Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1947, p. 9

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T ' r* ' Oir tHa. Ge« 8ha»ardi A card jparty wi Tkanday wu hald Iv Mirny's for the - «.w---- to Mrs* Gkn \ Kkk Wagner, Mim. Gkn E. Robert Anderson and Pmaon; in pinochle to Attn Noran, Clarence IWtt- Mrs. A1 Goesie and Kennetli 011; In ftridn to Jw Criity, Browmao, Ndlle Gfbbs and Roy NeaL The committee in thank all . those that Iped make e party a (rand s«c- Manbm of th« Keystone Home ,u Unit that attended the bakm school .at Woodstock oh Thursy, May 1T were Mrs. Roy Wiedand Mrs. Walter Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Mfcheil Kane are the rood parents of their first child, a laughter, born May 4. The W. & C. S. will meet at the tome of Mrs. John Hogan on Thursay, May 15. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter took ier mother, Mrs. Emma Beatty, tp Hue ^Island Saturday, where she Ihn&t and Mrs. TbIMImb and Mrs. Wm. Cannon were riaitors at Fox Lake, Wednesday. < Andrew Hawley retorned home Thursday from a business trip to . Michigan. I Mr. and lbs. Louis Hawley were |visitors at Crystal Lake Thursday! evening. Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. George Shepard attended a eounty Larion Auxiliary meeting at I Marengo Friday evening. | Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. I i Andrew Hawley spent Wednesday i evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlin spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. .Haberlein remained for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and1 -a-, L:. •' i family of Caledonia visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, St., Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Jolits and son, Billie, Mrs. Oliver Laurence and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter Beverly, were visitiorg at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs-. Watkins of Colorado Springs are visiting Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs'. Glawson and daughter, Annette, were visitors at Elgin Saturday., - Mrs. Lulu Sherburne and grand- ®> McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. * -' .i p Excavating and Crane Servicf Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravil load Grading *'£/' ' ' ' ' ^**' i - ^'"w " tym» Sf - QAIX McHSNRT I >r| it NE1TSSAND AND (RAVEL BLACK DIRT i - i Free Estimates.. Will load truckers 1 - - by appointment Grading andStcttrattt* TEL. McHENRY 637-R-2 t OK! Ce back im ibt Army/ Bmt imdt • ewe awry or the tthm-r* Enfoy beer at it* best. i-4" FOX DEJUXE t«T»A Mlj Blended with Imported Bohemian Hops Distributed By Arrow Beverage Service, IS Se. Ehawood Ave, Waukegan, I1L Phone Majestic 4856.: Clayton HarHsen home Mrs. Fled Gilbert of Canada and Mrs. George Bacon Antioch called on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine 3f Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan and family of Hebron spent _ in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Tom Pettise * and son, Stephen, of Barrington spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and lbs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard spent Sunday, in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. J Miss Virginia Jepson R. N. and Miss Gladys Mohler, R. N., of Hines hospital spent the weekend with; Mrs. Rose Jepson. ; Burl Rickenburger and family of | El Paso, 111., spent the weekend here with friends. j W. A. Collins of Beloit spent] Monday with his patents, Rev. and j Mrs. Collins. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe andi family of Huntley spent Sunday; with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family. > ' Mrs. Rose J[epson and daughter, Virginia and Miss Gladys Mohler were Sunday dinner guests in the1 Roland McCannon home at Woodstock. Mr. andj Mrs. Frank Collins and Mrs. 'Frances Koop and daughter, Laurel of 4Viltnette spent Tuesday with the former's parents, Rev. and' Mrs. Colljns. Mrs. Emma Anderson and son, j. Robert, spent the weekend in the Ted Kooistra home' at< Sharon, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and family of Milwaukee were callers in the home of his sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks, Sunday after-! noon. - Roger Collins of Elmhurst called on his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glayton Harrision j expect their daughter and husband.' