take! cording to nutritionists. Lean meat of plowing, disking and wood | and liver of pork contain the B-com- WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, 111. Ptione 277. 49-tf Sxprassthat lova ««hich grows each year w i t h a memorabl* PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and exterior painting and decorating. Pete Freund & Son, Virginia and Wbodstock streets, 4 Crystal Lake. Tel. Crystal Lake get ,on ®dge\. senfe .them plex vitamins -- riboflavin, niacin and thiamine -- which are essential in keeping the nerves on an even keel. So necessary are these regulating substances that even a slight deficiency may result in "nerves." Other sources of suppjy are milk, cheese, whole grains anil meat. When the family's nerves begin to good I321-J. SEPTIC 49-21 meal °* well-cooked pork liver, baked potato, green beans, whole 3 JSj~ A v I THER S DAY tMt yeur mothar ysw «tlior $ ill always liotrf jGhreea St. tv a do TANKS AND GREASE | wheat bread and milk, nutritionists j cleaned, built and repaired. • advise. One serving, or a fourth neeS competent engi- pound of liverf whether it * lried. Phbne Libertyville 1346.^m ^47-^ baked' ®aru?ed or boiled provides w 1 an excellent supply of the B-com- MARTIN & SON Carpenters Rt. 1, Ringwood Tel. Wonder Lake 661-- Building and Remodeling Estimates Cheerfully Given *47-4 SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 123 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M or 716-M. 42tf GET A FREE ESTIMATE on roofing, and siding; material or labor. Frank Gana, 300 Riverside Drive McHenry. Call or write. Phone McHenry 106-W. Guaranteed by Sears, Roebuck A Co. Free delivery. 42tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheel ing Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling Nb. 8. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 36-tf. FLOf>R SANDING -- Refinisfcing varnishing and waxing new and obi floors; also Kentile. a lifetime floor. f£ee estimate. Call McHenry 4t7-R. plex vitamins. Although brining and smoking destroy some of these nerve regulators, cured ham still is a good source of them. Pound for pound, spareribs supply lesser amounts than do ham or shoulder cuts because of the greater proportion of bone. Only the lean meat and the liver of the hog, or about one-fourth ;ts total weight, supply these nutrients. The remainder of the carcass has no value as tar as B-complex vitamins are concerned. Rework Buttonholes Rework raveled or weak buttonholes with a buttonhole stitch. Buttons should be sewed on with a strong thread. It isn't easy to match buttons on readymade garments, so fasten them on securely s«i a precautionary measure. Deeorating WaBs walls make a restful background; paper adds interest. Combine them for unusual contrast For traditional rooms, choosa grayed Williamsburg colors. For modern, use deep colors. baiid-; New Chemical Found Whieh Speft Presence ef Monoxide WASHINGTON.--Government scientists have developed a chemical detective which may arrest the homicidal activities oi carbon monoxide, the odorless gas which killed 1,754 persem in 1943 alone. National bureau of standards described its detective as a device smaller than a lead pencil which can spot less than one part of carbon monoxide in 500,000,000 parts of air. The bureau said its device, "a colorimetric gel," can test a. given air sample in about a minute. Its sensitivity to carbon monoxide is "more than 100 times greater than that, attained by former chemical indicators." Scientists of the bureau's gas chemistry section began searching for a good detector in wartime. It was needed to save lives in aircraft, tanks, P-T boats, landing craft, gun turrets, and aircraft carriers. Because the gas has no smell and produces no warning symptoms before it is too late, it annually kills hundreds of persons in automobiles, closed rooms with defective heating equipment, garages, kitchens, furnace rooms, factories, mines and quarries. Order yqur 94*Year-Old Woman It ---- Almost Tee Late for Boat SAN FRANCISCO. -- Said the 94- year-old woman, smiling sweetly at jewelry salesman Frank Mc- Auliffe: . "I'd like to pick up that silver gravy boat I left here, to be cleaned." Said