Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1947, p. 8

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iWf.Un. ; . . . . . MNCWOOD Keystone parents, Mr. Mid nch Sr.^ Mr. jind Mr*. Ted Koolstra and family of Sharon, Wis., »pent Satar- Kr. aad Mm. Dale Thomas and day evening with hyvmotfcer, Mn. finally and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emma Anderson, and Thrnr- ef McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. t Mrs. Dewey Beck and childrenof Walter mile®* of Woodstock, Mrs. Arlington H^ghU spent Sunday a-.. Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low and with her father, Cfcaries Carr. •on, Robert, spent Sunday In the Mr. and Mrs. Bfenry Hetaae ^oi Walter Low home. » i Crystal **ke •"* Mr.and Mr*A£ of Elgin thur Peet and daughter, Marjorte, Alice and Marion Peet . of Woodstock iUrt cellars in the apent the weekend wttti their par- Mts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Charles Peet home Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and ( no^; ^ Mrs. George Haberlein spent Friday airs. Maud DUTeSaafh of Chicago spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Louis Hawley. PAINTING HINTSLjfo.Tfi; [George ShepaiV aadiM#s. Luella Sta- GOLOft M THE HOME EJfS ' » -- > » * * t o m ^ ^ z j s r t b ' z g s i s s s z and their husbands. Lester Caw #as a Chicago visitor Thursday . ' . . Quite a few from here attendeq exercises at McHenry Mrs . Roland Jackson and light exposure, or in those that are. vied principally at night, the color selected should depend upon the Me and general decorative scheme of the room* The type of artificial; the township light is important, too, and a 'care- i * ful| study should be made of its ef-j family of Richmond spent Sunday feet upon the hues selected, For with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. example, neutral-blue walls Mllumin- E diting. .. ated with flame or orange ltffths (d have returned home from yield a drab, neutralized, umnter- the Woodstock hospital. esting effect. Where walls are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rattray painted in this particular hue, white and children, Carol and Ralph,, Mr. 1li' gLhat or soft-wMhiiiiftine ffllAouiirreiKsciefAntn t ttuii . ! and Mrs. Albert Ewl ox Al^on^QiiKi Mrg Marion Schwin and daughter, ffi Jana - - * he* to eftgnoc. We ended our laoyttnt Ztiag isMejw PWctaa. t%a HM lag was adjourned at 4 o'clock. 1 next moating will be Harrison's home in June.--Reporter, Darlene Andreas. lfciMwd Mrs. HomndhftMgud a son?"* born May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Oeocge Shepard are the thing, Mr, and Mrs. Oerien Larson and Mrs. XNoi'Oldson were Elgin visitors Msnday MRiat> Mrs, C. Xk Harrison and dfiifhter, Amy, spent Saturday in tM Homy Marlowe homo at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andre^ and fhmny spent. Sunday afternoon in the Ernest Andreas home at Mundeleln. v S«r^E. A. Lm| of Fort Dodge, Iowa, with Mir. and ~ and daughter of guests of Rev. and Mra. Votltns' on Sunday afternoon. The>tw« Uais- _ ten woro college drama Mf years streets ^cleaned of ash heaps, c ago, though they had not been to- cniw, -old boots and other rubbish, gather for forty»-four years. Mr. and Mra.' Qeorge Bacon of Antioch visited Us mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. ~ Mr iWWliir Hr.