Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1947, p. 3

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%W Mlll'lrt By Vanessa Sells little boys mad* way the old T" *4- M. «* *••£#<*»» > •**£« rt4»,4| _ ii|MH*M<Mp \*f , "HfTNVf^ I !" ; ' & 1 • ^ T vMonDiAua 4--~- --«• : •-<----- '•".j".• -*• *--•---•- •-•"'* y- •sfl, tk boy Chackle Lockinger, I Ml t, and that to me, too. is a little Im with , he is 8 years old. Chndkie face of an angelic choir ' •syjfi^KuX H* * is a focOer, though, as! Pat Jf is 100 per cent all boy. _ I eon of Mr. and In. ahrajrs rsmem- also stock a Ana selection The tbae the]plants, onion «Mta, tomato the time I . and cabbage plants. -- J _Pyhed i In hurrying to get the business i ^ - - A - h « h f t ( E \ 5 ; ai$ made of, mad* af! , misfortune to have a fall »Vj moat seriooa. wheelbarrow, ha » deep hole i - fell on top ef Mrs.bruUes seamed to be the worst ha suffered, however. Last TIIII|M AWMING, thlrty-flvt; have proved m< leevl ladieaiMbarftf '>*t Mm Ra- with a loaded * prill *» If * pad off into a SS^mS W m u d l^*k#n*rro,r fel lamia Pavltfc BtstBfel presents, ansae* for iwh> m «w« trousof honor* OMM WM <i •. •.* > Mf ^ ^ : ' • « -- • « & = • » ' Moore. The former Indian Ri Leonard Mrs. Grace Kunz, and Ma Edith Joe James idga has been purchased Nelson of McHenry in by who, with his intended bride, Ardella Kloecker, allssoo ooff MMccHHeennrryy,. iiss busy redecorating1 and furnishing the little home they will occupy aftfll their marriage on May 17. to the promt. j|lajui| TOoparty WM A. Mat S, Dune Posslar, Melrtt Mia. Fiance* message Ilia the present time he ia huay«*° of Wonder Lake. The double: through all the animal books! J™1* ceremony was performed in m lheWV>edstoek PuWIe Library. He gw parsonage of the Woodstock j ;hoee about horaea, but M £wbyterian church by Rev. C. a| exhausted, the supply of ^rc"» PMtor. j books, he has branched off Pat wore a white sharkskin suit,: stories about other animals. with the new long coat line, a navy i A dinner for the three bowling leagues sponsored toy the Grill was served on ing. Prises for acoiaa were pre- i he was * truck •anted, but the names of recipients• he were not yet available at the time Fossler, *• want to press. They will be listed in the column next week. Kfegel ti»Ht received a Lit-r young Rolaipe nephew, Valodn Cameron, 7. of'Colo^ Tuesday even- rado had boon seriously injured when l by. a large 'ruck as lag hoaio from school. The little fallow la confined to a hospital and Me recovery is uncertain at this time. Our7 deepest Sympathy to Mrs. GaaMro* and her family. Anoitthk l> mesage I'ical i«^«nt was morning Chuckie was in a mood-spring fever, maybe, watched his beautiful, expressive fmem and wondered what angelic Aaeghts absorbed him when suddenly he said, "Three things that hap- It looks like the usual father and son deal in the Ivar Fredricksen family. Since young Ronnie is learning to drive the family car, Mr. Fredricksen is apparently forced to lesrr. tio drive the scooter, just seeing what may be ahead of him in the i.ext few years. That may or ma;- not be why the senior Fred- I a|^j efforts are "<vw ricksen was seen riding the scooter! | make that j rssibK. fcers of the Sjicitsmen's League ofi Woodstock.. A rou' and Gun entry,! member Clyde I'-trr, wiio resides on! the road to Ringwood, m§ h%h gun! of the shoot with a score of forty-j seven out of a possible fifty shots, ] which is plenty fine shooting at i any meet. ' On Sunday, May 18, a trap shoot will* be held at Jerry's Place (now Horn's) for members of the Rod and Gun club. Shooters are invited to form squads among their friends* One hundred shells will be awarded to the high gun in the first fifty shots by each man. The shoot will start at 10:80 ajn. On SVday, May 11, at 10:80 a.m. the Rod and Gun club will hold their annual election of six new directors from among yhom to be chosen the new chairman and retary. , . who said this May basket. 