Moasy Inn, 8--Hern*, 0. Frost, M; C. Ibqwii 600; Weiser, 4M. f SrfM Wsfc* $"'fM U Nissan TBm, 8-^Othoff Hdwa^l. Inn, Rochelle, 8--Kleinhans, Mite. 100-628. o. 1U1, VERNON J. KNOX 1 ;f*;N Attonmy-At-Lew fcr. Gnm and Eba 8taL, MeHeary May aai Friday Aftniamaa Other Day* By Appsiatmeat PInm McHenry tt I ML B. DeROME • ; • 'kr - -Dsntiet- ' *»< lM GfMa Street , wj. McHenry 18«te • Widaieiay. Td. V«*r Laka 418 ML R. H. WATKINS Lake, DL DR. H. 8. FHE Veterinarian Ml W. Waakegan Bd« Mifliaij, m. OliM Haaia: 1 pja. to 2 |||i Eicepi Tharadaya Bvenia«a by Appeintmeat tl 3 DRTjomTWAirauNAfl Physician 'ft SargM f mIL I TeL Crystal Laka 86-M Office Hours: II uk to 2 pjk and 7 p.a to • ml Na Haara llanday DR. R. W. DONNELLY Chiropodist Faot Specialist _ 10t So. Riraraida Drive ' fhene 417 MeHeary Mm haara: bar appointment Daily aad Breninga Claaad Wadaoaday An"SnuwC<M Iy atal Laka 1110 Of Saver Wark r CC 8cwi IcHENRY CO. 8EWER 8ERVICE Btackei S«ww|OpiMwd Wlthoat By Electric Moter-jole and Root Getter Cryatal Lake, Illinois L. Nslaoa 1S8 E. Cryatal Laka Ava AL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR SOTCI 001 MafaTsL McHenry Electric Potftaals Wcllbff ^ Phane61S-W-1 or .404 lraBNKT, ILL. "ftETOOTH AND 8HARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Greasing aad Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCHERT 601 Front St. MeHeary an-jlTt m. Frost, 212-800; M. Kidd- Clothing, 8--Blaka Motor 0l HbslB•cchhssrr., 118822--44 75; E. Just en, 218-180-188-878; R. TYeand, 484. Hoots Tavern, 2 -- FltsGerald Cleaners, 1. R BraMd, 471; G. BaitianT 101-614. Sbeffans Jewelry, 2--Still fags Inilation, 1. H. Steffan, 600; A. Aaafer, 486; L. Stilling, «pv«r 2 -- Roller Rink. 1 424; E. Freund, 4ol; Doherty, 17D-462. Pink Harrisons, 2---Rochelles, M. Rochelle, 180-400; B. ~ 478; C. Lonfhway, 40S; brandt, 406; N. Larkin, 184-462; E. Froat, 481: L. Miller, 418; D. Sehftotf. 161-487. Stilling* "68," 2--Rolame Grill, 1. E. Hansen, 408; F. Pederson, 421; B. Freund, 181-464. Betty Nielsens, 2--Peterson Boat Co., L D. Peiaert, 406; M. Simon, 488; E. Peterson, 406. Match-- McHenry Bank, 2461 -- Schaefer Girls, 2420. P. Olsen, 185-481; J. Frisby, 644; J. Larkin, 204-567; E. Hoyte, 486; EL Freund, 204-492; D. Schaefer, 208-521; N. Larkin, 180. 467. , - JohaabargMw The C. O. F. hook disappeared ftr a while, but in minr wa find a 286-666 for George P. Frsnnd. Couldn't ha h« hid the book with that kind of a score. has started a 10-' this iseek for the nan who want to continue bowling. Another group (Mixed Leagae) will start fliuvBday, May L Tna seems to be popular. J. Fretttf, VS"'•**' Walt Smith, 107-610. B. Milers, 2--A. Jacksons, 1. Art Jackson, 206-616. G. Jackson^ 2--L. Smiths, 1. Pate Freund, 477; Cha*^ Smifli, 180-470. TALKS Items af fatereet Taken flam the Filee of the af Yeara Aga SIXTY YEAR8 AGO Th« first strawberries of thtee aea- •on at Riverside hall, on Friday evening. Hon. F. K. Gfflber was president of the ~^iew board of trustees, for the ensuing year, at their meeting on Monday evening last. The new steamboat, the "Grayling" was launched and made a trial trip on Sunday, running to Pisi uwiiiwaii w mm wviv pioa Frsnnd, Regneri or ordinary decorating -- a new ^chine P can now turn out, an°, of a size that are | Motion by Ueoige P. Freund, sacpur. j onded by Tonyaa, to approve the i following applications for dass "A" | alcoholic liquor llesnsss: __TBA«S MO j yi^-lSn Ik. M tam « tt. W. BVVo^t "fjj. property* thia i ' tar < Lv canising_ahop the and his oat Waakegan street Cornea, Winfleld bu^ld- j g Helen c/lmmsious, A. fc. Noonan, have occupied for