- ri' %twh W. Bwmajm a m "W Iatarask FBca ef the PMadaaler ef Years Age 8|XTT YBARS AGO *, Smith is improving the his residence by building a now fence on the west and south Sffi or soft-white flourescent tu bing is needed to produce the most attractive and flattering results. I* ^ ' Crystal Lake Paint Store Use Meare Paint m 1160 Across From Depot CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. MWliBaay. WnHlwMWfhIv/ _ _ . and Mr. and Mrs. of RfenMha, Mr. Md Mrs. ler of Zion and Mr. and Mra. David Hamilton of Racine wore called in John Usury is nover behind in any- ; ana just at this time ahe is on plug'nats. to the large ordera daily the McHenry Brick combeen obliged to increaae nery, and are know makixrkk every day. of trustees are d&ng a le job in having our old flfTY YEARS AGO Lee 4 Mithchell is the name of a new trm In the bakery business in this Iwfi.' They have leased the now own* built by C. E. Lamphe^e, the Jon Bla^cm an Joan, and Ruby Kibuer of Ivanhoe spent Friday evening in the Weldon ^Andreaa home and attended the township exercises at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson of Elpin spent Sunday with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and'hero on children of Hebron sfeent Sunday j Mr. and Mrs, with her parents, Mr. and.Mrs. Goo, Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Wegener McHenry apent * Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Laurence. The Ringwood 4H club held its second meeting Saturdav afternoon, May 17. at the home of Carol Harrison. Louise Hunt* called the meeting to order by aaying the 4-H on Eearl street. Qpr village policemen will blossom Sunday af•! out with new regulation uniforms ternoon. ' | in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. John Krvchton. Mrs. i Gap. W. Besley has rented the Emma Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-j Geo^e Smith residence on the West wani Kruchten and son, Ronald, of j side ahd is moving into the same Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in this week. . the George Haberlein home. . John Heimer has just put into Roger Collins of Ehnhurst, 111.,{his place of business a gramophone, made his usual visit with his parents: It will sing songs, speak pieces, imiy morning, I tato a teyss band, and reproduce fohn Blaekman, Jr., other tfcfofs true to life. JO. I of Antioch spent Saturday evening j ., \ * -- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jofcn; i^JFORTY YEARS AGO o* j Blackman. 4~ Mrs. Cora Fbmdon nlJbi. John! Jamas*. Perry has broken ground Blackman called on Mrs, Flanders' for a modem dwelling to be erected niece, Mrs. CUfton Miller, at Crystal just north of his residence on Maple iL -CLARENCE'S SHOP ; J, , ^ Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order. Full line of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, pit nic table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, trellise* picket fences, window boxes, bird houses, etc. Genuine leather men's and ladies1 bells, purses, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Tel. McHenry 6254-1 Jiii Johnsburg "W avenue Mr. and Mrs. Bob Varfhisen and ] • M. J. JUihias purchased an ele- daughtere of Elgin apent Sunday gant ne»ww ruBber-tired surrey and with her paranta, Oliver Lauruice. Membert of the Keyatone Home Bureau unit will meat at the home of Mra. Clarence Valentine on Friday, May 28. The lesson will be given byi the Home Advisbr. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison and daughter, Edith, and son, Loren, of Bernards Mill. Mr. and Mra. Phelps Saunders of. Sycamore, M<s Bertha Saunders of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren and daughter, Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of- Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Louis and daughter, Janet, spent Friday evening ip the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home in h£nor of the tion of their daughter, Mary from the eighth grade. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. -with - his family will, the eomiriir summer, vend his leisure houra seeing the country. The old smoke stack at the Bor Winn graduat Ann, fi Fred V H-': v;:W DR. MENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST - f #t 514 Main St., West McHenry ^ ^ Steffan's Jewelry Store ^ ^(Closed Thursday AiternoonsJ ."