'was her very Mr. and Mrs. William Kamp of Shore Hills announce the engagement of their daughter, Ariene, to Raymond Guzzardo of McHenry. A w-adding date ha« not yet been decided upon. Mr. and Mrs Sigurd Jacobsen of Wickline Bay are parents of a baby girl, born May 4. in the Woodstock hospital Young people of Wonder Lake and vicinity, i^es between 10 arfd 16, are nil invited to a Singspiration at the Wonder Lake Gospel Center on Wednesday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. There will be an old fashioned 'Sing' of ail kinds of songs, games and refreshments. There is no charge, if you like to sing, come on over. first i ter at the : 10:15. Kn>pactfal and i nition will Ha givstt "homebuilders." for m said: It takes a hea], make a house a hone." is a dev ne insti mothers arc God's make tRe home the dearest earth. Mothers atten vices at the Center on be presented with apprbptfito Mother's Day flowers as a tolcsn of esteem ahd gratituue. A hearty invitation is herdby intended to all the people to all our services, but now, on Day, a special invitation and a welcome to mothers. The paats will speak on the subject: II Greatest Thing in the World." T t NU-ENAMEL. blue blouse, a white ^straw bandeau in her hair and a /navy fclue veil. Her corsage was of white rosebuds and larkspur. I Jeanne Vitek, bridesmaid, wore a dove gray suit ^with white accessories. Her corsage was of pink and white carnations. - Mrs. James Pavlik, mother of the I ^' bride Iwore a pink and black print j T , . dress and Mrs. Merritt Fossler,! L"** week, in congratulating Jack mother of the groom, wore a Wue i "ra , on his birthday, I listed the and white print. Both wore cor-1 gentleman s age as 63. His corsages of pink and white carnations. |rect f®® After all, Mr. Graff, The bride was given in marriage I y°u „'00't 80 young! by her step-father, James Pavlik. Mr?. ; child received by a one rcj^vevi l»y Mayer from her jr«;din Germany. This girl, now attending university in Germany, wouilldd liko ' make her to come ro America and home witV Mi-s. Mayer >-'eing made to Congratulations to Wally and Flori encft-Dean, who celebrated on April their tenth wedding anniversary. $1.10 ,pain I Carey Electric Shop The 'Ballet Moose," composed of sixteen dancing?? gentlemen, rehearsed on Saturday evening. are a part of the vaudeville act will be presented between one-act plays to be given at McHenry high school on June 27 and June 28. Their costumes are said to be one-piece Grecian robes in various pastel shades and to reach fetehingly to the knees, and to be fastened on one shoulder only with a single if they'll shave Kenneth Fossler served his brother as best man. Jack Pavlik, brother of the groom, was present at the wedding. Also present at the wedding was the grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Grace S. Parsons, of Park Ridge. Her corsage was of yiellow carnations. Following the wedding, a reception and bridal supper was given at the Grill for more than 100 persons.. A beautiful three-tiered wedding! flower. (I wonder cake, topped by the traditional bride > their legs.) and groom, was decorated with all of the good luck symbols generally associated with weddings. Two of her friends, Luanne Howarka and Dolores Murphy softly sang "I Love You Truly" as the bride cut the cake. Both the bride and groom are well known around Wonder Lake. The bride received much- of her education in private schools, and three years of high school in Frances Shinner Finishing school, Mt. Carroll, 111. Her senior year she attended McHenry high school, graduating in the class of 1946. The groom graduated from Harrison school in 1939, from