McAuliffe: "When did you leave it?" She answered, "In 1902." McAuliffe found it, too--in the basement. Light Form off Mamps \ Provides Adult Inminity Thirty per cent of the American people probably have had mumps without knowing it, the result being a high degree of immunity to epidemics of this common, but sometimes quite serious, disease of childhood, according to University of Pennsylvania and Harvard university medical scientists under a contract with the surgeon general's office of the army. Mumps and measles usually are paired as childhood maladies. Each is caused by a specific filterable virus. Both diseases are very contagious. One virus presumably is as widely disseminated in the population as the other. Yet the studies show that about 33 per cent of young adults have a probable acquired immunity to the disease indicating some past infection of which they were unaware. One attack of mumps is believed to protect an individual against further attacks of the virus for the rest of his life. Statistical studies have shown that where, as about 90 per cent of the Americas population suffer from measles at some time or other only 60 per cent are victims of mumps. The immunity of a person was determined by the so-called "complemenflxation" test of the blood serum with mumps virus cultivated in incubated chicken eggs, and also by a skin test with similar material. In this hidden reservoir of acquired immunity, mumps seems to bear some likeness to poliomyelitis, also a virus disease of children. It is believed that about 90 per cent of the population have had polio in a subclinical form at some time, with the result that they are permanently protected against it. .Mvl. now we have 8,000,000' asiea, We 1 jare not buildter G. L oak j of . timber, we do not have. We . ;| have yelled "timber" to juny times (by W. H. ) vr" without the thndding sound of the Uwhrs Gordon Lowell and Riy ! planters' mache. Horenberwer, Jr., *--1 "fatly should' Curtiss Candy Co.,' has received receive distinguished «*ervfce awards, I eighteen Jamaicans through our ofif communities put than out, for i flee, • who ere working on the Martheir outstanding Job of arousinr i engo farm. Swtet corn and pointerest In 4-H won in their com-' tatoes will be the mam crop tali munity south of McHenry. The • rear. A group of the same boys Cherry Valley 4-H. club, no doubt were obtained last year: will haVe over twenty members, j Eugene O'Brien of Innisfall Fan*; which is a jump of 100 per cent tut of Woodstock, is an enthusiastic over last year's eleven. I predict Brown Swiss breeder. He has'been very near 100 per cent participation to get the annual district show in the program and near 100 per this year. It will be held at cent completion next fall, too, oe-ithe Woodstock Cft# Paiic, Wednefecause almost every parent was pres- day, May 7. if: ent at the organisation meeting recently at the Cherry Valley sA ool. Joe Slkora is attacking the erosion problem on the old Steinke farm south of Pleasant Valley school ! in Dorr Township in a common i sense way that wiH bring results. To put more water in a drouthy, sheet eroded hillside, be has staked j out terraces that will be built and! then seeded with oats and timothy.; There is only one way to iceep! Cullies from forming and that is to terrace jand vegetate the hillside above them so that the water speed | will be kept slow enough to make it, go into the hill. Why are folks worried about the' water table getting lower each! year? Their worrying would be1 much more successful if they worried because there are no trees on much of the land in Illinois with over 10 to 12 per cent slope. Awaken. all ye neople. Illinois at one time! had 12,000,000 acres of timfber and Costly Trageay The Cocoanut Grove fire in Bo$> ton killed 492 persons. This loss #; life was greater than that suffered by American troops in the invasiolt of North Africa. Energy In Voice AKhough the range of sound Ik very great, the aigfolute energy at - an average voice' has only about . one-millionth of the energy needed •. to operate an ordinary electric ,wnPSpeed Mine Output ' • In many modern mines with large • v output, "rubber railroads" are used ; in the main