•*1 J Eyes Exanined -- Glaaaes Fitted fleaal Training -- Visual RehsbilitatiMI Complete Viaaal Analyaia Maura Dally: • la If and 1 te 5--8atarday Evenings: § t* SjH *M. PHONE McHENRY 452 The Sehnorr block in Weat McHenry is 'how occupied by L. E. Nordatrom, formerly of Park Ridge, Illi, vM/an up-to-date sI«Mk of shoes. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO .A* C. Reynolds and family have returned to McHenry from Muscatine, Ja.. where they have been making their home since last fall. Mrs. Jos. J. Rothermel announces ««»"> jrrM^ Mr«. w on^Rhrmide DrivlToii's.Turd.y! with Mr ind Mn. W.T1 S. H.w«l .f thi, ,i?- kegan for a visit. Mrs. Harry Everson of Genoa City spent Sunday afternoon "with Mrs. Dick Oldson. • , * • " 1 ammnuat aral rav Mtetorthla wMali prominentty cg lMtsd Statea pro- "W* if , *- - > far/ fcowaOr, the resources A Dutch , aaying. ba*od oa the eal^ tesde hi^ory and the recent dOvai- <q>ment of the group, haa,it that "t•hAe Moluccas (Vo-r Stifkcja!*) ialandAa are the jpast, Java ttio and SutBMrn the future." Pepper mow leads in the vice trade of the Indies, over which nations once fought bitterly. Normklly, the chief centers of production are in Sumatra and the adjacent ia> lands of BiBiton and Banska, doq| with neighboring Borneo. Sum^ran cloves and nutmegs, too, arefaro* matics that find a spot on distant pantry shelves. Subscribe for Tha yialndeale| •MseJ • Scares Fanes •. • *1 Turkey raisers report that foxes will not invade the roost if tiie surrounding grounds are flood-lighted. ' f• & • :**<ie Cream Course # The first ice cream manufacturing course in this country Was taught at Penn State in 1892--more * than 50 years ago. JOHN R. JUST&N v. . AUCTION CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer 2 miles north of McHenry on Rt. 31, then turn west on private road H mile--follow auction signs. y SUN^ DAY, ^ MA' Y 28 ^ ^ 7-? tv; 'Starting at 12 noon. ~ 2 HORSES--1 sorrel gelding, age k 7 years, wt, 1600 lba.; sorrel mare, age 8 years, wt. 1600 lba.; Shetland jyony, age 8 yearrf, very gentle. * Sft of draft harness, 2 horse collars. Feed 4 tohs alfalfa hay, second cutting; 8 torn mixed hay; 400 bu. Vicland oata; 400 bu. corn in crib; 8 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo; 2 tons fort. Machinery . , . , ^ , McD F20 tractor on rubber; McD denplant was razed to the ground^ tractor cult. 2 row, new; McD 2 T»«wey- ~ bottom, 14-in. tractor plow; McD. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison and family -and Mr. and Mr%. Vincent Tonyan and daughter vm S dinner guests of Mr. -ana "Mrs nle Smith and family. - <r Miss AnRi] Harrison Is spertdirqf the week ar* Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison accompanied their daughter and family home to Buena Vista, Colo., Thursday, where they will spend a lage, who during the past several winters, has been employed as an expert fur buyer by Silverman A Co., of Chicago. x Judging from the way the two local lumber concerns are hauling oulghiulUng- materials each day, the 182B rawRamg boom for McHenry tMftjrox river territory is aljjpn in full swing. -as of weeks. - - - - V e r s a t U * ; Apples are like milk, eggs, potatoes and many other ba«0c foods in that there seems to |>e no end to the variety of their uses. They are delicious in plain salads or des- •efts; .cooked they add much in flattW. color and texture to any dtiih Rraidl Harrison has returned home from, the, Woodstock' Jia^tiL where ahe undiNreiH an oppijUuiK Mr. and Mra. S. W. Snilth iting in the, Lyle Hopper "home in Chicago Mr. and Mra. Lenard Brown of Elcb .pent Friday .wain* ta th. l||||llllllllll|IHiHtlllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ft. tractor