Woodstock Community high school in 1943 and served two and one half years in the navy as a signalman second class. ' After the reception, - the young couple drove directly to DeKslb, where Duane is attending college. The young couple will move to Norman, Okla. this summer, where they *vill enroll at the University of Oklahmoa. On Saturday, the school upper grade, in buses chartered for the occasion, journeyed to the Museum Science and Industry in Jackson membership with the view 'to be- Park, Chicago, where they enjoyed coining members at some future a very instructive .tour of the! date. Among the visitors were Mrs. various industrial exhibits. The: lower grades, also by chartered bus, made the trip to Brookfield to the i zoo. | Lillian Larson, 7, has her home folowing an emergency appendectomy, performed at Woodstock hospital last weak. Unable yet to return to school, Lillian has neverthe less, made a splendid recovery. On Thursday evening the Community dub held a party at the i school. Third and fourth grade I mothers were hostesses. Mrs. Betty ; Selsdorf* chairman of the Commun- ! ity chrt>, presided at the business meeting held before the party. Minutes and the financial report were read by Mrs. Maria Milbrandt, sec- ! retary and treasurer of the club. I Announcement was made of the final i party of the Community club season, I which will be held on Sunday after- < noon, May 26, 1947, and will take 1 the form of a Mexican fiesta, at ; which the children of the school will ; present a program in full costume. The Rod and Gun Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting at Harrison school on Friday evening This was . "Invitation Night" and several ladies were present who had of | been invited to come and inspect the Father Eugine Baumhofer ef {k. Mary's churen, McHenry, met* witSi Robert Morfeau, Lyle Stensrud and "Bud" McMahon at the home of Thomas P. Mathews. on Monday, evening. Fr. Baumhofer would like to say masses in th;.c district and a petition is to be circulated among the citizens of the Wonder Lake Community asking permission of the school board for the use of Harrison pchocl premises and grounds for Catholic services. If enough citizens evince an interest, and permission is granted, the first masses will hie said the latter part of May. Weather permitting, services will be held outside. Anyone interested in the bringing of masses to Wonder Lake is asked to contact any of these men in the event they are not presented with a petition A>r their signiture. _ Last Sunday, members oftheWonpeted in trap sheoj^ig against mem- "Clean Up VPStk" in Chicago brought a lot of summer residents' out to their Wonder Lake homes for a private clean-up project. Among those staying the full week were Mrs. Adeline Zimmerlin and daughters. Mrs. Helen Mferks and Mrs. Lucille Liberatore, also granddaughter, Adele Marks. ^ ' Billy Lamont, cf Chicago took- advantage of the holiday week and came visiting ii. the home of Mr. am! Mrs. Justus Kellner of Indian Ridge. Mothers Day will be observed next Sunday, May 11, at the Gospel Cen- W< A Kansas town elected the woman mayor in the world--Mrs. Medora ?a'ter of Argoma in 1837 Raymond H».-»nrich wanted to jput a May basket on ^the porch of a friend, but war unable to find any May flowers (Who can?) so he substituted some nice big eggs laid by his grandmother's hens and put the little basket on the porch of Mrs. Dessie Stuvinga's home. It was a wonderful surprise to the recipient. CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE " aoo STBJWP O 1 - nowIM PERMANENTS -- $5.00 'and up fltti&mpoo and Finger Wave -- $1.00 All other lines of beauty work • PHONE McHENRY 10 4 • •MM*••••••<HIIIHIH| |i 119 Green St. I1L Phone 251 The new project of the James family, the greenhouse on the blacktop which has been