Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1947, p. 2

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ipp-t. "• Wooder Lake By Van esse Sells I watched the thirty-odd youngiiilliiif ii t» 11 n il l n » ' the nervous soeitament of the mo- ] non, "WWi mentous occaafiMt Othtn stared in- j utterly ^ nothing, hoping that a little more; <A[J oa.V J" I time had been allowed so Wt they, tlieiz- nail* in ! might be more prepared for that, same state of excitement, walk down the stage that hafrvas- watching the face of a 1 t u r n e d a l l t h e h o r r o r o f a " l a s t * » * • * * " • mile." Still others twitched in their stiff new dresses and suits, trying . ..i^ ng that seems to the reai^-too darned «*r| •t the weddin* wrisenred sapper to the bridal party after the ceremony which in the Greenwood church, will reside on Washing-" street, Woodstock. iters on the stage, waiting in great to ignore the itching trepidation for their names to be called for presentation of the cernervpus to dtt come when absolute stillness is r __ imMowsit( desired. Jerked into action by (t Seven of our younsters walked tifkate which stated that somehow the sounds of their own names, most; across the stafe of McHenry High the eight years which had stretched, j Qf them moved like marionettes, i School Auditorium last Friday evesome days, into a century, had' pulled without their own volition ning and received their eighth grade finally come to a conclusion. across to the outstretched hand1 certificates from the nands of Some stood with the pulses in which held that desired document. I County Superintendent of Schools, throats actually visib- le from. T--h e -fr i•e nd"ly *h- and* o-f Mr. McCan- Roland McGannon. They were Geralf-' V v "<i> t:,- •£' r ;. Helen Weber Says: ; v„vjWhat afcout your summ# T-a» ns helD VOU kfifiD Ihffll lflftHw BrjgM and •' •tel.?* » M» * New. McHENRY CLEANERS 103 ELM ST., McHENRY, ILL. Phone 104-M * - ' / Helen Weber, Mgr. dine Cofmier, Sharon Grace Sells, [Joan Dornbush, Melvin Jones, Forrest W. Schsffer, Audice C. Clemens and Robert A. Armstrong. Prior' to the graduation the younsters had participated in a fiesta program in which they did a Mexican hat dance, a Mexican act and a tumbling act. Cormier, aged 5 ; visit to the Baby Barbara > months, made her first | home of , her grandfather, P. L. Cormier of Indian Ridge. Barbara is I the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ! Cormier of Chicago. Sgt. and Mrs. H. R. Cook of Madison, Wis., were weekend guests in the home of Gale and Mrs. WVede. NetU Samn^nwi of Unkm says that if oa«» maim a good erop this year, the corn wont It looks like On fkmday afternoon, May 25, the good business to sow oats yet Hon* fleet*, last party of the seaissoonn || eellssee wwoouuldld y-ou get legume and mwa illj' seeding staH rtedt «iwf_i tha the « 1 by the Community club, --. _ take place at Harrison school. The amount of ftatss? We have a lazger public is cordially invited to attend percent of our oats in than dowit and sas Mexican dances by the state. Wis have a better chance for chikmn of all the grades. There will cool weather for oats here he a fortune teller and several other they have a better chance for hotf"®^ features. The members of the Won- weather for corn down state, der Women are to act as hostesses.' Britain haa socialised her agricul- Mark it in your book, May 26. Cof-, ture and, of course; Russia has her fee will be served free of charge, collective system, both of which put Fotluck dinner will be served so the farmer under the' strictest of bring a dish to pass. {regulations. Many people in thin „ country, especially, students of social birthday greetings to Mrs. sciences in colleges, ask why agri- _rosso and to Mrs. ff. Widen.; culture in this country isn't put? Those weekend flowers were profe* i under similar regulations when they ably for the occasions! An»"® Mr. and Mrs spending a two the study our natural resources and find out how the farmer has wasted them, j Ross Moore are! Our government should be highly weeks vacation in commended on the way this problem! ^fRUiTftfVEGETMLK RINSO .... 32c I ib. SPRY • 1 fe. HILLS COFFEE 4Sc WAVERLY No. 2 can SIFTED PEAS ...i for 25c No. 5 RICHELIEU GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 for 45e No. 2 RICHELIEU TOMATO JUICE l«e RICHELIEU HORSERADISH SAUCE 19c Jar @4^ AJAX CLEANSER ... 