disc new; McD. 8 ft. disc; McD. manure spreader on rubber, new; McD. hammer mill, new; McD silo filler; McD. corn binder with bundle carrier; Hoosier grain drill, 8 ft.; McD. 6 ft. mower, oil hath with steel truck, new; McD. 4 sec tion drag, new; 2 M. D. single row cultivators; McD. cultipacker, new; McD. 4 roll corn shredder; McD. hay loader, new; McD. side delivery rake; McD. dump rake; McD. high speed wagon on rubber, ha$ rack and steel box, new; McD. steel wheel wagon; roller bearing; John Deere corn planter with fertiliser attachment; Case 22 in. separator; 2 % h. p. electric motors; 5 rolls snow fence; 7/8 in. hay ropeTnew; 1 50 ft. drive belt; 25 grain bi^s; 1 walking plow; 1942 Dodge 3/4 ton pick up truck, new motor; forks, shovels, etc. - Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under that' amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent effl he extended on notes approved % tlw dork. Anyone de siring credit kindly make arrangements. before pufehase is made. No property to be removed until settled Subscribe for The Plaindealer CHECK *•'. •» ; % T& > •»* «> .< , V-* ' j 'j*;- ' j-, i, &• %, 'I BACON'S BAIT SHOP Xocated Just East of Fox River Bridge on Route fW . MARATHON GAS*AND OILS White Gas For Outboard Motors ^ Worms -- Night Crawlers -- Flies -- Can* Foki 8:30 a.m. to 11;30 pun. daily ^ . LESTER D. BACON, Prop. " h™ Coi>*ider This » la m JOHN B. Jt8TEN McHenry State Banlt, Clerking v,. ANDERSON TREE SERVICE . rhgtQf n tUwd " ' f •r-t- Telephone 113-R Mi McHenry Sand *ytf \ O Y and Crane Dirt -- Sand ind «?,-v KoadOndbf ' 0 •--*ia* - \ - »^ i k '. j-'ii-Ku...'* "1 jetts MM M m BLACK DIRT ff v . E s t i m a t e s . " W i l l l o a d t m c t o e r s "" ' " by appolntiMnt . " Owiin* *nd Kxe«0gi|f ; ! TEL. McHENRY 637-R-3 ; . . . . . . . . - . . . ^ i §7BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING Wr~k Work . ,. . ' •••-i,. s. Over 20 year* in the Tnd#*, * i mil- V. -w, ^ - l H- y t ' - HANS FLACH^/' ^ 609 Fr<mt St. Phone McHenry 244-R ^ ^ --* Livestock at Auction On Route 47 ' ^ Wooditock, I1L Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Tnsb Loads of GOOD WHHESOTA Dairy | COW8 -- BKIFEK8 -- HOLSTHM STOQK BOLLS T. B. and BAHOS TBSTCD , Ftb^te Sahr Monday aad We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs if~ TEtHB - CASH OK CMHMTtr - "V. Consign your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyers for every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--6% ; Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois \ ."'aM roil LWK8T00K OOHX TO WOODSTOCK tfi' WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC K * Clutch n Lubrication CHEC^ Ike edAms. your . ear quickly, dflRpontly and • economically! •' ^ CLARK CHEVROLET CO. McHCNST, ILL Good clothes demand good eare. il Local Cleaners dry cleaning i|r quality care that helpa yenl to preserve the appearance of woolens, silks and rayons. Let ns clean your clothes. .0-" T3t)WBOYS AND COWGIRLS T «•-. i"V IW.HSJ •M 4' :<* - • if'". vv£'?i ,.f:' \1 OPSMINO DKCO&ATION DAI MAY 'i Is1 •' /•' .V/1. l£*i >.<f. I Phone M IN S. Green St « MaUNXK r ? ' W. v\' ^ :-'"- e > • i L tl 4" /. HAVE Y' 4SS8DOOLS ^ -- e^ica 1 v,--.. - - SEPTIC TANKS fV. .•%, 'f CUantd By 4 £DD1£'S SANITARY SERVICE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. f *MSGW WfcHElSRY' 29© ^ J- j \ ,\ P- Pttrformaiioet i.;»w . •'. • t.; : -jf**' • ' v " ' s > ' % ' Matinee 2i00 <P4PL r. #- ^ ^ ^ "A IVwilBgi 800 T : ' P f c 1 - u J ^ yTf3e Vf r t ' jTTl v." Mfttj'Tt SBd W 4 50c - Tax 10c - Total 60c $1.00-Tax ^0-Total fL10|^ Mnlta, Evenings ., ^^ll^5-Tax ^5-Total SUW^, - .. •s%-r >r nsfi \ • w v . i M a t i n e e Kit * ;. 5 1 JLi'i '--•I1'--#', '-'i . .. Jfe"i .^.r'sfer, ,.v.<Ur- Amj mm

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