Miss Va^na^ Wan m Wm. A. Las HsnachaL •«as McHENRV GARAGE Arc-Acetyloao » Portable WMmg Ctenoral Repair Service Parts and Accessories • STSAM OLEANIHa , HIAVT-DUTY TOWHTO SKKTiat JSfICK P. MILLER ' J , . • 608 Front Bt/Kt. 31 .McHenry V ployed ner poaition turnad to itworth, who for pMt has been em- I®, has given up ih that city and rehir ho«ae here. Wttf FayroBs ; ' PayroBs now constitute the largest item of utility expense, now having noaed out taxes from top place. ! and Art carried. Motion by George P. Freund, seconded by Anderson, to approve the application of Thomas P. Bolgar for class "C" packaged liquor license. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, City Cleric. 3- ftwfr »-«• s &cknra",,,f Freund, 480, B. Freund, 188-514. |^Mrs. Justen, mother of N. and J. Jus ten, the West side furniture dealers, died on Friday last and her funeral was held at the Johnsbuiffh rwMswsKi, rhurch on Sunday morning last. FIFTY YEARS AGO Majors • Basts, 2--Tavern nett, 202-210-162-574; 501; Koob, 650. Heater Oils, 2--Volo Bait Shop, 1. Thurlwell, 228-52S; Johnson, 528. Beer, 0. Adams, 587; Gilliford, 216; ne Larkin, 212-688; L. Bacon, """ Pries, MO; Hagberg, 507. PALA£A«tt Ma Richmond, 2532--Herdrichs (McHenry), 2268. D. Dorfle, 501; A. Ulbrfch, 547; T. Behm, 539. Wauconda Would Be's, 2287--Has" Been's 2276. Wagner, 515. orms us be will put up a _ brick building 24 x 60, two stories ' i The roonw vacated by L. E. Benq nett, photographer, are being overhauled and made into office rooms, one of which will be occupied fay Dir. Baechler, dentist. We are at last to have a telephone It is Water IsllHi Helpfal Chemists estimate that a city la Illinois with 40,000 people would araste a ton of aoap daily if the natural water ware used without water softening. Don't put too much coel en As fire at any qpa firing. A flood method is to fire first on one side and than on the other. Grates should be shaken until the red glow af the embers is reflected In the aah pit Subscribe for The Flatndealer HIGHEST CASH PRICE8 paid for Dead aad Crippled Horsea, Cattle' aad Haga -- Sanitary Power Loadfig -- Taafcaga aad Meat Scrap*} far aale. Pfcensa ArUagtoa Heights 116 or McHenry 650-J-2. Reverse Chargss. Palatine Raadariag Service. * WATER PUfiPS fairhaaks Morse Ejector aad Pamp gpea. All sisea. Complete aad Easy iaatalL Saaip pamps. Take al# jamps la trade. • ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry 600-W-l (800 ft. from NelTa BaDream) McMAHON REFRIGERATION lALEB AND SERYIC9 ' MeHeary 410 or Wander Laka 568 610 Mala St, McHenry, Illiaoia - ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Blsfltihal Csatractors Radla Repairs Lst as setimats that aaxt electrical Job af years. UK> G. ROTHMtMEL, Vn* Phana McHenry 272-M . 804 BlvaiaMs Drive v 206 E. WILSOITS RADIO SHOP -- Recorda -- Appliansss Repairs on All Makes ft Auto Radios St Phone 460 McHenry, DL WELDING ice i Portable B. E. VANCE McHenry 51-J m Seath Graea St, McHenry, DL JOHJTF. BRDA ft'SON Metal and Faraaea Wark 101 W. Green St, McHenry, *I1L Phone 248-R • FRANK & PAINTING AND DECORATING MeHeary 680-W-2 Papcrhanging, Spraying tea ChsstfaBy Farniahad W. McHenry 248-J HAROLD H. Paper ffHk PaiBtk 186 N. GREEN ST. £|W.P. * SON - ^Matlag AD Matwlel At Chai B TtL 181-R M 118 Wnltegtia Sk CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joalyn ft Parker> / Office Hoars: Wedaeaday Afteraooaa--1:00-6 M Office--Koenr Sapply Company, 542 Mala Street, Weat MeHeary Phone--MeHeary 486 Waadstock line direct to Chicago, it Is to come by the way of Lpke Zurich and Wauconda to McHenry. The improvements in the