2 cans for 2Sc Gaarantee This store unconditionally guarantees Ajsx Cleanser. Try it in your home. If it doesn't dean better than any cleanser you have ever ased. return the unased portion sad your fail purchase price will be refunded. See how "foaming actisa" saves yet time, money! east. Flying, they plan to visit, has been handled in America in the, both New York and Washington. j past ten years. Our soil conserva- ----- i tion district program is an example The Sing-spi ration held Wednesday of the philosophy of furnishing fed-" at the Gospel Center for youngsters eral aid to local groups directly.' between the ages of 10 and 17, was The American farmer is a business; such a splendid success that the man who is hard to i manage be-; young folks all agree that it should cause he has his own ideas and usu- , become a regular thing. Free to all, ally puts them to use for his own The Cooks, formerly residents of j the assembled gToup spent the eve- 'benefit s He cannot be successfully; Wonder Center, are now stationed ning lustily singing all of the old controled from Washington so he! at the University, where ihe ser- hymns th«$pcould think of and many, is encouraged to control himself with? geant is traning R. O. T. C. troops, {many new ones. Joan Dornbush the aid of technical assistance from played the accompaniment on the the soil conservation service and edpiano. Refreshments were served.' ucational material from the exten- The next. Singspiration is scheduled sion service. for Wednesday, May 28. i Your soil conservation district * 1 board is making available to you When you go to the office qf Dr. j such assistance in stopping' this WatHns any time in the future don't' waste. Any kind of written stateask about Ginger. Ginger, that small ment from you addressed to the Mcbundle of repressed energy in the j Henry County Soil Conservation Disshape of a wriggling, waggling,1 trict Board, c/o (Farm Bureau, Woodlovable terrier, is dead. Ginger felt} stock, III., asking for assistance1 will £ roaming streak last week, and'bring you such. The Die I* Cast '|UiC 4- last week HBwsmwtlai of Western ek when ovr govsnmsnt < movement of agricultural tt1*-- to i I Mrs. Jed Alletag entertained with j a brush party at ner home in Wick- I line Woods on last Thursday eve- ; ning. Present were Mrs. "Pat Wrede, j Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Mrs. Mary Carman and Mrs. Arthur Thoms, now of McHenry. jSjj ^ (2 'Jualily ii DICKDW'5 ^ MA ARORDKl / EC TT . W M ' W E N R Y 3 Friends of the local members of the McHenry Choral Club are asked to remember that this Friday, May 23, is the date set for the first concert. Your support is requested. Mrs. Joseph Monteleone, Mrs. Delia Cheney and Mrs. Bern ice Blount, as well., as several others, will Be glad to sell you a ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howorica of Chicago moved into the (former Bergdahl home which they recently purchased. lEx-GI Frank is a younger brother of Herbert Howorka of this district. somehow, he snapped the rope that held him and disappeared. Aft night ched The boy scouts of the local troop and of Troop 157 in Woodstock, accompanied by scoutmaster, Roy Meiswinkel, old scoutmaster of Troop 157 and new scoutmaster to the local troop since his residence in this AH n: long the Watkins family searcl for their beloved pet of four years. In the morning they found him, still alive, but- dying, where the motorist who had' struck him had left his little body. So don't ask about Ginger. in tbs Informed sources Whils it Is fcsUsrisd tbat the tailurs of Amntliia to fid contracts calling for delivery tt wheat and corn was a factor In decision, authorities dsetan that the Washington action really maxtad the beginning df a broad nova tc promote eoonomlc recovery abroad.. as well as an eflort to ohedt the plague of hunger. As was announced some time ago, plans call far ssvsral hnndni ^ * million bushels M grains to go abroad In the nest twelve I rellel purposes and to combat communism. ... In recent weeks, however. It has been decided that in addition to food, an >. '.for Suropactns to work and produce must be a put of the f--grfi 1 . m other words. It Is believed that Industrial production and the P rs standard of living can be raised at the same «*•»»» and that It must bs: demonstrated without Russian collaboration. v;" There has been eonslderaUe" apprehension among officials concerning the possible economic collapse of Western Europe and discussions have centered on the problem of retting the free countries on ,f< < - their feet sufficiently to trade with the United States and at the ' time block Russian expansion. ... It is pointed out that If the eco- ' * - nomlc and political level of Western Burcpe cannot be Improved during the next few months without Russian participation, it ultimately will be necessary to abandon thfrsTruman doctrine and readmit communism snd Russian Influence t*> Ihe Western European i*- : pattern. ... If that appeaxs, it is said. Russia , l&fiusnce ttie reorganization of Europe more to its' contemplated. / .. THIS COLUMN IS 8PONSORED B' a position to than Is now PHQNE 2# Our farm mapper will arrive some time in June and will be ready to map farms by July 1. This is the first step and consists of a map of your farm