haulageways to hurrf the coal on its journey. These conveyor belts may be as much as half a mile in length, and travel at speed of 425 feet |K»r minute. v " Hay Prodnetloa About 07 million tons of hay win cwt in the U. S. in 1940., Necessary Elements ' While there are some 12 to 15 elements necessary for all plants and animals, phosphorus, potash and calcium are among those needed in the larger quantities. Re-hem Dresses Hem* on ready made dresses are usually sewed very loosely. It pays to re-hem with secure stitches before wearing a "store bought" dress in most cases. ENAMEL Water in Bggs Every dozen eggs contains about one pint of water. If hens are given all the water they wish, they will resoond with more ens. Sauerkraut Nutritious Sauerkraut, is a fairly good source of minerals, especially calcium, and if property made and rightly prepared for tablp uae, contains about the aame amount ef vitamin C as new ca)>bage, cooked three to five miautee. you eon footer hafrofifie average bathroom faonif Carey Electric Shop • • ue MeHeary, flL asi >• A-Jryfy dik'-Mk fiMrtim'mm# Rom where I sit Joe Marsh m m m m m -- -- -- -- w j | | l We Got to the Fish Fry AtMwAll That community ftih fry was sure a great success. There were plenty of appetizing extras, and Will Dudley did a right wonder-, ful job of frying the fish--soft and flaky inside--brown and crisp around the edges. But we didn't get to go. The missus was tired after working in the yard, and we just didn't want to.,leave her. Then how did we know the fish was so good? Because the folks didn't forget us. They sent Skippy Henderson over with two steaming covered platei of fliK ami a ' pitcher of cool, sparkling beer. And we finished them off in front of our own lire. From where I sit, that's one d( the things that mhkes our town so nice a place to live in: a spirit of share and share alike. That plate of fish and glass of beer weren't just great opting, they were symbols of the thoughtfulness that makes for better living t Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation What's on my mind today? The same thing that's probably " ' on every housewife's... spring cleaning I But, I'm not going to let it get me down, and I nope you won't let it get you down either. That's why I want to share some of my pet labor-saving ideas with you. Try them and see if they don't make it easy to take it easy! MANS FOR TNI BUSY When I'm up to my ears in pails and mops (as who isn't these days?), I'm more grateful than ever for A&P's ready-to-eat ANN PAGE BEANS. They're simply delicious just the way they come out of the can ... and extra-tasty fixed like this: Fill a casserole with 3 1-lb. cans of ANN PAGE BEANS with pork and tomato sauce (enough for 6 Senerous servings); top with ices of ham or bacon, and then bake for 30 minutes in a moderate oven, 350°F. • HOUSI CUANINO HINTS To remove watermarks Yrom a waxed finish, take off old wax with liouid wax; apply a fresh coat. To mildew-proof awnings and shower curtains, soak them in very soapy water and, without rinsing, dip them in a solution of copper tea wagon to a star! sulphate, which you can get at the drug store. To protect floors from furniture marks and scratches, wax rockers and feet of chairs and tables when you wax your floors. To make your home "come clean" from attic to cellar, get BRIGHT SAIL cleaning aids at your A&P. Every one of these tine products docs such a thorough job that no homemaker should be without them. TiA MM TNI TIKSO Docsr/t a cup cf tea do wondem for you when you're weary? It does for me... especially when it's full of really invigorating flavor. That's why I always use OUR OWN, NECTAR . or M A Y F AIR TEAS from the A&P. They're all Flavor Tested, so no matter which you choose, you can be sure you're hitching your" Flowers for Mother May 11th MALL GIFTS REASONABLY PRICED FROM CHILD TO MOTHER HYDRANGEAS, MIXED POTS OF SPRING PLANTS, ROSE BUSHES ETC. . OUT FLOWERS-- CARNATIONS, ROSES {SWEET FEASs SPRING FLOWERS 1ETC. CORSAGES--<\AR!NATIONS, ORCHIDS, CAMERAS, GARDENIAS, SWEETPEAS, ROSES ETC. jplm Street Flower Shc^p . , m mi % Moams , . Say it with MJWhffg y 1i f 1 A "i;,'"1

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