growing apace, will (be known as the James Harden Center. They will be onen for business the latter part of this week and will have many lovely bloom? for sfle which will be suitable for Mother's Day. They will Velma Sinclair, Mrs. Lillian Karr, Mrs. Louise Markee, Mrs. Lydia Dombush and Mrs. Louise Scott. ^Following the meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Marian Cannon, Mrs. Frances Rielgel, Mrs. Delia Cheney and Mrs. Leah Cormier. On Sunday evening, the members of the Rod and Gun Auxiliary held a pot-luck supper at the Bolaine Grill. The committee in charge of { the potluck were Mrs. Olive Armstrong, entertainment chairman,"Mrs. lemember^only Ch«vrol«t BIG-CAR AT LOWEST • ••and only value Hka this naad satisfy you I j you theJNo; Car stylino and luxury of Bogy by Fisher--at lowaat prioss-- and it's thsorg carthtfddhsl Chevrolet givaa yputha sun*inadt somfort and safety of the Knee Action and Poaitiva Action Hydraulis Braltn-*/,, together with aaoopUonel gas and otT economy . and ifs the only oar that doool family 'want the ighest motoring enjoy* at the lowest possible price; and you'll find these advantages in the new 1947 Chevrolet •--the only car giving Big-Car quality at lowest cost--as the following facts prove. Chevrolet gives you the Bia>€ar etrformanoa and reliability of a alve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine --together with Chow* s low upkeep pools id the only car that 4msi QUAUTY AT aaly Nils need satisfy yaw. VM our , Itaep your eider wMi as for • aew 1947 Qiavralal. ^ ' " $ y,«y ^ .. _V.» > CLARK CHEVROLET SALES McHENRY, i m n i H I I I I M I I I I I I I I H I I l l l l l M l l t l l i l l l l l l l H I I I M M H I H I I H H I H I H I I I I I M PLOWERS FOR fFfl|o wer-s In e .Jray words cant convey (lowers eai4y to in sure delivery fas tissa - for Moth«r's Day At r«ace At Last ; No mors mortal tribulations • beset thoee whom the Lord ! tallies away. In that thought ) And solace. And in-^our com- ; plete funeral ser^s find aasc in your Phone In your Mother s Dfcjr order Km:---- "• We'll wize 11 •jit**. ' " located south of McHenry, Our Phone number t§ McHENRY 404 \.\y on Route > Jacob Justen Sons ::: FUNERAL DIRECTORS Faneral Hoa^ Phone McHenry 10S4I Creea, Cor. Elm, Mcttenry H l U l l t l 1 1 1 I I M i l l 1 1 I I I H l l i n i U M I I M I I t M M t l M I I M M I I I I I I I I I i nn i m i i i n m i H i i n iMi i i n n i n » » » 11,111^1^.1,1.1.1. Ord^sr today , and speed the day when you'll ititf greatest PQcICQTCl builtl You * qumtity motor cm yotfU bo proud to own. • And here you have it--die greatest Packard ever built! Breath-taking -ia its beauty, brilliant in performance-- with quality guarded by over 4000 factory inspections. Here's real postwar quality, even Jiner rhan prewar--proved by the fact that service adjustments, under die new car warranty, are near die vanishing point! •vt, vf,. YOMivimS0tMOWcmr--soo*t And the sooner you join the wise buyers who are placing their orders now, the sooner you'll own die 6aest Packard built! Meanwhile . .« Be sofa--and save ... Bo s*f*--Follow the route at right! Sove--Catch little troubles before they lead to expensive breakdowns . . . and long lay-ups for repairs. Drive in soon for a free estimate oTwhat your car needs now! Com# in now-for our .low-prlcod spring-conditioning "pockago," RIVE RSI D1 MOTOfiT SALES 304 E. Pearl Teh McHenry 477 McMenry, • - Timely, ROUTI IO >ad|silmsa» Nn matter how sooa you plan to turn your car in, kaep brakes up to requirements. Ivoid hiddea dangers and aaake old tires last. 11 uhiliiaSsa--'Tin .. Insurance against burning oat to-get pert. It can save you from sitting on the roadside while your car boils over! taglao taas up--Restores pep, ness, dependability.

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