giving percent of slope, soil class, and degree of erosion by areas all over the farm. Following A_.. . - this, he will meet with from five toJnKi*)Ute 14 uniformly along Uie bone ten formers by communities fcyr fou» meetings where top soil management The Lookout Point Community *111 be discussed. You will be asked club met on Sunday in the Watkins j to have complete soil tests made durhome. Dr. Watkins was re-elected ss! >ng that time. Also, during that president and Mrs. Gladys Watkins '• time he will meet with each farmer as secretary. I on his farm, spending from one-half ! to a full day making a farm plan Moist Cookies To keep soft cookies from drying out, store them in a covered jar with a piece of apple or orange. Pumping Ham "Pumping" the ham is additional safeguard against spoilage. The pumping is done before the meat is placed in the brine. Allow one to one and one-half ounces of pickle solution per pound of meat and dis-. area with a meat pump. tind p Csreless Farming Loss from controllable in one midwest state amounts •bout 10 million bushels for wheat, oats and barley. Glased Fndt Par glazed pears and quarter the fruit ahd bake" little water until partially Then spread with bright-colored Jelly, and continue cooking until the fruit is tender with a shiny surface. % TT More than twenty visitors from | including rotation, field arrangement, i >«mi»iiai. the; erosion cont~vl li last"! stalled, etc. Summerdale, Chicago, attended the j erosion control pitpcticeq, to be in services the Gospel Center Sunday, at May At th meeting | JW». wVSJSXTi SSSSJI: gSSMSf-t. is that you have to ask for this pro- II gram on your farm. Don't say we . favored a few directors and close friends. Mrs. Harold Turner near Alden is quite a grower of gladiolas. She their] 8ells and cut flowers. She has The Turners also fmtal Ul» tw kiwV i I Andereon, is attending a conference wSt h,ked^uWalkup I at plum Cit wis., this week, but sP?nt, the night LiU ^ hor^ for the Bervices on pup tents and partook of their j Sundav Mav 25 tho Dav nf P««nfp own cooking. This latter, more cal- Jost oric than esthetic, was none the less thoroughly enjoyed after the long hike. The six new tents which the boys tooik along, each tent capable of sleeping two boys, were a present I to the troop frojn Ivar CFredricksen. I ! | Friends of James Finley will wish ; to congratulate him on his marriage, May 10, to Ruby Renslow of Wood- 4-H News The Hiandy Helpers held ^ fourth meeting on May 1®, at" Har-' ®ver 200 varieties. rison school. Shirley Saranec gave have the prospect of three Sheta demonstration on mixing and meas- ; 'ar,d pony colts in the next couple uring, Mary Ann Martin gave a talk °' weeks to be born on their farm, on why milk is a good food--Re-t DON'T BUY TRUCK, TRACTOR-OR PASSENGER: CAR TIRES AND BATTERIES UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES. porter--Mary Ann Martin. Monopoly on Quinine The Netherlands East Indies has an effective monopoly on quinine, especially essential during vartime. Long Week A week in the Chinese calendar is sixty days long. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica the days are distributed into cycles of sixty in the same manner as ours are * distributed into seven-day cycles. And each day of the Chinese 60-daj cycle has a particular name. : Ckhiese Aristocrats Chinese aristocrats wore gold cases over their long finger nails during the time of the Chinese empire. ThVs was symbolic ef the fact that members of this class did not have to work with their hands. Order your ruooer cramps at the Plaindealer. ANNOUNCING "Unini 1 ' A New Liquor Department at the SIP SNACK INN ' Court and Elm Streets fiEKR BY THE CASS Wide Selection of • .• CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS .By the . O yiinnfin;... ;• • . /• Moderate Priccp--:-^ -v.. PULLING POWn icflnvouieflTTtim/ - I -A PRISON IN MEXICO WITH NO RESTRAINING WAUS, I-' NO LOCKED DOORS, NO BARRED WINDOWS AND NO LOCKS OR CHAINS // ' Jaljpa, Mexico HESTER OILS "The Heist For LessH FUEL OIL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS West of C. ft N-W. R. It, F L O W E R S . . . F O R ONE LIFE^GREAf MOMENTS . She's your own favorite ^ oandidate for "girl of the year" and this „ is her big day. Show her how proiid you make her feel like a xjueen with lots of lovely flowers, the crownii^|i % touch to a perfect moment. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES OF '47 McHenry Floral Phone 404 One Mile South of B°i Richard Jader S e r v i c e a t O u r S t o r e o r a t Y o u r F ci r m and WALTER J. FREUND i-. ' ':Si TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZINa ALL WORIC GUARANTEED . « • .-"i ^ " " |% 0." -i • ^ " • ' • * ' ~~' ' MY MOMMY ALWAYS R0VS AU OUR 6AKERY (MOM AT U Riverside 6dk? Shop

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