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas and family of Colorado to arrive here; Thursday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent the weekend in the Clifford Stock home at Woodstock.' Mrs. Appley of Libertyville visited Mrs. Agnes Jencks Sunday. i Roy Dodd and son, Roy, were Eljrin visitors Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of Sycamore, Elmer Butler and, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bressmer and daughter, Kathleen of Havana, 111., spent the weekend in the B. T. Butler home. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens and daughter of McHenry were callers Sunday evening in the Butler home. Visitors in the Wolf Shadle home op Sundav were Paul Rilling, brother of Mrs. Shadle, of Hollywood. f!«lif.. Mr. and Mrs. Murrey and Mr*. R. Smith of Chicago. Mrs and Mrs. Darrel Benoy and son and Edwin Benoy of Woodstock wpr*» dinner guests in the Paul Ww'kington home. Mesdf»me* Viola Low, Rose Jep- *on. Luella Stephenson. Charles Ffeet. Kenneth Cristy, J. C. Pearson and Louis Winn attended the county meeting of the W. S. C. S. at Crystal Lel * Wednesday. The first meeting of the 4H Club was held at. the home of Carol Harrison on Mav 3. The meeting was opened tv the president of last war, Darlene Andreas. The new officers were thert elected. „ They were as follows: Louise Hunt, president; Carolyn .Laurence, vice-president; Mary Hogan, secretary; Jean Muzzy, ~ .treasurer; Jean and Jane Betts, game committe; Darlene Anreas, reoorter. Refreshments were served. The r»eeting was adjoined at 4 o'clock. The next meeting will llr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and Charles Carr visited relatives at Raeine Tuesday. lbs. Wm. Btoth returned to her hone in Minneapolis after a several weeks' stay here with relatives. j Mr. and lbs. Nick Wagner ind! sons were Sunday dinner guests in, the Linus Wagner home at Wood- j stock. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., | and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were Sunday dinner guests in the Mae Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Dusen and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-; cellius Wilson, Barbara Laurence and Charles Littlejohn of Elgin> spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence! home. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner of: McHenry spent Sunday with her' mother, Mrs. Barbara Laurence. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller of Zion, | *Cse4 F**s at ft*»e ftaa «wr used in roHjtoue cerewiilala by the Qviititt iSnrdi durtaf the Middle Ages. Deacons waved mem to drive (ties and insects from the sacramental vessels. 'KMp ma and crsam tanks/in winter as w«B a It la important to toM# flw I and mflfc, from freexfaig, and ! keen these oroducts clean. Relatives surprised Charlee Brai- W> on his birthday anniversary on Monday evening. Attending the j party wea* Mr. and Mrs. IVsd Wiedrich, Jr^ and dauriiter, Nancy, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and children, Jack and Bob Breman and' Mr. and Mrs. Louib Winn and daugh- j ter, Janet, the latter of Richmond. A tasty lunch was served and the guest of honor presented with man; gifts. * ";:-a£S3 vmj Payrolls T" PayroOs now constitute the largest item of utility expense, now having nosed out taxes from top pla<?e. Water Softener flelpCal Cbemists estimate that a city t» Miiskiiy Once , , • "v "» Tinhee wwoorrdn sntrrawbi erry waa ulinois with 40,000 people would , nally "strayberry." indicating waste a ton of soap daQy If the | fruit of a plant whose runners iliif nataral water were used without fron: the parent olant in aB diroa i water softening. i uona. la pa * Arfiifwl a v BULOVA DRIVE HOME THE 1947 SUPER BUICK ij- rif- 0 Ht S McHenry Post No. 491WJ #Sj» 'n.i& ' t ,m • * - Legion McHENRY, ILLINOIS I T) tldnt H*adquartora at I Yoa have never seen say thing ae exquisite ae the Bxcetlsaaey line of Bulovaa. And never before has each inepirld beaaty been lomMntid with audi exceptional accuracy. Inside each beaatifully-styled case Is a Belova 21-jewel saovcsarat, masterpiece of fine watchsaaldag. it- See Her