interior of Owen ft Chapell's store Me nearly completed, which make it ana of the handsomest and best arranged stosai in this section. FORTY YEARS AQO Go to Gilbert Bros., for seed potatoes all kinds and true to name. Vi, Y0UH FAMILY HIST0ST Your family history should carved in granite. Don't leav the responsibility to your dren or grandchildren. Recoidl in books can be destroyed bfk (ire and other hazards. Select your family n(noii|" now, together! i --v ZOIA MONUMENT COMPANY Large Display Buy Direct Wo Have No Agenta IPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 1 WOODSTOCK, ILL. On Route If Woodstock, HL Every Wednesday at 7^0 pan. ii«IW Loads of GOOD H1NNXSOTA Mty OOWB -- Hsmss -- HOLSTBN STOOK BULL* *. * and BANGS TSSTSD •' J Vry Monday take Ofdeii for feeder battle and pigo CASH OR CREDIT snrplns stock to this ATJ ,ve buyers for every article NEW LOW COMMISSION EATE-5% «" Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois i TOR LITKSTOOK OOHS TO WOODSTOdS WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES COt, INC Phones 572 or 499 fBi r t • * * 1 'SSI 1185 hOTrance EARL R. WALSH fire, Auto, Farm aad life Insoraaavf tnwwmtl-- RELIABLE COIUFANIBS When yea need iaaaraace af any kind. PKM» 88 or I18-M Green ft Eha McHenry ' Telephene Na. 800 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Iaaaraace agenta for all classes af property fa the beet companies. Wast McHenry. Illinois McHENRY FLORAL CO. Plume 404 Urn Mile South of an Raata 81 Flawanlsr all attasisaa! A. P. FREUND SON8 Eaeavatiag Contractor Tracking, HydraaUe and Craae Service --ROAD BUILDING** TeL 204-M FRANK 8. MAY Tracking Sand --Blade Dirt --Crashed Gravel Ciadars -- Limsatana Track far Hire Phone Jahasbarg 68S-W-8 R-l McHenry Phane MeHeary m"5T -- Basemeat Escavatlag -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Raad Gravel ant Let Filling . . Black Dirt .. Pawet leveliag aad Gradiag. 1. EL NETT Johaahnrg P. O^-McHenry U Q-T TRUCKING CO. -- Gravel -- Black Dirt -- Limeetoae Damp Tracks Far Hire Phane Jehaabarg 677-W-8 McHenry. 10. C. J. MEYERS general Contractor Carpentry New Wark aad Rapaln MeHeary, I1L TeL Pistokee 04S-M-1 -WA>Jffa> TO klf- Wa pay 80 to |S8 far Old Haraea leas far dawn hsrsis aad cattle MATTS MINK RANCH Jshnaharg • 8priag Grave Raad I1MI tAmiUm ssi-j.2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS HORSES AND CATTLE We pay pfcene chargee « •* „ -r FOR MEN AND WOMEN. BOYS AND GIRLS AT BOWMAN BROS. MeHeary, 111 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS WINDOW SHADES bet ofthe family of adequate light. Make sore NIESEN^ Floor Covering Paler M. Jastea Faraitare Stare Phones 401-M or 88 CLARENCE'S SHOP : Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order. Full line of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, trellises, picket fences; window boxes, bird houses, etc. runniw feather men's and ladies' belts, pnrsfi, «fcc. CLARENCE SMITH - TeL MoHenry 625-J-l the lighting In y*r md& r*ni find for dad's tired eym a '• |an2oc^| dismie foe homework • • • and sister's cdoo* i to sew on that new dress she's making, and with the pi warm, cheerfal light makes the evening hoof* --when the family is free to relax and enjoys ; - • bolbt play no favorites-- leisure hours together--the most pleasant ' " • ' ^ - putoftfcedqr. ; \. UU ADVMiMM SI ON IBOM KMIWM fOUCT J*sUaa*m*rfmlilktbMtxclMnFstrncttbmii -- ctt>pf»r _ n t u c m t m u m t t f • t s m U r d , f a > W m t M h m a t * r K 4 ' - i % >h'1: -r> - at - - < HULK flRYICI COMFAMV Pi MOtfMUm •••V...V. V . -v V . • V.^- "-'itf-'" ^ST' ' .J. • • ' '"'"r 'w- '>• ' '