Excellency by Balovi being shewn for the first tfane. "AMERICA RUNS ON. BULOVA TIMBT* • ' ^ ^ . - ... ; • i f - V " 1 - / / : -/l * _• . >»w Walt*. * ,-r.i 'i* •Q --:9 NEWLY LOCATED AT • / 200 NORTH RIVERbtDE DRIV| All Types ef ^ LADIES APPAREL MADE TO ORDER In For Information Or Phone McHENRY 39 ^ One of my pet theories is thai more families would eat better breakfasts if we hommakets would get mere variety infeour morning menus. So how about serving a different land of fruit or cereal, or eggs fixed a new way tomonow morning? Bet your family will sit up and take notice.v.and "second^! iw ','r: CKKKAL STU} "ftome like them hot and some like them cold, but I find that everybody at my house likes delicious SUNN YFIELD CEREALS. .That's okay with me because they're mighty nourishing and thrifty. Versatile, too ... as you'll see from the package recipes.Try them! Youll find Ifitny varieties at your AAPI TNI FOG AND TOW If you can answer these questions correctly you're an "eggspert"! Are white eggs or brown eggs better? A. Shell color has no bearing on ouality. The breed of chicken * determine the color. Should eggs be washed before you store them? A. No. Water destroys that keeps out air ai Q. Why are AAP EGGS ahra] so good? JL Because they're selected and -r-- inspected by experts and kept at the proper temperature to safeguard their high quality. Syrups from canned fruits ) in healthful vitamins i als, but I couldnt get to drink them till I 1 idea of combining them' AAP GRAPEFRU1 adds the extra sip these syrups need... ana extra v._„ C as well. I always keep a few cans of this refreshing grapefruit juice in my refrigerator, along with a jar into which I poor all left-over fruit syrups. THIS TAKES THE CAKS Looking for a dessert that's supcS^ simple to make and simply supo? t6 eat? Then here's the recipe for you: Cook together 1 cup of diced rhubarti -K cup of sugar and % tbsps. of water till ^ ^ f rhubarb is tender. Add 1 cup of your favorite berries. cook l minute ana then pour over 4 slices of toasted JANE PARKER POUND CAKS ...that wonderfully fresh, fine-teatured cake that coanas from the AAP and tastes as if It had just ,,-cotne from your own oven! - * ' 1 ^4 LINGERIE DRESSES WOMEN'S 8 OORS JLm|| Lace Top-Tea Son Whit# _ OORNA GORDON DBBSSSS rerc*J»--Siw IMS $3.58 93.98 Women's SUps-8 Oon» „ »2.98 Rayon Slips--Tea Roe* $1.98 Women's Gowns--Seersucker $2.98 Gowns--Flowered Batiste $2.98 Rayon Briefs 79c Rayon Pantiee--Extra Flannel Gowns--Regular and Large Size Rayon Seersucker Dresses. 16-44 ; $5.95 bona Gordon Rayon Dresses Beautiful Prints 17.95 Maternity Dresses Gingbam - Percales ...$4.45 Dress Slacks--Gabardine Rayon 12-20 and 38-44 $5.95 Plastic Aprons ,, 8100 WAC Dungarees OKve Drab SmaJMfed .$1.95 . SCARFS . SILK SCARFS -- square Patterns - Plains $2.25 Ootton Square 8carfs 69c Silk Umbrella* 10 rib- Plaid - Plain $3.98 Chamois Suede Cotton Gloves --$1.48 Silk Gloves-- Black, White $100 , PLASTIC BAGS • PLASTIC BAGS--Newetf Styles, Wfcite- ^lack ColorB $2.98 Over-Night Case With Mirror .$2.82 "Over-Night B»g Solid Construction i $2.72 Leather Billfokbr $2.50 Leather Change Purses ...$1.69 Above Items Af« All Subject Tto Fed. Ttet i SVitVn • GIRDLES BSSTTOBH rOUXDATION OABKKMTS $5.00 Panty Girdles 2-Way Stntdi 8L8S Beetform GHrdle% Zipper Side 88.00 flUk Bitfljiont WHH# and Tea Rose 1 .88# (tayon Blouses Laoe Trim 32-44 8198 White Blouses Tailored 32-40 . , TABLECLOTHS . FLYMOUTH LACE CLOTHS 52x72 $5.45 Plastic Table Ckths Laoe Patterns 54x72 $3.98 f^Pieoe Cloth and Napkin ^ v Set 52x70 88J5 Imbroidered Pillow Cfcses Pr .8188 • ^ '•V A SPOET SHOBS-WedeWT Green-Blne-Gold-Wliite Bed 3«/, to 9 . 43.) HOSIERY • 54 GUAGE NYLON Full Fashioned $1. Hanes No-Seam Nylon# ; : $1.59 45 Guage Full Fashioned NyUm „.$1.65 Women's Rayon Hosiery Full Fashioned $1.15 Rayon Hose No-Seam and Full Fashioned 59c Anklets-Colon White 29c -4&Q Comfort Oxfords-Black Gabardine--Built in ^ Arch ... $4.SP •: Felt House Slippers Leather Sole anil Heel $1.19 , Women's Bowling Oxfords $4.58 : JUST ARRIVED: CATALIXA BATHING St'ITS 1 ' AND SFOKTSWKAa GLADSTONE'S ' 1W PHONE 182 NoBBHtY, ILLINOIS • ;¥ i Afi : ,A "% ..if % * * +b*Mk' .5%r- . ^ • t.v. . »»'« V . t , ! ' ,*-K *<•*•&" . (J i'i, i V,> ' At

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